/ 00D Wanti For _ * Nothing In Dregg Goods Especially VS, You'll be syre to get it gt Steacy's, Se Isn't That So? J Haven't you proven it to be g yourself? Haven't = you heard others say so ? To make that true we have had to invest thoys- ands of dollars more in stock this Ve carry everything you fact everything you are s that you never "dreamed nagnificent display. We ght time, and at the right ight Things )se a plain and o $1.60 , in checks, plaids and materials--all new colors ama Wool, very suitabls --very light weight and lack. Special, 49:, ge centres for Shirtwaist checks and camelon shot rials--crisp, hard, bright rrices, 50c. to $1.00. Dress Silks ck Desians i two tones lues, etc. 75c¢, Silk for a 1 that makes such beauti- h, beautiful black. 75¢. ress Materials, but | see them. orsets are made as S78 s they should Je--80 they pally, but little case. Here's 'on a woman's ¢ ideas--with Ny int. Modish to a degree, that bears the "D @& A ade, whatever their price. t and comfort and again merit. Ask y your favorite er what make you think you TH ~ YEAR 78, * Great Windfall of Hats cn Saturday | We are filling up our ease with new Hats to-day, after the windfall deple- tion of Saturday. The "Knickerbockers," and the "King" proved favorites. he "Borsalino," herlite" it is not "Mallory's," the greatest "Stetson's,", and also proved. good sellers. so much the quality of these lines that distinguish them from others, although the quality in is the very best that can evity case be procured at the price, but the ad- vanced sivle of common sense sclee tions that please the eve and that give finish to a man's appearance. "Th above lines run at $2, $2150, & 50 and $4. The excellence of our shapes will convince you that this is the place to buy your hat. B. P. Jenkins Clothing Co Old Maids' Convention CITY HALL Wednesday, May 2nd Local Hits, Ros, Solos, etc. In Aid of General Hospital Adm Auction Sale TUESDAY, May Ist THE HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS, IN rart of Mus. Irwin, 240 King St., Raw Yarlor Suite, in Phony B unsely and other 0. Lamp mze What-not, Oil Pune ks. Black Walnut r Covered Dining Chai ouch, Marh X Books, Dish Biscuit Jar, Bureaus, Wapdrohe Sale, JOI and help to Make Kingston Beautiful Members Fees, 25c. Meeting in Y. W. C. A. Hall, 4 p.m. WEDNESDAY, May 2nd Evoryh ody Welcome. Ghcast Materials Excellent Workmanship Neal Appearance Features to be had in our Shoes! Wear "Allen's" Miittary Bootmakers 84 Brock Si. Sign of Golden Boot. SAN FRANCISCO CONFLAGRATION THE "QUEEN" INSURANCE CO OF AMERICA ng their less in above a NET Candle China and - vband. Bedsteads, ete. Terms cash , The A Auctioneer. The Civic Iu Civic In provement Society old © Mahoeany Curtains, Blin 10.30 ALLEN fire surplus ave 0 al impress position of this our clients, MLS & CUNNINGHAM, SOLE AGENTS -- ii -- For the Best 1nsurance In all its branches gm to SWIFT'S REALESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENOY romero ree eee a] DIRECT rrOM LWill pay zood t ful Racguue, Carvets. Stoves: and all fener 0 better 1; trading, buying op selling ace tia Turk's Second. Hand Store 398 Princess Street. TURK EX-EMPRESS EUGENIE Induceq Give Fortune to b Roman Church. e Hi pil 30 The" Eelaire pub- h from Milan to the of- vicar-general of the Je 8 iver Ex-Empress Eugenie to press geni Youd ® her w} fortune at the dis Press of the a The former em- 9, ¥ealth is estimated at $36, -------------- delay. Sow Kentucky lawn #4 at once. Sold only at % Red Cross drug store. 'Phone pt delivery ber. 1st, Re- Ottawa, Now Mon return Sep- Bon' the G.G.F.G, will go-to Simday jn Gotham, Point, of NO. 101. DAILY MEMORANDA, MN ---- County Council, 2 p.m., Tuesday. This day in history :--Battle of Fontenoy, 1795. ; The sun rise Tuesday at 4.54 am, and sets at 7.01 Pp mw, : Hoge rs' Wives eague \Concert. City all, Thursday, May 3rd With B "The Yellow Peril of the White Race," For Trouble Turkey rock St. church, Tuesday, May 1st. 8 X Pm, Stereoptican Lecture. Over Troops To-night Y.W.C.A. Gymnasium Somenrt Opera House. Tickets. 15c¢., oc. and Bbc. Seats reserved at Uglow's 15c. will admit you to the Y.W.C.A. Just Opened dainty china in pieces Chocolate Jugs Cracker Jars And I any not necessarily accepted ARTHUR ELLIS, Office--Near .Armouries St. Erookiys, Cleveland, S00 Difad: Iphia A632; Cincinnati, American Leagu 1 Baltjmor e, 30.--For the first t promises Chicago, April Mi AZO practically f labor disturbance two str of importance speet. The chief struggle 000 iron moulders. Notices were yesterday to concerns within a r of thirty-five miles, stating the ders will quit in all ghops wher Only are sive in nds. for an increase a, wage 25 are pot gh Washington, .553; Chicago, adelphia, New York : troit, 417; Si. Louis, an Be Al7. Fastern leagw Montreal, suffalo, .667; Providence, 500; onto, 50 Newark, 500; , Forse House to- rill of Gymnasium Concert, Opera n'ght. Fancy costume drill. I the frogs voiy attractive: also apparatus work, A very pretty lot of odd Masyonaisse Dishes Sugars and Creams ..ROBERTSON BROS.. Furs Stored nsured McKay Fur House Telephone 489 to call. TENDERS ° ARE INVITED FOR various trades works required in ereetion of a Brick Residence, on Clergy street Plans and specifications now ready for in- spection. Tenders: wanted before 5 p.m Thursday, May 3rd, 1906. Lowest or Architect. EE ----II ANOTHER DISASTER. Torrents of Rain in 'Vesuvian Region, Naples, April 28.-- Another disaster has occurred in the Vesuvian region. Last might 'torrents of rain fell; ac companied by a heavy gale of "wind, causing avalanches of mud, sand, ash es and cinders to fall over Somma and Santa Anastasia, destroying bridges, blocking the roads, flooding havita tions, interrupting communication by telegraph, and carrying awav portions of the railway. Troops and military waggons were hurriedly "despatched to the sistance of 'the sufferers. No loss of life is report Baseball On Saturday. National League --~At New York, 7; Philadelphia, Boston, 4; Brook lyn, 0. At Pittsburg, 10; St. Louis, 0 Chicago, 1i Cincinnati, 0. American League.~At ' Philad ipitia, 6; Boston, 7. At Washington, I; N York; 35. At Detroit, 7: Cleveland, 14 At St. Louis, 4; Chicago, 5 Fastern League.--At Jersey City, 5; Montreal, '7. At Newark, 0; Toronto, 3. At Providence, 0; Rochester, 9, At Jaltimore, 8: Buffalo, 9. Games On Sunday. National League.--Chicago, 1 St Louis, 2. Cincinnati, 1; Pittsburg, 7 Brooklyn, i: Philadelphia, © American Le@rue.--Cloveland, 10; St Louis, 3. Chicago, 2: Detroit, 1. New York, 11; Philadelphia, 3 Eastern League.--Newark. 2: Toron to, 1. Rochester, 12; Providence, 5 Montreal, 8: Jersey City, 1 : Standing -Of Leagues. National : League.--New York, S86; Chic. 625; Pittsburg <Be ston, ston, Te Rochester, City, Only One Union To Strike. time to find from « xten one or pro- involves 3,- sent adius monl 0 de § from ON EGYPTIAN SOIL SAID GERMANY IS ANXIOUS TO MAKE TROUBLE. Turkey Shows No treating From the Position She Has Taken Up--Berlin Press Says Germany is Not Mixed Up in Affair. Sign of Re- London, April 30.--No official state- ment has been issued regarding the Egyptian trouble, but from the most reliable unofficial information, it is apparent that the British government is taking a stifi position with the in- tention of compelling the withdrawal of the Ottoman soldiery from Egyp- tian territory. There are continued re- ports of preparations to move ships and, troops eastward from Malta. It is reportea that the Turkish com- mander at Tabah has aggravated the situation by causing the removal of the boundary marks, including, it is said, the marble column commemorat: ing the visit of the khedive and mark- ing the boundary from Akabah to Ra- fakh. The cabinet discussed the ques- tion for two hours yesterday, and the admiralty and war office were busier than . usual. Telegrams from Berlin state that of- ficial s repudiate the British news- paper suspicion that Germany is en- couraging the sultan, who is consid ered there to be in the wrong, The Berlin press denounces the sus- pitions as spiteful * phantasics. Never- theless, the opinion obtains here that the sultan believes he can rely on Ger man moral support. Embittered by her defeat at the Mor occo conference Germany is evidently trying to make trouble for the nation chiefly responsible for her humiliation. There seems to be good reason to be lieve that Turkey's remarkably firm position in the Tabah is taken at German instigation. Even the Chron- icle, the chief liberal organ in Fano: land, heads an article : "Turk's Ff frontery, Wants More Egyptian Terri tory. Who is Instigating And goes on to practically accuse Germany. "There ig no question that the oéen- pation of Tabah by Turkish troops is u-viokation of Egyptian territory. By an imperial Ottéman firman, that por- tion of the Sinaltic Peninsula, south west of a line drawn between El Arish and the post Akabah: was de ereed to be under the personal admin istration of the khedive, and until the occupation of Tabah it was reeogmized such, Tabah cight 'miles south- west of Akabah. "The Turk has "apparently worked by as is stealth in this matter, as the occuna- tion of Tabah was accidentally dis- covered in January bv sRumhley Bey, an officer in the vptian army, who, in making a tour of inspection of the frontier, was survrised: to find 100 Turkish soldiers in Tabah. "Rumbley Bey immediately reported the matter to the Egyptian govern- ment, and Lord Cromer informed the British government. The khodival gov ernment, was instructed to protest at Constantinople, Turkish government took up the stand that Eovpt was a vassal The Eg state. rvplian govern ment retorted that this attitude.might have served in ancient times, but would not do now, the theory of Turkey's suzerainty over Egvpt hav- ing vanished with the tion British occupa- however, shows from the position taken up. A commission which appointed hy the porte to examine the question on the spot has reported, naturally, in favor of Turkey's claims, at the present moment Muktar Pasha, the specially appointed Turk ish commissioner, is, in mneeotiation personally. with the khedive on the subject. Of course the British govern ment which iz behind the khedival gov- actively interested, and ean be concluded without the of Great Britain. would be int sting Turkey is in seted in the Sinaltic from Akabah to Suez. There is one country to which such a railway seems profitable. Germany has practi- cally the monopoly on railways in Asia Minor. True, Akabah, which is at the head of the 'gull of the same name, is a considerable distance from the German railways. but it could he linked up, and the line from- Akabah to Suez would he of great strategic value, "The proposed line. which 150 miles long, across the base of the Sinaltic Pepin: El Arish, is on the Mediterrancan and is given on the maps as helonging to Egvnt.: The proposal urkey, receding no signs of she has was and ernment nothing is consent "It why know rail to in a Peninsula, yun way ning would he about would eut ' sula, chast, that Turkey chould be allowed to oc- cupy anv port south. of a line drawn from El Arish to Suez would mean the giving away of the whole Sinaltic Peninsula." Turkey Not Reasonable. April 30--The Timés Con- Siantiveple correspondent cables: Ihere is no sign that the Turkish + government is ready to take a reason: able line on the Tabah question. The decision to reinforce the British gar rison in Egypt, which it was thourht by some would open the eves 'of the gultan's advisers to the dangers of the situation, has not produced. that effect, though it has attracted public attention to the disoute. Prevailing opinion seems to be that the govern- ment made a deplorable mistake, and that the reckless attempt to bluff Egypt and Great Britain ban only be a humi fpilure," London, IS REPORTED DEAD. A Priest Who Was Afflicted With Cancer. -- 1 FATHER LOUIS "MARTIN London, April 30.--1t is reported, from Rome, that Father Louis Mab tin, general of the order of Jesuits, whose right arm was amputated a year ago for cancer, has finally suc cumbed to that terrible disease. He died after exeruciating _agonies on April 15th, THE SUNDAY REST Was Kept by San Franciscans , Yesterday. San Francisco," April 30.-Only two regiments of troops, comprising in all about 1,350 men, will be sent to SAn Francisco to veinforce those now there, instead of the 2,500 men, as originally proposed. The second Sunday since the earth quake and lire was the first day of rest experienced since cataclysm and conflagration wiped out half of the city and made more than 200,000 per sons homeless. The loss of 300 lives and the devas tation of four square miles of the best part of San Francisco have now been written in history. Last week saw "the passing of the acme of grief and desolation and the dawn of order and rehabilitation, As extreme distress has paseed ra- tions will be confined to helpless wo men and' children and refused men. Luxuries will be confined fants and invalids. It is estimated the cite has suffered a loss of $200,000,000 Ly fire. There is not' suflicient money in San Francisco for reconstruction. The disposition. to make the hest of the disaster was wided hy the Tosump- tion of Sunday - afterrigon concerts in Golden Gate Park. Officers were elated to find the muni- cipal treasury intact. The vaults were a part of the city hall that escaped fire, An expert found gold, silver 'and securities scattered aver the floor un- har The vault contained 85,800, 000 in currency, $300,000 in securities of the German Savings bank and 812,- 000,000 of unsold city bonds, Shipping is beginning to resume its normal course. All possible work of a character was suspended Sunday, tired officers, who for two weeks bored ine cantly with little sleep bring order out of chaos, took ads vantage of the lull to secute rest, and Pay some attention to personal neds able to in la A Lucky Woman. The condition of the younger one he came so critical that she had to Ix revived by powerful stimulants, The stated that the had been poisoned, aoctor to the eating of the candy. An investigation is likely to take place, The Vessel Cleared. Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., April 30 The Canadian steamer Iroquois which blocked navigation at this point last week, by swinging across the river, left Detour last night for Depot Har- municipal | and | to | il SCARE ri, In France, Without 'Any Ap- parent Reason. DISORDERLY ~ ONES WARNED AGAINST ANY MAY- DAY DEMO./STRATION. Uniforms Throng Paris Boule- vards, and Trains Are Crowd- ed With People Trying to Get Out of the Country. Paris, April 30 a speech Premier Sarrien, 'in delivered here, yesterday, gave warning - to the disorderly ele- ment that the government purposed dealing firmly with any outbreaks on May Ist. An investigation of the attempt made. on Friday, to blow up a rail- way bridge at \rge nteuil, near Paris, shows that a serious effort had been made to cripple the main line between Paris and Havre. An emigrant train passed three minuwtes before 'the ox plosion. The roadway was torn up for thirtsfive feet. ' Rigorous mea- sures have been taken against any further attempts. The only signs of anything unusual in Paris life are the vast nuinber of uniforms among the throngs on the boulevards" and the unprecedented crush of travellers at the railway sta- tions, secking to escape from the country Each ordinary train * for London, has. been "supplemented with two extra trains, and the railways réport that all travel records have been 'hroken. Their facilities are atly over-taxed and many passen gers har ufiered much discomfort from ove ding. The panic has spread also among the Parisians of all classes, especially in the matter of commissariat. There vever has been such a demand for food of all sorts. The stocks of can- ned goods, in many places, are ox- hansted. Most provision shops kept open all I yesterday. It was ne- cesdary, in several cases, to form the customers into lines outside of the doors waiting their turns, Meantime there is still nothing known that could justify this enormous scare. There is no disorder, and none is definitely threatened. The strike, undonbiedly, will develop into serious proportions, but there i» little danger of prave disturbances in tho early st great military foree is arra the disorderly clement. against THEY ARE BUSY Ontario Legislators Working For Prorogation. Toronto, April 30.--There is to be ng revision of the game laws this ses sion. Hon. Dr, Reaume states that owing to the great mass of business with whith the govérnment has had to deal, there ig little time to devote to this matter. The intention is to get through with the actual business hy | u 3 | Friday next and prorogue the house {on the following Monday or Tuesday. The work will be pushed aleng with | this end in view, A Syndicate May Build, Srogkville, April 27.~The opera | house by-law was defe sated, to-day, by the sweeping majority of 500, by the | vote of the taxpayers. It has been a thject of 'much comment and up to the closing of the polls the result was | doubtful. It is true Brockville needs opera house, as the present one fit for occupancy, but the town is already heavily involved. with local | improvements and the high. taxes are to its prosperity, An a new 15 not | a drawback | opera house, up-to-date in every re- spect, would be attractive, but low taxes are. also of importance, It is rumored a syndicate in contemplating the erection of an opera house since tthe by-law did not carry. Human Finger In Cigar. Des Moines, la. April 30.---George | Lubard of Fort Dodge was made vio- San Francisco," April 30.-- The guests who were in 'the St. Francis on the day of the hig fire were granted per mission yesterday to visit their form or quarters in the hotel in order to | ascertain what could be saved of their personal © belongings. One woman | found $1,000 worth of diamonds near her buried \trunk. Detective 'Gibson, of the local police force, said yesterday that the fire stroved practically every hit of evi dence against Jacob "and Herman | Fppinger, acensed of swindling banks out of RISR000 hy borrowing money on fictitious wheat ertif Poisoned By Candy. Guelph, Ont., April 30.--As a result of eating candy which they purchased in a package from a Hespeler store keeper, Gladys and Norma "Taylor, little daughters of Edward Tavlor Averfoyle, are seriously ill, The little girls, one of whom is elev en years old and the other nine, vw. nt over to Hespeler, where they secured the®vandy. Shortly after eating it they were hoth taken ill and medical at tendance was summoned, lently sick by smoking a cigar in which part of a human finger was dis covered, While the pigoe of the finger was comparatively small, it was easi ly recognized as two joints, and a part of the finger nail eould he dis- cerned. It hud evidently been cut off the hand of a cigarmaker by a ma: chine in" some factory, and was un { noticed because it was mixed with the filler. Lubard had hought seversl cig- ars, On smoking one of them he no- children | and attributed it | | the ticed a peculiar flavor. A few moments later he was taken sick Breaking open cigar, he found the finger. Want To Be Police Officers. Minneapolis, Minn. April 30.- Thir teen women of thix city may presently be in a position to arrest their own husbands. They have applied to ayor Jones for jobs as policemen, They have wpped short at the hel met and nightstick, Al they ask is bor, 'Ont, in tow of the tug Boyn | the badge which shall announce them ton. Her rudder is gone, The steamer | t0 the world as special officers, with "will. be taken to Collingwocd dry | the right to "rum in' any offenders dock after * unloading » hir cargo of | Against the sanitary code. grain, ------ "Three Swallows. 3 Sir John Power & Scn's "Three Swallows' Irish Whiskey, Famous for over a century Of highest standard of purity » Distillers to His Majesty the King At St. the "Fighting organization' assassinate Col. Min, commander the Seminovsky the part taken hy his regiment in put ting down the Moscow revolt, All fresh garden and flower sexds at Gibson's Red Cross drug sore. Phone 230. The Russian, imperial crown is valu: Petersburg a member of ed at 30,000, attempted to | of | Guards, in revenge for | Slabs Of Solid Silver. Cobalt, Unt, April 30. Strikingly rich as many previous finds have been Lin Cobalt camp, the latest vein open- ped at the Foster is the most marvel {lous. Over 100 feet of this five-inch | vein thave been uncovered, displaying in the open vein slabs .of solid native silver, ghidtening "in the sunlight. Reranded For A Week. | At the police court session, this i moming, "John Wood, implicated in {the McKay fur robbery, was_ before [ the magistrate, hut was remanded for a week, in order that he may' be able to testify when Schacher pleads 2 Friday next, on KING STAYS/AT NAPLES To Meet Heads - of Vesuvian ba Observatory. Naples, April 30.-The weather con- tinuing fine, King Edward said, to day, that Tie woukl not leave Naples without visiting the observatory, as he desired to meet Prof. Mattuc, the director of the Royal Observatory on Mount Vesuvius, and Frank Perrott, Brooklyn, N.Y., "the assistant direc. tor. STRONG WORDS Uttered By the Editor Forest Globe. Detroit, April John A. Macdon- ald, managing a of the Globe, spoke at St. Andrew's Presbyterian church, Windsor, yesterday morning; at the Detroit Y.M.C.A., in the after. noon, and 'at the Central Methodist church, Détroit, last night. In- ad- dressing a men's mass meeting, at the YAM.C.A.,, Mr. Macdonald, refor- ring to the future of the United and Candda, said in part: "The day will surely come when we shall have out-grown unfriendly tarifis and = re- stricted trade. God has ordained that if one of these two countries laughs, the other shall rejoice, and that if one weeps the other shall mourn. Let us make a nation in the new world that shall stand for something higher than brute foree.' Speaking further, Mr. Macdonald do- clared that m "government that would build forts and point guns across the inland lakes and the border beparating the United States from Canaria would be a traitor to its country." TO FORM LABOR UNIONS. Keir Hardie Protests Against Driving Men From Soil. Landon, April _ 30.-A tington, called to protest a action pf Lord De Ramsey in no ying the tenants of 1,100 allotments to quit the land, James Keir Hardie urged, the agric ultural laborers to form a strong union in order to pro- tect themselves. of the Men, he said, should not be driven off the soil and into the town slums through the land being turned into deer forests for American millionaires and other idlers. Landlords, he de clared, played the same part to so- ciety ag did the parasite to the tree, sapping away its strength and giving no return. "PURE INVENTION." Tarte Denies He Will be Member of Commission, Montreal, April 30,--Mr. Tarte de clares that the report that he is to be come a member of the new . Montreal harbor commission to be appointed by the government is pure invention. No offer; Mr. made to him, Tarte declares has heen and there would be no acceptande if there were an offer. He would not again part with his free dom and._independence. Army Wants Bigger Cadets. Washington, D.C., April 30.-- The re quirements of height at West Point, for new cadets will he changed so as to keep out of the military servi boys who are undersized, The wmini- mum height is slightly increased, so that a candidate for cadetship must five feet four inches at sixteen, and not less than five feet five inches at the age of eighteen, and upward, Of eourse, the usual restric- tions against deformities and infirmi- ties continue to prevail, The medical hoard for thé examination of candi dates, will be composed of three army surgeons, one of whom will he the se- nior medical officer on duty at the military academy. The new minimum standard of height for candidates which has been presefibed will not go into effect until after the admission of the incoming class. Observations dur ing the recent war in Manchuria; are said to be responsible for this change, ------------ not be less than Lucas Brothers Acquitted. Belleville; Ont., April 30,--The case of Walter Lucas, who 'with his kroth- er 'John, was charged with breaking into loadéd 'G.T.R. cars and' stealing grain and flour therefzom, was dispos- ed of in the pelice_cpurt, the priso er being acquitted," E. Gus Ported defended him Victories For Kossuthists. Budapest, April 30.--The elections to the Hungarian Diet began Sunday, and will continue for ten days, Out of thirty-five contests that have been decided thirty Kossuthists were olect- ed. Premier Wekerle, Count Appomyi ane! Francis Kossuth all were return- ed, ' _ G.T.P. Air Line. Winnipeg, ' April 30.<Right f wav for the GT.P. from Portage la Prai- line fifty miles long, or about six Rystetn. ford Nail, escaped on sued hip in gn pu for than SHE 1 el Frien 'With Pri C rie to Winnipeg, will assure an air miles shorter than any other existing Have a look at stren, h "Tarine sold a Kote David Mackay, a Prisater at Brant. on Gurl wecapturéd by the ait % iy was it the jailer, who par tomobile, Toronto ont Real beauties, worthy fabrics, pro per styles and very depend durable. Choice Silks, Filmy Lawns, Mulls, Linens, ete, agree when you seé them. SHIRT WAISTS, mod back, cuffs and collar. Very Special at .. Very Special at sai OTHER GREAT LINES, from $2 to $3.25, notice, STEACY'S BORN, MARACLE.~At Tyendinaga Reserve, on April 26th, to x and Mrs. Ira Maracle, a daugh "Phone 877, yy Be The Eminent English Actor as "RAFFL, ay 7th, House Cleaning Needs Pails, Brooms, Tube, arbi Hand gh Powdered Ammonia, Liquid Auk ; monia, Scrubbing Bra Stove #Brushes, Shoe Brushes, ' Ceiling Broons, Whisks, Clothes Lines, Mop Handles, Stove Polish, Globe, Metal P, : Silver Soup, Seen VR ete! ' Ape A 30 --(10 Sd the much wanted styles spring wear. So much prettier the homemade ¥ing-you will Muslin . Waist Specials of fine Yr lace, fine with RT WAISTS, made with i leats front and back, front em. roidered and with atorial SHIRT WAISTS, of fine lawn, made with pleats, fino with ----t offect 3 tucks and with ation hele itch deep culls. 0s rimmed mbroider All worthy of your special LAMBERT. --~In K April 20th, 1906, bert, fourth daughter. Samuel Lambert, Depot. Lower O. T. nds and acquaintances are respects fully Invited ROBT. J, REID, § | Th Leading Undortaver i 29 The EM H a d Ss the Or tn Lal an igea=ape. , Boe, "ed . $1.50. ITE "PARADA" lothes Pins, rlingj Sapoelio, tro, Silicon,