IF YOU WANTA GOOD UALITY SMITHING 'COAL TRY OUR CUMBERLAND. Wals 85-81 Barrack naw P St. 'Phone 109 | that you get the genuiae, I X L Rye Whiskey is sold in bulk. Itis put .up only in quart bottles. See Established 1869 CURE ont to » billous wioleo the aysiein, wel oe Digziness, Nausea, tress after , Pain (1 the Bide, &o. While their most esting, m0 0 Ka success Lae K 10 curing nH tr a He 0 pometalaoricncl ie ora hata the ured snd the bowels. Even if they only HEAD {che they wanld boslaiont priceloas to thoss who their hota (how many i nt here *Gertor's Little Liver Pill are vory small sod Jar ouay to faite One or two pills makes Dat by Fotloaction posed 3 he Belt in vite olor dt. Sod * ©/MTER MEDICINE CO., New York, best, und that the is to deserve it. ooth & Co. FOOT OF WEST ST. ust received a carload of rated Wood Sulit Pulleys Shafting, ete. All sizes in Marine Gasoline Engine, from 14 to 20 "lorse Pawar. 4 Gasoline Engine supplies. Batteries," Spark, Plug and Colls on hand. supplied from tank on our aad see our Engine before pur elsowhere. Dr. Brock's goierrates Cy oal are the month] at the DENT DNUG RE, 14 Bt-eet, ¢ Faceiptof price-- $1. Mailed on A hata | = And beg to remind you that hatever the price of coal be! ween ROW and next April it eertainty Won't be any cheaper. Look, then, § your coal bins at once and let Cs 11 them up with some of the t tidel amined in this culhtry, in to suit your needs, well full weight and delivered SUH fod de foal Bia Walking Made Easy BY WEARING THE ACME CUSHION SHOE Made with an all-wool felt innersole, which relieves all jar on nerves, stimu- lates blood circulation and Jrowcss the foot from heat or cold and pness. 4 FOR SALE BY . The Sawyer Shoe Store, Phone 159. 212 Princess St. ° " Dyeing of roa At ant 'a Here's a cake de. Ti resi any Shade any shade. dyeing rH made At last home sure, safe. ein Maypole mid ee i 302p Dyes. roc. for Colovs--rse, for Black. gaps cut into it without detriment to the whole. It is not poy to champion the company's side. of the case, or mono- poly, but that is what the Montreal His Vision Is Affected. The Montreal Argus, edited by Mr. Dalby, the former editor of the Mon- trenl Star, dnd organizer of the econ- servative party under Sir Charles Tupper, is not in sympathy with Mr, Foster's statement, that all the great men are disappearing from the liberal party. "In 1896," says the Argus, "when, 'as Mr. Foster shows; the ministerial benches were occupied by intellectual giants, a great many of us, including the honourable George, failed to re- dgnize, much more to admire, their stature. May we not be still enter taining angelic giants unawares?" "If Mr. Foster failed ten years ago,"' asks the Argus, "to recognize the greatness of the opponents, whoge memory he now reveres, is it not pos- sille that there are still on the gov- ernment benches men the magnificence of whose proportions has escaped his notice ?** re Mr. Foster's vision is failing him, and the evidence of this is supplied in the fact that he the size of the men who are behind him and Mr. Borden, and posing as lead- ers of thought in the comservative party. A proper study of Sproule and Molean and Bennett and Hughes would aid him materially in revising his opinions of men and things. does not see Henry Georgism Revived. Had Henry George lived to the pre- sent his, heart would have been re- jolced, for the evidence is afforded by the British parliament of the sound- ness of his philosophy on the taxation question, The argument acainst the single tax has been its inadaptibility to ec ities and conditions in which another system had long pre- vailed, But here comes the proposal to try the plan of taxing land values in the boroughs of Scotland, The bill provides for the separate valuation of the sites and buildings, and for the imposition of a tax not exceeding two shillings (fifty cents) in the nound upon the value of the land. It also provides for the taxation of realties which derive their value from the presence of the community, and as the promoter of the bill fitlv argued, which should contribute their fair pro- portion to the taxation raised. The taxation of unoccupied land, so as to make it unprofitable for them to hold it till the industry of others adds to its value, has its advantage. It was championed by the lord ad- vocate of Seotland, who, taking wp the legal aspect of it, held that it did injustice to no one. It was not only a local expediency but a social neces- sity. It would deal effectually with some men who were not partners in the community, but parasites upon it. The popularity of the legislation was indicated by the manner in which it passed the commons, The majority in its favor was 268. .All the members from Scotland, save seven, voted for it. ; / The lords will not dispose of it. They can kill it if they wish, and as they killed a similax measure in a for- mer parliament. There is a growth of public sentiment, however, in favour ofl the measure, and eventually it will carry. The Scottish people desire try, the experiment of taxing land values, and if it succeeds with them it must succeed with the more popu- lous 'districts of England. to Defending The Bill. There are serious differences of opin: ion with regard to the rights and pri- vileges of the Bell Telephone pany. This has been made manifest by the discussion of the company's appli- cation to parliament to enlarge ite capital and extend its usefulness. The occasion - has suggested an appeal from two sources--the Manitoba gov- ernment and the municipalities of two provinces. com- Manitoba has had under' contem- plation a provincial telophone service, The government has persuaded itself that there is money and convenience in it and that it does not want the federal government to do anything which will interfere with its plans. The municipalities want complete con- trol of the streets, and contend that eny franchise which parliament grants should be conditional upon the econ- venience of the councils so far as the trespass upon public property is con- corned. There is nothing 'more un- sightly than the work of the tele phone and telegraph companies in the cities, and the councils have good rea- son to object, 'But the municipalities want more than non-interference with their con trol. Some of them have discussed a municipal telephone. service, and they would like the power to operate the lines within their linfits, at an arbit- fo = Director. | Gazette has 46. "There is," it says, "a broader than a municipal view to THE DAILY WHIG. | to%é of the telephone servioe™1t. docs | "Opifer per Orbem Dicor." not and should not intercfere with a city's or a town's or a township's control of its' roads, or of its right to be paid for their use; but it should not allow a locality without cause to prevent the filllest operation of a gen- erally useful service. It is well that parliament should remember that a body which it has created, whatever its purpose may be, and which is not alleged to have mhbuskd its powers, has a right to be } otected from outside attack within these powers, however much parliament itself, having in view the well being of the whole country may . regulate their exercise." Editorial Notes. The Whitney government does not object to its members dabblipg in public contracts. Later it may change its mind. -- No fall session of the federal house. Oh yes. One who knows says the November session will be called and go on though the present session be de layed until October 31st. Sir Wilired Laurier is ome of the really five great men whom Mr. Car- negie has had the pleasyce of meeting, Who are the other fofir \ A curious people would like to know. The World is making and remaking the federal government. It has al- ready retired Emmerson. Fitzpatrick and Cartwright, and elected others in their places. But the old arrangement goes on. ---- J Carnegie enjoyed his visit to On- tario, but at Montreal the working- men talked about the Homestead ex- periences. This may have somewhat aficcted the millionaire's peace" of mind. Mayor Dunne, of Chicago, cannot have public ownership of street rail- ways, so he asks the companies -on what terms they will give the people the improvements they desire. The Montreal Gazette applauds his wis- dom. of the Globe has been international The editor over in Detroit talking amity. He threw some very pretty bouquets at the Detroit people, and they appear to have stood the com- 'pliment pretty well, under the circum- stances. San Francisco suggests that federal government of the States endorse for. ge city and to the extent of $200,000,000, so that it may immediately rebuild and without financial embarrassment. The national government will think twice about that. the Uniter Mr. Whitney sees an obvious ad- vantage in surrendering half a million acres of land in New Ontario rather than put in the population at the rate of 400 « year. The Grand Trunk did not see any advantage in holding the land or it would not have been given up. The provincial government has been relieved of its guarantee of the two million dollar loan to the Canadian Improvement company, secured by the works at the Soo. The opposition re- garded this as an awful deal. It insin- uated that : the premier hedvily by it. would lose THEIR FIRST PARADE. The 14th Made a Splendid Show- ing Last Night. On Tuesday evening the 14th PW. O.R. had their first battalion parade, leaving the Armouries at 8:30 o'clock, and proceeding to the cricket field for drill. Hundreds of citizens lined the streets to see our soldier boys go marching Ly; and a trim, fine appear- ance they presented. The brass and bugle' bands led the sight companies, all stardy well built young men in their neat uniforms, When the cricket field was reached, the regiment drilled until ten o'clock, the band, the while, playing its best selections. Lieut.-Col. Kent, remarked by way of praise that he had never in his four 'years of command seen a better initial turnout. "While the boys did splendidly last year, and have done well so far this season, J want this to eclipse all former years," he said. --tt---- The Board Of Health. There was no quornmn at the hoard of health meeting yesterday after- noon. Those present were J. D. Thompson, Dr. Evans and Dr. Hanley. The chairman, John Melntyre, K.C., was indisposed. There was no urgent business before the hoard. The medical health officer's report showed that dur- ing April there were nine cases of scarlet fever, five of diphtheria and three of typhoid. -------------------- Medical Purchasers. Dr. W. T. Connell has purchased the residence on Arch street, owned by the late R. "T. Walkem. KC. for F5000, and will take possession at once, Dr. Robert Hanley has purchased from Mr. Tandervon the hrick resi- rated value. The Bell Telephone com- dence. on Wellington street, lately oo '| afflict women only. But A Sure and Certain Way to Cure This Terrible Torture. There is just one sure, scientific cure for sciatica, rheumatism, lumbago, neuralgia, ches--you must drive the pain from your blood and nerves with Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Lini. ments never cure nerve and blood dis- eases. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills strike straight at the cause because they ac- tually make new blood. Through the blood they conquer the painful pois. on, soothe the nerves, loosen the mus- cles and banish every ache and pain. Thomas J. Etsell, Walkerton, Ont. says : "When I an using Dr, Wil liams™: Pink Pills I had been off work for three months, The cords of my right leg were all drawn up and could only limp along with the aid of a stick. The pain | suffered was ter- rible. Only those who have been afflicted with sciatica can understand the misery. 1 was in both day and night. 1 took six boxes of Dr. Wil LJiams' Pink Pills before they helped me, but after that every day saw an improvement, and by the time I had used fifteen boxes; every vestage of the pain had disappeared. 1 have no hesitation -in- pronouncing Dr. Wil liams' Pink Pills the best medicine in the world for sciatica." very dose of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills makes rich, pure, health-giving blood. That is why they cure head- aches and back-aches, indigestion, kidney and liver troubles, anaemia, heart palpitation, and the ills that be sure you get the genuine pills with the full name, "Dr. Williams" Pink Pills for Pale People," on the wrapper around each box. Imitations are worthless-- often dangerous. All medicine dealers sell these pills or you can get. them by mail at 50c.' a box or six boxes for $2.50 by writing the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. -- ADULTS MUST APPLY For the Seeds Being Given Out. The new seeds have arrived for the Civic Improvement Society. In order to secure the best results it has been decided to gives them only to adults, who may register children's names. The Civic Improvement Society are anxious children should compete for the. prizes for best flower beds, and for flowers raised from the seeds, but the committee felt that the most of child- ren who clamored for seeds 'on Mon- day, would have little effect towards obtaining this result. There will be a number of ladies present. at Dr. Chown's drug store, from four to six each day, this week, who hope to be able to meet the parents, older hroth- rs and sisters, and give advice as to "best seeds to plant. in a given plot. If this plan of getting the parents in- terested in the children's flowers does not succeed, other plans will be tried. em -------- A Small Beginning. A plunge into newspaper advertising isn't necessary if your wants: are not large. If you * have a little want, ga little want advt. at a cost of a few cents, will find it. If you have a small business commence with small adver- tising. Cricket Field Lighting. The electric lamps erected around the cricket field do not light that big area like unto day hy any means. The distances across the field are too great for the lights to cover. To pro- perly illumine the place, three lights are needed down the centre, from Barrie to West street. However, the dozen lights now around the'field are quite sufficient to enable the 14th Regiment to drill. ---------- Honey conib chips, "taylor made" are sold at Gibson's Red Cross drug gtore. "Phone 230. Your carpets are softer and wear less if a good thickness of paper be underneath. Papers in quantity for sale at Whig office. To Loosen the Cough And Bring About a Thorough Cure of Colds, Use Dr. Chase's §i*'r Linseed and Turpentine It is sometimes dangerous to stop a cough. Ihe aim should be to loosen the cough, relieve the tightness and pain in the chest, 'and aid expectoration, so that the obstructing 'and irritating mass. may be passed out of the air Passages... This is exactly what is accomplished by the use of Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine, It is not a mere cough mixture, and not intended to stop the cough, but rather to cure thé cold. If you have tickling in the throat, pains and tightness in the chest, sen- sations of irritation, of oppression or suffocation this great family medicine will afford almost instant relief, and thoroughly overcome the old which gives rise to these symptoms, Not only is Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine a positive cure for croup, bronchitis whooping cough, asthma and severe chest colds, but is also a préventive of all diseases of the lungs. : It has time and again proven its right to a place in every home, and is the standby in thousands of families. Miss Ada O'Brien, Cape Love, Gaspe County, Que., writes: "Fight months ago I was taken with a severe cough which lasted three y a The H. D. Bisby Co, Tho H. Bibby gq, It's astonishing how quick and unerring t are in picking out the best place to deal IF A VOTE WERE TAKEN In this community as to the best Clothing, Hats and Haberdashery for are confident that we would SWEEP THE FIELD BY A LARGE MAJORITY We're right sure that we would secure the vote of every man who called juat to take a look at our hand. some Garments and Toggery for ths spring and summer seasons and learn our prices. he publie place to purchases men and boys, we Come and see our New Hats and New Spring Shir THE H. D. BIBBY (0, The Strictly Cash and One Price Store. 0 I I gl eg i gti ~ STEACY'S TALK ABOUT CORSETS HE Erect Form Corset is made in radically new models for the season's recent conceits in dress and costumes, styles specially created for the new modes with precise and exact models for 'cach different physique. The Erect Form is the only corset which has not been con- demned by physicians. This gar- ment is built on natural lines. It perfection and does not strain the shape into an unnatural contour--no pressure on bust or abdomen. They are made in three different models 2 for each different figure. We are the Sole Agénts in Kingston for the Celebrated W.B. and F.P. Corsets The Greatest of Their Kind Space won't permit to tell you about the many lines we have for your choosing, but the few we speak of are very special at the prices quoted. We invite you to call and see them :-- F.P. CORSETS, made of fine French Coutil, high bust and gored military hip, lace and ribbon trimmed; a per fect fitting corset. Special soo * --t F.P. CORSETS, made of fine Batiste, high bust and extended hip, trimmed with lace and ribbon, Garters at: tached, made very light and strong for summer wear. Very special... $1.25 W.B. CORSETS, made of French Coutil, high Bust and military hip, neatly trimmed; a great wearing Corset. PRICE coin. sms niinni £1.35 "STEACY'S" SPECIAL (sizes 18 to 30), made of - white percale, both long and short hips, well boned and trimmed 'with Jace. and ribbon; a great Corset at the price... 50¢. . : D. & A. CORSETS, made of French Coutil, new high bust and extended hip, lace trimmed; an extra strong Cost for T5e. Together with other lines from $1.50 to $2.50. See Our Spscial Garter Bargains 25¢. Garters for 19c. 50c. Gurters for 35¢. Steacy & Steacy JOY FOR JOHN DISSTON, cupied by Mr. Lockett for $3,500, | arrivals otve prom months, and; thoug| 5 ie arrivals ay > oO I had tried all sorts of medicines, gh Twice "in * One Year the Stork hearty ind bs es IS a ye : failed to do me any good, A friend ad- Brought Twins. po Ang 4 he had no time ! vised the use of Dr. Chase's Syrup of | Terre Haute, Ind, May 2.~Mrs.|®" ® I residont of the distinction Linseed _and 'Turpentine, and 1 was | John Disston, Grand View, a small Bh Te completely cured by 'two bottles. I can | town over the line in Edgar county, of Kig tamily. recommend it as a splendid medicine" | Ulinois, holds the record of this. com- Ee ut in the Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linsead and | munity for living up to' Presideat| "It wont kill you to Heeed. 'Thone Turpentine. 25. a hottle, at all deal- | Roosevelt's anti-race suicide ideas. | rain and sow your grass Se. TG ers, or Edmanson, Rates & Company, | Eleven months ago. Mrs. Disston be- | 230 for | flentucky lawn i : ross drug Toronto. To protect you agdinst imi- came the mother of twins, both of | Sold only at Gibson's Re tations. the portrait and sipnature of | Which 'are alive and thriving. Satur: | store. - inated Dr. A. W. Chase, the famous receipt [day her husband and friends were sur-| Three policemen were assiEl book author, are on every bottle, prised when she brought two more lon the streets Of Warsaw. 'gently coaxes the figure into greater i Tr ------ THE OLE Are Never Wit for C .and!RS No OATHINSON, Independerice., Mo. a arkable ip Effected By Peri: na. - January | Under of Hartinen ived the folloy "Ny Ww v has been a sufl complication of diseases f twenty-five years. Her case the skill of some of the mos! sicians. One of her worst t chronic cons ation of se standing. She was also'pass that most critical period in woman--change of life, «In June, 1895, I wrote to yi case. You advised a cours and Manpalin, which je menced, and have to say it cured her. "About the same time I shout my own case of cali had been of twenty-five yea At times 1 was almost pa commenced to use Peruna : r lnstructions and conti about a year, and it has cured me. Your remedies you clalm for them, and evi Joka 0. Atkinson. Ina letter dated January Atkinson says, after five y jence with Peruna: «] will ever contlaue to s word dor Peruns. Iam si catarrh."s--John . Atkii pendence, Mo., Bux 272, ROBINSON Cn, CoATICS SLE URS FOR CANADA AYD TIE U0 A box of Zutoo' Tablet in the pocket or purse, © the office or home, and u required, will ward of a or cold--and do it every | Take two of the tablet soon as you feel a heada ing on, or feel you have posed to a cold. In nine. cases in ten 1 come in twenty minutes, case is exceptional take 1 tablets, They are purely and-cannot hurt you. They will cure your h nip the cold in the bud-- you feel fresh and vigoro and ly. You can try Zutoo fo Samples are free for the : 10¢ and 25c at dealers or B. N. Robinson & Co., Co THE EVIL EY = Extraordinary Outrag Superstition. of Mare Verona, 4 t occurred 1 . due to niversal and d i that of il Eve. Elvira very pretty the dau fad "propriet t wl bee rl Mareellis her , high heen so Verlookad," an unf nsioned school In the abs hurch one Sinora Cas shrieking, Elvira, wh butt end of mana » which vas shot ounded sy er i Women : Flvira he she lay moa Was SOM g on the You Must Th dian Magazine? Ce eis with havi which ro Canada « i=t profits He han need ng them=Kg to town. and Rot need thom, or om; or that them, for ly, ives if them, 1 4 eo eonvi hegia lib ill not | that. man le expe Wakes All reading a thought 1 J MDYY SEA which develops it as