Daily British Whig (1850), 16 Apr 1906, p. 5

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NURSE Advises Women i Health. ness, eleeplessness, melange] ne'"' and R 'want-to-be-left- ah 8, blues and hopelessness, the remember there is one tried x meds. Ly di E. Pinkhan'y ble Compound at once > oubles. we i other female medicine in has received such widespread he ified endorsement, needless suffering of women from 8 peculiar to their sex is terrible he money which they pay to 8 who do not help them js am ous waste. The pain is cured and oney is saved by Lydia E. Pink. Vegetable ( 'om pound, well for women who are Mrs. Pinkham, Lynn, Mass, The t Mrs. Pinkham is the daughter- of Lydia E. Pinkham, her assistant ny years before her decease, and nty-five years eince her advice has reely given to sick women. In her experience, which 'covers many she has probably had to deal with of cases just like yours. Her is strictly confidential. Succeeds where Others Fail. A nn The H, D. Bibby Co. --- OS AR STORE ed such an exceptional It is an exhibition of Things the market af- able breasted styles-- 5.50 and 18 ats ), 8.50, 10, 12.50 to 18. I's cut--$2'50, 3, 350 ret first choice and the Spring and. Summer New Neckwear , New Underwear IBBY CO. R STORE A wR we wm m-------- - EASTER SHOES § esreeessessaces voces ® . The finest and largest assortment we have 8 ever shown, "It embraces all the new styles de- signed for men, women and childrc n--the best makes, only. dependable materials-- all marked «8 e prices_ that will increase cur popularity with every pair sold ~ . $ THE LATEST AT THE LOWEST 8 McDermott's s Shoe Store ¢ ©0 CCECPEED BCOE@® CCOeOe® A Man 3 Who Drinks Hard OF CANADIAN NORTH-WEST HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS e006 needs " Bu-Ju" if he wants to keep his health, Beer, whisky, wine--all alcoholic beverages-- section of Domin i i i es oe or the North irritate the kidneys. - Pain in the oy Provitcos, excepting 8 and 26, net back, headaches, brick dust de- upon . : : ysved, 1:Y be boliestonded upon by posits in the urine--prove that pay person Who ie 18 Vears of r any male over 0 Xe She extent of one-quarter sec- non, of 160 acres more or less. Botry may be made personally at the land office for the district in whict she land tobe taken is_situsted, or if Une " pomes desi e- may, on apnli bomarander, dee Minister of the Interior, Hitaws, the Commissioner of Immigra ton, Winnipeg, or "the local agent for the a district in which the land is situ. ate receive SUBOHLY for dome one to y for hin Bake SESYEAD DUTIES : A settler who pas been granted an entry for a home Send is required to perferm the con: ditions connected therewith under one of the following nians ; {1) at least six 'mouths residence upon and cultivation of the land in each year the kidneys are seriously in- age, tO flamed. ua THE GENTLE KIDNEY PILL strengthens and invigorates the kidneys, heals the inflammation, en the urine, and takes away. "Buju" is not a cure for the drink habit, but *'Bu-Ju" does rm. of three years. the Sead drinker sca tne Ls, of (or mother, if the Fide y against father is deceased) of anv persom who is : eligible to make a homestead entry un- { All dru; Y Sacese "BaJu" or der provisions of this Act, resides get them for you. will spon & farm in. the vicinity of the land entered for by such person as a home- THE CLAPLIN CHEMICAL CO. requircents of this Act as 'to ad prior to obtaining patent may satisfied by such Jerson residing with r or mother or settler has his permanent upon farming land owned by Nim in the viclnny of bis nomaestead, the requirements of this ACL as to residence nay De sutisted bv residence upon the PoATION FOR PATENT should "iri at the end of three years, be- fore the Local Awent, Sub-Agent or the omestead Inspector, Belore '#gking anvlications for patent ye settler must "give six months' wotice In writing to the Commissioner of Do- pinion Tands at Ottawa, of his intentiom + do so YNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH- WEST MINING REGULATIONS. Coal.--~Coal lands may be purchased at $10 per acre for soft coul and $20 for athracite. Not more than 320 acres can je acquired by one individual or com. pny. Moyalty at the rate of ten cents pr ton of 2,000 pounds shall be collected on the groes output. Quartz.-~A free miners certificate is sated upon payment in advance of § per annum for an individual, and fom $50 to $100 per annum for a com- pay according to capital. A free miner, havine discovered mineral I place, may, locate a claim 1,500x1,- WINDSOR, ONT. Are the fineft selected Beans grown in Canada, ~ carclully cooked with Canadian Pea Fed Pork. Clark's Pork and Beans are cooked in thee different size tins to suit the require ments. of almost any size family. The fee for recording a claim is $5. At Joast $100 must be expended un the dim each yoar = paid to the mining re- [ fonder in lieu thereof! $500 bas ben éxpended or paid, the locator may, won having a survey made, and upon Spying with other requirements, nur- tease the land at ©1 an acre. 'The patent provides for the payment of Toy: T.or 24 per cent on the sales. PLAC. mining claims generally are 0 tot square ; Bobnt Pork and Beans Tomato Sauce. Raked Fork and Frans Chili Sauce. il entry foe $5, renewalle Aree miner mav obtain two leases to dmndge for gold of five miles each fora em of twenty vears, renewable at Lhe disration of the Minister of the Interior. The lessce shall have a dredge in oper- tion within one season from the date of the lease for each five miles. Rental, $10 Wr annum for each mila of river leased Hoyalty at the rate of 24 per cent collect onthe output after it xeceds $10,000. W. W. CORY, Denuty of the Minister of the Interior NB~Unauthorized publication of this ent will not be paid for. ------ The great Uterine Tonic, and only safe effectual Monthly Regulator on which women can ENTER NOW depend. - Sold in three degrees N Shorthand or ZZ{ of strength--No. 1, $1; No. oir Service Courses $ 1 degrees stronger, $i No. 5 " Shc ial cases, per box. ton Business Colle 8 ah ow all druggists, or sent repaid on receipt of price. cl mmitiel recs ELL : 00K MEDIOINE ORONTO, ONT. (formerly Windsor] Head > aa Street . Hingston - - . canada MEN AND WOMEN, Spacious apartuents, complete Use Big @ for unnatura! Mulpment, ~~ ¢xcollent results, discharges, inflammations, uates in demand. Thorough irritations' or ulcerations Individual ~~ inariuction by come" of mucous membranes, t and experienced teachers in Painless, and not astrin nr depart ment. Open throwgh- 3 santo poisonous. * who fren. ole year. Catalogue o cent in plain wre.pper .B.MeKAY, H.¥. METCALFE { R90. or 3 bother 82 15.10 { President, Principal, | Uiroular «int on reques "4 tran aeons cereseesec p=----------- | EASY MONEY AT HOME (wadian (Chinese Restaurant PE i profitable than chickens Al yndonrs unnecessary. ou inferestisd quickly we send COTTAM BIRD BOOK (thousands sold at 25c.) and two cakes BIRD BREAD 10 CENTS, and * sGARARY a CHICKENS," showing how to 331 King Street Shan from 10.30 a.m. to 3.00 a.m The best place ito ret i an all round I for 15c. stamps or coin. ds Mach in the city. Meals of all kindy on COTTAM BIRD SEED, 30 st, Londen, Osi. A notice. English and «Chinese [faba speci Phone 655, 4 ALLAN LINE Roral Mal Tripl THE DAIL [OTHERS INTE ERESTED,_ BESIDES FARMERS IN GET- TING 'LABORERS. PERSONAL MENTION. Of The People--What ge sis Saying And Doing. Mrs, Rielly, Toronto, is a guest at the Randolph, Rk. S. Powers, Lindsay, is 4 business {visitor in the ety. Immigration = Agent Should . Be | TL), Miia, Shannon,' of the post One Who Understands Every- ' office staff spent Easter in Picton. one's Needs--Kingston Wants | "Mr. and 'Mrs Miller ana, Arthur Mil Laborers as' Well as Front. ler, Frankford, spent kaster in town. Prof. Fike is steadily improving and nas. | is now able to go out to the garden Kingston, April. 14.--(To the Edit for a] little while. or): In_ a recent 1c a correspon- | Dunbar and W. Mankard, of dent signed "Farmer" advocates the | Kingaton, are Visiting the former's re-establishment of the immigration |) L0G Serath agency here. He further states: "The | "yo and «Mrs, WY. Boyd, Ganan- agent chosen should be a farmer, or, one who has 'worked on a farm." In| view | oque, spent Easter with their daugh- iy Mrs. C. W. Lane, Gore strect. Archi of the oceurrences of the past | W 'p. bald, Dominion parole of- few days, and the condit:ons in which | ficer, who wag in the city over Eas- many of the recent new arrivals find tats "roturned to Ottawa this morning. themselves, we "entirely agrée as to | Prouse, the gemial head clerk at the urgent need of an agency here. rer 5 | Vode s drug store, returned to-day, , Conditions have changed sine the after a few days spent in Peterboro. agency formerly existed here. If the | Mr. McLaughlin, of Queen's, is in government wants to get the largest | charge of the public school, Kempt- returns possible from the money ex- ville, in the absence of John T. Pat- pended in this connection. and un- ton doubtedly it does, an agent should George Charles, returned to-day to not _be appointed in the interests of ; pending fon' Qavs the. fatmers alone. He should be ca- Moureal, after spending a few days gahic of "serving a lorie uirpese. 4 Br Walken Max. Mudic, who Many of our manufacturers and bhusi- | ness men also need more assistance | have been spuiding Fuster with iris than is now available. IT am credibly Br v is olty, » id oto op . 4 - | tawa, infor med, for instance, that ox-Maaor loort Wot of the Rei Cross Drug Kent is just now compelled to do ? 3 » i : Store has returned from a visit in business elsewhere in order to secure Pm His rico . 2h help. He alone, would to-day engage Carleton Place. 108. aro gat him again. from fifty to one hundred people more MO see : in connection with the mica works Len. Asquith and Dr. F. M. Bell, re. here, bul they are not to be had. The turned to Ottawa, to-day, after spend cotton mill is compelled to advert ing Sunday, the guests of Dr. J. H. in, and import whole families from Bell 8 this city. . outside places in order to carry on its Jonn Stewart Grafton, of Dundas, business. The. servant girl problem died on Friday, aged cighty years. He also, in a very great measure, remains: Was an uncle of Mrs. (Dr.) Herald, unsolved. And sq on to the end of formerly of this city. the chapter. ; | Frederick Millard, Bell ville, spent. It may, perhaps, be said, there are | over Easter with friends in the city, a number of people idle among our City visitors today: Mr. and Mrs. citizens. Thi, if so, must in some | H. C. Taylor, Mrs. Massey and D. way, be their own fault, when busi-| Fairman, Gananoque, ness men go elsewhere and secure help Mrs. Charles N. Greaza, left vester- that can_ live comfortably .on the |day for. Montreal, to spend yu while wages paid. {with her two' daughters, the Misses The idea is, that we shall not be | Hope and Frances Greaza, at Villa overflooded with worthless, or unsuit- | Marie Convent, Montreal, able persons who will become a cliarge | Mrs. Beall, William street, entertain- on the taxpayers of our city, but that' ed about thirty young people Thurs- farmer merchants, manufacturers, | day. and a very pleasant evening was housekeepers, ete., shall, under busi- spent with games and music, after ness-like administration be able to se- which dainty refreshments were sery cure all the help they actually require'! g without diffienlty in doing so | Miss Manica Hughes, Centre streot, In view of this I submit: The 14 on Friday for .Railton, to visit agent appointed by the government | j., grandmother, Mrs. Small. She will should not only understand the needs also he the ouest of Rev. Father |e of the farmer§ of this district, but also the actual requirements of manu facturers, merchants, housekeepers: and all branches of the employing part of clere, home, for a few days before returning HAS BEEN IDENTIFIED. our community as well, I have in mind a young citizen who | 3 would ll the bill. To my knowledow | King's Evidence Man in the Fur he spent seven years * working on the Burglary Case. farm. A¢ a result he has a practical The police have a visitor in the sta knowlidge of all' branches of agricul . : 1 ion, to-da about whom the veil of ture. as well as the relationship which : os and i Lis o oasn of should exist between the farmer and un's the word." with~all the mew. his hired help, and also the general hers of the force. It is known, however 'quirements of the position. Indeed | | that. Police Constable Craig made the he is at the moment, in a general way, | 1 in deh py Yr buss | trip to Montreal and returned Satur: re ring. ft v . ] 'ngagec mn cairying, the poultry busio{ gv neon with the man whom it is be- arrving s+ lines f ard sam) ing on many. lines of | lioved is the one who has been doing arm Ore. 1 ness, At the same time, by reason of the all the squealing in the McKay fur various positions he now occupies [robbery case. He has been identified and has for years past, in connection | 85 the one who remained a few days an s ars past, i i Bit ot with labor, and educational affairs, | 8% the British-American Hotel, ju ote, he has perhaps a wider grasp of | Previous to the Brock street robbery. local industrial conditions and re- | The day clerk at the hotel, who niakes. quirements that any other one citi- the identification says, he particular zen. 'Being dntelligent,' . fair-minded ly remembers him because of some | fuss he had at the time of paying the hotel bill. temperate and industrious, it is to ix hoped that not only, will the vovern | ment accede to the urgent request of The clerk at the Randolph hotel says the farmers and others of this distriet | He remembers the man and identified and at once Fe-establish the agenéy | him as being one of the guartette who here, as is bein done elsewhere, hut | were about his hotel just before the that in the agricultural, manufactur- robbery. He came once and asked. to ing, industrial and other important | be shown to room 18, (thesone which interests of Kingston and distriet the | William Feldman oceupied). It seems gentleman in question will be appoint- | to be the general opinion that local ed agent.--Yours truly, AN INTER- | parties are implicated in the robbery ESTED HAYSEED. After police court was adjourned | this morning, the wan was hroucht CAUGHT A THIEF. up privately hefore Magistrate Farrell and remanded for a week, Feldman An Ex-Kingston Clerk Nabbed | who has spent the winter in jail. will . One in Norfolk, Va. | come up for trial, Monday, April 23rd, The, Norfolk (Virginia) Dispatch of | at the spring assizes, and it is now the 12th says | thought suffiicent evidence has been "The arrest of Nelson Coleman (col- | Zathered to convict him, J. T. Whit ored) vesterday for the alleged theft ing, KC. will be Crown prosecuting of shirt waist from Miller. Rhoades | attorney, and W, Nickle. will ap & Swartz, may result in a penitentiary [Pear for the vrisoner.. T he man imprisonment for him, He was held for | broneht here, whose name is said to the corporation court this morning, | he Woods, will turn Kingje evidence in by Police Justice Simmons, when it | the trial of Feldmam, was found that he haa been gonvieted of petty larceny on six.or seven form- | Princess St. Methodist Church er occasions. Easter --was observed hy Princess "Although T. W. Derry, in charge of | Street Methodist church. In the morn the second floor of the big department | ing the pastor preached on the "RR store, testified that he Rg Cole- | gurrection of Christ," and the chour, man take the waist from the counter, 4 under the leadership of Miss Lottie and shove it in his clothes, where it + Wilder, rendered foveral anthems in was found and that he chased the ne- | excellent taste. The evening services gro down the stairs and into the | was prin¢ipally one of soni, in which street, where he was caught hy a mob | the Sabbath school took part. For that jdined "in the chase, Coleman de- | the benefit of thé young people, tle clared he was the wrong man. He ad- | pastor gave a short historical account mitted that he was ib the store, but | of the festival. The male quartetie said he did not take the waist. My. | of the church rendered a beautiful se Derry told the court "that Coleman | lection. The voing men are showing knocked several young ladies down in | marked improvement under the in his effort to escape from the store af- | struction of Miss Wilder. John May ter the. waist hud been found on | shall rendered "Rejoice Jerusalem" in him." . splendid voice. Miss Camphell also The Mr. Derry referred to was for- | sang a solo, which was highly app | ciated. The entire servic of the day merly a derk in Steacy & Steacy's dry Wo. Murray, Auctioneer To Livmmeool | 27BROCK ST. - Turbine Engines--No Carriages, Cutters, Harness, ete, for sale. Se IEW Yop and Vihration. The Finest and Fastest on | the Canadian Route | From St: John Victorian, Sat., April 21. Mon., April 23, For Rates, etc., avply to local Steam- | ship Agent, or to The Allan Line, 77 | Yonge street, Toronto. | EMBOSSING Sia From HH of Horses Every Saturday Clas; Restaurant 83 Princess Strest EES ENGRAVING Garena Letter hands | Besides classes of Letter Printing from a card to. a volume: {THE WHIG., Kingston ---------------- | The Ontario government purposes to appoint a mining commissi who will setile' all mining disputes. on Press | JOHN H. MILLS sir The Leading Auctioneer for Paper and Envelopes i i who bought mixed sweet pea seed a: goods stare, on, and is a son of 4 Were helpful and inspirifg. {P. W. Derry, ingWood street, | : W.C.T.U. Resolution. That Alleged Hazing. Kingston, April 16.--(T'o the Edi Hamilton Times, { tor} : The provincial W.C.T.U. has It is now said that the reports | requested us to have the following re aio the hazing at the Ry, Ring- | solution inserted in the local papers, ston, about which so much has been Will vou kindly do so ? said in the newspapers, have been | © "Whereas, the sanctity of the Lord's very 'much exaggerated. There is no | day is being invaded in Canada, and | fusing tia one of the boys wax | the rights of many of our citizens, 'to badly used. He was mot a robust | a day of rest, are being encroached vouth, and that is where the. other! upon: and whereas, Ww note with beh i i "| Grate th Will to sey thee pe 1 "| wrongs which is now before the house | much talk that it is very probable ong of commons: resolved that we, the Wo- man's Christian Temperance 'union, humbly pray that yon will stand by ! the measure, and not weaken it with adverse amendments, and vour pe- titioners will ever pray," = Sceretary, Kingston W.C J, : that the practice of fagging will be! prohibited in the future. beautiful saw, "The most assortment = of sweet peas 1.0 : "said a lady Gibson's Red Cross drug store last | d vear. "Phone 230. ; Jolm F. Wallace, New York, has! A daring robbery was committed in been selected third arbitrator in phe | the offices of Howell, Hudson & Mar- wage dispute between the Grand Trunk | latt,, solicitors. Winnipeg. The offices and its engineers, | were entered during lunch hour and No man is all right, bat some men | 81.100. stolen, the thieves making a are nearly all wrong. belinr get-away with the booty. DNDAY, APRIL 18. A CATHOLIC YMCA PLAN APPROVED BY LEAD: ING CATHOLICS, A National Committee to Be Fommed--Aid Offered to the Movement--The Idea of the +Paulist Fathers. New York, April 16 tablish in this count sociation for Catholic the lines of the -Young Men's Chris tian Association has already taken de: finite shape and has the approval of Cardinal | Giblhons, Archbishops Ire land, Farley' and Ryan, and the load- ing Catholic laymen of the country. A plan to es a national as- young men dn John D. Crimimins, Mayor Dunne, of Chicago; W. Bourke Cockran, Justice McKenna, of the United States su- premie court, the Countess Leary, and other. wealthy Catholics have offered their aid in the movement, A million dollar trust fund has been suggested as a foundation for the plan. The plans will be thoroughly discussed at Baltimore next month, on the ocea- sion of the centennial celebration: of the Baltimore cathedral. "It is expect od that a national committee will be formed at that time, to further dis- cuss the matter and take the neces sary steps for-earryving out the plan. The movement, which has been. agi tated for some time and has been growing slowly «in importance, took definite shape, when the Paulist Fathers in West Fifty-ninth street came out publicly in favor of such an association. The Paulists are regard ed as the leading exponents: of Ame rican Catholicism, and have contended that wealthy American Catholics would support liberally a national movement for young men, just as others "support the Young Men's Christian Association. + Paulist idea is to build one or more association buildings in town, with the ducements of club ing baths, study department of higher competent professors, according to national body quarters, each and in library, read room and a study, with ote. There would the present plans, be a ,..with national head- having jurisdiction ovér all the branches throughout the country Présent clubs or would be done away. with .or In many of the are costly and and lyceums under Catholic which, it is felt, are not lines broad wagh | t tholic young mer feeling' that : thousands of young men frequent the Christian Association ted with it, else to about ACCORIOTIS life room, societies absorbed. larger cities there well equipped clubs auspices, built on <0 Catholic Young Men's and they There js women, are affilia- have no the same because go. young Kaladar Items. April 12. Mrs, A. returned home after cou f kg hk her William Campbell, Flinton, very ill with a paralytic stroke. The Sedore saw mill is doing a rushing business, Messrs, James Pickering and William Miller have got their drive of logs through and expect to have them Kaladar, Allport has pending a \ who is sawed soon. Fire destroyed the barn owned by W. Arnold and Mr. McBride had the misfortune to have his buggy stored there. "JFames Bathgate has he has bee Frederick moved to Blairton, wh appointed section foreman. Cummings, Krnesttown, is spending a few days in this vicinity visiting friends, Charles Morton took a flying trip to Tweed on Monday on business CO. Godfrey started for Alberta on Monday last, where he intends to lo cate. William Morton left a week ago last Monday for the Cobalt' mines Mrs. Jt Dafoe has returned from Ban croft and is visiting at her son's, W E. Miller's. Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Fleming spent = Sunday at CU. Mor ton 8. Eludes Law By Suicide. Mount Holly, NI. April 1€, R. Young, said, ed in St for embezzlement, | committed here to-day. He | was fifty-live years of age. Young was Telegraph com ! cashier of the Patstal Lpany in St. Louis, and it is alleged George who, it is was want Louis suicide | he fled from that city last January af | tor embezzling funds of the company. | He was arrested in Palmyra, NJ, { last night, and while being brought to the Mount Holly jail, swallowed cynide of potassium, Knee Smashed William Fleet, 4 laborer in the boil er shop at the Locomotive works, had his knee smashed Saturday aft noon, hy a fallimg iron door. He is but recently out from the old coun try, and is a nephew of Mrs, Dution, Barrie street. He will he laid up from the Injury for about three weeks, Earl Grey's Gift. New York, April 16.-The steamer St, Paul, which arrived on Sunday Southanip to n, brought the lenjamin Franklin, which was restor ed to America by Karl Grey, governor general of Canada. from portrait of "Mist Winifred Pearsal,, the cightein year-old daughter, of Mr. and Mrs. W. Pegrsall, of No. 402 West Unonda- ga street, Syracuse, N.Y. was acci dentally shot through the leit lang Saturday morning by a 35-caliber re volver in the hands of Stuart Roth, a high schoel student, who boards in the same house. The girl is resting easily. Scotland ix the most dominant force in English journalism; in 'every mews paper office in London, it .is asserted the majority of the men are Scots: RHEUMATISM Price 26¢. Munya) fails to relieve pains in stiff or 4 " swollen {Hoints in a few hours. Positively cures in a few days, It does not put the disrsse to sleep, but drives it from the system - ~MBUNYON. NO BREAKFAST is complete without 'the subtle charm that is found in" Pure High Grade Coffee such as Cuase & SANBORN'S - SEAL BRAND Sold by all good Grocers. (IN. 1 AND 2 La. TING oNLY.) a | chase &- SANBORN MONTREAL. Underskirts ! Nn Some people may think kind of an underskirt will do, loiig as it is clean and whole, But this is a mistake, for with the skirt of today, the underskirt must fit smoothly around the hips, and have plenty of fullness around the bottom, Our satine skirts fill any 50 this requirement, Made of excellent quality satine, no skimping of material, and full deep accordion plaiting or ruflles and dust frill at intton, All lengths, from 73e, to 0 O00, Of course, with the very light suits so fashionable this spring, nothing but white, skirts can be worn, and of these we have an abundant supply. Made of fine white lawn, with deep" flounces trimmed with tucks, narrow, Valenciennes sertion and broideries, both deep and lace and in- open and blind em- 5c, to £2. Your From 7 inspection i= invited, and we gre sure you will agree with us.that ° our underskirt valies cannot. be equalled in the city, Prints for Little People Nothing is so desirable for school dresses for the: little people as the celebrated Croms' English Prints, guaranteed fast - colors. White grounds with pink} blue, green and helio. spot and stripes. Pale blue and white, pink and white and green and white stripes and checks. 100. and 124e. per yard, MillineryJ . Millinery ! Don't forget our" Millinery Departmbnt. Lots of time yet for your new hat, and just as many pretty shapes, flowers; ribbons, feathers and wings left 'to choose from; 'and "our milliners have more time to attend to eustom- ers now than during the great rush of last. week. % CRUMLEY BROS. Kingston. GET READY FOR EASTER! We are ready to help you get ready and the most comprehensive stock of Ready-to-Wear Clothing, Men's Furnishings and Bootsand Shoes are here for you to choose from. A rare chance -- looking will impose no obligation to purchase, though the chances are that it will influence sales. Louis Abramson, Ygfown 336 Princess Street. ! . UPHOLSTERING .. Now is the timé to have your Parlor Sets and Couches and Fancy Odd Chairs Recovered. As we have a nice line of Eng- lish and French imported Cover- ing to select from, We have also increased our staff of Upholsterers, which are at your service. JANES EID, THE LEADING UNDERTAKER a. Srree Pereo00e EN You're a Back Number 1t you do not use a Type- writer. The visible writin EMPIRE will please you an draw trade. Price, $60. Try one for a fonts , J. B.C. DOBBS & 0., 171 Wellington St, #404 PEI PPPPP $209 PSPSS AAIRAAARIAHIAIIIANIA ANS HHS 3 - FINANCE AND INSURANCE - CUSTOMS BROKER - (If You Want a Home The business of the late C; G. Or Insurance, have a FE Oliver, will be carried on in his talk with office, 79 Clarence strest. G. A. BATEMAN Who for the last five years has been "associated 'with Mr, Oliver, Money to Loan Mcintyre & McIntyre: n BARRISTERS it George Zeigler, "1" ETA cx 57 Brock Street. ~ FOR SALE A General Store doing a large business in a 'smart village, in Kingston district. For particulars BHAI IIIS apply to T. J. LOCKHART, . "ew : Real Estate Agent, 159 Well King Street FE Kingston ton St. Ear : - Safa ov

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