my The H. 0. &inyy g, : Clothes > " ey Hrs Mary Di kham, of Lynn, Mass., is fully quali- 0 re helpful advice to sick women. Mrs Dimmick's letters. Her first letter : inkham :-- partes JU for. the past eight " n 'a sufferer for . Tharebect A oe which first originated Jon painful periods--the pains were excru- ow with inflammation and ulceration ats male organs. The doctor sa of have an operation or 1 cannot live. not want to submit to an operation if 3: a possibly avoigit.. Please help me," = Ne Hary Dimmick, Washington, D.C. Her second letter : ¢ Mrs, Pinkham :-- "Non will remember my gondition wien Spl oo. and that the doctor said I an operation or I could not live. received youy kind letter and followed ar advice very carefully and am now en- well. As my case was so serious it cle that I am cured. I know not only my health but my life Pinkham's Vegetable Compound sur advice. can walk miles it an ache or & pain, and I wish every fering woman would read this letter and re what you can do for them."--Mrs. Nar Dimmick 50th and East Capitol Bts., fashington, D.C vig . Re it was for Mrs. Dimmick to srite to Mrs. Pinkham at Lynn, Mass. and how little it eost her--a two-cent Yet how valuable was the re oly! As Mrs. Dimmick says--it saved her life. Mrs. Pinkham has on file thousands of just such letters as the above. and oilers ailing women helpful advice. ialty of Young Men's "Suifs~ ung men who alwa est patterns and m artment our busine YS want the | ade from the et SS is growing fagy. town" with our showing of Yourg ows what's what 'and | e also k omes here. Hows ric, newstyle kinks in the cut, fresh 0 to $18 afortable and satisfactor i sto in . between these prices Wena an looking for a suit. D. BIBBY (0, g Store, 78, 80, 82 Princess street, ut gn, gn, hy THE CIVIC BUDGET. There Will Be No Increase of Taxation. The budget, which will be submitted to the city council, this evening, pro vides for about the same appropria- tions to the committees as last year. The city was in better position finan ally at the beginning of the year, it the extra requirements of the Board of Education and a few other additionals, ont the extra amount in the city coffers. In order ANONGS) ' Y 42 Y Chocolates traction is a very display of the Boxes I Pn wipe | t flat the taxation be not increased, Co a es tas Pe committess swillvhave to get along | i Huith the same amount as last year. 203, Bis is unfortunate for the hoard of h 1 Heorks, but the best. will hare to be the latest pro- made of the situation. When the 4 1 Hat's share of the incmased license ; people, and 1s " H foes is known, there may be a "post ge. The quality Haript"! to the budget, and an addi- d that speaks for. ional "hand ot" "to theshoard of works and _civic officials and em- i iloyees. No increases are as yet pro- iided for the charitable institutions, Nnecess Street 0COLATES and nothing in sight for the Old Boys Reunion celebration, or band con- m will Herts, However, "there is to be no roase of taxatgpn. I i} Francis' store in" Windsor was Jurn- Jd and his wife was seriously burned in the fire.3Francis is out on bail. that Pyre Blood ous Source of Health that And the Blood Cam Omly He Puri- s its fied by the Healthful Action »to- of the Liver and Kidneys. OF. in Dr. Chase's st Kidney-Liver Pills vel Kid, At this season of the year as at no ged other the importance of pure blood is brought hon to the minds of most people. As the resuit of artificial win- --_ i ---- i a io! Bie--iving on artificial foods and Mg shut up in badly ventilated fr Shoe Store fooms--the liver and Kidneys become paged and sluggish in action, the Eat ert e------ - wey "is constipated, and : the blood c : : adel with poisonous impurities. any wonder that spring finds ures ' » nn down in health and feeling ng ®Uld and fatigued ? Is it any won- Rheurnatism a our systems become an easy . ¥ YW grery form of disease which Hs. Too. bk in hc spring air? Ts it any are ond he » » ing head: ger Bu.Ju cures Rheumatism, be. and thing fie ave Fhing Be is ee it' cures the Kidneys. Eo Tk K backs d sufier from In aon cause : eS uel in thebody on and bhiliousness ? ios Every dropof « Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills are te asus through She kidsens 0 ally suitable as . rig medi- 0 be filtered the kil 0 Yecause they act directly on the ths sick--tired-- inflammed--they ; je and kidneys and' enliven the ac-. ath don't Biter out the A = of these great blood-filtering or- th- 1t is this acid, deposi a LT is joints--on the nerves ~ that | -- by the action of the liver ve: uses Rheumatism. RS blneyy, there is 'mo means bv the ca J Yhich th, i i he : | es ® Rolsonous impurities can' be rg H gh om the bod. With these ty- v BH] Bans in hoo th, a person is almost ich tne from dlds and all forms of ice "- | i paus disease, by lt im Kiduey-Liver Pills should ors 3 Confuse 1 ick vhic | THE GENTLE KIDNEY CURE a oc eh, neds which ; 5 , strengthens the Had i motion of the bowels, n. cleans, heals them to working Hing a intel Mots, for by or . H Ive , i kidneys--sets the blood-- | r right they bring on Jproperis~slesn -- and take ) shout o good flow of bile and thor- stops of Rheums- i ¥- cure constipation. : away every trace at Pees, liver complaint, consti tism and Sciatica. od Xidne ¥ eranpemnts sh im- Co., LiMiTed, y bos, Cannot exist - wl Dr. w THE CLaFun SutugaL New hans idney-Liver Pills are used. ¥ Winpson, Ont. You i " % a great satisfaction in at; ---- ol Jhedieine which has stood the he As A Tomb For Rangs - in ie ad proven its right to a tia Abpil 9.-The Str ery i i Belgrade, -Servia, April re. ynother wort an ens i jamnity medi ra says that ex'(Queen Natal De. © Tal ity. rj 8a says bio Ging Alexander. « Chase's Kid Five Pill of the murdered King ort / ver Ta? stands ready to present her property . ills ad vou will avoid the « | to Servia, which is valued at a % One. iy a Ao alknoates 2 spring, , 2 i §{ a cathedral > Hose 25 cents a box: at al d Sk eter or onsent to the inter: oat." Edmanson, Bates & Co., : ing Milan 2 ment of the bodies of Ring J : - Alexander: therei iA GOOD NON a. TO THE DEVOTION OF THE! QUEEN'S STUDENTS. Will Be the New Gymnasium, of 'Which the First Sod Will Be Turned on Convocation Day-- +Other Queen's News. If present expectations materialize, the first sod toward the erection of a new gymnasium, at Queen's. Universi- ty, will be turned on convocation day. The proposed building will be slightly larger than that at the RM.C,, and when completed will stand as anoth- er monument of the loyalty to, and in- terest in, their alma mater, of the student body of Queen's, With the money on hand, the loan tirom the university trustees, and thh subscrip- tions of stafi and students, which, by the wayqgiere most unexpectedly lih- eral | (an¢ an outstanding protest against this long-felt want remaining | longer unfulfilled), a building of proportions in keeping with the other structures adorning Queen's grounds can be erected. The probable cost of the new "gym." will be in the neigh- borhood of £17,000 or $18,000. It was originally proposed (o erect the building facing Union street, and between the curling rink and Arch street. This' idea has, however, been somewhat = changed of late, and the plot 'of ground between the skating rink and the 'medical building has been spoken of. The latter situation is received hv the Alma Mater Society with much approval, hence the uni- versity trustees will probably be ask- ed for the ground, and the "ovm." be | erected on the last-mentioned site, to face towards Carruthers Science Hall. Az for the building .itseif, it peefed it will be ready for use by the coming fall. The lower floor will he divided off into sections. for lockers, shower baths, sponge baths, instructors' and janitor's apartments, ete. A separate section will be allotted to the lady students, and provided with a separ até entrance. Room will he left for a large plunge hath to be put in later on. It is also proposed to have a large shower room, such as will ac- | commodate ahout thirty athletes at one time, The upper portion of the building" will be the gymnasium pro- per, and provided with an elevated | running track. The plans for the building are by Profs. McPhail and Kirkpatrick, and endeavors are being made to have these two gentlemen re- main in the city during, the summer and superintend the erection. This year Queen's has the honorary presidency upd she presidency of the Canadian Intéivollegiate Debating Un- and' for' the former position, Prof. Shorit has been nominated, and | is ex- ion, R. C. Jackson for the latter. There will be no valedictory ad- dress at medical convocation on | Thursday. This feature of the proceed- | ings of former years now sleeps with | the prophets and will hardly come to life again. " ol - | Prof.: Shoxtt, WW. H. Maclnnes,. and | A. H. Gibson, have. beem elected | Queen's representatives on the govern: inz board of the Canadian Intercol- legiate Amateur Athletic Association. The degrees and pass results. in pie- | dicine, will be posted late to-nicht. A meeting of the Intercollegiate Football Union has been called fot Saturday, in Kingston, by the Presi dent, Dr. Etherington. The main point to. come before the gather ing, will be the proposed amendment | to the rules, whereby the present throw-in will he done away with, and a scrimmage. substituted, Dr, Ether- | ington, Captainelect Kennedy, and W, | H. MacInnes will be Queen's represent ative. - A. Cameron, holder - "of the Rhodes scholarship from New Brunswick, is the valedictorian in arts, this year, and L. Thornfon, in science, | ARCHBISHOP IN PRESCOTT. | Reception Being Arranged In His Honor. Archbishop Gauthier arrived at Prescott vesterday, and is the guest of Vicar-General Masterson, adminis trator of the dicagse; during the ab- sence of the archbishop. His grace will reach® Kingston at-3:50 o'clock to-morrow afternoon. Elaborate ar rangements are being made for the | public reception. All the priests of the diocese will be here to receive the archbishop. A yellow badge will be worn by the different Catholic societies at the re- ception proceedings. A reception to the he tendered at the Convent de Notre Dame, on "Tuesday evening. A fine programme will be given by the pu- pils. The Sisters of the Hotel Dieu will tender the archbishop a reception on Wednesday, and great preparations are being made there. archbishop will Police Court--Monday. Four wilted specimens of humanity filed out before Magistrate Farrell, in the police court, this morning. Henry Clark who was ordered to leave town, on Satarday, failed to do so, He got a jag on.angd landed in the cooler. He will spend a§month in jail. John Sau vin came over from Garden Island and hit up the booze: "$2 amd costs . or twenty days in jail," said the court. Ernest Aylesworth admitted he was drunk, but didn't think he was swear | ing. Three dollars and. costs or twenty days was his fine. < i Joseph Jamieson was the last of the | unhappd artes te. He declared he | would immediately return to his job | at the hospital. "Well then I'll put vou on probation," said the magis trate. ------ Made The President. At the special meeting of the Cleri cal' Club, pn Friday, resolutions x pressing the elub's deep sense of its | loss in the death of the president, Dean Smith, were passed, Archdeacon Carey was elected to the presidency. -- | The only lawn grass seed you gan | depend on, Kentucky lawn grass seed | lepen: , \ will grow any place. Sold only at | Gibson's Red Cross drag store, ai Mixed sweet pea seed fresh at: Gib: | son's--Red Cross drug store, "Phone 230, Prompt delivery. as UMENLL... or) : { zens, both men and women, whe ! interested | are not inter®ted in the work of the ! prove their own i be formed from the membership. | have been in having { rather than a park, that { made beatitiful and attractive by the | sugar consumed «that on January lst, 1905, the | seed | property in Renfrew " Ae packa; CIVIC anch Kingston, pril 9.--(To the Edit: Theté are a number of our citi- are in civie improvement, who Historical Society. In order to se cure their co-operation it is proposed to form a civic improvement society, under the ' auspices 60xthe Frontenac Historical Society. The. new society will have * its own officers, its own funds, its own objects, for which it will work. The fee proposed is twen- ty-five cents and already there is a large possible membership in sight, The members will be required to pro- mise : 1. To be loyal to Kingst inter- esis, 2, To refrain from defacing their neighbors' lawns and boulevards and | public. parks by making paths across thewf, and irom littering the streets with waste paper and refuse. 3. To do all things they can to im- sroperty, «It is hop- ed that large working committees may, Will who approves of these ob- to be Yepresented at the everyohe jects fry | meeting in the Y.W.C.A. hall, Wednes- day at. 4 pm. It is expected that all the citizens who have the interest of Kingston at heart will pay the small' membership fee and furnish the funds for the plans of the new society.--R. HOOPER, convenor of committee on houses and grounds. 5 MR. WALKEM"S OPINION Of the Value of. Clarence Park. Kingston, April ¥--To the Editor): The efforts of the ladies who are terested in beautifying the city have reached the parks committee, if one can' judge by the published reports of their last meeting. Interested as | the small park opened up, and put in proper order, | have been much pleaded with the ac- uon of the committee in securing the services of an expert, whose opinion should be of some value in making the most of the parks we have. As to the one on Clarence street, my opinion is that it must be a garden Great is to say, use of flowers--it is small and from ity situation 1 am sure could be made such at no greater expense than would be required to keep it as a lawn. With reference to the breakwater on King street, I would suggest clumps of dwarf or low shrubs, such as the pines and balsams--tall trees are too much exposed to be a success, bésides shutting out the view of the lake from the northerly side of the road. Flowers in 'such a locality would be useless for if they did grow they would be stolen, as was ' the case in Victoria and Frontenac parks, and in the city parks as well, during the year I was chairman of the committee, "The gar- den on Clarence street would be saved from this trouble, owing to its bei in the heart of the city, and wih lighted. I hope the council will en- courage the committee in their effort to beautify a city, which has been rich- ly endowed by nature. I did intend, a few weeks ago, writing you on the subject of; general city improvement, but. my private affairs have been such that I did not feel equal to the task, but T will shortly give you my ideas of what I think should he done wards forwarding: the ladies" committee.--J, to- views" of the B. WALKEM CANADIAN SUGAR RING. Refiners Charged With Robbing -- Public. Robert Anderson, Montreal, has sent a financial statement to the tariff commission in support of his charge that taking" {he average quantity of in Canada annually as 350,000,000 pounds, the people of Canada are paying annually as toll to the. sugar refiners, in straight protec: tion, nearly £2.000,000 over and above legitimate profits. - Mr. Anderson sends | thirtyfivd "memos and . letters from commission houses (to. support his claim that the Canadian refiners are enjoying - excessive protection. Among the compar sons submitted he states net price of granulated in Montreal was £5.13; on the same day the net price in New York was 85.60, a difference of forty-seven cents: At the lowest point of the market in 1905 the price of | granulated in New York was $4.35; in | Montreal in was $4.08}, a difference of twenty-six and one-half cents, Bidding For A Crown. At the recent auction of the jewels of the late Maharana of Dholpur, the state crown was put up for sale. This regal headpiece was of pe s and dia The 'set of pear'shape pearls was perfectly graduated) and as a set was unmatchable. The diamonds were monds. all of the best quality, and in the centre was set the "Grosvenor" dia mond of watery cleamess. Supplied with the crown was a necklace of dia mords to which the larger pearls conld be attached for weat as a neck lace. The lot went for £33,666. S-------------- Lavander, 'white or scarlet sweet pea. at Gibson's Red Cross drug Fresh there. "Phone 230, John Stanhope leaves Deseronto, on Monday for Mine Centre, 150 miles north of Fort William, where he takes store. | a responsible position in a new manu- factory. Easter chocolates to $1 at Best's. W. M. Dickshn hassbeen ordered to remain as C.P.R. station sgnt at Renfrew.. Citizens of that (own urged his retention and the company com- plied. «+ =e. : A good thing to know, the genuine Herpicide is sold at Gibson's Red Cross drug store, Fresh there H. J. Airth"ha® sold his fine farm to W, Jamieson, of Stott & Jamieson. Mr, Airth gets some town property. € of perfunica ocolates for Easter at Best's. R. W, Marks company will spend a week at the Grand from April 16th to st . inclusive. CC. WW, Okis, advance agent was here to-day. in packages, 40c. and Tr LEGALITY OF THE ACT. . ) Which Prevents Links Chartered AS TO THE Operate on Sunday-~Will. Seely the Courts. Windsor, Ont. April 9.--Some pro- minent lawyers have expressed the op: inion that the government's refusal to permit electric lines, 'chartéred within the past five years, to operate on Sunday will pot stand the test of the courts and it is 'expected that one of the hew electric lines mow being con: structed out of Windsor will make the test. The Windsor, Essex and Lake Shore Road, from Windsor to 1eam- ington, and the Windsor and Tecumseh line, both of which will be in opera tion by July lst, were projected with an idea of tapping the summer re sorts on Lakes Erie and St. Clair, where many Detroit and Windsor peo- ple have summer homes and to sus. pend operation on Sunday, would de- prive, hundreds of people of the in- creased facilities for going to and from their Fomes over Sunday, - that are looked for when the fines are ready for business. W.C.T.U. MATTERS. A New Style of Comfort Bag Being Made. The usual monthly weeting of the WLLL, was held, thursday after noon, with a more than average at tendanece. 'ine president wry, wmacal- Tis, "geevpico ue ehmr. Ati Singmg a hymn and praybes, she chose tor hee topic the subgct dbsystematic giving, ali the members taking part in ine tis cussion. Mrs. Jean sade, Stratford, provincial supermtendent of systema ue swing, whose programme suggest ed tne hine of thought followed; speaks ol systematic giving this : "Systema tie giving has a good recoid. All who have given it a fair trial find it 'pro nitable for the life that now is," and viewing it' in prospect, 'profitaple for the hie that is to come." At 4 meet ing of young men held heré recently, one of the wealthiest merchants in this city, suid that as soon as he began to earn money; he set aside the tenth as the® ord's, and has continued so ever since, \with the differerice that he now exceeds the tenth. God blessed him richly, both temporarily and spiritual y. The minutes were ead by the re cording secretary, Mrs. Lyon, and im- portant items of business - discussed. The corresponding secretary read the replies to letters sent re-licendé act, and the bill concerning patent medi: cines. Mrs. R. E. 8 & gave a brief report of the social held at her house for the entértainment of the boys who formerly belonged to the club. The educational half hour was taken up about comfort-bags and scrap hooks to be made an sent to the lumber camps. An improved plan of making and filling is suggested. It js made' very much like~gmn "old-fashioned slipper-case, with four large pockets plaited on a plain back, bright-colored creton, denim, or art ticking. The lct ters W.C.T.U. and comfort-hag, work- eG in the spaces. The scrap books are made of gay colored, glazed lining, and are easily made. They are to he filled with choice pictures, cards, and short interesting stories. The contents of the comfort bags, i are ntmerous and varied, In first pocket , marked Festament, French gospels, hyinn book, leaflets, pledge-books, and letter addressed to foreman. In second band ages of required widths, mada of old and new cotton, castile soap, oini- ment, absorbent cotton; sponge, fin stalls, sticking plaster, surgical needles and silk; third, yarn, darning needles, ete; fourth, spools of black and white, cotton, and linen thread, needles, buttons, pins, tolls of patches for mending. Paper, envelopes, pens, pencils, the last not always as writing material sometimes may be bought in the camp.The object. of the comfort hag is not merely to make life pleas 'Whter. fog the lumbermen, but to open the door to their hears, that we may win their souls to Christ, educate them to total abstinence," and secure their vote and influence in support of the prohibition of the liguor traffic. Miss Sproule, the W.C.T.U. mission ary says, "I like to take one of the bags to the foremansof the camp and say: 'The women T am representing knew how "men forget little things that are much necded gnd that often are not provided in cam. Sometimes there is accident, or sickness, or death, and perhaps the one who may have only a while to live would like to hear something out of the word of Cod. Tt is in bere hlso. Will you please take care of the bag. or put it in the cook's rare and T will tell th men about it?' "' Packages of the best papers. periodicals, magazines, otc. are sent. But only quite new, or of re cent date, and well preserved, will he sent. The meeting closed with prayer. ger Spring Importation Of 1906. Prevost, Brock street, has received two' cases of imported goods for his order clothing department, consisting of Scotch and English tweeds, serges, cheviots and Vicunas. His $15 suiting made to order béats anything of pre- vious years, The wear and fitting is ------------ _-- High class candy for Easter gifts, McConkgi®™ and Huylers sold only at Only the survivors believe in the survival of the fittest. . Twenty-five. banfnas 25. at Car nov; », 2 Gibson id (Poss drug store, "Vhone 230 for prompt delivery, : MON DAY, APRIL 9. [TO MAKE A TEST Within the Past Five Years to Coffee is like everything else--the BEST Coffee requires care in cultivation, selection, blending and roasting. SEAL BRAND _ Coffee : is. rich in Caffeine ahd Caffeone. It'is made of selected growths from the best Plantations in the world. CHASE & SANBORN MONTREAL ~.. UPHOLSTERING .. Now is the time to have your Parlor Sets and Couchés and Fancy Odd Chairs Resavered, As we have a nice line of Eng- lish. and French imported Cover- : ing to select from. " We have also increased our staff are at your service. . E_LEADING UNDERTAKER AR LE -------- a of Upholsterers, which The New Swell QUEEN QUALITY SHOES : Have Arrived Come in to-day and lock them over. You'll like them. THE HOUSE OF GOOD SHOE MAKING. GET READY FOR EASTER | We are ready to help you get ready and the most comprehensive stock of .Ready-to-Wear Clothing, Men's Furnishings and Bootsand Shoes are here for you to choose from. A rare chance -- looking will impose no obligation to purchase, though the chances are that it will influence sales. 7 Louis Abramson, Yriown Hi 336 Princess Street. Immediate Delivery SHEET LEAD 5; OUR PRICES The Canada Metal Co. Willium Street, Toronto. HHAASHAAAAH AAA AAA AAA Kingston distriet. For particulars * *u BARRISTERS : . apply to -1. J. LOCKHART, Real EB A V: King Street : : : Kingston | J! Petate Auent. 130 Welling: J. H, Sutherland & Bro. "Phone Main 1729 trom 8 rticulars at K. & CPs ee Oar Strat CP ¥. CONWAY, ¥. A, FOLGER, Gen. Pass. Agent. Fall R. Ticket. New short fine for Tweed, eseronto, and all local points, wave City Hall Depot at 4 pm; ¥; JONWAY, Agent B. Q: Ry., Kingston. RAND TRUNK EA Round trip tickets will be issued at Cl Fare On Thursday, Pridhf, Saturday, Sune day and Monday, Apr 12, 18, 14, 18 and 16th. Valid Tor retu Tuesday, April 17th, 1906, on or belore gy gy For tickets, Pullman reservation and any other information apply to | ston and Ontario streots, Tripls Screw Steamers--VIC 1 and Vine INIAN--Turbine En Vebration, > The Finest and Fastest on the Canadian Route RIAN No pu, Sgt 5. dain Eis 3 Ef Bol i 2, ably to local Steam to The Allan Line, 77 | { of | | SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH-WEST HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS Any even numbered section Domi; fon da in Manitoba or we orth west Provinces, excepting may be Bol by any who is the sole head of family, or any m over 18 years of | Age, to the extent of one-quarter fiom of 160 mcres more or less. | try Jay be made personally at the | local land office - for the district in which | the land to be taken is situated.' or if the * homesteader desires, he may, on appli= | cation to the Minister of Interior, | Ottaws, the Commissioner of Immigra- { tion, Winnipes, or the agent for | the district in which the land is situ {ate receive authority for some one to | make Shtry for him. |. HOMESTEAD DUTIES 1 A settler who | has been granted an entry for & home | stead is required to perfermn the con- ditions connected therewith under ; one of 'he following nlans ; (1) atleast six months residence 'upow and cultivation of the land in each year during the te thi tend entry un. der the provisions of this Act, des upon a farm in the wicimity of the entered for by such person toad, the requirements of this Act to, residence prior to obtaining patent may satisfied by such person residing with the father or mother, (8) If the settler has his permanent residence upom farming land owned hy lim in the vicinity uf bas bomestead, the requirements of this ACL as to co may be satisfied bv residence upon the sald land, + APPLICATION FOR PATENT Should Ibe made at the end of threes years, |tore the Local Awent, Sub-Agent of the | omestead Inspector, Before making apolications for patent he settler must wive six months' ce in writing he Ottawa, of his inteution to minion Lands at o do so. YNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH- WEST MINING REGULATIONS. Coal.--Coal lands may be purchised at $10 per acre for soft coal and $20 for nthracite. Not more than 320 acres can bho acquired by ome individual pany. Royalty or the rata of per ton of 3, pounds shall be col v - A free miner, havine discovers? mineral a place, may, locate a clalm 1,600x1. teed. The fee for record m i guaran : Ei § aA oa $100 rat he expended. oho ; g FINANCE AND INSU » Corder the When pon La Grippe Mastered. a RANCE Boon rp i Street the loca ny La Grippe can and should be eured (2 we If Y u w t B bi ML es yd, and: Shon as soon as_it starts. The remedy to'# 3 \ use is Wade's Cold Cure Tablets (Fax- | # > CUSTOMS BROKER "o 0 an a ome "ihe ie ey the sayment of ative). It provides just-the aid re-L2 qn; business sof the late ; GO. Or Insurance, have a RTRNY.0f 28 bar cunt on tbe ¥ are ited to prevent te disease getting Olifer, will be carried on in his talk with 100 feet square ; entry foe $5. renewable hold You ly ot wfiactive 3 offich; 79. Clarente atrest. A of REAL RSTATE 'A fies miner mov obtaln two Jones to i folds and lor heacache and | G.A. BATEMAN George Zeigler, "1" S3TAT cx dredge. for gold of five miles enéh fora constipation. * 'In boxes, 2c, Sold . Me 5 . term of twenty years. renewable at the only at Wade's Drug Store, Money Who. for the last. five youre' has 7 Brock Street. | dimcretion of the Minister of the Interior. back if not satisfactory. been associated' with Mr, Oliver, a ah 1otase shall, n Stedse iat " » the lease for . ) 'Three Swallows." : ] . era at a of aed .. ral Sir John, Power & Son's : Three Money to. Loan FOR SALE »d on the output after Ww 10,000, vai OF Beery, amie fos A Generdl' Stove fotue » lames RR ag ter, of she Tnigrior, .« " a = re ong a large «8B ~~Uni i Rarity: Distillers "to His Majesty the Mcintyre & McIntyre "business in a smart village, in advertisement will be paid for. Gen. Supt Bay of Quinte Naive STER HOLIDAYS lee Single First- J. P. HANLEY, Agent. Corner John © | ALLAN LINE Mant N Royel Mall oo