Daily British Whig (1850), 7 May 1906, p. 5

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F THE Towy imense S Suit trade th term, a "THE supp ves the study of gyi serious thought thag ment in the syjy busi. ur city. are in Slvincio of those of Spring Suits , $16.00, $1650 0, $12.50, 4.00, nits, $10.00, $12. 00, 14.00, $15. 00 and Suits, $3.50, $4.50, 7.60, same, Styles. BBY Co. wi, ne PPP +300004 RGAINS} EK ONLY Frame wheel, fit. llulcid mud guards, Dasliop tires, for - $50 Cash | Wellington St, NTER NOW a Business, Shorthand or i Service Courses ston Business College Limited Head of Queen Street yston =« - °= Canada aclous apartments, eomplete pment, excellent results, ustés ip demand. Thorough ridual instruction by com- at and experienced teachers in y department, Open throughs the whole year, Catalogue b» MeKAY, H.F. METCALFE Presidents Principals eR A A A A A a NARM SUBJECT 8 nothing In the world welre sg terested im as Coal at this time jear. It sound queer to ft coal buying and selling as & but that's What we've made it. mportant discoveries we have a that complete satisfaction to omers nd that the win business is to deserve It. oth & Co. FOOT OF WEST ST. 133. OSSING Ee" for Paper and Envelopes RAVING &ee Cards and Letter haads #11 classes of Lett from a card to a vol WHIG, Kingston nd Union n Hotel xs From $1,00 Per Day Up site Grand C FanpalS Station GAGE::: FREE Terra Myers' "Home: Made | Cheese. may pays hest 10: To and Krom, ng Importation ot 08 t, Brock strect, has reoiv os of imported goods for othing department, ©0 insisting h and English tw ods, serges and Vicunas. His $15 ith 2 order beats anything © pr rs. The wear 2 fitting ed. ------ " ders r Swain, piano . Ord at McAuley's Book Store TS LE i RAILWAY Connection With In on Pacific Railway URN FARE RE FROM, KING- STON TO : avd San Francisco : Ingeles $92.00 $19.50 post, wd direct * CHOICE OF ROUTES overs west of Missouri River. April 24th to May 5th. ing until July 31st. rs at K. & P, and C.P Ontario - street OT. A. FOLGER, American | Going yia returning lines snd a Canadian or vice | ve Ticke Tabb Reet." Gen. Supt. rt line for Tweed, Napanee, pr and all local points: Trains "City Hall Depot at 4 pm. F. FARAY Agent B. Q. Ry. Kingston. RAILWAY SYSTEM IRL COLD CURE| 1 WILL REFUND YOUR MONEY IF IT FAILS MUNYON, Philadelphia TERRIBLE PAINS ACROSS BACK SUFFERED EIGHT MONTHS WITH KIDNEY TROUBLE. WOULD HAVE TO STAY IN BED FOR THREE DAYS AT. A TIME Doan's Kidney Pills CURED HIM Mr. Thomas Fitzgerald, Hazeldean, Ont., writes us as follows: * I was a great si from kidney trouble for eight months. 1 bad terrible pains across the small of my BRANCH TIME TABLE In Effect Jan. 2nd, 1906. ps will leave and arrive at Oy | 1, Foot of Johnston street, GOING WEST Arr. City 1.15 a.m 3.05 a.m. 9.47 a.m. 12.46 p.m; 3.51 p.m, 7.38 p.m. GOING EAST Lve. City. Arr. City 223 a.m. 3.05 a.m. 8.47 a.m. 2.16 noon 12.44 p.m. § Past "Exp. 1.00 pm. 1.29 p.m « 12Local ...... 7.03 p.m. 7.38 p.m 238 "nd 4 rum daily. Nos. & ha daily except Monday. All other ns daily So Sunday. Direct rou to Torento, Deterboro, ilton, "Buttaio, London, Detroit, ict Bay City, Saginaw, Montreal, tava, Quebec, Portland, St. Johm. jifer; Boston and New York. all other imformation, apply to J. P, HANLEY, Agent. Cor. Ontario streets. Kingston, Ont. LAN LINE Rove 'Beoamers { LIVERPOOL. May 3 MONTREAL TO ictori an MONTREAL TO GLASGOW, (moderate rate umidian service.) May 9th, daylight jongolian Muy 16th, daylight and weekly thereafter. For ates, apply to J.P. HANLEY ont, $7. RR... .J P, GILDER BLEEV] PR. Agént, IS OF CANADIAN NORTH-WEST HOMESTEAD D REGULATIONS Awy even numbered section of Domwin- Lends in Manitoba or the North- t Provinces, excepting 8 and 26, not erved, may be howesteaded upon LY ¥ person who is the sole head of a , or any male over 18 yeurs of to the extent of one-quarter sec- ®. of 160 acres more or less Estry must be made personally at the cal land office for the district in land is situate ADL A settler who been granted an entry for' a home d is required - to perform ithons connected the rewith under lllowing plans one of (1) Atleast six months residence upon d Cultivation of the tand in each year "ing the term of three years. 2) It the father (or if the Sed 8 deceased) of any pel rson wlio is 'Wille to make a homestead entry un- mother, the. provisions of this Act, resides | bob a farm in the vici of the land | tog Jor by =. person us a home- | ad @ requirements if this Act as to | et ¢ prior to obi \ patent may stslied by such. perso h father or mother Son residing Wiy @ 1 @) I the ge Htler has his permanent land owned by Is homestead, the Rirements of this Act to residence Y be satisfied by resi dence d land upon the APPLIC ATION ¥ OR PATENT should Bade o i the 1 eal" f three years, bhe- t. Sulb-Agent or the 'tions for patent © SIX months' notice Commissioner of Do- Sin Lands at Ottawa, of his intention Op. y { tors OF CANADIAN NORTH- | sr MINING REGULATIONS. > nds may he. purchased at | r soft coal and $20 for more than R20 acres can "r. Royalty at ton of 2.00 the gross ut, Surg greg the rawe winds of ten cents shall be collected 's certificate 1s in advance of individual, and num for a com- Blan Miner faving discovered mineral feet cate a claim 1,500x1,- r a claim is 85. 0 must. » expended on the iid to the mini e- 'eu thereof oS ho When $500 has Lu np ded the locator may having as Dyin made, and upon T With other req iuirements, pur- an acre. Patent ides Malty or 3 Fades 1 ACER pip iy. Square : entr T cent ¢ oe the sales. fee $5, h renewable Troe mi; di y of tain two leases to of fend of © miles each for a om 'of th Fears. renewable at the ® Minister of the Interior. ve a dredge in oper- m from the date of riles. Rental, $10 le of river lensed. hs of 2% per cent collect. Output after iy exceeds $10. 000. ot + WV. Ww Cony, = Varare Minster of the Interior. ize: 8 publication nt wil not be paid 2 this Rea Esa and Insurance % Clarence st. op Opp. Post Office >- Cliff, Specialist For Pullman - Accommodation, Tickets, | Johnston | which | the con- | individual or com- | the payment of | S renerally are | Headquarters . . back. I would have to stay. in bed for | three days at a time and could not do any work. tried several res ies but of no avail, and also plasters bit they were of no use. . One day a neighbor of mine advised me to try Doan's Kidney Pills. I was so much discouraged I told him I was tired of trying remadiés, but he urged me to try one box so [ purchased one, and before I was through using it, I found a change for the _better so I got five boxes more, and I have "bad no troubls with my kidneys since. 1 would not be without Doan's Pills in my house." It is really not difficuls fo cure kidney trouble in its first sta, es. All you have to do is to give Doan's Kidney Pills a trial, They are a never-failing cure for all forms of kidney trouble. They quickly relieve the conjssted, overworked kidne: and gradually bring them back to health. Doan's Kidney Pills 50 cents per box or Doan Kidney Pill C»., "Taronto, Ont Clark's Corned Beef All good meat, bone- less and wasteless. ©pen the germ proof can and it is ready-to-serve at { | | { | | any hour. Order some et from your dealer to-day. { WM. CLARK, Mir. Montreal. 2-106 CURE wick Headache and rolieve all the troubles fncl v dent to a . lo, &c. While their most Ssmasiable a has been shown in curing SICK ateadache, yet Carter's Litie Liver Pie are equally valuable in Constip sation, curing and pre. Saving thisannoyin ngcomplaint, while they alse orrec al disordersof the stomach stimulate the Brera regu te tho bowels, Even if they only HEAD 'Biche they would bealmost priceless to those who suffer from tLis distressing complaint; but fort Dately their goodness does notend here and those 'who once try them will find these little pills valo- hon somany ways that they on hot be be -- ai Bat aft ACHE bane of eo many lives that Lere fs where Sela a great boast, Our pills cure it while o not. Carter's Littlo Liver Pills are very small and Very easy to take. One or two Silla make a decy They are strictly vegetablo and do not grips or ng. | hot 4 ete onto ant mn Ricase lf wha ialsat 23 cents; fivh for $1. Sold a verywhere, or sent by mail. © CHTIR MEDICINE CO., New York, Smal BL Small Dose Small Pris Cook's Cotton Root Compound. The great Uterine Tonic, and only safe effectual Monthly Regulatoron which women can ) | depend. Sold in three degrees Za of strength--No. 1, 1: AN 4 «5 10 degrees tron er Xe: 3 ci per box. all drug sts, or sent v' ~epaid on rece J] of price. g, 'roe pamphlet. Address : F. W. Falls, Smith's Niskelly, ship- | ped 7.000 muskrat skins recently which hie captured 'on the Rideau this spring. three boxes for $1 23, all dealers or The Tw Sook Mewgine Co., Toronto, ONT. (formerly W indacr} OUR NEW SETTLERS TO BE VERY DESIR ABLE CLASS. SEEM Interest Taken, in Canada, in All Colonies of the Empire--Desire for Particular, Rather Than General Information Respect- ing Dominion. E.C., April o ithe Editor) : You will be interested, * we think; in learning something of the extraordinary boom in emigration which exists at the present time in the United Kingdom, a booin which owes. its origin and sustenance very largely to the campaign which is be- ing conducted by Mr. Preston, on be- hali of the Dominion government. We, ourselves, (the management' of The Colonizer) "have received over 25,- 000 letters from would-be emigrants during the past few months, and it pleasure give such enquirers as to cause a very large proportion of the whole number to proceed. to various parts of the dominion, from Nova Scotia in the cast, to Vancouver-in the west. We ourselves have heen surprised' to find that a good proportion of these have been possessed of reasonable amounts of money, ranging from £100 to £2,000 or £3,000, so that they con- London, 25.--( has been our to advice to these stitute notable gain to the new rv in which they settle. But har. is, perhaps, more interest- ing still, is the interest in Canada and Canadian mobements which is -be- ing manifested by persons who have already leit the United Kingdom, and settled in South Africa, Australia, or other of our colonies. We are oetting many 'enquiries from these, and you may take it from us that the domin ion will gain many of these emigrants who cannot bv 'any stretch of imagin ation be classes as tenderfeet. They should 'be a source of great strength to you, as they are experienced men, and know the world far better than immigrant. we are able 'to see there why the stream of emi- dominion should not for a long time, bat glad if vou will allow us compliance. "with are be highly beneficial immediate loeality. It is that your board of trade, cham bers of and other local bodies or authorities will send us au thentic particulars, with good for illustrations of their districts, stating what exist in respect of soil, or other facilities, or in the average So far is no reason grants to the continue to flow we shall be to prefer a which will, as request, we sure, to vour commerce, blocks respective advantages climate, re crops most way suitable, on a leading industries carried short,, such information be most useful to in ad the thousands of emigrants who are daily asking us for advice and information. They, and we, get any amount of lit re, © ote., re speeting" Canada, gene but the dominion is mighty big country, and we feel that these further details will enable us do more to indivi dual districts, I beg to thank von in anticipation for the publication of this letter, land would add that all information sent to us in response to the peal should and, will vising a to foregoing ap be properly authentica ted,. and all | blocks carefully marked #0 as to show exactly what and » they represent.-- Yours faithfully; F. W. FREER. Arbor Day Observed. Moscow, May 7.--Mr. Wagar and fa- mily have moved into the house lately occupied by J. O'Neil. We regret to have to chronicle another sudden death which occurred here last week. lotts died on Thursday after a week's suffering - with appendicitis. He a widow and one thild, who have sincere sympathy of the entire minity At the of offic for the Sunday Mrs. Alfred Martin was chogen superintendent with Ernest Amey assistant. -Fred. Johnson lost a valuable horse this week, Its death was caused by breaking through George leaves the com- re-election school, the stable floor in the night, and in- juring itsell in an attempt to get up. A number from here attended quarterly service at Yarker on Sunday morning. Alired Martin is making tile for the county drains. Arbor duly observed in school on Fri day. The vard was cleanéd and cleared of some dead trees, and new ones were planted. A. M. Bell, of Queen's, spent Sunday the guest of his parents. day was onr ------------ Toronto Street Market. May 7.-- Wheat, white, bush., SOc. to Sle.; wheat, red, bush. Ste, to Sle; suring, Duel, ce; wheat, bush. oe. to le.; Toronto, wheat, bush, goose, tle; bark peas, hush. orve, timothy, ton. $13 to $I ton, 89 to $10; straw, Dh, hay, mixed; per ton, 8, $0.5¢ to $10: £3 to $17 egps, $11 to 812; dressed hog per dozen, vonles laid, bbl., 18. to 2 butter, chickens, new dairy, to + butter cregmery, 27e. ; per lb., He. to 17e. fowl, per bbl, 10¢, 12¢. trkite per lb: 1Se. to 20c; geese, per Wh. 12¢. to le.: cabbage, per dozen, 40¢, 50¢c.. cauliflower, Per dozen, 75¢. to potatoes, per bao 80c. to S5e.; on iong, per bag, 81 to $1.10: celery per dozen, 40¢. to 4! beef, hindquarters, R750 to 89; beef, forequarters. £5 to beef, choice, carcase, £7 to 88. beef, medium, carcase, 6 to £6.50. mutton, per ewt., 89 to $10: veg) ver ewt.,, 20 (o 810.50. per ewt,, S12 to S13. to lambs, At Desert Lake. Lake, May 5.--The cheesa fae has opened under the manage- ment of G. Sandbom; Bellrock., Wil liam Hopkins has moved to the North-West. i. Timmerman, Jr., has moved to the house lately oecupied by Desert tory C. Hughes, Mise Lottie Snook, King- ston,' is at home, Mrs. H. Smith, of Perth Road, visited her parents for a few days. Miss Olive Snook has gone to Kingston. A number of the bs have gone to Cobalt, GQ, Amey pald a flying visit to Kingston, last week. W. Amey has had a severe attack of la grippe. Miss Charity Smith, who has hao verv poor health for some (time, has gone to the General Hosni- tal," Kingston, for treatment. Sym pathy istextemied to Mr. and Mrs, A. Hopkins, in their bereavement. in the loss of their little girl, who died very suddenly. THE DAILY ------ CITY ENGINEER CRAIG Resigns to Become Resident En- gineer on the G.T.P. CITY E NGINER R CRAIG. resignation of Mugo B. R. Craig, as city engineer of Kingston, will be read. at the eity council, meet ing this evening. Mr, Crair has been The appointed resident engineer of the Grand Trunk Pacific railway on the district west of Fort William. and de sires to be relieved pf his duties here He was appoint December, 1904, Kirkpatrick, and city good servic DISTRICT DASHES. as soon as possible. od city engineer succeeding A. has rendered the in Items in Our Exchanges. Eganville juveniles took their first plunge into thé Bonnechere on April 16th, The home Westmeath, wedding on Latest Many of a quiet His the of Nathaniel Caswell, was the scene of Wednesday last. daughter, Miss Martha, became wife of Robert, Jones, Cobden. The rumor that Picton has purchas ed the house and lot of the late Mrs, Church for the Carnegie library site is not correct, but negotiations for the purchase have been going on and dn option has been secured on the pro perty. Picton will lose one of its best citi zens in the person of James Worrell, who takes his departure for Colborne, where he has purchased the business of €. W. Ramsay, * clothier and fur nisher. Mr. Worrdl and family have been residents of Picton jor thirteen vears - At the first regular Wp r of lie ton cheese hoard, the ¢ iom of offi- cers for the year resulted © President, A. | Sprague, (re-elected); vie sident, B. F Wilson: secretary, Roblin: aud ors, Messrs. Mor gan and Carter; marker, Albert Me- Caw: weigher, I. B. Tubbs. Thomas English, while ploughing on his farm near Picion, piece of metal which be a representation decked out in and leather waist, like blouse turned over a hag proved to of a Scotchman a bonnet with feather coat tied around the what now "called Rus- style. It's' a auestion the relic came from with Mr. English, as the land on which it was found has been in his family since is sian where 1820, and was cleared by himself for ty vears ago. Licton Gazette : There is consider- able of an outery amaeng grocers and other dealers in Picton who complain that the cream of the Business is taken by the numerous pkddlers who go about the conntry gathering up ind buying butter, eggs, and other y onlities, and selling teas, sugars eries of all kinds to the farm tha or rural residents: and the conte ntion of ular dealers who pay taxes is that they shoukl be protect ol ie he matter is in the hands of the county council! and emquiries should be mad PULP WOOD'S DRAIN On Forests Shewn to Be Very Great. The forest . service of the United States department of agriculture has furnished a preliminary * statement showing there was used in the past year in the United States more thay 3,000,000 cords of wood facture of wood pulp. The from 150 firms controlling in the manu- returns werg 232 mills, I'he wood used was divided among the us processes as follows : Syl- phite, 1,535,000 cords; soda, 410,000 cords; ground wood, 1.06%,000 cords, The total pulp producti n by all pro- cesses by the firms reporting was 1,- 903,000 tons. Ace rding to the census of 1900, the consumption of pulp wood was then 1,956,310 cords, so that there has been an increase of over fifty per cent. in the last This monstrate in a manner drain upon the caused by pulp industry, : six 'vears, striking forests de , the the OUTSIDERS AT WORK, But Not Likely to Foment Trouble. Montre May 7.~0Oflicials of Longshoremen's Union intimate the. reports of trouble among workers arise from attempts siders, from Portland d St. N.B., to foment trouble be no general strike L800 members Any the that the of out- John, but there will this year as the satisfied with pre- are sent conditions. The members dis- claim any Part in helping to make trouble for the outsiders, Is Rapidly Improving. Capt Bongard, of the steamship Turbinia, who has been confined to the oo al hosp with blood-pois oning, . since the iv of his boat in the port, is much wed, He was able to he out kine Sunday afternoon, and it is thought he will be able to leave the hospital Within a few days. Sells Without Licence. A stranger has this week, it is alleged; "hesn selling to citizens suit ngs whic *h is a breach of the city by-lav 're peddlers in that he has not taken out "his license. The case will have a police court hearing Tuesday morning. the "Best" Eat _choecolates. Name on every piece, at Best's drug store. MON DAY, MAY 7. A BIG LAND FRAUD THE GOVERYMENT MAKES A CHARGE OF CONSPIRACY. All Ranks Are Included--Men Range From Saloonkeepers to ° Editors--Heavy Bonds Are Fixed. Portland, Ore, May 7.--Late Satur day night, United States District-At- torney W. C. Bristol made public. the names of twenty-one perons against whom a government land' fraud in- dictinent was returned by a federal grand jury. The indictment charges conspiracy to secure 200 000 geres of fine tinther land in Crook Lake and Klamath counties, Oregon. Mf the al- legfitions of the indictments are true the mode of operations 'was similar to those of nearly all the conspiracies' which have been found in this state: Warrants will he issued at once for the arrest of the accused, who range in occupation from saloon-keepers to law vers, editors and business men, THE BISLEY TEAM. The Men Who Will Do the Shooting. Ottawa, May 7,2 The Capadian Bis- ley team Wa¥ heen officially selected as follows : In command, Lieut.-Col. KE, W. Wilson, 3rd Regiment, Victoria Rifles, Montreal; Adjutant Lient.-Col. Talbot, M.P., 17th Regiment, Que. Members, Pte. F. N, Allen, Fusiliers, London; Capt. W. H. ith Regiment, D.C.O.R., Van- B.C; Capt. R. A. Robertson, Regiment, Hamilton; Capt. KE. 91st. Highlanders, Hamilton; Lieut. W., H. Semple, 75th Regiment, Truro, N.Sg Sergt. 6. M, Whitely, 2nd Regiment, Q.0.R., Toronto; Sergt. H. Kerr, 48th Highlinders, Toronto; Sergt. T. H., Hayhurst, 13th Regi- ment, Hamilton; Sergt. G. Mortimer, G.G.F, G, Ottawa; Major C, L. Ma cadam; R.0., Montreal; Pte. W. . A. Smith, G.G.F.G., Ottawa; Capt. T. J. Murphy, 7th Fusiliers, T.ondon; Sergt. Major S. ... Huggins, 13th Regiment, Hamilton; Sergt. J. Gilchrist, 30th Regiment, Guelph; t-Major J. Caven, 5th Regiment, C A. Vie togia, B.C.: Pte. J. Leask, 2nd Regi- ment, QO.R., Toronto; Pte. J. I'rys- dale, 3rd Regiment Vietoria Rifles, Montreal; Pte. Leon Pinard, 43rd Regiment, D.C.O.R., Ottawac Pte, H. M. Blackburn, 90th Regiment, Winni- peg: waiting men, if vacancy occurs to be takén in order; Piper S. Leask. 1Sth Highlanders, Toronto; Corpl. Ww H. Youhill, 90th Regiment, Winnipeg; ort. G. H. Vroom, 69th Regiment Sound Hill, N.S.; Pte. A. Wilson, 13rd Regiment, D.C.O.R.,, Ottawa; Sergt. Swaine, 14th Regiment, Kingston. INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. 7th Forrest, conver, 3th Skedden, Col.Serg Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters On Their Rounds. Strawberries Brockville citizens board of trade. Fhe late J: -B. McKay carried $%- 000 life insurance. Try a box of "Best's" chocolates, and vou will want them always. In bulk or packages, at Best's Miss Stewart, who spent last week with Miss Edmison, Bagot street, has returned to her home in Harrow smith, Mrs, S. the city her gone to reside Mrs. Yerex, in A coincidence ance and I6e. Carnovsky's, will organize a Irvine, for who is well known in charitable works, has with her dayghter, Detroit. was that the attend collections in Queen Street Methodist church on Sunday, were. ex actly the same as The buyer of the Stock company he intends stock that Friday's advertisement particulars. a vear ago. Montreal Bankrupt in Toronto, where a large dry-gomis seling out. Watch for further is buving is now for GETS THREE MONTHS. For $13,800 Theft From Bedding Company. Toronto, May 7.-Christopher Hol land, for stealing £13,800 from the Bedding company, was sentenced to three months, in the Central prison, by Police Magistrate Denison, this morning. The magistrate said the sen tence would have been heavier, had it not been for the extraordinarily un- | professional conduct of the lawver for the Ideal company. 8S found Holland was returned to his wife. jewelery to be ome on ordered ROTARY ENGINE INVENTION Is Arrested at His Home, For Fraud. Woodstock, Ont., May 7.--Ebor B. Tree, known in many parts of Canada as the inventor of the Tree rotary en gine, was arrested, in this city, at noon, to-day, on a charge of con spiracy to defraud. The action i= said to have been taken in connection with certain stock in the company formed for the purpose of placing the engine on the .market. Stole Rope And Cable. Superintendent of Parks Phillips re ports that since Thursday last some one stale 260 feet of Manilla rope and 150 feet of wire eable ' from the big flag pole in Macdonald Par To get the rope and eable, the thief had to climb dbout seventy feet te the cross-trees. The loss is twenty dollars. It is likely the parks com- mittee will ofier a reward for the cap- ture of the thief. ---------- It is a curious anomaly in the law that if you pay for your photogrs wh being taken no copy can be sold with ont vour cansent; while pay for it, the copies to any copyright. © There i= a horse that catches rats and mice in Manchester, England. If a rat or runs across his. manser, he will grab it, and if successful in getting it, will drop it into his bue két of water, which alwave loft with him. : if vou 'dio not may =i it is his photograph extent, as mouse to India six hours electricity, which osed emnloy elephants a day generating will he stored in in NO BREAKFAST is complete, without the subtle charm that is found in Pure High Grade Coffee such as Cuase & SANBORN's SEAL BRAND | Sold by all good Grocers. (IN 1 AND 2 LB. TINS ONLY.) CHASE & SANBORN MONTREAL. 5 Baby Carriages ® ~~ and Go-Carts Sunshine and fresh air is the' baby's health. Wheel in one of our up-to-date Carriages. essential to the haby out Go-Carts, or Have your did one made like new. Send in your repairing and ipholster- ing this is the season for it. Use our Furniture Restorer, vour housecleaning a finish. JAMES REID, The Leading Undertaker. 'Phone 147 to give 0090000 $C VE® 909E®O @® Tough Shoes for Good Boys. ~~ ® fe0oeE re s Good Shoes for Tough Boys. ® « . 9 : @® © Shoes You May Depend Upon for ® S Good Wear. S 9 . ® . . ® Prices From $1.25 a Pair Up, @ ® @® S samba ----ta i A A ------------------. Si ---- ® 3 McDermott's Shoe Store 8 sos®s OOOORIOICKORC TOO OICROIOIOC OCR LABATT'S are Nature's Best Tonics. Pure Malt products, made from the choicest barley 4 and best selected hops. They are very healthful and aid digestion. Labatt's are very palatable beverages and agree with the most delicate stomach. a JAS. McPARLAND, AGENT. 339 and 34% King St. 'Phone 274, Five Reasons Why You Should Buy Wash Goods To-morrow MADRAS 30 inch wide Fine Cordid Madras, with neat black figures, dots and stripes on white ground. Special value, per yard .... . ae. ZEPHYRS---Faney Striped Zephyrs. This is a very fine material, with - pretty woven stripes on white and tinted grounds. Excellent value for per yard 15¢. GINGHAMSFine Dress Ginghame, in a large varisty: of pretty chocks . and stripes, and all the popular plain shades, per yard 10e. and 123¢ MUR] INS. Figured and Dotted Swi large varity of styles to select from. We have them in white and linen color, with colored and white embroid ercd figures and dots." They range in price from, por yard 124. np to Soc. LAWNS White India Linon Persian Iawns, plain mull figured and plain piane m ized goods of every description and all marked at quick elling pr for tomorrow The James Johhston™ Store 180 Wellington Street HAHAHAHA FINANCE AND INSURANCE - CUSTOMS BROKER - [If You Want a Home Or Insuranor, have a oer TE or Cr |, Salk with ver, wi earri on ia his 3 REA), BR office, 79 Clarence street. George Zeigler, EA INSUMANCE G.A. BATEMAN B7 Brock Soreet; . o Who for the last five years has Mill Property For Sale bean associated _ with Mr, Oliver, Near the Grand Trunk consist- ing of grist, iw and shingle mills with all necessary machinery for Money to Loan Mcintyre & McIntyre the manufacture of chairs and - cheese-boxes ; 8B acres good land BARRISTERS King Street : ea with young orchard, 82 acres palture ; two good dwellings ; large barn, good water-power : could get 500 electrie lights in village. Buildings and machinery : Kingston Kingston. batteries, and used } at night for light ing streets; up-to-date ; nave cost $6,000 will sell for out hali-price.. T. J. LOCK HAT Real Estate'Apent, RARE HELICES

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