4 ' iE THE DAILY WHIG, SATURDAY, MAY 26. - ETRE fp PAGE SEVEN. pp-- ---- . . t landed to have tea, and after coming | Blytheswood, Ont. The marriage will par 0 in e home, had a jolly little dance, and | take place June 20th, » * - supper to finish; at their chaperom's, . very gracious ome, was very bright. the pretty road to the Mills. Among |lor, Mrs. D. M, Gordon, Miss Katie Miss Bessie Smythe and Miss Bessie the guests were a number of the re |Gordon, the Miskss * Van Stéaubensee, IM rangement of the tea table was very Mrs. Colin Hamilton. gave an enjoy- | SoMm*® time' the president of the club, is d i . welcomed "home" | w. York, from where She will sail for the tistically® arranged in silver and cut | Wood's family, then go to Ottawa for glass vases on the dimmer table. a oc - « ., 4 cessssreTasLISIING bdown the St. Lawrence river. Mrs. | ter of the late Robert Kennedy, King- | and Dr and Mrs. Garrett. Sweet | express from London: They left the MRS i KNIGHT DEAD! WEAK LUNGS. | add . J y Made visit Mrs. Woad's home for a short | THERE IS SORROW IN NAPA- it your blood i$ weak, if it is poor Grover chaperoning it. The party | ston, to the Rev. Gustavus Munro, | peas, in all their lovely shades, were | next indsay, for whom the tea was . x . : os v afternoon, when it became | ing vour blood ; Ada Lindsay | About twenty-five made up the party,|Mrs. and Miss Fairclough, from Le: | has been spending the holiday with | is the guest of her niece, Mrs. 'W. J. | known that Mrs. Alired Knight had your with Dr. Willigms' iven, was looking her best in a pale d ¢ 4 as be Coch * Sue silk frock, and her welcome to and some reached their destination by |land Stanford University, Cal, and | Captain and Mrs. Cochrane. : McLeod, Frontemae street. passed away. Decensed had been in | Pills, oy make new, rich, warm the guests added "to Mrs. Mills' own boat, others preferred driving down (Mrs. J. M. Machar, Mrs. E. T. Tay- iss Evadne Cotter has left for New Mr. A. D. Laurence returnéd to Al | poor health for a fow months past, ood, They add resisting power to scores editerzpnean. ter Hon were in the tea room, pouring | cent graduates in medicine. and Miss Edith Folger. a he 8S. V. Carmichael, of Queen's. of death was due to a slight stroke. | ih. Jungs are hopelessly 'diseased, flordon, tofice and Miss Frances Mac- , ® . . eo : . . " Mr. Leonard Asquith was up from Miss Jennie Martin and Miss Pearl Dibensed's maiden name was Miss She lu oon hn es Sob ed, Taig wulay, Miss Mabel Brownfield, Miss Mrs. J. L. Haycock had a small] Mrs. Adam Shortt asked the execu Ottawa, for the holic ay. McLean, of Centreville, spent the holi- Lott, duughter of the late Josoph | eke tie enfeebled system. Here is Marion Calvin, and Miss May Smythe |[party, on Wednesday evening, for her tive of the Ladies' Musical Club to Mrs, Turner, Earl street, has gone | day with friends in town. Lott. She leaves a sorrowing hus: positive proof. Mrs. Harry Stead, St. assisted by the men present in | Napanee visitor, Miss Bogart. tea, this wedk, to meet Mrs. Robert ont to Battersea for a fortnight's | There is a possibility that Mrs, C,|hend, but no childpdn. For over | Go iharines, Ont., says: "A fow years, distributing cake and ices. The ar- . tel. Campbell. This charming woman, for | visit. W. Drury, 'and her family inay be up | fyenty years she has a resident \ Mrs. Petrie and Miss Daintry Yates | ot bert College, Belleville, last night, af- | but nothing of so sudden a nature § he Jungs. They have saved tt br -- Sound and Strong Williapns' Pink Pills. day for Halifax, to visit Mr, : Dr. yuple of days, and to Napanee to 3: he N In the party were Miss Cherie Irwin, | On Monday aftérnoon Mrs. John. Miss Edith Wiskin, of Gananoque, is | time, when they leave for Dawson, ex- 3 BGuwilight Miss Alice Sears, Mies Jessie McCann, Waddell invited about a dozen adios visiting friends in town. = pecting to arrive there about the NEE OVER IT. and Watley, 8 Souk of A Miss Madge Taylor. Mr. Ridout, Mr. to meet Mrs. Robert Alan Campbell, | Miss Bogart, of Napanee, is visiting middle of June. 2 ol mtly harmless cough of to-day Blackburn, Mr. Passy and Mr. Cowley, {who is 80 well known to lovers of Mrs. J. L. aycook, a Miss Gertrude Hardy, who has been | To Form a Fish and Game Pro- | will "become the racking consump geaeratssestssssseet A ¢ .:* . a . musie in Kingston. A pleasant part of | Mrs. . Alexander : Milligan and Miss | staying with - Mr. John Corbett, her ve Association--A Nap- | tive's cough. of arrow. Wi cervbody wore pretty summer Mrs. Edward Reps, Bagot street, is | the afternoon, was the delightful play- , Eva Milligan are visitino Captain Ed- | uncle, has returned to Napanee, teat : blood i an invitation for. cons Dery Mrs. Lennox Mills' pleasant giving a tea this afternoon. ing of Mrs. Campbell, and her daugh- ward Booth, Sr., and Miss Booth, on | * Miss Mary Simmaeng, of Newboro, is anee Man Burned Out in Ban: sumption Tog poh you the hand froc! . © Bishopscourt," on Tuesday, Ja Celie in ter, Miss Amy, who is becoming very [Alfred street. the guest of Mrs. D. Noonan, Rideau | croft. of death. The only. way to avoid cons tea . one of the elders said, all the Pi jolly Rishle party, chaperon- Saver Violinist, Livtle ies Phyllis pre. Thouas Donnelly Jd oe street. . gr Napance, May 96.-Sincere regret | sumption and 'to sk ies : c . Mis y Mrs. Henry Crumley, went down | Taylor als ay the violin very | Playiar, 'e eC Irom Detroat. was expressed by vi y citizens, whole system: is by jirls locked s0 pre¢ty apd fresh Mise to Kingston Mills, on Tr him r In those present were r. Kenneth Cochrane of Brockville, | Mrs. T. Vl Cooke, of Moncton, N.B., | y E hy TY mun) heate: the rand ia: hy com spending a short holiday with Mr; | was anticipate]. The immediate cause | from a consumptive's grave-not after - h kB I wan attacked with 1 trous the island, this summer, of Napunee, a devout Christian lady, oR and the doctor, after treating me oink ~~ silw IE i o ™ : i i > ral for the holi- y a member of the Eastern Methodist : tty, pink and" silver tissue sur able little party, on Tuesday, evening being cordially ere up from Montrea . . le 3 5 for a time, thought I was going into rounding a Jow bowl, filled with pink | for hervisitor, Miss Cotterill. ' | again. . . . day. =a Mrs. R. McMaster, and Hiss Gladys ¢hurch. A nephew and niece, Earl consuthption. 1 grew pale and emacs flowers, small vases of flowers bring «el : : Mrs. Tothill is expected home short: | Grant, left, on Wykdnesday, for Mon- Lake, and sister, Miss Norah Lake, ated, had no appetite, was troubled wt about the table. Among those I The Reval Military College ball Mrs. J. M. Muchar asked a number {ly from "akefield. tral, and will g6 froin there to New| X0re a8 children to Mr. and Mrs. | 0" Fy king cough "and 1 felt that : «sent were: Mrs. R. W. Brigstocke,!| will take place, this 'vear oge a of girls, about Miss Katrine Fair- Mrs. Johm\ Mackie has heen out at | york. Knight, and they will miss, as a I ----r fast a IE the grave. 3 {fies Constance Cooke, he Edith Fol" | 26th, and the closing will ke Bs usual clough's age, to tea on Thursday, to | *The Ramparts," Battersea, this Meo. W. B. Carey. and Master Tra: inother, he at wha wo lovingly Neither the doctor's medicine: nor athe' : Miss Mubel ildersleeve, Miss Ger- | two days later : 2 meet her niece. week. * vers. have down to' S "1 looked after and cared for them, The | © icines: that ¥ 'tack seemed ] Td Bn molly, who had come in from . : ye Te. .- 5% ers, have gone down to St. Law-| funeral takes place on Monday mom. | oF me icinus. that " to gre! for the tea, Miss Marion Lewis, The oan AN : . . Mrs. F. G. Lockett, 2B Stuart Miss Meta Moutray is staying with Tee: gt the juct of Walle Inlaid, for ing at We o'clock, to the' Eastern help. me. Then a oud iriend Pills. ow ] iss' Winnifred Hague, Miss Carrie : are out announcing { gtreet, will receive every Thursday, R Perceval, Queen street iss Muriel Rul op | cemetery vault. ad a 3 Ja a el Waldron, the Missey jhe marelnge on June Sth, of Rather till the end of June, not Friday, as Mes. Honey Berewnl, o. ro poise, Musiel- Ruble, of Ottawa, will It is the purpose of the eitizons ot By dime 1 hud used fous hoses lt For it TTY i N Skinned d , oldest daughter of Mr. 3 ved. Neg , ; ba debutante at the June hall, Napanee and vicinity to form a branch, | Was pia A : won, a4 he ey eas J ys pin eevee 12 Bie. of Aylmer, to Nr. Frod previously. amomneed, Yoronte, gn Mek way home med ta] jhe roading, club will meet at Miss | of "he Ontario Fish and Game Pro: |1 hogan to. reaver mf appetite, wd 2 AL the year round Pe 4 3 x ya . . | erick Martin ercival Wats, of Bel- . ' ol "re. PRE) a x J} Lettice Tandy's, on Monday oti A fati A ti h in other ways felt tor, : purest, cle i be Wandy, Miss Alice Macnee, Miss Louise ¥ ¥ \8, 0 Miss Madelon Carter has asked some | « " » r Ot " yD BY. tective Association, meating Ans y Ba, enc cereal oud in Be ich, Miss Kathleen Kirkpat- mont, Ont. The bride-elect is gn sister you opie; today, to meet Miss wngwusd, from tawa, on . . been called for that purpose for Sa- boxes more, and was as well as ever, for everybody, y focd rick, Miss Mmbel and Miss Lorraine of Mrs, Chatles Low; the groom-clect | Ada Lindsay., Mise Marion Lesslic is home from Mr. W. E. Steacv, of Upper Canada | turday, June 2nd, in the town hall. | and had gained in weight, 1 believe MADE IN CANADA & Dalton, Miss Loretta Swift, Miss |'® from Stichne, Hastings county. . « Brockville. " College, was in the eity for Victoria | The meeting' will be addres by A. |Dr. Williams" Pink Pill sage ne rom selected 0 of Kathleen Harty, Miss Gladys Grant, 21k rs : On Monday Mrs. Cooke will give a The Misses Richmond, who have hee dav and the week end. Kelly Evans, Toronto, Recretary-trea- | a consum tive's grave, very ntario Wheat : EE 2 ni Mrs. William Minncs will « 3 . " * 3 188 Lesa 0. 1A n In vote, by Weekly ibe sr of the sociafion. It is to be | grateful, pt bas EBook * Miss Belle Craig, Miss Mona Kmight, | .0 "5 ©. not re- | jittle tea, at "Hazeldell" in Miss Ada | ,utting their cottage, on Bostwick Is- a . by Weekly Star subserib- surer of t associagion. Jt 18 he 1 gra Williams' Di Ns build Limited, pd. Miss Muriel King, Miss Kathleen Dalv, ll rain Ji the autumn, Lindsay's honour. land, in order for the summer, are ers, on the most popular column in hoped that a meeting wi this kind will Now, Dr. Williams' nk Pi ch St. lagara Falls, Ont. Miss Gertrude Power, Miss Adclaids Miss Teabel M . . "ss » back in town again. : that family journal. Miss Dolly Bur awaken interest in sportsmen and all {ap the strength in just ona vat Ritchie, Miss Elsie Pense, Miss Kuth- | \ abel Mahood, daughter of Miss Loretta Swift was hostess at a Miss Ellie O'Connor, Oswego, N.Y, JroVs sister of Mrs: John Waddell, | lovers of this kind, for the protection | actually make 'new blood. That " Gordon, Miss Siostedt, Miss Mil r. and Mrs. W. J. Mahood, has been | 4: i ; a J cr es LC eame out far ahead. wi w "Ouiet | of sh and game, they do, but they do it well. PO OOODOE HOOD MIDE Jeen > 1 ' Jatel : Saar little tea, this afternoon. s the gmest of Miss T. Gallagher ahead. with her niet & N n _-- es J dred Macpherson, Miss Effie Fenwick, ey receiving the felicitations of On the "Queen's Birthday'" six of I or v jon strest : ST Hour" column, a deliohtful bit of lit- Miss Dorothy Tobey and Master | don't' act on the bowels, They don't - her friends on her engagement to Mr. y ower Linon . erature, appearine weekly, William Tobey entertained a number | bother with mere symptoms. Miss Dorothy Brownfield, Miss Kati: » Gordon, Miss Lillian Kent, M ¢ and Miss Mildred Maecmc », Canon Starr, Mr. R. R. F. H "Mr. Ah. | Warmly. ' » and Stock or, Cota pott, Mr. Henry Skifiner, Captain ! > a OCKS Hall, Mr. Schmidt, Nr. Alfred Cooke, | A Very the first class cadets gave a small of Toronto, an: My. ing congratulated very "Aone | Arthur, MeNichol 8 Avnes | y Nichol jets I In the party were Miss Mildred Mac- pherson, Miss Effie Fenwick, Miss Bes sailing party on their vacht, Mrs. ly, to Kingston, to see his old Kenneth Fenwick having charge of it. | yi nds on the 24th. : : re... tendine the wedding of her sister-in- Jaw, Miss Annie Crawford, to J. Cor- Mr. Delmage, now of Montreal, came Mrs. H. A. White, of Hamilton, Mrs. W. Crawford. Chesterville, came from Brockville on Thursdav., after.at- [+ Mrs. J. A. Fraser ad daughter, | caused by bad blood. But then, nears of their young friends last evening. | won't cure . any disoaso that isn't Miss Fdna, leave this week for West: | ly all common diseases spring from port to spend the summer months | that one cause--anaemia, indigestion, with her husband, J. A. Fraser. Miss | hiliousness, headaches, s 3 charming © young Kingston Tai y i : you gs En tN + 386 x don Tait, Chesterville, Mrs, C x + pA nd Sold on-Commission Mr. Lufiman, and Mr. G. Calvin. girl whose parents, within the past | 5 and Miss Norah Gordon, and Miss | 00 down to spend the holiday with § oan on Eo a few aa ea M. J. Ross spent Victoria dav in To" | huckaches, kidney trouble, lu S iti >i st I Save, have announced her en: Adelaide Hee, . her sister, Mrs. D. E. Mundell, mother, Mrs. John Dunbar Xiniverss. ronto. Dr. : Alexander Embury, Ban- | rheumatism, sciatica, nent ecurities Never did miner plenie weather haps gag nt, is Miss Grace Oldrieve, it cto. Board Ae band Mr, and Mrs, Edwin Loucks, of Win tv avenub. . croft, spent Vietoria day in Napanee | ,croousness, general weakness and sted. Tui . ! > DE p- | daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George "A litle party heard the band = Oh lpipeg, and 'their. little son, Roland, with his parents. The doctor lost his special secret ailments that - Information upon Request pen on any "Queen's Birthday" before | Oldrieve. The happy man is Mr. Al-| Thursday' night, irom Mr. Dalton's | (ill be in town shortly. Miss Bwi * . * hd . drug store hy fire on Monday last. | tly and women do not ee Members or on dny da, for Yuut matter, than | fred Scott, B.A, B.Sc., one of Queen's | yacht. hy Mis. M. Fitagibbon left for "Mont Miss bing, _a Sradudie of Queen 2. His loss in over $2,000: partly insured, Bt ven to their doctors. Bat vou i reraAT Ty re Tr one i ey it s]) . . F Mrs. i. ! came in from Sydenham to spend the 9 Eun 1 i { ye x : $ 5 er ee y 3 an s 2. : . eal on Wednesday. holida At the cheese board yesterday a t the nine with fall to Stock Exchange ments for Victoria day, 1906. Warmth rE Mi. Ernest Gildersteove was the] "I "Harold: Muekleston, went down] ™ ielay, Cd erhoon 1.600 hoxes sold at 11ie. must, 8 Eng. ' I sunshine I the sweetness as : Si Dr, John Brooke hds heen ting | ' nam Dr, Williams' Pink and sunshine and je. Sweetness of An engagement Phich is calling forth | prime mover in a picnic party of | to Perth to spend Victoria day with § Wye Leonard (lame tw thie week " rate Peo le," on the wrapper around young buds bursting on the trees, and | many congratulations to the young | twelve, which went for a sail, on, the | 1 Mrs. Mucklestor EE ary. $Semen RE Wer ie Ottaw: \ Ps bt send the all the subtle voices of the May (not | couple is that of Miss Rita Mitchell I Error of the tieuty-Tourth, anon a Mrs. Nuc in tilda Mra. Roderick Mitchell, with her Kingston And awa. each box. If in dou! rnd t price-- to plagiarize Ella Wheeler Wilcox too | second daughter f Mr. Joba C. Ni. al oon. ul ¢ ) 1 "| Mrs. Henry uloeph, and her children amall son and duiighter, went hothe to | Rideau King for Ottawa, every Mon: | fle. a box or $2.50 for six hoxes, to ' v violently), made ever picnic party, | chell Wins . > ol Jo ny . Mit- | landed on Cedar sland for tea. It was | will leave for Montréal, carly next | Renfrew to-day day and Thuzsday, st 6 am James | the Dr. Williams Medicine. Co., Brook. vs v. | chell, str - 8 a iolly x ; i in i : I a a ' Ey : N i ; illiam street, to Mr. Ross | very jolly. week. Mrs. Walkem will remain in Miss Nurse, a graduate of our hos: | Swift & Co. agents. ville, Ont, and got the pills by mail going forth from Kingston the perivct | Rradlev, of Queen's University. Miss success for which none of its promo- [itchell and Mr. Bradley are both ters dared hope. J musically inclined, and are both very A van load of sixteen, five first and | popfilar socially. Their friends have three second class cadets, augmented | kngwn about the interesting fact for by eight girls, drove down to Cart- | sothe time, but it is only this week After the cricket imatch at the Royal wright's Point, with Mrs. W. S Tht official notice has been taken of | Military College, Weanesday, the lad - - . for a few days' vikit in Toronto. . el = * Hughes in charge, and had a joll 4 ies who had cone over from town to : oo TR RT in oW Neckwear outing there. The girls were: M ty see it. went over to Mrs. E. T, Tay Mrs, "Winthrop Sears is home from | Waugh. : a if The RMS. Joudat, Alaa ling, from false money Christine Cochrane, Mis lie Burns, The engagement is ammounced - of lor's for a cup of tea. ---- Baltimore. ni My. Atlan Chamberlain} of Winn, Liverpool, passed Jumotsk), | iW 263 | merchant on St; Cw Miss Marjory Merrick, } Vera Mun: | Miss Edyth Hamer, daughter of Mr . . - . \ Dr. dnd Mrs. A. P. Kpicht cam wg, is visiting in town. She will \at 6:45 am. with sixty cabin, » | dell, Miss' Vera Carson, Miss Madeline | John Hamer, to Mr. J. H. Suther- Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Martin entertain- | home * from New York to-day. They pened the summer in Picton with her 'second and eighty-three steerage pass- and Shirts Higgina, Miss Hilda Kent, and Miss | land. The marriage will take place on ol at dinner, last| night, for Captain hate had 8 delightful vhit. Mise Mi brother, Mr. Charles Taylor. BL i + Soap in Netter hah thew 4 a Oldrieve, June 12th, . De Bury.| Their other guests | Miss L. Moore is visiting Miss Ma : N---------- 3 | su " other " hes cana . wii ol 3 3 A gasoline launch took a rather une. 126 . lee ° and Mew, De Bucy ae rr Hunter | char, on Svdenham street. : Bg Chown's Buchu Juniper Kidney | soaps, but it is best when usnd in the: ~The ne youl ts mad Yur very exclusive lines of smaller party of girls and cadets of Phe engagement" 'is announced of Mr. and Mrs. John Bell Car Major and Mrs. Wood arrived in I Pills for all kidney and bladder Sunlight way. Buy BSenhbight Soap wi wap | I Bilas Co in and fancy DBarathea = the second class, about fifteen miles | Miss Elida Kennedy, youngest, dangh- ruthers, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Macnee, Montreal on Saturday last by thol troubles, 25c. box. and follow directions. monay, the 1, Us yh 5 a yp " * Mrs. W. S. Parkpr-left on Thursday | with friends. own for about a fortnight longer. § vital, and now assistant superinten- S------ postpaid, lent of Galt hospital] is in town. "Bibby's" Neckwear "Bibby's."' : y Mrs. F. W. Albree and her children re home again. Nelleville, were in town for the 24th - . - - Ww Mrs. Richard McClymont is home from London for a long visit. toria day with his brother, Dr. F. Mr. Mrs v r. and Mrs. Alfed Burrows, of Our boc. shadow neckwear boats anything evor sold in this city for the ith Mr. 1 Mrs. ND. F. Ar . & h Mr. ang re rmatrong money. The H. D. Bibby Co. The Rev. George Waugh spent Vin. can counterfeiters have $2 Dominion bills. P. J. Pelletier, havin: ftroet: ans was victimized, yesterday, by one the gang. : : nbn Sion. 5 fo eS ckwear and Negligee Shirts arranged to suit the most ied and fastidious tastes. New Tie and Shirt. is * ays a necessity. Our stock » PO eps \ . Furnishings will supply ry neeessity and at the je time bear the mark of ividuality. Carpet Squares Be sure you get one that will harmonize with your room. | sckwear Special, 50¢c. Exclusive agliges Shirts, 50c., 756¢, #1, . . tie Novelties in TON'S as Coma rom. Silk Pe Shirt Waist CS} suns And 2 b a The Checks, Stripes, Aged. 3 Shots, Plain, CARPET SQUARES--In all the desired color ecombinationg, large variety to select from, made with 18:inch border woven (not sewn) into the pat- tern of the Rug, any size, all qualities, $3.50 to $25. 1 1 Lace Curtains The importance of purchasing reliable Curtains is well known to every housekeeper. .We go direct to the mills in England and Switzerland, select re- liable qualities, and sell them at close figures. EXHIBITION, LONDON, 1900. SPECIAL OFFERING--357 pairs Lace Curtains, one and two sets to a design, new fresh stocks, but the last of each pattern, now being offered at "remnant" prices :-- Curtains worth €0c., for 48c. pair. "Worth 75¢, for 58¢c. pair. Curtains worth 81.25 for 90c. pair. Worth $1.75 for 81,45 pair. Curtains worth $2 for $1.65 pair. Worth $2.50 for $1.90 pair. Curtains worth $3 for $2.40 pair. Worth $3.75 for $2.95 pair. These Curtains are all spread out on a 'table for your inspection. shed Reputation. e already used Neave's Food in two & . 'Rabies' Castle and the Village Home), his fn Ayig it has proved very $0 t $25 i July 27th, 1901, OO IRDINGBRIDGE s ) § i g ( )a t ~ ENGLAND. & CO. 1 hited Totonto, an The most fashionable styles at very reasonable prices :-- Montreal. ed NEW STYLE FAWN COVERT COATS-45 inches long, handsomely made, at $14.50, WHITE SERGE COATS--Threéquarier lengths, BLACK SH.K COATS--Guaranteed to. wear. Wash Suits for Summer Wear The workmanship on these Wash Suits is equal to anything ever shown at 'much higher prices :-- ; SHIRT-WAIST SUITS--0f Pigue, Lihen, Muslin, ete., in plain and {ancy de- signs, .peatly made in the correct styles /for summer, all sizes in stock, $4, $4.50, 85, $5.50, $6, $6.50, $7.50. v : . 4 WASH SKIRTS-Pique, Ducks, Linens, Muslins, ete; "White and fancy de- signs, $1, $1.50, $0, 92.50, 8, $3.50. Sash Nets . Sash and arge assortmet ofa SEE : . om ob iis fl Frilled Muslins o $30. pecial Featu ] Oilcloths - he: best rd . : 3 Window . Shades efrigerators re all made of 5 Ad with Z vanig " joo chamber, cloanahie oo ol wool filled, pertcct circulation old dry 'air, which rend - v odorless and fros- from W BROS "Phone 85°, - CORNER BROCK AND WELLING mR FLAGS FLAGS Of Every : Description i ------ © «uD In every quality in Cot- ton and Wool. Ensigns Jacks . Standards All sizes up to four yards long. 10c. to $6 each i TON STREE : Skirts Some exclusive designs in Skirts, excellently made :-- VOILE SKIRTS--In black and navy, beautifully' made, at $9, $10, $10.50 each, i ; BLACK SILK STREET SKIRTS-$7.75, $8.50, 89, 810. The unshrinkable kinds CREAM LUSTRE SKIRTS, CREAM SERGE SKIRTS. in natural and white for Women, Mei, and Chil- dren. ; : Ladies' Collars Special offering in Ladies' Fancy Collars, regular values 20c., 25¢., 30¢,, 35¢c. and 40c, each. Your choice for Be. each. / There is only a limited quantity of these--it will pay you well to inves tigate this offering. The coinfort of the whole {amily depends upon the Stockings they wear. Sees that the name "WALDRON'"T5 gn every pair--they fit, they wear, they hold the color. White Silk Blouses In all sizes, very la variety, 75¢. to $4.50 oe Wrappers Dressing Sacques Whitewear At special prices. Spot-proof Broadcloth Compare the qualities we offer with those others show at the same prices--besides ours are sponged and shrunk, BLACK AND COLORS-00c., $1, $1.23, 81.50 yard. CREAM SERGES--The washing kinds, 50c., 60c., 75c. yard, VOILES--In Black and colors, 60c., 75¢., 90c., 81, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75. GREY TWEEDS AND HOMESPUNS--Imported makes, 54 incheg wide, at 90e. yard. \ Eton Suits In long and short sleeves. : piel ; ~ Tweeds Broadcloths Cheviots $9.50 to $21. } WHITE SPOT MUSLINS--12jc., 15e., 20c., 25¢., 30c,, 35c., 40c., 50e, PERSIAN LAWNS---15c., 20c., 25¢., 30c., 35e, INDIA LINONS--15¢., 20e., 25c., 35c,, 40c., B0c, RICHARDSON'S PURE IRISH SHIRT:-WAIST LINENS--The right kinds, 50c., GOe., T5c., 80c., 90c., $1, 81.25, Get a Parasol or Umbrella that you know is right--An English made one. We have them :-- ' PARASOLS--75c., $1, $1.25, $1.50, $2, $2.50, $3. UMBRELLAS-75¢., 81, $1.50, $2, $2.50, $3, $3.50, $4. nL 1 LS