MONEY S | PER 3 =. A -- npire Tobacco Compaay nerican Tobac co Company Houde Company, We pay the HEST PRICE Tr Spring Rats F. GOURDIER -80 Brock Street by of I pi Railwa) and oa local points. Cream Scdas are packed in 1 & 3°. airtight packages, fresh, crisp, delicious-- and reach you in the same con- dition, no matter: where you live, Azent B.Q. Ry., Kingston. BRANCH TIME TABLE In Effect Jan. 2nd, 18086. Trains will Jeave and arrive at Oty street, 'WEARY DAYS AND SLEEPLESS NIGHTS 'Many men and women toss night after night upon sleepless beds until near dawn. Their eyes do not close in the sweet and refreshing repose that comes to those whose heart and nerves are right. or 'disease has so debilitated and irritated the nervons system that it cannot be , you have heart palpi- on of sinking, a feeling you are going to die; or perhaps you wake up from your sleep feeling as though you were. about to choke or smother, and rest leaves you for the 'might. conditions to continue and you will feel your health declining. It is the nerves snd heart that are not 1 Hrd 25 1 Intern'l 1412.16 noon 12. io b. m aT HX Necessary As a little finishing touch to a business or: every day 9 Fast Exp. 2.96 a.m. 8.16 4 Fast vii 100 Pp. m, Nos. 1,3, 8, "sn a rum daily) Non 8 wd 8 run _daily except Monday, All ha trains daily except Sunday. Ota Qu Halifax, Boston and New Y For Pullman Accommodation, Tickets wad an other imformation. apply to J. HANLEY wd Oyaria stroots. Kingston. Ont. ALLAN LINE Rov) Ma TO LIVERPOOL Steamers-- VICTORIAN and VIRGINIA N--Turbine i The Finest and Fastest on the Canadian 'Route They can be set right by the use of MILBURN'S HEART AND NERVE PILLS They soon induce healthful, refreshing sleep, not by Geailening the nerves, but by Testoring them to hea ih ow exclusive designs in Pearls, 1 Gold Knot k, set in the centre witha oT nervousness and Mrs. Ennis Chambers, Massey Station, "| was troubled with Qiadi: weak spells and fluttering of the goss I koro bad at times I could not lie down in bed at nights but would have to tored for a whole year aud I took three boxys of Mil- a Tonrt and Nerve Pills and was so completely cuted Ihave not bet Sige. J cannot recommend ITH BROS. Jewelers-~Opticians ap! ly to local Steam- i LANDS: FOR SALE Near Ltt iniineter on line of] Canadian of Marriage: Licenses hn McKay The Reliable Buyer Vants 0,000 ring Rats anting a ite Muslin Dress ? 7, and when vou do, y be that the range t be as Jang e as it IS v arn: s Heart and Nerve cents per box or three boxes for $1.25 at all dealers or sent direct on receipt of price For Quick Sale by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. 10,000 Acres | $8.50 Per Acre $2 50 Down Balance, Long Terms, 6° USE ONLY THE BEST isthe STANDARD article READY FOR USE IN ANY QUANTITY. For making soap, softening water, removing old paint, disinfecting sin¥s, closets, drains and for many other purposes. equale 20 pounds SAL SODA. SOLD EVRRYWHERE. E GILLETT Lives TORONTO,ONT. J.O0 HUTTON. Settitsssssssascsases SMITHING CUMBERLAND, cesescsesssacssece ssesscssassecssesTIIVSS, Ritts reccerssarannae) RE for Paper and Envelopes ENGRAVING a card to' a volume, THE THE WHIG, VHIG. Kingston | Laelia A "Knapp, A. ATOM. M. ~ (Pupil of Mr. A. § Vogt) ie of Piano and Theory |i Pupils prepared for Toronto | Tvatory Examinations. apply to 333 Johu- [ SAULT STE. MARIE CANAL (NOTICE TO CONTRACTIONS ot of 8 Muslins anid Wik ning ol the Cards ana better than they Letter hand: |..." { 17 », 10c. a yard and up. hia Canadian eazistered di «dees only | used in | eolnection with dike work. Linon, oc. lc ity 2oc. to 35¢. yard. of Railways and Canals and will Te fericitéd if the ine. declines entesion the "oie rig wid tbe! ed A A New Monumental Works," Lettering in Semisterias ized Goods, iu a big e of patigens, at 15¢ fren i. Kone whe IAS. MULLEN, 379 Prisons St., Pposite \.M C.A} Sori vant | le d Tanadian Ch the celebrate | Ganadian Chinese Restaurant { 331 King Street | Open from 10.30 a.m. to 3.00 a.m and. canon of "Chia ial on "Wednesday. i i af Montreal, from Campiye Riord, i possible 10 repdsity Mosts, of all Kinda ¢n | dishes 8 Ts Phone 655, MAN & SHAW AGAIN.AN A SCANDAL PRINCE PHILIP FIGHTS WITH an Princess Louise of EBelguim--An " Agreement Now Broken--Both Are to Blame. 5 London, April 17.--It seems that the world iis not at the end yet "of the 'scandal in connection with Rrince of Cobourg and his former wile, Princess Louise of Belgium, eldest daughter of King Leopold. It may be remembered that last winter, yielding to the re- monstrances of their royal relatives, and in particular to the protests of King Leopold, of Emperor Francis Jo- scph and of King Edward, thé prince and princess agreed to withdraw mu- tually 'the shocking charges which they had brought against each other, and to--consent--to a compromise, ac- cording to the terms of which all mu- tual recriminationt were to be retract- ed and a divorce secured on the ground of mutual incompatibility, True, the princess had cloped on two separate occasions with ex-Capt. Mattatich, but the prince was by no means free from blame, and so black was her case against him that he made no difficulty about contracting to pay her cown a very large sum of money, and to assure her of a com- fortable annuity for the remainder of her days, sooner than have her pro- ceed with her revelations concerning hie. manner of life. The acrcement on these fines was concluded, and the di- voree granted and the money paid. In fact, everybody believed and hoped that the last had been heardsof this unsavory affair. dr These expectaticns, however, are doomed to. disappointment, for - it seems that Prince Philip in the second and conformity decree of divorce, ne- cesary to vender the first judgment of the court absolute, secured the inser- tion of a paragraph to the effect that the cause of the divorce was the gross misconduct and faithlessness of the princess to her marriage vows. As soon as she learned of this. she elaim- ed that there had been a breach of contract, which undoubtedly is the case, and insists that it is sufficieni to nullify the ontire agreement. She has now instituted proceedings agai him for heavy damaces: for h of contract and for d:famation of character. THE KING'S DAUGHTERS. Had a Birthday Party Yestlr- day. A very interesting birthday party was given at "Maitland House,' on Wednosday, it being the fifteenth natal day of Charity Circle of the King's Daughters. After prayers, and the singing of 'the order's hymn. written by Mrs. Dickenson, Miss Skinner read a letter from Mrs. P, G. Gilbert, of Montreal, the honorary president, and founder 'of the citele here. Mrs. Janus Cappon then read a most he JIpful pa- per on the spiritual side of the work, and Mrs. Campbell Strange and Miss Agnes Macmorine followed, coverny the work done in the fifteen yeors of the society's existence. Beginning in 1891, with cight members, its mem- bership list now totals sixty. Miss Strange, leader © of the cirele, read an account of the Food and Fuel Club, which has a membership of 119, and has collected in eleven years, $5,- 235, the largest amount given by any one person in a year. being $25, the smallest ten cents. The report of the treasurer, Miss Louise Kirkpatri . was satisfactory. The collection, "fif teen cents from each member, a cent for each birthday, was taken wn. and prayer by Miss Frances Macaulay, Felosed the meeting. International Medical Congress. Lisbon. April 19-~The opening ses sion of the fifteenth International Medical Congress was held. here, to day. The attendance is unusually large and it is expected that the pro ings will be of the greatest inter Many of the most famous mem bers af the medical profession are here to attend the congress and every civilized country is represented. Primrose Day In England. London, April 19.-To-day is the anniversary of the death of Lord Beaconsfield and it is generally ob sorved as "Primrose Day' throughout England. Primroses were in evidence everywhere, and Lord Beaconsfield's monument was decorated with masses of primroses and' other flowers. tier. We handle the celebrated Woodrow, Barrington and Christy hate $2, £2.95 amd $2.50. The H. . Bibby Co The Allan line steamer Sicilian, from Glasgow, for Boston, via Moville and Halifax, arrived at Halifax 9:15 a.m, Thursday. Juy your spring blood medicine at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. All fresh there. "Phone 230. The Allan line steamer Corinthian, from Boston for Glasgow, sailed from Boston at 8 am. on 19th April: » Ienry Cunningham, tuner from Chickerings, at McAuley's book store. ---------------- SCOTT'S EMULSION is more than a fat food. There is no animal fat that compares with it in nourishing and building up the wasted, emaciated body. ' That is why chil- dren 'and anzmic girls thrive and grow fat upon it. That is why persons with consumptive tenden- cies gain flesh and strength enough to check the progress of the dis- ease. SCOTT & BOWNE, Tor LY - - S-------------- se set The purity and mildaess of Gorby's | X L Hye Whiskey: is it's best recom mendatioa for family and medicinal use. Established 1859 Wood's me Great English Re med ud Inviguratestiio m, ww in og din old eins, ures un Dy Ne Fetes, ARO and box, SIX One 8 willploy Price 31 p §1 per box, iE, > 5 Pb am et Plain pig sod Medicine madd he oronto, Ont. CONDENSED ADVERTISING lines ; oF under a Week, lines or under a wonth,$3. tverybody in Kingston Reads the WHIG First insertion, lc. a word. Each &on- i i i thereafter {C. a word. Minimum charge for one in- $n. STEAM YACHT, 30x7} BEAM SPEED | STORAGE OR miles as hour, will be 'cheap. E. 74 meg an hour wa glices wore "oe, SERVE anoe, : SET GOON SINGLE HARNESS, ONE 480 ACRES, ALBERTA LAND, WITH- Qur plan Sale. No pay. urcibene "D> 208. Wolllagton St. CITY AND ARM PROPERTIES. | STORAGE SPACE ¥OR NE De- 8 209 ager, Box 414, Nap- horse, lumber: waggon and sleigh; | nearly new, in fi class condition. Apply te 8. Hyl . 427 Alfred St. GIRLS TO SPL MICA. K Mie FIRST-CLASS MLILLINERY PRE- ) i » Grewea, 182 Wellington street DELIVERY WAGGON. VER ut Mullen's Grecery. DINING ROOM ', TO LEARN THE PLUMBING. HOUSEMAID. of Mon: RIC E, , Whig APPRENTICES FOR DRESSMAKING. 3 105 Brock > REFERENCES REQUIRED. 188 Univer- APPLY Works, foot of UNDERTAKE FAMILY Apply CAN EARN Steady work, Apply Kingston Hosiery Co. Ltd. OWNER GOING WEST, SEVEN SAILING YACHT, eee ene eet THE HOUSE, ON ARCH STREET, AN ESSENTIAL FEATURE. Visits of Royalty to Overseas Dominions. London, April 19. ~The Times de- votes a column to an editorial discus- sion on the visit of Prince Arthur to Canada, and says that such visits by members of the royal family to differ ent portions of the British dominions are to-day an essential feature in the political life of the empire, and have their own special: significance in the development of the imperial ideal They are a recognition of the fact: that British overseas are not mere dependent possessions, belonging to inhabitants of these islands, but vital component - parts in common with these islands of a greater whole, and as such claiming their due share of time and personal interest of the don and of his surroundings, li "'thinking . imperially'" is the duty of ordinary citizens there is no one up on whom the duty is more incumbent than upon members of the feigning house. No one has realized this more fully than King Edward.- After describing the beauties of thowuntry 'traversed, the Tipes adds that an even greater value thar the mére enthiisiastic re coptions must have been the signs of Cenuda's practical recognition of her obligation to 'play her part in wain taining the integrity of her territory and of thie empire. Referring to mili- tary organization the Times =savs that while it is not perfect, Mr. Haldane might well study the methods of the citizen soldiery, ; BOVE LETHBRIDGE STRIKERS Upheld By Board of United Mine Workers. Detroit, Mich. April 19--An In dianapolis despatch says : "The Inter national executive board. of the Un ited Mine Workers af Awerica, after having been in executive sessicn all day, adjourned last night. Secretary Wilson said the hoard ipeorsed the strike of five hundred men at Leth bridge, Alberta, and had voted the strikers $10,000 weekly, for support Mr. Wilson said thiz was, the only in formation that could be made public." Repairing Lift Lock. Peterboro, April 19:-Y esterday morning, repairing the break which o¢ curred in the banks of the Trent canal atove the liftlock, was commenced. A large force of men are employed on the work, which will be under the di rection of the superintendent generally and C. Gordon, overseer, directly. It is expected that it will require about four weeks to complete the work, the cost of which has not yet been deter mined. An effort widl be made to push the work as rapidly as pessible in or der that the delay in opening that sec tion of the canal will not be long Death Of A Merchant. Montreal, April 19.-The death took place, last night, of N. E. Hamilton, of - the firm knewn ag the: Hamilton company, proprietors of the depart mental store corner" Peel and St, (Catharine streets. He has been pro ménent ih dines: for © many vears. The late Mr. Hamilton was a F Canadian, although his name is lish, ch store. Phone 130, fok prompt delivery Hard or soft corps cured 'with three applications of Peels Corn Salve Guaranteed: Mond back if not satis Drug: Store, his farm of 10 ring, for $2,800, Our 75 Co. . ' and follow directions. Dr. (hown's deny' store, 9, Oat, QECUPANCY sy. - A GIRL AS CLERK IN erally useful in drug store, . 185 Princess street. OBNTLEMEN TO its hawd ; also hring Sour ath i and MISCELLANEOUS. -- em OTHER supplied. Department + 208 Wellington street. CARTER . or call or York stroet PERSONAL MENTION. of Ontario diocese, has returned after a ten days' Hamilton and Detroit. left v to go as Dominion express mes senger on the K. & P. cottage Ingure your furs, buy a moth proof bag. The double strength Kind are sold at Gibson's \Red Gross drug science students of to their homes 'in Smith's Falls, factory. In boxes, 15e., at Wade's City visito®s to-day : 9 Adolphustown; R. A. Fowler, W. J. Webb, Roblin, removed to i Chapmén with his family, having sold actes to Robert Stor- and Rshirts are far dnd away ahead of any other shirts sold for the same money. The H. D. Bibhy Sunlight Soap is better than other soaps, but it is best when used in the Sunlight way. Buy Sunlight Soap When reading becomes a burden, it ix time to visit the expert optician at . "ures aCold inOneDay, Coben's pew statign i= almost rom- pleted and will shopgy be ready for a5 \ CREAM 220 SI1TU- hotel and 'B." 208 SOME KNOWLEDGE f gen Apply to PLUME: New York, WHO "Re v weshing. in 282 GROCERY. wages; Address J. , or pi 3 after 7 p.m. sporoved agents. HAVE ASHER LL { THE ¢ next pack goods , and to the . Whig office ee TO a Movements Of Thy Peop's What They Are Saying And Doing. . Haycock is in Montreal. { i r Slity. Cape Vincent i Ram to the city, 's Falls, Easter at hee home in the manager of the Wings Mon: has retarned rd, Crews, ester. tev. Father Mea, of Bishop's Palace, i in , who has been attending worth . MeGill has been appointed a committee Princess street, , to visit his street, visit in to in is the , Queen Aunstsong, returned this A. Mmstrong, Faerald; 4. L. , @eneral man- ager of the Lake Ontario, and Quebec Navigation company, on business connected with was in town to- their 2Dun gaevey. Everybody in Kingston reads Sr OPEN-FACED, GUN-METAL LADIES ROLL OF BILLS, 2 TENS, 1 FIVE, ry WM. NEWLANDS, ARCHITECT, OF. Drug elie etree POWER & SON ARCHITECT, MER- ARTHUR ELLIS, ARCHITECT, OF- COBALT, THE GREATEST - MINING- in one mile of last survey G.T.P. will double in two vears. A 3 Geo. A. Bateman, 79 Clarence St., Kingston. room frame dwelling, 92 Victoria St. Splendid . cellar, good well. 1 a large lot. Genuine saap 1,000, Department "D." 203 Nehnton street. | "VERQONA," cheap for auiek "sale, or will sell sailing yacht: "Lady B." Have also a number of skifis Tl dinghys, new and second hand. Auvply RSton Rout Company, foot Shmece St. the residence of the late Dr. Walkom: also the twe brick houses on John: son street, Neos. 116 and 118; rented for $18 a month each. For terms, etc, apply to Walkem & Walkem, Clarence street. Sour Wants @ease to be Wants Ween in . Gbhe Whig the Whig. LOST. watch, or Tuesday. Finder please ro- turn to Whig office. DAMASK TOWEL, BETWEEN 180 Johustcn St. and Post Office, or in Post Once. Finder will be rewarded by leaving it at 180 Johnston St. PARCEL OF SUNDAY SCHOOL papers, cn Saturday afternoon. be- tween Livingstone and University Avenues. Please return to this Office. +2 twos, 1 one, Saturday, on Prin: cess or Barrie strests. Liberal re- ward for their return to Whig office. ARCHITECTS. fico, second! floor over Mahood's store, coriier Princess and Bagot streets. autranc on Bagot street. Phone, hn - chant's Bank Buildine, corner Brock and Wellington streets. "Phone, 212. fee site of New Drill Hall, near cor- ner of Queen and Montreal streets. HENRY FP. SMITH, ARCHITECT, , ete. Anchor Building, Market Square, . "Phone, 345. BUSINESS CHANCES. camp in the world. Fortunes made daily. Shares purchased now will produce great returns. New strikes 'made daily. Our weekly letter Sells BRICK SHOP oT Pl AND er modern NO. a A MAY THE FIRST. 481 J Mi SoH BRICK A FRAMD HOUSE. RENT MODER- se ------------ STORE AND DWELLING. SELL tte emt eA OUR POLICIES COVER MORE ON i : Nt. McCARTHY. OFFICE all about it. Wills & Co,, - Coba! Do Not Miss --THE-- DEMONSTRATORS TALK FE 1, \ A CORSETS ALL THIS: WEEK At The Somerville Co's. We are receiving New Hats every day--come and see them. THE SOMERVILLE co. ture, ete, WW, Queeit sirset. i Cann, 51 Brock [FIRST CLASS * HOUSE, JN BROCK St., rout oki moderate, fookioe Pursases., Apply wt 158 4 ------ 10 ROOM BRICK DWELLING. ALL modern hoprovements May 1st. oO inet, Wellington hi + ie ss 31 Princess: Deon edintely, A 4 w 1 Torvents: Net a joes ply R. Nesbitt, 387 J anagt: BRICK DWELLING, NO. 19 SYDEN- ham street West, at present vecu pied by H. Youlden, PR 1st Nas Apply to Jas hardson & FIRST CLASS SITU ATED, AND constructed brick 'house. 11 rooms, modern lmprovements, fronts north, detatched, opposite Street pletivay, near Baptist church. next. manth, : Union Street' West sell, Aly 5 i SITUATED HOUSE IN CITY. am prepared to rewt m; tow, residence to a suitable tenant, 14 oma anil a a billinxd room, ol 80] Parties with Sma ir bn need not apply, D, Allan Black, King Si 3 AS Pete FROM MAY 18ST, ° 1900. FINB . water heating, good out buildings, warden and apacious grounds. Apply to Cungin~ham & Jan, 79 Clarence street, Kingston, tT. Sh oe eet A LARGE FURNISHED LEQUNTRY ocated residence. Beautifully Lake Shove, ot the Brother's 1sland ;« Slaw small unfurnished cottage. Can 1 tenant th JE ts CR a Tom - city il. Allan Black, King stree! v ply FOR SALE OR TO-LET. ate, -or will sell. on monthly Aare ments for what it rents for. Apply Dr. Curtis. A $2,500, rent 15 per month. or exchange for. other Jropetty, Joba ARTner, 151 Wellington St. x BRICK DWELLING, FOUR Hooks P Office ; ire lomirance apuets wil 187, Sats' pes ge | ee ew busi vet rates fr Strange y Strange, Axunts. om building and contents than any other company offers. Examine Godwin's Insurance Emporium, Mal et Scuare. . MEDICALS. LATELY Mon occupied hy Dr. Ryan, corner freal and Drock streets. DR. JILLIAN GIBSON, PHYSICIAN, Re House: Surgeon, ete. ats sident Surgeon. Kingston General Office--232 Kine. Stroot, opposite: Bok of Montreal. "Phone. 48. ' THE BRADBURN HOUSE In Omemee Was Dastroyed by Fire To-Day. Omemee, Ont. April 19. ~The Brad- burn 'house was discovered to be on fire, this morning, a few minutes after four o'clock. The fire had made such headway that the building ~ and con- tents were a total loss, and several of the inmates had to flee in their night clothes, and whatever thoy could grab in their flight. Houses across the street wore in danger, but the fire was vonfimed about $6,000; covered Ly to the hotel building. Loss insurance. ------------ A motion by Mr. Beleourt was pass- ed um rineunly by the House of ComuefBs, yesterday, praying ° the king. and queen to visit' Canada and Partifipate in the opening of - Yusha bi Premier Whitney formally tntcodduord in the legislature, yesterday, a mo- tion for the issue of £3,000,000, sub- scribed stock or bonds of the kaming railway. New eablage from South Carolina, large, solid" heads, at Carnovsky's, "Pay walter rate and save discount." Me , NT wn pis: -- - T_T - ANOTHER Te woNnes 'ox SCIENCE. Biology Has Proved That Dand. ruff is Caused by a Germ. Science is*doing wonders these days in medicine as well as in mechanics. Rinee Adam lived, the human race has been troubled with dandruff, for which no hair preparation has heret [rove a successful cure until New- pro's Herpicide was put on the mar- 'ket. It is a scientific preparation that kills the germ that makes dand- ruli or seurf by digging into the sealp to get ap the root of the hair, where it sap 'the vitality, causing itching scalp, falling hair, and finally , bald- hess, Without dandraff hair * must grow luoxuriantly. It is the only de * stroyer of dandruff. Sold by leading druggists. Send 10c. in stamps for' sample to The Herpicide Co... But Mich. G. W. Mahood, special agent, Wade's Compo ' Wild Coersy pound. $2 Big bottles at W ae * Chinon he. "makes 0 furniture look like ue 2c oat ol Chown's, : a ) of Tar and ol