to send them 5 } thout delay and' + deny , 88 we wil] pokiti ~ their mium department ¥ dose 6, after whl dats Ail "|S Or chupons a bo leemed, " on Teceiy, pire Tobacco Compap erican Tobacco nada. foude Suds Company. ATS We pay the EST PRICE r String Rats . GOURDIER 80 Brock Street a] * and Easterlide- fast Becoming re a d as a season for inty Gift-Giving Among Friends ir stock and window mtain many pretty | useful sug ions, ropriate season. he DIAMOND is thstone for April mith Bros. ywelers--Opticians uers of Marriage Licenses" hone 666. to thi tl in McKay he Reliable Buyer ants J), 000 ring Rats ouse, 149-153 Bock Street EAT RAY OF VEST ESS RIGS | ING sh and hurry of Easter ast, and you » to think~ about yo Spring will } umes, for Near. artments show a- grea new Suitings as well as r weaves for warner speak in glowing terms beautiful' line of Greys, o $1.25 'a yard; also d Blues in the best f you want the newest yoods, t Wash Goods partment an array Ginghams, Cotton Voiles, ~Mer- ite Goods, etc. You'll sd with the showing prices are wonderfully IAN & SHAW all y spot, such r Prints, weeseessesecsescssesee" There Is a Treat IF YOU HAVE "SALADA" Ceylon GREEN Tea, because it is infinite- ly superior to the finest Japan Tea. in. HIGHEST AWARD, ST. LOUIS, 1004. 255. 30c., 0c, 50¢. and 60c, per THE SPORT- REVIEW THE LATEST I TIPS FROM THE In' Store for You! NOT TASTED BASEBALL FANS. Referees Put. Through Their Facings--C. W. A. Convention, Postponed--' 'Wag' and His Highness. ~ The Torontos wil play = practise games all next week, Galaski, the big pitcher ; with Buf fale, comes from Vancouver, Newark has a new. catcher named Ross,, who is a likely looking yvoungs- ter. Providence only { Falkenburg in four innings at Wash- At all Grocers made three hits 'off -- | imgton. ¢ | The Anglo-Canadians play -New York | at: the English rugby game at Rose { dale, on Saturday next. i ' Boston Nationals have refused to 4 STOVES We call for them, store them for the summer, clean and deliver them . $2 each. nwt it. And all the bother it saves you. in EMMON & SON& | | pay the draft price of Applegate, anl | the pitcher may return to Toronto. {+ Freeman played right-field and made | a _two-base hi in - Bosten's opening game. ivi wl at first, had two I hits, Christy 'Matthewson is laid up with an attack of nasal diphtheria. = He | will be out of the game for a week or more. Laporte, formerly of Buffalo, crack- | ed' out a hit and accepted five of his six chances at third for New York on Saturday Manager Stallings, of Buffalo, turned down a Cincinnati offer 85,000 for Rightfielder Badel. An- | other f le. in the fall for E Ie Parisian billiardist, it is played his third game in the world's | championship 18.2, - and defeated Chea enou h, [ George Sutton, 500 to 427. J p 8 [ It will be glad news to Toronto | University to know that they have a . lacrosse team entered in the C.L.. then think of The athletic directorate will be also much intengsted. The Toronto ball team has been in- | vited to attend Waldeman's Theatre, Newark, by. its 'management, on | April 26th. Newark and Toronto open | the Eastirn League season in Newark | that dat Word has Yon rece {pez that A. FH ("Pad") Kent, | Tomes of Toronto, will be back in ronto in two weeks' time and will ived from Winni- RUSHES Of all kinds for House Cleaning time. Mops, Dusters, etc. We are now putting up in large strong bottles, neatly labelled : Ammonia ........ 10c. Gasoline ........ 10c. Turpentine ...... 16¢. TRY KEOTTLE - -- 1 a candidate for a position in the | enter crew of the Argonaut Rowing | Club. | Manager Dunn hag evidently Founded {up a very fast trio of young pitchers | in Mulvey, Maddox and McKenny. Tt {is probable that two of the voungs | ters may be kept. Dunn ds not wor { tying much about his slab artists just at present, The Providence Club has made offer to the Detroit Club for the con | tract on Third Baseman Jimmy Mor- | gan. This offer was a 21,000 chock yd was refused, Morgan played with 'rovidence last season, ahd was drafted by Detroit. He was the best third baseman in the Eastern League. He will "Join the Tigers until Jane. | The annual convention of the C.W. TA. owing to the absence of the presi- d ent and secretary, ed until May. has been adjourn- At a meeting of the | were 'given to the Toronto exhibition, 7 | to be hell on the last Saturday of . McKELVEY & BIRCH - ths fiir. It is probable that the pro vindial championships. will he ran 0 6g and 71 Brock St. { at an old hovs' celebration: to be held sm-- -- ---- mam------ | in Waterloo on July Ist. { The W. F. A. held its twenty-seventh EE Marvellous Results Will | annual meeting at = Berlin, adopting 4 ' all the amendments except that of | N T E R N Oo Ww Follow | non-resident players and the Haongh dy Bavic hess, Shorthand or . cup. D. Parsyth, a petidng ; I s . was presented with - 8325 dn' gold and Kingston BUSINESS COMBE § | how + vc Tone wichien sean |o Motrin chin He hd lft tment Limited dear mother, why your. baby should wv Jar. A a pe os _ continue to be weak, frail and puny ot apo, SNL. Lie Presicent Head of Queen Street THe "agent and. Javdns - for. making y 1.x. Dull, Welland. Berlin, Seaforth Kingston =~ = = Canada your baby strong and healthy is near and Stratford form the senior Series apertuents, complete von, 'and' thé' f is vours if you do | ; President Taylor has sent out his 1 eZcellant orale, not uve it. | instructions to * managers and um tudividual instruction by come Factated Food is the acknowledged | pires. The new presitlent starts in as potent and experienced teachers in agent and meldiom for strengthening though he meant Buginess This year rears Jeparument., Open through- and building up vour baby. The foods | there will be no favorites and man Sut Ba whole "year, Catalogue:f | rr" Which yon have been feeding ; agers will-be held strictly accountable ) J.B; MeKAY, H, ¥. METCALFE baby: are unsuited for its present con. | for the conduct of their teams. The Presidents Principal; dition, and vou must not expect any { president wil meet the untpires in progress while they are continued. In- | New York the day preceding the open dead, we are justifind in asserting that [ing of the league championship season a your child is likely to die, unless you | and have a heart-to-heart talk and speedily give it Lactated Food. then will proceed to Providence to Storage ! If you follow - the example of other | witness the apening game of Tat mothers, vou .will , soon" have your | Powers' champions. Do You Know. That 2 | baby fat 'and healthy, strong and -- Citizens oL Kingston and vicinity de- | Ed: : Ladies' Golf Club. si ve' Household Zoot RAve Feed it on Lactated Food for one | Pert} ladi have reorganized the amy extended' to them hy month, and you will sce marvellous i er \ pe 006 fe he fol calling on A results. the go gu or 1906, wi n 1 2 \ es bn rier lowing officers: Honorary president WwW G FROST AN OLD SAYING. Miss J. Matheson; honorary vice-presi . . dent, Mrs. Mclaren; president, Mrs. 299 Queen St, 8 goods loft the best of cn Telephone 525 in his charge receive at a reasonable cost. Clean, Dry and Prompi Service Carriage Wrriage Painting a Specially | ¢ ¢ e ¢ ' 0 ¢ ¢ ' ' 0 ¢ i: > } ¢ ¢ IF YOU JT UE WANT A GOOD QUALITY SMITHING COAL TRY OUR CUMBERLAND. 1 Walsh 55-67 Barrack St. "Phone 109 $ «eee Ssaa Tress sssssss Wood's a 3 The . Great English Remed Tone ead invigoratestha whole 0 ous Blood in old ve Veins, Ci Nero. O08 Debiity, Afroy i eins. Cures mo Le cl and neo 3 er bo ase, six gas. § all druggists or mailed in male Bod n Joo eet t of Jive. Nn taailed in Gormerty 3 Wi i inh oo Ont. et ---- a MoM b Bo briek rg; Johnson has purchased fence of J. Mottashed, $howing "How-Cause- and Effect | (Dr.) Grant; vice-presidents, Mrs. C. J. Are Never Far Removed. Sewell and Mrs. Muckleston: captain, It is an old saying. 'Where there's Mrs. F. W. Hall; secretary. Miss Jean honey there's bees --not less true. is Drummond; treasurer. Miss Michell; one whigh science has coined more re committee, Misses Senkler, 1. Hogg, cently, "Where there's dandruff there's J. M. Henderson, 17 Armstrong. germs and "to push the inference 7 elill further we may truly say "Where Bongard Personals. there's dandruff éured Newbro's Her Bongard's, - April 16.--The bay is picide has been at work. again clear of ice and the boats are The reason of Herpicide's isolation | more to be seen. Mr. and Mrs. F. as a genuine 'cure for dandruff lies in Hanley 'of Fairmount, were guests' at the faet that it attacks and destroys Yams Bradley's, Faster, Mrs. Pal: the root of the whole trouble 8 | 1ard, is sponding the Faster holidays parasitic gorm which feeds upon the te homie nN ol Lav} "Pierce material © which nourishes the hair at her home 3h NOFWoor, .1avi Ljerce follicle. | was home a fow days last week, Clay- Other so-called remedies are not | (0) Bongatd hes. gone 1 Torents, to recto s ec canse of | take a position on the steamer Corona. ficectud at this true canse of the | Mr, and Mre, F. A. Willlamg gud Me. Accept ng substitute, there is none, | and Mrs. J. Harrison spent. Sunday at Sold by leading drugeists. Send | D. F. McCarnock's. Miss Florence Bon- 10c, in' stamps for 'sample to The | gard has returned home. Herpicide Co., Detroit, Mich. G. W ee : Mahooil, special agent. | Handling Many Fish. 3 ------------ | Up to the present date there has «w . Woman's Labor League. { been taken from the Cape Vincent fish London, April 17.--A National Wo. | hatchery and deposited in Lake On. men's Labor league has been formed tario over twenty millions of white in connection: with the labor party. | fish, with three millions mare still re- The object of the new league is to | maiming in the hatchery. One hundred form an orgénization of women to| and ten thousands of book trout hate work for labor representatives in con- | #150 been sent to applicants in vari- nection with the labor party. {ous portions "of the state of New | York. There is still in process of | hatching about one-half million brook Spring Importation Of 1906. | trout_and five millions of lake drout. has received Prevost, Brock sired, two cases of imported) goods for his oul, clothing department, consisting | of Scotch and English tweeds, serges, | cheviots and Vicunas, His 815 suiting | made to order heats anything of pre- i y vioits vears. 'The wear and fitting is! t guaranteed, | Cores 2% SWill Jase five wears," a Faring. | {moth proof bag, double strength, Sold | *at Gibson's Red Cross drug store: | execittive the 'dominion championships: Boathouse Broken Into -- An Organist t Appointed. Gananoque, APFit | 1T--The ; house, belonging to Nile Harris, Fae tory street, and. situated in the . Bay,' ' was *proken open 'on Saturday evening. A pair of: oars, a gill net and a lantern were taken: No clue as yet has been obtained of the pe rpetratar. The adjourned police court case "of Campbell vs. Smith, came up before boat- P. Heaslip, P.M, Monday afterneon; and was distnissed with costs on the defendant. : . Alfred S. Farmer, for some time past assistant master mn the high school here, whose time has fust _ex- pired, left Monday maming for New Liskeard where he will 'spend the sum- po spectin me i MT the head office of the Bank of "Toronto, Toronto, has heen added. to the bank's local staff pre duri the past week, "together Bere SR, © Martin, of the 'London Citv and Midland bank, limited, Eng- landi i 3 Harry Abbott, of St. John, N.B., manager of the R. ¥ . Pringle Ca. limited, of that place, and an old Gananoque boy, has Leen promoted to the managership of the company's es- tablishment jn Winnipeg. Before leav- ing Mr. Abbott was pres nted with a beautiful clock, and a breastpin . as testimonials of esteem from his many friends, Mist Juliana Stevens and her sister, Mrs. John Cook. King street, spent Faster week with atives at Mel- abe. I. T. Richardson, of T'dronto, is spending Easter with relatives here. T. M. Grover, who for some time past has been connected with the Bank of Toronto, here received notice of removal during' the past week and [ left at once to report at the head of- fice in Toronto. Miss Newman, of Port Arthur, and lat®v out from England. has necept- ed th» position of organist in Christ church, just vacated hv Miss Edith McCammon, Miss Eva (O'Neil, for some time past stenographer for the Skin- ner Co., limited, left = Saturday ta spend a ' ion th' s vacation with friends in Napanee, Dufferin Young People's Club. Dufferin, April 14.--Through the en- ergy and enterprise of the Rev. W. J. and Mrs, McQuarrie, a club was form- ch among the young people of Dufierin and surrounding neighborhood for the social and intellectual henelit of its members, "The club which is known as "St. John's Literary Club," elected Miss. Edith Purcell as president, Harry McLean, as vice-president, and George Hay, as secretary-treasurer. It com- prises about about forty members and during. the winter held a meeting evety Tuesday night in the manse at 3 ohn's charch, Two nights' were to the discussion of such inter- eresting subjéets as "Local Option," "Woman's Influence on Social Life," etc., the third night was occupied by a debate on such questions us 'Which EE the greater right to Canada, the, Indians or the English ¥' and the fourth night was spent in social en- joyment. 'This rule' was followed for several weeks resulting in grea. bene fit' and enjoyment "to the members. Owing to'the rush of work during the summer, 'the meeting Have been continued until the early fall. last: meeting on Tuesday night the members presentdd their Kind and genial host and hostess with a short address, expressing their great appre ciation of their many kindnesses, to- gether with the unanimous desire for the early opening of the meetings in the coming fall. The elub purposes; in thé near future, giving a coifcert At the in St. John's church. ---- When Sick At Night. Don't cuss your' fate, don't blow cash on the doctor,--just try mother's old *'stand-by"' and take some Nervi line: For half y century it pain, distress and suffer; Rg. has' eased For colds, croup and grippe Nervi line is mighty good. For earache, headache. and tooth ache, it's a marvel, Rubbed: on for neuralgia Jumbago, and rheumatism, cure comes quick. Polson's Nerviline will "save you many an ache, Get a 285¢) hottle to day. ------------ Sweet pea seed, all edlors, I'v Chown's, Mrs. Rosamond, Almonte, died sud denly RL the residence of hey mother, Mrs. 1 Rose, Morrisburg She was formerly Ne Fannie Rose. "Don't forges" Tarine , moth proof bags (double strength) are sold at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. Phone 230. G. M. Proud, for the past four vears a member of the Merchants Bank staff, Prescott, left Saturday for New York, where he will enter & branch of the bank. -- THE EASY OIL Scott's - Emulsion is "the easy oil"--easy to take, easy in action. Its use insures deliverance from the griping and nau- seatjng sensation peculiar to the raw oil. Nobody who has any regard for their stomach thinks of taking cod liver oil in the old way when Scott's Emulsion is to be had. It is equally certain that no one having a regard for their health will accept a cheap emulsion or alco- holic substitutefor Scott's Emulsion. It fulfills ev- ery mission of.cod liver oil and more. SCOTT & FOWNE, Toreate, Oar. a EVERHISING _: THE PEOPLE'S 3 MAID, cooking. No small family. TWO OR THR roots, or' part or without Hox "A.." COMPETENT GIR senernl housew( no laundry. Ap 498, Cape Vince Goon G wages. next to Apply Anders A GIRL, WITH of hookkeepin erally useful : A. P. ghown, MEN "ny, best trades, Ca Bros. Trade Chicago. AND AN clerk. State ete. Reference Gilbert, Grocer; at 182 Alfred SALESMEN, Best made. machine free Cavers Bros. ABLF washing Apply 183 William street. B of board Whig office iENERAL ¢ BOYS; Bricklayine, Schools, EXPERIENCED FOR comproessed-alr Liberal to Galt, 1 TO PO or Mrs. PLAIN ironing Turrison, UNFURNISHED small house, with Address Rooms, LL. OR WOMAN, FOR irk 3 family of Wwe ; ply FP. 0, Box, No. mt, N,Y. 100D at 424 Princess St, m Bros. Store, Cor SERVANT. Princess and Division Sts. SOME KNOWLEDGE! to make horself gen™ rig store. Apply to 5 Princess street. LEARN PLUMB Plastering, th taJogtie Free. Cov New York GROCERY qualifications, required. Address or call after 7 p.m. treet. AUTO-SPRAY. hand Sorayver terms. Sample approved agents. Ont. CITY AND FARM PROPERTIES. loons rn RATES Our plan. N No pay. De |STORAGE SPACE. FOR FURNI partnient "D.."" 208 9 Wellington St. 5 o tat so She Frosty Le First insertion, lc. a Word. Each con- EAE as TL PERS CaPERD - ; cutive inserti fte . a ST HT, 50x74 BE SE r Ts tive Satu Sara Xe 2 ry miles 3 hour, [ Io so cheas. STOLAGH 4+ FOR . FURNITURE, : Apply Herbert Sager, Box 4 ap. . Jigten and dwellings. sertion, 23¢, ¥ aoce, Ont. " 5 r b Cann, 51 Brock street. " Advt. 4 lines or under a week, $1. aT Advi. 4 lies or under a month 83; | A BROOD MARE, SIXTREN HANDS, FIRST CLASS HOUSE; ON BROCK work single or double, St., rent noderate, with gas fo S-- . plough ; also a sling hye + oa cooking purposes. Apply at 15) Evérybody in Kingston Reads the WHIG sleigh. Apply 170 Nelson street. , Frontenac street. A ------ EE ------------------ 3 SET GOOD SINGLE HARNESS, 'ONE | 10 ROOM BRICK DWELLING. WANTED. horse, lumber wagon and sleigh wodern improvements. Py nearly new, in first _ class genditio May 1st. Johm A. Gardiner, 151 A BOY OR MAN, TO TAKE CARE OF Apply to S. Hyland; 427 Alfred St. Weilington street. | % BE ie horse. Apniy in the evenipg LW Dr Stl Kilborn. FINE STONE HOUSE, ON DIVISION | BRICK SHOP AND RESIDENCE. NO. a * St. Good barn, splendid well, hal 851° Princess street : ate sant, A GIRL TO PO LIGHT HOUSE- acre of rich -- soil. Premises in first Possession - oronedintely, Apply ta work. Apply to Mrs. Keenan, 256 class condition. Price now $1,800, Steacy & Steacy. 3 Barrie street. Particulars, 203 Wellington St. Dept. "D 10 7 QUEEN ST.: ALSO "202 A WOMAN TO UNDERTAKE FAMILY Willi 0 *Si Posseaion Ahuy 1st. washing at her own home. Apply at l ogwNER GOING WEST, SEVEN Pay or inspection. pPly to 157 King street. room frame dwelling, 02 Yiotona Steacy '& Nteacy. TQ St. Splendid cellar, good we : a ie tet FIRST CLASS BREAD AND CAKE gmall barn, large lot. Genuine smap| MAY THE FIRST. A SOLID BRICK- Baker. ly to Jus. J. Laelle: at $1,000, Departuent "D., 208 house, 481 Johnson St. All modern 272 Pri Street. > Wellington Street. improvements. 'Hebtdd" hv furnace. Apply R. Neshity," 887 Johnson St. GIRLS TO SPLIT MICA. APPLY {yp T HAVE A BUSINESS OR AN Kent Bros. Mica Works, foot of [IF YOU TAYE B 10.000 people will | BRICK DWELLING; NO. 19 SYDEN- Priucess street. read it if you advertise it in the ham street Wust, at present occupied ---- -- Whiz. The expense is small; the by MH. VYoulden, possession 1st A WOMAN TO UNDERTAKE FAMILY return is quick ; the elfect sure. May. Apply to Jas. Richardson & washing ut her own home. Apply Sons. ¥ "Sunnyside," Union street. > vd te ek p-- SAILING YACHT, "VERONA [FIRST OLASS SITUATED, AND AN EXPERIENCED NURSE, TO AS- cheap for guick sale, or will sell constructed brick house, 11 rooms, sist in the care of an infant. Apply sailing yacht "Lady B." Have also modern improvements, fronts nerth, to Mrs. Steacy, 197 Johnston St. a number of skiffs and dinghys, new isolated on Street Railway, near --a and second hand. Apply Kingston Baptist pS husch, Possession rext BOY, TO LEARN WHOLESA LR Boat Company, foot Simcoe St. month. May sell. Apply 198 Union business. Thre years agreement. | eee Strutt West. ply by letter," Box 285, Whig |. y ce THEE HOUSE, ON ARCH STREET, 3 TATE olfice. ' the residence of the late Dr. Walkem! BEST SITUATED HOUSE x CITY: naan k ne HELP, THE YEAR ROUND. SITU- aldo ou 118, rented Fesidence tou suitable tenant, 14 ations vacant, domestics, hotel and for $18 a month each. For terms, Homa and a bil lard room, ui factories. Department B.,"" 203 ete., apply to Walkem & Walkem, will be made entirely scperate. Wellington street. Chiiened iy ivont. Parties with small children need not apply, D." Allan Black, King St. CITY street, kitchen. LINE, roor OF urick house, 80x20, stable and eight acres known as the Rure Bryan plage. Inquire of W. H. Godwin, In- surance Agent. or Thomas Coyle, 384 Jay street, Rochester, N.Y., or Mr, Theriault, near the premises. » SMALL WANTS FOR SMALL COST GIVE BIC RETURNS NEAR FROM MAY iS. 19068. FINE suburban residence - k Spon as "Rose- lawn," situnte on etn est, now occupied by jor Saat. Hot spacion to Cunnin~hem & yom, larence street, Kinghton, Ont. i LARGE FURNISHED nee. Beautifully Take Shore, opposite Island ; also 'cottage. boats, ice, Mail from city daily. Apply Allan Black, King street. BUSINESS CHANCES. COUNTRY located on the Brother's MEDICAL PRACTICE -- UNOPPOSED, a thrivi village in Jastern tari, Resident Doctor in active practis, for the last eighteen years. o rent or for sale on easy terms. For particulary, apply Box "0. MM, Whig: office, COBALT, THR GREATEST MINING: mn in the world, Fortunes made daily, Sh urchased produce eat ar. Rw LL made daily. oe eckly letter tells ail about it. & Uo., - Cobalt, n F . MISCELLANEOUS. ------------i . FARM opp GENTLEMEN TO HAVE. THEIR, i * woe ow SRE » muita roased and Cleaned enrefally. by v i v " " also bri your c! an ve hand tr dite TR ait made. Gallo WHEN You WANT A rT Ta To 131 Broek street. move, or your ashes carted away. or a -- mt LOST, wan to S000 FOP rp, call or : TOT TRE 57° Y, t. YOUNG MAN YEARS, REQUIRES] _ iain Send a postcard to 15 ork stree situntion ns clerk in or cory, or | TE oe Se ¥ Prices right. D. Dougherty. whelpssle dry "~onds. Two years' ex- | A ° BUNTH Bi KEYS vasD CORKS rier c o this de. Gaod refor serew on key ring, on ednesday. - hil Addr Box ry Whig office reward will he paid for thelr return ARCHITECTS. a -- Ls to this Office. . TEI TEI > wr . NEWLANDS, ARCHITECT, OF- URIGHT G MAN FOR CITY i WM N F, business office. Must he rapid 3 x WISIN 15 fice, second floor over Mahood's Drug tenneTanher and of wood address, as | A DAMASK, TOWEL. BETWEEN 180 store, corner Princess and Bagot an rk will 'Meo be anuired of | dohndin' Stand Post Office, or in streeis, Entrance on Bagot streat. Afr in TN Trine, Pest Ofieo. Finder will be rewarded "Phone, 608, with © references, to Box 99, Whig by leaving it at. 180 Johnston St. affiea. Se --.------------------------------------ . . WILL THE LITTLE GIRL, WHO WAS POWER & BON JSRgrecT, Neg A " seen picking up the lady's wold chant's Ban ne, TOR SALF OR TO watch, with initinls - KE. M. W. on it, and Wellington streets. 'Phone. 212. Py . kindly return it to 'the Whix office, A FRAME er ---- gad -------- a nte or on monthly pav- ARTHUR ELIS, ARCHITECT, OF. ment] for what it rents for: Apply | ROLL OF BILLS, 2 T 1 FIVE, , fice site of New Drill Hall, near core Dr. Curtis 2 twos, 1 ono, Saturdny, on Prins ner of Queen and Montreal streets. - ---- - cess or Barrie stroets Liberal re- § STORE AND DWELLING. SPLL ward for "their return to Whig} i@iny p. SMITH, ARCHITECT, E $2,500, rent, 315 ser noni} Dl mimm-- ste. Anchor Building, Market Square, exchange for ' her nroneriy v i op a mm » ne 5 A "Gardiner: 151 Wellington St. id esr etc BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. " BRICK DWELITN FOUR BLOCKS (py NoNEY.". 810° BUYS CATLS FOUND. rim Pot Office: ten rooms, hot on 10,000 bushels wheat. No further [A SUM OF MONEY. OWNER CAN water haatine Sobran bon" he ad risk. Bc. advance from. | riko wipkes have same by paying for this adver- t clags stale In Tar, a you 8800.. Write Standard, Grain tisemcpt and calling at 180 Clergy Caine. 181° Wellinaton street. Co... Philadelphia, Pa. strost. -- __ SN ~ SUSPEND P czar of Canada, dian cattle ey believe, phasis, * tion, we but it is useless competition at when our cattle h ed as soon as th Pritish port." Great Britain's Sir William thin such importance { the preference wou and he did not ernment could tion that sion came "he 'if we ha would' as the hibition was an o terly indefensible, time woitld come vigorously "Ht is Sritain could be said Sir. William. ditions are people of Englanc cultivatmy trade, res not ont,' The drug store nection with the eompany, Napanee, position at the G, it would be would carry think withstand ting ont of Canadi on Lo through. her trade that what the world had to the greater part it required, but hy. In England 'they REFERENCE Until Cattle To Great Britain Embargo Removed. Montreal, April 17H one were his mas ter stroke of policy to suspend the preference to Great Britain until the prohibition against -- Canadian cattle is cancelled, This was the striking phrase in which Sir William Van Horne, chief director of the C.P.R., referred on his return trip to England to the regu lation decreving the slaughter of Cana shipped to Reitish Joris. declared wit em d: an open CRG off the honors, talking about open British exhibitions, ave to be slaughter ey are landed at a trade with Canada, ks, has of hat a suspension of Id hit England hard, that any the arise if the result of the shut ian cattle. The pro utrageous thing, 'ut and he hoped when it might dl. become gov indigna SUSDEN be Creat made. to feel thi "Commercial con- they were. Fhe I now the value of The time was: when go to Fngland for of the commeditivs time has gone have found it that with the prompt de- livery service, "Phone. 230. Gibson's Red Cross drug store. Uievcl: mes- songer there. H. Fralick has severed, his: con Gibbard Furniture and has secured a JT.R, station, the | ing JAMES REID, Phone 147. The Somerville Co's "Royal" Shirt Waists Are superior in qoality, style, fit and finish. Ask to see them and try on when Demonstrator is talk- «"B.& 1." Corsets All this week at THE SOMERVILLE co. Remember, Our Millincrs Are Artistic. i . UPHOLSTERING . Now is the time 'to have your Parlor Sets and - Couches and Fancy Odd Chairs Recovered. As we have a nice line of Eng- lish and French imported Cover- ing to «select from. We have also increased our staff of Upholsterers, which are at = ypur' service. 28 EADING UNDERTAKER yo v