}iCo,," 0 the that :- OL is whole: 8s just fically dicine Home ion or more.' is no ~--but rol Company, Limited, : Mahood lemn responsibility of ring and remarkable ' ave given this remedy ow their example and ick €¢ TIFICATE, it and signed, en- 0 one large sized OL (Cod Liver osphorus), if pre- PRIL 20th, AT AHOOD'S, from 9 a.m. exhausted. is certificate hereby give this medicine a trial and to report to above, within three ondition of his health ly certain to follow. sary for you re size of this Wonderful f their life-giving properties made Row" that ope has al last been lized, and he practics From {ts use have far ¢ xceeded the i ectations. a ila Are combined in a scientifically emulsion wo-palatable that ye infant can and will take it Jeu iy, odily | so easily assimilated he cate digestive organs will Jspose ss difficstity than they woul i B n . ater FER ROL, a3 its name s 'composed mainly hort, a PERFEC IL AND IRON, 0 us added, and is positive of vith a modicum with th o fon combining these ingredients, parently extravagant claim 5 ual in its peculiar sphere i ing common sense reasons: gy latable form Cod Le sno. bulldor and flesh proccss medical science, with Tron, the Hed ent which will suppiy impo a th the red corpuscies which 1 ust der .to insure a healthy oo horas, which has no eq 13 ' Easter Trade 'Great Success, Suturday was a record breaker. This demonstrates to us we are stl carry- ing the right go yds. We will continue to keep abreast of the times. Topper Coats These are a feature Trade.. We © never had fitting garments before. to want one HAVE A LOOK. B, P. Jenkins Clothing Co TENDERS For Construction of Chureh Building to be Erected for Victoria Avenue Baptist Church, Belleville, Ont, up to 24th this Spring's such beautifully TO see them is in Will be received clusive, for musonry, brickwork, plaster- inst. in- ing, Tinsmith work, plumbing, painting carpentering, heating and lighting. Ten- ers will be received either for work separately or em bloc. The lowest or any 'tender not necessari- ly accepted. Plans and specifications muy be been at Stroud Bros. Tea Store, Front St. Belleville. BY JOHN H. MILLS -AUCTION SALE- MoMillan & Co. Upright Piano, Brass and Iron Beds Tuesday: April 17th © At No. 475 Princess Street I have received instructions to sell at the aboye address part of the household furpiture, which is* almost new, com- wrising .--McMillan & Co 'Upright Piano, several Brass Beds, Springs and Mat- wesses, Hocking and Dining Chairs, Dressing Cases, Washstands and Chamb- er Séts, Bed-room Sets, Centre and Side Tables Bedding, Carpets and Matting, Hat. Rack, Curtains, Couche§ and various other articles. Sale at 10.30 a.m. 'Phoné, 665. Piano at 12 o'clock noon. Terms_cash. P.S.--Piano must be sold, ower is leaving the city JOHN "H. MILLS, Auctioneer. TENDERS WANTED. SEALED TENT S WILL BE RE- the idersigned up until 7 vm. 25th of April, 1906, for C ruction of a Stone, Steel or Concrete bridge, said bridge to be erected in the Corporation of the Village of Bath. For further particulars apply to J. Graham, Reeve. The lowest of any tender not necessarily accepted. MAX ROBINSON Clerk CARD OF THANKS THE COUNCIL OF WOLFE ISLAND Township returns thanks for prompt naymeat to t irdian Assurance Co. Montreal, for and to the Man- itoba Ass Montreal, "for 212 mounts of the insurance y fire on the Steamer Wolfe D: Islander E. BRICELAND,, Reeve. April---14th, 1906, Goiesst Materials Excellent Workmanship Neat Appearance Features Wolfe Isian to be had in our Shoes. Wear "Allen's" Military Booimakers 84 Brock Sr, Sign of Golden Boor. Fr -------- -- For the Best Insurance id all its branches 'Q REAL ESTATE SWIFT S INSURANOR AGH! oY itu rood prices for useful y 8 ( arpets, Stoves and all other 0 better oa ading, buying or selling. ce than Turk's Second-Hand Store 398 Princess Street. DIRECT I will py DAILY MEMORANDA, L ---- County Court, 11 a.m., Tuesday. Anglican Vestry meetings this evening. Fortnightly Club Dance;-Whig Hall, 8 sum. Civic Light Committee, 4 p.m." Tues- day. Marks" Company, Grand Opera House, 8.15 p.m I sul rises Tuesday and ss at 6.44 p.m. Veterans Dance, Monday City Hall, Croshy and Orchestra e This day in history :--British evacuated at 5.16 a.m., night, 8.30, O'Connbrs andpliar, 1581 ; * Riel expelled from putt Humnt, 1874: Battle of Culloden, M6. NEW CHINA "Juste Opened A very pretty lot of dainty china in odd pieces 'Mayonaisse Dishes Sugars and Creams Chocolate Jugs Cracker Jars ROBERTSON BROS.. Little Moths Do Big Damage In summer, You will avoid the risk of having your furs ruined by having us store them for you. Our charges are moderate. Furs called for and delivered. McKay Fur House _ Telephone 489, ARE STANDARD wRTICLES IT IS TO THE ADVANTAGE OF EVERY HOUSEKEEPER IN CANADA TO USE Magic Baking Powder. @Gillett's Perfumed Lye. Imperial Baking Powder. Qillett's Cream Tartar. Royal Yeast Cakes. Qillett's Mammoth Blue. Nagic Baking Soda. Qillett's Washing Crystal. WADE FOR OVER 50 vEARS. (ssTABLISHED 1082) COMPANY EW.GILLET LIMITED TORONTO, ONT. _ S AUCTION SALE Wednesday. April 18 At Golden Lion Block, Wellington St. I have received instructions to sell at the ahove address the following House- hold Furniture of good quality. Iron and other Bedsteads, Springs and Mattresses, Rocking and Dining © Chairs Dressing Cases, Washstands and Chamber Sets Bedroom Sets, Extension and other Tables, Bedding," Carpets Couches Pictures Hall andi tas Stoves, and various other articles. 'sg Sales without reserve, at 10.30 a.m. Terms cash. WILLIAM MURRAY Auctioneer _ THE RUSSIAN LOAN Signed at Paris--Is for $450,000,- 000. April. 16.--The Russian ~loan med, on Saturday, aly the Banque de Paris Et Des Phys-Bas. 1t is' for £450,000,000, and will be is sued at eighty-eight. - The subscrip tion list will open on April 26th, The loan will carry five per cent. Frarce, with Geneva, and Brussels will take £240,000,000. Fngland, $65,000,000; Vienna, $32,000,000; St. Petersburg, 100,060,000; Amsterdam, $10,000,000, ORGAN RECITAL Sydenham Street Methodist Church TO-NIGHT ott ier, Scgrane. TICKETS, 25 CENTS 8Tess Of Applied Clemistry. ote, April 15~The sixth interna: tional con, of applied chemistry, avd _-- to-day. The attendance is 88 and among those present * Most famous gnd die: " sty and manufacturers Ope and the United States, For Diphtheria Or Sore Throat USE DR SCOTT'S LINIMENT Bathe the throat with a soft cloth rated. An Excellent Hair Restorer and and Scalp Cleanser Larde bawle, 25 cents. "If not for sile at freoly keeping nd bandage it well satu- your drue~ist, it can always be procured' at James B Mcl.eod's. Dr Scott's White Liniment Co. Propr's., St. Johu N.B., and Chelins/ ford, Mass. THE MUTINY In Portuguese Navy Spread- ing To Army. KILLED - LIEUTENANT TO AVENGE THE DEATH OF A SAILOR. Tug Going Out to Mutineer Re- ceived With Shots, and Forced fo 'Return -- Strict Censorship Being Maintained. Te i April 1§--Following™ "the y on the Portuguese tagship, Carlos, 1., the newspapers say a on the Don similar outbreak has occurred coast defence ironclad, Varco Dé Ga- ma. When the Varco De Gama anchored iti the Lisbon roadstead, Friday even- ing, about 8.30, a disturbance was noticed on hoard the¥vessel. There was showing, reports of fircarmg were heard and signals were set asking for help. A tug put off to the anchorage but it was received with rifle shots, and was forced to return. Another vessel received the same treatment. It was reported that a licutenant had been Filled to avenge a sailor whose brains the officer had blown out as the sailor was about to fire a gun in the airection of the shore. Mutiny Spreading To Army. London, April 16.--The Lisbon cor- respondent of the Daily Mail says that the Portuguese "warships have been sent out of Tagus. Each of them will make a cruise at sea. The mutinous vessels, however, will © within reach of the guns of the 8. It is feared that the mutinous spirit is spreading to the army, One regiment is reported to be insubordinate. A strict censorship is being maintained. THE JEWISH MASSACRES Not Repeated THis Year on Easter Festival: § Petersburg," April" 16.--The Eas- ter festival, the anniversary of the Jewish massacre€ at Kishineff, and other places, happily was net stained, this years by anti-Jewish excesses, far as"was reported up to midnight. The measures taken by the central government and the orders sent to the provincial authorities to take every precautions with the added warning that they would be held: St £0 *sonally responsible for outbreaks, ap the the parently were effective danger will not he Easter 'holidays are passed though over until A TERRIBLE EARTHQUAKE On Island 'of Formosa--Thou- sands Left Homeless. Tokio, April 16.--One hundred and nine persons are known to have been killed, and twenty-nine injured in th: carthquoke experienced in the southern part of the Island of Formosa. last Saturday, bat. further details, it is expected, will swell the death roll; as k was more severe than that the shock A of March 17th. The officials are work- lieve the thousands ing feverishly of persons left ess hy the carth- quake. Terrible are reported around Kagi and geenes Doko Celebrating Jefferson Day. New York, April 16.--The annual Jefferson: day banquet of the Democra tic. Club, will be, given at the Wal: dorf-Astoria this evening. President Woodrow Wilson, of Princeton Univer- sity, will discuss the subject of de mocracy from the academic standpoint while Judson Harmon, of Cincinnati, who was attorney-general under Presi dent Cleveland, wall national polities from a democratic standpoint. The anti-Tammany aemocracy will be represented by Mayor McClellan, who will deliver an address on -political lines. The mayor will be followed by W. Bourke Cogkran, the silver-tonguea orator, who" will = bravely represent Tammany Hall, and will answer in case Mayor McClellan should make an attack on the tiger. discuss SHERIFF HOPE'S RESIDENCE < In Belleville, Was Burned Yester- day Morning. Belleville, Ont., April 16.--~The resi- dence of Sherif Hope, Bridge street, and Blecker avenue, was burned early' yesterday, None of the houschold ef- fects were saved. It ig believed the fire originated in the kitchen. The inmates of the hosise fortunately escaped with- out injury, though the children had narrow escapes, This is the second fire Sheriff Hope has had recently. The loss by this fire will be 83,000; insur- ed. STEAMER MASCOTTE SEIZED At Mount Clemens, Mich. $2,000 Damages. _ Windsor, Ont., - April 16.--B. D, 0d- ette, of tnis city, seized at Mount Clemens, Mich. the little steamer Mgs- cotte, on a libel for $2,000 damages. He alleges breach of contract. Mr. Od- ette charteredm the vessel, last fall, to make twenty trips between Pelee Is- land nad the Canadian mainland, but only one trip was made, thus causing him financial loss. 4 for Ask any person who has ever used a Tarithe moth proof bag, how they Itke it. The genuine verdict is, it is the only way to keep, furs. New bags at - Gibson's Red Cross drugstore, 50c.. 0c, 5c. 'Thone 230 for prompt delivery. More wives would respect their hus bands if they were ngt so well ac quainted, % L - KINGSTON, ONTARIO, MONDAY, APRIL 16, GREATEST PROMISER Smallest Performer Time of Judas Iscariot. Kansas City, Ma. April 16.--Repre- sentative Charles A. "lowne, of New York, responding to a toust, Saturday night at the Jefferson Day banquet, went outside his. set speech to attack President Roosevelt bitterly, Me. Towne, in attacking President Roosevelt, said: '1 am going. to take you into my confidence this much, by telling you that 1 am. going back to; Washington with And Since the preatest prowiser and smallest performer since the days of Judas ls- cariot, He filched his rate legislation programme from a national democra tic platform, atid has now 'laid down on his own bill; he sends for legisla- tors and lectures them like boys. "And his tools, consider them for a minutes They are a speaker and a de generate house, Nowadays there are three steps in national legislation getting the. permission of 'Uncle Joe' to introduce a bill, and then securing its passage in the house and the sen ate. 1 got no show in the house. | might as well make a power torney. to the speaker and home and go to work. 1 would not stay in congress or in the democratic of at- party if I did not beliove that de mocracy will eventually triumph = iy national affairs." ¥ * MAY VISIT THE CZAR. > Paris, April 15.--The St. Petersburg correspondent of the Echo De Paris says . that there is a possibility that King Edward will pay : a visit to the czar in June, after the meetin of the national sssembly | ~ w ¥ FHASIRICICICIIGISIBIC IBIAS INIRINIGK GRIEF IMPELLED SUICIDE, * Brooded 'Over Accidental Shoot- ing of His Friend. fomeva, April 14.--"1 am going to bin one of my friends and explam to him that it was an accident," was the message left benind by M. Sangy, who commtfed suicide by shooting himself at his home at the village of Parcy, near Chateau d'Oex, yesterday. This is the sequel to one of the most pathetic tragedies in Alpine history. mm September last M., Sangy and two friends went on a shooting excur- sion in the mountains above Chateau d'Oex. During the shoot an eitraordinary acciaent happened. M. Sangy fell down a precipice, and while in the air involun his gun, kill ing one of his friends, named Hael- len, above him gn the spot. 'M. San- gy was severely bruised by the fall, but no bones were broken.. When he found that he had killed his friend his grief knew no bounds, and he wished to kill himself. He was ar- rested, but released after an enquiry. Continual brooding affected his mind, and recently he complained of being haunted everywhere by the face of his dead friend, -------- DOGS BETRAYS '| MURDERER. Frantic Rage Leads to Arrest, Confession Follows. Margaretville, N.Y., April 16. ace S, Hor Burnside, of Maryland, a little village thirty miles from here, was wounded while leaving . his barn on Saturday evening by a man wh, stood in a dark corner of a fence and fired a shot-gun at him. Bumside's dog ran toward the assailant, who shot the animal, but did not kill it. When Stephen Craft went to the Burnside house yesterday the dog, which before had been fr went frantic with rage. suspicion, and he was arrested shooting Burnside, Craft confessed and told of a plot to kill the entire Burnside family. ndly to him, This aroused for A STRANGE TRAGEDY. New York Adds to Its Long Re- cord of Murder. New York, April 16.~When two men, East and friends, called at his flat in 13th street, Saturday. morning, choked his wife, who had their knock, be shot and the other, killed one and wounded Miller said that they attémjpited to rob him. Fd ward Scanlon is dead as a result of the tragedy. Patrick Donovan is charge of attempted assault and rob- bery. Miller himself is tinder arrest, charged with homicide and his wife is suffering from a flesh wound inflicted by a bullet from her hushand's revi! ver while he attempted to rescue her. ---------- WON'T BE AT "ASCOT. Prince and Princess of Wales to Go to Coronation. London, April 14.=The Prince of Wales will not be seen at Ascot this year, fer the coronation of the king and queen of Norway swill take place at Christiania on Sunday, June 24th, and the Prince and Princess of Wales absence of 'their royal highnesses will prevent them from entertaining their usual party at Frogmore house during Ascot. race week. The coronation will take place. én necessary for the Prince and Princess 15th, Colonel's Widow Drops Dead. aged eighty-two. matism, Dr. Shoop's Rheumatic - Tal lets are sold by all dealers, here the avowed purpose of exposing President Roosevelt, He is go back who Herman Miller said had been his | answered | slightly wounded. and locked up on a | will be present at the ceremony. The the Sunday after Aseot, but it will be of Wales to leave England about "June Maxwell, Ont., April 16.--Mre. Ham- lin, Sr., widow of the late Col. Ham- lin, dropped dead, here. yesterday, Get Dr. Shoon's Free Book on Rheu. | it is"néw certain that the Despatches From Near And Distant Places. NEWS OF THE WORLD GIVEN IN THE BRIEFEST POS. SIBLE FORM, Matters' That Interest Everybody ~--Notes From All Over--Little of ' Everything Easily' Read and Remembered Norfolk Street Guelph, celebrated on Sunday. Waiters in the C; P. R, hotels in the west ure required to shave off their moustaches. The Allan line royal mail steamer Victorian, from Liverpool and Moville for Halifax and St. vohn, docked at St. John, April 14th. ie The Allan line steamer Laurentian; from Glasgow and Liverpool, for Halifax, sailed on April 15th. Dominion trade returng for the las: i ionths show an increase of near- 856,000,000 over the same period last year. At Quebec bishop hs " Methodist church, its golden jubilee on Good Friday, Arch- Begin 'visited the jail, and the feet of twelve of their as a sign of humiliation. ile tearing aown an old barn at Evansville, Ind., Lytle Wiley found a jar containing $1,700 in gold coins. It is thought it was buried there years ago. : Montreal labor men have organized a new labor party, among yhose planks are government and" municipal ownership of utilitics, and an eight- hour day. The Allan Line has arranged with the Canadian Pacific railway to do part of the contract, which the Allan people have from the government, for carrying the British mails. A check for £10,000 for the capital fund was received through a bank for King Edward's hospital fund for Lon- don, with instructions that the donor desired to remain anonymous, The Allan line royal mail steamer Tunisian. from St. John and Halifax for Moville and Liverpool, sailed from St. John, 3:20r p.m. on April 14th and docked at Halifax at noon April 15th. Jabez Spencer Balfour, formerly a financial magnate and a member. of parliament, who § 46° fourteen years' for imprisonment jn 1805, extensive frauds in connection with the Lands Allotment company and the House and Land Investment Trust of the Liberator group of com- panics, was released Saturdav from the Parkhurst prison, on the Isle of Wight. ST. CESAIRE MURDER, Victim Bridgekeeper's Wife--Ven- geance the Motive. Montreal, April 16.--A despatch from St. Cesaire says: ""fthout three o'clock, Sunday morning, passersby, on Noire Dame street, of this town, discovered the body of a" woman near the convent. The body bore evident traces. of violence, and was soon re- cognized as that of Clara Ducharme, the wife of leopold Gendreau, a bridgekeeper, living about a mile from the village. The news was immediately sent to the coroner, who at once instituted an inquest, Yesterday a man suspected of crime was acrested. His name is Rodridgue Desqutels, a hunter and trapper. The motive for the horrible crime is sup- posed to have been vengeance. He had lived with the Gendreau family till | last Thursday, when as a result of an | altercation with the husband and the | wife he wag obliged to leave, He did | 80 with many threats. He is supposed to have met his victim as 'she was | driving to town, on Friday night, and | to have strangled her to death. | Five of the | tee on ¥ix government appoin- the harbor board have now tendered their resignations, the latest | to take this step being the president, Hon tobert Mackay. Resignations arc now in the hands of the govern- | ment from Messrs, Bickerdike, Lemay, Racine, Penny. and Senator Mackay. Mr. Doran remains the one member, appointed by the government, who has not as vet resigned. The senator has handed in his resignation on the same ground 'as have the others--to allow' the minister of marine and fisheries a free hand in the contempla- ted re-organization of the board. "FIRE" CRY TRAGEDY. Four Killed and Several Injured in Panic in a Chicago Church. Chicago, April 16.--Ducring a panic following a prankish cry of "fire" by a boy on Saturday night, while 400 persons were participating in Eastpe, Eve service, at St. .ladmila's Roman Catholic -schurch, 24th strest and Al- bany avenve, Emma Hotka, Lille Cu- naw, and Barbara Hormanik children, and dre. Kate Kenaki were Killed and, a score ol other persons were injured, several serioudly, There was no fire, Father / Fartik was . offering prayer when one of a erowd of boys outside the church pushed open the front door and shouted "Fire." Seeing the seri- {ous effect his words had on - the con: { gregation the boy ran away. The pas- | tor and the ushers vainly endeavored {to quiet the congregation, explaining | that there was no danger, and thofe {who had no fear were trampled by those who were frightened, It is stated on good authority that « peace con- . | ference will not -meet * | this summer, . at the Hague | NEW FERRY STEAMER For the Toronto Fleet--New As- sociation Formed, ! AToronto, April 16.--The latest addi: tion to the Toronto's ferry fleet, Blue Bell," was launched, to-day, in the Polson Tron . Works: She is a large steel ferry, of fore and aft type, and can carry 1,500 people. Mise Ruth Smith, daughtet 'of R. A. Smith, ono of the directors of the company, chris- tened the steamer. A meeting of the Toronto London' = postmasters' was held, to-dag, and an adjourn- ment was taken till this afternoon. The general purpose of the new asso- ciation is to have henefits for post- and . Association masters under the civil service act, and obtain an increase of commis- sions, oLD TIME ENGINEER Dead in Detroit--He Was a Caf- adian. i" Detroit, Mich., April 16.<J. C. Mec Call, an old time Canadian locomotive engineer, is dead b. He began rail- roading in 1857. He was the first en- gincer to take" a regular train on the 'old Northern railway. He afterwards ceme t6 Detroit, Grand Haven and Milwaukee, and then went to the Ca- fiadian Southern, during its construe- tion, and was also the first: ongineer to run a regular train on the road. FEARS HYDROPHOBIA. Dr. Bell Pricked His Finger Experimenting. Winnipeg, April 15~Dr. Bell, pro- vincial bacteriologist, while expori- menting on some rabbits with Mood from a-mad dog, pricked his finger with the inoculating needle. He is greatly alarmed lest the dread hydro- phobia may attack him, and he has gone to Chicago to take treatment in the Pasteur Institute. THE CRUISER VIGILANT Speedier Than Before Starts on Her Work. Walkerville, Ont, April 16.--After an overhauling at the Detroit gshipbuild- ing plant, which makes her speedier than before, the Dominion cruiser Vigilant, has gone to Lake Erie for her season's work in looking after United States poachers in vanadian waters, Oase Of Hydrophobia. Augusta, Ga, Apri) = James Howard, of New York, who was bit~ ten by a dog ten days ago, and was on his way to be treated; went mad in a trolley. car.and attempted Tonee wan Won band Jono was | on the h ! down and choloro- formed and removed to the home of a physician. Physicians say it is posi tively a case of hydrophobia and there is litfle chance for recovery, Would Conduct English Prisons. London, April 16. --With a view "to finally taking over all the prisons, asylums and 'workhouses in 'the United Kingdom, Bramwell Booth, son of the head of the Salvation Army, has of- fered to take control of institutions of any city for three years as an ex- periment, believing that the Salvation Army can manage them mogg. success: fully and cheaper than can the gov- ernment, Welland Canal Open. Port Dalhousie, Ont., April 16,.~The 'Welland canal opened for traffic at eight o'clock, this morning, the first boats to lock through being the steamer Nipigon, Harlow and Keefe, London's Easter Monday. April 16.- To-day, Easter is one of the greatest holi- days in London. The weather is beautiful. and there is a general exo- dus to 'the seaside. Former Windsorite Dead. Windsor, Ont, April 16.--Richard Lambert, a former alderman of this city, is dead at Ann Arbor, Mich. to which place he moved about, two years ago London, Monday, William Kennedy spent over Easter at his home in Carleton Place, Im -------- . CARD OF THANKS I DESIRE TO CONVEY TO J. § Henderson, and his Fimployees, also to the many other friends of my late hus- band, for their kindness and sympathy towards me, the memory of which I shall ever gratefully cherish. MRS. JAS. P. MURPHY." ingston, April 13th, 19086. CADBURY'S Chocolate Easter Eggs We have our usual supply of these delicious Chocolate Eggs, daintily put up in boxes as follows 2 Eggs in a box. » 4 Eggs in a box. 6 Eggs in a box. 12 Eggs in a box, 24 Eggs in a box. All the same price 35c. per box Jas: Redden & Co. Importers of Fine Groceries, TENDERS FOR SMELTER SITE SEALED * TENDERS ENDORSED "Tenders for Smelter Site," will ficeived hy the undersigned up to WED- NESDAY, April 18H, at 8 p.m., fiom persons | willing to lmse the field and buildings, on the property known as the Smelter Bite, as shown on plan in City Engineer's Office. : Lessee must keep fences and keep buildings insured Leuse subject to esncellation on pivios The highes' sarily accepted in repair jon. Ssoa, hy the City month's notice, ny or any temder not neces. ; La W.. SHAN 'Kingston, April "14th, 1906; : Some time ago we learned from most reliable sources that Gray was going to be very, very popu lar this Spring. We laid our plans accordingly. The result is we are able to satisfy every demand in Eoliennes Tollle de Lainos Henrietias Poplins Broadgcloths Venetians Tweeds Homespuns, oto. SILKS to correspond not only: in the weaves, but in all graduate: ing shades of gray, via TRIMMINGS to match -- Sutuche Braids, Military Braids, Insertions, Gimps, Draw Braids, Avie, Boal. Bre. position to develop for You any gown in any style you may choose --from our great assortment of exclusive materials. New Gray Gloves New Gray Hats STEACY'S ROBT. J. REID, The Léading Undertaner 'Phone 877. #22 Piincess St. & MARRIED, SHANNON--SMITH.~On the at the residence of brother, Alexander Suwmith, Esa., hy Rev, W. K. Shortt, M.A., Matthew R. Shannon, of Glenburnie, to Edna M. Smith, of Elginbure. DIED, O'NElIL.--In Kingston, on April 16th, 1906, Thomas O'Neil, aged twenty= "one years and ten months. Funeral will take place, on Wednesday, at 10 a.n., from his late residence, 42 Princess street, to Cemetery. Friends and soquaintances are respectfully invited to attend. . WADDELL.--At his late residence, 176 King "street, on Sunday, April 15th, Robert Waddell. Funeral "private ; no flowers. ARTHURS .--At Portsmouth, Sunday, April 15th, 1906, wife of William Arthurs, aged years. Funeral services will he held at the house, on Monday . at 2.30 o'eluck, Interment will be made at Catarasal, COSTIN.--In_ Kingst:n, on April 15th, R.Q. M.S. Apgus Costin, R, U. H. A, aged forty-two years. 3 I'he Funeral will take place Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock, from his late residence, 240 Wellington sticet, to St. Mary's Cathedral, from thenes to. the C.P.R. Station. for Queheec. Friends and acquaintantes are re- spectiully invited to attend. (Montreal and Quo papers please 12th April, the hride's Ont... on Sarnh, forwy COPY): ALL WEBK 3 Wednesday & Saturday Matinees MAY A. MARKS Marks Bros. Dramatic Company In a» ridire * of IN LOND TO- HT, LOST IN NDON Tuesday, The Banker's Wife Popular, Prices--Evening, 10c., 15¢. and 26c. Matinee, 10¢. and 20¢. Ladies ticket 15¢. Monday evening if bought at advanca- sale before 6 p.m. Monday, limited to 200. Every lady attending Tuesday event ings perforniance Wil receive a heautis. ful photograph of May A. Bell Ma . rks. Seats on sale at box office. J D.A.R. Continental Congress. Washington, D.C, April 16.~The centennial national congress of the Dafghters of thé American Revolution opened here to-day, at the new Cone tinental Memorial Hall. Several thotis- and delegates and members of the ors ganization from all parts of the Un itod States are assembled § ---------- Six persons oro illad and. (NON, } y Clerk, injured in a to : Texas: