Daily British Whig (1850), 26 May 1906, p. 2

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. w The y Increased § sale of RUGS this season § has caused us to buy an AULD quantity. Look at the stock now § nd get the choice of the § e " f J > Hi ¥ g : iF : 3 £2 aN * a. Shaw, J, bh a 7 magager of the city's light, heat iL i brother for a few days' stay, returned Bistory of the plant comeing oe | to Watertown, N.Y., this afternoon. o {Present state with the condition when Robert Barry, «spending holidays 'I the city took control with his mother on Chatham street, Jn endorsing the passing of the ax. | has returned to his home in Buffalo, tension by-law, E. J. B. Pense, said |NY-0 oo : he felt sure it. was the voter's duty J. W."Martin, injored. in Thursday's to go to the polls, next week andl vote | 2OT% races, was taken to his home in for the by-law maka the | Elginburg. He will be laid up from ' oy Jp vl the | the accident for some time. Tight t has been successful, and he | MF y Moore and - William felt it was the duty of the board of Glasgow's two young children, arrived trade to do its part in aiding in the | Tom Winnipeg; yesterday, for a sever- vement of this utility mn al month's visit with Miss Jennie Crawford was of the opinion | G185E0W, '"Thistledown." that to render greatest I penion Rev. W. H. Sparling was at Stella, the least money fuller extensi last night, closing up the work for the should be made thought the To year Methodist church. Mr: {portant consider if g | Sparling leaves. for the conference at , and to do 4 system must duty of The board the by-law. £ ectrician, who was t here by the city council to report on the proposed extension of the city light plant, and having con- fidence in the expert opinion of these wentlemen, the Kingston board of trade, unanimously endorse the exten- sion of the plant as provosed, believ- ing such will be for the best interest of the city, and prove a profitable in- vestment as well as a great conveni- ence and saving to the people. Every member the Kingston board of trade is urged to give the by-law vig. orous . Spot." This resolution was It was decided that an oveanization committee be appointed to take charge of the work of passing the by-law and the following were el 1 Messrs. Bermingham, Ri son, Nickle, Hen- deron, Toye, and Ryan. The Hotel Question. With the disposal of the light ques: | tion, the subject of 5 first-class = new hotel, was introduced bv J, A. Min- nes, who pointed out the Prying neces: sity for the fulfilling of one of the city's most urgent wants. He submitted a copy of the resolu- tion of the council of the hoard of trade at its' meeting held May 22nd, which read as follows: 'Resolved, that this council of the board of trade, having discused the matter of . hotel accommoda in Kingston, beg to express the opinion that immediate ac- tion in this direction should he taken, and would recommend that committees: be formed to arrange for an energetic canvass of the citizens for subscrip- tions for the above pur i. : In seconding this resolution, L. L. Henderson declared that to show that the .citisens had faith in an hotel, | that it was a commercial necessity and was bound to be a financial suc- cots, it was first necessary to raise sufficient local capital to come into :| the scheme. - | A Definite Plan 2 M. site, advise + dl, R..J. McKelvey by Henderson, : w "that the hotel committee be in: aught we to procure options on sites chair, Those present and secure estimates and other infor- Mowat, E. J. B. necessary. to put before the Vint , J. C. Connell and. M. Sullivan be Consul Vay Sant, G. 8 The oR Min wail y \ 3 , W. T. Minnes, a. Larson, , W. G, Craig. Redden, | 7. ¢ though a diligent search had . Day, A. Glover, teacy, | een mmde, since the initial meeting, |Ottawa; A. H. C. DAILY WHIG, i John 'Me! thought a committee should be plans for an hotel, have money voted to them to t plans. The need of hotel was worse than be 5 § it had been fruitless, so far, in secur- ing rooms for the board. J PERSONAL MENTION. ---- Movements Of The People--What They Are Saying And Doing. A, C. Abraham 'has been appointed provisional lieutenant in the 47th Re- giment, Toronto University will confer the degree of LL.D. upon Rev. John Potts, D.D. Prof. Shortt has just been elected one of the vice-presidents of the Capa- diah Soder Authors. 5 * Henry Hi , Kingston, and Miss Bella May Passan, Renfrew, were mar- ried at frew, on May 22nd. Henry Staley, who has been with his Smith's Falls on Monday. " City visitors today: F. T. Lent, C. Britton, Gananoque; E. Walter Rath- bun, Deseronto; Mr. and Mrs, J. H. Sinclair and Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Law, | Se a ¢ BOARD OF HEALTH JUMBLE SALES CANNOT BE PRONBITED the City Solicitor Reports--Dr. Offer Regarding Contagious The board of health had a meeting y afternoon. In attendance were John Melntyre, K.C. (chairman), Mayor Mowat, Dr, J. GG, Evans, S. 8. Qorbetty Di Reaves, J.D. Thompson, Dr. Hanley, and Medical Health Offic- er s The following resolution was unani- mously # "The of health desires to re- cord its high appreciation of the dis tinguished professional services rend- ered by the Hon, Senator Sullivan to the board in the year 1903, when an alarming rumor prevailed that small- pox had broken out in the Hotel ieu. Hon. Dr, 'Sullivan was specially requested by the board to investigate and report to the board as to the ori: 2in and accuracy of the rumor. The honorable gentleman promptly report- ed that the cases were not small-pox. This opinion was a great relief to the board and public mind, as at that varticular per small-pox pre- vailed largely in oir province and much gloomy apprehension was allay- ed by the opportune publication of the judgment of Dr. Sullivan. On other oc- casions this hoard also has been under a deep debt of obligation to Senator Sullivan, in subséquent cases which have been diagnosed bv him as small- pox, and the board, fortified by *his valuable judgment, took speedy and successful measures, not only for the alleviation of the suffering patients, but also to prevent the spread of this malionant malady." At the April meeting of the board, a committee consisting of the chairman and Mayor Mowat was appointed to interview the General Hospital govern- ors regarding an arrangement as to the taking care of.contagious cases, in view of the fact that the Hotel Dieu had no longer a contagious ward. As a result of the conference, the chair- man reported that it would cost $15, 000 to erect a contagious 'disease hos- pital, should the city have to secure one, in view of the chance of the King- ston General Hospital ' abolishing its contagious wards. To maintain such a hospital would cost $2,500 a year. The General Hospital governors had intimated to the special committee of the board of health, that if the city gave an extra grant of $1,500, they would continue the ' infectious - disense wards. Otherwise they would have to close them as it cost that amount to Long, Port Hope. I. F. Cosgrifi, a former Kingstonian, now resident in San Francisco, has sent home a bird's eye view of the ruins, a supplement to the Examiner of May 13th. It shows the terrible sweep of the fire. FRONTENAC TEACHERS Conclude Their Very Useful Session. At two o'clock, Friday afternoon, the Frontenac County Teachers' As- iation resumed work! "R. 8. Gra- ham read an interesting report of the Ontario Educational Association's du- ties and workings. T. M. Henry, M.A., defined his subjec". "The Teach- eF's Opportunity," as bung to impress with' certainty each child in his care with true and noble ideas. He ought by special, earncst watchfulness in the school room, to impress moral principles, not abstractly, but ' con- cretely. James: A. Russell gave an instruc- tive talk on "Study and Teaching of Geography." He said the teachers' skill in teaching this subject depended more on the general idea they had. W. 8. Ellis, principal of the Col- legiate Institute, opened the Saturday morning session with a much-appreci- ated 'address on '"'Teachers' Ideals." In his talk on "School Management," J. E. Davidson advocated that the teacher should use' the pupil to ob- tain order and discipline. In h few pointed remarks, Mr. Maxwell ventur- ed' the opinion that the model school term was not long enough to give the teacher sufficient knowledge. He thought the people expected too much from a teacher, and in his mind the course of study was too great to be accomplished in so short a time. Dr. Spenkie, urged that the teachers in the larger schools make an effort to obtain a set of anatomical specimens. Votes of thanks were passed to the speakers and also to Thomas Little, who gave a talk explaining the an- atomical specimens. Strawberries To-Night. We will. make the price 12}c. a box on all unsold at six o'clock, so' come early for first choice, as there will be no reserve on any fruit to-night at Carnovsky's, "on the corner." Had A Fine Display. The capable and popular head of the civic light plant evidently consid- ered himeelf a person to illuminate Victoria"day, and so he gathered chil- dren from for and near about him at his house, on Sydenham for several, hours he fired and engi- neered the firing of firecrackers, Ro- man les, "fizzes" and all the other furious joys of the 24th. The children will, after this, see Mr. Ca bell in a blaze of light, with a halo round him much finer than anything that could be produced by mere gas, or trumpery electric light, such as he keeps down at his works for useful purposes. bell Bros. ' Sole agents in Kingston for Seott's, Carter's, Wilkinson's, Medico and Verilite, world renc®ned hats. Don't think of it. Buying candy in bulk. You never know the maker. Me- Conkey's, the choice of royalty, sold in sealed packages, only at Gibson's Red Créss drug store. If you desire a 'perfect fitting corset, examine our assortment, ordered or ready-made. New York Dress Re- | Dr. P : street, and | eye + Sater quickly re- | maintain them, afid the fees frcin {Petionts were trifling. . Mr. Thompson asked if a hospital had the right to maintain infectious wards within 150 yards of another | building. Ho _ also wanted to know how. the arose, . ' v The chairman said that the first he heard of it was from 5 paragraph in the Whig stating that the Hotel Dieu intended receiving no more contagious patients, because the imstitution was not equipped according to law for such diseases. The next thing was the presentation to the board of the letter from the Hotel Dien authorities. Dr. Evans claimec that the board should have more light upon the ori- . gin of the matter, The city could not well afford to nav out even $1,000 at the present time for a building. What inspired the raising of the question now and the attitude of the hosnitals? On motion of Mr. Corbett, it was decided to report the matter to the finance committee of the city council. Mr. Thompson wanted it left over till next meeting of the board, so that members could rnouire more fully into the reasons which gave rise to .the difficulty. nn, Can't Prohibit Jumble Sales. The city solicito ported that the city had not authorjly. to pass a by: law prohibiting jumble sales. The city has power to prevent and abate public nuisances, but anv, such by-law would only refer to and prohibit something that was clearly a nuisance and injur- ious to public health, such as accumu- lations of decaying matter and so on. It the medical health officer is of the opinion that articles offered for sale at a jumble sgle are infected and like- ly to spread disease, then he may cer- tify to the locil board of health under the public héalth act, and the articles so infected may be disinfected, either by the owner, or at the owner's ex- pense, by 'the local board of health. This is the full limit of the powers to deal with this matter, vested either in the local board of health or the city council. On motion of Dr. Evans, the board decided to have 100 copies of the anti- spitting by-law printed and placed in public places to draw. attention to the fact that spitting on walks is an offence arainst the by-law. No matter what your taste we have just the ..- ~ hat for you--your style, . your price. The world's best makers, such as Hawes, Stetson, Borsalino, Tress & Co., Christy and Town- end, are all represented in our unrivalled assortment of Men's Hats, 3 Prices fifty cents to five dollars. ATURDAY, MAY 26, Cases. vd question qf contagious wards . | Dr. Evans and the medical - health officer were appointed a committee to bring in a report upon a bacteriologi- cal milk standard for Kingston. Several communications regarding nuisances were read. Mr. Thompson said 'was more necessity of get- ting yards cleaned and nuisances abat- 'ed.than making the city beautiful. Mr. Meclntyre pointed out that the 1 Sullivan's cast Services Ap- jad of health had only to do with preciated-General Hospital's !puisancos that were dangerous to the public health, It had no jurisdiction in yegard to small mattérs of a per- sonal nature. The peovle themselves could take legal action where ordinary nuisgncees existed. : Mr. Thompson wanted to know if the. city solicitor had yet drafted a by-law definine the duties of the medi- cal health officer, the sanitary inspec- tor and the chief of police, in recard to their duties in connection with the board of health, ' Mr. Reeves pointed out the necessity of the board eiving attention to com- plaints of citizens in regard to nuis- ances, Some of the complaints did come withih_ the jurisdiction of the Tt was"decided to refer the various complaints to the chief of police with instructions to take action. CONVICT IS DEAD. Suffered From Internal In- juries. John McGee, the life prisoner, who attempted to escape from the peniten- tiary on Thursday night, diedsearly thjs morning from internal injuries re- olive by his fall inside the chimney, up which he had climbed. It was found that there 'were no bones broken. The distance the prisoner fell was probal not more than thirty feet. Evidently he fell on his side. McGee stated that he got put of his cell early on Thurs- day evening. He must have lain for nine hours at the bottom of the chimney before being discovered. Inspector Dawson is here to investi- gate into the matter. In the wing where McGee and so many other pri- soners gre in cells, there are only two guards, and no doubt .a couple more will be added. It has been proven that it dees not pay to conduct the peni- tentiary with too rigid economy. The country had better pay a few more guards than run the risk of having dangerous criminals at large. He SUNDAY CHURCH SERVICES. What Will Be Doing In The Church To-Morrow. St. Paul's church--The © Ven. Arch- deacon Brooks, of Australia, will preach at 11 am. Collection for North-West missions. Queen Street Methodist Church.--11 am. and 7 p.m., Rev. R. Calvert, B. A., will preach. Sunday school at 2.45 p.m. Mid-week service, 8 p.m; Wednes- irat Congregational church, corner Wellington and Johnston street--Rev. R. J. Drysdale, of Georgetown, Ont. will preach morning and evening. Last Hadar Toi. Abe valk of Coal, nok lection, | Bethel Congregational church, John- ston street, near Barrie--The pastor, Rev. O. A. Mackenzie, will preach at both services. Sons of England will attend morning services. Everyone is cordially invited. St. George's cathedral--Rev. Canon Davidson, rector of Peterboro, will preach morning and evening. He will also address the St. Andrew's Brotherhood men at four o'clock in the cathedral chapel. Cooke's. Presbyterian church, Brock street--Pastor, Rev. W. S. MacTavish, Ph.D., will preach at both services. Sunday. school and Bible class at 3 p.m. Presbyterian Guild at 8:15 p.m. Strangers courteously welcomed. Y.M.C/A. Sunday Notes. The Y.M.C.A. evingelistic band will have charge of the evening service at Bethel church and afterwards will be assisted by the pastor and congrega- tion in an. outdoor meeting, to he held on corner of Division and Earl streets. The morning watch is at seven o'clock and the Bible class at 10 a.m. PRICES WILL GO UP For Eggs Next Week, So Farmors Say. 3 Beside the good attendance, there were two factors, important to the housewife and buyer, on this morn- ing's market, the rise in the price of eggs to 16¢c, and 17c. a dozen, and the steady, firm price of butter, . at 23c. and 25c. a lb. Fggs are likely to become dearer hy riext week, as the farmers declare the hens are not lay- ing well, ahd, - too, so many are sit- ting. The high price of cheese keeps butter at the good price. Fowl is scarce, chickens selling at 81 to $1.25 a pair. Meat prices: Veal, 3c. to 8e.; mutton, 7e. to 9¢c.; lamb, 10c. to 12¢.; beef, 6c. to 8c.; pork, Sc. to 9e.; young pigs, $6 to $7.50 a pair. Votes That Are Required. There are 2,201 voters who are quali- fied to vote on the two by-laws on the 31st. The light plant extension by- law requires a simple majority to car- ry. The Crothers by-law must cet two- thirds of the 'number, or 1,528 votes to pass. If however, less than one-fifth of the voters oppose the Crothers' by- law, a three-fifths vote will suffice. . 'Addressing The Men. Canon Davidson, wha. will address men, under the auspices of St. An- drew's brotherhood, . in St. George's -| cathedral, to-morrow afternoon, at four o'clock, is an eloquent speaker, a specialist on labor subjects, and a 4 stirring worker. He is a warm friend of labor unions on a fair basis. ------ "Bibby's" To-Night' '"Bibby's." Come in for a look and you'll soon see why we sell so many shirts, col- Jura and neckwear. The H. D. Bibby 0. . ------ Campbell Bros. For all the best makes of fine, hats. » ------------ For asthma and shortness of breath, Thomas' Asthma Cure is a sure specific. Fully guaranteed; 50c., at Best's " THE DAYS EPISODES LOCAL WIIES SAND: THis IN Occurrences In The City And Vicinity--Other Brief Items of Interest Easily Read and Remembered. New collars, 2 for 25¢. The H. D. Bibby Co. Trusses fitted by an expert at Dr, Chown's drug store. : According to "the city solicitor, jum- ble sales cannot be prohibited. The jumble people are in great glee. "Tona Uola" is sold at Gibson's Red Cross drug store fountain, The steamers America, Island Wan- derer and Pierrepont handled several thousand passengers on Victoria day. T. J. Lockhart, real estate agent, sold nn Friday. J. H. Babeock's mill property, near Odessa, to Robert Ap- glin, of Brewer's Mills. - The steamers St. Lawrence, Island Wanderer and Ramona will go on their routes among the Thousand Is- lands about Jume Gath, Only true fruit syrups are dispensed at Gibson's Red Cross drug store fountain. Six thoroughbred Shetland ponies, direct from Scotland, arrived per steamer Alexandria, last nicht, for George Nicol, Cataraqui. They cost $100 each, and will be used for breed- ing purposes. Our $2 hats are known the town over as the best there is in the| hat line. The H. D. Bibby Co. The city clerk savs it was a clerical aror in the article on plant to say "that 285,000 per year" was required to méet the increased capital debt; the amount should. be "85,000 per year." A perfect fit guaranteed when you get glasses at Chown's drug store. Two guys from Gananoque came to the city, on Thursday, .to advertise the Dominion day celebration and they hac the strenuous time of their lives. The children played tag with the men and kept them hot. ¢ Ice cream made from pure cream is dispensed at Gibson's Red Cross drug store fountain. In the Stratford-Larock case at Cape Vincent, 'N.Y., for alienation of a wife's affections, the plaintiff secured verdict of $340. The defence was based largely upon the contention that no affection existed when thev were living tooether, the answer to the complaint being a general denial. . It is stated that: the firecracker which injured the eyes of young Allan ('Neill, Sydenham street, on Victoria day, was not in the hands of a little girl playmate, as stated, but that it was one the hoy held in his own hand. The father of . the little girl states that she was not close enowoh to the boy at the time to injure him with a firecracker. A Kingly Head. » An outline of King Edward's head, recently in print and a more symmetrical and kingly head there could fot possibly be. s majesty is quite partial to derby hats, very il in shape to the London "Piccadilly" hats for which George Mills & Ca. are the sole agents for this city. Campbell Bros. For the very newest in men's hats. Buy Putnam's Corn Cure at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. And ite sometimes happens that a woman imagines that she hasn't any faults because people are too polite to mention them to her. the lighting | Dr. Scott's Furs . And "Tooth brushes." It pays to buy them at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. gin ways be procured | Propr's. Frope s., St. Sohn Tn FURS Now is The Time To Have rag Repaired W. F. GOURDIERS 78 and 89 Brock Street Kingston's Only Exclusive Fup Store Our Third Announcement For Weddings In June CRAPS I me FROST BITES, ¢ IRRITATED SKiy HL ++. APPLY Dr. Scott's Also, An Excellent Hajp aud Sealp Cleanser" Large bottle, 2a canta, "If not for sale .. Liniment arievigt Remodelied English Carving Sets In Cases These goods are jast opened and are of the finest quality. Tae prices are not high, We also have Pear! Handled Fish and Dessert Sets In oaken bokas, Tor w rich there is aconsta it demad SMITH BROS. Jewelers :: Opticians Phone 666 Iesuers of Marriage 'A Fair Question? at James j : White Liniment Co. N.B., and Chelmg Is it better to ive the press a plain statement of main facts at once, when it is known that they must have are port in first issue or lose credit, or force reporters to get mews on they, to be spies and eaves-droppers ? There is no doubt, surely of the proper course. ---- Ck "Bibby's" Panamas ¢'Bibby's. We have the newest thing in Pana: ma hats. Prices about forty pee cent. less than regular. The H. D, Bibby Co. to-night 15c. a pair. pair, all sizes. night. ] 450 yards Swiss Spot Muslin, white, the correct-thing for cool waists or dre value at 123c. and 15¢. a yard, and it to sell the goods at less, but we got a barg "you'll get one also (if you're here on time). "+ day morning while the lot lasts, : 84c. a Yard. n & Sh Will see a lively throng of buyers at this Always busy, but on Monday we will have some awfully tempting. Read on: 3 27 inches wide, Tan or White Hosiery in all sizes aud prices. TO=-NIGHT! Special values in Ladies' Fast Black Cotton Hose Regular 18c. for 12}4¢c a pair. Ladies' Hose Supporters made with Frilled Elas- tic and Nicke] Trimmings, 5 different colors. Special The best Corsets in the trade at soc. and 25¢ 2 Special showing of White Waists at soc. and up. The best Ribbon display in Kingston. See it to" [Monday Morning store. thing dresses. Ext@ is a shame ain an Mon- 5 Err : i 2 a 3 £ " goge 1 1 22% i i i 2 i i 7 i # g 8 i i i at i 3 r, Ont., duty from Windsor +t repaid. Ave. Sulte199 , Detroit, £ oo Ad STRONG : HEART eh m &! "Hl BP the same thing att hold duties and lox obligations. which they have t day out, the irreg loss of rest will soo system. Before loi starting at the le heart flutters and before the eyes, th and irregular, you spells, lack of self-c to the head, irrital ness of breath, star of pins and needles ness and finally j nervous prostratior MILBUR! tmp « shortest they are taken. the nervous system ening. and restora' organ and tissue of Yeen cured, among Coomier, Welling Kilmer, Huadlors Donald, Por Walter Clovelnsd, Owen Martin, Aln of others, The price of Milbu 18 50 cts. per box or rocured at all drug sent on receipt o Ca. Limited. Toron Royal In: Hstab LIFE DEPART) Assurances jn | Assets over Expenses only 8 p Profits to | vrotits have hee Forly Years. Oy heen paid as prof last distribution 00 paid Security to Po bassed hy that World. Liabilities intercst Expenses Canad \ Sefe and St Rates, of May nately than v NEW YORK CHINESE 83 Pris Open from 10. «~The best place Lunch in the city Shortest motice. Ulshes a specialty (abadian (jl 3311 Open from 10 The best place Lunch in the eit; potjee. Hishes a spectalt; Uptown - | Jones, $93 After 'careful Comparison of va assortment of | UNIQUE constr pearance, and a ING ind SATYS Call and' ins bought and ns New Mont Letterin, a Special JAS. MULLE) Oppo; - Head For Real E; 95 Clarenge Geo. Cli .

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