Daily British Whig (1850), 4 May 1906, p. 1

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ww 7 nish Your ically confronting the, thrifty aning season. May ; 15 | the Necessity of new edding, and the spring's ind vividly reminds the e, en | my day hare at Laid- ea of our staple stock ight of numerous piles of you of the ¢ genuine good Studying the Underwear Question Three essentials necessary : - It must 'be Unshrinkable, Strong Wearing. Soft to the Touch. re unable to come at all, Towels warantee the following lines to N 'KABACK J 2 i HUCRABACK OWELS hill to your satisfaction. pretty red : it Thev fail \ 2 neatly hemmed | ref ded if they ail to do so. 0 inches, os or ng Needle Balbriggan... 50c. = Sprinz Needlo Natural Wool $1.00 N HUCKABACK 0% Fis ors French Baloriggan 50, purest white, tg fler's Natural Wool........ $1.00 hed, our Britannia" Merine ........ a He special, 20x R i PB Britannia Natural Wool | NE THe only Change your Underclothing a en- joy comfort. N HUCKABACK TOWELS . . Whiten Jenkins Clothing Co ¥hite and neat hom B. P. Jenkins Clothing Co. exeeptionally larg inch woh Me -- * rs 21x3Rinches, each and others 21.39 1 es, ead h . LINEN HUCKABACK ELS, our most' expensive, in the end, cheapest qual guaranteed all pure Gnep 3 | h pretty damask design' in TEXDERS WILL BE RECEIVED | a deep. neatly hen py the Chairman - of the Waterworks' ched horder ver Committso up to 8. p.m., on ,TUES- Rat ad Lo" DAY, May 13th, inst... for the excavat- e--26x43 inches, cacl in~ @nd rc filling for a proposed -~ "a water main on Division and Russell 1 TOWELS, in many "di i sawp nt sizes d qualiti Specifications may be sen at the it sizes and qua Waterworks Office. A Very extensive. pric T. HEWITT ge, from h to * Superintendent n, May 4th, 1903. Table Linen . LEACHED TABLE LINENS T0 CONTRACTORS. three very. cxe : TENDERS WILL BE = RECEFVEN lities, per vard, at the office of the undersigned (where and . s und spor fieations may he seen) up ; : . on EDNESDAY ' A r. the veral trades H TABLE LINENS, pan works rv lin the construction of a ached, in the four chowest Erick Wa Building in this city dities at populs for Robt F's . ws, per. yard, 50, 65 9 Lowest or any tender not necossarily and * ateepted : WM. NEWLANDS Architect, H TABLE LINENS, pur Office; 258 Bagot street. ached to snowy whiteness, heantifally fin even ke, per vard, MENDED! Tr 5, 1.39, and 2 util noon MONDAY. Sth inst.. for sale of Jot 192, corner Queen and Wellington streets, Mrs. Thomas Dunn (1) Brick grocery, with dwelling ; two coitages, Queon street, and 1wo cottages Wellington street. owned by estate WENT HT Two ri ih cast cottages adjoin 2 2 RNISH ap iors, on Nolugtor wee." one mouth » a gems apply to KIRK- PATRICK ROGERS & NICKLE, On- tario t Cholegst Nalerials Excellent Workmanship Neat, Appearance Features to be had in our Shoes A coat of this Paint on a 3 k like new, i cthens r 6 3) Oe dike vow, and lectins Wear "Allen's Military Bootmakers 84 Brock St, Sign of Goldea Boot. Birch, ck St. For the Best Insurance SO 0O00e00s ! a a its branches SWIFT S Real RSA A A aENOY AS toes pples. rincess St. WO @@@o9 or@e r-------------- sh 'and a \ble Shoe one of our bg selling ;enuine Patent Guar TO CONTRACTORS TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED AT the of the undersigned, (where specifications may be seen) up on Tuesday the Sth several tr Ss works re- he .e nr struction of "a Brick Warchouse Building in this J Crothe rs & Co ny tender not necessarily NEWLANDS, Ofce Architect, 8 Bagot street. Board of Trade MEETING 'OF THE KINGSTON of T 1 will be held in the City L rr, on ¥ RIDAY, the 4th a o'clock p.m. for the torganizing the Board teers and FRANCIS KIRG ¢ 3rd, 1906. * i ROR AUCTION SALE hoes. he BROOD MARE (IN FOAL) id sound and gentle, ect fitter and a stylish a bo or single e Saturday. lla.m. € Shoe, V without the WM. MU re tetiry -- )E. y a pair ways : FOR SALE A Bay Mare, Aged Seven Soitable for farm or general Purposes On On Market, 11 a.m., Saturday DIRYC CT FROM TURK $ ® pay good prices for useful ar them urnitury: Carpets. Stoves and all other ds, For trading, buying or selling. + M0 better place than Turk's Ssrond. Hand Store 398 Prigcess Street. HOE STORE : Campbell Bros. The headquarters for men's hats. "o | Chamber, transacting goneral | Best place Rununage Sale, and Saturday Board of Trade at 8 pm The sun rises , Saturday and_sets at 7.03 pun. Teaders for W ceived by Newlands This day in history :--Nap ~* at Elba, 1814 : Huxley Battle of Tewkshury, 1471 You can hold up your Wherever vou 'go, If thé Hat vou are wea "From Gecrge Millis & meeting, CHINA pieces' Mayonaisse D Cracker Jars McKay Fur py s---- sed hy the this ountey best and in prime ¢ what yout get when you pur A pound of this Meat Stringy Tough Sort, hut have company McFedridge for will Telephone nk or St vou never had w st last lay we since opening our ne away hundreds of | We will peat the offer Me Well Wm. MoFedridge Auction, 'Brussels and other Cu A Hobby. underwear, Men's DAILY MEMORANDA, Brock St. Cockburn's till Saturday noon Telephone 489 to call. Lis ww apd other Tables Crockery, ete fo LAL LEN, The Tels eth an2 tesidence. ham : hosiery is a hobby of ours, Bibby Co, To buy men's Hats In Kingston it's C amprelk Bros. Civic Finance Committee. 8 p.m House oleon born, head ring is Co Just Opened ishes Sugars and Creams Chocolate Jugs: "THE DAILY INGSTON. ONTARIO. FRIDAY, MAY 4,)1906. to-night City Council at 448 am, re- arriv- 1825; A very pretty lot of dainty china in odd ROBERTSON BROS.. Furs Stored And Insured House ondition chase MEATS HERE doesn't © MEATS Stock growers in re rth two of ost for Sunday reg a Choice Roast as ploasxd customers SATURDAY SPECIALS 1,000 Hs. of Oven Roasts, 9c. to 12¢ 1,000 lis. of Shoulder Roast, 7¢. to 9¢ 1.000 lbs. of Boiling. Beel, 3c. to 6c S00 lbs. Sweet Pickled Corn Beef, Oo N Pork Sausages, f 3 Ibs. Hamburg Steak, 27 Canned 'and Bottlgd Goods at 'cost 11 Fed Pork. 400 lbs. of oice Fed Veal Spring Lamb 'and mn , lea Swectbreads and sbhles at rock [Bottom prices Come yourseM amd youg smallest child or telephone 564, ong price to all Pp MEAT McF MARKET Cor. Johnston and Bagot Sts. Manager Household Furniture, Wednesday, May 9th, at 10 30 Mrs. Crysler, 60 Union St. East . Bla ck Wal- Glassw Auct once nut Centre and other Fasy Chairs Cosy Co Screens Ch nille Curtains ; eXtrache Oak Extension 'Tahle, Oak Cune IMning C rs v 8s Cubtboard, Writing Insk, Black Walnut Bedrpom Su Oak Suite Har and other Mattre SSeS. Springs, Toilette Sets, Pil Feather Beds one Tables Mantle 1, Couch, lLaca Curtains, Blinds Poles, Active Range, 4-Burner Gas Range, Drop Leaf are r 243 Syden- The H. sweaters and b. JAPS' PLANS For The Re-opening Of Korea. FOR FOREIGN TRADE "BuILDING oF A SYSTEM OF RAILROADS Through the Hermit Nation---The Japs in Thirteen Months Have Constructed 310 Miles of Railroad. Tokio, May 4.--One of the chief features of the opening up of Korea to foreign trade is the building of a system of railroads through the "Her- mit Nation," which the Japan have undertaken. When these fu 3 for the transportation of goods and jus songs & have been provided, iz be- lieved that Korea will become an im portant centre for the extension trade in the far east and the little peninsula will assume a prominent position, commercially, which will at tract the serious attention of the world of busi he Seoul-Wiju railroad was opened traffic on December Ist last. The Japanese had constructed "in thirteen months 310 miles of railroad, a- feat of which they are, with good. reason, little proud. Immediately after beginning of the war with 'Russia they had begun the work on this line and it is now practically completed. Yongssan, a little village on the banks { the river Han, two miles" from Seoul, to the south-west, is to he the future railroad centre of Korea. Here 165 acres of land have been set aside as a railroad reservation, and the line for Wiju' and the new road to Gensan, the principal port on the east coast." start from this point. Ths Seoul-Fusan and the -Seoul-Chemulpo roads with these for thorough connection, the trajns of all four run ning to the capital on common tracks. It is intended. further, to rin a broad gauge road over the route followed hy the military line from Antung to Feng, Wang Cheng and bevend, and to bridge the Yalu at a point above that' place. With tracks laid Antung to Mukden, the railway in Northern Korea will become a scetiom of the great trunk line. The total of the new roads to date has been, roughly estimatine about fifteen million dollars and an addi tional ten millions. and four years' for ne the nn | work will be raped to put the lines final shave. Whils * at tunnel, feet long, there will eventually be total length of 15, standard gauge, four feet eight and one-half irched, "has been used for the Scoul-Wiin and Seoul-Gensan--railre as for---other railroads in Korea and this fact. fur nishes a striking example of the gene- ra! introduction of American and materials where*once a footing has into but one constructed, cighteen, with a S60 fegt. The present lias been methods been obtained. The ican 1 ading company built the fi railroad in Korea. in 1897-99 using * the. Ameri cap gauge, American engines and Ame- rican cars and materials throughout, and the Japanese bought out the ori ginal concessionarie and, to insure uniformity, built on the same lines. Of the rails used sixty-pound some came from Germany, byt most of them came from the Carimgie works The ties cam tage United States and the s from the Illincia, Steel com- pany. The bridges are now chiefly of wood and built on piles. Their total length is 44. 00 feet, the longest being » construction has been , owing to shifting bot and frozen floes in spring The greatest in ly this country om _ the toms, streams in winter, and the ie summer floods. obstacles were met at Anju, where two riv met. The hridge materials used are golv Américan, although some were imported from. England anil the Osaka Steel company, of Japan, supplied a small proportion. CHINA DESIRES DELAY. Opposes Imumediate Opening of Manchuria. London, May 4.--The Pekin corres pondent of the Times telegraphs as follows : "China opposes the opening of the Manchurian ports of Antung and tungkau, provided by. the Amori can and Japanese treaties, the ground that the war prevented the settling of the localities for residences and the drafting of regulations. When this is done she desires herself to give notice of the opening of the ports and thus save her fate with the peo ple, There will be similar delay on China's part! in the opening of Muk- den. which Japan consents to open June 1st." as on Because He Was Humane. St. Petergburg, May 4.--A superior armv tribunal - has reviewed the case of Capt. Shamski, of the general staff, who, when ordered to take command of a detachment to crush political dis orders in the vicinity of Kaluga, re fused on the ground that his con- science would not permit him to lead troops against unarmed: citizens. The ofiénce is punishable with death, but the: court, in "consideration of ong vears of exemplary service, can demned him' to only sixteen months of fortress imprisonment and to re- tirement without loss of ramk. Sentiment Is For Strike. Scranton, Pa., May 4.-- Yesterday's sessions df 'the miners tri-district con: vention were unprofitable, except that they. revealid that the sentiment of practically all of the attendance is for a strike. It is be lieved that nothing short of a mira cle can prevent a strike from being declaved either to-day or Saturday. from 7 M0 delegates vin' 'PITH OF THE NEWS. The Very Latest Culled From All Over The World. Patrick White died at New without heirs, leaving 100,000. Four men were killed by the falling of a derrick at Rockland, Maine D, J. 0 Donoghue, the dominion fair is recoyering from an ai- York wage officer, tack of. pne aumonia at Winnipeg. The Detroit River Tunnel company was authorized 10 raise fifteen wit lion dellars to proceed with the work. The Toronto University bill passed its' final stage in the legislature, on Thursday, and goes into force on June 15th, . The Alberta government provides $25,000 for undertaking preliminary work to establish a provincially gwn od telephone system, Owing to Segry withdrawals of gold 'to New York, the Bank of Eng land has increased the rate of dis count to four: per cent. No salute was fired in Prince Arthur, at Queis day evening, owing {o condition of the hiff NCIEIGIIISIISISSISINK honor of gon Thurs the dangerous * event of a quarrel with Great Britain. % GERMANY STEPS ASIDE. = London, May 4.~The 3 Standard says it 'under- 3% stands that Count Wolff- ¥ Metterniche, the German ¥ ambassador, has informed 4 the British government % that Turkey cannot rely % on German support in the ¥ *H Eo FSEISEICKIIIGIAAK en aet---------- of land within the Manitoba, Saskatchewan voted to railway com amount of The limits and panies is The Grand Trunk railway is asking a cash bonus of ¥300.000 from Lon don, and it is thought the proposed improvements will be postponed, 'he Yaami hotel, in Kioto, Japan, has been burned, and two American ladies, whose names are not given, are reported to have been burned to death. The Canadian Pacific tioned at Orangeville destroved by fire. The that the fire was caused by from a freight engine. Mr. Frohman has arranged with Sir Charles Wyndham and=his company to make a tour of the United Statek, T passenger sta was completely officials state sparks lasting from January to Easter, next vear. The tour will begin in New York. It is alleged that Rudolphe Forget, M.P., resigned from the vice-presidency of Notre Dame hospital, and has eut off his charities becatige of the attacks on him in Lenton serious by Father Plessis, "a* Dominican. George W. Cumming and John Mac- donald, of Sydney, C.B., are in Ham ilton on their way to San Francisco. They are walking to win a wager of $1,200. They must return to Sydney after one year and a day. ? A number of the cadets of the Mexican Academy, at Roswell, were placed under arrest, of mutiny in which forty cauets were involved, and in which violnee against the faculty was threatened for a time. Michael New NM, as a result Angelo McGinnis, a former college professor, and author of standard work on mathematics, was convicted of forgery in the criminal court at Kansas City,« and sentenced to ten years in the penitentiary. Me Gimnis and a confederate foreed a deed to a city lot and sold the pro perty for $300. » ¥ GOOD SENTENCE. ¥ | * Jamestown, N.Y., May x #¥ 4.---Mrs. Lora H. Allen, ¥ # convicted of arsom in the * ¥ second degree in the burn- » ¥ ing of the Grand Hotel at ¥ ¥ Point Chautauqua, was 3¥ ¥ sentenced to nine years ¥ ¥ and ten months in Auburn ¥ ¥ prison. * Lo %® UNRUFFLED BY PROTEST. Indifferent to Appeal by United States. = St. John's, Nfld, May 4.--Colonial authorities assert that they are not concerned over the Washington re port that the state department is protesting to "the Pritish cabinet against the recent action of the colony in fining American fishing vessels for alleged. breaches of 'the colonial fish ery regulations on the coast line; where Americans enjoy fishery rights under the treaty of 1818, They contend' that the Americans are subject to the regulations where ever they are not, incomsictent with the rights 'conferred by the treaty, and held that all restrictions which bind the colonies are equally binding on the Americans, because their right is only that of fishing in common with British subjects. CASSIE TO TELL STORY. my attorney | have decided to give the public a truthful story of my side of the affair. "In- this statement neys, plicated in my affairs shall be made known, 1 have become tired of false statements and unfounded reports, and don't propose to longer keop sil ent and endure the five of criticism, bankers, attor- while the main wrongdoers are enjoy- ing their freedom." FHRAAAIAARAAANIAAN -- Dcesn't Propose to Keep Silent Longer. Columbus, O., May 4.--Cassie lL. Chadwick has at last decided to tell the story of her life. She says : ; "1 bdieve the time has at last ar- rived when 1 am forced to make a full statement, and on the advice Of | business wien who have been im- | KING'S DEATH ---- Rumored In London, But Officially Denied, IS IN GOOD HEALTH WILL RETURN FROM FARIS ON MONDAY. Cordial Sentiments Exchanged at Dinner Given,.to Xing By President Fallieres -- Englafid and France for Civilization and Peace. London, May 4.--A rumor that King Edward was dead called forth an of-- ficial denial yesterday . A statement was issued 40 the effect that the King is «njoying excellent health, and that he will return to London from Paris, either on Saturday on Monday. The king's prolonged stay at Paris tends to show that the French author: ities do not expect trouble as a re- sult of the strike. or Dined The King * Paris, May 4.--President Fallicres pave a dinner at the Palace of the Elysee, last night, in honor of King Edward. In probosing a toast to the king, the president said that France saw 'in his maijesty's frequent sojourps a prociotis pledge of the cordiality of the relations between England "and France, hoth of which were happy in laboring single-heartedly for civiliza- tion and peace. The king, in the course of his reply, avowed his desire for the havviness and greatness of France. He said he was convinced that the Anglo- French entente - cordiale would do more 'than anything else to maintain peace, CONFLICT INEVITABLE As Result of Premier Witte's Re- tirement. London, May 4.--The 8t. Petersburg correspondent of the Daily Telegraph again predicts that serious trouble will follow the retirement of Premier Witte, He says the autocracy is re- solved to make another determined stand for existence, cost what it may, and in preparation for possible eon- sequences, eight more quick firing guns have been sent 'to Moscow, bringing the total there to thirty-two. The gon- viction is universal - that 'the douma has been invited to a : 3: Instead of a dessert, there will be ructions. No conciliation is conceiva- ble, no compromise is possible be- between the erown and: the nation. A conflict is certain, unavoidable, imminent. Even Count Witte could nop now avert it. A BOMB EXPLOSION yo Kills Russian Carrying it, in French Forest. Paris, May 4.--A bomb explosion oc- curred in the forest of Vincennes, yes- terday afternoon, killing a Russian, named Striga, ously wounding Sokolofi. The Tribda, and danger- a companion named men were proceeding through the woods, eacn carrying a bomb, with the evident purpose of hiding the bomb for future use, and | while so doing, the bomb which Stri- carried, exploded, killing him in- stantly. koloffi was struck by frag- ments of the bomb, and fearfully la- cerated, and is dying. The police be- *® | lieve that the incident revealed a plot, or ga | the object of which has pot yet' heen | unravelled, | Baseball Summary. | National League.--~ Boston, 3; New | York, 0. Philadelphia, 5; Brooklyn, | 4. St. Louis, 4; Cincinnati, 1. | American League.--Washington, €; | Boston, 4. New York, 6; Philadelphia, 15. Cleveland, 6; St. Louis, 0. Detroit, {9; C hieago, 2. tern League. --~Baltimore, 3; Mont- Buffalo, 9: Providencéd, 1 Toronto, 3. Newark, | Roche ster 53. | Proud Father At 85. | New-York, May 4.--Prof. John | Thiry, "of Long Island City. who {been known. as the "father of school savings banking system," came the father as well to-day baby hoy. Prof. Thiry cighty-fifth. year, and went a vear ago as one of Dr, most unrelenting critics. Mrs, thirty, H. ha the he of a is in his on record lusty Osler's Thiry is A Strike Is on. Quebec, May 4. The recognition of the union is Re issue in a strike in- augurated ag Star Hat and Cap fac- tory, thi® morning. Tfouble has been on for some time, the company refus- ing to sign an agreement with the L union, though conceding the mone: tary de a Only * sixteen men are involved. Lawson's Startling Charge. Boston, Moss. May 4 --Thomas W. Lawson declares that over seventy members of the Massachusetts legisla- ture have been bribed to vote against the "bucket-shops" bil. Lawson adds that wore .than $5,000 has been paid in bribes, * Collisions Occurred. Bre May 1.-Several collisions be- tween rioters apd troops occurred here during the night, ---- If you prefer to take medicine in | tablet form you can now obtain Dr. | Shoop's Restorative Tablets. Absolute- tly no change has heen made in the medicinal ingredients. Sold by all druggists. - oy p Dapible steength Tarine moth bags, at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store, FLOGS NATIVES AS' SLAVES. 'African Plantation Owner is Held for Trial. Berlin, May 4A sensational trial has been held in the central or court, in which an owner of Fmlnal tions at MPBua, in German East Afrida, named Mismahl. was charged with dangerously injuring many na- tives employed on his RRODRFLY Testi- mony was given that ismahl and his two brothers = systematically fog: ged the natives. One in particular, named Mango, - who had agredd tc work for three months, was detained compulsorily at the expirgtion of that time and fled. "A hunt was organized, and, on re: capture, it is said, he was flogged with a hundred strokes of a heavy whip, Mismahl himself and his brothers holding the negro. Another named Gundia, . was soverely flopoed for eating potatoes without his _mas- ter's permission, while others were mercilessly beaten on their bare backs for mere trivialities. The public prosecutor urged the in: fliction of an ° exemplary sentence on the ground that Mismah! had intro- duced slavery and discredited Gernhan rule. Mismahl contended that. every farmer in German Fast Africa had a right to give corporal punishment to maintain authority over the natives, An East African official gave testi mony that it was the custom of settlers to flog for disobedience of orders and drunkenness. The court accepted the custom as an extenua- ting. circumstance---and imposed a single fine of $25. A DEMENTED FARMER Wandering About With Pocketfull of Money. Ottawa, Ont., May 4.--A man, ap- parently demented, who says his namo is Mason, amd that he is a farmer, near Sherbrooke, was found by the police walking, aimlessly, about last evening. Taken to the station it was found that he had nearly 84,000 in money on his person. It was bulging in every pocket. The police have put the money in a vault, amd sent the old man to the Protestant hospital, while enquiries are being made for friends. THE PROGRAMME. Arranged For the Douma's First Session. St. Petersburg, May 4.----The govern- ment has drawn up the programme cf the first session of the douma which beging on "Thursday next. The main topics for discussion will be agrarian reforms, autonomy for Poland, and, including liberty for Jews. The first ol ita with include the futstdustion of granting fary and d a i ating resolved' to take strong action if the douma attempts to discuss the Hmit: ation of the, autocractic power of the czar, FURNITURE SHOP ON FIRE. The Machine Shop Department Damaged. Stratford, Ont., May 4.--About one o'clock, this morning, a hot fire was discovered in the machine shop of the furniture company of the J. A, Cline & company, limited, and before it was subdued damage to the extent of about $2,000 was done. The is eovered by insurance. confined to the machine shop, and the other departments were not damagad. Origin of fire unknown. loss A Strike At Hamilton. Hamilton, Ont., May 1.~The carpen ters held a meeting with the bosses, this morning, failed to agree, and a sfrike was ordered. The contractors would not bind themselves to employ aly union men when these were avail able. A Vessel Foundered. London, May 4.--~The British steam er Anglo-Peruvian, from Shields, Ap- ril 11th, for Philadelphia, foundered recently in the Atlantic as the result of a collision with an deeberg. All the members of the crew were picked up. > Paid Out Much Money. San Francisco, May ¢.--The United States mint, which is now heing used as the general clearing house of the banks, has paid out between 87,000, 000 and $8,000,000 to depositors, since it opened on Tuesday last. S------ Taken To Pembroke. Pembroke, Ont, May 4.--~The re- mains of the late Hon. Peter White will arrive here from Clifton Springs, N.Y. by C.P.R. train, at noon, to morrow, Saturday. Funeral at 2:30 p.m., on Monday. Davies' Saturdy Beef Sale. Western beef "steer and heifer," very choice, oven and pot roasts Te, to 10¢. boiling or stewing cuts fe. to Sc., 300 Ibs. round steak, 12§e. Ib. Is Still Alive. Hamilton, Ont, May 4.-William Hendrie was still alive at noon. Colombia and Venezuela are worse' estranged than ever before as a result of the refusal of Vice: President Gomez of Venezuela to receive Dr. Herrera, the minister plenipotentiary who went to Caracas three weeks ago to per- fect a treaty with Venezuela. fe are showing . the cream of spring shirt styles. Sce our special $1 line. The H. D. Bibby Co. . Mayor Coatsworth, Toronto, since the beginning of Kis term, has been accepting an increased salary, Uptown Bicycle Depot Jones. 203 Princess Street. After careful' selection f ds comparison of values; 1 Bove a and assortment high grade UNIQUE Fanstry ction' hd heals - pearance, a 4 1 ING and SATISFY Cn nh Re. Call wad, inspect. Second ha bought and Sold, se wheels. 0 The fire was |" southerly fair, storms. Saturday, -- clearing. ' Steacy's Saturday local - showers westerly Specials t FRENCH BATISTE CORSETS Special price .. H0ce HOOK-ON GARTERS-- 5c. quality for ...... prised Nec uees 19c. LADIES' GARTERS With waist strap, 50c. kind... 33e. WASH STOCK COLLARS-- A great assortment at'! AMERICAN GIRDLES-- Be. quality for .....cinimane « Me. LADIES' "COTTON HOSE The best you ever saw for...... 25e, LADIES' KID GLOVES-- New shades, manish cut at...... 75e, LACE CURTAINS The bést in the trade at. ..... $1.00 THREE-QUARTER LENGTH KID GLOVES-- Colors and black from $1.95 le THRBE-QUARTER LENGTH . GLOVES-- Silk or Lisle, now shades, 50c. to . 81.05 Just to Rand from the makers. NE W FANCY RIBBONS-- Dainty Dresden designs, ol widtha, riquet ge: Prices run from Se.' 10 ns Ryan cer apinat conan sins SHIN Be. sure and see them, STEACY'S DIED, McKAY.--In Toronto, on Ma 4th, 1908, H#. McKay, formerly of o Kingston. al notice later, FITZGIBBON .--In Kingston, ¢ Sed of Muy, 1006, = Danie Bortamautn, aniel PA Friends and adquaintances are t- fully res Suesied to adtend the solemn reguien %, which will be su St. Mary's COnthedral, at 9.80 a.m. on 4th May ipson, M INL In 1906, Bernard. three years. Funeral notice later. aged sixtyd ROBT. J. REID, } The Leading Undertaker 'Phone 877, '@22 Princess Sv, CRC Tuesday, Weduesday, Friday, May 8th, 9th, 11th, La iay ; AND SATURDAY MATINEE "PARADA * Direct f Hnineion Buretn for "New Yorke wd oston + Benefit Mpchanios' euyits - All Special Scenery-<200 Peo Beautital Costumes and Calcium Tiant ects . Pricosrte 45c. and 5Ce. Advance nie © LS i » Fhoraiay, Wey 00. Buster Brown Jams and Preserves Our stock of Imported and Canadian Jams, Preserves and Marmalades is tomplete,. Cropse & Blackwell's list := Ras 14h glass. Burpy. a San Blackberry dau, 1b glass . Peach Jam, II Pineapple Jam, 1- Apri Wey 1b bi rem Gage Jam, 1 armalide, 1-1b glag Marmalade} 24h tins . Marmalade,' mn tinge Sens 10, CONTAA ee aman, (ia lans ites ah o ins ications } up: Buy dpeinat, lor iE A Jiret in this al Sot pletion of a Towhat or any tender accepted. : age} WM. N Ak

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