fre ly sickness. The he blood is weak Czema and minor ctually overcome f the skin, heals It is prepared on t "feeds up" the ningham, said: d poorness of blood, the e said it The sor® "Spread all (separately) two more ents and lotions, byt rt from the disfigure- ave me the slightest splendid accornts of prised at its soothing id before a week had is. My husband ang he affected parts, and : boxes of Zam: By. ve elapsed since they FREE SAMPLE A freé smmpte--hag of Zam-Buk wi ba sent vou if cut out this and mail it with a one cent stamp (to pay return pe t and full nam address to Zam-Buk Co., Col borne St., Toronto Dal GKARD & TORIA two names known to essed men, as being ders in Men's Stylish sar. Both of these r makes have surpass- mselves in the natty n spring shoes. e and have a look. d & Bro. )e Making 300 Men! e turned our way and y MEN'S SUITS at , fit, wear and all round s for men, they are in Torsted, Tweeds in the garments. Suits that ne." Not one detail ape in particular, but jve satisfaction from the e threadbare. Regular ffered at $10 DOTS AND SHOES THE on, Up-Town C Jot hier. Street. - 0000000408 AS toes pples rincess St GG GEOVVY -- rh | | 7 STE Ne LYALL In Connection With Canadian Pacific Railway INS LEAVE KINGSTON :-- ess, for Ottawa, Mon- | | 1380 pos SPOT, N.B.; Halifas, | i oe | i uebec, Chicago. Denver. Ren haste sion Ste. Marie, Duluth, St ee, peg, Vancouver, Seattle, and San Francisco. past, cal for Sharbot Lake s pm--LOGRI PR. east and west. setting with 810 om. Mixed, fer Renfrew and in- ! wmediste points. Kingston ut 13:30 s leaving ngs oral Passenger a at m., wieive p.m.; Toronte, 7:30 puuatvoro. © 7:80 e.m.; St. John, kB. 11:55 a.m. articulars at K. & P, and C.P a Oflice, Ontariv street. F, A, FOLGER §, CONWA Y. Bay of Quinte Railway New short line for 'Tweod, Napanee, and all local points: Trains : ronto, City Hall Depot at 4 p.m. F. CONWAY, Agent B.Q. Ry. Kingston. CYL ERA iL L BRANCH TIME TABLE LecaL Effect Jan. 2nd, 1906. will leave and arrive at City | t, Foot of Johnston street, - Devel GOING WEST Lve. City Arr, City No. 5 Mail L245 am. 1.15 am 'ww' 3 Express ... 2.26 a.m. 3.05 a.m 4 11 Local 9.15 a.m. 9.47 a.m « 1 htern'l 1td12.16 noon 12.46 p.m 3 * 7 Mail . 3.19 p.m. « 16 Local ... . 7.03 p.m. OING EAST Lve. City Arr. City No. 8 Mail ... \ 1.48 a.m. 223am " Rf Fast xp. )2.26 am. 3.05am « 16 Local .. 8.16 am, 847am » gMail ... ...12.16 noon 12.4Gp.m " 4Fast Exp. 1.00 pm. 1.29 p.m « 12Local ... ... 7.03 p.m. 7.38 p.n Nos.1,3, 3. und 4 rum daily. Nos. daily except Monday. All other uains daily except Sunday. rowte--to-- Toronto, Peterboro Hamilton, Buffalo, London, Detroit Chicago, Bay City, Saginaw, Montréal. Ottawa, Quebec, Portland, St. Johm Halifax, Boston and New York. For Pullman Accommodation, Tickets «od all other imformation. apply to J. P. HANLEY, Agent, Cor. Johnston aad Ontario streets. Kingsten. Ont. ALLAN LINE RoveiMan | MONTREAL TO LIVERPOOL. May 17, June 14, July 12 | Mav 24, June 21, July 19 i May June July | Virginian, June 7, July Aug MONTREAL TO GLASGOW. (moderate rate service.) Mongolia May July Corinthian, - May ; Aug. and weekly thereafter. For rates. apply to J. P. HANLEY Asst, G T. Re inla I' GILDER- SLEEVE. KIDNEY DISEASE AND ITS DANGERS! CAN BE "QUICKLY CURED | DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS Kidney disease comes on quietly, it may have been in the system for a long time bafore you suspected the real cause of your trouble. There may have been backaches, swelling of the feet and ankles, disturb- | ances of the urinary organs, such as, brick dust deposit in urine, higly colored, scanty or FET urine, bladder pains, frequent urination, stone in bladder, ete. Perhaps you did not know that these were symptoms of kidney disease, so the trouble kept growing worse, until Neu- ralgia, Sciatica, Rheumatism, Diabetes, Dropsy, and worst of all, Bright's: Disease have taken hold of your system. Doan's Kidney Pills should be taken at the first sign of anything wrong, There | is no other safe way, A and lini faonts aro useless), as the trouble must be eradicated from the system. Doau's Kidney Pills go to the seat of | the trouble, strengthen the kidneys, and help them to filter the blood properly. and flush off all the impurities which cause kidney trouble. Mr. Thomas. Mayhew, Smith's Falls, Ont., writes: 'For over four months I was troubled with my kid- neys, and my back gotso lame I felt miser- able all over. After taking five boxes of Doan's Kidney Pills f was as well as ever." | Price 50 cents per box or three boxes for $1.25, all dealers or The Doan Kidney Pill Co., Toronto, Ont. GILLETTS PURE POWDERED LYE Ready for Use In Any Quantity. For meking SOAP, softening water, remove | ing old paint, disinfecting sinks, closets i and drains 2d for many other purposes. A can equais 20 pounds Sal Soda. SOLD EVERYWHERE. EW.GILLETT 00aires TORONTO.ONT. 'Grand Union Hotel R. "From $1,00 Per Day Up 4 STNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH-WEST HOMESTEAD Se ouATIoNe Any even numbered section of foo Lands in Manitoba or the west Provinces, meerved, way be homesteaded upon by any person who is the sole head of a hamily, or any male over 18 yeurs of "re, to the extent of one-quarter sec tiop, of 160 acres more or less. Dongin Entry must be made personally at the | for the district im which | local land otlice the land is situate. HOMESTEAD DUTIE has Sen granted an entry for a home on. is r od _to 'perform the con itlons connected therewith under one of the following plans : (1) At least six months residence upon avi Cultivation of the land in each year uring the tera of three years. @) It the futher A scttler who (or mother, if the other 18 deceased) of any person who is hie to ke a homestead entry un- et Me provisions of this Act, B & farm in the vicinity of the dand Jered a by such person as a home- hed L e requirements of this 'Act as to ! Tegel hoe prior t » obtaining patent may | Ix 5 Sled Ly such person residing with he lather or mother. ll. the settler has his permanent | Fog . 0 farming land owned hy a la he vi Vity of his homestead. the hg Yincals this Act as to residence - ] 4 islied Ly residence upon the op oi! ATION FOR PATENT should rin i 1 end of Lhree years, he lamest eat A font, Sub-Agent or the | kere a nlications for patent | In Writing + st "iy S1X months' notice ommissioner of Ottawa, of his Do- Binion Lon t th AD ADs a intention OF CANADIAN NORTH- Cou. MINING REGULATIONS. 10 per gore fo08 Tay Le purchased at nthragite Ms acy; Not "more than 320 acres can ne individual or com Yalty at Per ton of i the rate of ten cents the gros Bounds shall be collected Quartz. ; i *Thnteq A ree miner's certificate 1s ' Payment in advance of or an individual, and 100 per annum for a com- to capital. having discovered mineral locate a claim 1,500x1,- A long $1. cofding a claim ia $5. 0 Sach yor. USt be expended on the 40 } of paid 10 the mining re- i there When $500 has WOR hyying the locator may, Omplyine A Survey made, and upon chase he | "h other requirements Pur- The pur nd at §1 an acre. : Toyalty of 2 rovides for the payment of | PLACE 24 per cant on the sales. 100 fou Rh inine claims generally are Yearly, 'are : entry fue $5, renewable | A frog "Podge her Mav obtain: two leases to tra of iol of five miles each for a SCT®inn of the years, renewable at the The legge | © Minister of the Interior. Wioy with hall have a dredge in oper 4 is gue Season from the date of Wr anny ach five miles. Rental, $10 m foro Valt. ach 'miler on ty, at the rate of 23 yer oped. PUL after it exceeds $10,000. Deputy po. W. CORY, NR; Minister of the 1 : Sverige! horized Palins gs Toe Toi *! not be paid for. : Plown Bicycle . Joes, 293 Princess Street. OUD piggy of 80M tne, Nig Ro Tay xg i selection alues of goods and hav #y aye in stock an tion, an and 4 . d SATISF vine both ENTIC- » alll gpg in t and gig, Second hand wheels North- | excepting 8 and 26, not | resides | r soft coal and $20 for | Depot | Wheels of | nitty ap- | | Opposite Grand Central Station New York BAGGAGE: FREE | wel BD WME Use Big @ for unnaturs discharg sinflammations irritation s or alveration of mucous mombrane: Painless, and not astrin or Peionous. Sold by or sent in plain wrr.ppes by express, prepsid, for S100. or 3 bottles $2.75. Circular int on rogue | | ORD. C:ncinvaT!,0 FET | Royal Insurance Co. Established 1845 | LIFE DEPARTMENT Assurances in Force, $104 000,000 A » over - 40, ,000 | Expenses only 121} per cent. ol Premiums ; | 81g per cent. « f lucome. the QuingufMnial distribution iv § A900, 'profits of over $3.226.000, were | ra to policyholders. The sama bonus has now b paid. for forty years | Liahilities value at 3 per cent surpassed by that « in the world. Can curity is not company tian in the profits arising i v business of the Com the Fire and Life absolutely sep. rances in tl British ON chocrfully Ted W. J. B. WHITE, ingston, Ont. A WARM SUBJECT There's nothing in the world we're so much interested in as Coal at this time of the year. It may sound queer to speak of coal buying and selling as » science, but that's what we've made it 'wo {important discoveries we have aade are that complete satisfactiom to ir customers best, and that the ay to win business is to deserve it. Booth & Co. FOOT OF WEST ST. Phone 133. pays CRUVVVTLT AVR VRRVRN { IF YOU ' ! . WANTA ¢ ' GOOD ' ¢ QUALITY ¢ ! SMITHING ' $ COAL ¢ ¢ TRY OUR { ¢ $ ' 4 ' » CUMBERLAND. 5-57 Barrack P Wals aw 'Phone 109 TTT VVVVVLVVVTVVLVBVVNS EMBOSSING Sina Headings for Paper and Envelopes ENGRAVING 5%". Besides #11 classeg of Letter Press Printing from = card to a volume. |THE WHIG, Kingston HERMITS STARVE AND YET HAD SOME $50,000 . IN HOUSE. One "Man Dies of Blood Poisoning at the the Age of 79 and His Brother, Ten Years Younger, Suffers From Locomotor Ataxia. London, May 1l.--William Ison and his brother for thirty-three years lived a lonely, eccentric life at James their residence in Lewin road, Bexley Heath. Witham has just died of blomd-jwoisoning at the age of suven tv-nine years, and bis junior, is lying dangerously ill of locomotor ataxia in the hospital of the union workhouse, Dartford. Their property, consisting of securities to the value of 830,000 and S350 in cash, i+ in the keeping of Mr. citor, Bexley Heath. The house where the has been visited hy the Jocal sanitary and its condition when reed is deseriboed as the worst the district. to his repeat entered the about a we ago, and found the two old men slowly starving to death in an upstairs room which they used as a asleeping apartment. Dis in both cases had grown so bad James, ten years Baynes, soh brothers dwelt authori they ent in the Reeeivi knocks, an yor 7 ecords of no answer house that the men were unable to move or summon assistance. | A half-consumed loaf, a tiny bit of futter in a crumpled paper, a tin of condensed mitk---that was all the fool in the house. There was no fuel and the bed on which the men liy was a heap of Glthy, loose feathers on the floor ina corner. The only other inmates of the hor rible 'den were several little Indian songbirds in a cage. The neighbors sav that one of these little prisoners used to bo allowed out of the cage and was. accustomed to zo to th hack window and sing most delight fully. Un a mahogany' sideboard in the front room; where the dust lay inches deep. were found several volumes of a work on ornithology. It was while the sanitary stall was clearing away the rubbish accumula ted in the house corners for more than a quarter of a century that se eurities inscribed with the me of Parr's Bank. Haited, were discover wl. In the iron safe were found other securities on other financial institu tions, four £10 crisp Bank of E land notes. and S180 in sovereigns, of 1902, Baynes has succeeded in discov ering: relatives of the two brothers in Kentish Town, and "has communica ted with them. The brothers came originally from London, and, al though eccentric in their habits, dressed and behaved like gentlemen when they went out walking, as they fraguently did until advancing in firmity prevented this. On a Sunday morning they would appear clad, in frock coat. clean linen, neatly polish amd silk hats, and carrying a small bound somewhere to spend the day. In the house they preserved profound quiet, no sound ever being heard to from the dwelling. The house itself is a of substantial appearance, pleasant rden at the man had ever since the occupation thirty-three years ago, til a neighbor went in to dre the elder brother's -leg= Unce lady, a cousin, it was learned, ealled to but she refused admit od boots, portmanteau, as if 18sue une with 'a back. No wo threshold 1s entered isto un two-storey crossed two brothers Se them, tandy Both men. t apart was lived a life abso interests took re whicli was indeed, from human affairs, ve that they daily newspaper, | and gularly a deliverad One cceentricity of the brothers. a neighbor states, was that when they went out they would not walk © to gether, but one on each side of the road Those who have taken other laxa tives without satisfaction--and those who have taken such quantities of other laxatives that they have lost their effect--will find a pleasant sur prise in Lax-ets There is usually no pain, gripping, nausea or disecom fort even in severe cases, This candy bowel laxative, Lax-ets, is only 5 and is sold by all druggists. India h a staff of mounted armv nurses. 'Heis corps of nurses are all ladies of, good social position, ani have to undergo three vears' trainir in a general hospital before qualify ny. ' With the obiect of selling Jordan water for the purpose of baptism, a company has been started in Berlin called the Jordan Water Market "Free Treatment _ for Sick Kidneys WRITE FOR GIN PILLS If you have suffered for years with kiduey trouble--if you know your kid neys are sick, but have not en able to find anything that will help you-- or if you suspect that you have kidney disease, write for 4. sample of GIN PILLS, the pills that cure. We don't ask you to spend a single penny, or promise to spend any. Sumply take the box of pills which we 'send you free of charge. We leave it to you whether or uot you will take any more after the sample box is gone. RAT PorTAGE, October, 1905 1 was troubled for about two years with kidney trouble, so comman among railway men. { doctored in the regular way and took a great deal of medicine, but received no benefit. My fireman rec mmended. Gin Pills, and I am pleased to state that after taking the first box { got relict, aud while I am not! taking them fegularly, if I feel any indications of & return of the trouble, a few doses puts me all rig again. CHAS. SIMMONS, C.P.R. Engineer. This letter is the expetience of hun- dreds. They try doctors and drugs without relief, but they find the care for their trouble in GIN PILLS. Take «lvantage of our generous offer. Mention a what pet you saw this, with your ane poi dress, arid we will send you, bsolugsly free of charge, a sample box f GIN PILLS. They are sold by all ruggists at 50c a box, or 6 boxes or $2.50. THE BOLE DRUG CO. TO PREVENT USURY. Reflections and 'Reminiscences Cafled Up on Scanning the Hon. Chas. Fitzpateick's Bilt in House, The efforts to put an end to usury 'or the loaning of money. at exorbitant rates of interest, are to be commended. It is therefore to be hoped that Mr. tion will be made practifable, and that it wiil' become the law of the land. It has been sent to the Committee of Banking and Commerce for the perfoct- ing 'of its details, and thus give the country the reasonable d¢fence against excesses to which it is entitled. What the Measure Proposes. So far as can be gathered, the bill proposes te Mmit the rate sof interest that the mewmey-lender can charge to 12 per cen: en sums under $500, and fallen due $a more than 6 per cént This Is a change for the better, but {it is scarcely so sweeping a reform as might be expected considering the gravity of the situation, and the means that may be employed to circumvent the intent of the statute. It can read- fly be understood that a loan may call for a great deal more than 12 per cent, although no higher rate is mentioned in the bond. Al that is necessary, in order to extort an exorbitant rate, Is to require the borrower to sign for a much larger sum than he receives. By arti- ficially increasing the principal the in- terest charge is swollen. What Parlia- ment ought to do is.clear It should make certain that there is no departure from the principle it lays down What Britain Did. In this connection it is of Interest to note that Great Britain, afflicted by the usury evil, dealt with it in a dras- tic way in the year 1900. Up to that time the usury had had a clear field for unchecked operations. Wherever he could fihd vietims he did his heavy work. In the' colleges, the schools, the army, the offices, the shops--in all places where young people were to be found---the usurer operated. The ¢om- mission of enquiry exhumed the fact that the plan of procedure was the sending of a circular mentioning the convenience that a money-lending firm was to the recipient. © The older people had their banks; why should not the younger have financial accommodation also? Money the young persons need- ed. Why not borrow it from the firm from which the circular came? The borrower would be able to satisfy his immediate needs, and nobody would be [ the wiser! And so the net was spread. Into it the unwary fell, with the result that he was soon heavily involved, the interest swallowing up all the money he could scrape together. A Curse to the Country. The constant drag upon the victim was awful. Sometimes freedom was attained, but there were too many cases in which the unfortunate sought relief by means that ruined him for life. The Imperial Parliament dealt with the question thoroughly, and to-day usury and its evils are not so general as they at one time were. The first principle of the British law is registration. Every person who makes money-lending a business must register as such in the Inland Revenue Office, and must trade under the firm name by which he is registered. This gives the law a grip [| upon the lenders, for without registra- tion the business cannot be followed. Any person doing business with a money-lending firm is entitled to re- ceive a copy of every document or se- curity relating to the loan. Thus, there can be no secrecy and no misunderstood agreement. There Is a fine of $500 for the first violation of this part of the 'law and imprisonment for three months for a second offence, Precautions Against Fraud. While the money-lender can be fined papers that are called for, he is sub- ject to heavier penalties for misrepre- sentation. If by any false promise or statement he induces any person to borrow money he is guilty of a misda- meanor and is liable to two years imprisonment or to a fine of $2,500. This clause renders: the offering of false inducements to borrow a very hazardous business. Another provision renders the collection of usurious rates from an infant er from a person who is under age impossible. The money- lender has to prove that he had reason to believe that his customer was of age when the money was loaned in order to collect. This provision makes diffi- cult the drawing of young people into the meshes of the loan shark. But the in the authority given when a debtor is sued, to reduce the charges and the interest, if he thinks proper so to do. High Rates Cut Down. Whenever the money-lender sues to recover money which he has lent and the court is satisfied that the interest charged is excessive or that the amount charged for expenses, fines, bonuses, and so on, is too high, or that the transaction is "harsh and uncon- scionable," the court can reopen the transaction and award; in spite of the contract, what is fair. The judge may wipe out the debt, if he thinks enough money has already been paid. He may even order the creditor to refund to the debtor whatever sum he regards as an overpayment. Under this statute the man who charges a rate that ls usur- fous will not go into court if he is not registered, for that would render him liable to a fine, and he certainly will if registered, for it may happen that the court will turn the tables upon him and make him the debtor of the man he is suing. This Is strong legislation It certainly renders the operations of the unfair lender difficult, While the British Act gives this rem- edy for the evil, there Is another that has been tried elsewhere, namely, the opening of loan offices for the distress- ed. Wealthy people sa the litte have formed ittle companies for the advanc- ing of money to worthy people at low rates of interest, The result has been relief where needed and no loss to the persons who have invested in these benevolent schemes. Moderation. ' Now happy Is his modest lot Has cash beyond his need, yet not Enough to be Investigated. Germany is the largest producer of potatoes in the world, growing as high as 15 000 (00 tons in one Year, At present French battleships are to German_battleships as 11 to 18%, and 0 IK fhey will he ax 17 to 24, IDAY. MAY 11. ITHE SPORT REVIEW Fitzpatrick's bill dealing with this ques- to make the Tate after the debt nag : National Leaghie teams seem or imprisoned for failing to register or for neglecting to give the borrower the | strongest protection the public have lies to the judge, | not try to recover an unjust debt, even | | Who, when his fortune's truly stated, - § TELEGRAM DOESN'T WANT YANKEE IMPORTATIONS. Scholes, the Henley Champion, Will Not Re-Enter Sport This Season--Thomas Lawson Will Sell His Kennel of Dogs. Bustache Milis, the British lawn ten- nis champion, Leat Jay Gould by three sets "tu one. - Five Chicago Nationals are hitting over S00. 'They are Chance, Schulte, Steinfeldt, Kling and Reulbach, Buffalo is making the best showing of any Baschall League team on the 'road. Stallings picked up a punch of good men during the winter. In the matter of rowdy conduct on the field, it is said, that New York's likely to Eastern { win the pennant again without difhi- culty, Toronto athletic organizations will tender Sherring, the Marathon winner, and Linden, Archibald © and Huches, the Toronto local athletes who com peted at Athens, a big reception when they urn home, The yacht Naniwa built to win hack the Canada's cup for Hamilton last year, leaves today fop Port Colborne, where her new owners, Chicago men, will take her over. Mr. Fearnside for whohi she w built, will take her as far as the Erie end of the Welland canal. New York Herald : Rumors in ama tenr rowing circles to the offect that Scholes, the Canadian, winner of the Henley championship a few vears ago 2 i 20; will re-enter the sport this season, have no foundation He is satisfied with the Fnglish © championship, and will not row in Worcester for the na tional championship. / Present ihdications that there will be no Dominion bowling tourna ment this season. Last season it decided to construct greens at the Tor Woodbine, but there 'has been delay in putting through the deal for the grounds, and it is not now expected that arrangements can are was onto considerable be completed for the renewal of the grofinds until the rade meet is over, l'oronto ielegram: You'll excuse us, of course, but there is a large collec tion of people in this town, horse loy like to know why: the Ontario Jockey Cul chases across the border for talent when we have men of the stamp of Francis Nelson, a man in whom the public has confid ence; and: who has given évery satis faction. Surely there are enough good men and competent in Canada with out having to make the yearly swoop ers, who would on the American metropolis, -- Soon we'll be going to New Yors for our hay and oats. thomas W. Lawson has decided to dispose of his kennel of dogs, and will sell them at the ReadVille 'Trotting track, Tuesday, May 22nd. 'lhis sale will be in connection with the auction of light harness horses, English bull dogs, Prince Charles spanicls, Dalma tians, Blenheim spaniels, King Charles spaniels, Ruby spaniels and Boston terriers, are in the list, This will be one of the biggest sales in American been given from time to time for kennel history, Enormous prices have hulldogs andl toy spanicls hy the well has some of America. known financier, and he the best-known dogs in That Comfortable Kimono. warm days creep upon vs ow teed the nerd ol of lighter ' An or Light-colored cheaper hut admirable China silk pictore, th a pale blue dre or than that of like material silks, or even th as dainty lawns, an this White used in the orisina and sleeve bands of shade, Three simulated a yoke in an fulness the ne, while the back was ent plain centre hack the full, finished with blue, turned back softly over and the neck turned in the a Kimono or weight SOME ash quite for Pros was neck wide shir front, the necessary over with a and m amply were he sles applicd ner. e banding was and same man | Interesting Experiments, i Some interesting have made to ascertain the longest, It and willow ' Xjper ments which found decayed in heen laxt birch Years, Wonis that three was aspen and chestnut in years and elm and ash in seven 'gears. Oak, Scottish fir and Wévmouth pine decayed to theedepth of half an inch in seven larch and * were uninjured at the end of years, Weak Lung it is the old story of a ings a tendency to weak lungs in the fam- ily. You no sooner get rid of your old cold than a new one takes its place. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral breaks up this taking-cold babit. It strength. ens, heals. Ask your doctor, the very next time you see him, what he thinks of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, We have ou tnereint We pubiind . ©. Cex borates of ofl sur @edicmey AT four Years; Juniper seven "How Shall I Know I Have Kidney Trouble"? Hundreds of men and women are asking themselves that question. They are not well--and yet: not exactly ill. - Doctors say--"all run down--need a tonic." But tonics fail to bring back health and strength. It may be that your kidneys are affected. Here's a simple test to prove it i--, i iH ty] Collect the urine passed in the mo: Pain in Joints and Hips in a glasy vessel or bottle, and let stand 12 under hours. If there is a reddish deposit--if the 1! urine is cloudy or milky--or if there are foating particles or hredathen assuredly there % some serious derangement of the Kidneys. Healthy urine stays perfectly clear. "Bu-Ju"s clears up the urine. That's the way you know that it is doing your kidneys good. "Bu-Ju' reaches every part of the kidneys-- replaces the diseased tissues with strong, healthy membrane --gives the kidneys the strength and 'power to properly , filter the blood. "Bu-Ju" has thousands of cures to its credit, right here in Canada, among people you know. 50c. a box. At all druggists. fi i I i i ft it THE CHAFLIN CHEMICAL CO. Limited, WINDSOR, Ont LACE CURTAINS J New Nottingham Curtains, in = inches long, per pair New Nottingham Curtains, particu and durable, per pair, rs AL vabr asa dash | SAMAR sa EYAL Absa att aR RS SARA ME 750. New Nottingham Curtains, 50 to 60 inches wide, made for window which requite a strong design, spec jal value, per pair seamen $1.00 81.50, £2, $2.50, £3, $3.50 and $1 dotted, figured and plain 15c. New Nottinghams, in finer qualities, 81.23, rill «Not Sash Curtaining and Curtain Muslin, per yard Linoleums and Carpets New Scotch Inleid Linoleums, 2 vards wide, in floral block, tile and par. & quetie patterns, good range of colors, per square yard... 45c. and Hoe. English and Canadian Oileloths; good colors and designs, widths, 1, 1}, 14, 9 yards, thoroughly well seasoned, per Square Yard eee ssi 2 Stair Oilcloths, 18 and 22 inches w ide, per yard, New Japanese Matting, suitable for summer. 200. 12¢. and de. 10e., 12ic., 15e, 22. and 27e. «, at all prices. ; Ty Floor Covering, per yard ... Rugs and Door Mats, in all » Blinds and Curtain Poles New Blinds, in dark green and fawn... New Blinds, in wider widths, green and fawn . Blinds, 42 inches wide, trimmed with deep la Wo make Blinds to fit) windows of unusual sizes. All kinds of Curtain Poles to be seen here, in oak, cherry and .ash, Brass and wood trimmings, all lengths, from, each oe 13e. to ..Crumley Bros.. HOODOO OOLEE HO COOOEEE OIE : Tough Shoes for Good Boys. ® Good Shoes for Tough Boys. ® Shoes You May Depend Upon for Good Wear. . - Prices From $1.25 a Pair Up, ORIF. oiinimrnsinenarones. G0. with 50, ® ' . ° McDermott"s Shoe Store DOCCIOCIIO OOO) 0e00® OOOO I --_ eet A -------------------- SPT POLTDDTD POPP IPOD TPPIPPE $ BICYCLE BARGAINS 2 FOR THIS WEEK ONLY We offer the best $60 Cushion Frame wheel, fit- ted with coaster brake, cellulcid mud guards, spring' handle bar and Dunlop tires, for e cerned $50 Cash § J.B.C. DOBBS & 00. 171 Wellington St. City Ice Delivery, 1906 WILLIAM DRURY LS 2009PECTEOEE ETE » Price List, From April 1st Until Further Notice . Weekly Rates--23 lbs. daily, 80e. ; By the Hundred--30 to 100 lbs., 20c. 50 lbs. daily, 60c . per ewt.; 100 Ibs. and over 15c. per Yearly Customtrs--205 50 Ibs. daily, $22. Monthly Rates--25 lbs. daily, $1.25; 50 lbs. daily, $2.2 ! lbs. daily, $138 J ewt. For months of July and August. on'y, Ibs. daily, $1.40 per month. ICE SOLD AT ICE HOUSE 15¢. per eWt. . All accounts will be collected monthly, 874 Prindss strect. 0. 22 Small quantities, 200 to 500 lus, f2{c. per cw, = Up Town Office, Over 500 Ibs, $1.90 per ton. ? "Phone, 497. Two-thirds of full rate ®ill be allowed customers for absence frowp the city, Dowil Town Office, 235 Wellington Sty 'Phone, 443, 3 }