Daily British Whig (1850), 23 May 1906, p. 3

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* hours. Positively cure, -- Put the disrsse 10 sleep, bi at : ers drivey ~NENYeg, ---- a -- ow is he Time o Have urs emodelied nd epaired , GOURDIER'S and 8) Brock Street s Only Exclusive Fur Store i ---- BALT Values Ran as High $10,000 per ton ih as The Richest Moning Camp in the World rket Letter, | Book'et are FR the askug y and eell shares in all o in the Cobalt camp. a compiles IN ODe property rose fro © To 100007 ¥ rose from 40 cents o-day for particulars LLS @ CoO. JRONTO OR COBALT. Our Third Announcement or Weddings In June nglish Carving Sets ) Cases hese goods are just opened d are of the fluest goality. Toe ces are not high, We also have ear! Handled Fish nd Dessert Sets a oaken boxes, for waich there a cousta .t demaad \MITH BROS. Jewelers :: Opticians Phone 666 ssuers of Marriage Licenses ur itors the th ect This re il be greatly interest: he showing of w Goods ived to-day a biy ship- ft Wash Collars. Embroidered Belts. Silk Waists. Lawn Waists. Lustre Skirts. Lustre Skirts. Waisting Materials. osiery, all sizes. Style Corsets. oves in all shades. | FOR BUSINESSUN- NE 0'CLOCK. /MAN & SHAW [AomirAL'S WORDS CARRY WEIGHT. | <7] REA HICHBORN is one of the best known admirals of our navy. His statement concerning Peruna will have much weight ad it goes out into the world. What he says is echoed by many other naval officers of high standing, scason : : a 4 bagot street, west side, from Queen Advt. 4 lines or under a wonth, $2. ja Goon GENERAL SERVANT. xo = " en en street to Irincess street. + -- . Mrs. N an phe, Svining = SE, Bi ¥ 5 POSS ES: Barrack street, South side, from , shad Lower Union street. ore w or inspustion. King street to Wellington. Everybody in Kisxston Reads the WRIG 3 Bacrie street, Rua side, from Col- . FOR SALE. THE BRICK : ow = borne street to North street. . 3 RESIMENCE . noite g Barcio street, west 'side, from Col.| HELP WANTED_MALE. LAD ent ntiion.. Analy this Oftes. | ater * beating od loprovemente. RECOM! MENDS PE-RU-NA. | "1 am convinced of Peruna's curative qualities and I unhesitatingly recommend it to to al! persons suffering from catarrh."--Commodore Somerville Nicholson. [ FROM HIS OWN EXPERIENCE. | [ WHAT THE ADMIRAL SAYS. | Philip Hiochborn, Rear-Admiral United States Navy, writes from Washington, D. C., as follows: «After the use of Peruna for a can now cheerfully recommend remedy to any one who is in need of an invigor- ating tonic." ~-Philip Hichborn. | AN EVERPRESENT FOE. | The soldier and the sailor are especially subject to eatarrh in some form or phase. Exposed as they are to constant changes, subject as they are to various vicissitudes, and all kinds of climate, wet and dry, night and day, they find catarrh to be their most insidious and everpresent foe. In the barracks and on the field, Peruna 'is equally efficaci ous, Taken in time, it will absolutely prevent catching cold. Ex-Lieut. U.S. N » short period, I| avy "The use of your Peruns as a remedy and cure for catarrh by many of my friends who have been benefited Uy the same, as well as my own experience as to its efficacy and good tonic properties causes me to recommend it to all persons."'-- James M, Morgan. your valuable | PE-RU-NA CURES THROAT CATARRH. | James A. Greer. «1 can cheerfully recommend your remedy, Peruns, to my triends and other sufférers as one of the best remedies I have ever t.'»d for catarrhal troubles of the throat and kindred dt.cases. I also consider Peruna a grand tonic."--Admiral ! [FOR COUGHS AND COLDS. | «1 have nsed your Peruna with satisfaction and can cheer fully recommend the remedy as an effective remedy for coughs and colds."--Rear-Admiral J. A. Howell. USED PE- RU-NA IN HIS FAMILY. | [ PE-RU-NA AN ABSOLUTE SPECIFIC. After a cold has become established, Peruna will break it up quicker thai shy other remedy known to maa. Even after 3 cold has become settled the body Peruna can be relied upon to promptly dispel it. Peruna will cure catarrh, whether acute or chronic, but o few doses taken in the first stages of the disease will be more effective than when the disease has become chronfc, if you suffer from catarrh in any form, do not neglect Take Peruna st once. Delays in dia Celebrate By Wearing a Pair of New Shoes We have many different styles for you to and high shoes, laced, men, women, boys and in Brown, Black and choose from--low shoes button and Blutcher-- for girls. White. We have them If you admire neat and natty foolwear don't fail to inspect our assortment. results. in some organ of Corps, C. J. Porter. eulogy from £0 many as Peruna. such matters re 5 the 24th VU $ Abernethy's KEW YoRR bio CHINESE Restau rant o 83 Princess Street an a 30 ma oy 8.00 am Launch Eras all round kinds on Chinese Shoe Store New Lettering in Cemeteries a Specialty 2 $ JAS. MULLEN, 372 Princess 5t., Opposite '3. M C.A. 9 (anadian Chinese Restaurant . 331 King Street Open from 10.30 a.m. to 3.00 am Lune Tt place to get an all round ch tn the city; Meals of all kinds on ra notice. English and Chinese" *s a specialty. Phone 658. Uptown Bicycle Depot » i he : Auction Sales Book your sale of Furniture at once and get choice of date. uct all the important sales and ealize the hichest prices. 'Phone, . JOHN H. MILLS The Leading Auctioneer ' Jones, 293 Princess Street. om ig Careful selection o mparison of values, T Bag ae Sad t of high grade "Wheels of truction, and nati) ap- 8t prices both ENTIC- o, FYING, a 5 t and sold. Sough; nd, Sneet. Second hand Wheels | "J have used Peruns in my family with the most fiattering «] can recommend your valuable remedy as a most efficient remedy for coughs, colds and catarrh."--Col. U. 8. Marine No remedy ever yet devised has received such unstinted Wo havo on file thousands of testimonials like those piven above. We can give our readers only a glimpse of the vast array of endorsements Dr. Hartman 1s receiving. i J points in Canada at renowned statesmen and military men In Connection With Canadian Pacific Railway VICTORIA DAY Single Fare Going May 23rd May 25th, 1966. Full particulars nt K. & P. and C: I. It. Ticket Office, Ontario street. F: GONWAY, F.A. FOLGER, JR, Pass. Agent. Gen. Supt. Bay of Quinte Railway Tweed, Napanee, and all local points: Traine Hall Depot at 4 pm. F. Agent B. Q. Ry., Kingston. ND TRUN VICTORIA DAY Thursday, May 24, 1906 Ronnd trip tickets and 24th, returning Gen. New short line lop Deseronto, leave CiLy CONWAY, LEAS a0 SYSTEM wilt be sold to all Single First Class Fare Good going an all trains Wednesday and Thursday, May 23rd and 24th. Valid returning from destination om or before Friday, May 25th, 1906, For tickets, Pullman actommodation and sll other information apply to J. P. HANLEY, Agent. Office--Oor. Joknston and Ontario Sts. ALLAN LINE Reveyian MONTREAL TO LIVERPOOL. May 17, June 14, July 12. Vietorian, Muy 24, June 21, July 19, Tonian; May 81, June 28, July 26, Virginiaa, June 7, July 5, Aug. 2 MONTREAL TO GLASGOW, (moderate rate service.) y Mongolian, May 16, June 20, July Corinthian, May 23, June 27, Aug. and weekly thereafter. ¥ For rates, apply to J. P. HANLEY, Agent, G. T, R., J. P.GILDER- 25. 1. ------------ os = JERVAS' Soorectionery I Store . . First Class Confectionery Store and Ice Cream Parlor. Pure Cream, with "érushed fruits used. A _ constant supply of fipe fresh Camlies, s H_JSRVAS, 220 Princess Street L Next to Opera House, SLERVE. Try Mywrs', "Home: p i THE DAILY smmse 3 WALKS TO BE LAID BY THE CITY. DURING THIS SEASON. CONDENSED ADVERTISING | There - Are SixtyThree So Far borne street to North street, street to Bing street. street to Colborne. Clergy to Barrie street. Deacon rio to Arch street. street to Clergy sirvet. Coss street to Quen street, deau street to Bagot street. point. WAI, . ¥ Passed U Are Locat- | RATES A GENERAL SERVANT, AT TRE- HELP WANTED-FEMALE. |. PURNISHED = ROOMS. wont Park, Apply to 98 Bago: ¥i., ed if All Parts of the City. First insertion, 1c. a word. Fach con: West. University Avenue. The following 8re the permanent scoutive insertion thereafter ic. & RYE Ke -- : : sed. 1 T™wWO GIRLS 70 SERVE: 1C a . % walss passed upon by the orty council yard Rien charge for one in Cream. Apply to H. Jervas, 3 STORAGE Srage yor _FURKE. and which are te be consiructed this} Agee 4 lines of under & week, M1. Princess stress. ----- street. TNA ; Centre street, west side, from Union Clergy street, west side; from Queen Colbome strect, north side, from gtroet, south side, irom Bar-| Division street, west side, irom Earl Division street, east side, from Prin- Dufferin street, north wide, from Ri-} Earl street, south side, from Clergy street to Barrie street, thence south to Clergy, thence northerly to starting Earl street, north side, from Divi: sion street to University avenue. Frontenac street, - east side, Johnson street to Brock street. from Gore street, south side, from Wel lington- street to Bagot street. Johnson street, south side from Barrie street to Division street, Johnson street, morth side, from Al bert street to AMred strect Johnson street, south side from Frontenac street to Albert street. King street, cast: side, from Place d'Armes to Barragk street. King street, north side, Eller- beck street east 470 feet. Montreal 'street, cast mide , from James street to John strect. North street, south side, from Bar rie strect to Ordnance street. O'Kill street, south side, from Ear rie street to George street, Ordnance 'street, south side, from North street, to Olergy street. Ordnance street, south side, from Sydenham street to Montreal street. Princess street, north side, from - vision street' east 53G feet. Queen street, south side, from Bar rie street to Chapman street. Raglan Road; south side, from Ba got street to Montreal street. Rideau street, west side, from Duf ferin street to Uatarayui street. Stuart street, south side from Lawrence avenue to Albert street. Sydenham street, . cast side, from Ordnance street to Queen street. Sydenham street, west side, from Ordnance "street 10 Colborne street. University avenue, east side, from Earl street to. J Wellington street, west, side, from Gore street to Union street. West - street, east side, from Earl street to . »denham street. West street, east side, from ham street south 141 fees. Willian: street, north side, King street to Ontario street. Wellington street, west side, from Union to West street, thence norther- ly along West street to Union street. Clergy street, east side, from Frio- cess street to Wueen' street. . Barrie stroevl, east side, from Wil liam street to Johnson. Albert strect, cast side from Stuart start north, 86 feet. ] Bagot street, west side, from John street north 219 feet, Barrie street, cast side, from street to Colborne 'street, Charies street, north side, from Ri- deau street to Bagot street. Clergy street, cast side, from Prin cess street to Brock stréet. Division street, cast side, from Queen street to Colborne street. Division street, east side, from Rus sell street forth 2,547 feet, Earl street, south side, from Bagot street west 250 feet, Johnson street, north side, from On- tario street east 129 feet. King' street, north dide, 'from Bever- ly street west 160 feet 7 inthes, King street, west. side, from Bar rack street south 183 feet, King street, west side, from Place d'Armes tg Barrack street. Ordnance street, north side, Wellington street to Rideau. Place d' Armes, south side. from King street to Ontario street, Princess north side, Alfred street to Nelsom strect incess street, north side, from Vie toria street to a point opposite Re: gent street. Princess street, south gide from Al fred street to Victoria street. Princess street, south side from Vic torig street to Recent street. | Queen street, south side, from King street to Ontario street, 81. Lawrence avenue, west side, from Stuart street south 106 feet. Wellington street, east side, from Place d'Armes north 190 feet. Wellington street, west side, from Ordnance street north 260 feet. Wellington street, east side, from Queen street, to Princess street, Wot street, south side, from King street east 121 feet, from St. Syden- from Queen from street, from What's in a name 22*Nothine," on Jedx it is backed up by the highest class of goods - mohey, can buy. Conkev's" means the choice of royalty. Sold only at Gibson's Red Cross drug store . ------------------------------------ FEN PAINTERS) IMMEDIATELY, ON eee -------------- COMPOSITOR, EXPERIENCED, USED nd k 'up of "Me Steamer Turbiuia. at the Gove ernment Dry Dock. PLUMBERS AND TINSMITHS HELP-]CITY AND FARM PROPERTIES. | ers. Apply Simmons Bros. Our plan. No sale. No pay. De - ---- partment "D.." 203 Wellington St. AMERICAN ENCYCLOPEDIA, NEW. IA NES PWELLINGS, _ FOR , $8, HES San Special reuse. 'Apply through Whiz to display setti MAY THE 5 a FIRST. A SOLID BRICK a le MEA YOUR TO WARTS CEAS BE wants when you advertise them in the Whig. ME GOOD SECOND-HAND WALL tents, about 12x16 feet, cheap for boys camp. >A. Apply to Y.M.C -------------------------------- UPHOLSTERING, REPAIRING, CAR- forms. British he: THE ONLY AVAILABLE _ FIRST Apply R class vacant Jot. on Lower Union St. . EXPERIENCED RING FRAME SPIN. Peautifal view of city park. Apply . : k nors. Good wages. Apply Joseph 208 Wellington St.. Dept. "D. FIRST CLASS SITUATED, AND Simpson Sons, Toronto. constructed brick LT ISES. AT 188 AND 160 modern _lmprot TWO HOUSES. A ny : HELP, THE YEAIL ROUND. SITU. u_ St. ¥ rooms each, modem deta oP anite » P * ations vacant, domestics. hotel and improvement with hot water heat near ist ureh. KS factories. Department "B." 308 ing. Apply to J. Craig on Premises. next wonth, to + White Wellington street. een bread, 19 b! . or, | TWO.STOREL. NIT, l0OMR SoLlD te Boy OVER 14 YEARS OF AGE, bi welling, property in class % who can sam $3 to 86 week. condition. ood, JuSAIItY, tos FROM. x a as + " Apply to . . Gould &L0., Cor. price , . Apply " rect King and Queen streets. . St. Dept. "D." lawn, situate on om nee out 3 JE CE 1 POLO PONY, CHESTNUT: HEIGHT. N p BREAD RY de Bed on]! 18:3, woud exoelient indica 'ancdic 70 Clarence Moyment id od Ww p°1 a pony, perfectly «a . ould mal plovient und ped "ehges "Married | FL Senod "hack. Apply Sumy: te : side,' Umsion street. A "FAIRVIE . TY FIRST SALESMEN, FOR AUTO-SPRAY | necineNcE OF LATE DR. HERALD, closn hilar hedutionty. | locus; Hest compressed-air hand: Sprayer 90 King St. All_modern filiprove. wade. . Hi perio, dining and wade, Literal ters. = Sawuble wents, hot- water ting, . gas and ception summer and Winior machine free to apbroved aments.| © gloctric' light. Central location, For kitchens, 'bedrooms, i ig Cavers Bros., Gait, Ont. full information, y to BE pantries, ms, hangin, ---------------------------------------------------- Florsey, 6 Market street. yearly tehanay, Ju fllata GENTLEMEN TO HAVE THEIL sion. Apply during du 8 po pressed _S dea Bi _ SPLENDID INVESTMENT, OWNER gl alnuten Bt, after 6 pau, at 810 hand ; miso bring your cloth. and retiring, Four, (4) mood tonnce- hert atreet. % have an up-to-date suit made. Gallo- ts. Three (3) that rent for over 4 epee Way's, 181 Broek streets ay and pt \ivine -- { 4 ® OTS Yprertntosmenimslomsssm op -------------- Good clean locality. ARCHITE - . oh MEN AND BOYS TO LEARN PLUMB. trade txbiiatied. ane, rehaltn ing, Plastering, Bricklaying. Special nee N anitar con 3 r i offer life scholarship 8ity dollars, Price, $3.400. Particul mm, NEWLANDS. ARogrTBoY. PAF easy payments ; position and Union Wellington St., Dept. *D store, corner Princess and Bagot card guaranteed ; free catalogue, strects. Entrance on Bagot street. Coyne Bros., Trade Schools, New "Phone, 608. po York, Chicago, St. Louis. LOST. . s pie : = | POWER & BON. A \ -- ehant's Bank Bulldine, corner ANTED. A BLACK LEATHER FOR, WITH o W Sanya pearl buckle and FOR. VIEH] and Wellington streets, 'Phone, 213: eee -------------- 'A PURSE CONTAINING BHIS AND Mts. Reward for ts return to this ET ip : Office. HENRY P, SM ARCHITROT, ward for its return to this C0. ARTHUR B S. ARCHITECT, oF. fice site of New mbar core ner of Queen treal streets. small change, on Monday. on ei Brock, Wellington, Princess or King BUSINESS CHANCES, PEOPLE TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF the splendid Sproriunity afforded Ly this 'column. If you want a élerk, a \soaRD AND ROOMS. Em m---- «EEE TWO FURNISHED ROOMS TO HE let in pleasant house in wood location, without hoard : references required unless applicants are known. Address "H. T." care Whig oflice. PRIVATE TNOARD AND ROOMS, AT 428 Princess street. Vaurhn Terrace. Many Women have Kidney Trouble J i | . THE GENTLE KIDNEY PILL THE BOARD OF TRADE -- Will Hold a Meeting on Friday Evening. A meeting of the council of the Board of Trade was held, last' even: ing, at the 'office of the president, W. T. Minnes. It was decided to call a meeting of the board for Friday even- ing, to discuss two important ques- tions, viz: the light plant extension bylaw and the selection of quarters. The council of the board is strongly in favor of the light by-law, and de sires an expression from the board as a whole. # v Nervous? As to quarters, a place both central and commodious is desired. A gene ersl meeting room, secretary's room, reading room and a room for cards and billiards are what must be pro- vided. The hoard has now a mem: bership 'of 120; and this will likely be inercased to 150 hedore the summer is ended. Several important matiers are before the council of the board. Better mil: wav connection and the erection of an Kotel are the chief. pe pets to clean und lay, screens made. : nvemness Tot do Shen a vi {DELTI FHAK ___UTLEIDGLY MONEY AND h street. in this column. To brings rSeuith, it is read bY over 20, bookkeeper, - servant; a in Inet, hen of eny nd, a sma advt, Ww DUNLOP COVERS, $285 EACH, supply it. The cost is small ; the re- Cats sponse prompt and sure. Fverything eras any 1 | Youge St. BEAGLE DOG, BLACK, WHITE AND people every day. : . ARTICLES FOR SALE, LOST OR STOLEN. i Wash belts with pretty buckles, 1%, | New York Dress Reform. L a new suit. If you are not prepared for this day of all days, come in and let us fix you up. SUMMER CLOTHING of every description. In fact we can say © | without fear of contradiction that we have the swellest range of SUMMER SUITS shown in the city, They are up-to-the-minute in style, and are tailored as only first-class tailors know how. Store Open Wednesday Evening Wednesday night. Come and see us. Roney & Two Methods Adopted By the night's meeting of the city council a8 i el to the best method of issuing debes- | (wires that the city tures. It seems that Kingston's local improvement debentures are in a bentnres, in that nu sinking fund 'i% a fay provided. The interest! is paid hall who try. Tastily seasoned and yegely, and a certain portion of the|®wp in Be. and 10c. tins. lain tan, answers to the pame "Tuek." Information requested hy Capt. W. S. Hughes, 182 King street. : MEDICALS. MISCELLANEOUS. i R. McCARTRY., OEFICE LATELY | FARM HELP, AND A OTHER % kinds of help Lg t occupied BY ns an, corner Mon Minds, Sone ne treal 3 The Day We Celebrate Will soon be with us. You or the boy will want We shall offer several lines at special prices for 127 Princess Street. iad tory. By thé others method, the city ' ISSUE OF DEBENTURES, pays the intwrest sud. g pars of the require to look "after the "investment of a sinking fund. In the case of local improvement debentures, 'the Taw establish a sinks ing fund. \ ne Clark's Pork And Beans, Always a favorite. It satisfies [City Council. + The question was reised at Monday manner from the other de principal is put each vear into a sinks flavored with" chili or in~ fund, so that at the end of the' De ee ai phat for, ae principal is fully provi or, city has' to invest this sinking fund to the best advantage. though ofttimes it is able to get only - three percent hank interest, whereas it four and a hall per cent. on the de- Iwiitires. Tt is for that reason that the other method is considered hy thal city treasurer as the more -satisfac- wa

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