urine -- irritated bladder -- irregular bowels--bad reliet aud so . a FRUIT-A-TIVES, These marvelous Often k k trouble is not due to any organic fect in the kidneys. It the bowels are the skin waste ot these impurities are the kwmineys. In a vain carried fhdeaves to rid the system of impurities ¢ kidneys are overworked--the byood - weasels are dilated--the nerves inflamed. "hat causes a host ot kiduey troubles. ude OR "FRUIT LIVER TaBurfs = not only lieal and strengthen the but increase the action of bord fp directly on the liver, thus curing the tion, FRUIT ASI are the natural and Jogi eal care for all kidney troubles. They are made of fruit and tonicsa: t to take =a gure ou Pha aul we a or es pt price it ar does aot Randle thent | TF 5 The first up=it's history is "a story of huocess."" It pays to insure in "Comgds Lite." Mave a talk With "ny of our agents Lefors We write policies that ofier many En "Endowment policies. that mpke a strong appeal as an investment. | unexcelled. Securities strongest the Contiment--warrants large profits 200,000 paid in 1905. HUTTON, Manager, Kingston © Ofos--18 Market St. 708. Life Assurance Co'y, made in ARM SUBJECT fn the world we're so ous apartments, complete t, . oxcellent | results, tes In demand. Thorough Detont Am Samarra te hot on! experien achers in department. Open through. out the whole year. Catalogue Principal. By NeKaX: H, F, METCALFE, ; 3 They're All After lt yg aw Good" coal. What may that primary purpose--fru-rn, burn. "You don't 'want to manufacture male; - clinkers, slate or ashes-- you do want to get the most heat OF the least fuo) at least ex- time-tested advice #¥ery ton of coal vou need yoere Eo insuring your | E.W.GILLETT oourany TORONTO, ONT. EASY MONEY OOK a4 35.) had fw F180 BREAD 10 CENTS. oy wh Camari: Sh anewing how fo make AM BIRD SEED, 3 t. Lost, bu. Uptown Bicycle Depot Jones, 293 Princess Street. After * careful selection of goods and comparison of #fiues, I have in stock an Gssortment of high grade Wheels of UNIQUE construction, and natty ap- pearance, and at prices hoth BNTIC. ING and SATISFYING. Call 'and inspect. Second hand wheels Restaurant NEW YORK CHINESE 83 Princess Street Open from 10.80 a.m. to 8.00 am. AT HOME that chickens. All indoors. singers. Do ar Want nr wt Kise a W . hy Ol shortest motice. and Chinese dishes a specialty: (Canadian (Chinese Restaurant 231 King Street Open from 10.30 a.m. to 3.00 a.m The best place to get an all round Lunch in the city. Meals of all kinds on shortest notice. English and Ohinese Hishes a speclalty. Phone 656, Wm. Murray, Auctioneer 27 BROCK ST. New Carriages, Cutters, Harness, etc., for sale. Sale of Hoses Every Saturday . Headquarters . For Real Estate and Insurance Pood CAP x Th 95 Clarence St., Opp. Fost Office Geo. Cliff. Specialist New Monumental Works Lettering in Cemeteries a Specialty $F JAS. MULLEN, 372 Princess St., Opposite Y.M.C.A. Auction Sales Book your sale of Furniture at once AUS BOL Choise ul au corti satu and ea ppp ent prices, JOHN H. MILLS The Leading Auctioneer Try Myers' "Home- Made" 2 {fact that the council was not at any was a waste. It now its the buildings. This is worth something, though a service which it may be hard 10 reduce to dollars and G ¢ floors are laid and Municipal Enterprises. (Article No, 2). When the council of 1905 was organiz- ed the question of what the commit- tee on light, heat and power would do with the electric and gas plants, and the by-law concerning their improve- ment_became a pressing one. The ac- counts of 1905, and covering the op- erations of five months, were laid be- fore the committee. This report, and the recommendations of © Mr. Camp- bell, were dated February 21st. The surplus, it will be remembered, after the spending of considergble on capi- tal acconnt, was 87,841.01. It was es timated that the cost of urgent exten- sions in the gas plant would be $8,- 523, and in connection with the elec- trio department, $10,900. Adding $577 for incidentals the call therefore was for $20,000, which was na} ~ranted. Mr. Ross of Montreal, in 'his special report, condemns the purchase in 1905 of second hand machinery. The instal- lation of it, he writes, "in a plant of this kind, is on the face of it inde- fensible, and doubly so in small up- its." And he adds: "We understand, however, that this course had t6 be taken, in view of the fact that funds were not available to carry on perm anent additions." This calls up the time asked to pass upon a scheme of extensions. The old plan, involving an outlay of $150,000 was not reviv- ed--sq far as the aldermen outside of the committée were aware, The chair- man of the committee of 194 was in duty bound to stand by his handj- work, and the by-law of $150,000, if not the product of his pen, represent- ed his ideas, or was supposed to do 80. He moved in 1906 that this by- law be approved by the committee and sent to the council with the recommen- dation that it be referred to the peo- ple. The minutes of the committee are not printed, but we believe the writ- ten record shows that the committee did not endorse the $150,000 by-law. Perhaps the committee did wisely in refraining from a task quite so heavy, But it ought to have done something. It may have been timid about launoh- ing a now scheme, but "faint heart never worl fair lady." It wds open to the ~entlemen who for the time being illustrated the quality of municipal management to revise the wants of the department, to determine, accord- ing to their wisdom, what ought to be done, and then to commit the pro- posal to the people. "Have faith in the people," says Mayor Mowat. Yes, esteem . the judgment of the electars as highly as you like, but give them, in your references, the evidence which you should have of the need of all things and especially of the capacity of the city to use them aright and profit by them, One alderman, at the discussion of the $85,000 by-law, said cil, at its last was not asked in the coun- meeting, that money for on capital ac- count in 1905 hecause the department was experimenting ! In other words the committee did not quite under- stand the situation, and its experi- | ence was not such as to warrant the city in committing itself or the coun cil unreservedly to any course. 'The council was not, however made aware of the plaps which possessed the com- mittee, and, in all innocence of the real situation, it- allowed months to pass without result. 'The autumn was approaching when the manager, because he had no alter- native, proceeded to make certain ex- tensions and pay for them out of the current revenue. The accounts for 1905 show the following items : Real Estate . y $ 158.79 Gas Plant 14.044 86 Klectrical Plant | 10,576,138 Total . . $24,779.78 The larger amount, it will be per- ceived, went in gas extensions, and nearly $10,000 went into the mains and services on Queen, Bagot, Brock, Alfred and other streets, and also some of the machinery referred to in the report of February was bought because it was indispensable, The gas changes shave been discussed in a very interesting way by Mr. Ross, and the Whig, on an inspection of them, was impressed with their econony. The building has been repaired, so far as the roof is concerned, the machinery has been made to* work effectively, and some of the "reforms" are pos sessed of ogeat merit. The nuisance of tar, oozing out it the Queen street slip, has been abolished. The tak is now carefully separated from gas and water, and pumped to the boiler house. There, by jets of steam, it is spraved over the producing a tremendous heat at a very small cost. Formerly, all this tar was waste, and for practical pur- poses was possessed of no value, Now tho four hundred barrels a year are: fires occasionally, THE DAILY WHIG. © "Opifer pet Opliem Dlcor." ; they are bound to endure. They are the only floors which should be in a 'works of this kind. Finally the hot well is worth mentioning. It is on the street, outside the gas depart- ment. It is. a deep structure into which the water accumulates as it leaves the works. A gredt volume is needed. To. pay the water depart- ment for its Service, apart from the demands of the boiler house, would be expensive. Now the water is con- verted into steam, which, after per- forming its mission, in heat and pow- er, in condensed, and the water, not otherwise used' goes for the washing of the gas. . The machinery acquired in connec- tion with the electric. works included the following : 150, ow Eo D.C. generator .0.b. sipiie 754.00 100_Brush, arc machine, f.0.b. a ingaton sakes a vee TDO00 100 .W. Wagner Alternator, 2,200 volts, 135 cycles ' 521.00 100 H.P. Payne engine, com- pound ing ... 645.00 Total i. + $2,670.00 The expert from Montreal does not think these articles should have been bought, on economic grounds, and he justifies it only becaise the - demands of the people, for light and power, made it imperative. And something is better. than nothing. The sin of buy- ing second hand machinery is hard, however, to condone. Mr. Ross may say that had the same articles been bought new. they would have entailed outlay of $8,800, and that the ap- parent saving to the city is $6,130. But the council, if really seized of the facts as the committee is said to have been, would have been impelled to provide the capital for permanent improvements and there would have 'been no occasion to buy this second hand machinery 'at any price. Mr. Ross says the secondhand apparatus may be sold, and at a figure which will reduce the loss to the cost of in- stalation. Mr. Campbell takes a more hopeful view of the case. He says tnat the plant, to be displaced, may realize $1,000, by holding it and selling it off 'as buyers.of it appear. Slangwhanging Officials. The quarrel among the immigrant officials of the Canadian government is not very edifying to say the least of it. Mr, Jury and Mr. Preston are well known Canadians. Mr. Jury, be- fore appointed 'to office, was a very popular political speaker, and, as a lecturer om Canada and Canadian af- fairs in England, could make himself interesting. > What he may say about his chief, when annoyed, is of very little con- sequence, The feeling between them is intense. It has evidently been grow- ing, and is due to local jealousies which should have no place ih the public service. Mr. Jury, fecling that Mr. Preston Lol water for return | doah, § feeds the nerves and strengthens every PITH OF THE NEWS. The Very Latest Culled From 'All Over The World. Five miners were blown to pieces in the explosion in a colliery at Shenan- >, a. . McMaster College has conferred the degree of D.D., upon Rev. A. A. Cam- eron, Ottawa, For the theft of $30,000 from Fore paugh Sells circus in 1904, W, I. Spaith was arrestec. i R. W. Gordon, Pembroke, a life-long conservative, is strongly talked of as a candidate in North Renfrew, Samuel Price, barrister, St. Thom- as, has been appointed mining com- missioner, at $3,000 4 year and ex- Penses. The Lakeside Canning compeny is erecting a new factory in Wellington. This will be the largest plant in Prince Edward County. The Massapoag Lake hotel, said to be the largest summer hotel in Mas- sachusetts, was burned. The loss is estimated at $75,000. It is proposed to ask parliament to adopt an amendment to the law that any voter who neglects to vote will be disqualified for six years. The committee in charge of the re- lief of the San Francisco sufierers an- far amounts in all to %6,204,406. Two young children, ngmed Cream- er, jwandered away from oro at Pea- cock Settlement, N.B., were lost in the woods and are given up for dead. The Society of American Women, in" London, is trying to raise a fand to give girls the same advantage that is enjoyed by boys under the Rhodes' scholarship scheme. There was apother debate on purchase. of supplies for the steamer Arctic, in the House of Commons, and Sir Wilfrid Laurier offered to name a committee to investigate the charges of the epposition, The body of 4 woman, found in a sack, at Alexandria, was one of the three bodies awaiting interment in the Roman Catholic cemetery at Rigaud, which were stolen from the vault. The murder theory is thus exploded. Sir Wilfrid Laurier personally plemented the appeal that the king visit the dominion. the Canadian prime minister emphasizing the fact that the visit would be greatly ap- preciated bv the French population of the dominion. the sup- David Christie, "arrested at Verna. B.C., is believed to he the leader of the bandits who held up the Imperial Limited, 'east of Kamloops, a few days 'ago. James Moir and W: Wilson also arrested, are believed to be con- federates. Army pensioners are emigrating to Canada in large numbers from Lon- don. Advances from six to nine months' pensions are granted to all and arrangements made in order to assist them, even to purchasing the applicants' passage. NERVOUS CHILDREN. St. [Vitus Dance, Neuralgia and Headaches Common Among School Children, St. Vitus dance is 4 disease that is becoming more and more frequent among school children. Young people tire the nerves with study and the nerves cry out. Sometimes the trou- ble takes the form of neuralgia, head- ache, nervous exhaustion, weakness of the limbs and muscles, and what we call "being run down." In other cases St. Vitus dance is the result, and the sufferer frequently loses all control of the limhs, which keep up a constant jerking and twitching. There is only one way to cure this trouble--through the blood which feeds and strengthens the nerves. And Dr.' Williams' Pink Pills are the only medicine that can make the new rich, red blood that nounces that the money received so | | quite refined. part of the body. The case of Flossie |Doan, of Crowland, Ont., proves the value of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Mrs. Doan says: "A couple of years ago my daughter Flossie was dangerously af- flicted with St. Vitus dance. She bhe- is not treating him right, writes a sarcastic which he makes serious insinuations." Of course the letter was not meant for publication or reference to the Canadian govern- letter in : came so nervous that after a time we ment. But Mr. Preston made it the {could not let her see even her friends. basis of a request for Mr. Jury's re- [She could not pick up 'a dish, lace her shoes, or make any movement to help herself. She had grown thin and very pale, and as she had been treated by several doctors, without benefit 1 feared she would not recover. A "friend advised me to give her Dr. Willams' Pink Pills, and after she had used a couple of boxes, I could see that they were helping her. We gave her nine moval from office and it becomes a public document, The crisis will do good. Ome thing it will suggest, namely, a change in the immigration staff. Seemingly it is time for this, when officials take to the slandering of each other and the circulation of correspondence that be- boxes in all, and by that time she was trays a condition of things that perfectly well, and every symptom of should not exist a day longer than | trouble had passed away and she is possible. now a strong, well developed girl. If your growing children are weak or nervous, if they are pale and thin, lack appetite or complain of head- aches or backaches, give them Dr. Wil liams' Pink Pills, and see how sneedi- ly the rich, red blood these pills make will transform them into bright, ac- tive, robust boys and girls. You can get these pills from anv medicine dealer or by mail at50c. a box or six boxes for $2.50 by writing Th» Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brookville, Ont. -------- SPIRIT OF THE PRESS. Rockefeller's Art Ideas. Philadelphia North American. An artist says that Mr. Rockefeller's ideas of art are crude. Yet John D. has done a little work in oil that was Heart To Heart. Toronto News, J The close of the session will give Mr. Whitney a chance to enjoy life by giving a series of short interviews to office-seckers, Mechanics, Farmers, Sportsmen. To heal and soften the skin and re move grease, oil and rust stains, paint and earth, etc., use The "Mas ter Mechanic's" Tar Soap, Albert Toilet Soap Co., Manufacturers. Getting Off Light. Hamilton Herald. Rev. Dr. Crapsey, who has been con- victed of heresy, may be put out of the Episcopal church. Three or four hundred years ago he would have been put out of life, Peter Ewan for thirty-two years de- puty governor of Toronto jail, is dead. Improve your lawn, Kentucky lawn grass seed will do it. Sold onl y at Gibson's Red Dross Dru~ Store. Prompt delivery, ' It's Up To You. Washington Star. world owes you a livin'," said The Duke of Connaught is to visit Uncle Eben, "but you's gotter make Canada in September next. some kind of a 'showin' to . decide Brigadier-Ceneral Tiddall died at Montclair, N..J. Contraction of the Muscles | Or Stiffness of the Cords APPLY DR. SCOTT'S LINIMENT FREELY Also An Excellent Hair Restorer and Scalp Cleanser Large hottle, 25 cents. "If not for sale at your drur~ist, it can always be procured at James B. | whether it's gwinter be cold mush or peaches an'. oream." The Sick Man. Bohcaygeon Independent. The sultan is havieg heaps of fun "sounding" the Tabali, 'and the chances are that when he collects the crowd he will slide through the fence, and tell his latest best girl to have a look at the pig barbarians through the field glasses, and then mix him a beaker of sherbet, : -------- Rev. Mr. Shearer expects the Lord's | burned, and by actual demonstration day bill to pass with a large major- | McLeod's. ny. ; : Dr. Scott's White Liniment Co., The steamer' Pilgrim released herself Propr's., St, John N.B., and Chelms- {from the rocks at Pointe Aux Barques. |pird, Mass. Male Physicians. WOMEN NOT TRUTH, This Statement Has Been Unjustly Made, Betas Modest Women Evade Questions Asked by An eminent physician eays = that "Women are not truthful ; they will lie to their physician." This statement should be qualified; women do tell the physician, but this is only in regard to those painful and troublesome disorders peculiar to their sex. It is a terrible ordeal to a delicate, sensitive, refined woman to be obliged to answer certain questions when those questions are asked even by her family physician. This is especially the case with unmarried women, Is it any wonder, then, that women continue to suffer and that doctors fail to cure female diseases when they cannot get the proper information to work on? This is the reason why thousands and thousands of women are now correspond- ing with Mrs. Pinkham. To her they can and do give every symptom, so that she really knows more about the true condition of her patients, through her correspondence with them than the phy- sician who personally questions them. If you suffer from any form of trouble peculiar to women, write at once to Mrs. Pinkham, Lynn, Mass, and sho will advise you free of charge. The fact that this great boon, which is extended freely to women, by Mrs, Pinkham, is appreciated, the thousands of letters received by her prove. Many such grateful letters as the following are constantly pouring in. Madame Alfred Arcand of 414 Dor- chester Street, Montreal, Can., writes ; Dear Mrs. Pinkham :-- truth, but not the whole truth, toa mule s blessing in disenise fo me that | ry testimonial, Apa 1 a severe cold ato 15ed my perieds to * Dans and sick for severs) too pleased to give months with no a decided to try your Aler two weeks I he ittle pain in the 1 three months' time od in x a red t I consider your Vegetable Co 0 health. worthy of praise." Zula Eeclison, of 6 Erie Street, East St. Thomas, Ont. writes : Dear Mrs, T "I hearti ham's Vege regulator for for four years but those who have exp agony can form any -i and niental saffering th thus affected. Y cured me. Wi restored to healtl my periods are a blessing it is to « many doctors fail to | cine is better than any « I ever had." ink! 5, . WI \ relief when so 1 Your medi ctor or medicine No other medic received such wid fied endorsement. > in the world has read, and unqualie Mre. Pinkham invites all sick women to write her for advice. She has ided thousands to health, A 1dress, . Mase. She is the daughter-in-law of Pinkham, her assistant for 8 before her decease, and for years gince her advice hag Lydia, E. "Your Vegetable Compound was such a Bll gn en, The H. D. Bibby Co. That ming of our $15 Suits. H. D. About Invictus b cause they are hand-lasted. We Russia Calf and Ganmetal Calf. 212 Princess St. They are the most comfortable shoes made : son styles. Some in Patent Corona Colt, others in Brown been freely given to sick women, Ask Mrs. Pinkham's Advice--A Woman Best Understands a Woman's His, mg The H, D. Bibby Co. Have Idea we 'are going to smash the record on $15 SUITS $15 is a popular price with many men for a Suit --and we have set out to capture the dollars of tkese men, with the very swellest Suits of the season. The fabrics are new and not a feature could be added to put more style into the cut, imaking or trim- 'We want every man in town to make it his Lusi ness to seé these Swagger Suits. See Our Special '$2 Hats $ STRICTLY CASH AND ONE PRICE. Ou wh, wh, wh, wh, wh, wh wh 0 BIBBY CO. Oxfords If you want foot and ankle comfort for warm days, wear Oxfords \ hey for summer use. The : + Joop eir shape, don't sag'and bifldge out ht the sid's. And they keep' their shal i 006 have 'them in the latest 1 Vii Kid Prices, $3.50 and $4. The Sawyer Shoe Store Phone 159: SADIE ROBIN tty Girl Suffeced Fro and Pelvic Catarrh--1 Relief in @& Few Miss Sadie Robinson, Malden, Mass., writes: «Peruna Was recom about & year ago as ane for the troubles peculiar #8 I found that all that medicine was true, Ian se it. , 4 began to use it abou ago for weakness an caused from overwork pess, and found that i began to grow trong, creased and I Began 1 consequently my nerv away and the weaknes s soon disappea) ell and strong e Pe Dr.S. B. Har of The Hartman Sanita) 0., for free medical adv pondence strictly confi Cures Rheumatisi Too. Bu-Ju cures F canse it cure Every drop of passes throug] be filtered, I sick--tired--i don't filter on It is this acid, joints--on th causcs Rheum w= THE GENTLE Kil cleans, heals, kidneys--sets properly--cle: stops the ac away every t tism and Scia ThE CLAFLIN CHEMIC! Wi:os0R, ONT. . Black, Tan an "2in1™ is ose fic preparation for | It is the result « yours of experier polishes. An ounce goes 8 pound of ordina imitation even hi If You Suff Head Zutoo Tablets ! The tablets cure Completely that 1 dc em any more, ; ANSON Litterateur (Wan Delicate women ha Something they can us MRS, TH( The editor of the . x jn his desk and c; nal experience, th chimed for them. L.E.CH Ex-Grand Master Gra Nev They are Harm