Now well to ts, a Pie-nigs, ® here before will be Nore he ow 15 the wise ¢] inet needs and be tare yu | argest and most popula the city, should Dr Shee] res trom which to buy. ji 4 tle knowing the fi] value of | ny other summer colors, we wil ticularly to emphasize the | ams for to-morrow, 'and the _-- wish you to come if only tg he . re are favorites wd 7 5c. yard. nd 90¢, yard. ferent designs, af 25¢. yard, yard, AIDLAW & SON ciennes Laces Han | say anything very bing the wonderful y which we have lanciennes Laces. s ever ready to ap- ally our ever splen- : of the same. anes we have riced 'accord o 15¢. yard. Valanciennes the newest m 4 to 25¢. AIDLAW & RON 00 nie hy TH > . 1 Insertions for You| xtent and compass as that which son is bound to please each and . Of course, it deserves just such direct from the three: foremost good embroidery thing--St. Gall, ome for all your embroidery wants what we have, come and seesll igose or not. You'll find many :-- 16 or 18 inches wide, at from 20 to 5k. uncing Fanbroideries and Strapping. En Nesp) Pure Malt vicest barley ey are very n. Labatt's s and agree ch. LAND, 341 King St. @ OOOO DEH Firewor ks! § ees . ces'. Cc. package. to 20¢. each. ., each. )s, Caps, Mines, otc. »6 Princess St: BAGH GOGUE GREAT AUCTION, SALE YEAR 73. NO. 125. REMOVAL SALE OF FURNITURE All goods will be sold without reeerve. We will not' remove any of our stock '0 the new store. Now is the time for bargains. Robt. J. Reid The Leadisg Undertaker 222 Princess Street. Two Doors Abeve ile Opera House Telephone 577. For Fishermen We have Rods, Line, Bait everything else necessary successful angling at son of the year. and for any sca Come in end look things over are very moderate and the quality of ¢ article is prices high grade. We have sporting goods other sports, too, ete. Angrove Bros. 88-90 Princess Street. BY JOHN H. MILLS for OF FURNITURE "Queenscote,' the residence of Mes. R. T. Walkem, part of the effects ~ Wednesday Morning AT 10.30 AM. JOHN H. MILLS, Auctioneer. WHEN YOU WEAR Our Shoes you wear the best # footwear to be had in King- ston Wear "Allen's" Military Bootmakers Sign of Golden Boot. 84 Brock St. GROCERY AND LIQUOR BUSI- NESS FOR SALE. GOLDEN LION GROCERY, KING- Ston, Ontario, the property of the late McRae, established, 1854. One of s in Eastern Ontario am and Lyon, Vend Prr---- ---- Everybody Interested in Kingston Real Estate Now Read the Bulletin It is to your interest if you de- to sell your property to have t listed thergin. SW IFT'S REAL ESTATE aN GENDY er DIRECT FROM TURK re will pay good . prices for useful Ifniture, Cayrpets, Stoves and all other foods. For trading, buying or eblline, to hetter place than Turk's Second-Hand Store 398 Princess Street. TO. SHOW ENGLAND. Col. Kitchener Urges Compulsory Training. May 20.--Col. at Wellingten on a New Zealand tg" arrenge scheme of education, that the Is Lond n, Kitchener, who ia holiday, a modi compulsory military and thus to set an example mother country would short be shamed inte follow ing. Were Fo other European power to estab- ish a supremacy, the New Zealand coal fields and wedlth would prove a tich and CAV Prey. ------ Rebellion In Russia. Is vt half With eli of p lirgeg fied as interesting to the mah' Corns as 'the knowlwdge that 8 guaranteed with every bottle Uliam's Corn © Extractor. safe and sold everywhere. -- Supreme Grand Britis come Pain- Black - Chapter - of h America opened its thirty-se- ne Session in Toronto last night. mrich's horse radish ean not he ex- f acting live stock DAILY MEMORANDA, S------ Band in Macdonald Park, Wednesday, 8 p.m. City Property Wednesday, On Wednesday and sets at 7.3 Ontario Dig day, 10 a.m. Van will le 290 Princess St and Monday, Cewetery. Committee, 4 p.m., sup rises--at 41 ams 38 pan Wednes- Mcllquham's Livery, duily except Saturday at 2 pam, for Cataraqui WHIG TELEPHONES, Business Office. 2 "ditorial Rooms. 202--Jobbing Department. Old Blue We have just received a very pretty line of old "Blue Willow" in odd China Plates, Cups and Saucers, etc, Also a com- plete 'line of the old blue "Onion" pattern in pretty shapes and very cheap. ROBERTSON BROS.. | WU From Trapper to Wearer Collectors, Exporters and Manufacturers « ties "McKay Fur House, Kingston, Ont. ~ i TANNA AARP ARAN AR POLO PONY RAGES AND GYMKHANA AT FAIR CROUNDS Saturday, June ond At 3p. 1 rc Admission, 25c¢. ARE ON STRIKE. Tre Dominion Transport 'Com- pany's Men Are Out. Montreal, May 29.-Two hundred teamsters, employed by the Dominion Fransport" company, who do the age work in Montreal for the went on swike,' to-day, for an in crease in w lhe men have been getting 81.60 a day, but now want ¥1.75. There is also a dispute between the men and the management over the of pay for overtime. The men twenty-five cents an hour for such work, claiming that, accord ing to their present arrangement, they nothing. This is denied hy the company. The police have been do tailed to guard the company's stables in different parts of the city. want SALVATION LAD AND LASS Married in Windsor Barracks Last Night. Windsor, Ont., May 29. -- Miss Alice Andrews and William Wilmot, members of the Salvation Army were married at the local barracks, last night, pe fore a4 crowd that filled the room to its utmost capacity. Bride and -groom were obligated to put the army first in their wedded life. They were raised on adjacent farms, and pent to sc hool together in England. Wilmot came to Canada a few vears ago. The two plighted their troth before they 'left England, and Mise Andrews crossed the ocean to marry him el dm-- To Go Into The Scheme. Ottawa,; Mav 29--J, B. Spencer, commissioner, has gone to Winnipeg to be present at 'a government sale of live stock. will also meet representatives of the Canadian Aberdeen Angus Breeders' Association. to complete arrangements for.the entry of that organization in- to the scheme of national registry. ITCHING PILES Eczema, Erdptions, Pimples--, cured i mk er ii Ee iy oe MARK REGISTERED. and safe y "A was troubled with liching Piles" writes ong man whose address we will raish om vegues!, "1 used ail the salves and remzdics I ever heard of. Then I used Miva Otwimeni--and obtained 'more relief from it Whan all the others. 1 vecommend it to ali affiicied srth thes complaint." each box--6 for kotor 8 50. Used with Mira "Blood Tonic he Char Csi 3d: lungs ary dnd fresh. 1 hy arge + We, "ARK. your: grocer for it. At fi oor pay Pre ooo = Canadian frs | He | KINGSTON, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, MAY 29, 1906. FAVORS IDEA That King Edward Should Visit Canada. PRESS URGES IT IT WOULD, LIKELY INVOLVE OTHER PLACES. It Xe Be a Dramatic Moment When the King and President Roosevelt Met--Asking for a Loan. for Building Laborers' Colleges in Ireland. London, May 20.--In an editorial ar: ticle the Daily Telegraph, this morn ing, strongly favors King Edward's acceptance of the invitation to visit Canada, which it says, likely would in- volve also a visit to Washinoton and perhaps New York. ""The alliance of Japan, the entente with France, the better understanding with Russia, fol- lowed by a visit to Washington anc a meeting with President Roosevelt, which would be a dramatic moment, instinct with significance, sealing the reconcilintion of the Anglo-Saxon races for ages to come," the Paper declares, "would make. the vears of his majos- tv's influence more memorable . and beneficent than any equal period of any vrevious reign." Chief Secretary for Ireland Bryce, introduced in the House of Commons, rddy, a bill authorizing a loan of 00.000 to provide laborers' cob- tages in Ireland. Mr, Bryce explained that the loan would be raised 'on the same terms as the hand loan timated the cost of a land to be ahout $860, tween 25,000 and 30,000 erected. John M. Redmond, Irish Na tivnalist, congratulated Mr, Bryce and said he accepted the measure as an honest effort to deal with grievances of great magnitude, . John - Burns warns {he labor party not to isolate themselves from men who are not manual laborers. For lab or men, he says, to cut themselves: off from the best and brightest spirits of mankind simply because these have not been hewers of wood and drawefs of water, is to cut off the path for théir own advancement in the near fut ture, and to inflict upon themselves disability, which cnc day they 'will find the folly and mistake of doing. The Roval Army Temperance Associ- ation of Britain has a membership of 7 Lsimty-four thousand. of these are in India, and of 22,796 no fewer He vs cottage and so that he would be the remaining than 19.365 jre total abstaibers. The Duke of Connaught, in presiding at the apnual meeting in London, on Friday last, said sohiety was' on the inerease in the. army the war office recoonized that in rais ing the morals of the soldier the ASS0- ciation played an important part, > and LIVERPOOL TO VANCOUVER. Steamer Completes a Trip of 22,- 503 Miles. Montreal, May 29.--A telegrant from Vancouver the arrival of the C. P.°i steamship Moupteagle, which completed » trip announces from Liver pool, a distance of 22,603 miles.' Calls were made at Newport, Wales, where she took on a cargo of coal, Tene rife. Durban, Hong Kong and Yoko- hama. The Moupteagle is the vessel on which Master Fred, Shaughnessy, son of the president of the C P.R., and his sister made a large portion of their round-the-world trip, ng@ring com pletion, a notable eventdon account of the globe being circled entirely by the ships and trains of the Canadian. Pa cific railway. GOVERNMENT PAYS COSTS. Brant County Council Does Not Pay for Trial. Brantford, Omt.,, May 29. Brant county council has won the first point in an interesting battle with the Do minion government, which will have an important bearing in future cases. The case of Joseph Bennett, the In- dian, who was tried and hanged for the murder of Betsy Jacobs, an In dian woman, on the reserve, cost twelve hundred dollars. Brant county considered it, should not have to bear the cost of admimistering justice to the Indians, and appealed to the Dominion gévernment, with the result that an order has been passed, pro viding for the payment hy the gov ernment of the expense in this case, Long Lived 'Family. Munich, May 29.--~How to he hale and hearty at the age of 118 vears is a problem which is given few persons to solye, It has been successfully achieved by Josepha Eder, a wood man's widow, of Spitzendorf, Bavaria. Summer and winter the old woman voes barefooted, fearing no chills or colds. Her dailv diet has always 'main- ly consisted of buttermilk, dumplings, saverkranut, and potatoes. Frau Eder. who has been » widow for sixty-eight years, lives with a - daughter aged eighty-five vears, and lately walked to the neirhboring villace of Tittling, h an hour's distance, to eonfeksion. Fighting In Natal. Durban, Natal, May © 290, --Severe fighting has occurred along the Buf- falo river. Six hundred rebels sur rounded dnd attacked 4 camp in the Umvoti reeion, Lut were beaten off af- ter two hours' fichting. The militia lost four men, while the losses to the natives were heavy, t---------- 'Baseball Summary. National league:-St. Louis, 5; New York, 4. Cincinnati; 5: Philadelphia, 4, Chicago, 1; Bostof, 2, Eastern leagne "Rochester, 7; Toron- to, 5 Buffalo, 6; Montreal, 3. FROVIN CES WILL PAY. Have Made Arrangements Regard- ing N.W.M.P. Ottawa, May 2.-An arrangement has been made between the dominion and the governments of Saskatchewan an? Alberta for the policing of the new provinces during the next five years. Begibning with the first of July each of the provinces will make a yearly payment of seventy-five thous and dollars to the dominion for the maintenance. of the Royal North-West Mounted Police within its boundaries, This will be about a third of the cost of maintaining the force. In wddi- tion the provinoes will hear all the ex- pense" of maintaining and transport ing prisoners, Jurisdiction over the police will re main as at present with the dominion, However, the commissioner will con- sult with "the justice 'departments of each province and will take instruc tions concerning arrests from the at torney-generals, The disposition and location of the force, the number that shall be assigned to cach province and where they are to be stationed will be entirely a dominion fair. FIRE CHIEF D. J Of San Francisco victims of the earth of a tall hotel bpifing adjoining the houko in which the cMisi lived, fell during the rthquake, ¢rushed" the small house und injured Chief: Sullivan so severely that he died the following day. empl. SULLIVAN, was uhke one of the The chimney PITH OF THE NEWS. The Very Latest Culled From All Over The World. The discovery of a ten-inch vein of cobalt silver ore on concession three, Coleman, is reported. i 6 4 drove on the railway on his way howe from Belleville and was kided. At Kamloops, B.C., true bills were found against Fdwards, Dunn and Colquhoun for train robbery. The RM.S. Virginian, Allan fine, from Liverpool for Montreal, reported inward 180 miles east of Cape Race at 9.30 a.m, The Austrian cabinet has gresigned. The trouble is over the, settlement of the common customs tariff of Austria- Hungary. Lord Strathcona informed the Brit ish government "that. he was not im plicated in the Canadian immigration scandals. Thomas Southworth, reecived complaints their Norseman Toronto, <has from immigrants concerning treatment on the steamer Slaymaker, a policeman in Philadel phia's tenderloin distriet, was shot and fatally wounded while making an arrest in a Chinese restaurant. The Allan line steamer Protorian from Glasgow, arrived at Quebec, at 1:30 pm. on May 25th. She is due in Montreal at 7:30 pau. to-night The Hagenbeek circus will question in the courts the right of the Cana dian officials: to refuse entry to Hin doo performers at the border. Ihe Allan line steamer Cily of Vienna, for Philadelphia, docked at Halifax at 550° p.m., on May 25th, and. sailed thenee, at noon, on 29th The Prince andl Princess of Wales, who are en route to Madrid to re present King Fdward at the wedding of King Alfonso and Princes? Ena, spent Sunday in Paris, According to the wish of the dowag er empress, over u thousand destitute Chinese from San Francisco are to be sent hone to China, and cared for there by the Chinese Red Cross Soci ety. > The ceremony of the beatification of sixteen Carmelite nuns, guillotined during the French revolution, took place in "St. Peter's, Rome, on Sun day. The pope retired to hed immaodi-, ately after Yhe ceremony, 2 W. F. McLean, in the House of Com mong, on Monday, moved for a com mittee of the house to investigate life insurance in Capada, Hon, W. 8. Fielding, defended "the insurance com mission and the officials of the de partment. The motion was defeated, Run Over By A Train. St. Catharines, Ont., May 29.--Wil- limm Elliott, an bld resident of the city, was run over and instantly kill- ed by a-ireight train on the tracks of the Niagara, St. Catharines and Thorold railroad, on Lake street, this morning. He was about sixty years of age, and had bon in the employ of Tavlor & Bate, brewers, for the past thirty years. An inquest will pe held, Dr. Digby Dead. Brantford, Ont.. May 29.-Dr. J: W Dighy, one of the anost popular and best known medical practitioners in this section died. early this morning. He had not very well for some time, but nothing serious was antici pated. been There is one thing that you can bank on, The present day yoimg wo- men are keener, brighter, and hotter looking and more self-reliant and less dey mdent. They all take Hollister's Rockv* Mountain Tea. 2 eénts, Tea br, Tablots. Mahood's Drug Store, Is To Be A. Feature Of Ena's Wedding. PRINCE OF WALES Deputations, With Addresses, Wait on the Bride-Elect--Great Automobile Demonstration -- Wedding Dress a Marvel of Beauty. / Madrid, May 29.--The influx of vis itors continues, Many trains are of double their usual length, and all are crowded. The special embassies still arrive to-day, coming from lrun, on the frontier, where they will assemble on the same special train, It is under- stood thay the Prince of Wales, who represents King Edward, and his suite, will not attend the grand = bull fight that is to be given in connection with the wedding festivities, Deputations from the Cortes present. ed addresses" to Princess Ena at the Pardo palace to-day. The senate's ad- dress was read by the president of that body. It congratulated the Prin- "sharing with: our king the destinies of the glorious Spanish monarchy," and prayed Providetice to bless the union which would be a guage. of the peace, progress and greatness of Spain. Senor Canalejas, in a speech on be half of the chamber of deputies, said thet in assuring the king's happiness her royal highness would be working for the welfare of Spain. There was a great demonstration of automobilists, mostly women, yester- day. One hundred and eighty-five cars went in provession to the Pardo palace, and afterward the Royal family joined 'the cortege. The parade was unprecedented in Spain. All the cars were elaborately decorated. cess on The Wedding Dress. On one of the Princess Kna's visits to Madrid she was permitted to visit the gorgeous nuptial apartments that had been prepared in the royal palace and to try on the wedding dress made here. The wedding dressZhas attracted great interest in Spain, as it is truly a Spanish product, in fabric and finish, except for the wonderful Brus- sels lace, which has been brought to adorn it. It was a fancy of the king and 'the queen mothé~that the wed- ding dress should be made in Spain and the Princess Ena graciously foll in with this patriotic sentiment, The dress is, therefore, one of the special presents from the king and is a mar- vel of elegance. The silk was manu- factured from a special pattern in gne of the large Spanish silk establish- ments, It was made up with all the artistic skill of the court dressmaker, The silk is heavily overlaid with won. derful silver embroidery, with soft frills of finest Brussels lace, said to have cost 850 a yard. The laces were publicly exhibited before being put on the dress, and excited the admiration and astonishment of the aristocratic ladies of Madrid, Orange blossoms are vrofusely used with the silver om- broideries and laces, for the corsage, and even in dainty clusters .along the train, which is four yards long. Ae cording to Spanish traditions, the bride must afterwards present the wedding dress to the Virgin de 14 Paloma, the popular protectress of maternity, The King's Presents. King Alfonso's presents to his bride are on exhibition and attract great attention for the beauty of the goms and their value, which is said to ex ceed 81,000,000. They consist of an exquisite crown for the future queen to wear on state occasions; framed in solid gold and set wih brilliants, al- sb a diadem, two collars, one of pearls and the other; of rubies hnd sapphires a pair of magnificent pendants and a large diamond' brooch, One of the curious econceits is arfminature dia- mond automobile, af exact counter part of the king's favorite car. The door of this is pen, showing the por- trait of the king by a leading artist, ---- "MILLIONS FOR CHARITY. Immense Bequest of Hungarian Nobleman, Vienna, May 29 Count Alexander Karolyi, who recently died in. Hun- gury at the age of sixty-live left 86,250,000 1, charities, The omint had very large landed estate in Hun- gary, was president of the Hungarian Agricultural League, and the author of a number of books én agriculture, He married the widow of his brother, Count Eduard, but had no children. ---- To Merge Four Copper Mines. Calumet, Mich, May 29.--1¢ has just been authoritatively announced that a gigantic merger, to include four large Arizona copper mines controlled by Calumet, 'Duluth and Pittsburg capi- talists is soon to be made. Tt jg pro- posed to organize 5 pew corporation with: $20,000,000 cavital to" take over' the Calumet and Pittsburg, Lake Su- perior and | Pittsburg Junetion and Duluth Mining companies, operating the Bisbee, Arizona, mines, These con- corns ate controlled hy Charles Briggs, James and Thomas Hoatson, of Calu- met and Thomas F. Cole and associ ate of Duluth. Nearly every man prom. inent in the United States Steel Cop noration ds heavily interested. The deal will result in one of the largest caper mining corperations in the world, ---------- Buy Blue-Tav corn plasters af Gib- ron's Red Cross Drug Store, venrs, has building lots, Accomplice of Anarchist Now in Hands of Police. Paris, May 29.----A remarkable cap: ture was made by the police at Etienne last night, Three men, who had been arrested' with » complete set of burglars' tools in their possession, were being search- ed in the police station. when they drew revolvers and fired at the gend- iy wounding three. © 'men wera overpowered, and one of them has boen identified as Oroe- ot, one of the accomplices of the not- orious Aunrehin Ravechol. Crozet was sentenced to twenty vears' penal ser- vitude, fifteen years ago, but had es caped arrest until now. WILL OF A WIDOW, Sister Gets the Bequest. Ottawa, May 29.-The will of the late Mrs. Walter C. Mackey, who died" a fow weeks ago, at Costa Rica, was filed for probate to-day. Sho left an estate valued at $119,565, which is divided between father, bro- sigter, Mary Jane thers and sisters, getting the largest portion Her Largest Flood, Nrs. Mackey, was formerly Miss Flood. of Quebec. and dauohttr in-law of the late millionaire lutiberman, William Mackey, FOUR BOOKMAKERS Up For Operating on the Wood- bine Toronto, | May - 29.--Four Toronto bookmakers, who have been operating on the Woodbine tack with eighteen of their employees, appeared before Police Magistrate Denison, to-day, on a charge of keoping and assisting to keep a gaming place! They all plead. ed 'not guilty," and were remanthed till Tuesday. The four bookmakers wera Jake Saunders, Herbert Bailey, Abe Orpen and Sam Black. BELLEVILLE'S POLICE Must All Resign By June 30th Say Commissioners, Belleville, Ont., May 290.-The resig- nation of all members of the police force, of this city, has been called for by the police commissioners. They will take affect on. June 30th, New. men bers of the force must be thirty. years old, or under, This action of the po- lice » commissioners is precipitated. by feeling on the part of the citizens, whe think the force, as at present: consti- tuted, is not what it. should be, AN EARTHQUAKE SHOCK ---- In Martinique Stops Political Troubles. Fort Deo. France, Martinique, May 20.--An earthquake shock of brief duration, but much strength, was felt in all parts of the island yesterday, In several places the people are panie- stricken. The earthquake had put a complete stop on the plans: of the re- volutionists fer more political dis turbaunces, CUT BARS OF CELL. Escapes From Port Arthur Jail, Prisoner day and on slightly higher | Be That is surely coming, and it goes without saying that the Steady Store is splendidly ready for this great event, People have come to the Metropolitan 'character, of our business and to khow when we nounce an event, it will be in adv, of anything we have before abtomp All That's New \ X 3 In White Ghiods we have ready for your inspection :~ 4 vai WHITE DRESS LINENS-27 distinet weaves to choose ha including t eclobrated "Old Bleach" sun od Bnens onic 806040 WHITE SWISS Spor Chnesunsine | Saeady bobbie ere WHITE MA WHITE FRENPH Sronslivien sana an ase c. to $1, LAWNS, INDIA LINEN 8 im vk seein GLOVES OF WHITE-AIl the able kinds « 200. to PARASOLS OF WHITE-0f Cot: Linen, Silk, ote ...... $1.50 to See the beautiful display of these; materials at iil Port Arthbr, Ont., May 29.~'I'hy Fallon, upder sentence of thrée years in Kingston penitentiary for larceny, broke jail here Monday "morning. He evidently. had assistance from outside, as he secured saws with which he cut four bars from the cell window. Power From Waddington, Brockville, May 28.---Cecil B. Smith, engineer of the Hydro-Electric Power conunission, of Ontario, paid Brock- ville a visit, on Saturday, on the in. vitation of Mayor Stewart, and dis- cussed the possibilities of cheap power being transmitted to this' place. Mr, Smith gave as his opinion that 'the most feasible spot from which to ob- tain power was Waddington, N.Y., a distance of thirty miles away on the American side of the St. Lawrence river, where a gonerating plant is about to be installed. Fransmission could be wasily arranged to supply the Canadian frontier town from Iroquois west to Kingston. An effort will be made to induce these places to take the preliminary steps, then the gov- ernment will act accordingly in lend. ing aid towards building and equip ping the line. Selling The Lang. Toronto, May 28.--C. PD, Schit, #0- licitor for the liquidators of the York County Loan, says the side of the real estate is proceeding satisfactorily; it was hoped to have it all disposed of by the end of the summer. Most all of the land is being disposed of in ------ Was Totally Wrecked. Aldernay, ¥ng., May 29.'The Ger- man steamer Herrores, of Hamburg, one of the fleet of the Dutch Leviath. an line, was totelly wrecked this morning. -------- As a result of the continuous rain- fall of the past forty-eight hours, the Hudson and all other streams about Albany, N.Y., are over their banks, and turbid with. mud, Navigation is impeded, : Dr. Thomas' Pile cure gives instant relief, 25c. at Best' When You Grow Old. The body needs tohing-- wasted tissues 'must 'be rebuilt, gans restored--blood needs extra ndarishment. Elderly peoole need Ferrozone,~need it because it vitalizes/ and rejuvenates as no other remedy can. Ferrozone builds up the kind of strength that makes one feel good,-- kere back the decay of old age and es you look young and agait. Forget nervous exhaustion, re new. vour vital 1 re-entep the life of vouth ¥ Vous Tabedy. Perrozone, only fifty cents per hox, at playedkout or- | ! . CHOWN.--On May 28th, 19068, A the late wife 4 , aged seventy-eight years. » ivate, N KEEL iy "aan Funeral private. ROBT. J. REID, The Leading Usdectaner 'Phone 877: 223 Princess Sv Say Cetting Low ? Wa have a large stock of Fruits in tins, Quality im the very best, and prices more reasonable than in glass. Raspberries, 2. Jb. tins. Stra Ib. tins. Blueberries, 2 Wb. tins. « tins. . tins. + tins. Plums, 2 Wh. and 3 1b. tins. Apples, gallon tins. a Arrangements For it About Come There was a special meet Woman's Hospital Aid and much important done, A board of Ay pointed, and also the for month of June. These will be Mrs. Octavius Yates, Mrs. Henry W: Mrs, James Mdstie, and Mrs. W. J, The gardeh party which. will be held in the oApi grounds on June 12th, was largely di .Lhere ard. to be several novel features, a palmistey buslosspre, wide we, the ever-des lightiu peorn man, ete, bes home-made candy, ice cream and fl er tables. - It prowises to be very tractive. ; 3 the but one thing! When chas liness there is wind and that kind--beautifulness that comes ing Hollister's Re M 35 cents, Drug Store all dealers,