C "here. All prices; $5 to $19 1 Tweeds ; varied pat- tns. Also a good line of Boots d Shoes, Caps, Hats, Shirts, The lowest prices in King: Fabra saac Zacks, : 237 Princess Street. "4 Walking Made Easy WEARING THE CUSHION SHOE "with an all-wool felt innersole, ich relicves all jar on' nerves, stimu- #8 blood circulation and protects the ot from heat or cold and dampness, FOR BALE BY fie Sawyer Shoe Store; Fhone 169 212 Princess St. wi canaries, More profitable got 82.50 to §s.00 vach for young singers. Experience o Rl inter quickly RD BOOK (thousands sold at age.) and two cakes BIRD BREAD 10 CENTS, " showing how - to make ali for age. stampa of coin. Address i DTTAM BIRD SEED, 5 st., Lasten, 0st AT HOME than chickens. All indoors. Can be had at our yard. Dat t's only half the tale. All of coal cannot be had here, "we sell only the burnables-all Brnable--kind. Add 'to that, that give full weight, well screened ml and deliver it promptly on i order 'and you're getting at our claims to your asked by this ecard. | ong in- ; minimum charge, 25¢.; three : ons, 3 | Notices in reading columns are subject te special charges. All charges for advertisements and subscriptions are due and payable in ad; Ofte of unincorporated 'associations lo Eo will be held 11 for orders they announcement o or manufactures for sale are excluded from t contracts. ® Ta case an ser becomes insol- vent before expiry of a contract the ad- vertising shall cease' Thecome immediately at the charged por line for casual advertise- ments. The publishers will not be responsible for misunderstanding of verbal orders. should he placed on copy for insertion. All advertise- ments are subject to the apnroval of the publisher. In cuse of errors or omissions in legal or #ny other advertisements the pub- lighers do not hold themsoclves liable for domase farther than the amount re ceived Ly them for such advertisement. -- THE WEEKLY BRITISH WHIG, 14 vaoes, cclumns, is published in two editions, one each on Monday and 'Thursday mornin~s at $1 a vear, if vid in advance : otbérwise, $1.50 per wear Attached tn the Taper is one of the bent Joh Offices in Conadn © ronid, s'v- leh and chean work : nime improved »rintine presses. British Whig Publishing Co., Limited, Edw. J. B. Ponse. Managing Director. THE DAILY WHIG. '"Opifer per Orbem Dicor."" A -- Aa Another Stroke Of Genius. The Whitney government has a spe cial fondness for commissions. They have two effects : (1) they afford fat offices and vewards for faithful fol fowers, and (2) they relieve the mini ters of worry and work. The Pettypicce bill of railway taxa- ation, which the conservatives pro sed to love while in opposition, has heen cast aside, and a new measure is proposed, a wonder in itsedi. Tt will raise pretty nearly $200,000 more per annum the than at present, and the municipalities from railwavs af from the receipts at the rate per head, But there is a the money. The government will want it back, as it proposes to make the municipalities contribute towards the keep of their lunatics, at ten cents per head per day, and this will call for an amdunt of the percentage of fected will receive of eight cents string on far in excess railway taxes. Li The main point is the commission which will manage this business, at an annual expense of £30,000, which sum is the first charge upon the re venue and must be deducted bef ir» the division of spoils takes place be tween the government and the muni cipalities. Talk of pillaging the muni- | Of high financing! Cf statesmanship !| The Whit. ting all these cipalitios ! superior ney government is exhil in an amazing manner. The New Political Force. The Canadian _ Citizens' League making a personal appeal to the peo- ple of wealth for the funds with which propaganda. It has but is to carry on its been for some time in existence, the masses know very little about it. 'Lhe . more that it should enter upon the work which it Its reason, perhaps, has assumed. design is "to pro- Christian reforms the those great regarding which sociologically united." There is mote churches are no statement as to what these reforms are. In one paragraph of a circular they are vaguely hinted at. What churches are referred to? It to at is important know, because times one hears stra and ominous murmurings hecause some church is disposed to speak out on public is sues and is warned off. The politicians between the church and the. state, Is this a fiction or a fact ? It is desired to raise L000 and for 'orghnizing the Chris tian electorate down to the last poll- ing division." everything. Education is of more ny the purpose of Organization is not portance, and plisk it-in reads of the and = "moral of men, of church- men, the conviction follows that their teaching is seriously at fault. voter in the land may be "organized" --he may be registered and tabulated and canvassed and tagged--and the plebiscite or vote on great questions be disappointing. The church i= a great organization, but it is divided politically, and there it being anything else. Why is this ¥ The Canadian Citizens' League has undertaken to answer the money cannot accom- the churches. When one "apathy" cowardice" good Every is no hope of pledge of another society, an. auxiliary of the church, is apt to he more hon- ored in the breach thin the obser: vance, a ¢ Tha insurance companies may not suffer in popularity by the exposure of the commission, and they will he sav- od in future from scandals in the iu. vestufent of their funds. The directors Be. scale, twelvef . will not brook church interference, They want it pdsitively understood that there is a complete separation | - question in its creed, and it, like the + Young Men And Banks. "The minister of eaneation reflects upon the young men of Ontario' when he_insinuates that they are lacking in the qualifications for junior clerkships in the banks. The educational system is not deficient, because the banks cannot find the persons they went" at owrrent salaries, To begin with, the public school pu- pils are not eligible for clerkships. They are not afiected by Di. Pyne's stinging remarks. The students of the high schools' and colleges are wanted, and they are expected, (1) to serve of- ficiently, with an advanced educa- tion, and (2) to accept £50 or C0 a year and on it dress as becomes their positions. : The premier of Ontario, whose judg- ment is often questioned, declares that "anybody who wants to get. into a bank, but disdains the salary offer- ed for the first year, isn't desirable in a bank or elsewhere." The boys are hit the young men; and the premier knows, or ought to know, that the commerdal and indus- not concerned, trial world ig offering them a finer field than the banks. . The banks, generally, are not put: ting a premium: upon intellect of a high order, and so the young men go ¢lsewhere, and they are not disdained and not nsglectidd. A few banks have raised the salaries of their clerks, but these salaries will have to go very much higher ere the Canadian youths will consider that they are sacrificing anything in passing them and secking distinction in science and art. Editorial Notes. The Sabbatari are fighting at Ottawa the battle of their lives. They are having sucess, too, The federal legislation government is passing respecting the export of electric power and gas. The proposal is popularly regarded. The municipalities want the control of the s eets. They have made a pow: erful appeal to the federal government on the subject. A Arthur thinks of Canada, anyway ? It is a question il he got the correct idea' of the peo- ple from the contact ke had with the few in Toronto 'and Oftawa. ---- Wonder what Prinee The buoy which exploded at or near Parry Sound was charged with acety- lene gas. Perhaps the marine depart- ment will now see that this" onerous work is committed to experts only, Dr, Seath is to be the superintendent of education. He used to bie, when a high school teacher, the critic of the department, Now he will carry out, of course, all the reforms' he has ao- vacated, The salary limit in the educational bill is to be changed. It is now too high. So the government has decided. It has heard something drop, and it is not so deaf to the voice of the people as it pretends. government has boen made to realize that while parliament may give some corporations a right to incroase their capital, they should not he authorized to ride over councils and other municipal bodies. The federal The local government is divi ling the province, for drainage law pur- poses, and is appointing another judge. He is not required by the busi ness, but the office is being made jor a needy supporter, who come work in the banks at £60 a year, will go on strike before long. The 'Scottish young men out from 'otland, to They cannot Loard and i viothe themselves, as bankers are ex- pected to do, on these salaries. Mr. Fowler, M.P., says the premier, I Sie Wilfrid Laurier, is responsible for ' the lowering _ of the tone of debate. | Had he held up his hand the villifica tion and slander would have stopped. What ? Mr. Foster held in check by Sir Wilfrid Laurier ¥ 'Oh, no. | The pension system of the dominién, lin so far as it affects the ex-cabinet I ministers; will probably be | The indemaity is pot seriously attack- fed. Uriah Wilson and William Welcan | talk against it, but they will draw the 1 52,500 as they did last year, changed, Avoid La Giippe. The effects of la grippe persist long after the dispase has run its course. It is an ailment that should always be fought from the start. It can be stopped in the start, or cured when once started, by use "of Wade's Coll Cure Tablets (laxative), a certain cure 'also for colds; headache and con stivption. In boxes, 25 cents. Sold j only at Wade's "drug store. Money back if" not satisfactary. , Other Licenses Granted. The liquor license commissioners met Saturday and granted licenses to the lowing whose applications had been held "over: James Adams, of the Bowen house; Carey & Cochrane, of the Albion hotek Peter Devlin, of the Grand Taion hotel, and C. Miunan, of the Congress. Just two licopses. have been cut off. 'That of the British-Am- erican will be granted as soon as that hostelty re-gpens. > To 'Cure A Cold In Oue Day. Take Laxative Rromo Quinine Tah lets. Druggists refund monvy if it fails to cure. W. Grove's signature is on THE DAIL ! THE DAYS EPISODES LOCAL NOTES AND THINGS IN GENERAL. Vicinit; Brief Items of Interest Easily Read and Remembered, Are you moving ? William Swain, piano tuner. Orders received at MeAuley's Book Store. The rain of last night enabled the continuation of Street scraping to-day. Sweet pea seed, mixed, fresh at Gio- son's Red Cross drug store. The waterworks committee was call- ed to meet at three o'clock this after noon. Henry Cunningham, tuner from Chickerings, ut McAuley's book store. The street railway company is con- structing. a loop at the top of the asylum hill. Mrs. Graham, Kingston, is on a visit to her daughter, Mrs. W. W. Tyr rill, St. Catharines, Db. M. Melntyre, city solicitor, is home after over two months' absence J in the west recuperating. Eat a Lax-et at bea timé and feel bright "the next day. >old by all rio, : William Thomson, G.T.R. freight ag- ent at Ottawa, is in the city to move his household. goods to the capital. the choice of royalty, MecConkey's high class candy. Sold only at Gib son's Red Cross drug store. Rev. Dr. Macgillivray will leave 'on Friday, for the west to spend a cou- ple of weeks in Queen's endowment work? Rev. W. H. Sparling condiicted a memorial, service in Queen Street Methodist church, on ing, for the six during® the year. It is said that there is a likelihood of a couple of the local inland re venue stafi being removed to outside places. A general shifting is consid- ered in the interest of the department, Sunday morn- members who died R. 0." McCullough, a. student... of Queen's Universityidiis * 'doing: Poffiee | work for W. Beatty, D.L.S.; Delta, and will join party, having for the season. A tablet has been placed in St. Aundrew's church, by John Hazlett, to Mr. Beatta"s surveying charge of the Transit the memory of his wife and only son. The latter, J. W. Hazlett, B.A., B. Se, died of typhoid fever last Decem- ber, aged twenty-six years, "There is but a step between me and death," was the tivid text from which Rev. W. II. Sparling ' preached a strong sermen, inspired by the preat earthquake and fire in San Francisco, in Queen Street Methodist charch Sunday evening, Make your lawn__beantiful. tucky lawn grass seed will do it, 7 Ib. Sold only at Gibson's Red Cross deng store, In the Methodist Magazine and re- view for May, Chancellor Burwash contributes a striking article on the life-story of "Margaret Hopkins Cox," the wife of the Hon. Senator Cox. Her sympathetic benefactions made her life a benediction to many. The illus- trated articles are numerous, Sunday was a delightful day thermometer registering over seventy degrees in the shade. There was a great rush to the park, esvecially to Macdonald. The warm rain which fell after 'nine o'clock in the evening was welcomed 'and will do much good. It was preceded by the most vivid light- ning flashes seen here in years. Dr. Shoop has created at his labora- to:i's - a superior, sweet, toothsome candv tablet named Lax-ets. The in- gredients are printed on the very at- tractive little lithographed metal boxes, in which these tablets are sold. Lax-ets sell at the very low price of Se: per box. A better, safer, or more certain laxative than Lax-ets is, Dr. Shoop believes, absolutely impossible. Lax-cts are for constipation, sour stomach. bad breath, sallow eomplex- ion, biiousness, headache, dizziness, ete. Sold by all dealers. on K the SPIRIT OF THE PRESS. Carnegie's Gift. Bufialo Times Mr. Carnegie is not so very anxious to get rid of his monev and die poor, after all, With hundreds of millions in: his coffers he gives $100,000 to Sar Francisco. The steel king is tak ing a cheap way to get poor. Beck In Evidence. Toronto Globe Mr. Beck's reports have given the peoble an appetite for cheap wvower, and there will be a bad quarter of an hour for chief waiter Whitney, of the (Untario cafe, if if does not appear on the bill of fare this session. Vigorous Old Age. Loddon Advertiser Sir Witham P. Howland has under gone a successful operation for ap pendicitis at the age of ninety-six. This is a marvellous: feat of endur ance, and it is tobe hoped will pro long the life of one of the few remain ing pre-Confederate figures. Time For A Change. Brantford Expositor ; It has been suggested that since the Camey fund has been handed over to the Toronto Sick Children's: Hospital, it will be only courteous on the part of John Ross Robertson's mewspaper, the Toronto Telegram, to cease its enypuiry, "Where did the money come from 2" x i The Gold Brick Fear. Mortreal Gazette Some of the newspapers which have most loudly demanded that the Un- tario government shall go into busi ness as a producer of power at Nia- gara are complaining of 'the govern ment's delay in annouhcing its inten tions. One can understand = their anvietv. The man: who insists apon investigating the gold brick offered him never huys it. No Means Of Support. This morning a young English emi- grant, with his wife and two children appealed to the chief of police for aid. They had been assigned to a Kings- toh township farmer, who did not need them, and were now without means of dupport. All four were well dressed and healthy looking. They were referred to the mayor. "MONDAY, APRIL 30 Occurrences In The City And |7 PITH OF THE NEWS. The Very Latest Culled From All ' Over The World. The Allan steamer from St. John at 29th. 5 'The Allan steamer Ontarigan dock- at Montréal at 11:30 p.m., on Ap ril 29th. : Frich Muenter, a Harvard instruc tor, wanted on a charge of wife mu:- der, cannot 'be found. Looting has recommenced in China- town, San Francisco, bushels of bronz- es being carried away, Stuart Eccles Beech, student at the Winnipeg Medical College, has been awarded a Rhodes scholarship. The members of the Alberta legisla- ture will make a ' wur through the southern part of their province. Two young - negresses, New York, fought with knife and revolver, and the younger shot the elder, dead. W. Cryderman, Walkerton, has been appointed deputy collector of inland revenue, vice J, T. Nichols, deceased. G. Brough, general manager of the Dominion"Bank, is dying in Lon- don, Eng., having suffered a paralytic stroke, The C.P.R. steamer Amur arrived at San Francisco with. 500 "tons of pro- visions from the people _of British Columbia. John Alexander Dowie has effected a reconciliation with his family and ad- dressed a meeting in the Tabernacle, at Zion City. Premier Whitney denies that Sir Wil- liam Meredith, is to be appointel chairman of the proposed railway and municipal hoard. : The RM.8. Parisian, from xl Rimouski, with 354 Pritorian sailed 3 pm, on April Liver inward, at second and 390 pas > a.m., steerage passengers; all well. W. W. Ogilvie, Montreal, a son of the late W. W. Ogilvie, head of the Ogilvie Flour Mills company, acci- dentally shot himself, on Sunday, and is dead. George Letray was suffocated in a fire that gutted the nain-lo6E "of th Toronto -geperal post-office, destroyed Boma mail 'and did-wbout $30,000 dam- are early on Sunday. Mike Ward, the S one of those who v the time of the recent earthquake. With his brother Andrew, Mike has been at the coast for some' time try ing to get on at one of the hie clubs. A message from Oakland announces that Both of the boys are safe. nia hover, was * in 'Frisco at MARINE NEWS. What is Gathered From . Around the Harbor. Craig's wharf : Propellor Cuba, from Hamilton, on Sunday. The steambarge Navajo cleared on Saturday for Charlotte with feldspar. Richardsons' elevator : Robert Macdonald and bay ports with grain. Prescott's elevator is being fitted up and the plant put in shape for busi ness the coming season. M.T. compapy elevator : Tugs Hall ond Bronson, up. light; tug Bronson cleared down with three grain-laden barges, 2 The steamer Schooners Echo, from Armenia arrived from Oswego with a light barge for Rich- ardsons'. elevator, and cleared herself, light, for Montreal. The MT. company which sank in the Friday; barge Cobourg, Cornwall canal on floated was on © Saturday night after a diver had patched the hole in a plank, and pumping was resorted to. "Lhe barge is now in Mon- treal. It is not, thought that her cargo is much damaged. The Cobourg struck something jutting from the canal bank, which forced in a plank SAVE THE BLOCK HOUSE. $450 Dollars is Required at Dnce For It. Kingston, April 20.--(To the Edi tor) : 'the owner of the block house has given "the Frontenac Historical Society his. ultimate price, and a few days in which to raise the money. MH they do not the ne succeed in securing amount, the block house will be torn down, and the land built upon. Are there a-sufficient number of people in Kingston, who feel interost ed In saving this relic of Kingston's past history, to prevent it Leing des troyed ? We must raise $300. The pur chase price is $475, and the balance will he required to repair it. Will- any one interested in saving the block house, give their contribution to Miss sary Gilaersleeve, King street, or Mrs, George McGowan, Barrie stre t? Act at once, don't wait for some one to call upon you; and send your contri bution no matter how snall.--COR- RESPONDING SECR 'TARY. -------- Outside Liquor Spotters. There was a rumor on Saturday, that Ontario government liquor spot ters: were here, and that it was diffi cult to get a "drop." Those places ac customed well as have no to do business without prohibited hours, fear of the' local lieense in spector, but are afraid of outside spat ters. Inspect Wright has said he doesn't mind, so I ng as bars are kept closed on Sundays, within as The genuine Castoria is sold = at ' Gilison's Red Cross drug store; Phone 230. & The residence of FP. J, Kina Johnson street, has. heen purchased, through George Cliff, by W. H. Carn ovsk - ! : Dr. Walter Connell" 'the very desirable Walkem, S Cliff. ; No man accomplishes much who is afflicted with the hurry hahit. Ability is measured by deeds rather than by intention ¥ FROST BITES, CHILBLAINS IRRITATED SKIN OR CHAPS «+. APPLY... Dr. Scott's Liniment Also, An Excellent Hair Restorer and Sevlp Cleanser - Large bottle, 25 vents "I not for sale at your dru~~fst, it fan aways be procured at James B. McLeod's. Dr. Seott's White Liniment Co., Proprs.. St. John N.B., and Chelwme ly 4 has purche of Mr rosidence . George Arch street, through RAINCOATS They're a blessing. Take a look at ours. Tan, Grey and Mixtures, {ull length. Style and workmanship will impress you as soon as you see them. You can get along without 'a Raincoat, but you'il get along far batter with one. SEE OUR GROSVENOR ENGLISH RAINGOATS The... ideal rain or shine gar- $10, 1250, 15 and ment 16.50. at THE H. D. © UW wh, wn em The H. D/Bibby Co. The H. D. Bibby cq NEXT | WERE READY Tg SUIT YU If vour shape is "hard to fit or your build unusual. please keep In mind that our Spring Suits are cut 1a proportions "for measure, 'viz, "Regulars." "Longs, "Shorts" and "Stouts." : Or Spring Suits will nt only fit your shape, but will ke shape, Suits at $10, 12.12 14 and 15 Top Coats, $6.50, 7 10, 12. BIBBY (0. each breast ep their 50, 1350, ), 8.50, that speaks for itself. 2, 3 and 4 pounds. OLD AGE Comes: to Everyone, But Its Visits May Be Postponed. Old age is not a question of years. Some men are old at forty, others are young at sixty. It's a mighty hard proposition look young, matter how young you feel if your hair is falling out end your head becoming bald. Perhaps vou are tired try ing ineffec- tual remedies for this evil. 4 to no not try an effective one for a change. Newbro's © Herpicide kills the dand ruff rm--which i$ the cause of the trouble, "Destroy the ciuse vou remove the Sold by leading druggists. Send 0c. in stamps for sample to The Herpicide Co., Detroit, Mich. G. W. Mahood, special agent. FASHION'S LATEST UKASE. Use a Bangle Which Circulation. Fashion's deerve that smart woman Stops must wear gloves of elbow length without a wrinkle has brought into vogue in London, England, a mew pattern of bracelet to hold the glove in position, called the *¢ Ihey f slave bangle." are fashioned in a variety of designs. Gold, silver and gim-metal re used, but the most fashionable are made of mother-of-pearl and coral. lhe girl who has to economize, is making her Slave bangles at home of lace-edged velvet ribbon, to match her gown or glove, ! Medical. men prophesy a large in- crease in diseases of the circulatory system. "It is greatly to he deplored that 'women ga wearing sa tight bandage round their arms," a physi cian said to a reporter. "I have seen patients pull their gloves, and show below the elbow a deep weal, where the elastic or ribbon has bit- ten in. "I have tried to instill the fear of ricose veins and their attendant s into their hearts, but I find a hint that the new fashion may re sult in my lady's hands being as red as her kitchen maid's has in many cases proved more effectual." ofi Encouraging Prospects. Kansas City Journal "What are your prosnects for mak- ing a living for both of us after we are married *"' Bent Murdock quotes a brown-cycd widow in Eldorado, as asking a .biz fat widower, who was insis that they be made one. "Well," answered the widower, "1 have a good scheme of menaging a laundry in wight." "That is to say,' she answered, "1 am to take in wash» ing to support us?' "That is about the size of it," he answered, as ho» Ganong's 6. B. Chocolates Has: been before the public and Manufacturers of the highest qua- lity Chocolates, unsurpassed by any. 831d in bulk and packages, %, 1, Ask for G. B. Evangelines TF A. J. REES, 166 Princess Street \@&BCHOGLATS took her in his arms--and they were made one, wn GH vey SYA Tua ENTER NOW} For a Civil Service Course: Kingston Business College ud or Limited Head of Queen Street Kingst>n - - - Canada Spactous Aapartiiaents, equipment, graduates In ders Individual frm uct petent and experienced every department. Open out the whole year free. J.B, MeKAY, H.F. METCALFE President. Principal. $ tans etsttse se oleessenal AWE eyce teachers in through® Catalogue A WARM SUBJECT There's nothing inthe world we're so ouch -interested in as Coal at this time of the year. It wmiay. sound queer to peak of coal buying and selling as 8 science, but that's what we've made it. Two fmportant discoveries we have ade are that complete satisfaction to ir customers Lest and that the ay to win business is to deserve it. Booth & Co. FOOT OF WEST ST. Fhone 133." seséasssessssssssssese {A. E. HEROD ORDERED FOOTWEAR MOVED TO 286 PRINGESS STREET Open tiil eight o'clock 'sigxcept Saturday' cess ssssssse : : i ae esses TIRBITTLIISS en Crests and EMBOSSING Headings for Paper and Eavelopes ENGRAVING & g! Cards and Letter heads Besides +!l classes of Priating frow a card to Press THE - WHIG, Kingsto? nike £ roi lvuking de Tt doesn't take yooh ctive to he rood looker. i er a ad mint employees, make money legally. Letter a volume. soking ure For Th ONE MEDICINE THAT HAS lly Restored x Health Ful Life Regaine et 'hen a cheerful; brave het is enddenly plun; woman ection of misery, the gad picture. £he has It is usually | been feeling * for some time ; head has a also; has slept poorly, been and nea fainted once o dizzy, heart-beats Ve that bearing-down feeling, riods she is exceeding] Her Nothing pleases her. wCheer up: you have d will be a Lit soon. But en't get hoy Lies; then come lancholy, everk mort Don't wait until your ¢ driven you to despair, wit all shattered and your cot take Lydia E. Pinkhamn's \ sand. See. what it dic osephine Rinville, Mast: writes : Dear Mrs. Pinkham: for four y¢ flammation of t iisery to me. 1 v t 1 did not know lief. I had tried thanks to your medicine." If you have some de the female organism Pinkham, Lynn, Mass BANQUET AT 0] Given By Gigizens to Crown Bank On Friday evening a tendered RR. G. H, Franc Crown be anch at | leading business men an the. vicinity. The oe mark Mr. Francis' pc business ability as a he having heen Napanee to take char branch there. At abou one hunderd gat down, t menn supplied hy Sidne proprietor of the Domin Specct wera deliver Col. Clyde, Dr, Hovk, |) Dawson and Ham, Noble Marshall Paral Il testifving 1 tow derived 1) farmers' s re regret The ec et.-Col. Toomey That Desirable Re The hon of late Dr King strect, is now offer 15 one of the most desi In the city, centrally loe tains all modern improv mfory n on applicat Horsey, 6 Market street. ---------- When make a busi wr best r home of Visit, ng pm a"fall. comes dow and ees (AN YOU RES DISEASE ( Yes, and Become ¢ by Driving Out Bloc and Restoring the Why are doctors and busy in th spring-time wered. People haven't Vigor in tl pring; it w in oll colds. thr ler, With thin 1 Ny the germs oi Cause fovers protection j Vigor that phes; it giv tired feel and ins every ailing restorative Bits influenced porary but lasting, |) lomndation of health E old 40, oar Begin, of ig, : » Who received eng from Fervozone, writ Speak too" highly in n Zune, If one had = ¥ remedy could build Stem 5 wo lieved 4. L no 4 Before ua g Ferroze OWA in nosy and vity YIY weak health I didn't "t enough an ul poorly in the or i - Toron: has «filled i To and vi increa 1 made yy man « bo Fig health through TI on ele aring Away Ying sickness: the pd Sold hy all deal boves fur 82 5 APolon & Co. 1 3 and Kingston,