the physieian an Ss of & tumor now, periods around on, ely well, | 1 he says | It has algo bro nC ore; ang § shall neve to Lam of Lydia Pinkhgr,ot Without have pny pound in the house. ford, Pa. MOU jogher Case of Tumor Cured by eV a Pinkham's Vegetable Come * Mrs. Pinkham - \bout three y ag i Lin my ston h A cd intense ng headaches. T)e doctor Ps ad ne, but finding that | did har el r he examined me apd, to ny nr I had a tumor. pie, felt sure that jt meant ant my ant, and was disheartened! t hundred of d In doctoring hy till the dogtor said Tato would save ¢ 1d S Vegetal --Fannje ). For , and I at once started King 3 ment, finding to my great Se general health began t, improve - three months I noticed that the tum reduced in size or hi pound, and in ten mont} sappeared without ga) z no medicine table" Compour ess how grateful lone me." Hotel, Seattle, Wash. ch unquestionable testimony proves value of Lydia FE Pinkham's Vege: » Compound, and should give confi e and hope to every sick woman; r¢. Pinkham invites ailing women s for advice, A The H. D. Bibby Co. ANY SIZE here with clothes. The man and the extra size und from store to store "I can't find anything to rd Fitters' to ere for them, Our ciothes y and the materials are .50, 13.50, 15 in fitting the "hard to RAINGOATS 3IBBY CO. ONE PRICE STORE nln, i VED RI Spring Shoes HOE STORE phone 1569 od ~ Go's Bargain List for Saturday A List of Reading Full of Profit for You 30 LADIES' SKIRTS, just arvived, "atest makes in light and dark grey. Regular price $3.50 to $4.50: On sale Saturday only a ------------------------------------------------------------ "95 orlv, LADIES-BLACK SATEEN "SKIRTS, best quality sateen with vdian. pleated frills and tucks, Keg lar price $1.50, On Sale Saturday - : 45 PAIRS LACE CURTAINS, 60 inches wide, 34 vards long, beaut: fully designed. Usually sold $2 pair. Yours on Saturday, per paic... $1.00 ---------------------------------------- Ae eet 15 PAIRS FINE LACE CURTAINS, 60 inches wide, 3} vards long, extra fine . quality. - Regular © price $2.50 pair, On Sale Saturday, per pair..... $1.45 30 PAIRS ONLY, LACE .CURTAINS, 36 inches wide, 3 yards long. Regu- 350 YARDS CANADIAN 75 PAIRS lar price 75c. pair, Yours on Saturday, per pair...... 49¢ 6 WHITE HONEYCOMB BED- SPREADS, good full size. Regular price $1.50, Yours on Saturday only ...... Se. | 750 YARDS ENGLISH beautiful shades. and patterns, 32 inches "wide. "Regular price 13c. vard. For Saturday only, per yard..... 9c. The Montreal Bankeupt Stock PRINT, in ------ ee A Small EDGINGS new designs. yard. On Sale Saturday, per vard Lot. of EMBROIDERY AND INSERTIONS, all Worth from 7c, to 10c. ee e---------------- eet. Just Received, Another Lot of LA- DIES" SPRING AND SHIRT WAISTS, made Shepherd's plaid, mull finish print | and white broidery; Dc, Yours on Saturday lawn, set latest patterns. LOVELY CHENEEL TABLE ERS LOT 1-Worth $1.00, for .... LOT 2- Worth $2.00, for LOT 3--Worth $1.00, for .. in with SUMMER | dates agreements made with the Mac- of Union | kenzie & Mann interests. em- Worth Cov. .. 0c, £1.00 . $2.00 TWEEDS, nice patterns, in checks, stripes, éte, Worth $1 and $1.25 per yard. On Sale Saturday, per vard... pure linen bleached. 35e. Yours on Saturday, per pair... .. Ble HUCKABACK TOWELS, Regular | Another Great Day 30-MEN'S SUITS, in Canadian all- wool Tweeds, neat patterns and well made. Regular. price $7.50 to $5.50, Choice on Saturday,' 45 MEN'S SUITS, in English Tweeds and Worsteds, meat checked and striped patterns. Regular price $10 and $12, Choice on Saturday .. 5 PAIRS MEN'S TROUSERS, of fine English Worsteds, neat striped pat- terns, dark and. medium shades, side and two hip pockets. Regular price $3.50, On Sale Saturday, per pair... $2.00 SS ANOTHER LOT OF TROUSERS, of fins Imported Englisch Worsteds, var- iety of eolors and patterns; just the thing for this time of the year; sizes 2 to 38%. Regular $4 to $5 pair. 200 PAIRS FELT HATS, in 1} grey. Regular price $1.50 to On Sale Saturday, Selling Men's Wear MEN'S HATS IN CORRECT SHAPE oi AND STYLE. 100. ENGLISH DERBYS AND SOFT i black, tan and | $2.50. 89c. 950 MEN'S SILK TIES, four-in-hand and made up. Regular price 35c. to Your Choice Saturday, each... 300 MEN'S AND BOYS' LINEN COL- LARS, all shapes. Regular price 15¢. each. On Sale Saturday,......... 3 for 25c. COTTON SOCKS, 25¢. pair, AND Regular LISLE price 20¢ Yours on Saturday, per pair... 12ic. | MEN'S BOSTON ( 175 PAIRS MEN'S BLACK AND TAN THREAD . and TART- ERS: Regular 25¢, to 33c. pair. Choice on Saturday, per pair... $2.50 On Saturday, per pair ............. 15¢ . Small Goods at Small Prices WHITE TAPE, 12 yards bunch, worth -10c., for rian inn 5c GOOD LEAD PENCILS, worth 3c., for 2e.,:0r 3 for in winris 5c SIDE COMBS, worth 20c, Pair, fot, Per PAIL. ivi asin 10¢ SIDE COMBS, worth 25c. PRE, fie, POP DRIC fos soci ssiriaiiiniiassriaissisens 15¢ GOOD SEWING NEEDLES, worth be. package, 3c., or 2 for .............. be. MOHAIR BOOT, LACES, worth 15¢. dbzen, for, sier dozen .......c...... Se. STRONG CLOTHES BRUSHES, worth 20c., for .... NICE HAIR BRUSHES, worth 25c., ---- for Don't Forget to Ask for Our HEAVY DENHAM OVERALLS at... ereratbiblh dammit frsneerssnnes Bbc. MEN'S DUCK WORKING SHIRTS K WORKING SHIRTS at .. MEN'S STRONG WORKING PANTSat $1.39 pair AND MANY OTHER ARTICLES T00 NUMEROUS TO MENTION. -- THE MONTREAL BANKRUPT * STOCK C0. : 180 Princess Street Between Crawford's and Redden's Grooeries FA A AAA Wl AMI AAA A gz CRIMINAL PROCESS 'USED FOR EXTORTING MON- om ONENREPRSMRD RES S GOO Kicked By a Colt. Newboro, April 16.--Miss Kate Me- "EY FROM C. HOLLAND. Municipalities Can Use Their Own Discretion = Regarding Prices for Water, Gas, Etc.=Davies' Company Have a Jury Case. Toronto, April 20.--When Christo pher Holland, charged with stealing ¥13,000 from t pany, came before the magistrate, to day, 'Crown' Attorney Curry said there were circumstances in it which should be brought 15 the 'attention -of the magistrate. Tnere had been a using of the criminal process for 'the purpose of extorting mqney, 3 Holland, after the alleged robbery, {had falien heir to an estate in Eng- {land. Mr. Levescomte, solicitor for | the deal. company, had gone over to the old country, where certain papers were drawn up and sent out to Cana- da, which Mrs. Holland signed making over a reversion of the property fo save her husband from being prosecut- ed. It was evident, said] Mr. Curry, that some' promise had been made to Mrs. Holland. The mavistrafe said he hac been looking over the papers from the police magistrate of London, Eng., and they showed improper, almost criminal conduct. | The case was ad- journed: for , week to await the re turn of Mr. Levescomte, who is now on the ocean, and who will have to give all explanation, The private bills committee of the legislature, this morning, reported the bill respecting the Port Arthur blast furance for iron ore, and the coal ore dock at Port Arthur. The bill vali- The right to use their own discre- tion as to rents, rates to be chareed (for water power, etc., was accorded to municipalities by an amendment to the mumicipal water works act, to- day. Hamilton's assessor, Frank Hut ton, appeared to explain the amend- ment to the assessment act, making all banks, gas, telephone: and insur- ance companies; liable to be assessed {for income. London and Ottawa sup- ported the amendment. That the plaintiffs had made out a jury case. was the decision of Justice Killam, chairman of the railway com- ission, this morning, at. the conclu n of the evidencg of the William Da- vies company, limited, in their ecom- plaint against the C..R. and GTR. alleging unreasonable increases in freight rates between Toronto and Montreal, on. products of packing houses, . The representatives. of the railways held no case had been made but the commission decided the out, PERSONAL MENTION. | | | | Movements Of The People--What | They Are Saying And Doing. Edwin Boyce, Watertdwn, N.Y. isa city visitor. Ww. McLellan, Gananoque, spent the day in town. C. J. W. Taylor, Picton, is. visiting at his home in the. city. " Mrs. M. R. Allison, Picton, is in the jcity, for afew days' visit. J. Preston, Picton, was a city {visitor yesterday and to-day. | R. S. Hearst, Hamilton, was a city visitor yesterday and to-day. James McCann, Kingston, Easter at his home in Perth. A. B. Cunningham is in Toronto, this week, on judicial business. . George G. Taylor, Boston, Mass., is in the city for a few days on busi- ness. Mrs, A. Wilson and Mrs. Arthur Me- Nicol, Tweed, were in the city yester- day. | Miss' Mamie Daley, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Daley, Cape Vincent. Mrs. C. A. Watt and Miss Dorothy Gracey, Gananoque, spent yest wrday in the city. Mrs. (Dr) Robertson, Tweed. has been spending a few days at her home in the city. Capt. E. Fleming, who spent the winter with his brother in Athens, has come to Kingston. After a short holidav with friends in the city, James B. Caldwell has re- tirned to Lanark. Miss: Kathleen spent Derry has returned from Brockville, where she was guest at the Rerhard-Staley wedding. Miss Gordon. Kinoston, has heén visitine Mrs. Kate Hovser. Cane Vin- cent, N.Y.. for the past few days. Martean, the French violinist, who anrpears in the City Wall. this evenine arrived in the city this afternoon, and is etaving ~t the Randolnh. William Moore has resioned his po- sition withthe Ontario Powder com- pany, Tweed, and has come to the city to go into business with his fa- | ther. Mr. arid Mrs | Vincent, | Kingston Thomas Holland, Cane entertained friends from Thursdav, in the nersons of | Mrs. William Johnson and Miss Sarah | Johnson. | Canon Starr. was invited Wenrv Pellatt and officers of Dyeen's Own. Toronto. to accompany them t- New Vork, on Thursday next. as their chaflain. ard ongst. Ho wae vnahle ta lence' his church duties, and re gretfully declined, Rip Tha double woof haos are stronoth Tarine path soll at Ciheon's Red Crass drug store "Phone 970, Out for Saturdav, Royal broad. W. J, Crothers, R. R. Gamev. M.P.P., has requestad that the 89000 in the bonds of the conrt of judieature he handed over 14 the Toronto Sick Children's hospital. Contraction of fhe Muscles Or Stiffness of the Cords APPLY DR. SCOTT'S LINIMENT FREELY Also; An Excellent Hair Restorer and Sealp Cleanser Large bottle, 25 cents "H not for sale at your drue~ist, it ginger- the ldéal Bedding com- | mains were interred at Athens. Mr. McDougall had the Jto be kicked in the face by a 'colt to do any work for William Bulger's house. boro brass band on the Tth inst, the following officers were elected for the ensuing year : Honorary president, J. R. Dargavel, M.P.P,, Elgin; presi dent, Gordon Pierce; secretary. Ben: jamin Cavanagh; treasurer, Geprge Warren; committee, . James Knellar, John Lyons and Andrew Samuels. Hiram © Chamberlain will again be leader. : The Ontario cheese factory opened on 10th inst., with Mr. Phillips, of Trenton, in. charge. The model fac- tory ' to-day. Mr, Legder, of Seeley's Bay, is maker. Mgsses, J. H, Singleton, Smith's Falls, and J. F. Singleton, cheese instructor, Perth, visited "this locality last week. Capt. E. Fleming, who has been ng the winter here left on Mon- day for Kingston to take charge of the steamer Rideau King for the sea- son. Miss "Agnes Halladay held her spring millinery opening on Good I'ri- day. Andrew Morten left on Thursday afternoon to spend the Raster holi- days at his home at Alsia Craig. Mr, Bracken has moved into J; F. Gal lagher's house on Simcoe street, late ly vacated by George Bishop. The Holiness Movement church are hold- ing revival services in Victoria hall this week. Misses Burchell and Mason, lady evangelists, are in charge. Miss Hazel Trash is visiting friends - in Westport. George Spicer, who has been spending the winter in Syracuse, N.Y., arrived home on Thursday even- ing. William Carty, who has been working in New York for some time past, arrived home on Friday evening. Mrs. J. Bell, who has been sexton and janitress in St. Mary's church here for over thirty years, has heen forced, through ill health, to resign her position. Mr. Bracken will fill the position after to-day. Marten. Houghton, an aged and well-to-do citizen, of this locality, passed to his reward at an early hour Sunday morning after a long illness. Deceased was born in Bedford town- ship, county of Frontenac, over eighty years 'ago, and passed the most of his life time in this vicinity, following the career of raftsman for many years. He married Miss Deacon, Westport, who with a grown-up family, survive, The children are: Mrs. James Knellar, Mrs. Ernest Hull, Mrs. George Paul and Daniel Houghton, all of this place. Deceased was a life-long mem- ber of the Methodist church. The fu. neral will be held to the Newboro church on Tuesday, NEWS FROM YARKER. Some Weighty Words Regarding Money-Raising. Yarker, April 18. ~The remains of M, O'Loughlin, Mrs. J. Stover, Mrs, Peter Ewart and John Irish were interred in the cemetery here this 'week. Housecleaning is the order of the day. Byron Holden is building an addition to his hardware store here, John Watt is having a new felt roof on his hotel. George Mebonsil, has gone to Toronto. A sugar social was held in the Methodist church, in aid of the par- sonage fund. It would be far better for the members of this denomination or any other, to put their hands in their pockets and pay these debts, than to have to resort to anything like mis. 'Percy Edgar left here for Winnipeg. Milk waggons are now on their routes to the different cheese fac- tories, they having commenced opera tions. Farmers are now at their work ploughing * and seeding. John Wright has had a well drilled by his furniture store. Dennis Smith is having one drilled also by Hart Bros. Johnathan Elliott has moved to the Convery farm. : Easter visitors to Yarker are: W. A: Brummer and Norham, Ont.: H. n, York; John Eagle, wife Benjamin, ville; Lena Mrs, children, Leavens, New Winter, Strathcona; F. and son, Kingston; L. and Myrtle Lazier, Balle: Benjamin, Toronto; Mrs. C. Boyes, Kingston; JF. Vanluven and family, Napanee; Mrs. M. Vanluven and son, Frank, Murvale; SSimpson, Ottawa; Miss M, Edwards, Napanee; C. Weahhat, Montreal; Marion Huyck, Tweed: Agnes Connolly, Parham: Daisy McDonald, and Miss Lockwood, Enterprise, Violet Ewart, Miss Holder, Miss Palmer, Miss Garven "and Miss two Martin, Sydenham. Mr. and Mrs. PF, Walsh spent Easter at J. Grout's, Murvale, -- - "HUSBAND WAS KILLED. -- Man Who Was With His Wife Shot Him Dead. Elmira, N.Y, April 20.-- Frederick' Seobey, son of the president of the Watkins Exchange Bank, has been ar- rested on the charge of murder in the first degree for shooting Frederick Dickinson, proprietor of - the Central hotel, in Mowntour Falls, three miles this side of Watkins, Sunday night, Dickinson, who was driving with Mrs. Scobey, was, held up by the husband who shot' several times at the pair. Scobey followed Dickinson to Mow tour Falls aml shot him twice in the leg and thin struck him over the head with the butt of the revolver. Dickinson, who was not expected to suffer serionsly from the wounds, re- fused to 'make known his assailant's name, but when he unexpectedly sorew worse and death was near, related these facts of the encounter, " The only confectionery supplivd to the royal train through Canada, Me- Conkey's high class candy. Sold at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. Underwear is a hobby of ours, ask to see our lines at 50c,, 75c., and $1 can always be procured at James B. McLeod's. Dr. 'Scott's White Liniment Co.. Propr's., St. John N.B., and Chelms- ford, Mass. a a garment. The H. D. Bibby Co, for many years a familiar ligure jn this locality, died in the House of Industry, Athens, where she had been living for the past two years. The re . misfortune ' about two weeks ago, the blow break- ing hig lower jaw. He will be unable some time. He has since mbved from C: Green's farm, which he rented for the season, to At the annual meeting of the New "IN. CONNECTION WITH THE FUR ROBRERY. Schacher Pleaded Not Guilty in Police Court--Remanded Till To-Morrow Till His Lawyer Arrives.' : Three of the" quartétte said to be implicated in the McKay fur robbery, Feldman, Woods, and the latest arriv- al, Charles Schacher. Police Constable Craig went to Montreal, Wednesday night, and returned last night with Schacher, who is said to be the Mont- real fur dealer, who advanced the money for the men to come here and commit "the robbery. Schacher appeared before Magistrate Farrell, in police court this moming, and heard the charge "You did ~n the 18th day of November last steal, un- lawfully a large quantity of furs from McKay & Co." "Not guilty," replied the prisoner, a short, pale-faced Jew of middle age Ho was well-dressed. ~ "By whom 'do you elect tried ?"' asked the court: "I don't know: my lawyer, James Crankshaw, Montreal, will be here on Monday." He was: remanded intil Saturday morning, and his lawyer sent for, to appear on his hehali at the court, to- morrow; Schacher will also feature in Mon- day's trial of William Feldman, at the spring "assizes, While lodged in his cell at police station this morning, Schacher was asked if he would have his breakfast. "My prayer-book, I want: I cannot eat before T have said my prayers." He was granted his wich, Henry (Brien, night clerk at the Randolph hotel, stated after seeing Charles Schacher in police court that he was the man who stopped at that hotel last November, just previous to the burglary. He declared Schacher. signed the register as "Webster." i to be AT THE POLICE COURT. Several Cases Before the Magis- trate This Morning. The several cases in the police court this morning attracted a large crowd Of spectators. Napoleon Newell will nd "one month," a severe pump as the after eect oi his tumble rom the water waggon. A citizen on his second appearance within a week was tined $10 and costs or one wmontn for his association with the cup that cheers. Another drunk, was dismissed, John Jones, remanded from last week on the charge of stealing from the Randolph hotel elected to be tried by the. magistrate, 1 hrough his law- ver, W. I. Nickle, he pleaded not guilty. Robert Ayer, in the witness box, said -he knew Jones and saw him on the night of the 4th April. Witness and Jones were together during the evening and later met Welsh on Prin- cess street. About midnight they were in the Randolph sample 'room, No. 49, : "I took a pair of pants and Jones took a pair," declared the witneds, a smile playing over his face. Several pair of trousers were put on exhibit and Ayers picked out the pair he stole but said the pair stolen by Jones were not on exhibit, When the youthful trio left the ho- tel Ayers said they went to, the lower station and from thence to Toronto. They returned to nangston end Jones was caught. Witness and Welsh were going to Watertown, N.Y., when wit ness was caught, To Mr. Nickle witness ' said had planned breaking into the room a week previous, poolroom when they larceny. He did not boots being stolen, The magistiate decided to make Welsh sample They were in a planned the know of any a remand, until Wednesday, April 25th, allowing the boys out on the same bail. Robert - McCullough, charged with stealing a siphon from the Albion ho- tel, belonging to Thompson, > pleaded "not guilty." J, IL. Whiting "appeared for Thompson-and J. McD, Mowat for McCullough. Charles Walker, bartender at Albion hotel, declared he gave Cullough the siphon as jt and McCullough had brought it to the hotel. He said bottles of the different owners sometimes get very much mix- ed up, exchanging ownership. John Doyle in the employment Thompson took the bottle from rig, driven by the Mg¢- was empty of Tyo's rig, | McCullough in front of Tvo's stare. George Thompson, the asserted owner of the bottle, said he asked McCullough if he intended to continue taking his bottles, Witness said during a year he had had taken from him fifty-six siphons. The case was dismissed, -------- NEW YORK DOUBLE MURDER. -- Negro Shoots Man and Woman on Elevated Platform. New York, April 20, der was committed of the 10th streot elevated railroad station, seventy-five foot above the street level, and in view of the hor- | ror-stricken passengers of an elevated train, yesterday. A man and a wo- man, both young and both color.d, down stairs to the street, jumped on were deliberately shot down by an- other colored man, who then ran a car and escaped. For some time after the shooting no one was able to identify the victims of the murderer, -------- Children's Tams, 25¢. To $1. Men's and boys' caps, cloth caps, 5c. to 81.25, at Campbell Bros, ------ At the meeting of the Ontario Edu- cational, Association, Principal Scott, of Toronto Normal School, was elect- ed president; R. W. Dodane secretary, and W. J, Hendry treasurer, Make Kingston beautiful, lawn grass seed will help some, 28e. Ib. Sold only at Gibson's Red Cross drug store, "Phone 230; Rideau chocolates have that smooth exquisite mellow richness. W, J, Crothers., A double mug- on the platform Kentuck v are now within the city of Kingston, was thrown discovery of a gigantic cave directly large'lake. Men blasting rock*made the They discovered' the lake, and return: After the New Spring Suit, comes a dainty, « : a i - fluffy dress suitable for ° : / afternoon teas and vis- 4 x 3 iting, and this season's fabrics lend themselves beautifully to the early summer hions. © Our stock is complete | now, ,-and it would be wise to choose your materials 'now before the prettiest fabrics are picked up. EOLIENNES, CREPE DE CHINES, CHIFFON VOILES, SCICILIANS, and FRENCH PANAMAS, in all the delicate shades such as Bisque, Greens, Pale Blues, Heliotropes, Greys, Creams and Whites, at prices from 50c. to $1.25 per yard. Our Trimmings, t6o, are all new this year, and correspond beautiful ly with the Dress Goods. All kinds of Laces, Chif- fons, All-overs, Point d' Ssprit, Ansetions, Ap- pliques,. Giumps, But- ns, Braids, Velvets, Silks and Ribbons, in - all colorings and all at = reasonable prices. > CRUMLEY BROS . UPHOLSTERING Now is the time to have Parlor Sets [ As we have a nice line of § lish and French 'fmported Cove ing to select from, 3 We have also increased our of Upholsterers, which = are your service. JAMES REID, THE LEADING UNDERTAK EE -------------- For the Most Active Dress Goods Soll : of the Season a 54 inch Mohair Sicilian, bright lustrous navy, Ge. quality, finish, in black, light and d Special to-morrow, per yard 2a, weisanae 44 inch Fine Imported Henriettas, rich satin finish, in grey, Alice blue, | rose, and 19 other shades, also cream. Special at assis 54 inch Coating Serge, guaranteed all pure wool "and strictly fast just the cloth for Shirt-Waist Suits, comes in black and cream, the wanted" colors. Special at, per yard ,... »" 200 Yards $1.25 New. Grey You'd really pay $1.25 and consider it good value, when as a matter fact, it would be the same quality we offer to-morrow at 8c. We selling Dress. Goods "at the lowest prices in town, and while buying Dress Fabrics, we want to lay claim to the fact that we the best selection in Kingston, ; It will pay you to buy Your Dress Goods at 180 Wellington Street The James Johnston o If you do not use a T' writer. The visible wii) EMPIRE will please you ne draw trade. : . Price, $60. Try one for a month. § J. B.C. DOBBS & 0., 171 Wellington PIP FHP PPP $430 : CT Se -------- FAIS IIIIISIIIIIISISISISIINIIISIE INSURANCE Sg FINANCE - CUSTOMS BROKER - [If You Want a, Home The business of the late Op G. Or Insurance, have a Oliver, will be carried, on In his George Zeigler, * 4" STATE office, 79 Clarence street. G. A. BATEMAN 67 Brook Strest. Who for the last five years has ,been associated with Mr, Oliver. Money, to Loan Meclntyre & McIntyre : :: BARRISTERS : King Street Kingston OR SALE A GIGANTIC CAVE stone formations in the cavern, simil- vo those in the noted Luray ¢ The water of the lake is Discovered Beneath Town of is Charleston, Va. fae Rye Chicago, April 20.--A despatch | to | cavers: will begin to-day. the Record-Herald * from Charleston, -------------- Clark's Meats Save Coal. And trouble. For something dainty try Clark's Fine beef thinly sliced serve, : > W. Va. says: The city of Charleston into excitement by the beneath the town. The cave contains a discovery of the lake-and cavern, when the discharge caused the earth to fall in and crumble, leaving a great hole. Workmen ventured into the cavern, ex- ploring it for 4 considerable distance, good gloves. 'We. our $1 street gloves, Co. Strawberries, Carnovsky's, Best's Palm Garden opens to-mor- row, ' ing to the surface rocured a small Hoa. x, Jou ees : ) A w! A d boat, in hic rowed about for | Jeader of the tives several hfindred yards. There are lime- i of Smaak in