Squares $3,50, $5, up. Some pretty Window Shades, Linolenm Every ur ake of Oarpets. Bvery mak 'ard s'ze of Fugs$ be found ia this first-class 200, on a high elevation, th and dry, situate on lebec street, corner of Y TERMS Don't delay. This will quick | market shambles. Abou ISCANN 3 x , office; and au proposition g wefhace the , would cover the cost of the work entailed in the report sub- mitted. Mayor Mowat, who by the way makes it a point to attend most civic committee meetings, and so keep in closest relationship with the conduet of municipal affairs in their detail, Shought the engineer's report well worth the deepest consideration of the committee; £ In the course of his remarks Chair- man Angrove pointed out that the present time was most favorable for discussing the question and that a by-law might be submitted to the peo- ple along with the by-law for exten- sions to the city's light plant and thus entail little or no additional expense, The mayor concurred with the su tion. < Ald. Harkness thought the city pro- perty owners would favor the scheme and wished it submitted to the people an expression of opinion. . fo McCann advocated that the improvements in heating, draining and ting be first carried out. He did not favor asking for the entire $11 - 000 at once. : Ald. Couper did not concur with the idéa of submitting by-law for the full amount and so expressed Rimself be- ing seconded in his stand Ald, A motion by Ald. Harkness that a by-law be prepared by the city so- licitor for the amount of the entire improvements proposed, was defeated, that gentleman being the only ome favoring it. ) Ald. 'McCann moved that a bylaw be prepared to raise funds for heating and renovating the othcers and csorri- dors of the north wing, the ice tati and il chambers, drain- and sanitary improvement, point- Fr of city buildings and repairs to registry office, Cafried. . estimates Seeing this were then gone into in detail and the élérk will prepare a statement of the ost of these improvements and submit it at a later meeting of the committee, tenders for the renting of the city's smelter site were next taken up. Robert McPhee offered $101 per | annum and Davis & Sohs, the present lessees, $100 per annum. On motion of Ald. Harkness the first mentioned ten- der was ted. After some discussion the clerk was instructed to secure tenders dealing with 'the lighting of th city clock hy electricity, Caretaker George Adsit's request for free water as in the past was granted. He also asked the privilege of _being allowed to charge a fee to horsemen training their horses on the 'air unds track if he put the same In repair, On. this application no ac- tion was deemed advisable. Ald. McCann suggested that on the termination of the present lease a city official make the collection of market tolls. The clerk will report as to the collections in past years under both systems. -------- Watch Rheumatism Go. * The action of Dr. Hall's Rheumatic Cure is direct and positive, and ye- sults are similar in nearly all cases. First a lessening of the symptoms are noted, there is y pain and soreness and mare freedom of the muscles. Then comes 4 gain in general health, The sufferer knows he is getting bet- ter and feels he * will be cured, Time required to cure varies according to the duration of the disease and gener al condition of the patiént. But those who use the remedy faithfully will have constant improvement to cheer them and will soon-kuow they are be- ing made sound and well. Price . 50¢- Sold only at Wade's Drug Store, This is the preparation that cured William Tait, Brock street, Kingston. Maberly Vestry Meetings. The vestry meeting of St. Alban's church, Maberly, was held Monday with a good attendance. The rector's Feport was very satisfactory as was | the churchwardens' report. "The par- sonage fund shows a balance of $1,025 which will be devoted to the building of the parsonage this summer. The Ladies' Guild has been doing good work, and has a good amount in the bank. The election of officers result- od: George Morrison, clergyman's warden; Joseph Hughes, people's war- den; four ugh Daniel ob Ag Thomas Palmer, R. J. Hughes and W. . Walroth; v Hughes. lay delegate, R.- J Tarine moth . sheets and bags, all sizes. Dr. Chown's. a House of Refuge, The present jail cost the counties $90,000, and was built in 1830, to hold court for Newcastle dis- triet, so it possesses considerable his- toric value and interest. All courts, coumeils, ete., were held there until the Cobourg town hall was built. North- umberland county at that time reach- ed from the Trent river on the east to what is now the western boundary of the township, and from Lake On- tario as far north as there were any settlers, included Fast and West Poterboro. GRAND OPERA HOUSE. Marks' Company Giving Good . Performances. " There was a very large andience at the Grand Opera House last evening. The Marks Bros' Dramatic company is winning popularity by its excel lent presentations, which are well staged and costumed. The company Hagprnd She Desutitul and fascina- ting pl of "The Duke's Daughter," May Belle Marks took the part of "Marguerite Laurant," in a very able manner. Marie Appell, as "Bridget Doyle," did her part to perfection. Nina Gay and Little Irene did good work. | E. Appell, as 'Pierre Ron- a difficult part 'to inter- still won favor. A. C. Baldwin, J. J. Owens and E. Hub bard gave valuable aid in the success of the piece, In the specialties the ( ily gave a splendid 'exhibition of Ymmastic and acrobatic work, while awley and. Gay, by their singing and dancing, won much applause. Tonight the company will present "For His Sake." iregory fam- ---------------- PARKS VISITED By F. G. Todd, Landscape Architect, Montreal. Kingston's beauty spots, Macdonald, City," Victoria and Frontenac parks, the breakwater and: the proposed new St. George's Square, were visited, Wee nesday afternoon, for "the purpose of further enhancing the* natural beauty, by the civic parks' committee, D; A. Givens, 'Cooke and Hoag, Sup- erintendent Phillips, Mrs, John Car- son and Mrs. R. J, Hooper, nt- ing the Kingston Improvement Socie- ty, and F, G, Todd, landscape archi tect of Montreal, Nothing is yet known as to what. will be the pro- positions, but Me. Todd will give a report of his suggestions as soon as i to. the parks committe. With the plans onee' launched the committée will then have to find out just vhat amount of cash is at their disposal. rm -------- THE SPRING ASSIZES. The Feldman Burglary Case Will Be Heard. The spring assize court will open on Monday, April 23rd, with Chief Jus- tice Falconbridge presiding. At pre- sent two cases are entered in the docket, but there may be a couple additional, in that the docket does not close until Friday afternoon. ere is one criminal case, that of William Feldman, figuring in the now celebrated McKay fur robbery. John Melntyre; K.C.. will be crown prose- cutor, and W. F. Nickle will appear for the prisoner. The civil case is Bank vs.'J. A. Farlinger, Morrisburg, an action on two notes for $2,000, growing out of the purchase of stock in the Frontenac. Cereal company. y I -------- New Comers. As expected along came another large consignment to-day of our po- pular Imperial $2 derbys. These cele- brated hats are having a phenomenal sale. Campbell Bros., the store of big values in men's nobby hats. "Hello" For Prince. rince Arthur of Connaught and his , pass through the "old limestone ' at the outer Grand Trunk sta- tion: 4:15 p.m. Friday, April 20th, en route to Niagara Falls. It is proposed to run a special suburban from the city, in order to give Kingstonians a chance of greeting him. If he should step out on the platform city folk may have the opportunity to say "hello !™ -- Poisoned By A Razor. Don't trim your corns with a razor, Use a purely vegetable remedy like Putnam's Corn Extractor. No pain, certain cure, and all for a quarter. Every dealer sells "Purnam's." -- Clean Your. Yards. The citizens should arrange as carly as possible to have their back yards rid of the rubbish of the past wintér; garbage, ashes, ete, dé not contribute to the general health of the city, but are rather au menace, Many citizens are already at the gar- dens and lawns, giving the spring cleaning which gives the house-hold- er's property a trim appearance. are money if Pazo Ointment fails to cure in 6 to 14 days, 50c. After It. We are after the shirt trade of King- ston this season, and we believe we'll get it, The H..D. Bibby Co. Mr. Christie, mathematical teacher in the Houptville high school, has re- ignation to take effect | the Easter holidays. Mr. Christie will go to Strathcona, Aen riers he has the ition rinci » strong moth balls, 20c. Ib. Dr. Chown's, Js ; = renewed it if the structure | 1906. that of Ontario- decidedly neat 'and | ---- Committee of Historical Society Will Atteinpt Such To Carry Schemes as' : " Out--Will N¢t Ask Council's Aid. * ' To extend interest in @iic Amprove- ment beyond the members of the Frontenac Historical Society, it was decided 0 organize, under their aus- pices, a branch society. There ds Bo question that all the citizens are in- terested in civie improvement, and all asked have readily consented to join, pay the twenty-five cent ices, and pro- mise not to defaée neighbors' lawns and boulevards, and to, improve their own property. So' the new sodvety was launched, yesterday, with great The Garrison Artillery Held a : . Street Parade. Headed by the artillery band, "A" and "B" Basteries and the AS.C. marched out this morning, under com- mand of Lieut.-Cols. Fages and Ugil- vie. The Army Setvice squad marched : behind the musicians and swung along with that precise stride attained only by regulars. The mounted batteries were also in line, the bristling guns presenti fine appearance, It re- Eli "séighties," when "B" Bat used to march through the streets headed by their band. The present commander of the garrison, Lieut.-Col. Fages, is deserving of all credit for introducing this feature in- to the city's military life, and his proposal of holding weekly or = per- haps semi-weekly march outs will no doubt appeal to civilians and create much enthusiasm among the citizens, as well as arouse greater interest in i I y . : the 'garrison and its movements. enthusiasm. 'the = following ofticers During the parade this morning the were then elected Honorary pest: route of march was lined with peo- Mente, Him, Pg Harty, 15 +. &. ple anxious to catch . glimpse of the '¢ A HP ident, Mrs, | ulars, an many audatory re Hooper; vice pres) ents, Mrs. John | FF be ay. Coops Mes H oe Smith; recording marks he pasted -- thei appear. secretary; Miss Lorraine Dalton; cor | 80° 4 " responchng secretary, Miss A. A. Chown; treasurer, Mis: Ida Ronan. It was decided to canvass, as wide- lv as possible, for members, Nearly all the aldermen and many business men have signified their intention of joining. The batlge is to be a maple leaf, with' the ie 1 CLS, and the motto, 'Make Mdmgston Beautiful." The children will Be eniolled as adéo- ciate members, at five cents each, un. der the same promise. It was decided Ao ask the board to permit bor day children to the offort 10 make King- ston beautiful, and also -to have ap- propriate so 8, and rewdings for the day. The chilTden are the hope of every new movement and it their love for flowers and well-kept lawns, can be cultivated, .we shall see great improvements in _ the appearance of Kingston. A neat circular on window boxes and the best flowers to grow in them kas been prepared: and members are to distribute them. While the society has not spared printers'. ink, it is de- pending on personal appeals to carry home the interest and plans, so .a committee was appointed to secure the co-operation of the district visi- tors that they in turn might speak to the families in their districts. The leaflet, containing a list of prizes, and city by-laws, was read and approved, and will be printed for general dis. tribution at once. The deputation to St. George's ca- thedral vestry reported their courteous reception and promise of acting rector that no 'uhnecessary' difficulties would be placed in the way of opening St. George's square. 'Will the members who took petitions "on which to ob tain signatures kindly return them to the corresponding secrotary within a week, o The ladies feel most strongly that some effort should be made to im- prove the appearance of the outer station, and the N idening on, the track between it and the city. The Grand "Trunk railroad is being asked to co-operate, and a personal appeal will be made to the residents whose property is in that vicinity. The great difficulty that confronts the new society is the number of things that are desirable to he done. While the leaders in the movement are quite satisfied that only a few things can be accomplished "in 'one season, it is difficult to refrain from attempting more of the » many desirable reforms that are needed. The decision of the first meeting was to--endeavor to re. strict work, this year, to arousing citizens to sce what they can do for the city, rather than ask the council to do anything more. Any complaints of infringement of by-laws will investigiited by the sbciety, and attention of the proper authorities called to it. A little effort and a little money from each lover of King- ston will accomplish a great deal for the city. school the teachers on Ar- be the ------ Examination Of Candidates. The annual conference" examinations for candidates and i hationers for ministry in the Methodist church, started - Wednesday, i . in Sydenham Street Methodist church, and continues to-day. There are four being examined, Rev. W. H. Sparling conducting with the assistance of the examiners of this district, . -------- Police Station Lodgers. A unique bunch congregated at the police station, last night, to have their rest, hing unable, they claimed to secure hotel accommodation--a col- ored man, a mute, two Irishmen, and a French-Canadian They had come to Kingston, en route to Garden Island to obtain employment with the Cal- vin company's fleet of boats. ------ The only drug store with a special bicycle messenger for the prompt de- livery of parcels. "Phone 230. Gibson's Red Cross drug store. i They Speak For Themselves OUR SPRING HATS The Derby : "How do you like me this spring ¢ They say I'm * handsomer than ever and will certainly be in great demand." The, Solt Hat: "I'm a good shape myself, and T know how to make people comfortable™ to call the attention of the |- serving of the credit too for they pre- sented a neatness and smartness wor- thy of comment, and left with one the impression that each interested in his duties. The band played and marched ex- ceedingly well also, and Sergt. Mc- Kinnon and his men are rapidly de- veloping "into "an organization second to no other band. There can be little doubt that the street parades will be looked forward to with much interest by the citizens in future. MARINE NEWS. What is Gathered From Around the Harbor. Swift's wharf--Steamer Aletha from Picton and bay ports. The Rideau Lakes Navigation pany's service begins May lst. . Sloop Laura D. cleared from Craw- ford's for Amherst Island with soft coal. ; 3 The Richelieu & Ontario Navigation company commence running, their Hamilton and Montreal steamers on May Ist. ; The steamer Gordon Campkell is being brightened up with a coat of paint while waiting to enter the drv- dock. . The: S8. Simla, of the Calvin com- pany's fleet left last night on her in- !itial trip of the season, for Marquette 'for iron ore. : The steamships Burma and India cleared from Garden Island last { night on their first trip of the sea- son, for Toronto for timber, com- Potatoes Under Weight. Thursday morning, Market Clerk McCammon found a farm waggon on the market with eleven bags of pota- toes under weight. He consulted the police magistrate, who, in view of the waggon being in charge of a | cited whose (husband was ill, de- cided that the market clerk should ! confiscate. only two bags, for the House of Industry. The woman was warned to be careful in future to have weighed all bags of potatoes offered for sale on the market. ---------------- Thursday Police Court. "Thou shalt not sing on the streets at four o'clock in the morning," was the law laid down .by Magistrate Far- rell; in police court this morning, te four young fellows who grew over jubilant en route here, Monday morn. ing and were "run in." They were dismissed with a warning. John Bishop was fined $1 and costs or ten days fot being drunk. He will take the days. id JL The Dusty City Streets. Gentlemen of the poard of works,.as you walk about the dusty city streets ' do not your feelings run in the same vein as regular citizens--that the botrect watering earts should he called into service ? Granted that it is earlier than usual for the streets to. be water- ed, does not the condition of the ! roads warrant a precedent ? ------ To Buy Perth Road. The tolls roads committee adjourn- ed their meeting called for Tuesday | until May 1st. The. townships of King- ston, Storrington and Loborough have | asked that an arbitrator be appointed to buy the Perth road. R H. Fair, managing director of the road com. pany will be present and make known the purchase price. -------- Victoria Day Celebration. Citizens are fully entering inte the Victoria day celebration and the sub scriptions, so far received have been liberal. "There is every reason to he lieve May 24th will be a' banner day ior the city. Now that the 91st irom Hamilton will be unable to assist: in the celebration, it is probable ~ a Syraciise Fegiment will visit the city, . a _-- Y.M.C.A. Ladies' Auxiliary. To-morrow afternoon, at 3,30 o'clock, the Ladies' Auxiliary of the Y.M.C.A. will hold their, monthly meeting in the association's rooms. A large attend- ance is requested by the president. Donations towards the piano fund are still coming in, and the treasurer, Mrs. George Cliff, will gladly receive further subscriptions. . h Spring Importation Of 1906. Prevost, Brock. street, has received two cases of imported goods for his order clothing department; consisting of Scotch and English tweeds, serges,. cheviots and Vicunas. His $15 suiting. made to order beats anything of pre- vious years. The wear and fitting is guaranteed. 14th Officers Taking Exams. The 11th officers and non-commis- sibmd officers commenced their "'ex- ams." under Lieut.-Col. Hemming, Toronto, at the armouries last night. There is a class of twenty, and the ex- aminations will continue the rest of eek, We ---- Silk Hats. The new styles at Campbell Bros', ------ The double' strength tarine moth proof bags are sold at Gibson's Red Cross drug store, "Phone 230. was personally LET THE CITY STAR] AND BEAUTIFY THE CITY BUILDINGS. Citizen Expresses Strong Opinipns--The Improvements That Might Be Made--The County Has Led the Way. "Now that the aggitation towards beautifying historic Kingston is re- ceiving 'such attention," remarked A a citizen this' morning, "would it . not be well for the civie authorities to colpmeénce on their own property. No ¢ity on the continent can boast of finer : public buildings "than Kingston when the size of the place is taken in- to consideration, but the woeful lax- ity exhibited in keeping them in a fit condition of repair is only too evi- dent, Lately the western wing of the city buildings was remodelled and now the treasury department, the water works department, and the light de glance at the east end of the building. A long corridor without a sign of daylight invading. One has almost to feel their way along. Indeed it is like the old énderground passages at Fort Henry, of which we are wont to read. And then the offices on either side! Patched and broken ceilings and walls, scracity of decorations, save those provided by the occupants, an ancient system = of heating by stoves, etc., without end. Why not fix things up in modern style so that the influx of strangers and visitors who constantly view 'the city buildings would be fa: vorably impressed by what they saw. The heavy walls should all be torn down and supports put in.. Access should be given to light, Modern. of- fice fixings should be installed. Can vou imagine what a difference such changes would make? And then from a sanitary point of view. New central heating $hould be encouraged and if possible provided. Indeed the city buildings have heen for Years con- denned froma sanitary point of view. "Then the exterior of the buildings should. be looked ater. It requires pointing in the worst way. The en trances should be renovated and the doors freshened hy a little paint. The old shambles should he torn away. Why there's no end of heauti. fying might be attempted by the city fathers on every side and where could it be made with better results than on the city buildings where citizens and strangers alike congregate on every occasion. The county au- thorities have'led in' such matters and are to be commended for the fine con. dition in which they maintain the public buildings in their charge. Let the aldermen 'try and imitate such a course." DISTRICT DASHES. Latest Items ih Our Many Exchanges. Claude Deline, and Walter Kellar, Deseronto, were fined $25, for wanton ly overdniving a horse. i A quack doctor, named Seymour, is wanted in Deseronto, and Ottawa various charges of fraud. Charles Hart, Picton, having sold his residence has commenced opera- tions for a new residence. Mrs. Ashworth is dead at Ottawa, aged eighty-two years. She.is mother on of. John Ashworth, of the Bank of Montreal, Deseronto. One of the largest turkéys seen in Picton for many a day weighed twen- ty-nine and one-half pounds, and was raised by John WM, Kelly, Athol. The remains of - the late Edward Scott, who died at East Liverpool, Ohio, reached .. Picton on Wednesday. Interment in Glenwood cemetery. St. Andrew's Presbyterian church, Picton, has bought 1. N. Waite's resi- dence for a manse, Walter Mackenzie collected $1,000 cash in one week, The obliging and Popular post-office assistant, Mr. , Firman, after thirteen years of faithful service in Trenton post office; has resigned his position to take charge of his farm mear Brigh- ton. While at work in the Cedar Mill, De: seronto, Wednesday, William Redmond met with a severe accident. The fing- ers and thumb of his right hand were badly cut and the end of two fingers being entirely cut off. meéting of the Deséronto Horticul: tural . society. was held Wednesday, Thomas Donnelly was. elected secre- tary-treasurer, vice D. McClew, Jt was decided to make an-active efiort increase the membership. Prescott Rifle Association for 1906 are: Honorary Lieut.-Col. J. B. Checkl Maj. Beckett; first vice-president, Maj. Raney; second vice-president, Capt. Kerfoot; captain, Capt. J. B. Coates. At Lindsay on Thursday, Miss Virna Lloyd Jack Wood, daughter of Dy, to officers president, ; president, and Mrs. J. W. Wood, was mmited in matrimony to Albert Frederick Mac- kenzie, Toronto, nephew of William Mackenzie, of Mackenzie & Mann. Mr, and Mrs. Mackenzie will take up their residence in Winnipeg. J. R. Gorrell of Ww 'stport, county, has been appointed magisirate, without salary, "in th» room and stead," according to the announcement of the Gazette, "of Dun- can G. Ripley, Fgq., appointed by or- der-in-council; of May 27th, 1904, 'but who has not taken oft his commis- son. EE ---- Leeds police f Canada dems ¢ In Our | Savings. Department interest is paid at highest current rates. Money can be deposited at any time, in" any amount {one dollar and upwards), and withdrawn without delay when required. | Every security, Office : Corner Bagot Streets convenience and absolute 2 i partment are a credit to our city. Bat | Stadar Bank :| ay -- = otice All holders of tags, coupons. redeemable o requested fo send the, cium tion without delay and pet P premiums, as "we 'wil] , itively theiy our premiftm departm,p, oh A » 30th, 1906, after which dy, AP sextificates or Coupor will be rece; ve ed or redeemed, The Empire Tobacco mpan The American Tobacco y of Canada. Col o ™pany The B. Houde Company, RATS HIGHEST PRicg for Spring Rats W. F. GOURDIER 78-80 Brock Street . Quite | ' Necessary As a little finishing touch to a business or every day toilet is a Dainty Little Cravat Or Tie Pin We show exclusive designs in Pearls, with a special in a Dull Gold Knot In 14k., set in the centre witha Genuine Diamond, at $6.00 _ SMITH BROS. Jewelers--Opticians "Phone 666. Issuers of Marriage: Licenses John McKay The Reliable Buyer Wants S50,000 Spring Rats Wanting a White Muslin Dress ? If not now, you will shortly, and when you do, it may be that the range will not be as large as it 1s now. We have the dain- tiest lot of Dress Muslins in the city, so the ladies tell. us, and who should know better than they Victoria Lawn, 40 inches wide, 10c. a yard and up. India Linon, toc. .tc-35C a yard. - ~ Persian Lawn, extra fie quality 2oc. to 35¢. yard. te pat- So ex uisi Some really exq ep terns in fine Dress Muslins. Mercerized Goods, iu a big range of patterns, at 15% to soc. a yard. We sell the celebrated ; "Minerva" brand © White vear. i NEWMAN & SHAM -- NS LEAVE KING Express, for . Joba, N for Shi » BEL CPR. east prose TE _--Mized, for Ren 810 8 points. ving Kingst nn Jou Ottawa at 513 "p.m. . Bosten, 7:80 a.m. i 11:86 a.m: 11 particulars at K. & f Ticket Office, Ontario 8 wAY, ¥ F. A. ; F gox Puss. Agent. wl inte | Bay of Quinte on se ne Lr Te mto, ave City Hall | Depot i CONWAY, Agent B.Q. Ry. BRANCH TIN In Effect Jan. 2nd 1 and ar popoct of Johnston. st ' GOING WES' Lve. Cit; GOING EAS' Live. Unt all... 1.48 a.n * 3 Fost Exp. 2.26 a.n « 16 Local ...... 8.16 §.m " §Mail ... ... 12.16 ndo " 4 Fast' Exp. 1.00 p.u " 12 Local ... ... 7.03 pn ,1,2,8, and '4 rum ¢ ak daily exceist Mond trains daily except Sunday. Direct route to orent Hamilton, Buffalo, Chi Bay ny: Wi Quebec, Citas, Boston and New For Pullman Accommod: wad all other imformation. J. P. HANLEY, Agent, and Ontario stroots. Kingste ALLAN LINE Re > TO LIVERPO 3 Screw Steamers- xed VIRGINIA N--Turbine Vibration The Finest and Fa the Canadian 'I From St: John Victorian, Sut, April 21. ) For Rates, etc.. apvly to ship Agent, or to The A Yunge street, Tqrontos NORTH-WE LANDS FOR Ner Ltt uniineter on tin Northern Railway. on bord and Saskatchewan For Quick Sale 10,000 A $8.50 Per $2 50 Dov Balance, Long T Good Railway Professor =M emment Ex; speaking of unsurpasse cap \ the Nor Ww wheat most ty slope Applications Life Office, 183 Maorket str J. 0 HUT Ss ssssasssasse IF YOU WANT A GOOD QUALITY SMITHIN COAL TRY OUR ~ CUMBERI 55-5 tP. Walsh 5 rss sssass EMBOSSING for Paper ar GRAYING Besides «11 Printing fr, w d 8 cesses reeseee classes of a card to THE WHIG, Luella A Knapp * (Pupil of Mp. A. her of Piano Pupils prepared Conservatory Examir : For terms apply to ston Street. - EE -------- New Monumen| Lettering in Ge 'a Specialty EIS MOLLY, 379 =~ Opposite Yl <0 mide, tified - pe, the f80al at Montre nm eh telegram rol MH els pusib]