Daily British Whig (1850), 9 May 1906, p. 6

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ic in certain' forms % Srspepead i + Salt absolutely the Rs } salt lp Shae | : MADE IN CANADA : MPANY. ILLIAMS MANUFACTURING co. 'MONTREAL, P. Q. NDON, HAMILTON, OTTAWA, ST. JOHN, N. B. | AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE. wave has once more trned our way and ar 'makers 300 MEN'S SUITS at ever grace, distinction, fashion, fit, wear and all round were co mpressed. into suits for men, they are in P ri i Wors Worsted, Tweeds in the ts an 'navy vy blue garments. Suits that hat have "tone." Not one detail or that shape in particular, but th y. They will give ol ction from the ery ye Bate dg on until they are threadbare. Regular $15.00 and $18.00. All Sizes Offered at $10 GENTS FURNISHINGS. _ BOOTS AND SHOES Td 3 £ : Louis Abramson, 336 Princess Street. Up Jown C Rother, go 150 Cutting Edges. Works equally well in either rection, You, can save the cost of the Cleaner i in one op- Cleans the Brush Tubes in or a Blower Thorough Required . Manner 8 are automatically expanded to fit the boiler tube; and, stire to get ALL the scale and soot without injur- tu stock sizes are 13, 13, 2, 21, 24, 24, 3) 3% 33 and 4 "Write for descriptive catalogue and prices. It/makes a thorough job because its serrated cleaning McKelvey & Birch, "il. Junk Xion, From "Hotels Found in Von Wrede Castle--Princess Eta Berlin, Moy 9.-Nillisan: Glase, a for- mer servant of Prince Adolph en nt. of the pri udev cn the int the prince, Ww! res Glase with il 'in connection with a~quantity of i i silverware, marked with the nantes of Paris and Berlin hotels, found in the shyer room of Castle Basedow, near Malchin, Mec- klenburg-Schwerin. The Lokal-Anzeiger to-day aseerts Sha Princess Von Weide ls know to e kleptomaniacal proclivities. have is reported that Prince and Prin cess Yon sported and Fraulein Weidig, their housekeeper, will be asked by a Berlin court to explain the presence of the hotel'marked silverware in the castle. The silver includes dozens of milk pitchers, sugar bowls, plates, turcens and salt cellars, Jargely plated, and it has been suggested at the collection was made by pe one having mania for taking things from hotels as souvenirs. The Von Wredes are a prominent fa* mily of Bavarian origin. Adolph Von Wrede, who was born in 1849, first married a Hungarian lady, Ludmille Maldaner, but this union was annulled by a Munich tribunal in 1896, and in the same year the prince married his present wife, who is of Spanish birth, and was a widow when she met Prince Adolph. GANANOQUE NEWS. Death of Mrs. Rolland--Help for a Family. Gananoque, May 9.--~The attraction at the Coloniat Theatre, last evening, was "A Royal Slave." It attracted a large crowd. X remains of the late Charles H. MéWilliams, of Wellington, were con- veyed, yesterday, to his father's home, at Lakefield, for fintemment. Rev. Henry Gracey conducted a short. ser- vice at the house. Mi Jane De B. Rolland, relict- of the late Francis Rolland, passed peace- fully away at the residence of her son- in-law, Leander 'La France, North street, Monday afternoon, in the sev enty- sixth year of her age. Deceased had been jin feeble health for some time. She leaves one brother, Joseph Turcott, of Clayton, N.Y., and six children, Mrs. Joseph La France and Mrs. Leander La France, Gananoque; Mrs. Charles McNab, Orillia; Mossrs. Frank and John Rolland, Orillia, and Joseph Rolland, Barrie. De- ceased had lived here nearly fifty years. The funeral took place Wednes- day afternoon, to St. John's church, | thence to the Roman Catholic ceme- -~ Shaneman, is visiting a | a few days with her father haneman, Tanner street. Willian. Jones, son of Mrs. Edwin Jones, Charles street, who for some time past has been in St. Vin- cent de Paul hospital, Brockville, un- dergoing an operation, has returned. William Henderson, who. for 'some time past has been located in Detroit, was summoned home, on account of the illness of his mother, Mrs. Rich- ard Henderson, Victoria avenue. Neil McCarney, proprietor of the Provincial hotel, deserves credit for his action in the case of the McWil- liams" family, who were left in bad condition by the husband's sudden death, Mrs. McWilliams being left with seven young children, the oldest only about thirteen years of age. Mr. Mc- Camey struck out at once to assist and by night had collected about $30, which will help to no small extent, The Snfortunte deceased had only 81,000 on his life. The late C. 8, Tagrart, merly of Brockville, valued at $23,000, Ottawa, for- left an estate Croup Comes Suddenly Hence the Wisdom of Keeping in the Elouse the Most Effec- tive Cure. Dr. Chase's Syrup of Slight hoarseness in the evening is the only warning of croup. About midnight the child awakes coughing--that peculiar, metallic cough called croup, and which strikes terror to the mother's heart, Then begins the struggle for breath, and if relief is to be obtained treat- ment must be prompt and effective. Anyone who has tested Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentime as a cure for croup will not hesitate to pronounce it an unqualified success. It is wonderfully prompt in loosen- ing the cough, clearing the air passag- es of the head and soothing the ex- cited nerves, People who realize the suddenness with which croup comes on, and the danger which accompanies it, usually keop some of Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine in the house for use in case of emergency. 'or bronchitis, whooping cough, asthma, and every form of throat and bronchial trouble, 'this great family icine is a quick and certain cure. William MoGoe, 49 Wright avenue, Toronto, Ont., writes: "There is no remedy in my opinion that can act mote promptly than Dr. Chase's Syrup, of Li and Turpentine, Iv cured my son of croup, absolutely, in one night. We gave him a dose when he was black in the face with choking. Tt gave him instant relief and cure, "hero are imitations of Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine. Be sure you see the portrait and signa- tore of Dr. A. W, Chase, the famous rs. Grant, formerly Miss Norma}. Linseed and Turpentine PU ENDED BY ZAM-BUK. A Lady, Cured Who Had Suffered Flor Beven Years. ------ Further proof of the wonderful effi- cacy of Zu BY in cases of piles, J ovided by case of arnes, 35 Centon Road, Lond po "For the past seven years," Mrs. Barnes, 'I have with piles, antl the discomfort and irrita- ion were at times almost unbearable. 1 tried many different advertised re- medies, hut none of them afforded me any relief. . In" fact, some of them scemed 16 make me feel worse, and only aécentuated the irritation. Last autumn I had @ very bed turn 'and ly knew what to do with my- scl, dreading the thoughts of going to a doctor. Reading through th paper 1 came abross an account of a | similar case to mine being cured by I sent for a sample, and the appli- cation of that relieved me so much that I sent for more, and by the time I had used two boxes I felt gnite cured. This is geveral months ago, now, and 1 have never had a sign of the complaint since. 1 consider ¢ the action of Zam-Buk simply - marvel lous. Had I not experienced it I could not believe such a cure possible. I have told my friends about it, and they know that my belief in Zam-Buk is perfectly justified. It is because 1 have derived so much benefit and think other -sufferers- ought to know about Zam-Buk, that I am pleased to give you this statement for pub- lication." The agony of pileg is as excrucia- ting as the disease i is weaken- ing. Applications of Zm-Buk will in- variably be found most beneficial and soothing, Zam-Buk subdues the pain, allays the inflammation, and brings rest and comfort to the worn-out sui- ferer. Common causes of the disease, however, are constipation and liver complaint, so it is usually wise to treat internally . as well. Take a course of a mild vegetable laxative, such as Bileans, which operate well in conjunction with the external ap- lication of Zam-Buk, : observe regular Pabits and exercise, and avoid alcohol. Zam-Buk will be Tound of excellent service in the. 'home, because of its wonderful healing, soothing and anti- septic powers. It heals cuts, burns, bruises, and abrasions, is an excel lent embrocation, and it is a certain cure for such common forms of skin disfigurements and diseases as ples, eruptions, eczema, cers, barber's rash, festering sores, sore breasts, ahscesses, boils, ete. All druggists supply Zam-Buk at 50 cents a. box, or it is obtainable, post free, from the Zam-Buk Co. Colborne St. Toronto, upon receipt of price, 6 box- es for $2.50.. alpen WOOS, ANOTHER 'S WIFE, Resigns When Love Letters Are Discovered. Waverly, Iowa, May 9.--Loving sen- timents ex in a: Jetter which Charles W. 5 Jnrtors found in the wife, shave caus- ol the do ension, © of hs . Taebler, - many years pastor of the Metho- dist church at Shell Rock. The let- ter is said to have been signed by the minister, and the woman's husband claims to have found scores of similar burning epistles which show the affec- tion of the pastor for the farmer's wife. Mr. Taebler, when confronted with the letters by the official board of the church, resigned. A church trial will follow. Taebler is married, and has two children. Moore has ask- ed a divorce. pim- rinoworn ul- Comfort For The Small Maid. Comfort is, or should be, the first and foremost consideration in the child's wardrobe. This little frock, dainty and becoming to any small girl, will afford much comfort during the hoitest days of the coming sup- mer The plain, full skirt, finished with a stitched hem, is gathered to the waist, which shows a full front vest effect beneath the square-cut neck with its crosswise band of the stitched chambray, which in this instance isa delicate shade of pink. The back of the neck is finished in a similar man- ner, a broad box pleat reaching from this point 'to the waistline, where a stitched belt of the chambray, fastens in front with 'an oval mothet- of -pearl buckle. The sleeves are full puffs, ga- thered into stitched bands just above the elbow, and the soft curls are tied back with a pink satin bow. Spring Importation Of 1906. Prevost, t for his imported goods order clothing department, ' consis of Beotch and English twoeds, atin cheviots and Vicunas. His 815. suiting made to order beats anything of pre- vious vears. The wear and fitting is guaranteed, Rov. J. M. Glassford, Guelph, was on moderator of the Presby. tevian stmod of Toronto and King: ston. Rev. R. Gamble was elected moderator of the synod of Montreal and Ottawa. receipt hook author, on the bottle you buy; 25¢c. a bottle; family size, three | times as much, 60c.; at all dealers or y Bates & Co., Toronto. McConkey's high class candy, in sealed packages. Sold only at Gib- son's Red Cross drug store. For The Prices Offered at Various "Centres, Toronto Junction, May 7 Esvort ces ranged from $4.75 to 15, Po selling at $4.90 to $5; export bulls sold at $3.50 to $4; butchers' prices for picked lots of choice ranged from $4.76 to $5; good from $1.60 to $1.70; medium, $4.40 to $4.60; com- mon, $4 to $4.30; butcher cows, 8 to $4; canners, $2. 5 to $3. Veal calves sold at $4 to 86 per 100 lbs; milch cows and springers at to $56; ex- rt ewes, irom to $525; hucks, $3.75 to $4; yearling lambs, 36.50 to $7.50; springs lambs at $4 to 37, Hogs selects sold at $7.15; light, $6.90; sows, $4; stags, $2.50 to $3.50 per 100 lbs Montreal, May 7.--About 1,200 head of butchers' cattle, 30 milch cows, 200 calves, 75° sheep and lambs, 150 fat hogs and 50 young pigs were offered for sale at the East End Abattoir to- day. The butchers were out in full force, and trade was brisk with'slight- ly lower prices, especially for the common stock, Prime beeves sold at 5c. to Bie. per lh.; Pretty good cattle 4c. to 4c. and. the common stock, 2}0. to 33c. per lb. Milch cows were dull of sale at from $25 to $58 each. Calves sold at $2 to $7 each. Sheep sold at 43¢. to Sic. per lb. spring lambs at $3 to $5 cach. Good lots of fat hogs sold at about 7ic: Yer 1b. Young pigs sold at $1.50 to $3 each, WOLFE ISLANT NEWS. Several Accidents--Serious Illness of Residents. Wolfe Island, May 8. --Seeding is about finished. Dexter Hinckley left to-day for California to bring home his son, Samuel, who is ill. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Burns, Chicago, formerly of the island, are here on a visit for the benefit of the former's health. Mr. and Nrs. John Laughlin are in Rosicre, N.Y., attending the funeral of Mrs. Obertine. The condition of Miss Kate Baker remains about the same. Daniel McLaren: is seriously ill with pneumonia. Two sisters from" the House of Providence, Kingston, are in attendance. James Murphy, who has been ill in Hotel Dieu, returned home to-day. Miss Annie Grant had the misfor- tune to fall and break her ankle last week. William Allison met with a serious accident recently by being thrown out of a buggy, fracturing four of his ribs, One of the island's oldest and most esteemed citizens, in the person of Richard Davis, who has been missed off the streets for some time past, is seriously ill. His condition is very low. Felix Cummings has moved into his new residence in the village. George Taylor has moved into Daniel Grant's house. George Boyd is the happy possessor "of twin colts. At a cheese meeting held in Silver Spring factory on Saturday, William Fawcett was appointed salesman, in place of Thomas Conley, who resigned. ------------ WOMAN TAKES LIFE. Found Hanging in the Garret of Her Home. Some time Monday night Mrs. Eu- chare Aubertine, Cape Vincent, com- mitted suicide by hanging. Mrs. Aubertine, whose maiden name was Bertha Favret, was about twenty- seven years of age and was married some six years ago. About eight months ago she gave birth to a child and since then has been seriously ill and her mind unbalanced. She retired © Sunday night as usual, but Monday morning her husband did not find her when he awoke and at once suspected that something had happened. He at once instituted a vigorous search and found her lifeless body hanging in the garret of the house. Mrs. Aubertine had gone there some time during the night, tied a rope about the chimney and swung into eternity. She had taken the precau- tion to wind that portion of the rope which was placed ahout her neck with cotton batting that it might leave no marks. Besides her husband she is survived by one son, aged five yedrs, and a brother who has been in an asylum. Whenever your bowels skip a day without a movement--take a Lax-et. Whenever your breath bad--your skin waxy, or, sallow--your tongue coated-~your breath foul--take a Lax- et, only Bc. Sold by all druggists. Harry Stevens, Smith's Falls, has been committed for trial on a charge of criminally assaulting a cirl named Jennie Berry of Sweet's Come rs. He is out on bail, himself in 2,000, and two sureties 'of $1,000 hs EE ---- IMPROVE YOUR COMPLEXION. Give Up Cosmetics and Seek the Cause of Your Bad Color. When it's so easy to bring back the bloom of youth, to remove the blem- ishes and fill in the hollows, isn't it foolish to plaster on cosmetics ? Sallow_ skin and fallen-in cheeks are produced" by disorders of the elimen- tary canal. Remove the cause, corrcet the con- dition that keeps yon-from looking as you ought. Use Dr. Hamilton's Pills and very soon you'll have a com- plexion to be proud of. Just imagine how much happier you'll feel when those pimples © and murky look have gone ? Dainty looks came to Miss Vrooman, a well known resident of Belfast, from using Dr, Hamilton's Pills. Read what she says; "My friends 'all admit I have a very delightful complexion. This 1 owe positively to Dr. Hamilton's Pills. 1 used to look so yellow I thought it might be jaundice. There was simply no color in my cheeks at all. To-day my skin is clear and never pots that murky, dull appearance it had before. Dr. Hamilton's Pills have al- 80 given me a good appetite and im- proved my general health also." Not only the complexion, but every organ in the body is strengthened, cleansed and made healthy bv Dr. Hamilton's Pills. Buoyancy, vim and a feeling of vigor invariably follow] their nse. ad in yellow boxes hy all dealers, 25c. per box, or Rive boxes for $1. By mail from N. C. Polson & OOK inside your | watch cover and see! That's bad busi- into Blood, Braw, Bone. ™ Brain ang No purging from c om CASCAR. ETS, because th CAR ing of the Bowels wi of preciouf Diges ness, Bill! What you beer Eating? ha wets 'What were you drinking? with Salts, a EE What kind of Lazy Chair did Phytera Ole you take exercise in? GaBoarets act fie Now don't think it doesn't --harmles, pleasany, Xercise, matter | convenient, buy ares g apis, ™ Becaus?, it's your Bowels ing. oot that talk now, every time you The thin little Tey Ce open your Mouth. Box, carried in mR at That dogsn't help your Pocket const A, oo Popularity, nor your Earning . Protection against the ap capacity. of . Besides, a man with bad Bowels is ina -- Late Suppers bad way. 3 And, a Coated Tongue, or a Bad Breath, are sure signs of bad Bowels and poor Digestion. -- Cheerful Boozing -- Rapid Eating -- Slow Walking --&asy Chair Athletics --And Lasy Liver, wo, Co and take a Ten Mile Walk, Exercise! *Finest thing in the world for Gomtpa- tion, Indigestion, or Dyspepsia, Ten Mile Walks. : Haven't time? Too Lazy? Well,--there is another Way Take Artificial Exercise for your Bowels. That's--CASCARETS. They rouse the Bowel Muscles, just as a Cold Bath freshens Athletic Muscles. 'Waken them up, Stfengthen them so they Contract and Expand the Bowels and Intestines in a healthy active manner, That's how these muscles work the Food along, through your thirty feet of Intes- tines, to its Finish. That's how they squeeze Gastric Juice into the food, to Digest it. That's how they make the millions of little Suckers in the Intestines draw the Nutrition out of Food. and transform it for One tablet taken wheneve you need it will insure yo cent of all other ills lik Because 90 per cent of th in the Bowls, or Nutrition. Ae exist thr Cascarets don't purge, d don't irritate, nor upset y Cascarets are Warran stipation, back. ted to Cure Cone Indigestion, or, your H. Or, Your 'monsy * * * Ten Cents, at all Druggist careful to get the genuine, the Sterling Remedy sold .in bulk. =eccH " A sample and "Curse of Coristipation, asking. Address Ster! pany, Chicago or New Y Every booklet ---- Fit-Reform originates styles. Already, Fit-Reform has introduced three new styles in Sack Suits-- THE "REGAL" THE "REGENT" THE "OXFORD" They are just different enough to be distinctive--and exclusive enough to be in irreproachable taste. Made up in elegant Scotch Tweeds and Irish Homespuns--in a wealth of rich effects. $15, $18, $20. o be made It will take Now, sir, don't your faithful feet deserve .t tomfortable the coming sultry summer months. a pair of cool, comfortable and stylish SUMMER OX: FORDS to do it. Have you seen any smarter shoes in If it's new it's here, if it's t in our town than our windows show ? correct it's here, if it's a back number you won't find i store; Every man in town can have correct shoes this sum" mer if he trades here. J. H. Sutherland & Bro. ' The House of Good Shoe Making prompt delivery 'phone 230, Co., Hartford, Conn.,, USA, or Kingston, Qut, 2 ere is no flood. - * * Portiand, & ; In Connection W * Canadian Pacif Pacific Rs Te St. Boston, Toronto, pew, Sault Ste. Paul, nn Francisce for Sh gn) 1 Los C.P.R. east petting with C 210 a.m --Mized, for Ren whnediate points. rs leaving Kingst Passe rive in Ottawa at 513 pm; T bowrvore, 8 7:30 a.m. iB. 11:55 a.m. Pull particulars at K. & BR. Ticket Oflice, Ontario s p CONWAY, F. A, Rh GoN Pass: Agent. Bay of Quinte New short line for Tweet and all local p Deseronto, jeave City Hall Depot CONWAY, Agent B.Q. Ry LOCAL BRANCH TI} : In Effect Jan. 2nd Trains will leave and ar pepot, Foot of Johnston st GOING WES Lve. Cit No. 5 Mail ... ..1245 an "3 Express ... 2.26 a.n « 11 Loeal ...... 9.15 a.n « 1 Intern'l Ltd12.16 nc " 7 Mail ... .. 3.19 p.n " 18 Local ... . 7.08 p.n GOING EAS' Lve. Cit No: 8 Mail ... .. 1.48 a.n " 2Fast Exp. 2.26 a.n * 16 Local ...... 8.16 a.m " oMail ... ... 12.16 noor " 4 Fast Exp. 1.00 p.n "12 Loca) rae 7.03 p.n Nos. 1,3, wnd 4 rum ¢ and 8 run ily except Mond trains daily except Sunday. Direct route to Torent Hamilton, Buffalo, Lonc Chicago, Bay City, Sagina Ottawa, Quebec, Portland Halifax, Boston and New For Pullman Actommods wd all other imformation, J. P. HANLEY, Agent, ( and Ontario streets. Kingstc ALLAN LINE Re MONTREAL TO LIVI] n May 17, Juno June June July TO GL! ¢ June 7, MONTREAL te rate ser (wodera Mongolia) Corinthiv STROPSIS oF CANADIAN HOMESTEAD REGU. Any even numbered secti fon Lands in Manitoba ol west Provinces, excepting ¢ reserved, way Le homeste ay person who is the so family, or any male over 478, to the extent of one flop, of 160 acres more or Entry must be. made per: local land of iB r the dist the land is HOMEST! pg TIES : has bean granted an entry *tead is . required to per ditions connected * therewith te following ple Ang : (1) At least six months 1 td cultivition ofithe land Saving the tern of three ) ) If the father (or lather is deceased) of any eligible to make a homest der the provisions of thi Yon a farm in the vicinit utered for Ly such person #tead, the requirements of th r to obtainin Such person r, a y of bis h ol this Act Biay be satisfied by reside) Sad land APPLICATION 0 ts mado ut FOR PA te the Loca Homestead | Before 1nakin the settler t » mHting to t unis Binion Lands tC Tt awa, of SYNOPSIS op CANAD EST MINING REGT 20al=Coil lands aay he De re for soft coa Ne t more thap indi "at "the ra ) 8 unds sk itput miner's Payment i ran i ) ver anny to capital, r recording a 100 must he e SF or paid to t 1 claims entry fee miner py "tnigg gi . VY obtain of fend ou Jive = ion of the teach five mil, [i Revalty's at do Si of 35 5 ® output alter it e ny Ww. W rd of the Minister be =Unaysy whorized pup] t Wil not be

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