Corby's 1 XL Rye Whiskey is fully ripened in wood before being bot- tled. Established 1869 Variety Here! ok. dBi h alli cia, Sane New Mtoek Png, "weed Suits, double-breasted, wonderful " '#7.98.50, 310, $12. tok Bargain at $7 our Hats, hard and Boll The rd nee prices in the city. . single and Be "Sr Plug and Colla . from tank on our 2 Biwic " Improvement Society Children can get their badges + at the Market Building, Wednes- day, from 4 to § o'clock. Fee Se. : The Society will ~ vegular' meeting at - and hour, hold its same place THE FRONTENAC LOAN & IRVESTMENT SOCIETY, ESTABLISAED 1863 President--Sir Richard Cartwright Money loaned on City and Farm I'ro- pertios. Municipal and County Deben- tures. Mortgages 'purchased. Deposits ~ 2 received and theres allowed. 8. C. McGill, Managing Director. Office, 97 Clarence streét, Kingston. We Present Our Card And beg to remind you that whatever the price of coal hel woen now and neXt April, it certainly won't be any cheaper. Look, then, td your coal bins at once and let us fill them up with some of the best fuel mined in 'this country, in sizes suit your needs, well gleaned, full weight and delivered . with Pramptness. R. CRAWFORD, to Walking Made Easy ACME CUSHION SHOE Made with an al-waol felt innersole, which relieves all jar on nerves, stimu- lates blood circulation and ts the foot from heat or cold and puess, FOR BALE BY n «The Sawyer Shee Store, Phone 159. * 212 Princess St. Rest and Comfort For the Kidneys. It ki eal infant. your. Kidneys the night thou go Sous and veljeve trace of your kidney trouble, Cures Rheumatism Too. Tue CLarun CuemicaL Co, Limiren, Waxosor, Ont. * __* Naw Yomx Shoe Polish «Black, Tan and White "2 in 1" instantly cleans and polishes. Preserves, alike the daintiest kid and the roughest leather. Par. ticular people give néthing a but praise. v*2inl1" has no Refuse all imitations. EA at The new United" States battleship, FOOT OF QUEEN ST. FS That as be a prompt and graceful surrender. government, ""'Opifer per Orbem Dicor." Su. Option Law In Demand. The temperance people, those who are identified with the central organi- public pulse, have roused themselves and are going this year to make a record on local option, The three-fifths majority is against them--that un-British act for which the Whitney government has not offer- &d any reasonable defence--but in spite of it the option law men are going to of themselves and 'the cause they advocate. "We don't have to get down on our knees now to the municipal councils and beg them to let us have a local option vote," says Mr. Spence, of the Dominion Alliance, "We simply hand them a petition, and say : 'Here, twen- ty-five per cent, of the ratepayers want a vote on local option," and it's to ¢ome. Then if we carry it, there will be no doubt as to whether it will be granted. There will be no re- fusal on the part of . the council to give the by-law a third reading." He was asked when the campaign would begin, "Right now," he replied. 'I'he: vote could not be taken until January lst, but the preparation for it would go on at once. -------------- Economies At St. Thomas. St. Jhamas took over its gas plant about the time that Kingston went into the light, ns as a do something worthy got heat and power busi- A therefore, civie enterpri ence to its success will, in order, hast year the net carnings are said to have been over £22,000, after provid- ny for over $6,000 in extensions, which, amount, of debentures, will become a charge against the cap- ital account, The debenture terest account called for £1: that the balance, for depreciation and contingencies, amounted to $9,725. The exhibit was so ge nerally favour- able that the city caused a reduc tion in the rate to $1.13 per thou- sand feet, this to apply, to both heat- ing illuminating The Will cause a in revenue of 81,525, hut .it expected to be more made up by the increased consumption. The department gains by the return to it of 600 metres, from as many housgs, and valued at 1.500, . The nuisance of double metres and double the Kingston people can appreciate, and they will pray for the day when they 'will be blessed hy their abolition as the people of St. Thomas have been. Put Back The Noney. refer- be by the issue and in- and duction gas. res. loss is than accounts The who would the New York attorney, bait in the ance cases are not so clever He is waiting for the court's decision, 1 it rules that it criminal for companies to give politi- Jerome, insur- as they seem, supreme is cal subscriptions he will go in pursuit of G. W. Perkins et al, Meantime he start prosceutions held money would would to cer: insane which The campaign purge tainly be up. voting of in- for It has and the New instance of the IS viry wrong. been generally condemned, the committee, York legisla ture, at Armstrong has passed acts whick will prevent a repetition "of the der any But was offence un- the New circumstance, York Life's proceeding not and larceny, does not require one to be the law to realize If it company to which ranked as gr and it learned this. in in order was wrong for an insurance to the certainly wrong for give iis money politicians it was the politiciang to seek and accent it. Mr. Roosevelt's committee profited hy the deal, and his personal repress nta- tive, now 4 member of should returped. the the companies that course would be the when it is that there was » large bal- ance in the Yepubliva an treasury th government, money supplied it. ocasicr have to This recalled when election was over, Editorial Notes. people should be asked to on a until - fully understood what it means, vote not money by law they ------ What is to be the the "net the Yuestion hy plant ? which is not saving" changes in the covered by the } ¥ on power is Ross report, . ---- Ii the Sultan of usual he to the Turkey is as sick, will not. delay his reply British ultimatum, and it will ---- The sugar men have impressed «the there "an re. and may be which will the picion that it is an illegal combine. amendment to the law lieve the grocers' guild of sus Rhode land, stranded in Chesapeake Another gas buov has exploded as THE DAILY WHIG. | zation and have their fingers on the } . -- The Munufacturers' Association wanis the local government to refer the question of technical education to a commission. To be sure. This will give employment to a few more of the office-hunters and hangers-on. Toronto fas avr who is mak- ing all he eam odt of office. Ho is appropriating in salary. 81,500 more than his Predecessor, and he cannot carn it. One torn at $6,500 will enough for him and the people, be ---- The local government will have to face a storm from the farmers on "the taxation Guestion by and bye. The Sun declares that the people are be ing openly tased wnrqually by a gov- ernment that proposed play. 4 -- It was thought that Ontario would lead in public ownership, and here is its legislature and government giving corporate rights. to another telephone company, with all the invasion and amnoyante' which the incorporation implies. to give fair William Laidlaw, of North Toronto, addressing the tion, declared conservative associa- the investment of money -in--mines by the government % "nothing less than gambling." Has he no fear of Mr. Whitney before his eyes ? ? to be Mr. Roosevelt butions to the ers were only through the They explains that contri- San Francisco suffer- refused United could direct when tendered States govern hindered council ment. not be to the Nocal relief committee. Vi when sent or The Whitney. government to do away with the use and sheriffs as returming officers. Laurier government favours the ployment of these men, and Mr. leader of the opposition, hear." Perhaps Whitney a little S---- The manifest duty of Mr. Foster is to accept Mr; Siiton's challenge amd have an investigation into the North Atlantic Trading company's relations with the government. "I stand ready to meet any -charge that any person may make against Mr. Sifton. Mr. Foster that pass, surely, proposes of registrars The em- Bor- den, says "hear, Mr. he could give light. said - let me," cannot SPIRIT OF THE PRESS. -Gamey's Nervs, Brentiord Expositor. Mr, Gamey continues th ceptional nerve. His jatest véure "1s on the lecture platform, where he is tendering advice to young men, How To Learn. Toronto Star. A Brockville woman is accused of poisoning her husband. When will wo- man ever learn that the only safc way is to worry him to | death ? Dropping The Nurses. combine bill has been dropped. Mr. Crawford, its promoter, became disgusted because amendments were introduced to tone down. its men- opoly provisions. So perish. all. com- bine legislation. Late Revelations. Ottawa Journal. The information brought out by the insurance commission at Toronto, that the funds of at least one | company were quite freely used for | speculation in margins ' and stocks | that had little or no real value is not very reassuring. This class of specu lation is of the ordinary bucket shop character and a most risky species of stock gambling, : + surance --- ' Here's A Starter. Montreal Ga The Leeds, aid: council asked | the ratepayers to vote on the borrow- ing of money for a new electric light station. An inspector of the local gov- ernment hoard investigated and found that the money of which the ratepay- ers were asked to authorize the bor- rowing, had alreadv been borrowed and spent. Municipal ownership is making municipal government in Great Britain careless and irresvonsi ble. Presently it will reach the low standard of this continent. THE MAN MURDERED And His Remains Found on the Prairie. Morris, Man., May 7.--What lieved to have been a cold blooded murder was discovered near here, on Friday, when a couple of children herding cattle on the prairie found the | body of a wan lying on the prairie. | The remains were brought to Morris. | The body had been partly eaten by wolves, The rést of the body looked as if it had been through fire. Signs of foul play were clearly in evidence. The jaw bone of the left side was broken and there was a large bruise on the forchead. About forty yards from where the body was found were traces of blood and several pieces of hair. The body found is that of a man about thirty years of age and evident- ly a foreigner, Identification is almost impossible, is be Ii you prefer to take medicine in tablet form you can now obtain Dr. Snoop's Restorative Tablets. : Absoluto- ly no change has heen made in the medicinal ingredients. Sold by all he ~ dispense with their day. FOR RESIDENCE. Dead Man's Bay as a Summer Resort--Cottages Being Built ~--A New Yorker Wants the Hospital. Dead Man's ' Bay, cove from old Fort Henry to Cart- wright's' Point, promises to be a popular ot this summer for those of the city's summer cottagers. Already those owning Cottages there, have started the season's improvements. Ald. Bassam has just finished building a cosy little summer home of tw, or three rooms, and a wide verandah, not far from John . Carson's pretentious "The Cedars." J. D, Thompson, coun- ty registrar, is at present building a hame for the good old summer time. It will be 26 4 2 feet, A New Yorker, moneyed man; who while in the city last week, visited the old government hospital, below the fort, is said to have been very much taken with the ideal" situation, and expressed the wish that he could buy the hospital and fit it 'up for a home during the heated months. The old his- toric 'building. is left to the elements of the four winds, and though in a fairly good state of repair, from the fact of its substantiability, will put become a ruin if not looked after. It had better be sold for a summer resi- dence than left to tumble down. But do, the govérnment intend to make it a mark for improvenient, along with the old fort ? that charming WALL STREET'S CLOSE TIME. Remarkable Decline in Marketable Securities. New York, May 5.--Henry Clows, banker; reported : A wave of lighida- tion of almost cyclonic proportions struck Wall street this week. Condi tions being unsettled by the San Fran cisco disaster, the opportunity was seized to enforce drastic liquidation, which fell chiefly upon a fév promin- ent and rather optimistic opera tors, This brought a drop of from 10 to 50 points in many active shares, inflicting severe losses in quarters for- tunately able to 'stand them. In spite of this unusual break there are rumors of serious trouble, and the financial atmosphere appears much cleared now that the storm has spent its worst force. The monetary situa- tion furnished the instrument of power for the bears. Had it not been for the large demands of San Francisco upon an already overtaxad money market no such enforeed decline would have been possibl Fortunately, were able to secure material assistance from abroad; $30,000,000 has been re- mitted to San Francisco, and over £10,000,000 of gold has been ordered from Europe, being made immediately available throurh Secretary Shaw's leniency in depositing treasury pold in retum for bonds as collateral. Since the high prices of 1905 many active. shares have declined from thir- ty to eighty points. This is a tremen dous shrinkage, "amounting te proba bly one thousand millions, That sdch a contraction could take place with- out Nnvolving failure worth noting is remarkable testimony of the strength of our financial situation. Securities have rogeded to a more natural level, and liquidation, i if continu should follow in other quarters where ne re- cession has vet taken place after ab- normally ISgh pric Speculation in real estate, still going on at a threat- ening pace. cannot be indefinitely con tinned. Many commodities, those in the. metallic selling too hich and reactions would Pri all around, w eter are too sich reaction may not poned, and Wall street, ight, too no we especially industries, gre stability, beneficial. living, Perhaps lone post with ite usugl of these also for be costs of hich. be is diseountine movements. some BOY FOUND REVOLVER. a 'Hole Hand. Brockville, May 7.--A little Janws Halladay created a scare at the home of his parents by unearthing a loaded revolver in the dresser bedroom. He cocked the weapon, and, pulling the tr the weapon went off, the hall passing through the palm of one hand and entering the wall to where two younger children were sleeping. The lad's hand was bad- ly shatter There's in His Right of son of his ger, close Ready On The Shelf. That's where overy vou find Nerviline well regulated household. So pleasant to take that even little children don't to ite use: so certain to cure coughs, sudden colds and tight chest that thousane Is of bottles ave nsed every dav. Polson's Nerviline do. ness, it does ease pain and inflamma tion, and by being handy vill save worry and keep down the doctor bills, Lavoe bottles sold for all dealers, ohject prevent ill a quarter at Genuine Bargains. In broken lo of caps, three hun- dred regular 25¢. and 50c. caps on sale to-morrow 13¢, at Campbell Bros. Kingston's popular hat store. S------------------ be introduced into providing for-aid for railways "in Northern A measure will the legislature probably two Ontario: The inauguration parliament will dl Half-Sick When your nerves are weak, when you are easily tired, when you feel of the Russian take place on Thurs- druggists. Gananoque will ask the 'Montreal | Methodist, conference to meet thére in | 1907, | "Fur Buying moth | the double strength kind, | are sold at Gibson's Red Cross #eug | store insurance." proof: bags. it was being towed out into Halifax for Halifax tailors: ave on strike Irigher wages, all run down, then is the time you need a good strong tonic -- Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Your doctor will tell you why it has such power over weak netves, why it makes the blood rich, and why it gives courage and strength. DULD LIKE TO BLY OLD MILITARY HOSPITAL The H. D. Bibby Co, fashions and suit" making we do. shown by others. Men's. Excelsior Suits, $18.00. Men's Browley Suits, $15.00. $16.00. __ $5.00 $6.00, $6.50, as the men's. THE H. D. The result is a high achievement in the ness, not equalled elsewhere in our city. Our patterns and our styles are in advance of those Young Men's Fashion Brand Suits, $10.00, $12.50, $13.00, $13.50, $14.00, $15. Boye Three-Piece Short Pant Suits, --_, A Oh WR, WR wR, wR The H, D, Bibby gq, THE SUIT STORE|JOF THE Towy "Tis by the reason of our imntense . Sy; tr we lay claim to the distinctive term, STORE OF THE TOWN." \ We know that no concern gives the stg ade that "THE Sup y of suit, more serious thought than suit busi. Come, See Our Display of Spring Suits $14.00, $15.00, $16.50 $12.00, $12.50, § 00, $12.00, 00 and $3.50, $4.50, $7.00, $7.50, same slyle BIBBY (0, © tn, ---- wn 0 i handle bar & spring o ® ® o ® NIP IT IN THE BUD. of Dandruff a Future Bald- First Appearance Forerunner of mess. That such is the case has been con- clusively proven by scientific research. Prof. Unna, the noted European skin specialist, declares that dandrufi is the burrowed-up cuticle .of the scalp, caus- ed by parasites destroying the vital ity in the hair bulb. The hair be- comes lifeless, and, in tine, falls out. This can be prevented. Newbro's Herpicide kills this dan druli germ, and restores the hair to its natural softness and abundancy. Herpicide is now used by thousands of people--all. satisfied thpd it is the most wonderful hair preparation on the market to-day. Sold by leading druggists, Send 10c. in stamps for sample to the Herpicide Co., Detroit, Mich, W. Mahood, special agent, : Er -------- CAUSE OF EARTHQUAKE. G. Mountain Split and Part Slid. In- to Sea. Francisco, have San May 7.---Geologists who searchine sind the earthquake April Itith, to find the of seismic disturbance, re ported that they have found in Sierra Mwrena mountains, few: miles south of San Francisco, what appears to he indisputable that the caxth quake to a chanoe in the mountains, (At the summit/Af the Sierra Morena mountains, near Stan- ford University, is gn imfense fissure, the earthquake, the appear ance of which indicates that tf range has <plit at the top and the side near- er the ocean, fallen into the sca. heen of cause the evidence was due caused by Physicians Lost All, San Francieco, Mag 7.--N tee appointed by a masse meeting of physicians, held here yesterday, has issued an appeal to the people of the United States, saving that over 10,000 member the medical profession in San Francisco had | lost either their home, office or or all of these while aiding the stricken in the recent catastrophe, commit s of hooks, 'A Don Quixote Celebration, Madrid, May 7.--The ter-centenary celebration in honor of the. first pub- lication of Cervantes' "Don Quixote," in the year 1606 began here to-day. fhe plan to hold 'suck a celébration was suggested by some of the literary meni of Spain "and the government took Wp the suggestion and gave it the warmest and most enthusiastic support. For months fhe preparations for the festivities have been going®on and the celebration promises to be of nnusual brilliance. Tt will last ' three dave and will embrace an interesting programme. Hundreds of celebrated writers in all parts of the: world, Ask him if itis the medicine you need. We hove oe seerats | We publioh he formulas of oil oer madscings | Lede | artists and dramatists, have heen in- vited and every Furopean and South and Central American country will he represented at the various exercises. HP PIPIPTLD SPD PIPP oreoeee BICYCLE BARGAINS? FOR THIS WEEK ONLY We offer the best $60 Cushion Frame wheel, fit. « ted with coaster brake, cellulcid mud guards, and Dunlop tires, for ssessvacstrncrvilnennees bes $50 Cash J.B. C. DOBBS & €0., 171 Wellington St, $333 3330344 32434844 $0004 {ENTER NOW For a Business, Shorthand or Civil Service Course; Kingston Business College Limited Head of Queen Street Kingston =- - - Canada Spacious apartments, eomplete equipment, excellent results, aduates in demand. Thorough individual instruction by come petent and experienced teachers in every department, Open throughs . out the whole year, Catalogue | fres. , J.B. MeKAY, H,F. METCALFE Presidents. Principal There's nothing in the world we're sa much interested im as Coal at this time of the year. It may sound queer to speak of coal buying and selling as & science, but that's what we've made it. Two important discoveries Wwe have nade are that complete satisfaction to wr customers pavs best nd that the ay to win business is to deserve it. Booth & Co. FOOT OF WEST ST. Phone 133. Crests rests and EMBOSSING Headings for Paper and Envelopes ENGRAVING cv Cards u Besides zl classes of Letter h Printing from a card to a volume: THE WHIG, Kingston Grand Union Hotel Rooms From $1,00 Per Day Up Opposite Grand G Central Station BAGGAGE 5:2 FREE Ty Myors' "Home. Mate' Head Chess. Spring Importation Prevost, Brock street, two cases of imported order clothing departme sisting of 'Scotch and English tw Is, SOE cheviots and Vieunas. His $10 Press of 1906. ods for his consisting § made to~order beats anything <I Fo vious years. The wear and B 'guaranteed. Orders Swain, piano tines William McAuley's Book Store, received at i JONWAY, Tames LLCO Treeesesl r A WARM SUBJECT t, has received h RAW Wit! In Loe Pacific Railwa; in jRN FARE FROM K STON TO | San Fran $92.0 Going via A s00 and Angeles | $79.50 | poe A vis Canadian post sa direct bib * CHOICE OF ROUTES op OVET® west of Missouri River. pd April 24th to May 5t} ening until July 31st. lars at K. & P. an iI, partic io street. rac of Office, Ontar Hig re co! Gen: WA a en ov of Quinte Rail short line for Tweed, No and all local points. Hall Depot at 4 p. Agent B. Q. Ry., King _~ onto w City IELTS: OAL Ee Jan. 2nd, 1908 | leave and arrive af Tring i of Johnston street, GOING WEST Lve. City .12.45 a.m. 26 a.m. > o. 5 Mail 3 » 3 Express ... 2 * 11 Loeal ...... 9 # | Intern'l Ltd « 7Mail ... ... 3.19p. « 15 Local ... . 7.08 p.m. GOING EAST Lve. City r o. Mail"... ... 1.48 a.m. « 9 Fast Exp. 2.26 a.m. * 16 Local 8.16 a.m, ¥_ § Mail ... ...12.16 noon # 4 Fast Exp. 1.00 p.m. * 19 Local ... ... 7.03 p.m. 1,98. "ad : rum daily. a daily except Monday. A ns daily except Sunday. Direct route to Torento, Pet. ilton, Buffalo, - London, I : , Bay City, Saginaw, Mo wa, Quebec, Portland, St. fax, Boston and New York. For Pullman Accommodation, T d all other imformation. apply J. F. HANLEY, Agent. Cor. Jo Ontario streets. Kingston, Ont LLAN LINE Rovaim MONTREAL TO LIVERPOO May 8, 10 Ow Be = pg at (Nw a: TO GLASGOW raté service.) May 9th, di Muy 16th, ds and weekly therenfter. Por rates, abply to J. P. HA Pr, G1 May {moderate umidian longolian Agent, CPR. 0pSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH HOMESTEAD REGULATIO Any even numbered section be Lands in Manitoba or the est Provinces, excepting 8 and ved, may be homesteaded u J person who is the sole head Ruily, or any mule over 18 y I". to the extent of one-quarte bop, of 160 acres more or less. y must be made personally and office for the district in id is situate EAD DUTIES : been granted an entry d is required to perforth t) tions connected therewith under following plans : 1) Atleast six months residence bd cultivation of the land in ea wring the term of three years. @ If the father (or mother, ther is deceased) of any person Lule to make a homestead en the provisions of this Act, on & farm in the y of A sett for a pric braining pate satisfied by such person residir b futher or mother (3) I the gettler b ee upon far: i In the vicinity his per land ow homeste: as to rn residence uj ArrLic ATION FOR PATENT d of three yes Sub-Agent ations for SIX months' mmissioner tawa, of his fr op MINING CANADIAN N REGULATIC v be purch soft coal and' re than one ndiv at the rave ft ton of 2.000 boda tho 3 on Do unds shall be ¢ aris A free ". Royalty . miner's : Pon payment Cr annum for an ividu, - $50 to $100 per annum for A ed ng to capital, , pe. ay b 1e discovered ! may, locate a claim 1 Te 4 for recording a claim At least § ist $100 . i Ch your or ust we expendor na, d to {he min h f. When §: ox y : Xhetideq ori the) locat made, anc requirement $1 an acre. "ides for the pave T cent on the sale * claims renere entry fee $5, re einer may o OF gold of 3 twenty vy, a The lon mL Ministe certifi In adve btain . twa le ve miles eac renewable T of the I I have a dredge Season from the five miles. Ren mile of river of 24 per cent fter it exceeds L Ww. Con ® output a W Beaty op 4, Minster of the 1 Ny " tet rized publication t wil not he Paid 1 Headquarte Por Rea | Estate e and Insur »% Carne st, or. Post C 0. Cliff, Specie