Coated| No purging from CASCAR. ETS, because there 13 no flgoq. ing of the Bowels wi of precious Dig, with Salts, cg "Physic, "eto, Cascarets act n, Brain ang like Exercise, --harmless, pleasany, simple convenient, by: at t sure as Shepp. ing. The thin litt) oe tn a ptaction against the ee o e Ten Cent Suppers ful Boozing | Eating Walking Chair Athletics .asy Liver, * * * et taken whenever t will insure you ag other ills likeiy 90 per cent of these ills begin wels, or exist throuph poor s don't purge, dor te, nor upset y s are Warrant Indigestion, or, y * * * ats, at all Druggist get the genuine, g Remedy Compa ulk. Every t le and - the famous booklet Coristipation," Free for the \ddress Sterling Remedy Com- xago.or New York, mn introduced tg-- 'i " FORD" 1ough to be ough to be tch Tweeds a wealth of deserve. to be made It will take lish SUMMER OX: 1 any smarter shoes 10 if it's et er months. it's new it's here, r you won't find it in our correct shoes this sum= yd & Bro. oe Making 13:80 p.m St. John, N.B.; Halilaa weal, QUOT 0, Chicago. Denver. Ren BostoR, it Ste. Maris, Duluth, St hes, Winnipeg; -- Vancouver, Seattle > Portiand, and San Francisco. In Connection With Canadian Pacific Railway 1 TRAINS LEAVE KINGSTON :-- --mapress, for Ottawa, Mon: Sharbot. Lake east and west. m.--bocal for petting with C.P.R. 8:10 a.m. --Mized, for Renfrew and in wrinediate points. ving Kingston st 12:80 Passengers leaving 5.00 arrive in Ottawa ar p.m. rhe 519 pm. Tor 7:80 m., Bosten. 7:80 m.; Jehn, EB. 11:55 a. Full particulars at K. & P. and C.P-| R. Ticket Otlice, Ontario street. | A, FOLGER, Gen. Supt. | onte, St. ONWAY, ¥. r iy Pass: Agent. Bay of Quinte Railway New short line for Tweed, Napanee, | Deseronto, and all local points. Trains | Jeave City Hall Depot at 4 p.m. F. CONWAY, Agent B.Q.Ry., Kingston. ee LOCAL BRANCH TIME TABLE : In Effect Jan. 2nd, 1906. Trains will leave and arrive at City REWARD will be paid to any $5,000 Loon who proves that Sunlight Soap contains any injurious chemicals or any form of adulteration. Sualight Soap is better than other soaps, but is best when used in the Sunlight way. Sunlight Scap contains no injurious chemicals. Sunlight Soap js pure soap, scientifically 'made. Every step in its manu- facture is watched by an expert chemist. 4 Sunlight Soap saves labor, and the wear of rubbing which common soaps require in washing fabrics. 5c. fol 5c. Lever Brothers Limited. Toronto 164 Buy 1t and low directions Depot, Foot of Johnston street, fe GOING WEST Lve. City = Arr. City No. 5 Mail L1245am. 1L1S5am * 3 Express ... 226 am. 3.05a.m « 11 Loeal ...... 9.15 a.m. 9.47 a.m « 1 Intern']l Ltd12.16 noon 12.46 p.m " 9 Mail ... .. 3.19 p.m. 3.51 p.m, " 18 Local .. . 7.08 pm. 7.38 p.m. GOING EAST Lve. City Arr. City No: 8 Mail W148 am. 223 am " 9Fast Exp, 226 a.m. 3.05am #* 16 Local ...... 8.16 a.m, 8.47 a.m. * @Mail ... ..12.16 noon 12.46 p.m, " 4Fast Exp. 1.00 p.m. 1.29p.m " 12Loecal ... ... 7.03 pm. 7.38 p.m Nos. 1,2 8. wnd 4 rum daily. Nos. 5 and 8 run _ daily except Monday. All other trains daily except Sunday. Direct route to Torento, Peterboro, Hamilton, Buffalo, London, Detroit, Chicago, Bay City, Saginaw, Montreal, Ottawa, Quebec, Portland, St. Johns, Halifax, Boston and New York. For Pullman Accommodation, Tickets, wd all other imformation, apply to J. P. HANLEY, Agent. Cor. Johnston | and Outario streets. Kingston. Ont. | ALLAN: LINE Rova] Mall Steamers MONTREAL TO LIVERPOOL. * Tun May 17, Victoria Muy 24 Toni May 31 Virginian June 7, MONTRUAL TO ( (mode Mongol Ma Corinthinr May and weekly thereafter. For rates, apply to J. I'. HANLEY, Aesnt, G. R. J. P. GILDE SLEEK VEL . ¥ STNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH-WEST HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS An fon ls west P'rovin: reserved, even numbered section Domin- in Manitoba or the North- ccs, excepting 8 and 26, not way be homesteaded upon by toy person who is the sole ad of a family, or any male over 18 years of ae, to the extent of one-quarter sec- fio, of 160 acres more or less. Entry must be. made personally at the local land oflice for the district in which the land is situate. HOMESTEAD DUTIES : bas been granted of A settler who IF WOMEN ONLY KNEW Thousands of women suffer untold miser- ies every day with aching backs that really have no business to ache. wasn't made to ache, Uader ordinary conditions it ought to be strong and ready to help her bear the burdens of life. A woman's back It is hard to do housework with an ach- 4 an entry for a howe- | Rend is . required to perform the con- | ing back. Hours of misery at leisure or Sion, connected therewith under one of | at work. If women enly knew the se. wing ans n Slowing plang Backache comes from sick kidneys, and (1) At least six months residence upon tod Cultivution ofithe land in cach year dur, ng (he tern of three years. -- Ii the father (or mother, it the he 18 deceased) of any person who is Serible 0 miuke a homestead entry un- fer the provisions of this Act, resides | upon a farm in the vicinity of the land ted for Ly such person as a home- . nd the requirements of this Act 'as to sidence prior to obtaining patent may le satis } satisfied such persun residing with the futher or mother. (8) I the settler k . ett le has his permanent Tsidence upen farming land owned Ly ln 0 vicinity of bis howestead, the | aires 8 of this Act as to-residence " be stistied by residence upon the wo ICATION FOR PATENT should ido the end of three years, be- Homes, ke . tl Ag "nts Sul-Agent or the the ora 1oak n itions for patent fhe er it IX months' notice ng to the missioner of Do- Binion Lands will help you. worked kidneys--all over..the making them strong, healthy and vigorous. Mrs. P. Ryan; Douglas, Ouat., writes: over five months I was troubled with lame what a lot of trouble sick kidneys cause in the world. But they can't help it. If more work ia put on them than they can stand it's not to be-wondered that they get out of order. Backache is simply their cry for help. DOAN"S KIDNEY PILLS They're helping sick, aver. world -- 'For | t Ottawa, of his intentiun 8y OPS} nL | back and was unable to move without WES Da hk CANADIAN NORTU- | help. I tried all kinds of plasters and Bird HINING REGULATIONS. liniments but they were no use. At last I --~Coal lands.may- he purchased at heard tell of Doan's Kidney Pills and Bor soft coal and $20 for fot more than 320 acres can LY one individual or cow- at the rate of ten cents Pounds shall be collected. output miner's certificate 'ayment in advance for un individual, | annum to capital. °f, having discovered mineral locate a claim 1,600x1,- is of and for a com- | § n yp Tr re i Jece rding a claim is $5. must he expended on the "ay B iF or iid to the mining re- pended hereof. When $500 has a hy, or paid, the locator mu Danlyine wd Survey' made, and upon thagg the \ th other requirements, Pur- i oats Ot S1 an sere. Toyaliy of rovides for the payment of FLAC T cent on the sales. 100 fou, » fine claims generally are Ye. tite © entry fee $5, renewable 188 miner 'tudge rig "may obtain two leases to of tw 4 of five miles each fora Siscretion of the ir 07S. renewable at the The lenge, he Minister of the Interior, | Mion wipp:, "MAU have a dredge in oper. | We laggy for Phe Season from the date of RT Rnum torch five miles. Rental, $10 Sovalty ut 1h, %Ch mile of 'river \lensed. | he out ate of 24 per cent collect PUL after it exceeds $10,000, | W.'W, Cory, : 'ster of the Interior. publication of this il not be paid for, Uptown; wr cy cle De t oes, 293 Princess iy Dept Ny the Min lection Mf goods anc values, I hava nd e mn stock an Wheels of natty ap-| ENTIC- | t and 'rices ving, Doth after I had used three-quarters of the box my back was as strong and well as ever." Price 50 cents per box or*three boxes for $1.25, all dealers or The Doan Kidney Pill Co., Toronto, Ont. SEALS, STEEL STA MPS, ETC. j Best Standard, Fairest Prices § nine PRICE MARKERS, WHITE CW. MACK, 60 YONGE ST. EASY MONEY AT HOM raising canaries, More profitable than chickens. AN indoors. You'll get $2.50 unnecessar COTTAM 10 $5.00 each for young 7 you interested q 0 gel IRD BOOK (Wiousands soid at 25c.) Celebrated » Dr. Brock's g5%T5%n Female Periodical Pills arc best monthly ancdicine for ladies. Sol only in Kingston at thg BEST DRUG STORE, 124 Princess Steet, Mailed on receipt of price--$1. ¢ hig Second hand wheels | Besesssssssssanssssasl | irived on s bride | The | A, house. i 1 ¢ ¥ Lior Joseph Cox,. 1 ENTS TELL US The Tidings From Various Points In Easterm Ontario -- What People Are Doing And What They Are Saying. Charleston Lake Locals. Charleston, May S.~Cedar Park Ho- tel has opened and the gusts ame guite numerous, The Vanclifi party ac Saturday. B. Loverin and were visitors here on Saturday. focfcher and pupis spent Arbor | day cleaning the school-house and beautifying: the grounds, Mrs. Wil lian Plunkett accompanied by her daughter, Mrs. CC. Slack, went to Leads on Thursday, to he present at the burial of her sister, Mrs. Henry Berry, who diced at Gananoque, in February. F. Fload, Trevelyan, is hind the bar at Cedar Park Hotel. Echo Lake Echoes. Echo Lake, May 5S. ~The spring has been cold and backward, Few farmers have commenced spring work, Hayes has started to rebuild his Allen Wagar has fimished this season. Lorenzo Switzer Sunday Wagarville. Jamies be- very SaW- ing for spent at Ruttan has his new house almost com- pleted. Thomas Buckley working for A. Wagar. John Switzer has mov ed his family out to William Vedly's, Bell Rock. H. Hicks Jag a haby Loy H. Babcock who has Ten worl MIping is his home futher for a few days. Glendower Hotel (ilendower, May S.--The chee tory opened May 1st, under the agement of JJ. Norris as. checsemaker, lhe K. & PP. train mks trips times week on this branch, Ihe of J. Coulter, aattle pleased to see him attend ing again after a p attack of la grippe.s Mrs. EF. Fitzg ald returned from Portsmouth, after a lengthy visit with Mrs. T. McGuire, fae man three a friends are many er, to business A number from here attended the hee at +). Hastings on Wednesday. A wee or has come "to stay at F. Judge's, Visitors : Miss Ageie Con nolly, Parham, at J. Fitzgerald's; Mrs! J. MeNichol is in Kingston. At Lavant Station. Lavant| Station, May S.---The lum mills have started at Robertson Lake, and the lumber is now being hauled inte Lavant for transporia tion. John Lee left on Monday to {drive a travelled to Plevna, Mr. and Mrs. ¥ J. McFarlane and Mr. and Mrs. William Browning spent Sunday in Lavant. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lee spent Friday in Lanark attending. the big sale. Mr. and Mrs. William Thom as, with 'Gerald, yeturned home on Monday ¢ n extended visit with their daughter in Moira, N.Y. n MeCnaig « eome out to take charge of his missi wld for the sum me He is well pleased with the in terest taken in church work. Hartington Happenings. hard An Absolute Cure For - DYSPEPSIA Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Belching of gas after eating, mean weakness, Dy means of its muscles, the stomach should churn the food--cheging solids into liquids--mixing in tie gastric juice to start digestion. 1f the stomach is weak--then food is not properly churned and mixed with enough gastric juice. Then you have indigestion and then dyspepsia, Srila ln on "FauIT Liven TasLers™ strengthen the stomach--just as juicy beef and eggs and milk strengthen the wasted frame of a patient getting over Typhoid. FRUIT-A-TIVES contain the elements that give new -- Vigor new energy to the muscles lining the stomach-- stimulate the digestive glands and assure a copious flow of gastric juice for each meal. "More than that, FRUIT-A-TIVES correct the Constipation which usually attends stomach trouble--and by acting directly on kidneys and liver, put the whole system in healthy condition. FRUIT-A-TIVES are a peculiar com- bination of fruit juices and tonics that are Known all over Canatla for their wonderful cures in: all stomach, liver and kidney troubles §0c. a box or 6 boxes for $2.50. Sent on réccipt of price if your druggist does not handle them. FRUIT-A-TIVES LIMITED, OTTAWA, IVER PILLS. CURE Wick Headacho and relieveall tho troubies ino dent to a bilions state of tho system, such &8 Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsiness. Distress after esting, Puiu in the Bide, &c. While their moss semarkable success has been shown in CUrilg SICK ateadache, yot Carter's Litilo Liver Pills are equally valuable in Constipation, curing and pre- venting thisannoyingcomy Jaint, while they alse correcta disorders of the tomach atimulaie tha Ziver and regulato tho bowsio, Even if they only ~ HEAD 'fiche they would boaimost priceless to those who suffer from this distressing complaint; but forte mately theirgood: does notend hore, and those whooncetry them will ind these little pills vale in soniany ways that thoy will not be wiv todo without thera, But after allsick heady ACHE Ate bate of so many lives that hore is whare THE DAILY WHIG, WEDNESDAY, MAY 9. NEWS OF NEIGHBORS WHAT WHIG CORRESPOND- friends on Tuesday Hagers evening of last Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Vande: water are moving from this neighbor: | howd. They purpose spending the summer in different parts of Canada before settling in Varker, where Mr, Vandevatér had purchased a home. : v Wedding At Bedford. Bediord, May S.--~Sacred Heart church, Bedford, was the scene of a very pretty wedding on Wednesday, May 2nd, at ning o'clock, when Mag- gic, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Hastings, was united in marriage to Edward V. Grooms, a well-to-do farmer of Sydenham. The bride was given away by hee-brother, I. Hasungs, of Kingston. She was very becomingly attired in a dress of cream crepe de chine with white silk blouse and hat to match, Sho was at- tended "hy ly, her cousin, Miss Libbie Kel who attired dress of was ina grey silk with white silk blo The groom was supported by George 10 Harker, of Sydenham. After the 1 mony. and congratulations | roceive from many iriends, the bride and groom drove to the. home of the bride's parents, where. seventy guests awaited them. Dinner was served, the tables being handsomelyr desorated with carnations and smilax. The pre- sents handsome and use- ful. The groom's to the bride was a gold neck lace sot with pearls; to the a gold lockety to the eroomanan a cold pin set with opals, The voung coupla leit for thor future home in Svdenham on Thursday. received were rift bridesmaid, Portland's Budget. Portland, May 8.~A number of tour iste are visiting the lake, They report orcat catches of salmon, The musical recital given by Mrs. Newton was a orand success, Visitors: From" Smith's Falls, Mrs. F. C. Austin, at Mr, 6 Austin's; Mr. and Mes. 3 at 'his hrother's, H. Henderson's: Mrs 1. 8S. Harvison at 1. K. Seovil's, and Mes. D. Hil gt 8. Chipman's, Miss He lena Boltom entertained a numbér of | her friends to a card party last weok, It was given for her brother, L. Bol. ton. who left. on Thursday. for Ross land. B.C. Wallace Pinkerton, of Queen's, spent a few days at his home here, . Charles Leggett, who has been attending MeGill Collége, Montreal, is home for the summer, § arrott is moving to his cottagecthis © week, Messrs Stanley Lockwood and OC. Murphy, were in Smith's Falls, on Saturday, Miss Ethel Gallagher is nursing at Sharbot lake. R. Morris has his gasoline launch running at full speed now. There are to he a num ber of launches purchased hv the vil this The Rideau Club dances, on Tuesday and Friday even Seaton fee wore very med endoved by the voung people of the village, Mrs. Newton acted as chaperene, JV, Galla oher snent Sunday in Elgin the guest of Father Grey. PRODUCE AND PRICES. Prices At Present Prevailing in The City. Kingston, "Mav. 9.=The local pro duce market prices this week are: Poultry--Fowl, from 50c. to ¥1 a pair, or 10c. a Ib. turkeys, 12. a Ih. Fruit-- Lemons, 20¢. a doz., oranges, 20¢., to 30c. a doz.; navel, 50c, . to 60c. a doz.; Mexican oranges, 15¢. to 25¢.. a doz.; Valencia oranges, 10¢ to 2. a doz; Jamaica oranges, 20 to 30¢. a do apples, © 10e. to 25e. pect rries, 15e, to 200, a box; banana to 30. doz; cooking ligs, Se. a lh.Zeating figs, 10c. to . a lb. /10¢ a lb; 3 lbs. 25c.; pine- 15¢. to 30c. cach. stables-- Potatoes, 90c. to ¥1 bag; turnips, 15c. a peck; cabbage, Te. to 10¢c. a head: anions, 60c. to 75¢. bush; celery, He, a head, or from ¢ to $1 a dozen; pickling onions, lg peck; green onions, lettuce, parsnips, { 10c. a bunch; Bermuda onions, He. a Ib.; 6 lbs Flour feed Flour, bakers' strong, $2.15 to $2.25 farmers', $2.15 0 Hungarian patent, $2.50 . oatmeal and rolled oats, $5 £1.50 to $1.65; cornmeal, 19 to $21 a ton; shorts, $2 a ton: straw, $6 to $8; hay, loose, $6 to $5; pressed, $7 to $9. I \ lard, Mec. to 16 a Choice creamery, 23. a 1h. farmers' butter, in prints, 2c, to 22c. a lb; packed and roll butter, 16 1 Oc. to 2le Meat--Cattle, on the hoof, $3.50 to €1 per ewtl.; beef, carcase, $6 © to $8 per owt; choice cuts, 10, to 5c. a Ib. veal, by the quarter, 5c. to Se. a lh. cuts, Re. to 124c. a Ib bv the carcase, Sc. to 0c, a ll 15¢. a 1b.; hogs, live w £7 per ewt. carcase, ewt.: cuts, 13¢. a Ib. Market ver dull Fish Salmon trout, 125e; white ho 12 pike, Re. al Chinook mon HI a 1 alt coil } 7 to 10 a lb halibut, 20¢. a Ib: fresh haddock, 0c. a lb; bultheads, 10e. 1h.; Bloaters, 30c. and 40k finnan haddie, 10e. a 1h, red h we. a box: ovsters, Hk ¥ Ge, a mackerel, 15. a 1b tobster a hme whitefish and trout a lhe shad, 15¢. a Ih perch, 0c, a dozen: fro logs, 14) a lb John McKay, Brock street, reports the following as the ruling quotations { for hides: Ble. per lb. for trimmed ' pelts, fresh, £1 to 81.50; Be; veal skins, 12, per washed, 20c, per Ib.; tal Hartington, May S.--Quarterly | Vimakvourgrest houst, OW pillacuteit while vice was held in the Methodist chur X Oarters Little Liver Pills are very small and Sunday morning. Mrs. Marcelias is wery easy to take. Ono or two pills makoa dec) spending a. few days in Kingston, The They are strictly vegetable and do not gripe of 2 rge, but by their pentloaction please all wha post office is changed a nH 1s Da Ia vialsat 25 centa; five for $l. Sold now at H Jamieson 's Frederick by druggints everywhere, or sent by mail. 1 a valmble the last CARTER MEC!CINE CO., New York, a number attended Froe . loth quarterly meeting at Smal FL fwd Dosa, Small Br Verona on Sunday evening Mie 2 i Bn i ufferiny from meen nn running 'a rusty Eon | A Friend st week for 8175 x Jurkson, Kingston, sp Told Me About with friend here Misses Grace aml Lillian Killgos are at BP ( I Miss Ruby Sigsworidf spent Sunday in Sydenham. Mr. and Mrs. George Dear, Diccadilly, are at Edward Freeman's Left For The West - "THE GENTLE KIDNEY CURE Sharbot Lake, May 9.--George Mar Hundreds of people, who have ti, North Bay, visited his paronts Torre OF Ines Preah la week. Dr. Coutlee is eebetin by Bu-Ju, were first induced fig n residence. John Gracie, Jr to try this wonderful remedy | fi Monday for Ca where ho ha by friends who had them- ecursd un position as brakesman, The selves been cured. The sales any iriends of Mrs. D. Babcock an of Bu-Ju are daily increasing, . lo hear of her serious ile because everyone who takes Miss Rhoda Kilborn is confined to th them is benefitted---and these house through illne Mis. H. Wal Iu mm, lel otfies, So the roth and family have returned hom E Devs is spread. after visiting friends at Naberly | Here is what a Picton man says B. Camphell is on ol list. CGrnned about Bu-Ju > na Thomps who is ety "I have used Bo-Ju > ith B ae : o> her mely benefit to myself, Fill oy | ; u l recommend to all who, I think, are | un, after an illness of en week suffering from Kidney Troubles | M tennie Kimberly i me after Sud Rheumatism, ! isiting friends in Bethel. Edoar Ir anal ink Pulu the best semedy win and Isaac Williamson, Westport Yours sincerely, | vi d the r parents on Sunday. Mi JAMES MILLS. i fennie Hamilton of gs 1 ing oy We : - Ring is THe CLarun Chemical Co., Limiten, | WinDsOR, ONT . + NEw Yom At Sharbot Lake rr -------- Sharbot Lake, May S.--The. rural | frame work. D. J. Hughson has gon ry is in session here. The Pres- | to Cobalt. Sand: pell has. Gpened | vierians have changed their: Sunday | up bis limekiln for the summer trade. | chool hour from 2.30 p.m. to 9.30 4, | + B. Stubbs, | m Mr, Lawson is about clo Laudiende last Tavwl nizht with | | " term in this field, and the | moving pictur { board by a unanimous vote) VWs. Miss Jens | i highly pleased with his | Te1d. «Mass, ha Ww as rand preacher, The Spend her vacation | fir s in a healthy condition, | 1%. Spending a somt of appointments having ov- | Visitors Mrs ! { ampron Kin erpaid th apportion. My H.. Wa) flan, al A. Tees Mrs. Ira Smith, roth, Edith Wadroth, and Miss Jonnie Leland, at 0. pron 8; and | Kimberly spent a few davs at Mabe | Jr Ho Lindy it Sa Lind rly last week, Miss' Rhoda Kilborn ty 8; Misses Kern ohnson, Cro who has been ill for some days. jsf A. Darli comvalescent. Mrs. Sparrow of Toron t is the guest . of her nicts, Events At Lapum. | } Lawson. Mrs, Charles Re Lapum, Mas the Sunday school | deer, is the guest of hor daugh- |700Pened May 6th, with Wilbur Love | Mrs. No Garratt. Edgar Irwin aml |i superintendent, J. E. Boulton hay- | + Williamson of Westport spent (INE T® . x f the farmers { Sunday at their homes George Wil | here Lm dmg cand are liamson has secured a position in Me- | Making preparations for. planting. | Gregor's mill at Maberly. fra Vealy | M0 and Mrs. William Hoff and © son, | has moved his family vo Okden station { Clinton, were « n Sunday evening, i I Mrs. James Huff Unfurl New Ensign. ¢ } Dur hos Mr. and | Lake Opinican, May 7.-Rev. . T. i a iy, and x ~ | Richards Sojuetad quarterly' eorvice tor My or Nive i. Arb ; any was eelebirn | len Fast, were, on te Joey Schaal by unfurling 4 Me. and Mes. F.. F Smith's Pls, wae thus) her Ryan de Sod family and | ; iil i ne 4 wh he re bu ni i wl family have | I a a . Nat "w . aml come residents of an h Mrs. (lara | Hw as an " me to look af f Lapum nd sons, William and Clar | ; r i buikiing of hic mammoth Peace, spent Monday in Kingston, with mrn ouis Richards, Sydenham, has ' Mrs Lapum's gister Henry | the stone avd concrete work, while ; Henzy, who is very ill. Mrs. win | David Sly, Elgin, will look after the | Lave mwas At Home" to a few lady , 4c. per Ib, Spring rats, Willson, Brockville, id ard eighty-f ve, She was an , and a member of one of Anglica Leeds pioneer familics, All It Needed. is more real oxygen in form in the "Solution A Ozone (the coupon kind)" than in any other preparation of a similar nature, As a prompt cure in the killing of a" inside germs of throat, lung%, stomach or bowels it has no equal when coup- led with "Celery King" the famous laxative. That the stringent Ozone needed a tonic of this nature to pro- cure the best results was so apparent that the Public Drug company, of Bridgeburg, Ont., offer through your druggidt a free package Sot Clery King" with every fifty cont os wo dollar bottle of "Solution ol Ozone (the coupon kind). it DRS. ® MPROVED + machinery. - will not, of itself, pro- duce good flour. You may be an excellent cook, but you cannot pro- duce light, wholesome baking unless the flour you use be the kind that permits such results. Soin the milling; machin- ery alone cannot produce Royal Household Flour out of the wrong kind of wheat any more than you can make the right kind of bread or pastry out of the wrong kind of flour. : Ogilvie's Royal Household Flour is made from hard spring wheat--a wheat that is rich in nutriment, that grinds fine and white, and produces bread and astry that are wholesome and 'nourishing as well as ight and crisp--it's a flour that begins to be good in the wheat fields, not in the mills. : : Your grocer prefers to sell you Ogilvie's Royal Household Flour because he knows the value of a pleased customer. "Ogilvie's Book for a Cook," con. t, reci) tains 130 pages of excellen boric viovey published before. Your grocer can tell you how to got it FREE. ---------------------- WT Drs KENNEDY & KERGAN |; The Leading Specialists of America. 26 Years in Detroit. Bank Security. B# Niue out of every ten men have been guilty of transgression agaiast mature in their youth, Netra Bre excuses, no matter how young, thoughtless or ignorant lie may be. The punishment and suifering corresponds with the crime, The ouly escape from its ruinous results ia proper scientific treatment to counteract its effects. DRAINS, either by nightly losses, or secretly through the urine, must be stopped --the NERVES muat be built up and invigorated, the blood must be purified, the SEXUAL ORGANS wilt be vitalized aud er nourished, Our New Met reatmeni provides a one ite influence the brain becomes active, the blood purified so that all pimples, blotches and ulcers disappear; the nerves become strong as steel, 50 that nervous. ness, bashfulness and despondency disappear;' the eyes become i, the face full and clear, energv returns to the body, and the moral, ph sical and sexual sv8 tems ate invigorated; all drains cease --no more vital waste from the system. ie The various organs beconte nataral and manly. We invite all the afflicted to cal and consult us confidentially and free of charge. Cures Guaranteed or no Pa We treat and cure: ricocele, Blood Diseases, Stricture. Sls "ts Emissions, Urinary Bais Seg rmatorshosd, Unnata- nr ly ney an I rl CONSULTATION FREE, BOOKS FREE. If unable to call, write for a QUESTION BLANK for Home Treatment. KENNEDY.& KERGAN, 148 SHELBY ST., DETROIT, MICH. ® Y f 20300 00200 §©99EUO SITES ©os®® ®®% Tough Shoes for Good Boys. Good Shoes for Tough Boys. Shoes You May Depend Upon for Good Wear. Prices From $1.25 a Pair Up. [McDermott's Shoe Store » 30000 PeO0OS® 0eeeToPEOsCcOEcOEee® © FREE HELP FOR ME The only medy to scien which will positively cure lost manhood is ** RESTORINI the warvelions German Remeoy discovered by Dir. Jules Ki It atrolied in this county by the I" « olir Medicim a roncern whic - has the hig standing in the "Chis weaiment has cuiv« thousands of men, young "ud when the 'best known remedies have failed { you nee suffering from diseases of the general'va prgang asiost manhood, exhausting drains, nervous debility, SeeSTa of abuse; this remedy can and will cure you to stay cures, 'The headache, pimples, varicocele, pain in the back and failing memory, disappear completely in the worst cases in from ode to two week's treatment, © make the honest offer of a sure or retorn your money. Thousands of testimonias, Correspondence rented, strictly confidential. FIVE day's treatment sent free #ith a book of rules for health, diet = and advice, Our greatest successes have been those: who have failed with other treatments, 'Ihis remedy is regulwly nsed in the French and German armies, and the soldiers in theses countries are models of strength and vit sample sent securely sealed in plait wrapper, Address DR. KOHR MEDICINE CO., P.O. Drawer L 2341, Montreal tS OP TP HL I PHD PIPPPITD PSLIIPOD TISPOPDS $ BI ¥ CYCLE BARGAINS # FOR THIS WEEK ONLY We offer the best $60 Cushion Frame wheel, fit- ted with coaster brake, cellulcid mud guards, spring handle bar and Dunlop tires, for J, B.C. DOBBS & €0., 171 Wellington 3 & w SHEET LEAD , -- Immediate Delivery : ET OUR PRICES The Canada Metal Co. illium Street, Toronto. "Phone Main 1729