Daily British Whig (1850), 20 Apr 1906, p. 1

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ble that nearly es four month lendar 2" Trois s l $0, and we : ith a summary of the mo will have for the next fey --good and neat, Y--will be the cail from every ll again be at their books and ut of school hours than they ow what that means--harg Then vou and * the man" will ery for the warmer weather v hosiery, new hosiery --of \Imost enough to make fhe iere to serve you. But kee) "Hosiery for All." m the mere reading of cold on and "handles the goods, js ill you visit us to-morrow ? will stand good lannder easily, pair, 75, 6 49, 45, 39 and and gm an extra. special the 4) popular price 8 CASHMERE STOCKINGS, for present and many priges quality at 45c. for 1.25, anather at . 3 pairs for 1.00, and an 25 excellent special at, * GIRLS': RIBBED CASHMER? STOCKINGS, in many quali ties, with a special bhrand--the "Windsor," of fine rib and gis- ing the nea effect of any quality we'y r sold. Re member the name and ask for the "Windsor." strong and hard wear and summer wear, uy 9c, one o airs BOYS® RIBBED CASHMERE STOCKINGS, "with six-fold knees and {oes double ry extensive heels, at a + range, per pair, and mg price down to 1 ccord- 19. . to size from PIES THT IOIN a Back Number ¥ do not use a Type The visible writing 3 will please you and iC. ne for a month. 11 Wellington St $ 2344S $H434¢ OPPO VED Cocoanuts ch Princess St. BIG FRE PUY BR -- -- - D Iw pretty the on's favor Ar ed cogrectpes jot us sho¥ them it all ) 00 and 8.9 orothy Dodd Ties ar )arent in ever mart Oxfords. W STORE FRENCH NATURAL WOOL UNDERWEAR All sizes from 31 to 44, $1 per gar- ment. The softest and mast pleasing fo the touch of any line imported. If you are troubled with irritation by the French-- pritish Natural Wool, all sizes, per FAFMIEDY ness mits? inane das Se. Taion Wool hcivnnions ous 50¢. French Balbriggan, all size . B0c. American . . 38e. Canaan - coo iiiinn Bamsinsns Crerensene 2c Underwear to fit all people, at the Jowest price possible, B. P. Jenkins Clothing Co. For Construction of Church Building to be Erected for Victoria Avenue Baptist Church, Belleville, Ont, Will be received up to 24th inst. in- cusive, for masonry, brickwork, plaster- ing, th work, plumbing, painting carpentering, heating and lighting. Ten- ers will received either for work separately or en bloc. The lowest or any tender not nccessari- Iy accepted. Plans and specifications riny be seen at Stroud Bros. Tea Store Front S le ¢ Important Auction Sale MONDAY, April 23rd No. 26 Wellington Street Yery fine Piano, Fisher, N.Y., Fas "Reclininy Rocking and Reception Chairs in S ilk Tapestry Lether, etc., ir Furniture. in Ma- ¥ Miss McFadden, to Bellevil dence, the above, also wry fine Carpe in Brussels and Tap- esity, Rugs, very fine Black Walnut Fix: atre, Side and other Tables, on, Crockery Glassware nd Cutlery, 1 five-pieces, Cheniel, Lace ains, Curtain Poles, Oil avingy, Mahorany Sofa, C locks, Basles, Oil- deboard, Hanging Suits. Bedstéads, Mattresses, 'Wing othing, Pillows, Feather Stair Carpets, Bureaus, Step Ladder, a ouantity Dinner Wa and Pickels Jelly and ¥ Moulds, erator 0. 9 t con ce Cream articles too ALTER, Auctioneer Anderson Bros. Cor. Princess and Division Sts. Phone 458. Te our rs and others' to-mor Yow, Satur our usual Sale of Fresh 4 and Salt M We have a large ship- ment of ( well hung, Cucht . Rogsts, Re. 9c. 10¢ 2ic. per 1b Bor Pieces. fie., 7¢., 8c. per Mh. Sugy 1 Corn Br . TH Che St < 1 15¢.° Ih I resh | to 15¢. 1b. Speeial Saudiges, 3 Ibs, 25: . Cool M Ir ir W } Hams and Bacon \ 8 taddish Onions, . Parsley, Eggs. Butter, lots of good Open to 8 p.m. To-night ert in this evening if Anderson Bros. tii LT __ TENDERS WANTED. SEALE] TENDERS WILL BE RE- undersigned up until 7 25th of April, 1908, for n of a Stone, Steel or said bridge to be Corporation of the For further particulars ham, Reeve. The lowest ot ' necessarily accepted MAX ROBINSON, Clerk. Boos! Malorls ~~ Ercaliont Workmanship Appearance Ly Gr -- Features to bé 'had in our Shoes Wear "Allen's" Miltary Bootmakers $Brack st. Sign of Golden Boor. DIREC & wilt urs. ods. 7, 0 better Pliioy than 9» Tut's Second. Hand Store 398 Princess Street. f On Saturday. don't for; "N's high tty." . Prices fof Stoves an buyige or useful all other trading, selling get a box of class candy. "The Sold only at Gib- « Fi i DAILY MEMORANDA, - . ------; A Big attraction to-morrow. Will te Camptell Bros. New Hats. Civic Finanes Committee, 8 pm. Marteau," Violinist City Hall, 8 p.m. Marks' Company, Grand: Opera House, 8.15 p.m. Matinge, Grand Opera House, 2.30 p.m., Saturday Kingston Lodge, No. 39, 1.O.O.F., nee this evening. Jumble Sale, Brock St., Friday night and Saturday. The sun r Saturday at 5.09 a.m. aud sets at 6.49 pon. "For Hats at « dollar, wo dollars or thr George Mills and Company, Can always suit me." This day in history 'Napoleon TII born, "1808 : Charles Darwin died, 1882 . Long Parliament dissolved. ---- ms ---- CHINA Just Opened A very pretty lot of dainty china in odd preces Mayonaisse Dishes Sugars and Creams Chocolate Jugs Cracker Jars ..ROBERTSON BROS 7 Little Moths Do Big Damage In summer. You mill. avoid the risk of having your fard Puined by having us store them for you. Que charges are moderate. Furs called for and delivered. McKay Fur House Telephone 489. Auction Sale Of Fine Household Furniture MONDAY, April 23rd At the Residence of F. W. Singleton, 186 Union Street West. Comprising--Fine Oak Bedroom Suite, irass and o r Beds Dressing Cases *, Students Study Mables i Parlor Suite, Oak 'Din- ing Room Set Extension Table, Side- board, Office Desk, « Curtains and Blinds, Carpets and Oilcloth, several ry House Plants, Sofas, Oak Centre Tables. Springs and Mattresses very fine. Coal Oil Range, New Kitchen Range, Lawn Mow¢r, hen Utensils and other goods too rous to inen- tion Sale, 10.30 a.m Terms cash HN H. MILLS JO F. W. VAN LUVEN ' 246 Princess Strest. Phone 417. Auction Sale To-morrow at 11 a m. At the Wdigh Scales, Market Square . Two Cows and Calf »3S%ke TERMS : CASH JOHN H. MILLS Auctioneer NOTICE_SILVER BAR , who bought stock at share, are selling at 7c Same perso fifty cints per per share The Company, however ing any stock, anywhere are not offer 8s than par, Agents. Will put naw life in yon, the Blaud's Pill, with the small rod cross on the box. Sold wily at Gibson's MILLS & CUNNINGHAM, Selling Rad LR * | ------------ San Francisco, Cal, April 20.--Last night three distinct fires were burning. One was in the territory that extends from Nob Hill easterly, towards the water front. It was travelling slowly northerly, towards the Telegraph Hill section; and may die out for lack of material, or may sweep towards = the extreme water front. The second centre was in the mission district. Herd" ti fire. had reached Eighteenth street, but was making little headway to- wards the hillsides to the west, where thousands of people are camped. The third and most dangerous: fire that threatening the western part of the city. This really is a continua- tion. of the Nob Hill fire. It is wedge shaped, with the apex pulling forward. This is the point against which the firemen are bending their greatest offorts. All efforts to check the spread of the flames at Vanness avenue hy blow- ing up a mie of buildings on the east side of the 'avenue proved fruitless. The fire has spread across the broad | thoroughfare, and from present indica tions, the entire "western addition, which containg the homes 6f San Fran- cisco's wealthier cliss, is now doom- ed. The destruction) of the western ad dition of the city completes the work of the ravaging flames and marks the! devastation of the entire city. Possibility Of\ Famine. The possibility of famine already is presenting itself. At best the city never carried more than three days supplies of provisions, and food, and with the wholesale districts wiped out, there is a shortage of food. Lyi in most instances, have more than treb led. Policemen were stationed at' some of the retail shops, and permitted cn- ly a small portion of. goods to be de hvered to each purchaser. -- Reports were received that nimer- ous men caught in the mct of looting had been shot. The military are un- usually strict in the enforcement of the order to shoot all looters. One man, on Market street, digging in the rains shop, was discovered serve man, The féllow the reserve who was found of a jewelery by naval re and fired upon three times. sought safety in flight, but man brofight him down by a running a bayonet through him. The bodies of three thieves were found ly- ing in the streets, in the south side, yesterday forenoon. Yesterday, some sort of systematic communication could be had by means of automobiles, but to day every street 1s piled high with ruins, and, to add to this trouble there is eon. stant danger from falling wall On miles of streets the front walls of ruined buildings stand swaying with the distant dynamite explosions and rising winds. Frequent- y¥ a crash of stone and brick, followed by a cloud of dust, give warnings to pedestrians of the unsafety ofNtravel All manner of reports of death and disaster are coming to the temporary headquarters 'of the authorities. but thes: reports are received gunardedly, al concussions © of Citizens Not Discouraged. Notwithstanding the gigantic pro- portions of the completeness of the disaster. San Francisco is not dis couraged. Its best and highest class already has begin to plan for res- toration, and to care for the stricken ones, and the relief will be immediate and effective. Total subscriptions of £180,000 were announced . this morning. Chief of Police Dypan last night said 250 would fully cover the number of the dead. About fifty bodies have thus far been found. Roosevelt's Proclamation. Washington, April 20. -- President Roosevelt to-day issued "the following {proclamation : . ' "In the face of so terrible and appal- a national calamity, as that which bas befallen: San Franthco, the outpouring of the nation's aid should, as far as possible, be entrusted to the American Red Cross. the national . ganization best fitted to undertake eh relief work, A specially anpointed d Cross apent, Dr. Bdward. Divine, ro {lip dg FIRE AND FAMINE - THE HORRORS Now Seal of 'Doom Upon San Francisco-- Thieves . Are Shot Dead In the Streets. | forwarded | mily. at Oaklands, across the bay from | damage, Auctioneer lowances beirig made for the likeli- TTT aT TTT hood of wexagperation, Hue, tothe con H F GC d fusion that prevails Ih "the Stricken ean, Fresh Goods: -- At Priogs to /nduce Fire Travelling Fast, You to Buy The main fire has reached Octavia | Boulters', or Homestead Peas, 4 cans, | street and is going at fast rate. At 208 : tendibL antl Fone nlidnight, it had started fresh on i Ne bave some nice, tender early June 1 sound end of the line of fire, and was cans Pumvk burning fast, The fire will make clear cans fine Red Salmon, 25¢ sweep as far as Goldin Gate Park, 3 Sardines Famous Crossed Fish Brand The flight of residents from the city Catsup, (2ve. bottles), 15¢ . continues in the ndgture of a panic, A gr ickies, . botthes, 10¢ 18c., 15¢. and | gight earthquake at 5 a.m., accentu- Cans galion Apples, ated their terror. The ferry boats to Rolled Outs, 8 Ibs 2 | adjacent counties were crowded to the GD Jon Ns : S 5 { utmost, and jin the westward portion Valencia Orapges, doz . {of the peninsula a constant throng ,f Choice, ' Sweet "Juicy Oranges, ver {homeless persons, carryine portable dos aye pod belongings, are adding to the colonies We Ji an i rcure sand hills\and 'parks. we offer at 15¢. per p oat | In Golder Gate Park and the unim- Pmcked eats Dooku Meats. in {proved blocks of © the district south Fortunately we secured a stook be » | and north, many varieties of shelter socent adva We offer. > lard. 2 { have been improvised from bedding and 5. pails. 5 1 pails, | blankets " : Butter und Fges plentiful, at lower prices California, to co-operate withthe Red Cross branch in the work of velief, "In otder that this work may be well systematized, and in. order that the contributions which | am sure will flow in with lavish generosity, may be wisely administered, | appeal to the people of the United States, to all cities, chambers of commerce, boards of trade, relief committees gnd indivi duals to express their sympathy: and vender their ald bv contributions to the American National Red Cross. "They can be sent tu Hon. Charles Hallam Koop; Red treasurer, Washington, DC; Jacob H, Schiff, New York Red Cross tre or oth er. local Red Cross treasurer to 'be by telegraph from Wash ington, to the Red Cross agents and its offic in - California. . "(Signed) ROOSEVELT." Cross % First Private Message. Montreal, April 20. One of the first privaté messages received here from relatives in San F was from Alexander Sclater, manager of the Pa cific division of the Sherwin Williams company. He wired his mother, Mrs. ancigeo A. Sclater, this morning: "Through God's mercy we have all been spar- ed." Mr. Sclater resided with his fa- the great scene of desolation, al though Oakland sustained considérable -- The City Desolate. San Francisco, April 19.-San Fran cisco to-night is the city desolate. It seems that the aéme of its misery was rcached at dusk when flames burst from all sides of the beautifiil Hotel Fairmount, the structure that above every other apparently was 'aguinet the % Alls aning fire. 4 Ser Bald Aa pinnacle of AME as far as o¥iR could see to the south, to the east and fur out to the west lay in eruel, fantastic heaps, charred and , smoking, all that re mained of a prosperous city. i The metropolis 'of the Pacific: coast was in ashes This has been another day of an uneven struggle of man against un conquérable" element. Acre after acre has been ground into dust and ashes, despite the heroie perseverance "of the firemen to limit the conflagration Will Be An Ash Heap. ITI Prof. 'Smyth, escorted by French ENGINE AND SOME CARS troops and American marines, drove : to the site of the monument in a carriage, Whils tho band played the | Derailed Near Tilbury--Live Stock 'Star ; Span led Banner," Prof. Were Killed, Smyth formal presente Lat A J To" the TYR 0 New Jaker, York, April 20.--William vice-president and H ereneral | manager of the Postal. Telegraph com { living on the verge of starvation, good | having trouble with the Windsor, Es- | and ing from the deputy chief of the San | fight for the flag if necessary. pany, last night, received the follow Francisco fire department : "Seven-thirty to-night fire still un- | der headway, gathering free and | spreading. Two-thirds of * business section of city devastated, Fire head ing for residential district. fight flames futile. Three hundred thousand will be homeless tonight Ry Saturday San Francisco will he an ash heap. Notes Of The Catastrophe. The New transferred to San Francisco, through | which after the lapse of ages, germin- | ated and produced a. plant. The plant the "sub-trcasury, between and $4,000,000 in gold. The damage by earthquake does not with $23,000,000 by begin to compare the loss f The heart of the business quarter of San Francisco has |, been destroyed by fire. One old night hawk cab driven by a cabman whit with terror, carried more than a million dollars in curren cy and -securiti Men, pulling corps es or injured people from the fallen | ed buildings, stopped to curse these pro cessions as they passed, Scientists say they have known years that San ously located, sooner or later shocks, Down town ov business house crumbled Francisco is danger and . would be subjeet to severe stands, into heaps. their former sites. + Much plundering took place in the early hours. Banks began to take out their bullion and securities, and, un der guard of half-dressed clerks, to send them to the hills. The senate resolution, a 8500,000 for the Franeisco earthquake sufferers, was that 'the #treteh the Geologists say earth between and the const or sinking, and it that it mav motintain ranges constantly uplifting was not impossible ¢ink. There is no doubt a shifting of strata, great depth Francisco. Prof. Tarr, of save the were the result slipping of mountain rocke along numher of fault ward ri Cornell shocks ng of the Mount . St, Bhs beaches on the shores of the hay, The of dav before the strain. is fully lieved, hint this is not absolutely fer tain, : | sermon Rev. Mr, Husband, rector of {ed a present of two beans which had | was Efiorts to | he had a remarkable illustration of the York National Park Bank | resident | ent for | injhgs, was-drowned-ft sea, and yes- probably | Bridgeport. rything is ruin. Nota Theatres are | publishes at length Factgries and | new Ontario liquor measure, describ comypission houses lie smouldering on | ing it as a high hi | { } | | | ppropriating | to time, 'and thinks this has advant- relief of the San | ages over both the amended by the house: committee, the | amount heing increased to $1,000,060, | of | that there has heen a breakdown and | ing child the perhaps atvery | io be suspicious and in the region of San HE University, | of the | al lines due to the up- | rance, This uplift bore up with it the | slipping mav extend throuch « neriod-| lower seeds re- | drug store. All fresh soeds there. driven horses. the cavalrymen d Unveiled and scientist "seated in an arm chair, | the pains of rheumatism without éall- (LLIN rt et WORTH SPENDING MONEY ON. efforts of jgthe Army in colonizing Can- 20, 1906 BAD GANG OF THIEVES Has Been ' Brokem Up By the Winnipeg Police. Winnipeg, April 20.--Hesides six em- ployees arrested'for wholesale thieving and conspiring to stegl-from the Can- adian Pacific ears and freight sheds, four more weve landed «in jail yester- day afternoon, and all were remanded for trial, till Saturday, by which time fifteen other employees and -per- haps more will 'be secured, These men were aided by an organized gang of thioves who had secured the services of yardmen, checkers, teamsters, truck- ers, hrakesmen, engineers, switchmen, and firemen, in their nefarious scheme, and jt is hard to estimate the num- ber of employees iavolved. The cars would be shunted to quiet parts of the yard, casy of access by the gang, who would go quietly to work to unload all such missing. goods being put down by. the company as lost in transit, and the freight claim agent would have: to make good. Sometimes when the ropes were well laid, a teams$ter would drive up to the shed and his dray would be loaded by: his* pals, And then he would convey the stolen property to the storehouse of the gang, This is be- lieved to have been going on for years, The conspiracy 'is widespread, and many men of respectable families are involved. A shack north of the yards was the headquarters. of the con- spiracy and wild orgies with stolen whiskey made many ol last winter's night hideous. town in the Santa Clara Valley, ab- out fifteen miles from San Jose, stats ing that the = earthquake demolished the state insane ys oo at Agnews, near San Jose, burying many of the inmates .in the ruins. 'the ruins took firo shortly after the collapse. There were about 700 persons in the build- ing. Scores of the inmates who. escap- ed death are roaming about the coun- {ry in a state of panic. Prompt action has been taken by the war department in extending to the carthquake sufferers all the available resources at its command to relieve the wants of the distressed *"énd to provide shelter for the homeless . Two hundred thousand rations have been dirveted to be sent from Vancouver barracks to San Francisco and a largé number. of tents from Vancouver and other military posts. The supplies will he forwarded with all the expedi tion passible, Under a special message from Presi- dent Roosevelt, the city was placed under martial law. Hundieds of troops patroled the streets and drove the erowds back, while hundreds more set at work assisting the five and po- lice departments, Three thioves met their death by rifle bullets while at work in the ruins, The cufious were back at the breasts of the rode, and all rowds wore forced from the level viet to the hilly section beyond the north. the 18 aE STATUE in Paris Before sands of People. April 20.--In the presence of thousandsgof people the bronze statue of Benjamin Franklin, donated hy John H. Harjes, the American bank- Thou- VICTIM TO DOWIE. Paris, Woman Fought Rheumatism With Futile Prayer. Pittsburg, Pa., April 20,--So strong or, to the city of Paris, was unveiled | W258 the belief of Mrs, Robert Kenne- this afternoon by Prof.. Albert Henry dy, wife of the general superintendent Smyth, of the American Philosophical | of the big mills of Jones & Laughlin, Society, appointed as the représenta- | 82a one of the best known women * of tive of the American government by [this district, in John Alexander President: Roosevelt, The statue, | Dowie, the dethroned "prophet of which represents the great statesman | Zion, that for ten years she suffered itr a duplicate of that standing in | ing for medieal aid, believing that her front of the Philadelphia post office, | faith ultimately would cure her, was cast in New York, and cost $10, The 'story became known when Dr, It has been placed in the Rue | A. D. Huéted, 4 prominent physician, Franklin, not - far from the house | refused to issue a death certificate for which Franklin occupinl when he was | her, although he had been called in American minister to France, In a |when she died. ! large meeting in the great hall of the Not even with death staring her' in I'tocadero palace, which holds seve- | the face did Mrs. Kennedy lose faith in ral thousand persons and was filled, | the self-styled Elijah II, and she Prof. Smyth delivered the oration, in | maintained to the end that her faith which he paid a glowing tribute 10 | (ould cure her, the genius and character of Franklin. pak cipality of Pavil accepted the gifts broken rail, " siding, about half a mile east of this station, yesterday evening. One of the cnrs, loaded with sheep, was com- pletely demolished, and more than half ions to Emigration. the animals killed. The engine turned London, April 20. --Interviewed at | OVer on its side in the ditch, but was Aberdeen, General Booth told of the | little damaged, The engineer and fire- man, jumped from the cab, escaping injury. Traffic was not delayed, as the wreck did not block the line. VIOLATION OF FRANCHISE Windsor By An Railroad. Windsor, Ont, April 20.--The city is Government Should Devote Mill. ada. He declaretl it would be a good investment for the government to spend a couple of millions, It would not be very much for the government to spend ££ 10,000,000 per annwn, mak- ing of those Crofters agricultural lab- orers, artisans and unskilled laborers who were walking about the streets or From Electric prosperous people, who would sex and Lake Shore Electric Railway now being constructed, In violation of the franchise from 'the city, the com- Indestructability Of Life. pany started constructing within the London, April 20.--1In the course of a | city limits, secretly, before filling the c hond required of it. The city has stop ped the work, Other, features of the franchise also have been violated by the company. St. Michael's church, Folkstone, said indestructibility= of life. A resident of Folkstone had many years ago receiv- To Attend Alfonso's Wedding. New York, April 20.--Mrs, Frederick W. Whitridge, of New York, is one of the most envied women of the United States, for she is to be present at the wedding of King Alfonso, Mrs, Whit ridge is to accompany her husband, Frederick. W. Whitridge, who cots as a representative of President Roosevel®, Mrs. Whitridge is a daurhter of Mat- been taken from the coffin of an Egyp- tian. The beans were probably 2,000 or 3.000 years old. A few weeks ago this planted one of the beans hown on the altar, Her Unlucky Fate. Halifax, April 19.--A tragic feature | thew Arnold, the English scholar, and came out in connection with the fata--| is also related to Mrs. Humphrey lity at Bridgeport, C.B., when Rich- | Ward, the novelist. ard Rockett was killed, His wife has been left three times a widow, all her Four Years In Penitentiary. hushands meeting with death by ace The first, John Neville, was kill- inl 8 few yards from his home while on a coal train. Ten years later her seeond hughand, John Cum Picton, April 20.<At the spring as rizes here yesterday, 'Judge Britton sentenced Frank 'Nelson to four years in penitentiary for manslaughter. Nel son, whe is only seventeen years of age, was arrested a few weeks ago for shooting Mrs, Sarah Brown, an old lady, through the lungs, from the ef fects of which she died a few days later. terday, the, third .. was killed at Ontario Liquor Law. London, April 20.--The Morning Post the terms of the Nonagenarian Dead. Springfield, Ont., April 20.--William Oliver, aged ninety-cight, one of the sense, Fditorially, the Post says thi a distinct ad: | ioneers of this provinee, is dead. Mr. vance over the discretionary English | Ofiver 'was born in England. We is syr- system, hut suggesys 'the alternativeVof | vived by three sons and one danghter, allowing the value of licenses to be | ypq, Cronk, Gananoque, Up to a very adjusted . automatically by putting | few vesirs ago, Mr. Oliver was as ac- them up to public tender from time | tive 'ae men years his jimior, Hats For Wholesale Trade. George Mills & Co. received another large shipment of men's hats yester- day for their wholesale department. English and Can- | adiaxt plans. * Body Of Child Found. ° | Tweed, April 20.-The bhidy of a | child, partially dressed and badly de- Ta sealed packages only, "not in | composed, has been found in' the river bulk." were - MeConkev's ' high class | near She village, From the fact that candy supplied to: the royal traf { there" hat heen no report of a miss- while in Canada. -Sold. only at Gib: circumstances appeared | Lob TRG Orgy drug store. 'Phone an inquest has | 5a ran wn. ordered. Dr. Harper, of Madoc, | coroner, will copduct the enquiry. the best-lines of chocolates tured and we brand are the best. W. J. Crothers. Moth tar bags, 10c. at Best's. One Dollar. Buys a nobby mew hat at Camp- | bell Bros., the up-to-date hat store, - Make Kingston beautiful, Buy your at Gibson's: Red Cross On Market Square Robert J, Tilley, a young farmer We want you to be able to procure ¢ claim _thigt 'our: Rideau | Auction Sale, Saturday, 21st One Thorourhbived Jersey Cow & Calf wii 20 hd ER day, fi wester winds, fine, aud Tiernan ane, Eiodn > Specials ' Pongee Sitks Special, in matural colors, 30 inches wide. A Gc. quality sell. ing at 60c. Ladies' Umbrellas New handles, paragon frames, and extra good quality tops, The best you ever saw at $1. Batiste Corsets Made of 'fine, strong, 'cotton batiste, well boned and lace trimmed. A 75¢. model. Sveacy's wll a Jw, 8 bs Aly 5 Ney price, 50c. be - Ladies'. "Empress" Kid Gloves : Mannish cut, 1 dome fastener, colors, . Tans, Greys, - Pearl and White. A ' great Glove for the money. Price, 7bc. : : Fancy Wash Collars New York's latest designs, White, with embroidered and crochet éffects. They look like 50c. Our price is 28c. consignment of POINT LACE GOODS, including, Collars, Berthas, Boleros, Laces, Inser~ tions, etc., and we invite your ine spection. , { ROBT. J, REID, "Phone 877, 323 Princess St. | All This Week "RAY BELL anks Marks Bros. Dramatio Company In a Repertoire of Standard Plays. To-night, A Woman's Sacrifice Matinee, LITTLE STARLIGHT Topular Prices Nang. Joe: 13¢c. and k 250c. Matinee, 108. Seats on sale #8 box, TUESDAY, April 24 E. D. Stair Presents GEORGE STONEY Busy Izzy's Vacation 3 Prices--25¢c.. 50c., 786. $1. Seats on. sale Saturday. April 26th, FRANK DANIELS "SERGEANT BRUE" OUR OWN PEL § LEND Is put up to sell again and again--not for onee only. It will give you such excellent, all-round satisfaction that you - won't want to change. IN POUND PACKAGES, 35¢. Jas: Redden & Co. from Kesex, Ont., was robbed of $1 ,Saleat 11 a.m.

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