TE a SEAR BRILLIANCY « UNIFORMITY. proportions, strength | TT. H. Estabrooks St Joks, N.B., Joronto, Winnipeg seine! | Practically repealed ; it attacks the pector of persons d the old, the rich and the poor with the utmost ner Bagot and Princess Streets E. PORTER OH J Xela NOTED FOR N & SONS 353 King Street | | {inset with a lightweight princess hair- Freeman, Methodist don, Ont., writes a I Globe, of which the Whatever doubt - may have existed in the minds of the temperance people liquor this be poe al most impor- tant part of it. In the face of the of the Dominion Al- inisterial associations, moral | reform deputations and the expressed will of the people, Mr. Whitney has * Instead "of doin; 4 blindly and persistently gone on with { his unjust and uncalled for attack on | loeal option, until he has destroyed | the law and taken from the people | rights which they enjoyed before he {was born. He has grossly deceived . | and repudiated the temperance voters | of Ontario. Whatever the failings of the late premier, Mr. Ross, he never { wad guilty - of such deception and in- justice as this. In all his public 'min- istry he never perpetrated such an outrage on temperance sentiment as Mr. Whitney has done in his first ges- sion." t FASHION"S FORM. | Smart i Spring Tailor-Made in NE 3 The illustration shows a smart two- piece suit, jaunty Eton jacket, and new sixgure circular skirt, fashioned of a shadow stripe mohair sicilienne in the new frog green shade. The skirt which flares gracefully outward" from the hip line, has a deep facing, cloth, the velveteen' binding in the same shade as the mohair. The little jacket, reaching barely to the top of | the high princess girdle, points slight- ly in front, and fastens at the bust line with tiny velvet buttons and soutache braid loops in frog green, And a charming color contrast is af- forded by the well-shaped collar and rovers; and the high cuffs finishing the elbow-length. sléeves, in a chiffon broadeloth of a soft creamy shade, the machine stitching in a heavy silk of the same shade. The hat is a small, perky shape of leghorn, banded and bowed with black velvet ribbom, and on the high eaché peigne which tilts the hat sharply forward are set three green ostrich feathers of rather short length, the tips of which are a soft yellow. The gloves are the long yellow chamois now so fashionable, ' At Mountain Grove. Mountain Grove, May 8.--Mr, and Mrs. H. Loyst attended the sale at Arden on Saturday. William Summers {of Kingston, is spending a few days fat home. The Mountain Grove cheese factory has re-opened, and a very nice supply of. milk is teceived. A little son has come to abide at the home of Mr. and Mrs, F, Cox. Have no equal as a prompt and positive cure for sick headache, bil | jousness, congtipation, pain in the | side, and all troub Carter's Little Liver Pills. Try them. The anthracite coal miners and oper- ators have signed the agreement by | which the men will return to work. Dwarflike sins often have gigantic children. BOTH FOOD AND MEDICINE. We like best to call Scott's Emulsion a food-medicine. It is a term that aptly describes the character action of our Emulsion. More thana medicine--more than a food, yet combining the vital prin. | ciples of both. * It is for this reason that Scott's Emulsion has a distinct and special | value in all wasting diseases. There is nothing better to! remedy the troubles of im. fect growth and delicate ealth in children. Theaction of Scott's Emulsion is just as effective in treating weak- ness and wasting in adults, SCOTT & BOWNE, Toweate, Out. El rey Take a dale, , Lacey, Lake Purdy, received with such faver particular Tho solo by Miss Purdy, 0 188 > "Conterto G, Minor Allegro and An- dante," ade j i 5 , Was considered by the gem of the evening. : ¥ bérs were furnished by : , Miss M, Boyle and L. Boyle. In enunciation they set an example' that might well be = fol- ed by professionals, every word of "Jessie Sloreland, "Drekdina" and three boys, Albert Hoa Roland Henry and Headley 'Féxton,. giving "Le Secret," An especially pleasing feature of the Petlofmatios wo the attifede of the young at the pianos and the wane. There : , no affectations, all were modestly in earnest to please, and abundant sue- cfs8 was. theirs. Misses Lawson, Grooms, : Griffith and Shorey acted "as ushers. This community has cause to be proud of its young people, and owes a debt of gratitude to Miss Purdy for her acducug tabors in thefr behalf, DEATH IN PECULIAR WAY. Man Killed by Deer in One of Parks. London, May S.--A remarkable oc- cwrvence' which resulted in the death of 'a hairdresser named Sadler, hap- petied in Greenwich Park, yesterday. er was sitting on a seat in the park, near the.ground where the deér roam about. LU » He was reading a newspaper when a decr rushed gt him and 'butted him in the stomach. The wian was, | terribly injured, and he was removed fin an unconscious ¢on- dition. to thé Seamen's Hospital, where he died a few hours later. Persons who frequent the park are in the habit of feeding the deer, al- } is eontrary to regula: tions, and it is believed 'that the ani- mal which butted Sadler thought there was some {fog thind the paper he was reading. Ahtust its horns for- ard toget at it,» Henry Dirks Had Liabilities of $50,000.. Gretna, Man., May S.--Excitement prevails here over the supposed ab- sconding of Henry Dicks, bookkeeper for John Kehler, whose whereabouts have been unknown since April, 25th. To-day it was discovered that Dirks' had liabilitics = 'aggregating roundly ,000, this sum including a shortage in his accounts, with his employers. Dirks' credit was unlimited, and he might easily have made his borrow- ings twice as large. He was secretary- treasurer of the town for four years, was president of the liberal associa- tion, and ran in the last provincial election as independent candidate. He is largely interested in real estate, and with his brother Leonard Dirks, owned a large grain elevator. Get The Best Liniment. When you need a liniment you want the one that cures quickest and best. Smith's White Liniment penetrates deeply, relaxes the muscles, reduces in- flammation and heals more surely, thoroughly and quickly than any other liniment on the market. Don' fail to get a bottle today for 25 cents, at Wade's, Money back if not satisfactory. A Shrewd Judge. Toronto World. A very substantial member of the commons is Uriah Wilson of Napanee. Ho rose from the cobbler's bench to become a prosperous merchant: In po- litics his success has been phenomenal; and at every election his majority has increased. He has a fund of common sense and goes right to the heart of a question. While his most important work is in committee, he does not hes- itate to address the house, if he really has something to say. But he nev speaks unless he has 5 point to mal and when he is through he quits. Hence he is always listened to with marked respect and attention. He is a shrewd judge of public opinion, and his insistence upon the repeal of the increased indemnities of last session will carry weight with his fellow-mem- hers who' hope to return to future parliaments. Lombardy, Locals. Lombardy, May 7.--J. Ernest Dooher has gone to Lanark as assistant | cheesemaker with Max. Healy. Thomas | Murphy, Brockville, is visiting at Mrs. Thomas Breen's. A. Brycelleaves this week for Christie's Lake where he has secured a position in the chebse fac- tory there. Miss Annie McDonald, of Smith's Falls, visited Miss Mary Sin: nott on Sunday. The Misses Lucy and | Maggie Murray, of Sthith's Falls, and | Miss Kyle, of Merrickville, were the guests of Mrs, Richard Ward Saturday Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J, A. Loucks and family intend moving to Smith's Falls on Monday. Lombardy cheese factory has commenced opera- tions for the season under the man- t of 0. Wright. Edward 0'- ara, Sr. left on, Saturday with a large consignment of cattle for the Montreal market. Buy Beet, Iron and Wine at Gibson's 'Red Cross Store; 50v, there. 1 Phone 230, were no mannerisms, | My. G. Wilson and his son Bernard, > - this season, biliousness, sick-headache, debility, and indigestion ave prevalent. Whether these occur in © old or ing, Bileans are a certain. chre, ere is reason to beli at billousness and indigestion niay to some extent be inherit wnd the following case will be interestirg to the many people o suffer frequently from these froublesome allments. Mr. Geo. Wilson, a turner of Failsworth, was a constant sufferer. Ho «ays ne of my earl recollections is of being sent home from school with a sick che, and finding my mother down with the same complail The bilious attacks wore frequent and severe, and were al dizziness, , swimming before my ey: loss of sieey "My little boy. Bernard Henry Jessop Wilson, though only five years old, 'also inherited bilious attacks. He was constantly sick, very restless in his sleey d had no appetite. He lay in bed at nights moaning and loaning for hours. His tongne was constantly coated with a thick fur. and while the attacks were s accompanied by bad headaches, and | onthe could not retain any food on his stomac! vs breath, dizziness, fainting, bt ises the head; feelings dt uncom: ss § test B even after a light meal, wind pains, debility, ote. They act as a general ton and by improving the tone of the whol 8 tem enable itto throw off colds, chills, rheu- 3 "The doctor said the poor SS ittle chap would suffer from ¥ these Aincks fut he was grown up, when he might have B chance to fight free of the ai SMy wife and I were in de and were at_onr wits' end what to minke him better, But Xpend about Bi aehild good, and got a and doctored § Bemgiard and myself. They suited Us Doth. a soon as 1 began to take tite , ~nd I could sleep fort pointing to a sturdy come " aglow with health 6 was never able to Ro out of {} before, but he was out long break morning. He eats well and his natural color back, and } child could be. "*'W puldn't bo w in the house if they cost the: rely on them as our family medici A simple chapter of family history such as this i= more eloquent than Ss of argument and assertion in favor of the ex noe of Bileans as a specific, for bilionsness, liver disorde as 3 pure, perfect and positive cure for all digestive ailments and their manifold consequences Bileans also cure hpadache o stipaticn, 'piles, female aiim skin eruptions, sick headache bad taste in the mouth, foul SAMPLE We want expense." t .. They improve the general on, and are a boon to pale-faced women. Ferall purposes to which § box W hold remedy ds put, Bileans will be § You Ad found of excellent service. y Bileans are obtainable from all drug: and stores at 50 cents per box, or di from the Bilean. Co.,:Colborne St. upon receipt of price. 6 boxes for $2.50. BILEANS Patent holders keep eachshade sep-, ¢ arate and automat Cs // ically measure the Gh orrect needle Aull M4 aig AEST Rha Richest in Color. Choicest in Design. Perfect in Taste. "mw MENZIE LINE WALL PAPERS "For Every Room in Every House." Ask your dealer to show you the Menzie Line Wall . Papers. They are the embodiment of all that is artistic in wall decorations. Be sure you see the name on every folk al Not IN ANY COMBINE. THE MENZIE WALL PAPER co., Limited, TORONTO. wpsis CARADIAR KO SS Co mauoLa wihbered section even TN Manitoba oF ™ vinces, excepting 8 a wot PTO ay be homes! d ed. 2 wo f 5 perso: mal foil: of av) tent of one-q eh o 160 acres mo) r | _. must be made De n eri) ofiice for the distrie wel U0 is situate. PROMESTEAD DUTIES: A ited an 3 a 1 Heauired to perfor: ead 1 connected therewith u Jollow ing plans : -. At least SIX months res A livetion of the land i ud the term of three yi It the father (oF moO -- is deceased) ol any Pp eligible to wake a homestea the provisions of farm in the vicinity do won & yy such seed. ts of this uiremen Sd to obtaining i by such person mused mother. If the settler has his ence upon jurmtae land cinity of his hoo hi dn the ol this Act as : mgr tistied by residenc nd. NE PLICATION FOR PAT made at the end of th be ihe Local: Awent. Sub- tead Inspector. fore making anlication (be settler wust give SIX uu fn Writing to the Commissi Lands at Ottawa, of CANADI al lands may in re for soft coa ee Not more than 8 red by one indivic Royalty at the rate ton of 2,000 pounds sha output. --A free miner's Suara upon payment in #f pep.annun: for an ind from $50 to $100 per annum rany according to capital. A free miner, having discov fn place, may, locate a cla 500 fect. The fee for recording a cl Atleast $100 mst be oz! > d ear of paid 0! dalh tach YS thereof. Wh been expended or paid, the won having a survey made waplying with other requi cash the land at $1 an ac The patent nrovides for the Tele of/24 per cent on PLACEX minin~ claims 300 fet square : entry fee § yearly. A free miner may obtain t fredge for gold of five mil term of twenty years, rene discretion of the Minister of The lessee shall have a d ation within one season fro the lease for each five miles swrdanum for cach mile of Royalty ut the rate of 2§ pe «don the output after it exc WwW. W. Deputy of the Minister ol N.B.~Unauthorized public advertisement will not be § Reliable Foo For Bo Just what you wan! spring time, someth wil stand the wear m't fail to see o Boots before you $1.50 and $ H, JENNINGS, ATTEND rH Ambitious young men ang ae foutemp ing a Comm in ramd, Typewt Business@ Kingston, On t equipped and training $ enter' at a Padua te, ae _asdisted ro Nations Write for 'Phone 680 RE Shaw, 1.N, President. Storag N You Know lizens of Kingston a - to store househole all p Joeilitien extended n r Ww, G. F : 299 Qucen St. Terer 8oods left in his the t of care at a re _ Clean, Dry ang prom, Painting LUTELY Ty bottles. X Kingston Mi Cor, Phacs and