SAAN, oo Rg Gusnline Engine, from 14 to 20 "Engine supplies. i aaa park, Plug and Coils 'supplied from tank on our Smad sin _Egiine before pur ia LIMITED ) Foundry, _ {A. E. HEROD "¢ Ordered Footwear All the popular lines of . Shoe Dressings. ; 384 Princess Stroct SITTIN orprananae Dy ar i HIN I HRINAP FA HE Va * -- $e Justice Rules Es At our oon yards, awd every customer may rest assured of obtaining "his MONEY'S worth, whither he, buys a ton or a cars land. Tt i merely a matter of full weight--quality "of. cont counts as well, But full weight we clalin to, mixes of . high grade coal, and our lst of patrons contains the names of many who Will back our assertions. ai R. CRAWFORD, | woOTOF GURENST. \ 2 Corbett's rates. -Jthe contents of the st and make easy work of digestion. The nour- i rties of the food are ly assimilated and the arried «off without irrita- ting the intestines or clogging the cls. : Beecham's Pills should be taken whenever there 4s sick headache, furred tongue, constipation, sallow skin or any symptoms that indi- cate an inactive liver. Sold Everywhere, In boxes 25 cents. Do You Know That? - Citizens of Kingston and vicinity de- siring to store household goods have ample facilities extended to them hy W. G. FROST 299 Queen St. Telephone 526 All goods' left in his charge receive Cleans, Dry amd Promp: Service Carriage Painting a Specialty At Strachan's Hardware ATTEND 1HE BEST Ambitions young men and women Who are contemplating a Commercial Fduca- tlon in Shorthand, Typewriting, Book. k ng, ete. Civil Serv wl fen priv, = 5 i ervice course, Frontenac |, J roniena Business College The best equipped ' and dute business 1 Eastern Ontario. St may enter at any time, and all graduates are assisted to good pay- n= situations. Write for catalogue nnd most up-to- training institution In Principal. IN THE HICH COUR OF JUSTICE In the Matter of the Winding Up Act Being Chapter 129 of the Revised Statutes of Canada and Amending Acts, and in the Matter of the Frontenac Cereal Company, Limited. PURSUANT to the winding up orders made in the matter of the above Uom- pany and dats the 13th day of April, 1006, the undersigned will on the Joth day of April, 1908, at '2.80 o'clock in afternoon at his , Chumters - in Osgoode Hall, Toronto, appoint: a per manent Liquidator of the aho Com- puny and let all parties then atfend. JAMES 8. CARTWRIGHT, OMcial Referce Dated the 17th day of April, 1904. ENTER NOW For a Business, Shorthand or i Kingston Business College { imited 8 ous apariaents, eomylete Squipmant, s1callont results, uates demand. Thorough fdual foatxuction com= potent and experienced teachers in * de mt. Open rough- t the whole year, tal J.B: MeKAY, HF. METCALFE Presidents _ Principal, Cook's Cotton .Root Compound. » The gréat Uterine Tonic, and- safe ual Monthly Storage! | rs------------------------------ THE DAILY, WHIG. ""Opifer per Orbem Dicer." ff Sep - -- Preserving Land Marks. The government does wisely in tak- ing steps to improve Tews de Pont barracks and Fort Henry. The reasons for the proposed abandonment of these | places was never apparent to the peo- ple. The barracks are old, and they nocd an overhauling, but a much smaller sum than the cost of new building will make them ull that can he desired, ; . Tete de Pont is rich in memories of regiments which figured in the wars of Great Britain and which, will be re- membered. The fort was, too, the hab- itation of royal artillery, which had an honored place in tne records of the nation, Suppose the barracks and fort are not perfect in some respects, not what the government would have, now | projected, the fact remains that they can, witn a reasonable expenditure, be made very serviceable, and the preser- | vation of the fort, as a historic lapd- mark, will find approval on every hand, | 1 a location is desired out of the jeity the fort is preferable to Lake On- tario Park, and there is no. compari: sgn between them for comfort, for con- the best of care at a reasonable cost, | veticnee, for an outlook peculiarly at- tractive and a relationship with mili- tary college which is simply unique, Taxing The Railways. Michigan has won a notable triumph in the success of its law for the taxa- tion of railways. This state has lod in the efforcement of the Pingree idea that the companies which enjoy great privileges or great franchises, should contribute generously to the public revenue, The tax is a very high one, under the law which was passed a couple of years ago, and the companies, (in- cluding the Grand Trunk, which owns or operates seven lines), combined for an appeal to the highest court in tae land. ; The state has won the day, and now the railway Sir Charles Rivers-Wilson realize--as said Lofidon at the annual meeting of the Grand Trunk--that they will have to face the tax in the future, and pay the arrears, which amount to an enor- mous sui, . What the Grand Trunk's sharé is has hot been stated. A sharcholder at the London meeting sought to find out from the president what the lia- Lility is by asking, Is it £100,000? Sir Charles did not deny it, neither did he admit it. Michigiih is: in Tuck, So also is every other state that influenced by it has under contemplation the taxing of the i. Untario has the benefit the experience and the effect of it will be scen in the legislation which Mon, Mr. Hanna has in hand. corporations in of The Muck Rake. President Roosevelt had his reasons for referring so much to the man and the muck rake. There is such a thing as stirring up too much material. A scraping and & cleaning are very ne cessary hetimes, and when one is at it there is nothing like making a complete joly of it. But the president says one may be the sight of other oh- #0 intent upon the ground or muck as to lose jects, and he may lose in ambitions that are lofty and clevating in their It all the occupations or engagements of the character, depends. upon what individual, used a muck the cursed of Boston, rake in the early development of He and abused, but he kept on with his + of the which a legislative commit- Lawson, insurange scandals. was work and it led to s dis coveries tee recorded a little later. Ida Tarbell Hadley, of lowa, used the muck. rake Standard succeeded in making people readily re and Attorney-General to advantage on the oil cose, and they a stench which the cognized and abominated. The president himself bandled the muck rake when he exposed some of the iniquitics of the railway com and, leoking into senators on Sa panies cand trasts, the faces of certain Fy lates an w th 'Women ean epend. § In ZL of sre N cusses, all dry 00 di 1 3 2 0. 8, id on t of price. ro, One dormer inc} NEW YORK Restaurant 83 Princess Street «Open from 10.80 a.m. to 3.00 a The best place to get an und Lunch in the city. of kinder, aotice" English Chinose a specialty: Tt is understood that securities to be handed over hy Joseph Phillios, Loaf the York County Loan, 'will realize XN * turday, talked of evils that needed correction. The mick rake is the plement of the man sing beat, and ~ if he be true to mission he will stop at nothing short of thoroughness in the task he has assigned himsclf, helping dm who is on clean his The Ottawa Citizen wants to know why Mp. Smith, M.P.P., suffered pecially by information handed out by the commerce department. Because an * English importer made a special in his case. Tt ie safe to say he will not ship the sagain, os fuss areng brand of apples will not But all rumors are not reliable: to do great things cessionaries. It finds now that it can- | "it is, but the fact that the senate is antagonizing the idol of the people, and it will not be | surprising if, 'some of these days, he | : the will test the popu- larity of his policy by appealing to the people for another term. He announced when clected 'the pre- sident thatihe would not seek the honor again. Practically he had serv- od them a full term, having succeeded Mr. MoKinley when that gentleman fell in the opening of his second term. But Mr. Roosevelt had no reason to expect the treatment he is now re cfiving, and at the hands of his po: litical friends. «+ 'The republicans rule in the senate, and the republicans are responsible for all the contrariness of of spirit which is at once an offence and a vexation to the president, He is helpless. His cabinet represents his personal choice of administrators. He has no standing in toe popular chambers, He cannot dictate legisla tion. He ean suggest it, and wu poli- tical party which recognizes how fairly the president reflects public sentiment should ordinarily be operate with him and forward plans, It is mot the ideal position of strong man to have ideas and 4 mark time while others who have to fot hostile in their mood. velt is havipg an expefiepce which may be worth much to {he nation ere his reign has closed. of Man Of Action. Announcement is made that a mem ber of the eouncil, ae: count, has under comsideration the organization of the civie official staff, with a view to its efficiency. He may Be inspired towards action by the delay on his own which has occurred in the work of a special committee which was named #t the beginming of the year. This - committee was suggested by the desire that there should be a careful review. of the duties of the officials and their rewards, and for the purpose of securing such a re-ad justment 'amd revision as stances demantled, The city now employs many men in the administration of its alairs. In addition te those who have to do, as formerly, with the conduct of its busi- ness, with the of rates, with the direction of justice, with "the care and maintenance of the highways, with the trusts that fall to municipal legislators;* there are the great public utilities and the responsi bilities which they entail. The business' men who are apt and progressive consult all manner of au- thorities in order to manage their en terprises with. the They introduce system wherever pos- sible, and the information now offer- od in certain publications suggests re- most important charac- publications there are corporations, and the the circum- levying and collecting utmost success, forms of the ter. In ideas for civie these discussion of thém ds quite in order. Has committee of council considered any plans looking to a reorganization of the civic stafi ? The salary question the special our is only an inci dent of the greater one, namely; that of distributing the work of the city so that cach man will be doing that for which he has a special fitness, and the people's business will be ar ranged with the care which the indi vidual, or private corpgration is ex pected to display. The alderman who is now looking the the special committee into action, and if into matter may stimulate he does this. or surpasses it in prac tical service, he will be doing the city @ favour. Editorial Notes. It is announced that Knox College amalgamate with Queen's, Dr. Pyne has discovered that he dia not. embrace school trustees in his ad visory council... He will provide for these even yet. The Australian railways cleared over $22,000,000 in' 1905, They are manag ed by a commission, the 'chairman of which is a Canadian, Mr. Tait, | co-- The Whitney government was going to the pulp con- not dragoon the edpitalists, ---- Mr. Roosevelt js mot a candidate for re-election. So he wants the rich men put under tribute. He could not talk this way and stay in politics. ---- Gorky came. to 'America to raise a big fund for men, and he succeeded in raising, in- stead, a 'big scandal. He realizes that his mission to 'America has been ruin- ed, ---- i The egptain of the Slocum, which went down in-New York harbor and drowned so many, wants . Be was thé only punished for the accident. The more's the pity. But that is no reason why he whould be whitewashed. his certificate, ong -------- : The man who suggested the opera- tion of the Gillies limit hy the gov- the aid 'of his country- | to recover nxious to 'co- | a . | presented the his | a | residence of his son in Montreal { Monday, | eighth year of his age, ¢ the | %. on nr power of initiation are indifferent if | alps were brought here r. Roose- | | | railway a King- one of the commissioners. This - knocks 'ston man "out of the' honors his friends were conferring upon' him. a Can the. seats of the Saskatchewan members be protested 7 There is a doubt. The automomy bill changed the situation and the judges are helpless until there is remedial legislation. The opposition "is wild. It sees the chances oF another clection turmoil fading away, GANANOQUE BUDGET. Farmer Had Hands Jammed--Ol Building B 1 : Gananoque, April 19.--Joseph Ca- due, of Howe Island, had both his hands badly jammed in coming from the island to the main shore yester- day morning at Welsh's ferry. There were two "teams on board apd the horses were crowding. Ladue in his efforts tg keep them from crowding off the boat received his injuries. He had his wounds dressed by a doctor. About eleven o'clock last evening the alarm of fire was sounded from box 14, the sceme of the place 'being an old building some times used as ice house in the rear of W. G. Matthew's residence, During the afternoon some brush had been set on fire in clearing up the place and sparks from it ere supposed to have been the cause. The firemen were on hand promptly. and spread of the flames. " any farther, GW. Lendrum passed away at the on seventy- iving his wife by just about 'six weeks. The re to-day, and the funeral took place yesterday alf- ternoon to.Christ church, thence to Willow Bank cemetery, Rev, J, T. Ser- son officiated, The license April 16th, in the commissioners for this }.. he : district wnt in the town hall Monday 'friends and relatives at Wilstead, power but he did not do it, He afternoon. The renewals of licenses could not he made as the inspection had not been "completed. The request for license by W. Lloyd for Merton was considered and sent to the depart- went for decision. The meeting was p- journed till Friday to' meet in 'the vill age of Morton. Rev. Joseph Cornell delivered a lec- ture Tuesday evening in Bethel chureh his subject being "California." The social at the Gananogue East parson- age was well attended last evening; The proceeds will be used to fence in the parsonage property. . The main streets of the Just been scraped anc now look quite respectable. Stephen Dorey, of Victoria avenue spent Easter with relatives in : to, returning home last Davison, of Brockville, is spending a week with friends in town. + Miss Elsie Britton, daughter of My, and Mrs. W. H. Britton, Main street who has of late been attending con- town have 1 cleaned up and Toron- "ening. W, servatory of music at Ottawa, is spending her Faster Vacation . at home. Arthur Rogers, accountant of the Bank of * Toronto, Omemee, is spending his vacation ents, Mr. and Mw. C. Stone street. Harry ¥. Baker, Mrs.. Thomas Baker, during the past week for Orillia where he has taken a position with the Can adian Express company. Miss Sarah Cross, King street, who has been spending a few days with re- turned home yesterday, W. N. Bul- loch, Sr., who has been spending the past lew weeks with friends and re- Iatives here, left for his home Fstevan Alberta last ~vening. Miss Maud Cornell, of Harrowsmith! ig spending her vacation at the Ganan- oque East parsonage, with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cornell. Miss Rachel Whitmore, at Rockwood asvium, Kingston, spent the day with her mother, Mrs. Whit more, Garden street. with his par B. Rogers, son of Mr. and King street. loft In -------- Whitney A Humbug. | Brantford Bxpcsitor. Whitney threatened : to abolish the succession duties when he got inte ) also railed against the. numbered ballot, but clings to it until he had been shamed , into doing something, and now. he says its days are numbered, Nestlé's Pood has nourished three generations of sturdy children. Nestié's Food is used by thousands ers, who were "themselves brought ug on it. Nestlés Food Means Healthy Babies « because it supplies all the nourish- ment that any baby needs to w intoa gros. thy child, Nestlé's requires no milk-- Just Md water. tt Pree sample sen an the: who will ya Y mother The Losing, Miles Co., Sole Ageats, Montreal. DON 5 THE FREE DISTRIBUTION OF FULL SIZ Boppy (Cod Liver Oil, Iron and Phosphorous) L At GW, Mahood TO-MORROW, FRIDAY, APRIL g0y, From 9 am. Until Samples Are Exhausteq THIS CERTIFICATE u This isa successful gop. a ina , Properly filled ut anid Sisued, 1 ition of the well-knowy, hed Bote of" Faor tia a his remedies, Aver Oil, * Iron and osphorus) x - T res ai 9 1Vi » if posmoitad Fridayy QW Fb er Oil, Iron and pho. hood, from 9 a.m, until sauiples are exhausted. phorous. The formula j5 no-secret and oyr nalysi showed the presence apq ; amount of constituents a ' described. The Prepara. tion is a good- one dnd of Name of Patient Address Disease ere of this ertifica i i 1 Porat this eruicate | distinct therapeutic vale his nedicine horo : : inithial trial snd to report tothe| 1 DIE ASSOCiation of an gg, druggist nained above, © within three weeks, the improved = condi ly assimilable oil ig 5 fine state of division with a phosphatic salt of jp, which does not disturb the digestive functions and which is easily tolerated, determines its success asa food and tonic in wasting diseases.=Copied from the London Lancet. tion of his health that is almost absolutely certain' to follow. What the London: Lancet recommends as a food and 3 tonic in all wasting diseases must have a very special quality, No higher endorsation is possible. The results following the use of FERROLjfor the past tea years have proved that this endorsation is well deserved. - EE -- ---- Oh WR, Rh, WR, wh wn The H. D. Bibby Co. The H. D. Bibby Cs, Here's a Proposition All on the (.T. What we want to suggest is this :-- Some day very soon, while things are frésh, we ask that you drop in for a look at our New Spring Suits and our New Toggery--we'll put our time against yours. That's the proposition--We want you to see our handsome Suits for men,' especially the $10, $12, $13 and $15 lines. We want to show you our elegant Top Coats and our smart, attractive spring things for your wardrobe. Accept our proposition ? Spring Shirts Now is the time to get first choice and the. best time to select your Spring and Summer Shirts. See Our Nobby $1.00 Lines THE H. "D. BIBBY CO. 'THE STRICTLY CASH AND ONE PRICE STORE 0 WI gn, le, fn For the Most Active Dress Goods Selling of the Season % tt eh . hid wr | lark 51 inch Mohair Sicilian, bright lustrous finish, in bla 12 navy, G0c. quality. Special to-morrow, per yard id 41 inch Fine Imported Henriettas, rich satin finish. in or 135. rose, and 19 other shades, also cream. 'Specidl at 51 inch Coating Serge, guaranteed all pure wool and just the cloth for Skirt:Waist Suits, comes in blaf the wanted colors, Special at, per yard 200 Yards $1.25 New Grey Suitings, 9c, 3 You'd really pay $1.25 and consider it a od value, when fact, it would be the same quality we offer to-morrow selling Dress Goods at the lowest prices in town, and whi buying Dress Fabrics, we want to lay claim to the ia the best selection in Kingston. <0, Wo are rvbody i$ have 1t will pay you to buy your Dress Ggods at 180 Wellington Street The James Johnston Store ' 5% Sal Sa al 3, 48 DRESDE 35, 49, 50¢ Yo There [/ we would 2 See Most ¢ 7 oss sans gow @e $d For Our qual Splend CIPI P0SOOOCOICPOO®® Commission Orders Executed on all Exchanges ¥ Long Distance Te BUMPER CRO} -- -The Indications That V St. Cpthurines. Store Going Ly Ww hat ' Bound hey ay, tl ® a bumper crop of &ra district this ve Wintered x eedingly declare, 4nd there: foro urge crop of Plants "und Pe + Ve died (hi. vi mild weather, and With other fruit tree plants winlered well The otha Ops it look well, all wh Some growth and 4) tle winter killed wh Wa was due to th days when the w) . by frost wwe) a pt J al Mother |i, » th