digest food and drive out the | This Js why Cascarsts differ from cll pa Cathartics and Whirl- id Drugs that help today at tomorrow" expense. Cascarets are the only Bowel and Liver - do not need to be used in larger dodes every month you use them. The time to use a Cascaret is when you first suspect you need one. 'They only way to have them ready to use precisely when you need them is to carry them constantly in you do a Watch or a \ . The ten cent box of Cascarets is made at the very thin, flat, round-edged, and small, X80 purpose, ., Xo Be very careful to get the genuine, made only by the Sterling Rémedy Com- in Revolt,and pany and neversold in bulk. Every tablet retarded for 24 stamped CCC." 2 fo adjust them is the 2c! they rieed adjust- ing. p adfust the watch is own, or when. the e famous booklet, ** Curse of Constipation,' Free for the ask- Address Sterling Remedy C. | Here are some of tho gains in 1005 of as en Co. R pany, Galn In INCOME - - Gain In ASSETS - - Galn in SURPLUS | Gala In INSURANCE - $3,720,084.00 | Amount of Insurance OWN EVERYTHING CONTROL EVERYTHING GET EVERYTHING HEAD OFFICE: S.ROUGHTON District Agent, Kingston AL NOTICE Fad lodge them. Ideal interiors for hpmes, offices, public buildings. UANT TO THE WINDING UP igh Court 'of Justice 'Worth knowing more shout. Write fi Catalogue and Classic Kids Booklet, This i the Sheet Metal Age. n + and the specified hig' 14th day of May, 1906, JAMES 8: CARTWRIG Am 8 = Official Put in your tank at our dock. large étock of Dry Bat: ik Hi 5 5 g / : : 4 J i i 1° i 4 g i a? = : © YOULDEN M : LIMITED. i 7 5 R: 1 Roselle now's New Play--Five of | the Terry Family to Appear in ; Act of "Much Ado ad TB ERT IR meovel "4 is to be dra- | 'matized by the author. ¥ i] comedy, "Lindy Indetick jit As. You. Like. 18." has bought. a new Clements, of Boston, who yg heli , who is at' present during her eugage- E 2 Ip London both *'Nero" and 'His House in Order' have passed their hundredth performance, and may he tlescribed as still going strang. Sir Charles Wyndham will bring his company for a tour of the United 'States next year, beginning in Japu- ary and continuing until ter. Be Koven"s new opera, "The Stu- dent King," opened last week in Roch ester, Lina Abarbanelli, a German comedienne, has been engaged for it. Undoubtedly the most popular actress of the lunghsh stage and, for nmny yoors, assoouited with the late Henry irving in Shakespearean plays, recently celebrated "her fiftieth jubilee as actress, She qoade her first appearance on Apri Nth, 1806, at the ape of eight years playing the part of ""Mamitius' in Fhe Winter's Tule' at the Princess theatre, London. "Ihe Littde Cherub," a recent 'Eng- lish musical comedy, will be presented '§ at the Criterion theatre, New York, in August, with Hattie Williams in the leading role. Frank Worthing will play the lead- ing role with Mrs, Patrick Campbell in "The Whirlwind." He was in Kings- ton with Ellis Jelireys in "The Fas- cinating Mr. Vandervelt." Two regular theatres will be opened this year in Berlin, where all the plays will be given by. marionettes, They, will play classical dramas, and special plays will also be written, for the companies, : Instead of returning to France, Sara Berphardt has decided on a season in Australia, and with her entire com- pany sails for the Antipodes in a few weeks. On her return she will re sume her American tour. #" Haddon Chambers' new play, "Sir Anthony," which was expected to have had_a . hearing in New York - next spring, will not be brought out until next fall. The production will be made jointly by George C. Tyler and Frank Curzon. Olga Nethersole has arranged with Mr, Porel, formerly Rejane's husband, for a season in Paris. The company hjiens: on June lst, 'and the reper- toire will include "I'he Second Mrs, Tanqueray," "Magda," "'Camille," and "Sapho." All arrangements have been com- pleted for 'the production of Wilton ckaye's own dramatization of "Les Miserables." The piece will be put in rehearsal this summer and produced carly next fall, with Mr. Lackaye in the character 'of Jean Valjean. Forbes Robertson who will visit America in 1906-7, will open at Mons treal, then visit Ottawa and. ffom thence go to Toronto. He will + con: fine himself to Shakespearean plays while here, but will produce "Mrs, Grundy" later on in the states. Ada Reeve, the English variety star, will receive a total salary of $25,000 for nine weeks' work in South Africa this spring. She will appear only at Messrs. Hyman's two thea- tres, the Empire, Johannesburg, where she opened last Monday night and will remain six weeks, and the Tivoli, Cape Town. Henrietta Crossman has accepted a play by Thémas Buchanan, entitled H Don't. Care Mary." It is a comedy and she will give it a test this spring on her tour to the Pacific coast, with son before she appears in "'Pilgrim's January, in New York, ale? Thin? How is it with the children these days? Have they plenty of grit, courage, strength? Or are they thin, pale, delicate? This reminds you of Ayer's Sarsaparilis, It does great things for children. It gives them a good appetite, improves their diges- tion, builds up their general health. Ask your doctor if he endorses this. Burnett's mew Ellis Jelit ys has secured the Am- | 'rican rights of W. S. Maughan's new. £0 ot 1 Af Mrs, try is said to contemplate 1aking ber vompany to Paris shortly | Pvp {in Hoston, will, ! 'there, Sy. ne play, "The Conver-|. a view to presenting it carly next sea- Progress," which is to be produced in According to the latest "fashion plates =the prevailing styles in' play- houses \his spring 'makes canvass the popular material. As usual the fash- eri tage. 1899, in lrance, owing to ber poverty was but in a grave secured wooden cross. The grave will be ight and a suitable monu- May Irwin anndiinces that she has provided in her will for the establish- ment of.a $100,000 fund for the build- i i of a national 000. The will itself has been deposited in Miss Irwin's véult at the Fifth avenue bank. ; Olga Nethersoll's American tour closed in Rochester last Saturday. The English star has arranged to return next Novemher for a prolonged tour embracing the south and the far west, over which territory she has not hitherto ventured, at the close of which she proposes to return to New York, for the purpose of putting on a Shak rean play, in all probability "The Nerchant of Venice." Chicago is to have an endowed thea tre of its own. Steinway Hall, in that city, will be converted into a regular playhouse, at an expenditure of $500, kein raised and $25,000 worth of sca- son tickets has already been sold. It is planned to open the theatre Octo- ber 1st and to give fifteen plays dur- ing a season of thirty weeks. The programme will cover a wide range of dramatic literature, including plays of different nations, both classic and modern. Mrs. Patrick Campbell has taken te Criterion theatre for the London sei son, and commences her management with the production of "The Whirl- wind," Harry Melvill's translation of "La Rafale." " This will be preceded each evening by the first act of *Un- dines" by W. L. Courtney. Mrs. Camp- bell's further arrangements are the production of a mew romantic cos- tume play by thé Hon, Mrs. Alfred Lyttelton and several revivals ° from her repertoire, including "Beyond Hu- man Power." Miss Roselle Knott will play = next season in @ new historico-romantic drama, "The Duchess . of Devonshire," written by Mrs. Doremus. This piece, which if we remember right, was play- ed in its original form a' year or two ago by another eminent actress, but withqut complete success, is being rounded into shape by Charles Major. Major is reported to have been largely responsiblé for the clever dramatiza- tion of his own novel, in which Miss Knott i& now appearing, and it is thought likely that he will turn his permanent attention to the stage. The Fiskes are being cast out of their dramatic home in New York, the Manhattan theatre, by expropriation for the Pennsylvania tummel, and plans are on foot for a magnificent new playhouse near Times Square. Mean- while the Lyric will be leased from the Shuberts. Mrs. Fiske and the Manhat- tan company will begin their season in the West in October and will open at the Lyric in November in Langdon Mitchell's new comedy, "The New York Idea." Bertha Kalich will ap- ear at the Lyric in September in er new modern play, and will occupy that stage until the coming of Mrs. Fiske, when she will start on her sec- pond American tour under Mr. Fiske's direction. Late in the spring, as has been announced, Mrs, Fiske and Ma- dame Kalich will make a joint tour. There is now a big demand for one act pieces, The output of these tiny plays is tremendous but only a few possess the action necessary to their acceptance by the patrons of the vau- deville houses. It is required that as much . action as marks the average three or four act play be coropressed into one act, whose duration may be only twenty minutes. This task is so difficult that at present a fruitful field is open for anyone who can qualily in the art to produce a serviceable playlet. One of the best of the recent crop of one act plays that has merit- ed the unanimous praise of the critics ie "I'he Little Blonde Lady" which Hope Booth is producing in the Proe- tor theatres. The story shows the de vious means by which an actress scores over a hostile dramatic critic. Although several New York theatres have closed and managers are prepar- ing for the scason of roof gardens, the end of the legitimate drama is not in sight, and from present indica- tions many of the. successful plays will remain until well into the hot summer months. At least two of these seats are on sale to the first of July. The remarkable spectacle is fur- two theatres which were recently strange condition of affairs, especially the continued run of the successful plays into the summer, arouses the since by this time the regular' York theatre goers have already seen |Simzwimes fedres | fact that were it not for the floating 000. A guarantee fund of £30,000 has |' ORANGE MEAT extra good. WASHING TANKS 5 be half as particular as we arc--and save lots of money. Only--Orange Meat would not be the deliciou; delicacy--the brain and body building food it is--if we were not-so insistent on cleanliness, After the wheat comes into our grain <levators from the steamers, it goes into huge vats, filled with 0 water. Here the wheat is thoroughly *'scrubbed" until 'every riny, grain is "clean as a new pin,' Bh Pre _~ Then, it's washed ance more with. fresh water ¢fjust to make sure." These extra * extra machinery--all mean extra expense to us. But they certfinly help to make Here's what one Mother in Sterling says about it :-- Orange ** After seeing advertisements of Orange Meat and d its healthful qualities, we decided to try it. During the last six mopths, it has been continually in our house and we have used between 70 and 100 packages. My Meat husband and children prefer Orange Meat to all foods : : i we have tried," Orange Meat weighs ¥5 more than any other package. - At all grocers==15c. and 25c. 15¢. package contains a coupon, good for new premiums. 2 5c. size holds 214 times the quantity of 1 §¢. size. Write <"Orange Meat, Kingston," for new premium catalogue. Talks on Orange Meat : Absolute Cleanliness Free, It costs us twice as much to have Orange Meat abe clean--and 'does not cost YOU a penny extra. ely washings pe vie who has one. olin 0 A " THE H. R. IVES CO, Limited, Every housekeeper wants her bed- rooms richly furnished in modern style. The light, graceful lines of the Ives Brass Beds breathe an atmosphere of beauty and dignity. And they wear as well as they look. v : It is the careful attention to the details of construction shown in the Ives Brass Beds that has given them the reputation of being the best manufactured on the American continent. Examine them for yourself, compare them with: others, or, better still, ask somehody Look for the Label. Carried by all Reputable Furniture Dealers, + a MONTREA e have made the announcement that nished by the reopening this week, of closed. Tt is possible, that two others | will soon follow suit. To many, this query as to the source from = which these plays derive - their tronage ow fh. This is casily answered when the fact is brought forward tit there are in this city thousands of transients from: all over the country who are om their way to Europe or on a visit to | other cities in the east or on business bent as buyers, for the stores through- out the country. It it a well known population that fills. the hotels and theatres of New York, the year around, this metropolis would hard- ly rize above the level of other great cities, in. theatrical importance, LORD MEXBOROUGH WEDS An Italian Lady Widow of Eng- lishman. The announcement of lord Mexbor- ~ough's marriage to an Italian lady, who is the widow of an Englishman, will remind many people that he is a Buddhist, or at least is said to accept Buddhism as the only plausible expla- ation of this inexplicable scheme of things. Lord Mexborough has been a widow- er for nearly six years. He has at present no children, and his title will presumably go to his half brother, John Savile. There used to be a beautiful seat in the family--Methley park, just outside Leeds. But 'Leeds has grown larger and more smoky year after year, so that the rural peace of Methley is now marred by the city populations near, and - by the threatening clouds of smoke that sometimes blow toward it. Some time ago Lord Mexborough bought another house on Wimbledon common, which would seem to show that he likes the neighborhood of great cities. He -is a great traveller and has written books about the places he has seen. But he has, at any rate, visit- ed the places before writing the books which is more than can be said for some authors of "travel impressions." PERSONALLY CONDUCTED. A Tour to Elks' Convention, Denver, Colo. Via New York Central lines, twelve- day tour. All expenses included' in ing-room and 'compartment sleepers, buffet, library and dining cars, will leave Utica. Syracuse, Rochester and lufialo, Friday, July 13th. Experien- ced New York Central representative in charge. Option of lake tw) re- turning from Chicago, Detroit or Cleveland to Buffalo. Ask any New York Central agent for full informa- tion and copy of itinerary. r-- An Honest Man. Banks--Are you crazy, man ? Why on earth are vou asking for a straw with, your highball ? Tanks--Because I've just promised my wife that I'll. never again put a whiskey glass to my lips. Teacher--Why was Solomon "callad a a Fao in the world ? right pupil--Because he had sew hundred ---- - "How is that?" : "Well, my father says it takes a mighty smart 'man to manage ene wile, Long Hair Injurious. Few women look after the ends of the hair, which are bound to 'split in time, Fhe longer the hair the great- er the care, naturally. But split hairs mean 'a ragged head covering and look woefully untidy. It is not wise to al- low the hair to grow too long. It is hard to care for and ndver does up to advgntage. More. . than - that, the weight 1s apt to weaken the roots, Abundant hair, long enough to ar- range. neatly in any of the sensible, prevailing styles, is a joy in a right minded wi 8 4 2 A Home Institution. The London Life is a Canadian Company. Its investments are alt made in- Canada, and in only the best of securities. A favorable mortality on the one hand, with large interest earnings and no investment losses on the other, is bound to produce splendid results. Before deciding definitely, it will' pay you to investigate the record and policies of the rate. Special train of Pullman draw- J the sallow, pimpled face, dark circled e form, stunted development, bashful, countenance and timid bearing proc world his folly and tend to blight his c> treatment positively cures all weak men t oming and removing tue effccts Sidon ar indiferetions ar excesses, lt ¥tops all losses and drains a y restores the patient fo what nature intend and Ha han with physical, meatal au 4 ers comple' o, For over 25 years Drs, K. & K. have tr the greatest success alld 0 : Af you have any secret disease that is a wor amenaceto your health consnit old established | iaus who do not have to experiment on you. We guarautee to cure Nervous Debility, Biood for a Question Blank for Home Treatment. 148 Shelby Street, d 9 Detroit, Mich. 9 6 : girments--the Whitewear of Quality. ei ili , ~ Everyisemtti is double-scwn. 'There's nothing skimped, © Made to wash and wear, - At all high-class dry-goods stores. Look for the MNveryi" Bel. If your dealer fails you, ask us, and we'll tell you where to go. THE MINERVA MFG. CO., LIMITED, =~ = TORONTO, ONT. Disesces, Stricture, Varicoccle, Kidney and Bladder | Diseases, Consultation Free. If unable to call, write § requi ditions connect, the following pv (1) At least nd cultivation he settler mu in writing to | minion Lands at LAE | syNOrsis' o £5 aunum from $50 to $1( any g A free miner, plags, may, 00 fect. The _fee . rn At least $100 faim each 'year corder if lieu been nuded b! expends wpon having a complying with chase the land erm of twenty discretion of the The ' lessee shs ation . within on Je lodges for ea ver anh for o Royalty at the r ed on the outpu! Deputy ol the N.B.--Unautho ndvertisement w 4 TENDERS SEALED 7. Ste. Marie, OU this qffice until 1906, 'ineclusivel, Mary's River a according to a pl cation and ford the office of J. Engineer, Confe Toronto, on an master at Saul Algoma, Ont., Public Works, ( Persons tende) ders will not b on the printed with their actu Kach tender an accepted che made payable t ourable the Min six thowsand « will be forfeitec decline to enter called upon to complete the wi tender be not 1 be returncd. The Departme accent the lowe By Department of Ottawa Newspapers i meot 'without 1 partment, will The best ol Baseball ¥ Balls, Bats tors for av al teams. Angre 88-90 mm ------ Do You Citizens of I siring to stor ample {facilitie ling on W. G 209 Queen All goods le . the best of es Clean, Dr; C P