NO. 123. ~ YEAR 78. is the best remeq Tabs a All goods will be sold without reeerve. We will not remove any of our stodk to the new store. Now is the time for bargains. Robt. J. Reid The Leading Underiaker 222 Princess Street. Two Doors Above the Opera House | Telephone 577. AT VAN ILUVEN'S Own Brapd Pure Baking Powder, , Is} 13d. 2, I 6d oad | my accompanies' sech bottle, VENPORT, Quart Sealers, 25e., 1. Ib. tins 18e Limited, LONDON, S. W, Biscuits and Triscuits, 3 pkas yi riserved Peaches, large tins toodwillies Choice Fruits in ar 2c Marmalade in glass, 10e. and 15¢c; Green Uage Plums, in cans, 10c. Lombarb Plums, in €ans, 10c. Blueberries, in cans, 10ec. 3 tins S fted Peas, 20c. California Prunes per 1h. 10c. and 124c¢ Bospia Prunes, 4 lbs, 2 Fearman's Breakfast hali or whole side per bh. 7c. Matthew's Cooked, Ham. Jellied Veale, Sliced, 20¢. Co 1 Bpef, Sliced, 16c. Ham Bologna, Sliead, 15c. Fresh Ureen Vegetables, ete 'F. W. VAN LUVEN 246 Princess Street. 'Phone 417. WHEN YOU WEAR Our Shoes you wear the best footwear to be had in King- ston ing for a moderate ar or soon a pair of at he can do it ifhe get his shoes here pf shoes here for the same ther case it's a saving. rem {A. E. HEROD! ORDERED FOO1WEAR Take good care of Toes feet ; they deserve it. They eady and our YOUNG twist and kink of fashion ters. * Come try a pair of ¢ need special attention. A pair ' ' ¢ofl my Boots give rest and comfort. 286 Princess Street hh hh hd and & Bro. d Shoemaking very, 1906 DRURY Until Further Notice y the Hundred--50 to 100 ba. 30¢ CWL.; 100 Ibe. and over 18c. pr Book your sale and get choice of da enlize the highest prices. Phone, 665: JOHN H. MILLS Javes' Confectionery First €lass Confectionery Store and Io Cream Parlor. Pure Cream, wit fruits used. A constant suppl of fine fresh Candies. OF months of July and August only, ibe; daily, $1.40 per month. -E HOUSE I accounts will be collected monthly: » Town Office, 374 Princess stiwet. ne, 497. wx Town Office, 235 'Wellington St: crushed _Nexs to Opara House. me, 443. First-cluss hand work guaranwead. Giv me a trial. Goods called for an Parcels delivered. 188 Division St. JIM LE NESS FOR SALE. GOLDEN LION GROCERY, I wii Furniture, PAY odd prices for For trading, ing or selli ®o better place --_-- Mayine 398 Princess Street. tartélys horse radish can not be ruled: always pure and 6 fresh. bottlis, Ie, Azk tour grocer for Red Cross trpg store. Fresh there. Na A al | | Auction Sales of Furpiture at once 1 conduct all the important sales and The Leading Auctioneer 'Store H. JERVAS, 220 Prisicess Street New Laundry Cor. Garrett GROCERY AND LIQUOR BUSH KING- DIRECT FROM TURK useful Carpets. Stoves and all other Turk's Second-Hand Store by Large Buy Bu Ju Kidney Pills at Gibson's ' Wales born, 1867. WHIG TELEPHONES. 24 P-Dusiness Office. a very pretty line of old "Blue Willow" in odd China Plates, Cups and Saucers, etc. Also a com- plete line of the old blue "Onion" pattern in pretty shapes and very cheap. ..ROBERTSON BROS.. NRAAAARAAMAAY From Trapper to Wearer MRA Collectors, Exporters and Manufacturers 3 WN SR EY 2 * Kingston, - TRNRRARIA RRA RRA BY JOHN H. MILLS AUCTION SALE OF FURNITURE "Queenscote,". the residence of Mrs. R. T. Walkem, part of the effects Wednesday Morning AT 10.30 AM. JOHN H. MILLS, Auctioneer. "NOTICE THE PUBLIC OF KINGSTON WILL please take notice: that "I will not be @ | held responsible for any debts contracted hl in my name whatsoever after the first v | appearance of this notice. W. H. UFFORD, Kingston, Ont THOUSANDS ARE DEAD. Destroy Greater Part of Chinese City. Floods ° Tokio, May 26.--The Japanese con d| sul at Hsiang-Tan, in Hunan pro vince, China, sends additional details of the disastrous floods of the Siang river, reported some weeks ago. All the valleys along the river were inun dated, homes swept away by hundreds and thousands of men and animals wine. At Hsiang-Tan 6 broke ont and the greater part of the wall destroyed. Immense loss The Arch-Fiend Of The Age. modern leads to Catarrh whi! and annuall butchery--but consumption bined. The doctors now successfull er fails--"Catarrhozone," every type of catarrh. ery root 'and branch of the disease ex- If be feared. troubled with cold it. or h bronchitis or asthma, = use Catarr orone and you'll be cured forever, ALFONSO 1S RADIANT -- AS HE RIDES BESIDE HIS i staff, SAN During the drive to the palace, la- diss, in balconies, loosed doves, and threw flowers into the landau, con- Canadian Furs taining the princess, until it was "nearly covered. The palace was reached at eight "o'clock, amid the 2 booming -of guns. iter the royal party had entered, several thousand persons were admitted to the great court vard, where Alfonso and Ena often that they are not clear. The J bill now reported authorizes four or nore rohnert lend) locations Not war, more deadly than ever this kills more than famine and war com- fight eatarrh with a remedy that nev- it's death to It destroys ev- so thoroughly. that a relapse nepd never nasal or throat catarrh, or subject to KINGSTON, AFFIANCED BRIDE. scene of "enthusiasm and rejoicing ever » S The fourteen a 3 i ny a the fron- | Dutton from _the hours" journey from followed. Gallagher tier, was one continued ovation, and mdre than once the young princess was unable to check her emotion and |® Man who wauld h od 1 grade the insignia of the order, shed tears. The record . hats he recorder" gave The Queen Mother Christina, ac- : The. ret ios o . compapied hy' ministers and other per A © 0. functionaries, received Princess Ena at Fl Pardo. After afiectionate greet ings had been exchanged, places were then taken in carriages to drive to the palace. Christina and Princess Ena occupied a landan, drawn by four fine mules, gaily caparisoned King Alfonso, looking radiantly happy, rode along side the carriage, and was followed by a Dbriliantly accoutred and others repegfedly responded from a balcony to the greetings. CTOAL Laws That Pogsession. Washington, May 20----The coal lands hws of the United States gre made applicable to Alaska in every particu- lar under a bill which has been order after the earthouake ant wre ed reported favorably by the senate | ( his energy and soldis Tike DE committee on public lands. The pro- | of action order in the terror visions for the emtrv of coal lands hy | stricken eity: Was Bresiov associations have been changed, 80 | to make entry and develop tracts of 640 acres, but still prohibits one per gon from locating "more than "160 { acres, The purpose is Yow nid in the de velopment of th lands. As passed by the house. associations were auth orized to develop 1,280 jeres, ONE SWEET KISS. Twenty Pupils Dismissed From An Academy. Andover, Mass., May 26.--Six more pupils were expelled from Phillips- | ( Andover Academy, making. a total of twenty who have thus far been so pun ished for participating in'the assault upon John M. Stewart, an innkeeper, last Friday night, when he thrown into a pond because some of was and including Sanders Reed s sop $ EE i DAN MEMORANDA, DID NOT LIKE MAN. -- : 4 he Pinned His Union Badge on Dog's ol styles 5 Collar. In Hats at Campbell Bros. Naterworks' Committee, 4 pom., Mon- : ; Ogdensburg, © X.Y. May 26.--The 4 day ; *} right of a bartender to refuse to serve ahr to men. St. Georze's ' Cathe drinks ordered by a sober customer . th. 1 in = Recorder Akin's The , ox was discuss i 4 . ple oun rises Sunday at of wn. | Ena's Emotions Sticred By | vo "URC ier named Gal or, © J. P. Ames' sa- . San Francisco Movin~ Pict: Grand (Ov fons. Iagher, employed at LN B Opera House, 8.15 pom. Ie, A ran The atl pe in course of waiting on the : go in history :--Bede, histprian, trade, was given the Bartenders' Inter . orn, 735; Charles 11 landed Mow py ' . 1060 ; Calvin died, 1563; Princess of national League of America grip ben customer nhmed Ward, ordered a round of drinks, Gallagher did and asked him his name. informed Gallagher smashed the whis- key and chaser glasses and declined to serve the drinks and ordersd the from the saloon, Ladies osed Doves, and Threw a warrant for the arrest of Gallagher, Flowers, on the Princess' Lan- ! churging him With using. insulting dau--Thousands Admitted to | language. Courtyard to Greet Her. Gallagher when arraigned before the LIC Madrid, May 26. The arrival of recorder explained us ht Hub by stat King Alfonso and Princess Ena, at ing that | 5 1 os i We had been We 'have just received [iu fume bf the most: remarkable | Spelled for _ tearing of, his emblem and pinning it to the « ollar of a dog. The president of the union rescued the throw up his job before he would serve Proved. himself Fighteen Yolorada! ni May Japan has San Francisco § chief supplies. An investigatior the. iron ore, zine deposits, powers of Canada. The king has d f the governor-g ntitled to be After thirteen y hs Trinity church, An electrical st sons amd fatally NERAL FRANK VESSTO the right place. when he of affairs in San Franasco PITH OF THE NEWS. i The Very "Latest Culled From Al Over The World. inches decided equal onnortunity Manchuria. May ONTARIO, SATURDAY MAY 26, who had just know the man As soon ar not man customer secured he dog and expulsion said he would ON de flagrantly hoth and men dismissed some the Tier t maa assumad of sow fl in Aird and 21th, to declare for for all nations in hus reecived up to 19th, 635 cars of to be made of and waler Lis cided that the wife eneral of Canada, is led her excelle . ears' service, J ws resigned as rector "1906. (DEFENDS Hi General Nogi og Stands Be. hind General Stoessel. THE TRUE RUSSIAN DID ALL THAT ONE MAN COULD DO. Bishop of Ripon Advocates Training Home fér the En- gaged Ones--Appeal for Funds to Enable Queen's Westminst- ers to Accept N.Y. Regiment's Challenge. London, May 26.--A despatel to the TelegFaph from Tokio says that in an interview with Gen. Nogi, in reference to the report that Gen. Stoessel' had been sentenced to death by a court martial for surrendering Port Arthur, the general declared that he doubted if the report was true, but he was convinced that if it were 50, Gen. Stocssel would accept the sentehoe with soldierly alacrity. Gen. Nogi warmly defended Gen. Stoessel against the attacks that have been made up. on his conduct at Port Arthur. He emphatically declared that he could not have done more in defence of the place, He underwent 'uninmginable I hardships. It is true that there Were enough provisions and am- munition to have lasted beyond the time of the surrender, but Gen. Stoes: sel lacked the whole-hearted loyal co- operation of his officers and © men. There were occasions when both re fused to obey orders. Speaking at a public meeting, the Bishop of Ripon, wha wishes to see established a training home for en gaged couples; said he regretted that while immense pains were bestowed upon training for law and medicine, and where great issues of the state were involved, there was no training for those about to undertake far more responsible duties towards human be- ings. Some sort of educational home, wheré they would learn how to f@il their Wirtios seemed to be necessary, aid iC woilld also be well if there wet a home bf rest for beteathed couples after an educational course on the eve of a marriage. The Duke of Norfolk and Gen. Lord Cheylesmore, have appealed to citi zens of Westminster volutiteers to ac- cept the challenge of the 7th New York Regiment to shoot a return match at Creedmore in September, for the trophy given by Col. Sir Howard Vincent. parliament from Worcester, as a con po e, with a plurality of 120, was unseated, yesterday, on the petition of his liberal opponent, *H. D. Parben The petition allege! ninety-seven cases of bribery. The defending counsel ad mitted the truth of the charges. The House of Lords, vesterday, dis cossed the question of disarmament, but no definite action was proposed. Lord Avebury raised the yuestion, in an impressive speech; in the course of which he said that the unrest in Fuarope, the spread of socialism, and the ominous of anarchism' were warnings to the government and rl ing classes that the conditions of the working classes in Europe were be rise Watertown, N.Y. orm killed three injured anoth the students thought he had complain- | sides doing great damage to crops in ed to the schodP faculty that one of | Richmond, Ind the boys had kissed a waitress at his Francis Kossuth, leader of the uni establishment. The threatened demon. | ted Hungay opposition, declares that | stration over the expulsion did not the rumors of a ministerial crisis are materialize to a serious degree. GETS OFF EASY. t Natal Will Have to Have Im- perial Help: me Pretoria, May 20.--The Natal force, which is attempting to deal with the, rebellions Zulus seems to be unable to task. The difficulties A d 4 =n ed city was perform the of ston. Untakio, thee property of the late | o pet 0 ? o s Chinese, . rv ror - dis W. it. Meno. extublishid 1854. One of | Of lif npcure « am hy the thine, the country and the growth of di al the finest businesses in Bustern Ontario.] but mo Japanesd were Killed, We | fection will almost certainly compe Apply to Cunningham and' Lyon. Vend- | Hunan Steamship company steamers | imperial help. [The imperial troops 2 Soliciuars, Kingston. are still running, but can get 4 pas- | nearest the seene of trouble have been ee io sengers or cargo. It is feared the de- | warned to be in readiness to take the FIVE DOLLARS REWARD. struction of the rice crop in the flood- | gad, THE ABOVE REWARD WILL BE ed areas may cause an extensive fa "id for jofermption that will lead to | mine. New Lake in Manitoba. the Son a of the person or per- Hsiang Tan is a city in Hunan pro- Medici MN 26. Cor sons who stole the manila. rope and steel ; C 1 Chi The Medicine Hat, May 26.--Corpl. Bott ' R vinee, "Seth emtral China. WY 3 3 cable from the Mag stall in Macdonald | J 2 : he ley, of the N.W.M.P., says the San Park i L Siang river flows into Tung Ting | 15> 9 ¥ LW. SHANNON, luke, which is nected by an estuary Francisco carthyuake formed a small City Clerk. to. the Yang Kiang. The floods artesian lake in the coulee near Fagle ---- were: first reported from Hankow Quoll "lake. He was ciinped there, ee -- -------------------- : : T wi. | and was aws wd by a violent: shock. 2 100 iles blow Tung Ting | 2! t 3 -- Interested in Kingston Shout mes. 2 The new lake is twenty miles south of Rh Swift € streams were Bea Etats Now Read the Bulletin _ Bi Sur. 1 Jott stra or It is to your interest if you des "Pig butt a man," remarked the J . sire to sell your property to have belligerent goat, as he saw the soli- it listed therein. tary traveller araw near.--Baltimore Drowned Among Rapids. . SWIFT'S REAL ESTATE AND American. Pembroke, Ont., May 206. TFwo West- 29 INSURANCE AGENJY meath young men, Thamas Dadson, school teacher, and Richard Murdock, telegraph operator, attempted to run Pacruett's Rapids, on Thursday. Their epnoe upsel, and both were drowned. The bodies have not yet been recov- ercd. h v v $f. "Bibby's" Panamas "Bibby's."' We have a number of sample Pana- ma hats, they! are the real thing. Prices about forty per cent. less than <, | regular. The H. D. Bibby Co. ------ h-|. Pr. Chown's special Iron Tonie pills for run down systems, 25¢. and B50c without Alexander Berknmmn, who served four attempting t, assassin foundatic een years for ~npointed superin and James F Strathroy Colle ceeds him insp On th ree tered poi 1 death, Dr. Rrouv dead woman's man referred to the. explosion of been identified o named The Weotherell, . has been committed to Lapidus, had been sentenced appearance "Bibby"s'"' Panamas You'd look fine in one of our Pana- { Phobia. mn, ate Henry C. Frick, married, at De Slayer of Russian Liberal Given |troit, Fanma ioldman, anarchist Four Years. Edward Neil, brakesman. was killed, | St. "Peterdoarg; May: 26.~Gkoumof, jand.- Josh Jizott, mgineer, badly | St. eters rg, 3 a 20 iy uA Ire. near: Guelph by © an oogine | + Teac & « wre > the reactionist, who murdered a hibe bumpin into rg AE ral student named Dayidofi at the A HI he IT. io lear restaur NN fonr's eve Bear restaurant on New Year's eve, Stamp buries out of. Phila dont 1 was found guilty, yesterday, and sen- | Spe begun by the Retail Dealers' tenced to four years' imprisonment | boo Gel AC Cation of that city. without hard: labor. This light pun Tames I. Pour has been aay, in ishment ist in spite of direct on idence Cleveland on the charge of havi ing that the murder was committdd in the doused the death by poisoning of Mo most cold-blooded fashion. bel Kelly, a stenographer of Pitts WE BOONE burg, Pa. CAN'T OVERCOME ZULUS. Dr. John Seath, Toronto. has héen vtendent of education, | principal of | Institute, eitor of high schools of having ad o his of inte sue wife, Tom's © ver, rgans have been to Philadelohin for analysis, It 4 semi-officially stated that Strien, a bomb Mav a. Polich who several ti to As of sent the | killed hy | has | terms of im- thi thoroughly | Baltimore, washed and polished glass Hy avhich we | coming intolerable | H. F. RB Lynch, liberal, moved "in | the House of Commons, yesterday, [ that parliament considers further re forms in Macedonia urgently required | in the interest alike of the Christian ml the Mohammedan population. | Nowe, motion was agreed to by the HABEAS CORPUS BILL | | sn---------- | Passed Its First Reading Douma. : Petersburg, May 26.-XLhe doumg, | yesterday, discussed new dedth gent- in the Baltic provinces = which have been confirmed. The sentences imposed by court martial. The house voted to telegraph to Prime | Minister Goremykin, demanding the | suspension of the sentences, and this t was done. A bill establishing the writ {of habeas corpus, in Ruksia, passed its first reading in the douma yester- | dav. in the St. i ences | were Pastor Quits Charge. Cleveland, 0.. May 26.--Becguse he {happenad to look through , window land see a pvivy woman takine her {bath, Rev, T. Boyd Bay, pastor of a Presbyterian church at Utica, Ohio, * {must seek andgther pulpit. The minis {ter knew at the time that the bather {had observed him. She incident, and the members of the {church brought the matter up, where {upon he resigned. The preshytery ex fonerated him, but he will seek anoth er church, [dry belonging to. G. George Henry Williamson, 'deere ei} told about the JA QUEBEC FIRE Destroys Factories . and jBums Two Horses. Quebec, May 26.--The I ial Lau Solr 3: Perry's furniture factory, on St. Vali er street, 'were totally reduced to ash és, early this morning, and nillg F tronk factory was partially destroyed. Fire was. discovered about midvight in the Imperial Laundry, flames spread in a few minutes to the Perry's establishment and Pills' teunk factory, and made their way at the vase buildings in the rear. The rive aided by a strong wind, also spread to Dr, Falandeaw's property ad- joining the laundry, and occupied by three families. The building was dy: gutted. Mrs. J. Nolan's residence w also damaced to some extent er smoke and water. Besides Ib ing 'ev- exvthing in his Jaundry, Mr, Seifert losts two valuable horses, which he had just purchased. He has sustpingéd considerable loss and is only insured for £2000. Mr, Perry is onlv partially® covered by insurance on the huildines, and Mr. Pills' loss, which was prin- cipally confined to the second and third storeys, is covered hy insurance, The private dwelling and occupants, although carrying insurance, have also sustained losses which are not covered by that. RELATIVE SIZE Of the Areas Destroyed by Con- flagrations. New shows the ative size' : 'Areas destroyed in some of the gréa 3 con: flagrations which ever occurred in this country. It shows how much larger the burned district in San Francitoo ia than even hut IL 3 ol other miotler fires, which appear ingignificent in comparison with this most recent calamity, HE HAD LEARNED HOW. Man Who Stole Tickets Explained Stamping. Brockvilly, Ont, May 26.--John Leary, the young immigrant who, last week, pleaded guilty to stealing tick: ets from the $i. T.R. station at Mal lorvtown a fortnight ago, was brought before Judge Macdonald, and sentenced to two months in the common jail. Regarding the mystery of how he stamped the different tickets while the agent was away from the station but a few minutes, the prisoner informed the judge that it was done through knowledge gained while waiching the work in the immigration office at To ronto. THE DOUMA'S ANSWER From the Government--Some De- mands Rejected. St. Petersburg, May 26.--In the veply of the government to the douma, as outlined by the premier, suggestions are made of several political, social and financial reforms, ns well as uni- versal suffrage. The reply, however, rejects the douma's demands for full amnesty for political offenders, and the appropriation of land. Appointed Bursar. Toronto, May 26.--J.C, Hassard has been appointed bursar of the London asylum to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Dr. Sippi, Mr. Hasard was formerly in business in London. "Bibby's""' Hats "PBibby's." There are some swell new things in men's soft hats for summer young wear. Come to see them, Mr. Smart Dresser. The H. D. Bibby Uo. Killed Because C{ Politics. Vitensk, Russia, May 26.-M. Bel kine, factory, litical reasons. A coarse, leathery | i serve vour ice cream soda, ix an ex- | Advocates An -Allianre. Apricot ample of the purity we maintain in| Paris, May 26.--The Matin publishes Pineapple every detail of making and serving | a leader, written by Count Boni De Fig soda water. Finest fruit juices, pure | Castellane, which advocates an alli- | + reen ies ercam and prompt and dainty ser- | ace between Englund, France and and Lemon vied at Wade's Drug Store. Russia, as neecssary to the mainten- Ginger and Pineapple *| ance of the veace of the world. Tn thi "Bibby's." |article the count breathes of German prisonment. for nihilism. unbeautiful by eruptions, calls for a Direct steamship service betworn Baseball Summary. general reform in living, The diet Liban and New York Swill he paugura- + National League Pittshurg, 2; | should be plenty of Hollister's Rocky ted in June next with the steamers | Brooklyn, 0. Chicago, 2; Boston, 1. | Mountain Tea.' 35¢., Tea or Tablets. Smolensk, St. Petershurd "and Sara- | St. louis, 4; New York, 3. Phila Mahood's "Drug Store. toff, the first two of which gained | delphia, 3; Cincinnati. 1. Ses our hose éfpporters with strong prominence during the war with Ja American League Philadelphia, 6; | elastic, 25c. New York Dress Reform. pan by their Tuas through the | Bt. Louis, 2; New York, 15; Detroit, Straits of Dardanelles and their | 5. Cleveland, 4: Washin ston, 0. Bos ' searches and seizures of merchantmen | ton, 3; henge; 0. ¥ Cairn S (Paisley, Scotland) in the Red Sea ! Eastern League--Buffalo, 5; Provi | demon 1 recy City, 2; Toronto, 0, Ce ted Marmalad Notice The Glasses. | Newark, 6; Montreal, 1, Rochester, lebra es Ginger » is Green Fig and Ginger ma hats, We have the real thing. | Sample hats. Prices about forty per | Campbell Bros. : "cent. less than regular. The H., ' D, For the best valges in children's Bibby Co. - straw sailors, { the same time to Perry's store and po director of the Vitensk tobacco was killed, yesterday, for po- omplexion made In Glass Pots. 256. Per Pot. Jas: Redden & Co GOODS (Special)-- All wool ged and French lines, worth Gc Dee Selling: ab condainl Gane. 490 a LACE CURPARNS- Nottingham Lues ak Vd $l wean Curdains, prot- A LADIES' BELTS able buckles. Selling a" Atte et bates Lanes LACE HOSRS Of Lisle Thread, through full warranted fast | Sdling a BYERS At Cal amd J oe, Loucks, Taxiroeh a Florente TOR Mak: Tay Bee aGanes, 13th 1th May. in wr. and Men. de Wo Srormm aon, MARRIED. i BERRY -- RN On May 17 eR ovanly 3 Th wet, Laura ¥ Turnbull, ATRL Richmond: GALL LLIV AN .--In on 1900, o---- A lian, rid oF Daniel Gallivan. Fone ihr Destronto, May 4th, Roe BR Rotella Deforge, aged twenty- roe ROBLIN.ZAt Albany, N.¥.. 20th, David John Robi 4 inwion: registrar HUD Addi TAL Rich May a HE Hs Sh 3 THOMPSON. ~At Rebecca, HOGPER. SAT aduntduy Heo forty-two vears. O'SHA VGN ¥ .~<At Descronto, 10th Wi X William O'Shaughne aged enty-five re. COLLIVER .~In_ Picton, on May George Colliv anod seventy-two years. riday at 2.30 BEY. Importers of Fine Groceries