= Skir Prote ctor erfectly straight selvedge Sale Everywhere AE TF Magar. ould take. Issued 4 RL Te Write jor sample ilk Lo. Lid, St. Johns EQ JSLINS Did yon know i lin Sm owl crisp, dainty musliy here for yourt: 1 cure exclusi a 15¢c., .20c., 25¢.. 33 ' Plain Whi ) and stripes, 15 White and spots a} pink, yelloy for, per vard, Hats And fo ¢ nD You will need a dream of 4} 1X buying ye stairs, to that gown and us. Gloves With the «l N mer, one n ha of 'Loe Silk Gloves. W that there woul Gl ; larg ply, Black Y BROS. Swi M ue dress good sy dus and Mrs, Adams w decide on a *'Crownir will be a credit Iv Tr thes LE rics. Pure Malt e choicest barley They are very estion. * Labatt's rages and agree tomach, RL AND, AGENT. nd 341 King St Chocolates ( ttraction isa very w display of the Cet t Boxes ocolates v sizes. is the latest pro- te people, and is a age. The-quality ad that | aks for Tmmediate Delivery AD GET OUR PRIES Co. ada Metal La ® esses ssssesse . ENDERS ADDRES SEALED. TEDL: rd endorsed Arn at Gueluh, Ont.' this office until Tuesday, inclusively, for the con in Armoury at Guelph, can. 'be seen d specification obtained at this Lor _ application to the Public Building, Guelph, 2 tendering are notified that Persolis I not be considered . unless wader, The printed 'form su-ulied, and oa their actual signatures. th Seed » tender must he accombiriied tv Fach ned cheque on a chartered bank an ACCEPTOR, Plo the order of the Hon- the Minister' of Public Works ten per cent (10 p.c.) of the the tender. which will be for party tender ng decline to a contract when called upon r if he fail to complete the for. If the tender be cheque will he return- niracted ted the sartment does not hind itself to, owest or any tender. Hv order FRED. "GBLINAS, Secretary. ment Public Works, Department of PAO 7. 1906. . ? inserting this advertise Haws authority. from the De- arent not be paid for it. 'Cuban Realty The Co's. Land of Cuba, 'where 1s In the eastern me fertile, well svil is. virgin ot and well watered. Tbe Cuba Railroad "asses directly hrough the property--Bartlé, the town belng a regwar station on the line. pd telegraph and express office estab Ish srtation facilities are very Ime pi ie factors. Hotel accommodation w available to settlers arriving. A ery is being established for the care ond culture of voung trees, plants, ete. Where an investor or group intend buy- ine largely we Will arrange for such per- Juice} one of our purchasers ¥ho y investigated our pra We invite all who are oe n Gubnn Properties to call at ce ahd eet information reqarding It vou live out of town white for Prospectus, Maps, Charts. ete ice. of Lands $50 Per Acre 25 per cent. cash > 25 per cent. in 90 Bays; balance, at 6 per cent The Cuba Realty Co. LIMITED. J.0. HUTTON < - Agent 18 Market St., Telephone 703. ATTEND THE BEST Ambitious young men and women who are contemplating 'a Commercial Fduca- tion in Shorthand, 'Typewriting, Book- keeping, etc, of a Civil Scrvice course, will find the TOES Bl Kingston, Ontario. The best equipped, and most up-to- date business training institution in Eastern Ontario. Students may enter at any time, and all graduates are assisted to good pay- for situations. Write for catalog and rates. 'Phone 680 ~ W. H. Shaw, T. N. Stockdale, President. Principal. Storage ! Do You Know That? Citizens of Kingston and vicinity de to store household goods have facil extended to them by g on W. G. FROST 299 OQ 1cen St. Telephone 524 Al his charge at a reasonabfe cost Clean, Dry ~nd Prompi Service Carriage. Painting a Specialty Is left in { care receive Brervrrvrscvevensencacsl For a lsusiness,\Shorthand or Civil Service Courses ¢ Kingston Business College ' { Head of Queen Street { Kingston = « « Canada Spacious apartments, complete {ENTER NOW equipment, excellent results, graduates In demand. Thorough fndividual instruction by com- potent and experienced teachers in every department. Open _through- Pt the whole year.. Catalogue es B. McKAY, H. ¥. METCALFE President. Principal, Wy Wagons Buggies As there bas mot been much of the beautify! snow this season, Waggons will be more wied. 1g you are in'meed of a Waggon or Buggy of amy special design will be to your interest to call on JAS. LATURNEY The Carriage Maker 30 Princess Street, Kingston An " Honest i Guarantee ® guarantes OUR milk to be AB- SOLUTELY pure; put up in sterilized bottle. It is the best. Try' Kingston Milk Depot Cor. Brock and Bagot Sts. "Phone 567, 3 ASS v TIL rrrsasssssssssss ' p P iT I< © v Footwear All the popular lines of oe Dressings. 354 Princess Street a : Stes ssssssssses J wn F ) ssssersrIIVTLRT B33 a Ih HOONREY BISCUIT 4 C ¢ STRATFORD NDY CANADA Pleased Customers his customers--knows their likes and dislikes--knows that his best trade want Mooney's Perfection Cream Sodas He lets them know that he has their favorite biscuits --and sees that they are not asked to buy something "j as good," which isNOT |, TRYING THREE TIMES IN A WOMAN'S LIFE There are thres periods of a woman's life when she is in of the heart strength- ening, nerve toning, blood enriching action of MILBURN'S HEART AND NERVE PILLS The first of thess is when the Jousg girl is entering the portals of woman! At this time she is very often pale, weak and nervous, and unless her health is built u and her system strengthened 'she may tah a prey to consumption or be a weak woman o. for li The second period is motherhood. The drain on the system is great and the ex hausted nerve force and depleted blood require replenishing. Milburn's Heart and pi e Pi ila supply the elements needed to dos ird period i is vickinge of life" and this is the period when she is most liable to heart and nerve troubles. A tremendous change is taking place/in the system, and it is at this time mpny chronic discases manifest themselfes. Fortify the heart and nerve system b use of Milburn's Heart aad Nerve Pil thus tide over this dangerous period./ Mra, James King, Cuenwall, Ont., wri have been troubled very much wi trouble--the cause being to a g due to *"ehinge of life." hy have been taking Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills for some time, and mean to continue doing so, for 1 can truthfully say they are the best remedy I lave ever used for building up the system. You are at liberty to use this statement for the fit of other sufferers." Price 50 cents per box, three boxes for $1.25, all dealers, or The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. Diamond Dyes Spring Aunouncement, E 4 to under- Spring Dye Work. Sing We Color and Renew all | Faded and Dingy looking 4 Garments and Wearing Apparel for Young and Old, AND GUARANTEE SUCCESS] | | 10 cents will secure |, : Wy the services # i of any member of @ Our Family. Diamond Dyes ss sn A WARM SUBJECT There's nothing in the world we're so much interested in as Coal at this time of the year. It may sound queer t speak of coal buying and gelling as a science, but that's what we've made it. Two important discoveries we have made are that complete satisfaction to ur customers pals best, and that the way to win business is to deserve it. Booth & Co. FOOT OF WEST ST. Fhone 133. EMBOSSING sia _ for Paper and rn ENGRAVING Grés®ne Letter haads Detter eo & Besides all classes - of Press Printing from a card to a volume. THE WHIG, Kingston John N. Wo 1, Selby, as maker. x Bath cheese gaged at tory, J into service. \ A VETERAN CAPTAIN! CAPTAIN DUNN OF THE CRUI- SER VIGILANT. Conunander of the Terror of | { Something About the Doughty | American Poachers. i | Vigil Windsor, Ont, April 10.--The ant, the terror of poachers on the | Canadian waters, is moored at the | Walkerville dock, but prepared to go Only the presence of ice | in the "dustless highways" prevented the Vigilant from beginning the inter laken patrol duties Sunday, as the de partment ordered the cruiser to be in readiness on that date. Like the obe dient tar that he is, Capt. Dunn had his eraft in trim, but could not con- trol the elements. He will, therefore, start: next week, Capt. Edward Dunn, commander of the revenue cutter, has been associat ed since childhood with boats. He was born at Birmingham, England, and crossed the ocean with his parents when five years old. The family took up their residence at Owen Sound, on the Georgian Bay. Here, with a small yacht, he amused himseli on the water, laying the foundation for his future care When but eighteen vears old, in conjunction with his brother, he bought a tug which Fdward commanded. The ndme of the boat was the ""Okonra." This tug was engaged by Gen. Wolseley at the time of the Riel rebellion to tow a lighter to" and from he transports, which could not come the land on account of shallow water, This duty he performed well for five weeks. In addition to this he well liked by the officers of the army who,. on" Sundays, when there was little to do, would get him to take the tug out on the lake, and they would fish all day. At the end of his engage ment he was given his regular and a handsome purse, the latter from the officers. After this the tug was the towing business, but trouble at Wyandotte hy ship in American waters. Papers were gotten out for Capt. Dunn's capture, but he received a tip from a friend and hurriedly left his moorings at a De troit dock. Then the boat was turned into a pas r vessel and was used around Owen Sound till ed in 1878, In 1590 Cap®. Dunn captain of the g er. This vessel w the original more. close to engaged in got into towing the was burn was appoinjed | ernment boat Cris a Xonverted vachy, belongin, to Lord Gi 1892 a steamer. vear without found Capt Three boats were heing built and he was promised the first. However, when it was ready for commission the smuggling of whiskey was becoming prevalent that the vessel was turned over t& the customs, The second boat had, been promised to other captain, therefore Capt. had to wait for the third. That he was on several sailing boats. In 1803, the Petrel, well known Windsorites, was put in From 1983 to 1904 Capt. command of the Petrel. small cannon and a fighting crew he kept the Yankee fishermen in terror. In 1904 the trim little steamer Vigil ant was turned over to Capt. Dunn This erniser is much faster and darger than the Petrel. It is also muck better equipped. sO year commission. Dunn was in With the one Silk Shirt-Waist Model. silken Simple tan lor shirt waists, still ob- regardless of the vogue of the lingerie There are always silk waist serves the than the waist, the ter times when purpose het lingerie," and for one she yg 8 be illustration is f (a mi such Qeeasions every ed. The for the grown-up ed in clusters, seam, boxpleat with directly in the voke depth; line drawn in easily The back iz plain, The three to the fronts are tuck in each shoulder armseye, a small tucks either side these stitched - close two front, to the save for the broad box pleat beneath which the closing is Nebraska » It cured a case of Piles that was con side red hopeless * news spread, and although this ix a month's treatment in each box. Sold for $1.00, with absolute guaran- ire Wilson-Fyle' Ce. Ont. THE DAILY WHIG, TUESDAY. APKIL 10. SE was | pay | Dunn Dunn | to | wear with tailored costumes, | prepa. | rment, but is equally welRadaptable | the fullness over the bust- | waistline. | wad. only two years ago, the demand | prompted Dr J. 8S. Leonhardt, of Lin- eoln eb... the discoverer. to prepare it for general use. Now it is being sent to all parts of the world it will ire anv case of Piles. There It is for sale by druggists, or hy The | Limited, Niagara Falls, ' MILITARY LIFE AN UNWORTHY. MAN WHO HEALTH Beecham's Pills are the "ounce of! WOULD 'BE FREE. prevention" that saves many a dol- as lar for cure. cep. disease from. on Hearing the Ar ty ing ia, and it will n ay ng gument Young getting 1 an ay you Man Deserted, Later Returned The safeguards against all life's | and Confessed. commonslls are: A Sound Stomach, ' Paris, Apal 10-1 he trial of a sol Healthy K s, Regular Bowels j;,, ane to the Colonial an and pute i Niousiodiioth key flor, esurtion has revealed a new 3 md of nim 5 men and women--keep healthy by number - al opegunde. A using' in persuading the soldier that mili- "tary life was unworthy of a free man, The young soldier, who at that time had a few re gimental worries, was in duced to desert, His uniform, and sword and bayonet, which was smash- j ed, were placed in a dust bin, and he iwas given civil clothes and a sum of BEEGHAM'S PILLS money, which had been subscribed on a remedy that has stood the test his behalf to enable him 10 proceed to for half a century and is ie yw used Brussel over all the civilized globe. They 1 Wh a left the country, a letter purify the blood, -stres Rthen the purporting to have been sent by him nerves, regulate the bowels, aid the to his colonel, was published in the kidneys and cure stom Build up the nervous i ir the ill effects oi Fhe best safeguard aga: tion, biliousniess and dyspepsia Take Beecham's Pills regularly and you will maintain good health at small cost. At Small Cost troubles. ¢ and re- vereating. st indiges- anarchist journgls, with insults | Brussels the The letter bristled against the army. At deserter received a warm { welcome at the hands of a prominent "anarchisf. He was put in lucrative employment, hut was. not happy in his freedom. After 4 few months he re 'gretted his act, returned 16 France, and surrendered himself in spite of the threats of his French and Be dgian companions Sold Everywhere. In boxes 25 cents. The war council, which sat at the - Cherche Midi, Iv guilty considered that the real persons were not before "it | The repentant deserter was very leni ently dealt with. A sentence of six months: passed upon him was mitigat ed hy the application of the loi de sursis, which means that he will not go to prison at all. SPORTING NOTES. | Interesting Items on Sporting Matters. In a ten-mile international walking match at Syracuse, N.Y. Willard A. | Hoagland of Auburn, N.Y. defeated Tam Slater, champion of Canada, ' by a yard, in 1.21.50, Al a meeting of the Canadian Bas ball League wi Quebec, it was de Various Bick Headache and relieveall tho troubles tno aent to 2 Wilious me Diziness, N TT XT &e. i CURE state of the Biel the tyson, rich se as istress after While their most shown in curing 'SICK Fesdache, yot Carter's tors Litto Liver Pie ave U1 ld to admit the Rock City Club, equally valuable in Constipation, curingand pre- | one of the leading French-Cangdign prelate Santo imuilothe clubs of Quebec, as the fourth club in ves wnt rogaine bowels. Even if theyonly the new organization. | The Varsity Uricket Club will £0 on a tour this spring. At yesterday's meeting these ofhicers were elected Achethey would boalmast pricslgeto those who Honorary president, D. W. Saun ie eve ditrosing Stig eonplaini: buttorte | ders; president, Casey Baldwin: ice Dately sirgood nd 0 \ittie pills oe ! president, George Davidson: seerctary treasurer, A. W. Wallace. Oxford has the record for the great est number of consecutive boat victor 158, Waving won nine consecutive on two occasions, from '61 10 69, and again from "90 to "9%, while the great est number of consecutive wins scored by Cambridge is five during the period 1870 IN74, A New Haven despatch says: Yale met g team of former English univer- sity players this afternoon on the Yale field in the first English rughy foot ball game over played by an American varsity team. Neither side sc ored, Yale twice having the ball at the English men's ten-yard line, onlyetg lose it because of penalties incurred through Elli; Caprain, tiny H, races the bane of so m: divas { that here is where * Waumuke var gruat Buse Fed Qur pills cure it while Rbers Carter's Littlo Liver Pills are small yery easy to tako. One or two pil wakea dey. They are strictly vegotablo and do not gtive or but by their tho pot! please all who | . In vialset 83conta; fivofor $1. Sold | &y druggists everywhero, or scat by mail. CWTER MEDICINE CO., New York, Sou) Al fd Dos Small Pri "TORONTO NEWS" ignorance of the game, The knglish players had never played together, and gave un very sorry exhibition Jol team play. They excelled Yale greatly Im passing, but in dine forcing, Kicking and running Yale was far superior. The Dawson, Yukon, Daily News, of March 9th, has the following reference {to Randy McLennan, formerly of Wil liamstown; and for several years a player of the Cornwall lacrosse club | and Cornwall hockey alub, also of the Queen's College rugby and hockey teams : "The most sensational conclu TORONTO. JSion to any curling contest in the orth was that which marked the fin | ish of the three days' tourney the Teachers Wanted DANA Tas evening for she Sen gram gap The rink was crowded with " {ardent ouglers, all cagerly craning Advertisethents bring results fui Yelk jo Je the Ti shots that ' Cal i" 3 . te the tale. Randy McLenpan's wo in the * News. No 'magic "derful shots simply outdid the -- about it, simply a matter of 10f his opponents. McLennan was there circulation. The News dr. when needed He shot around the stones. of the opposition, made curves culation is over 38,000, reaching 2,475 of the 3,528 Post Offices in Ontario daily, that cut to the desired point terwith fin the shade of an inch, bowled out the Martin stones, and landed in the | Seni haven. It.was great, and the old stone twisters who looked on . found their eyes standing on the out ; Teacher Wanted adver- ver surface: of their heads in sheer tisements in the ews" amazement Melennan started slow cost une cent 2 word, mini. anfl ended at a swift pace. Mgr®n h was behind from the start mum charge 10 cents. School Boards need go mo Be Done Being Tired. farther. IH yan tire easily, if you never rest , thoroughly, if there is a constant sins of weariness or exhaustion, what you need is new, rich tissue building a and nerve stre ng the ning blood. Wade's Iron Tonic Pills supply just the gid Phe required every time. They give quick he rut Ral and thorough benefit Regulator « on x hich women can They are a great nerve stréngthener and blood maker } Z In boxes, 23¢c., at Wade's Drag Store, Money bagk if ne gk if not made. The full bishop sleeve is unlin satisfactory, ail ® ed and gathered into a stitched band | i f : 2 of the silk, while the collar is of the Rs dro Tne i PW silk, stiffened . slightly. with a light. | GONKMEDIONES. ToRWIo, ONT. Formerly Windom Mise E. Weaver, Deseronto, who re weight princess haireloth, re -- gue ot Four iu, the pubis . school, last Friday, left © Trent ---- iia VICTORIA'S COAC rom fon, ow = ) HMAN where she will spend a few days before illiam John Mi'ler, horn at Now | w------------ leaving for the North West. Jonands, county Down, and for vears Late Queen's Coachman Dies After Thomas Fitzegerald, aged thirty-two the gardener = Réckford, the Jones Lengthy Service. years, died Thursday in Watertown, Ow Las "Wl i" i 3 pr , ry in East Brockville, js dead Londoi April 10.--Andther of the} NY and will be buried at his old A rr trone. A' widow and: three | Ito, (wen Victoria's oki and trastay'] HOM® in Picton. om ren SHrvive ™ . * . -- " " ; . servants has passed away at Slough . The dates' of the old boys' reunion | in the torn he Sande, wor 00 in- Napanee are: August 2rd, 2th | was in (he rival for fifty-three $100 REWARD, §100 and 25th | Na He § re vossil \ \ "The readers of 'this paper will he pleas. ears, e wa o postilion in the a to learn that there is at least one time of the late r Consort, and drended disease that science has been EE -------------- {for eleven: or twelv Cars - oo able to cure in all its stagen, and that HOW IT SPREADS dE ee nite fers touchiian | St Hall's Catarrh Cure is the The. first' fuckire ob Dr.' Leoaharats : " i ot A t apc v . cire now known 10 the Hem-Roid (the infallitie Die lard a he travelled wi ver her majesty went | medical fraternity. Catarrh being a con- was Put Out went to 8: sal A 1 whether abroad or in the tritich | stitutional. disease, requires a constitu- tional treatment. Tahe Hall's Catarrh Cure fs taken intery i . DE y. acting directly upon the When he retired in 1596 Queen Vie [blood and muchus strfaces of the system toria gave him a magnificent silver | thereby, destroy} whe foundation of the x . wraciously Jeogniz A disease' and givy the patient strength teapot. and graci récognized his! Ly Rise ve the constitution and as- faithful service by frequent kind and | disiing nature in doing ith work. The 'thoughtiul enquiries. The late queen { proprietors have so much Jaith, in its twice visite Mr. Sande at his home curative powers that they offer One ee: Visited Slough. Mr. Samia | Hundred Dollars for any ase that it faits {in Curzon street, ugh r. Sands to cure. Send for list 3 testimonials Was seventy soven vears of age Address F. J. HENEY & CO, | | ---------- Toledo, O | Souvenir cards views, in colors, of Kingston, at Wade's, Sold hy all Druggists, The Pake Hal's' Family Pills pation ) new for conmsti- - v . ~_# Red Rose Tea Uniformity A TEA that is good to-day and poor to-motrow is 'an- reliable. Have you ever noticed variations in the quality of the tea you use? One' package good, the next bitter, herby, perhaps weak and insipid. ~ A lack of expert knowledge bys the tasters and blenders of that tea produced that result There was a failure at a vital point, an ignorance of combining 'qualities in teas, , poor judgment in the blending of that naker. s teas, a weak- ness which invariably gives just such results as your poor tea. er Every chest of Red Rose Tea is tested at the gardens, again by the Eastern Red Rose shippers, then at the Red V' Rose warehouse upon its arrival b:fore blending; after that an experimental blend is tested, and the final or actual blend is also tested before being packed. Nothing i is left to chance. That is why that "rich fruity flavor" is always present Why Red Rose Tea is always uniform, why Red Rose Tea isi MELCHER'S RED AF CROSS CANADIAN GIN The only Gin MATURED FOR YEARS in Bonded Warehouses, Government Supervision. + and bottled under BOIVIN, WILSON ®@. CO. Montreal. DISTRIBUTORS. Laster Shoes Our Easter Footwear wins admiration at every hand. The New Styles are attracting the attention of all good dressers. Better Shoes were never shown anywhere. . verybody will want New Shoes Easter Sunday, For Men We've the new Spring Styles stussrou and Aettum toes, sw or straig . choice i vb Lace, But- ton or Bluchers - Swell Shoes every pair of them. $3. $3.50, $4 «© $6 . Oxfords, Ties and Bluch~ ers, in Black or Tans, $3.00, $3.50 to $4.50. The "Piccadilly" last is a perfect fitter. For Women We've a host of dainty creations. Shoes in extreme or conservative styles, high or medium heels, selected Isathers.' Oxfords, Ribbon Ties, Slippers, White and Brown Footwear. $1.26, $1.50. $2.50-$3.50 =. The "Quaker" last is a dressy last for street wear. Housecleaning The question before the house-wife to-day i is, "What will I need to clean house with ?" This is very easily solved by visiting our store, where you will find A Complete Stock Of everything required for that 'purpose. Call and examine our stock. BE > LEMMON & SONS 351 and 3563 King. Street. $< in Red Rose Tea. °° yi -. % : - Needs! o