| THE DAILY WHIG. ' «opifer per Ocbem Dicer." 1 ItSets Out Well i} The board of trade has commenced fits career promisingly. It reprosoats the life and energy of the community, and possesses the spirit which should actuate men who have no purpose to serve but the good of the city. The keynote of the inaugural mect ing was that pblitics should be lost sight of in a Mnion of forces for the public good. ~Politics are all right in their place. A man without political '| ambition and. political leaning is a nonentity. But there is a limit to the use one makes of lis polities and pow- Yer. The board of trace is 'supposed to be free of political friction, and it is comforting to sec that it is to be avoided, The officers so far chosen give the k CEDAR SHINGLES ne JEniius surbiies. tories, rk, Pl d © as pal ug an oils @ supplied from tank on our at the Miatket - Building, Wednes- day, from & #0 5 o'clock. Fes The Hoelety 'will hold it regular mesting at same place ~--each stitch gives to the next the strain on any one' stitch not . one- gpuariet what it will I Retense the strain. Rach stitch takes back itsown. Itis co-operation underwear. With the old latch-stitch this strain is local --confined to about six inches. Each fibre in that space is stretched to almost breaking-- and cannot spring back as it should to keep its shape and wear. That's why Ellis Spring Needle Ribbed Underwear fits best, assurance of success in their scveral Hu i They have the energy Fwhicli will make itself felt in the {movements of the future. The ¢aecu- tive council is 'composed of men who Ahave only one thought, that of devel oping! the - business interests of the city to the fullest extent. The neW™association is secking to make its staff complete, with an ideal | gweritury, und the mayor remarked the office is seeking * the man. It is pre- sumed that he will be free from poli- tical basis, a man ready to give the whole time to the office, and having a desire to master the duties of it, and in that respect become the friond and ally of all. He should be a veritable encyclopedia "of useful information. Let us hope that the desires of the board will be realized in every way. May its work be entirely successful.' Facts Com ng Out. The Manitoba election cases have been reviewed im Ottawa on com plaint of the local government. It will bo remembered that after the last dominion campaign certain elec- tion 'agents were indicted for illegal acs, to wit, changing the provincial voters' lists so that they would be made applicable to the federal bowm- davies for elvctoral purposes. The charge was that the officials had mutilated ithe lists, nod. ip, conssauenge. had ed ren TY The grievance was fully presented in the courts of Manitoba, where the officials were put upon their trial and no bills" returned by the grand jury. The evidence in one case was taken in full, and it exonerated him from all blame, the presiding judge ~ BLOOD BITTERS mow and noxt April, it certainly n't be any cheaper. Look, then, 5 your coal bins at once and let fl} them up with 'some of the it fuel mined in this country, in suit your needs, well ight and deliverod '\ Rheumatism = <E i RD, | ls constantly effecting cures of a | The information came out, how- because it acts in a natural yet jve | ever, and it will have its effect om way pots 3 the atghas ihvoived in the his appeal to Ottawa. There may be oe making easy the work of 4 a change in the election law. but it fi law, Temuved the appointment of re gistration clerks from the judges and undertaken to influenge in that and other ways the dominion elections. will fot be to dispirit and discourage the judgis in the performance of their keep the local govern place and wake it mind duty, but to ment in its its own business. The $85,000 By-Law. The by-law in connection with. the electric light and gas plants will. go to a vote of the people as soon as the necessary advertising cén be done. How the public will regard it may enlightenment they dopend upon the receive meanwhile. The security for the $85,000 is supplied by the light and power consumers, and by the city and the property ownersd Let that be clearly undeestood, The city guarantees the debentures. 1 'The interest on them is a first charge against the earnings of the plant; and is almost certain to be met without fail. But if not the city is. responsible. It is pledged tp make good the debt out of the general assessment. It is perhaps well tg remember this during the discussion, though the qualified voters are largely the owners of real estate. The necessity for the expenditure is preésed by the management, endorsed by Mr. Ross, the. Montreal expert. The situation should be emphasized in three ways, (1) by a statement show- ing in detail the machinery. which will be scrapped or sold; (2F hy a state ment showing in detail the machinery which will take its place and' the cost thereof, and (3) the net saving which q ladies of England that n of the committee has inp ¢ anmouncement. It is that So of patronage, and receipts, the gra 1 the bank overdraft, and the very evi: ual disappearance of dent earning' power of the plants, warrant hing in anticipating the time res--when gas for ar ws will be $1 per 1,000 feet, and' electric light 10c. per kilo-watt hour, The basis for such an announcement must he wade clear and distinct, and dt is this, phase of the subject 'which will stand further" and carly examination. ---------- \ Editorial Notes. Seven miles of concrete or artificial walks will be laid this year. 1f more work be undertaken a third stafi of men---must-be organized. -- * Smoking is very popular among the is cigarette smoking. It wouldn't do in Kingston now that we have an anti-spitting by- law. 1s the cost to the city--that is its proportion=--annually in excess of what was formerly spent in wooden walks ? It is an enquiry which son aldermen should investigate. According to a recently published statement, Kingston has a net debt per head of $32.56, and a net debt to assessment of $7.52. Not the highest in Ontario, but not the lowest by ady means? rp -- By all means embellish the City Hall, so far as paint can do it and do not forget that the outside is seen much more than the insive. The wood work that is exposed to the weather, without paint suffers very much, y to Mitchell, the leader of the miners' "The coal sirike averted ! All honor THAT SILVER MINE NEAR HAVELOCK, ONT. Hunters Who Found Silver Are' Camping Near the SiterTry- ing to Re-Discover It, Havelock, Ont., May 8.--The facts in to the muen-talked-of silver mine neat Havelock have leakid oot at last, and that there is such a mine is no idle talk, as many supposed. In the fall-of last year = Messrs. Thomas McMillan of town. John An- derson, N. Whitney of Belmont, were deer hunting . im the vicinity of Sandy Lake, Metnuen Sovwniship, Late one afternoon they got fost in a big swamp to the north-east of the lake, and while wandering around stumbled across a peculiar looking vein of rock. McMillan and Whitney broke off sam- ples, and Anderson never paid any at- tention to it. No heed was takin of the locality where the specimens were found, and as 10" was near sunsct, the trio thought no more about the mat ter, and started cn their way to find their camp. After they had returned tor their homes the specimens were ex- amined again somewhat more careful: ly, and finally given to others, who had them assayed, when it was found that / they were almost pure silver. This gave rise to many rumors, but no one had any idea where the ore was produced from until lately, when it transpired that, the three discoverers had joarneyed back to the swamp this spring, and for five days had searched in vain for the spot where the silver is waiting to enrich some fortunate per- son. Since then many have tried to find the mine, which is located on crown land, and which will probably become the property of the 'one lucky enough to discover it. At present Mr. McMil- lan and Alexander Rose of town are camped near the swamp, and are thor- oughly inspecting thes ground where the former thinks he found the speci mens. ------ MORSE INTERNATIONAL AGENCY. Lyman D. Morse Advertising Agency, Becomes Morse Inter- national Agency. This agency had its beginning over sixty years ago and constituted a AN INVI union. It was for him to say whether there should be a .heart-breaking strike and he called it off. The wisdom of the man is worthy of all praise. The late J. Bi McKay represented a type of man' Bot too much in evi- 1 2 . . . N dence. He was - Painstaking, industri- | United States. After many years of ous, persevering, . amiable, honorable, | success, Mr. Bates, in 1886, bought out the entire interest; but the' firm helpful. Alas, that such an one should fall when in the zenith of his useful- ness. En special form of business aetivity newspaper advertising. ed by 8. M. Pettengill, in 1849, and met with success from the start. J, H. Bates was carly admitted to part- nership and the name of S. M. Pet- tengill company 1 the leading adve name continued as J. January 1st, 1803, when Lyman in It was found- ame proverbial as sing agency in the Bates until D. H. the people religiously. Th SPIRIT OF THE PRESS. The Danger Line. ral taking the side of the accased in Torohte. News, When the food is imperfectly di plainly stating that his proceeding |* Col. Sam. Huphts wag almost nam- the full benefit is not derived from it by | was both legal and redsonable. ed by the speaker. e tremble to he Aoly ad the parpose. of eating is do. 5 \ think what tl It would 1 foated matter d The attompt "has been made to ink wha he result wou Lave Sons casotal ads one He od 2 | chow that the Committee on Election | been. es body it To hua the dyspeptic sften Luv Sus not favourably Saposed to Doing Its Work. becomes weak ys 8NOFEY | the airing ol is case a awa. | Montreal Star. ng oo Sod vim Aue The committee does not appear to That the Fielding tariff is Jockin appetite, depression and langour, It takes | have objected to the facts, but it after . the infant industries in gol no $ knowledge to know when one has | wus willing to get at all of them. shape is amply demonstrated by the on, some of the follow'ng The counsel for the government of jeoject to give Montreal another toms generally. cont, 8 COUN RB : ling asylum, sour h, A vis: | headache NM shia--the men who prosecuted ountiung. asy/um ---- heartburn, gas in the ste. the officials in' the eourt=dil not like Are Off Idea. The gress polst is to cure it, ta ges back | (ho idea that his clients had, by a | Fxhangs bouadig beh manoeuvre in 1904 and change in the Mr, Monk says the only power par- a man into a woman. Tut! ment appoints senators, It Certainly Must. Toronto Globe. has never worked out satisfactoril The government must one's expense. The Only Comformation. Montreal Gazette. What has transpired in the house commons makes it will be no reduction in the amount' sessional The educational bill in' England may eventually hecomp the means of div ding £hurch of England! and the Catholic church are lining/up against all oth: ers, of every derioniihation, times ahead ere 'the board ot onal school becomes a reality, Exciting nati- liament does not possess is to change Parlia- The Bell monopoly must be dealt with, but to deal with a monopoly by creating a rival to be absorbed learn at some: clear 'that there indemnity votea last year, Morse, active with Mr. Bates for years, became partner in the concern and caused the firm style to be - | changed to Bates & Morse. After two years of partnership with Mr. Bates, Mr. Morse became the sole owner of the business and the name of the firm changed to the Lyman D. Morse Advertising Agency: On March ist, 1898, 'H. Henry Douglas became the partner of Mr. Morse and so con- tinued until the latter's death, .on March 6th, 1901. On April lst, 1901, the firm was incorporated under the laws of the state of New York with the same name--Lyman D. Morse Ad- vertising Agency-- with the fol- lowing officers Henry Douglas, president; Irving M. Dewey, vice-presi- dent and treasurer; G. Howard Har- mon, secretary. The Lyman D. Morse Advertising Agency, therefore, being the oldest es- tablishment of its kind in America, and having, thro its large clientele and progressiveness developed wide international connections, it is be- lieved expedient to adapt it in name to its enlarged sphere of operation by changing its business style to the Morse International Agency, 38 Park Row, New York. Owing to increase of business, necessitating large offices, the corporation will move its offices on May lst to the Revillon Building, 19 West 31th street, New York. eo THE POLLING PLACES. Where to Vote on the Light Plant Extension By-Laws. The following are the polling places for the light plant extension by-law voting on May 3lst:' Sydenham Wara--At No. 42 Welling- ton street, Thomas J, Lovett, deputy- returning office Ontario War hall. J. E. Johnston. St. Lawrence Ward--At No. 352 Prin: cess street, A. E. M. Loscombe, y. of --~At Ontario of The more they reconsider the situation the wiser do 'the majority seem to con- sider the action that created it. First thought being thus backed up by see- ond, the hostile critics may consider themselves compensated when they met their exercise for their energy. Up Against It Is the man with corns. Nothing simpler than the twenty four hour cure with Putnam's . Corn Extractor. Painless and safe. Sold everywhere in 258. bottles. FR, When you buy the "Best" chocolates you know that you are getting the best that can be, produced, and. at a reasonable price. Sold only at Best's. The market, this morning, wes very poorly attended, with produce at Sat urday's prices, "The White Slave" company were ** Cataragui Ward--At No. 228 Welling- ton street. James H. Brickwood, de- puty-returning officer. Frontenac Ward--Subdivisions 11,712, C. McMahon. Rideau Ward--Subdivisions 20 and 21 at No. 350 University avenue. Harry Sharpe. Victoria Ward--Subaivisions 22 and 23 at 201 Barrie street, A, Smythe. Victoria Ward and 13 at No. 83 Colborne street, W. J. Driver. Modern Crusoes Frontenac Ward--Subdivisions he] List Mav S-~The Pi 4 ; a io a Tota Streor Wilk Yo histion. May Be oe Ham' Puta], . ship Baptista Andrade which was I a Vad Subdivisions: 16. and] coming a new guverutr to Mozam- 17. at No. 222 Division street." Wil bique, disappeared several months Hom Saundirs ¥ . ago. It has 'now been found that she Rideau Ward--Subdivisions 18 and ye. Sriven ashure by a cyclone on an 19, at No. 316 Brock street. - Andrbw unhabited African island. Whea found Nos. Subdivisions 24 and 25, at No. 3 King street west. N, C, in town this morning, en route Gananogue. awd other local treatments relisve but never cure. They don't move the cause. There is a little tablet that taken cures any Oase any kind how long standing. * for Dr. Leonhardt's thousawd dellar avery reat Hem-Roid these changes and improvements will effect, The report of Mr, Ross bas ted, Nisgara Falls, Onts E---- -------------------- A SIMPLE CURE FOR PILES Pile Sufferers know that Ointments sometimes ternally removes the cause of Piles and no matter A month's treatment costs $1.00. Ask guarantee goes with to Bates. Wife - Murder. Sixteen Years For if 8. Herbert Mil Malone, N.Y/, May ler to-day plod last October and was sentenced serve sixteen years in Dannemore pri son. Previous to re- in- ing trip and had his rifle in his hand (a when 'an argument began between him ( ed guilty to murder in the first degree for shooting his wife to the shooting - Miller had been drinking heavily for several days. He was about to go on a hunt- and his wife. In the midst, of it, and Ghe New Greys Piece Suits, $4, 4.50, 5, to 8. THE H. D. GEO g A. J.Rees, 166 _ ng TATION! You are respectfully invited to our store for the purpose of viewing our line of NOBBY SPRING SUITS It will afford us great pleasure to have the privi- lege of showing you the garments, for they are excep. tionally good, while being moderately priced. Ca CaC CIC CIC CCCI DC The H. D. Bibby gq, Gbe New Browns Ghe New Blues BGbhe New Fancy Mixtures Suit prices, $10, 12, 12.50, 13, 13 50, 14, 15, 1650 to 18. . We are showing a fine assortment of Boys' Three. BIBBY C0. 0 IR ll Rl Ripe Bananas Ripe Tomatoes Ripe Pineapples Princess St. CONSPICUOUS IN A BALLROOM Flakes of Dandruff on the Collar and Shoulders of a Gentle- man in Full Dress. This is the thing you quite froquent- ly see in the ball-room--a ans Deck dress-coat literally covered with dan- druff. It must be annoying to the wearer, and certainly not a pleasant thing to observe. But dandruff can be ecradi- cated. It is a germ discdse that will some day cause baldness. Newbro's Herpicide kills the hair- destroying germ, and stimulates the hair to a rich, abundant growth; it does more--keeps the hail soft and pli ant. Furthermore, Herpicide is pleasant toilet accessory; of pleasing odor, and cooling to the scalps Sold By leading druggists. Send 10c. in stamps for sample to The Her- picide Co., Detroit, Mich. G. W. Ma- hood, special agent. a most ------------------------ PREFERS AUTO TO HUSBAND. Madrid .Laundress Won Spaniard in Lottery. Madrid, May 7.--In the last great Spanish national lottery a rich Span- iard of the name of Olcing promised to divide $25,000 of the grand prize, if he won, betwéen the pretty laun dresses in his quarter. Olcina won the grand prize and kept his promise, di viding $25,000 between five of the prettiest laundresses, who in a trans port of joy and gratitude all offered to marry him. Entering into the spirit of the game, Olcina offered him sdf as a lottery prize for the five. Manuela, the most beautiful of the lot, won, but she finally ceded the don to Rosita, preferring an automobile to a hushand. all hands were living Crusoelike. All were well, At Strachan's Hardware Uptown Bicycle Depot Jones, 293 Princess Street. After careful sele n f goods and comparison of values i ek an assortment of high gr Wheels of UNIQUE construction and natty ape pearance, and at prices 1 th ENTIC ING and SATISFYING Call and inspect. Second hand wheels bought and sold. ERY Lactated Food Saves Babies' Lives This assertion the thousands of from happy. and every section of other imfants' food « record of infant points of excellence tated Food are perfect substitute its composition is perfectly prodigest assimilated; it is other foods are rej true flesh builder; that saves the bal fantum 'Bnd dys weather. Recomm cians, and sold by -™ s 1 1 tion of The Jewish Political mten South-western Russia ly resolved to de nanimous* parliamen- Fr anv ---------- Three hundred painters went ont on strike at Winnipeg, on Monday, for an increase of pay. $200 IN CASH INOL|REAB[OFLW] perseverance you can - who finds the la the second " ual) vided Between them. And Numbers GIVEN probably he four. It means ; to you to do so ve wil § of (3 Cash. To the persca tary agitation for and political rights of parliament in the Promiums of valuable AWAY FREE [TGRET[UFLFAGE| XO hd Try: Itis no easy task, but by patience' ga.00) in La he p in Cash. To t ron ne raon wh finds the fourth , two persons send in equally & wally divided between them, each receiving of [$60.00. Should four persons divided between will be equal ny " wi ment). Al 3 { Hem-R: vi Ea : : receive your reply we will write you, CREST Lenn or Nod Tat Pr without warning, he shot her in the] this si condition is. NO vou can fied ANY of sive yout reply, to-day. ENCLOSING tb wast tin + : and. successful head. Afterwards he tried to kill him- FOR OUR REPLY. 9. Canadian Medicine Co.. Deak: x3 hyiclans § e Wes 3 self, both by shooting and b; ti - -- All Dru The } ell, y woting and by cutiing gists, or ison-Fyle Co. | pis "throat, gi 3 je CORDIAL INVIT! Robitaille Tells How A -. 's Advice Helps Wor gaan Ot Girls fannie diseases are early I 'we d aching backs, | a. abe po lower § gomach. In consequence \ of the feet, periods b fol ne i lar, and frequ re faint and dizzy spells, tite, until life is a bur ptoms point to a! w 's Vegetal Mile. Alma Robitaille, Francois, Quebec, Quebec, te great medicine did for her. Dear Mrs. Pinkham :-- Overwork and long hour with a neglected cold serious female trouble u was unable to go to work, 1 ofa friend who had taken L; pam's Vegetable Compound Dealth was in the same condit was and straightway sent ou 1 finished that and took two 1 really began to improve but recovery was Very rapid anc well and able to go back to v certainly think your medi 'women worthy of praise an 5 glad to endorse it. . Tt is to such girls that 2 holds out a helping hand o cordial invitation to cor her. She is daughter-in-l: E Pinkham and for twe has been advising sick , of Her long Teécon treating woman's ills mak of advice of untold value | working girl. Address, M Lynn, Mass. I ------ PERSONAL ME : -- Movements Of The P They Are Saying Al Jamies Sowards, left a trip-to Cobalt. James Hanley, Bellevi) pess visitor to the city W. B. Phelps, Phillips il for the past two wee A. H. C. Long and 1} Port Hope, are in towr Thomas Little has retu alter a week spent at K T. A. Ritchie, Broc + us visitor in tO Mis Robinson, teat and. Frontenac school paeamonia. Lieut. Perrin, R.C.E, bourg, to-day, to hel coming camp, A. T. Noxon has hee provisional lieutenant giment, at Picton. William Owens, st steamer Argvle, is doy to fit out for the seaso Miss Mabel Mayhe month's visit in the oil aunt, has returned to Carleton Place, Douglas Young, R.( taking the promotion ¢ MC, won two firsts with his ponies at th show J. J Holland, adv; Richards' & Pringle' strels, ic in the cit) rangements for the ay ny at the Gra Brd f. Dvde, of Qu will lecture before the ers' Association on His subject will be © Humor Prof. Dyde on Saturday morning in the Public Schools Jobn Wilson, aged bom in Kingston, di on Sunday night. Mr Many vears in Swvden member of the Chosen Caurt Amity. A.O.F married to Mise Far ham, whe survives daughter, Mrs. J. A. ilton, » A reduction of fort all 'except the steam announc A cwt. f baking powder for 8 E. H. Harrinian i the continent, from New York in seven thenty seven minutes Cough cures, the} SLR . Mrs. Charles Ridk January, ut Cannift Catharines, from twenty-one 180d price gent in pla 3 ice CR SORT ly Jordan St : for 'sala, by