DA" cy of Flavor Pure. 30c. perlh. i UIS, 1908 oars -- vt mom coe, ---- Absolutely Pure, Wholesome and Well-Matured Spirit. ALUABLE, Montreal, I', KINGSTO CKARD & TORIA two names known to sssed men, as being ders in Men's Stylish ar. Both of these - makes have surpass- mselves in the natty n spring shoes. e and have a looks d & Bro. e Making ar house or outbuild- ill be pleased to give 8 alvanized Iron, Metal ed to do work on th¢ first-class workman yofing, which is a buildings, etc. : SONS Street . for THE DAILY WHIG, 'THURSDAY. MAY 17. hea 1171 | PEGE SEVEN, a o PLAN PROPOSED ~ --} so cn . LIONS RAID A TOWN To Have ee Army in the | Richest in Color. For 20 Years IN CENTRAL AFRICAAND KILL | Whingion, BC." Nev 17. 1h Choicest in Design. - SEAL BRAND ® las stood for all that is Best in Coffee, because it has been cultivated in 'clear, pure, cool mountain air. It has been properly roasted and scientifically prepared under our own supervision. CHASE and SANBORN _ wontasa BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE (THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE). & Asthma, » Bronchitis. fs admitted by the profession to be the most wonderful and valuable rem- edy ever discovered. is the best remedy known for COUGHS, fobs CONSUMPTION, BRONCHI- TIS, ASTHMA. E acts like a" charm and. is the only & and DYSENTERY. in DIARRHOEA, cific in CHOLERA, attacks of PALPITA- effectually cats short all EPILEPSY, HYSTERIA, TION and SPASMS. 1 + 18 the only palliative in NEURALGIA, k RHEUMATISM, GOUT, CANCER, TOOTHACHE, MENINGITIS, ete. Always ask for "DR. J. COLLIS PROWNE'S CHLORODYNE," and beware of spurious compounds or imitations. The genuine bears the words "DR. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE" on the Government Stamp of eact bettle. Sold in bottles. Prices in England, 1s} 13d., 2s 9d., 4s. 6d. each (Overwhelming Medical Testimony accompanies each bottles Sole Manufacturers :=-J. T. DAVENPORT, Limited, LONDON. Wholesale Agents, LYMAN BROS. & CO., Limited, Toronto. Sp---- a a Suns FUurna It does not require an expert to clean out the flues of the "Sunshine" furnace-- the only tool needed is a brush which is . supplied with every furnace. : Clean-out doors are placed .in the ro casing, and the brush can easily be inserted. fir TARIO This heater just bristles with exclusive features such' as automatic gas dampers, large double feed:doors, steel dome, double shakers and steel radiator. If you want the best furnace made get the " Sunshine." Sold by enterprising dealers everywhere. Booklet free. LONDON. TORONTO. MONTREAL. WINNIPEG. VANCOUVER. ST. JOHN. HAMILTON. wo L E MMON & SONS, King Street -¢> CORSETS <a JA The Ee "Corset For. The womas ordinary vorsets can't satisfy. D@ A Corsets wholly fit the gap between costly cuspom-made snd ordinary ready-made corsets. Few can afford the one--fewer really approve the other, Yet even the most fastidious woman can find in D @& A Corsets exactly the fit for her tastes, her figure and her means. The proof awaits you at your favorite #ore--ask the best of your local deal- 'ews te show you a D & & --snd see that he does show it. 1 spe tell us of his lapse or lack--we wiki attend your aA-4 _ ELEVEN NATIVES] They Demolished Huts, and Put Population to Flight--Toasts and Other Live Stock Killed --Some Escape to River. London, May 16.--A despatch from Blantyre, British Sentral Africa, states that a herd of hungry lions at- tacked the town of Chorumo, British wntral Africa, and pot only killed cleven natives, but put.the vest of the wpulatiorr to flight and Gemolighed nany of the huts. letween fifteen and twenty lions nade the raid at dusk. They firgt, at- tacked two natiyes on the ou the town. One of the natives escaped, ind while the body of his companion vas being torn to pieces he ran to the government building, The watchman on duty refused to believe his story, and while the fright- ened native was protesting the lions dashed into the main street, I'hree watchmen were struck down before they could raise their rifles, and the native who had previously es caped was likewise killed, A fourth watchman, who fled to an inner room, was = pursuea by two of the brutes, and tom to pieces. A child was seized in front of one of the huts, and when the frantic mother tempted to rescue it, she was like wise attacked and eaten. Three other A natives were killed and eaten. The lions killed' a large number of coats and other live stock, and after- wards roamed through the town, prowline round some of the huts, in which the inmates had barricaded themselves. A large number of natives, who managed to escape from: the town, got into their canoes, and paddled to the middle of the River Shire, where they spent the night. They could distinetly hear the shouts of the besieged, Chorumo is situated near the Fle- vhant Marsh came reserve. where fifty lephants lived last year. A CHEQUERED LIFE. Herr Otto Had a Real Lot of Experience. Vienna, May 17.--Since the death a few days ago in @llis city of Herr Otto, highly = interesting facts have come to light, which show that the deceased had lived a remarkably chequered life. Once a poorly paid bookseller's clerk, he was induced, against his principles, to invest _in a lottéry ticket at the instance of his landlady, who assured him that she had dreamed so vividly of a certain number that it was bound to win. And, true enough, the number drew a prize of considerable magnitude. With his winnings, Herr Otto bought some premium bonds, one of which gained the following year amother big prize. He was a comparatively well-to-do man, Yet contrived to live in his ol] bare room for which he voluntarily paid double rent. About three years afterwards, Herr "Otto was persuaded to sink, most of his capital in an in vention which started' with every pro- mise, but another, cheaper invention followed almogt immediately in its wake. The business came to grief and Herr Otto was ruined, Again the fickle jade smiled upon him. He in vented himself a small but useful ma chine which brought him a large re some venue. Once more he risked his capt tal in a venture, but it failed also, and for years he lived in great poverty. One day, when writing his reminiscences, hé came across an old, forgotten premium bend. The next day he offered it for sale to a broker, the number o with a after all, who had reached a great age, saved from the poorhouse. He died a bachelor and left his en tire fortune to his landlady. who informed him that had come out two years priz: of about $50,000. So, Herr Otto, was ¥ Elgin Episodes. Elgin, May 15.--The death of George Cheaney on the 10th, removed one of the old landmarks of this vicinity. For over sixty years he had resided at Cheancy's and for many vears ran a blacksmith shop. Of late years he has been too feeble for that business, and was at the time of his death in the employ of the govern- ment stage line between Elgin and the B. W and N. railway station. It wiil be carried on by his grandson, Gi. H. Howard, in the future, His wife was Melissa Topping, and predeceased hjm twenty-four years. He was seventy- eight years of age, and leaves to mourn his Joss, one son, Washington Cheaney, and Mrs. Thompson Howard, who so kindly watched over his de clining years. Much sympathy i: ex pressed for the bereaved ones. Gi. Murphy, Brodiville, is friends here for a few days. M el Johnson, Secley's Bav, iz in town. Mrs. Robert. Davison, Smith's Falls, arrived to he present at the wedding of her grand-daughter, Miss Belle Da- vison, on the 16th, to Frederick .J. Stanton, The concert in the town hall, afven by the Singleton Pierce orches tra, and the Portland Glee Club, was a decided success. The proceeds are for the bhemefit of St. Paul's church. Corners, visiting Pleasant Valley Notes. Pleasant Valley, May 15.--G. Hughvs lost a valuable horse last week. J. A. Hughes sprained his ankle severely and is not yet able to be out. RR. Kllerbeck, seriously ill for the past week, is somewhat better. Visitors : Mrs. E. Hughes has just returned from Bellrock, Mr. and Mrs, A. Curl, at R. Irish'sc Miss Violet Ashley, vis- iting friends here; Mr. and Mrs. O. Kerr and Master S: Peters, at E, Hughes', Dame rumor Says there are two or three weddings on the tapis, The Clammy Hand. Cold hands and feet indicate more than poor circulation. They are signs that vitality is lacking and that seri- ous conditions are apt to follow. Thin, watery conditions of the blood should not be allowed to exist. There is not need of them. Wade's Iron Tonic Pills are a sure cure for all anaemic conditions. . They are a great nerve strengthener and blood maker. In boxes, 25 cents, at Wade's drug store." Money back if not satisfactory. » ments for some "important. tests to tak: place in the period of mobiliza fantry. and light artillery at camps of concentration parts of the country The militia, so far as possible, take part in the encampment operations. The subsistence intend to apply practically the means of cooking in the field, including the seven will and chien cart, together with the employ- has now come to be called the "iron ration" in official literature by he adoptiof of a German phrase by the general staff. The army signal ofli- cors aro also engaged in planning ex- tensive and important experiments which include the use of the latest methods of field telegraph phone and the new * signalling. . There will with the system of sig also be ing by fire is hoped that there will be opportun- itv at Plattsburg, N.Y. for the trial of the new military balloon, recently purchased in France. The army quar- termasters have no special novelty to be tested. unless it 1s the marching pew feautres of the uniform will, +o course, be closely observed by the ex- perts in the field. 'The medical offi- cers will probably be able to try the new first aid packet and apply methods of field hospital work whieh have been adopted since the war with Spain. The principal work in the way of trying new material, however, will devolve on--~gignal officers and com- this ies. It Du nderstood that seve ral European goWsnments have asked for the privilege of sending military observers to watch the mobilization experiments, NoCompany Would Insure Her Indigestion, and Debility Had Erought Her §o Near Death. Bileans Have Now Cured Her. "A year 'ago no insurance company would grant me a policy, 1 was so near death; yet you see how well and strong Bileans have now made me.' So said Mes." E. Terrace, Newport, by a "Newport Advertiser" reporter. Her experience proves unmistakably the power of Bileans in cases were in digestion has wreeked the system, and debility has erept in with almost fa tal efiect. Continuing her story, she Scott, of Army . before 1 began to take Bileans 1 was so reduced hy digestive troubles that 1 both looked and fot like a woman whose days were num bered. "My illness began with feelings of fullness after ~ meals, followed by belching, Then I began to have pain after food, and got so bad that eating caused actual agony. 'I went to =a doctor, but conld not keep on with him, as 1 could not afford the expense of a long run of doctor's hills. Find ing myself getting worse, 1 next tried a number of medicines, recommended! by friends, 'hut none did me any good il "The were succeeded round the heart, feeble by day, and prevented me from | and flatulence by fluttering feelings which rendimvd me indigestion sleeping, at night. 1 was often ob liged to-@et bit of bed in the night timer and walk slowly about the room tll the fluttering subsided. and so pained at the heart sometimes that' ] was obliged to cense my work, when a married sister told me Bileans had done her husband so much good they wouldn't be without them in the house. She persuaded me to try them. "1 did so, and in a very little time I found they f were doing me a lot of good. I persevered with them, and one by one the fluttering sensations at the heart, the wind, the pain after food, and all the other symptoms of indigestion were driven from my sy tem, and I was cured. 1 am now well and strong and an utter stranger to 'wind' and indigestion." Bileans tone up the whole digestive system, and stimulate it to nerrhal action. That is how they cure such serious cases of digestive disorder as the above. They troubles, flatulence, female ailments, comstipution, piles, anaemia, head ache, wnpleasant sensations of fullness after food, pimples, and other symp toms of blood impurity, bilionsness, sick headache, bad breath, spring J bility, eté. They act as a general also enn weak women. For all purposes to which a household remedy is put Bileans will he found of excellent ser vice. obtainable . from all druggists and stores at 50 ents per box, or dircet from the Bilean to, Colborne St., Toronto, upon receipt of price. 6 boxes for $2.50, Bileans _ are The boliry "and organ of Christ church, Hil vere injured: by liz ning in the severe storm of April 20th The organ has been repaired. It pours the oil of life into your sys- tem. Jt warms yon up and starts the life blood circulating, That's what Hollister"s Rocky Mountain does, 33e. Tea or Tablets, Mahood's Drug Store Hillier's new postmaster, Marshall Trumponr, entered upon his dutios last week 2' : Souvenir eards of Kingston, new views, in colors, at Wade's. tion of the entire force of cavalry, in- | indifferent | this summer. | officers | use of the fireless cooker and the kit- | ment of the emergency ration, which | and tele- © system of visual | tests works by day, as well as by night. It | UICTO Is another term for a "commotion," as the small-boy shoe and the new, shorter legging. The was at my worst in this respect | that | liver | tonie, improve the general circulation, | and are a boon to pale-faced girls and | Papers. S fo (TTTEINN EET pates. We are going to MONDAY. We are putting on sale several lines ! tv days, and shrewd buyers who have taken advantage of our specials on former occa~ 'sions, will no doubt take advantage of this, as t saving chance. RY) COPYRIGHT Men's and Young Me urday and Monday $1.49. Men's and Young Men's Trousers, regu- (for two days at lar $3.50, special Saturday $2.90. You'll have money left «For Every Room in Every House." . Ask your dealer to show you the Menzie Line Wall decorations. Be sure you see the name on every ralk THE MENZIE WALL PAPER CO., Limited, TORONTO. ------ n's, Trousers, when interviewal | §eotch Tweed effects, regular $2, special Sat- RONEY & CO., 127 Princess St. Perfect in Taste. LINE _ WALL PAPERS They are the embodiment of all that is artistic in wall NoT IN ANY COMBINE. -- -- EE ------------ EE -- ; IA DAY understands and antici- make an awful commotion on SATURDAY AND at special prices for these two ey know it means a big money- Don't Believe All You Hear At least not without proof. It is easily proven that our lines of clothing are among the best, in point of style, in cut and in finish. They have the "snap and "go" to them, which is lacking in most clothing, however good it may be in other ways. Men's and Young Men's $6.50 Suits, Saturday and Monday $4.75. ; Men's and Young Men's $12 Suits, day $8.93. : Men's and Young Men's $15 Suits, Saturday and Mons day $11.50. Saturday and Mon- . : ~~ Boys' Norfolk Suits, regular $4. spacial for two days at $2 95. : : Boys' Norfolk Suits, regular $6, special 4:50. New Shirts, New Neckwear, etc, at special prices. for other purposes if you let us supply your outfit and Monday | -- _-- -- ATTEND jHE BEST mhitious young men and women Who | arg contemplating a Commercial Fduca- toh in Shorthand, Typewriting, HBook- keaping, ete, of a Civil Service course will find the Frontenac 'Business College Kingston, Ontario The best equipped and most up-to- business training institution in ern Ontario - fents may enter at any time, and graduates are assisted to good pay- situations. Write for catalogue and ates. 'Phone 680 W. H Shaw, 1. N. Stockdale President. Principal. Waggons. Buggies. As thers has not been much of the | beautiful smow this season, Waggons will be more wsed. If you are in need of a Waggon or Buggy of any special design, will 'be to your interest to call on -Jas. Laturney- The Carriage Maker ' 390 Princess Street, Kingston New Laundry | Firstcloss hand work guaranteed called for Give Goods and parcels delivered. JIM LE] STRATHCONA ADAPTED 188 Division St., Cor. Garrett For the Establishment of a Canning Factory. Strathcong, May 16.~The works have about all been removed to Marlbank. It is said the Napanee Can | ning company are looking for a loca tion to extend gheir works. It is also | rumored that aedcompany ¢ | the line | start 5 cement { | | { from across are looking for n place to v« No better 1 Stratheong. canning factor | place could he found th | Beside the river, there are two never | failing springs, Lasher's which sup plied the coment works' two reser the Wilson farm, |. There are tenement housw ready, for uss This is 5 thickly settled locality, | | other on | 1 | and any number of hands could be | | | voirs; the employed. The land seems perfectly ad- | apted to vegetables, and small froits. In 1853 000 hushels of berrics were raised on .the Madden farm here, Last year Mr, Lasher, one of the largest fruit growers, had a tremendous erop { He had no trouble in securing win | cient help to harvest them. 'Many {would go in for cultivating ' fruit of sure of a market. Every farmer | throughout this section has an .orch- ard. George Haycock has been at West Lake, Princ, Edward for the past week, at the bedside of his aced fath- ler, who is dowly sinkine, "Miss Shir- [lev Fox dad a slight stroke of paraly- sits on Saturday last. She is somes what better at present. Mrs, Harring ton taken with hemorrhage of the stomach Tuesday. was NT --_-- Celebrate! We Celebrate! Fireworks! Fireworks! GET READY FOR VICTORIA DAY We have the largest assortment of Fireworks and De- corating Materials in the city, consisting of FLAGS OF ALL KINDS, BANNERS, WREATHS, STARS, RED, WHITE AND BLUE WREATHING, FIRE CRACKERS, CANNON CRACKERS, ROCK- ETS, ROMAN CANDLES, VOLCANOS, SERPENTS, STAR MINES, PIN WHEELS, SEARCH LIGHTS, TORPEDOES AND TORPEDO CAPS AND CANES, ETC. J. HISCOCK, 160 and 162 Princess Street PIATIA-- CHAIR PAINT For Chairs, Settees, Flower Stands, and all kinds of Furniture. This Paint is ground in a special water-proof varnish to stand atmospheric changes, and is guaian- teed fo give satisfaction. - ' ' 3 McKelvey & Birch, 69 and 71 Brock St. TYPEWRITERS SEWING MACHINES Sold and Repaired J.B. C. DOBBS & €0., 171 Wellington St.