fe nl AI" Here This year we planned to ake just such an im pres. on as would cause Patrons » feel more grateful thy 'e are here than ever be re. From ever side we' ve een complimented ollection of he siery ow feel able to say osiery [or all here." Whatever osiery, SATURDAY'S SPECIALS $l Negligee Shirts, Percale and Zephyr, for 5c. Sizes, 14 to 1. . Tie. Boys Sweaters for Sites, 2 22 to 32. Boys' Waisteut Sweaters, $1. New Goods This Week Christy's Silk Hats. English Neckwear. Navy Blue Double-Breasted Suits. Tweed Double-Breasted Suits. 49. on our , and uly, you desire jn for men. op Wie ten, girls or boys, Just come ) our extensive assortment, ou Il find just what you ish, and get lasting satis- ction for every ce oN % nt you Boys' Tweed Two-Piece Suits. ot + . a Se e the specials : New Spring Goods at reasona- lack otton Siookings. 4 J from 43 to 8 inches. i ble prices bring us new customers nt qualities, : inuall ontinually. Black Cashmere * Sicckine : y plain, and fine or broad ri n five excellent quali "amous Leather kyit with double {0 made especially -and-tumble ag to 15 to . B. P, Jenkins Clothing Co. and the rs all qualities, per hoy size, per. | lack Cashmere different 20 to 50¢f Om ly good line for air, only special in . . SON y and Insertion TOW ing we will offer an ex- Sox sizes We have made such a noise lately, our es and Insertions at greatly store is 1} Ik of the town. We have v . Y done mi usiness during the last t a splendid reduction on month than ever before. The reason is you without saving a sin- plain. We do as we advertise. We handie nothing but the best of We 'n Beef coming. through the hands of Green Srokdiries Bros. the well-known Kingston Whole- |g medivin salers. We have the best Meat Cutters of splen in the country to handle it, in our store pelts ot and delivered clean and meat By careful least N to iver. winding . Saturday Specials SSNSRMEACt AA 1000 dhs. of Shoulder Roasts. Te. to 9c. 1000 Ws. of Pot and Oven Roasts, Yc E to 12 x 1 30 Ibs. of Boiling Reef. 5c. to Ge. J 30 Ibs. Sweet Pickled Corn Beef, 5c to 6c. ed" ¥ Spring Lamb, Mutton, Pork and Veal of best quality at the very lowest cash Wrices, J Canned and bottled woods in great RA vaniety at cost price. If .vou don't have a wn time to come vourself, send vour child- i ren. Satisfaction guarante.d P0OE® HOOIDIPEAOVIINP N F d id y MARKET creari 888 wmear Phone 564. WH. McFEDRIDGE - Manager Eisen en NL (anada Li nada Life Assurance Co. vhole-wheat Established 1847 Head Office-Toronto Ontario tter, cheese Kingston Office -18 Market St. nourishing lsuratce in Force, $107,000,000 00 Assets Over - 30,000,000.00 home . . 5.469,000 00 ook," postpaid, ited, Niagara Falls, Ont Reserves, the strongest held by any wy fompany on this continent. : ® A Canadian Institution For Canadian People ays INSURE in the CANADA qa oAts to your advantage. A all or corre spondence solicited, Telephone No. 703. $0. HUTTON, Manager ew address, 18 Market Street, Kingston The Richest Mining Camp in the World COBAL Silver Values Run as High as $10,000 per ton Sp Markt Later FREE Map and Booker are free for ihe askic g and tell shares in all ihe Cobalt camp, Sempanies We huy ERE Ch in one propert Pet ahare to $100 or ¥ hom 0 geais Write to-day for particulars. WILLS @ co. TORONTO OR COBALT. [------------------ T0-LET FURNISHED reasonable' to responsible the summer months. Dwellings, all latest une on Union St. r on Frontenac St. 'S KEAL BNTATS People for 2®0 Brick MPTovenients the oti : AND OE AGENJY , Vici Kid, all sizes Pair HOE STORE § * D - JIRECT FROM TURK rood "8 rpets, So aor all unaful ass Sue: buying or selling, For Wetter 11, rk's Second. Hand Store 998 Princess Street. Ta air. I. after the best 810, £12.50 hs. in town, it's here. The H. => "4 are Bit F OF prompt delivery of drug store fone T0, Gibson's Red aie size square TRUNK, 1. P. Jenkins Clothing Co." 8 - DAILY MEMORANDA, ---- The Well dressed man Wears Campbell Bros. 'arada," Grand nm, Tickets Library. Read George Mills & Co's. on the next page. The sun ris and sets at 7. Auction: Sale of Murray's, noon, & Bargain 'Matinee Hats. Opera House, 8.15 for "Parada," on sale at displ ay ad. Saturday at 1.41 a.m. Saturday] Children, 'his day in history :--Butoche taken, 1885: William. Pitt died, 1778; Black Frio at New York, 1866, WHIG TELEPHONES. 24 3=Business Office. ~Editorial Rooms. --Jobbing Department. oid+ Blue We have just received a very pretty line of old "Blue Willow" in odd China Plates, Cups and Saucers, etc, Also a com- plete line of the old blue "Onion. pattern in pretty shapes and very cheap. ..ROBERTSON BROS.. Canadian Furs ai From Trapper to Wearer Collectors, Exporters and Manufacturers McKay Fur House, Kingston, Ont, | AANA ARRAS ARAAAAANAAAARARAARY £ 31] AT VAN LUVEN' S A Tarai. Ib per Choice Prunes, large size, 2 lbs Tal Figs," 2 lbs Tabla Raisins, 2 Ibs Strawberries, 2 cans Red Cherries, per can h? Pitted Red Cherries, per can 20¢ Plums and Gages in cans 10 Finest Selected Raisins, (special) | 1 Ibs 23 Laundry Starch, 4 Ibs 25¢ Soap' Special, to give it a start, 6 bars Bailey's Pure Naptha 205 The new reakfast Foods Gusto, and Beg-0-See irass Buttpr coming in. We are well unnlied, Fresh Rolls, 22c It will be wetting dearer. Buy now. F. W. VAN LUVEN 246 Princess Street. Phone 417. WHEN YOU WEAR Our Shoes you wear the best footwear to be had in King- ston, Wear "Allen's"' Milltary Bootmakers : Sign of Golden Boot. 84 Brock St. Civic Improvement Sceiety 'GRANDMOTHER'S TALES CITY HALL FRIDAY, May 18th 8 p.m. Sliver Collection. JAPANESE RED CROSS Gives $50,000 to San Francisco-- is Accepted. Washington, D. C., May 11.--Al- though the president has decided that it is not proper for the United States government to accept contributions from oad. for the relief of the San Francisco sufferers, Secretary Taft found it possible to do so in his cap- acity as seeretary of the American Red Cross Association, and he has accepted. a contribution from the Japanese Red Cross Society, of 850,000 tendered through Viscount Aoki, the Japanese ambassadey. "Three Swallows." Sir John Power & Son's "Three *Swallows™' Irish Famous for over a century, Of highest standard of purity, Distillers to His Majesty the King. Whiskey, A lazy man always belioves that a hing of duty is a bore forever, IL From Czar, Opening, burg' correspondent of the Tin cable concerning the ation, says that to speech from the pointment, is to put it very His majesty's first public was on the whole colorless, the reference to the peasants and s, say that silence. was what the discourse with, prolonged roar of applause court and bureaucracy. This was quent of the general import of imperial pronouncement, "Yesterday's events," adds the respondent, '"'show that the long ed for reconciliation betwen the and the people is far from accomplished fact." in contrast t Elaborate Ceremonies. St. Petersburg, May 11. The council of the empire, or upper h of parliament, was opened by Cc Solsky. its president, this aftern with elaborate ceremonies. In London--Sails For Home Morrow. London, May 11.---W. J, winner of the Marathon London, and sails for Canada, Campaiia on Saturday. Intervie Sherring expressed regret that race, © Had these been set for a fortnight, he v have remained and competed in four . mile In sporting ci Sherring's win the redeeming ture in the otherwise. comparat poor showing Olympia. at hand. sion, say in race. is of FIND OLD GOLD HOARD. Willian T. Miller Tearing D House, Strikes $900. Buffalo, May 1l.--In _an foundation casement. beneath Richardson homestead, in the of Holland, an iron pot, conta about $900 in gold and silver ¢ and bearing the mintage stamp more than by was the Vi a century ago, was William T. Miller to Miller engaged in tearing the old house. It is believed that coins were placed in the casemen Philo Richardson, who died more fifty covered years ago, Washington, D.C., May 11.--1t often that a troop of cavalry regular army turn for its g of is so well ratuitous sufferers. The Washincton woman had obtained the was anxious to them. She got the the town to send owt an luncheon of sandwiches, do something elabe ice cream, cake, which she silver loving cup, presented the troop wi inse ribed "Joe" Leiter Expelled. was still unpaid. Leiter would settle with all ereditors as as they became "reasonable." ----nensnt 8. Paris, May 1l.--General Niox, director of thé French army to compile a historical tive catalogue of the battle from the enemy by the F army, and if possible, to collect under one roof. At present these phies of French military glory widely - dispersed, flags tak Arrested ; Then Wed, New York; May 11.-Vietor man, arrested on a charge zling 13,000, away to be married. His best lozked up, did not get away. The ""Genuine"' Herpicide is Gibzon's Red Cross' drag Prompt delivery, "Phone 230, being Sher English championships. were not el Pritish | entries leading caterer declared of e secured bail and rushed At Douma's Fell Flat. IT WAS COLORLESS WAS GREETED WITH STONY SILENCE, BY DEPUTIES, Court and Bureaucracy Applaud- ed it Vigorously--Long-Hoped for Reconciliation Between Czar and People, as Far Qf as Ever, London, May 11.---The 8i. Peters in a Russian inaugur- the throne was a disap: mildlv. utterance except for edu- cation, and the passages, 'I for my part will watch over the stability of institutions granted by me," and "The welfare of the state demands net only liberty, but also order based.on right." The total omission of the word "'au- tocracy," and the inclusion! 'of the word "right," saved the speech from being actually distasteful to the vast majority of the douma, but the stony the deputies greeted o the from the elo the cor hop- cZar an new Ouse unt oon, THE MARATHON VICTOR To- ring, is in n the awed, the loser deci- vould the rcles, fea ively at own ancient old Hage ining oins, of dis day. flown the t by than Soldiers Got Their Reward. is not the treated in re labors in be half of charity as has been Troop H, of the 13th Cavalry, on duty at Foru Myer, Virginia, which took part ina charity fete given at John R. Me- Lean's country -house near Washing ton, im: behalf of the San Francisco who services of the troop for of wate and with some kegs of beer, added to th a "Bravely, they rode, and well" Nothin~ has re- cently pleased army people more than this act' in acknowledgment of the services: of the troop. Chicago, May 11.--Announcement is made that Joseph Leiter, _whao carried on a spectacular "corner" in wheat cight years ago, had been suspended from membership on | the Chicago Board of Trade. Leiter's suspension, it is said, was because of complaint from a trader that a bill for 88,000 he soon will Collect French Trophies. the museum, has been authorized by the government and deserip- en in rench them tro- are - Free- mbez- man, sold at store. 1s T A3a| 1s cmmmreanty ILL. Ailments Give No Promise of His Revo\ery. Washington, May 1l.--Senator Ar- thur PP. Gorman, of Maryland, is criti tally #1 at his Home in this city. He has not been in hig scat in the senate for many months. Within the last few days he had a severe sinking spell und his life was despaired of, His sickness bggan several months ago with an attack of the grippe with ev- ery indication that it would culminate in pneumonia, but this was averted, and now, it is learned, he is suffering from a complication of ailments, which give no promise of his recovery. Arthur Pue Gorman was born in Howard cpunty, Maryland, March 11th, 1839. In 1852 he was appointed page in the senate of the United States. In 1880 he was made a sena- tor. Gorman has been often mention ed as a presidential possibility. He has been a democrat all his life, ------------------------ gn | ¥ ® 3 CCT 3 ANGERS ARABS. ¥ Gaza, Syria, May 11.--A ¥ strip of land along the #¥ Syrio - Egyptian frontien from the coast eastwards, having an area of over 100,000 square miles, and which for many years has been regarded as the terri- tory of the Bedouins, has recently been formally ad- ded to the domains of the sultan of Turkey, resulting in great irritation among the Arabs. Fooeonoenpepncns HAOANHH JEWS FLEE IN FEAR. HE ¥3 ¥ Believe Open Conflict is Inevit: able. Odessa, May 11. Although -Jewish emigration from South Russia decreas ed during the last two menths, it still averages upwards of 100 daily from Odessa alone, and the. exodus from the less populous Jewish eéntres is porportionately larger in conse quence of the general apprehension that the danger to the Jews is great er there than in Odessa, where they constitute fully a third of the half million population. The Jews are pessimistic recarding the immediate future. They believe an open conflict between parhament and the government is inevitable and that they will be the first to suffer from the upheaval which is bound to result from such a conflict. BOYCOTT IS WANING. American Imports to China Have Increased. Pekin, May 11.--Thé statements to the effect that there is apprehension in the United States that the boveott of American goods is growing have caus cd surprises hére. All the information obtainable shows that the movement is waning. The Chinese customs report, for 1905 just issued, shows that the American imports were 77,000,000 taels (about 260,000,000), compared with 29,006 000 in 1904, Importers made enormous speculative purchases early in the year, chigfly in anticipation of war de mands and a decrease in imports would be natural under 'anv circum stances until these stocks are dis tributed. ---- TO BE A CITY To Take in Suburbs and Bring This About. Cornwall, Ont., May I1.--A move started here to make ment has heen Cormwall a city by incorporating within the town boundaries the ad jacent suburbs of Beaconsfield, G lad- | stone, Lorneville, the G.T.R. station | and vicinity and perhaps Smithville, | all of which are now part of the | municipality of Cornwall township. | These suburbs hold a large popula- | tion, between 2.000 and 3,000, and they. enjoy nearly all the advantages | of the town Church 125 Years Old. North Orange, NJ, May 11.-Th Universalist church, of this city, is 125 wears old, todav, and the anni versary is celebrated hy the members of the congregation in an appropriate manner. There will be a meeting this evening, when the Rev. Charles Conk lin, of Boston, will deliver a historic cal address. During the existence of the church there have heen nineteen pastors to occupy the pulpit. Ten of the former pastors of the church will be present at the memorial meeting For Robbing Mails. Quebec, May 11.-For -robbing the | mails, a letter carrier employed inside the Quebec office, was sentenced to three years in the penitentiary in the police court. He pleaded guilty in court. He had been in the em ploy of the government for seven or vight years. post - Caught Him In Norway. N.Y., May 11. --The announce the Christiania. Norway, of Charles H. abseonding teller of the Onon- Paine took 813, Syracuse, Svra cuse police at Paine, daco Ravinos Bank The Highest Degree. Of comfort can be enjoyed if wear ome of our Dghtweight, easy fitting 82 or 32.50 derbys. Campbell Bros, the style centre for men's hats. you A ewt. flour and 2 11h. tins choice baking powder for $2.25, at Mullin's. KINGSTON, ONTARIO, FRI ONTARIO, FRIDAY, MAY 11, THE SPEECH ty - 1906. LATEST NEWS . é Despatches From Near and Distant Places. NEWS OF THE WORLD GIVEN IN THE BRIEFEST POS- SIBLE FORM. Matters That Interest Everybody --Notes From All Over--Little of - Everything Easily Read and Remembered, Trials of the C.P.R. steamer Em press of Irgland will take place in a fortnight. The Brigjish government will send a mission to Canada to investigate trade conditions, J. J. Hill's daughter is dangerous- tl, having undergone an operation for appendicitis. Premier Whitney declares himself favor of cfficient competition for Bell Telephone company. Windsor fish merchants complain that Americans are buying up Cana- dian fishing rights and getting all the fish trade. The contract for a new Winnipeg theatre has been awarded to the Can- adian ~ White company, a Montreal company'. : The resignation of President Lou- don, the University of Toronto, was announced in the legislature last night. The session of the legislature was brought to a close at 11:15 o'clock last night. Prorogation will = take the of place on Monday. Two Years In "Pen." i St. John, N.B., May 11.-W, Henry | Mason, convietéd for shooting « his sweetheart, her father and a lite | child at St. Andrew's. about . two | months ago, was sentenced by Chief | Justice * Thek 10 two years in Dér- | chester penitentigry | | soon | | anbrehonsion | twenty in of the original thirty-seven, entries, Your New Hat. We have just -xour style and just | your size. Come in and see our im | mense | Kingston's i | | | spring suits at $10, It is understoed that the dominion government has abandoned the scheme of a pneumatic system of mail deliv- ery in Toronto. Shells and projectiles for the U. 8. navy department will, after June 30th, 1906, be purchased by the bu- reau of ordnance in the open market. John F. Wallace, former chief engi- neer of the Panama canal, announces he has accepted the presidency of the Electric Properties company, New York, It is reported that the gang who robbed the C.P.R. imperial limited are surrounded in a woods near Campbell Creck, B.C., and their early capture is jiaqured. Mrs. H. Paget and Miss "Mabel po of Ottawa, have been com- missioned to visit the Croe Indians to secure records of these 08, their lore and traditions, The imperial troops at Esouimalt, were tendered a farewell concert by the citizens of Victoria and Sir Hen- ry Joly presented the commanding of- fir with a magnificent loving cup. A spirited discussion arose in the British pire League's anbual meet- ing in mto over alleged reflec tions on the imperial parkament and British electorate. Certain clauses were struck out. NO BLAME ATTACHED For Dynamite Explosion on James Bay Railway. Dunchurch, Ont. May 11. Stone, coroner, held an inquest, this morning, into the dynamite explosion which took place on the James Bay railway construction, on Monday last, and which caused the death of four Italians. The jury's verdict was aeci- dental death by an dynamite explosion. No blame was attached to any one, Dr. THE STRIKE SITUATION In Rome is Now JExceedingly Serious. Rome, 'May 11.--The strike situa. tion here remains serious. The strik- ers are trying to force an entrance to the city, but they are opposed in this by the troops. Repeated charges were made by cavalry on strikers who per- sisted in trying to reach the centre of the city. Fraud Used By Oil Trust. Chicago, May 11 =Corruption of employees and agents of in- oil companies, dishonest railroad dependent methods of proguring land leases, the giving of short measures and the sell ing uf three kinds of oil out of the same tank, were charged against the Standard Oil company at today's hearing before the jinterstate com: merce commission. The inquiry is held under an order of congress. Spanish Captured By Moors. Madrid, May 11.--A dispatch received here from Ceuta, the Spanish séttle- ment in the northerm part of Moroc says that al Spanish fiching boats have been captured off the Riff coast by Moors, who treated crews very cruelly. Repressive measures will be resorted to. co, sav Are Out Of The Race. Toronto, May 11 Seventeen horses, were, yesterday, officially declared gut of the King's plate race, to be run at the opening day of "the 0.J.C. meat, on Saturday of next week, . leaving hats at prices to Campbell Bros. hat and fur stock of new suit any purse popular store. The clothing wi sell is made by ex: pert manufacturers. That's the rea- son, it's satisfactory. See our £12, £13, $14. The "0 { H. D. Bibby Co. English citrate of magnesia in seal: ed bottles at Gibson's Red Cross drag store, of the police, DRAGGED UNDER HARROW. E. B. Parker Killed Near Maguet- awan, : Magnetawan, May 11.--E, B. Park- ex, a highly respected farmer and Tate bailifi of the Fifth division court of this district, was aecidentHally killed yesterday. Mr. Parker was harrowing a field near his residence, when his teams ran away, dragging him along the ground, causing injuries from which he died. His daunghfer, witness. ing the sad affair, rushed to her fa- ther's assistance, and succeeded in extricating him. After raising him- self up and smiling he fell back and expired almost immediately, Mr. Park: er, of the Erie RR., Meadville, Pa., and J. B. Parker, Fort Smith, Ark., sons of the deceased, have been tele graphed for. ---- FIND SHORTAGE, Victim of Tragedy Nearly $200, 000 Short. New York, May 11.--Examination of he books 'and accounts of Charles I. Spier, Jr., confidential man of Henry H, Rogers, of the Standard Oil company, shows that he embezzled EIS0.000 to $20.000 in cash and se curities. It is likely, however, that the loss to Mr. Rogers will be reduced to a nominal amount through the re covery of seeurities, some of which Spier had transferred without warrant to his wife. There is evidence that Spier speculated. to a very heavy ex- tent and that he was caught in the scosational slump in the stock market which followed the San Francisco earthquake, \ THE SHEPHERD WAS ROBBED. Pastor Met a Woman and Missed $150. Mich., May 11.--A clergy- man from Toronto, landed' in Detroit last night, met a woman in the street and a short time afterwards was shy R150, which she had deftly abstracted from his pockets. He sought the aid but as he has no idea of where he - was robbed; police were unable to help: him. The clergy. man refused to give his name. He is Detroit, about thirty-five years okl, wears glasses and wore a long gray over coat, over his clerical garb. He look edd sheapish on facing Chief of Detee- tives McDonnell, hind told of his loss with fear and trembling. ONLY ABSOLUTE COMPLIANCE, With Brivish Orders Will Be Tol- erated, Constantinople, May 11 ~The Turk- ish foreign minister made a visit to Sir Nicholas 0'Commor, the British ambassador, to whom ho made propo sale in regard to settling the Tabah dispute. Sir Nicholas sternly rejected his proposals, however, and warned the minister that the Turkish troops must be withdrawn from Tabah, and that the British ultimatum is rapidly expiring, and stated that only abso Jute compliance with Great Britaip's demands will bo accepted. WIFE MAKES FACES. Wants Divorce Because Wife Ridiculed Him. Indianapolis, May 11.--Because his wife, Bertha, made faces at him, in church while he was preaching, and marked her Bible in such.a way as to confuse him when he was reading the scriptures, Rev. James E. Hafl- ner, pastor of the Univeralist church in 'Anderson, filed a suit for divorce. Mr. Haffner also alleges that his wife has left him. Pastor DEATH WINS RACE. Overtakes British Navy Officer on United States Soil. , Port Huron, Mich, May 11.-- "Thank God, I'll soon be on British soil again, I'll surely last that, long," said Walter J. Green, a lieutenant in the British navy, ill with consumption and hurrying home on a Grand Trunk train from Mexico, as he neared Port Huron, But death was swifter than the express, and the lieutenant died on Wednesday morning. Ask For A Commission. Ottawa, Ont., May 11.---A deputa- tion repre genting the Canadian Manu- facturers' Association, waited on the government, at noon, and urged the appointment of a commission to re- port on the best method for establish. ing a comprehensive national system of technical education in Canada. Sir Wiliria Laurier promised to lay 'the representation before his colleagues. Finds Ancient Treasure. Buffalo, May 11.--William T. Miller, a farmer living at South Wales, while tearing down the homestead of the late Philo Richardson, built néarly 150 years ago, found an iron pot con taining more than $900 worth of gold and silver minted int the latter part of the seventeenth century. To Train Journalists. Richmond, Va., May 11.--The trus- tees of Hampden-Sydney College have accepted a proposition wade by James T. McAllister, of Hot Springs, Va., to guarantee $3,500 a year toward th expenses of a special department for training writers for newspapers and inagazines, and of books. Increased Salary. Belleville, Ont., May 11.-The fire men of this city, last night, had their pay raised by the council. The three foremen get an increase of thirty-five and the men of twenty-five per cent. to date, from the first instant, ni sein, Home grown asparagus, beet greens, spinach, water cress, etc, at Car- novsky"s, New designs in leather souveniy postal cards for cushions at Best's. Andrew Cowan, traffic manager of the Montreal & Lake Superior Trans- ? GF -------- $48 Poronto, Opt, May A110 ai Moderatd west to southwest winds, today and ow' ng temperature. Saturday. Gradual Tish CLEARING HANDBAGS 3s AT NINE O'CLOCK There are many kinds in this lot of various kinds of leather, all well made and trimmed. They ' are in colors and black and were priced from 330. to $1, For Saturday only ....cu... 2. SALE EMBROIDERED. BELTS Of white linen, the washing kind with detachable buckles, Very Special swrmssasetsrenis. 10K LADIES' GARTERS Made with pad and four = strong elastic and first class clips, kind, on sale at waist belt, 'supporters the 50c. LACE CHEMISETTES- Of cotton guipure pretty patterns, in colors cream and white, Extra Special at cui. 25€. "DENT'S" GLOVES--- For boys and girls, in tans and browns, two good lines LACE CURTAIN VALUES--- We find it awlul easy to sell | Curtains this spring. Why ? Pw, good reasomss: ASSORTMENT LARGE PRICES LOW. ~ Call and see them, 100K PgR SPECIAL ADVERTISE- MENT ON PAGE FIVE. STEACY'S ROBT. J. REID, Tho Leading Undertaker 'Phone 577, 238 Princess St. Saturday Matisen & Satarday Night "PARADA" Directi of Capt. Chas. W. Ed Huntington Bureau. of New York ork sad oston Benefit Mechanics' Institute Prices--35c., 85¢c. and 'Prices -- Children, 15e. ; Ma 17th, Roselle Knott in "When ood Was In Flower." COODWILLIE'S PRESERVES -- MADE In fANADA -- £5 i _@rean Gages ie 3 In Glass Jars, 'age per jar Jas: Redden & Co. T------ee---------- BLACK BASS AND AND PICKEREL Fish 'St "Shipment, abl Seized, Windsor, May 11. --Iuspector Chau- vin found emough black bass. and pickerel, in one box, among several of a shipment, destined to Detroit, ves- ted to warrant him seizing the entire lat. The fish have been turned oVer to the home of the iriendless. Baseball Summary. Nations) league--Philadelphia, a2; Boston, 1 (eleven innings.) Chicago, ¥: St. Louis, 5. American league--Cleveland, 15; Chis elphia, 5; ; Bost 1 cago, 1. Phil oT. on "loge 4; ge, 2. Paltimere, "Sorento, Newark, 4; B 5 : L One ve Dollar Hats te, Found in portation company, died at Homiltn, G Campbo Bersh Bagsiou