-- t Soap. is befier he than t when used in the Sule Preciate the simplicin hay. With Sunlight Soa in ihe Suir | "¥ Plicity and eae ¢ should follow directions, ubbing on the soa ! p.-roll nerse in the water, UP each and 8 away, ht Soap ty 10 Sixty minutes, eaner and whiter thay if Washed with boiler and harg rubbin . Lever Brothers Limited, Toronto "° orking for a moderate salary lollar or soon a pair of shes, that he can doit if he brings 1er get his shoes here for Jess ble shoes here for the same r either case it's a saving. e ready and our YOUNG ery twist and kink of fashion makers. Come try a pair of rland & Bro. food Shoemaking | N i | , Women and Children, 12c., 15. and also fast black, 25¢. and 33. per pair. ose, full fashioged English make, bean inly worth your seen here and the second floor is cert nd becoming styles t one doubts the advi ty of buying smaker, Oply b cing them can sa red. yecond Floor Takea White 'Goods sll made and trimmed, excellent values nd trimmed with lace, tucks and em o. and T5e. per pair 1 liry, gooll gen with lace and embroidery, good § -h. 'kirts, at prices ranging fromidfe. to >y Bros. 3 oe, for sale. THE DAILY WHIG, WEDNESDAY, MAY 30. yopsiS CF CANADIAN NORTHWEST si HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS en 0 sectiop of Domin- Any Stu in Manitoba ori the North fon Provinces, excepting 8 and 26, not Wout may be homesteaded upon by person who is the solv head of «a hoya or apy male over 18 yeurs of fam to the extent of one-quarter . sec- tion, of 160 acres more of less. on must be made personally at the toad oflice for the district in which the land is situate. HOMESTEAD DUTIES : A settler who bas been granted an entry for a home- tead is required to perform the con- ditions connected therewith under one of the following plans : (1) At least six months residence upon nd cultivation of the land in each year during the term of three yeurs. (2) If thel futher (or mother, if the father is deceused) of any person who is eligible to make au homestead entry un- der the provisions of this Act, resides upon a farm in the vicinity of the land ntered for bY such person as a home stead, the requirements of this Act as to residence prior to obtaining patent may pe satisfied LY such person residing with he father or mother. - : (3) If the settler has his permanent residence upon farming. land oWned Ly pim in the vicinity of his honiestead, the requirements of this ACt as Lo residence way be satisfied by residence upon the said land. APPLICATION FOR PATENT should be made at the end of three years, le- re the Agent. Sub-Agent or the lomestead Inspector. Before making anvlicationa for patent he settler must give six months' notice in writing the Cominissioner of Do- winion Lands at Ottawa, of his intention ds 80. SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH- WEST MINING fEGULATIONS. Coal.--Coal lands may be purchased at $1u per acre for soft coal and $20 for nthracite. Not niore than 820 acres cun be ucquired by one Individual or com- rany. Royalty at the raw of ten cents per ton of 2,000 pounds shali be collecred on lhe Eruss output. Quartz.--A free miner's erunted upon payment in 'advance of £5 per aunamw for an individual, and from $50 to $100 per abpnum for a com- any according to capital. A free winer, having discovered mineral place, may, locate a claim 1,500x1,. 600 feet. The fee for recording a clain is $5. At least $100 must he expended on the lai each year or paid to the mining re- corder ib lieu thereof, When $500 hus been expended or paid, the locator muy, vpou - having a survey madé¢, and upon complying with other requirements, pur- chase tho land at $1 an acre. The patent nrovides for the payment of royalty of 2} per cent on the sales. PLACER minine claims generally are 00 feet square : entry fee $5, renewable yearly. "A free miner may obtain two leases to dredge for gold of five miles each fora erm of twenty years, renewable at the discretion of the Minister of the Interior. The lessees shall have a dredge in oper- sation within one season from the date of be lease for each five miles. Rental, $10 rer annum for each mile of river leased. Royalty at the rate of 24 per cent collect ed on the output after it excceds $10,000. W. CORy, certificate 1s Ww. Deputy ol the Minister of the Interior. N.B.--Unauthorized publication of this edvertisement will not be paid for. TENDERS FOR DREDGING. SEALED TENDERS ADDRESSED to the unders gned and endorsed "Ten- der for lredging St. Mary's River Sault Ste. Marie, Ont." will be received at this office until the 13th day of June, 6, inclusively for dredging in the St. Mary's River at Sgult Ste. Marie, Ont. fecording to a plan _and combined specific tion and fohn of tender to be seen at the office of J. G. Sing, Bsq., Resident Engineer, Confederation Life Building, Toronto, on amolication to the Post master at Sault Ste. Marie, District of Algoma, Ont., and at the Departmentof Public Works, Ottawa. Persons tendering are notified that ten- ders will not be considered unless made on the printed form supplied, and signed With their actual signatures. Each tender must be accompanied hy an accepted cheque on a chartered hank made payable to the order of the Hon. curable the Minister of Public Works for SIX thousand dollars ($6,000.00), which will be forfeited if the person tendering decline to enter into a contract wher called upon to do so, or if he fail tc complete the work contracted for. If the tender be not accepted be returned The Department does mot bind itself to accent the lowest or any tender. y, order, FRED. GELINAS, Secretary the cheque will Department of Public Works y Ottawa, May 22; 1908 Newspapers inserting this advertise Meot without authority from the De Partment, will not be paid for it. ENTER NOW For a Business Shorthand or Civil Service Course. Kingston Business College Limited Head of Queen Streot Kingston, Canada TORTURED BY ITCHING SCALP Eczema Broke Out Also on Hands and Limbs -- Suffering Intense -- Doctors "Said Too Old fo Be Cared -- An Old Soldier of 80 Years Declares : re -- "CUTICURA TREATMENT IS A BLESSING" "At all times and to all people I am willing to testify to the merits of Cu- ticura. It saved me from worse than the tortures of hades, about the year 1900, with itching on my scalp 'and temples, and afterwards it commenced to break out on my hands. © Then it broke out on my limbs. I was advised to use salt and water, which 1 did, to noeffect. then went to a Surgeon, who commicnced treating me with a wash of borax. This treatment did mp na good, but rather aggravated the di ase. | then told him I would go and kee phy- sician in Erie. The reply was that I could go anywhere, but case of eczema like mine could not [be cured; that I was too old (80). 1 went to an eminent doctor in the city of] Erie and treated with him for six Tohtie, with like results. I had read of the Cu- ticura Remy I wis strongly tempted to give them a trial] so 1 sont for the Cutteura Soap, Ointment, and Res and continued taking the Resolvent until T bad taken six bottles, stopping it to take the Pills. [I was now getting better. Ttook two baths a day, and at night I let the lather of the Soap dry on. I used the Ointment with great - effect after washing in warm water. to stop the itching at once. I am now cured. "The Cuticura treatment. is a blessin and should be nsed by every » who has itching of the skin." 1 eax any more, and thank God that He given the world such a ecurativ You can use this letter you please. X very much befriended man, Wm. Ii. Gray, 3303 Vernon St. Philadelphia, Pa., Mt. and Internal Trestment for ever es mn Infancy ts Ape, all "drugaiets. Potter Drug & Chen s Malicd Free, of strength--No, 1, 10 degrees stronger, No. 3 ralaing canaries, More profital You'll got $0.50 1* 35.00 meh or young Jeers E: COTTAM Bir BOOK (housands Sc.) ai BIRD BREAD 10 CENTS, and "CANARY vi. CHICKENS," showing how to with canaries. >a A. E. HEROD CRDERED FOOTWEAR ¢ . ¢ Take good care of your $ [eet ; they deserve it. They $ TTB B we. need special attention. A pair gol my Boots give rest and comfort. 286 Princess Street 0 SVVVVV VV VT RLV VV RSS EWYR p CHINESS 83 Fiincess Street Open from 10.80 a.m. to}3.00 a.m 331 King Street Open from 10.30 a.m. to 3.00 a.m I'he best place to get Lunch in the city; hortest notice. lishes a specialty: an all round Meals of all kinds on Fnglish and Chinese Phone 655. Spacious apartments, } quipment, excellent ntes in demand. Thorough Individual instruction »bhy com- tent and experienced teachers in : every department. Open through- ut the whole year. Catalogue ree. J.B. McKAY, H.F, METCALFE, ' President. Principal. results, { ¢ t { ¢ ¢ { "Wwaescaeas GASOLINE Put in your tank at our dock. Alarge stock of Dry Bai- tories, Spark Plug and Coi's always on hand. SELBY & YOULDEM LIMITED, Jones, 293 Princess Streot. After careful selection of goods and comparison of values, I have in stock nn fc - special cases, per box. Sur Ai 0 Se. afiierse. y Sold Rr all druggists, or rent | Son, aug teac ber, for his efficient train on receipt of price. | 'Ng of the pupils. hlet. Ad dress : THE 00x Meione Go.. Toronto, ONY. (formerly Windsor) re i---------------------- aa ble than chickens. All indoors. Xperience we send sold at 25c.) and two cakes Uptown Bicycle Depot | Samu Goudy, | front NEWS OF NEIGHBORS WHAT WHIG CORRESPOND- ENTS TELL US. The Tidings From Various Points In Eastern Ontario -- What People Are Doing And What They Are Saying. A Sudden Death. Wagarvill, May 25.--8y Ivester Cronk, one of the, pioneers of the ship of Hinchinbrook, passed to nal rest on Sunday afternoon, Deceased was born in Can ada and resided in Camden, t ence he to Wagar then a wilder For forty-seven years he lived a moved ness, very active life. He was seventy- sen years of age. Death was $aused by Brisht's disease. He was a ~taunch liberal. The funeral service was conducted « on Tuesday, by Mrs. Moscow. He leaves a widow and three sons, Lasher, Solo mon and Mercneas Cronk, Has Sold His Store. Parham, May Farmers ave through with their spring work, , A number from here attended the ecle bration in Kingston, on Victoria day. picnics at Long Lake and Eagle Lake. W, Dollack bas #old his store to G. Killins, Hinchin brooke. Mr. Black intends putting up a line residence herve. J. AL Goodfol low is having a veranduh built in of his house. Miss Lake, Mos IN here were also Leow, is spending a few days with her | grandfather. F. | few davs with friends here. A number vi Sold in threc degrees 1; No. 2 Wohey all for 15c. stamps or coln. ES oy y COTTAM BIRD SEED, 3, 8t., Londen, Oat. | Daas built wire fince. Manson Lee has _ | materially added to the appearance «f BVVVVVLLVOLN He ¢| Vv | | Restau rant | inds om | : nese | preached to a large audience in Pres (anadian Chinese Restaurant| The Results | } | | | | | { Loucks is spending a from here attended court Piccadilly, ol Saturday revision, aL last, C. LD. Godirey is spending a few days at on home, J Forest Fancies. | Forest, May 28, are badly in need of rain after the heavy frost {of Sunday night. John O'Connor, for- { merly of this place, now of Winnipeg, | was quietly married on the 24th at | Winnipeg. His many friends wish hig ! jo. Miss Estella Moreland attended the teachers' convention, in Kingston, lon the 25th. J. 'Toban, Westport, | spent Sunday with his brother-in-law, 10. Kelly.: Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. | Briggs, Mrs. B. Harrigan, Mrs. W, | Davis, at Mrs. C. Brown's; Miss Kelly, Kingston ; E. O'Neil, at B. Horn | beck'se Mrs Offord, Sydenham, at { T. O'Connor Crops ------ Fine School Concert. May 285-Clarence Emberly ling business. college at King Iho school concert on Wednos evening last was a deeided sue- | cess, and much praise is due Mr, Gib- A number of horses in this section have been disposed of | to buyers of late. Frederick MeWil | liams has been improving the appear- { anco of his lawn by planting a num ber of maple trees. Elgin MeWillinms having disposed of his driver, has purchased a pacer from Mr. Shorts, of. Newburgh. John Galbraith, Sr., bas put up a quantity of wire fince along his lot; also Thomas Hamilton his résidence by a coat of paint. Ventnor Briefs. entnor, May 28! tawa Harp Cook, Ot College, has returned to the city, having spent the holidays Business at his home he Miss Mamie Grue, who is attending Kemptville "High School, returned to that town on Monday, having spent the 24th with friends |here. Mrs. Ida Bennett is spending a few days with friends at Spencerville. Miss Mamie McDonald, Shanley, spent Sunday with friends in the village. Mrs. Bennett and Miss lertie Adams made a visit recently to Rochuck and Bishop's Mills. Mrs H. McKee has returned from a visit to friends -at Prescott. S. Brown. medical student of MeGill, Montreal 13 spending a few days here; his many friends gave come. Nr. Wood, him a warm the evangelist, wel byterian church here on Sunday af of Weak Blood Tired Brain and Body and Lan- quid, Worn-Out Feelings--Cure Dr. Chase's Nerve Food In the spring the blood jis lacking in th ed corpuscles wherein is found the aamorb niin' of high grade Wheels of { life-giving principles which put srimp UNIQUE construction, an natty ap- REL rahe aks pearance, afd At Drices both LNTIG. {and energy into the. spstem--making ING and SATISFYING. Call and inspest, bought and sold. Lettering in Cemeteries a Specialty ¥ Tot JAS. MULLEN, 372 Princess St , Opposite Y.M.C.A . Headquarters . THE FRONTENAC, LOAN & INVESTMENT SOCIETY. ESTABLISRED 1863 President Sir Richard Cartwrigh: Maney loaned on City and Farm 1'r -_ Municipal and County Dever we. Mor purcha Deposit pruved and interest allowed. + C. McGill, Managing Director D8, 97 Clarence strect, Kingston. ¥m. Murray, Auctionee 27 BROCK ST. New Carriages, Cutters, Harnes: Sale For Real Estate and Insurance 3 AT : 1: 95 C1 St., Opp. Post Office Geo. Cliff, Specialist Auction Sales Book your salé of Furniture at once und get choice of date. I conduct all the important sales and ealize the highest prices, "Phone, 685. JOHN H. MILLS Jorvas' Confectionery Store Cream Parior.. Pure crushed fruits used. A of fine fresh Candies. Cream, with constant supply of Horses Every Saturday i TERVAS 20 pion Se New Monumental Works lecond hand wheels | } | | { i | i i i { The Leading Auctioneer "h Paralysis. They | | on, the bod active and the mind alert, For lack of red corpuscles in 'the blood, the lungs are weak, the action of the heart fechle, the stomach fails to properly dioest the food, the liver, kidneys and bowels become sluggish and inactive, Dr. Chase's Nerve Food overcomes these conditions because it contains the very clements of nature which go to Inercase the number: of red corpus- cles in the blood, These ingredients are so combined in this great restorative as io act mildly and gently on the syste, new vigor stilling and vitality into the blood and nerves and through these medivms reaching with a beneficial influence every vital organ of the body, Miss mma Scott, Athens, Ont. writes: r. Chase's Nerve Food has done me u world of good. T was trou- bled with fainting wpells, Fodily weak- ness, and spent restless, sleelpless nights, | frequently had cramps in the stomach, and would at times be come entirely insensible, not knowing what was going on until others told me afterwaras, "1 doctored with | several doctors, and they told me | was threatened | gave me relic i but could not clire me. After suffering for three vears | began the use of Dr. | | Chase's Nerve Food and it has done Firkt Class Confectionery Store and Ice |", "OT" 200d than all the medicines I ever used." | It is interesting to note your in| crease in weight from week to work J while using Dr. Chase's Nerve Food 50c. a box, at all dealers, or Edman- Bates & Co., Toronto, i . ternoon. Elisha Adams and W, A. Ihnwoodie made a trip to Montreal last week. Junetown Jottings. Junetown, May 28% William Tayl ow oceupivd the pulpit at Rockficld in the absence of Rev. Mr. Philp, on Sunday last. Crystal Rappell, student of the chevsomakers at Lilley, spent Sundad with their parents." Several from this vivinity spent a pliasant time at Charleston Lake on Thursday last. Adam Herbison is busily occupied in putting up the Banwell and McGregor wire femee this season. William H. Ferguson, was delegate to the annual district meeting of the Methodist church held at Brookville. Mr. and Mrs, A. Kirkwood, Rockport, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Frank- lin Saturday last. A large quantity logs are ready for the Graham Bros, to manufacture imto lumber. A little daughter has arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Lowe. dacob Herbison is preparing to erect a new windmill, Harlem Has Baseball. Harlem, May 28. Many friends our young people took in the excur ing a good time. crop of apples this year, A i and wife, Athens, were iy village, on Saturday, » graves of their child and mother dtop Imerson sold his fine roa Ro Dr. Creegan, Delta. Waldian that shows signs of being speady ill, is now recovering slowly, x : A Great Convenience. Stella, May 29.- Hay and grain crops are looking well, considering the gasoline laumeh. Some to stop him he took his hoat to Mr tor of hulls, at prirties trie Davis, inspec spent. theie holidays here lately. Mrs here last week, There was a meeting o them here, as band so mach cil buy them ? we miss our onee fine Why cannot the coun premises and having the water pipes Queen's, preached in Minto hall on opening up in the village soon, Married In Kingston. sHe in Wagarville « Frank Snider home after spending the 24th in town His horse got frightened to run, throw himself and far, as short way. ahead and the animal wa very caught, - Miss E. Kirkham has re tianed to her home in Perth, after spending some time at W agarville, Our factory is getting a good supply of milk. W. J, Wagar is through working for W. Black and has gone to drive logs down the Napanee river. W. H. Godkin spent Sunday at J. Shel. ington's Great _icnic Weather. Sydenham, May 28. From a very carly hour on May 24th, Sydenham {ing their way i grounds, | the 24th dake was dotted with bpatloads wend to the different picnic both young and old joined in _the jolly parties, In the evening the vouth of the village, wxhibited a large amount of fireworks. Mr. and Mre. Charles Gonge, Deseroato, "pent the guests of Miss Gonge, Mrs. Asselstine with Mr, and Mrs, Anson Guess, at Moscow. Miss Pearl Sills spent a fow days last week with friends at Odessa, Mrs. John Clow is at Glenvale, Mi . Athens High School, was guest of jueclla Herbison on Saturday last. Duncan Warten and Carmel Lakin, of John Raison will be pleased to learn that he is ablé to get up again after - ENT -- boing confined to bed for two years. AA y : : 8 i . J " t- Miss Hannah Stevens is visiting her | and sister, Parham, at Mrs. b, Wary sister, Mrs. Mail, Addison. Some of | man's. Miss Lacey, who has spe . sion taJones' Falls on the 24th, hav- Harlem now boasts of a baseball ttam. Mrs. Russell | Stuart Joyner is also on the sick ' Rose, and daughter, are visiting her | ist. Miss Creighton is not so well father, John Chapman. R Shel- | Mr. and Mrs, R. W. Brown spent a » don and son, Garnet, have-tht job of | fow days 'with friends at Newburgh ue er e crecting a-derge Barn for Wylie Coon, | last week. Mrs. Charles Ruttan is ; near the Ddta Lake. W. Taylor and | hetter again. 'A few of the villagers at ' wife, Oak Leaf, called upon friends in | tended the races in Kingston. Sperry d the village ont Sunday ast. Fruit | Spider is sporting a 'fine new to) t a won a e growers have poor prospects of a buggy. William Hobbs and Bailey Da, decorating Smith has a very handsome black colt Stephen Seaman, who has been very cold weather. The grand lodge of Tall Flag Staff Erected. Prentice Boys is to meet here carly Sharbot Lake, May 28.-Dr. Coutlee - "" * in June. Rev. James Cumberland is has a number of men employed at his "West Of England Serge defies rar 3 to preach a sermon to them. Our new house. E. Hamilton is erecting and sun--and stays a rich, dark blue as mail carrier has purchased a fine new the wall. Miss Flossie Gilbert return carrying passengers, but Kingston, and has made 'tie HOGENEY AraAnE a, Miss Annie J lan. Nis, ( hartion, dow . x inp) d d bl > that now he ean carry pnsscngers, It | dah i8 visiting rap) Made in both single and double 3. h ROBY eI iit is | (Rev.) Lawson, ) . and 2 8, J. . % h fea fouh ou giv to Six Camnon spent Sunday in the village breasted sty les. penitentiary, with his wife and child, | With friends. Miss Geneva Reynolds, Thompson, New York, is visiting her parents here. Mrs. Charles Howard | ®d the teachers' convention in Nings- and Miss Jane Finlay are seriously | ton. Mr. and Mrs, John Campbell, ill. Mr. aml Mrs, John Allen visited | Kingston, spent Sunday at Dr. Kil the bandsmon thiseweek. The object | operation in Kingston last week for was not made known to the publi, | throat trouble. Mrs. John Hethering but we understand the instruments | ton and Miss Maud Butterill returned will likely be sold, Tt is hoped ome | on Saturday from North Bay where arrangements will he made to keep | they had been visiting for a few days, Mississippi Messages. good time. . A party had tea on] = " Mississippi, May ",~On_the 190, Craie's island and enjoyed a pleasant] _ * : a inst. Rev, Davis" Gardiner, Kingston, [®ocial hour. The day closed with gq DA gave an illustrated Klondyke and €o- | display of fireworks which attracted M A D E | N C A N A balt lecture entertainment in Minto | 8 large érowd. The saw mill is now ; y hall. The Sunday school picnic, which |[Tunning with a full staff, Thero will CANADIAN COMPANY. 1 occurred on 1th , on the lawn of | be about six weeks' cut, BY A Mr.' Allan, proved a most enjoyable Lp event, "Twas a picturesque scene to Toledo News, » 0 i look upon the the little tots in their Toledo, May 26.~Mr. and Mrs il) " = indulgencies, flitting to and fro in| Thomas Singleton and Master Gerald. their white frocks. Isaac Allan is hav- | went up to Lyndhurst, for the 24th. r ing a wind mill erected on his |' Messrs. John Rape and Thomas Rape ) 3 put through his house and stables. | Apne Smith and Owen Smith visited P R iC E S James Gilchrist is alsa to have one friends in Elgin recently, Migs Marv and erected. Council met yesterday in the | McCann was visiting friends ip the vil town hall. F. Allan leaves shortly for | large for a fow days recently. The in T E rR M S the west on a business trip. Mrs, [fant daughter of Mr and Mrs. Thom Kirkham, Sr., i ill at . her son's in |as Maloney, aged four months, died for the village." Mr, McGillivray, student Sunday evening lust. Mr. and Mrs, J. | torred n the Roman Catholic come A. Geddes are located in their home. | tery ere. Martin Murphy, Flgin, WRITE FOR THEM. Mrs. M. G. Storms spent, a few days | spent Sundav in the village. The soci in Kingston last week, also Isaac Al-|al held in the town hall, here, under lan. Mrs. Robert Allan, New Lis | the auspioss of the members of the be keard, is visiting friends in and | Epworth League on the evening of There should one around the village. There is some talk | the 24th, was largely attended. The i of a public tennis and croquet court | proceeds netted in advance of previous in every home. ; of the branch here. Mrs, James Gray Wagarville, May 2%-Quite a num anite ill, is now. convalescent Mr. and ber from; around hore attended the Mrs, J. Stevens, Addison wore th a 24th at Kingston W Ruttan gad puests of friends here on the auth 4 Mine, N, Dratton, Vieha Laks, were | Mp, and Mrs. Mackay, Smith's Falls, pa 1 ah on A a" He hs in Shays forme Fesidents of Toledo, svent the URING co Miss ma Kuttan acted as bridesmaiil) 29th with friends here Miss , UFACT Ht te 2 *. Miss Mary Jor WwW : and Ww. d Wa Ar a 8 oOBiEhan 3 be dan and John Jorden. Lombardy THE ILLIAMS MAN a i: LIMITED, ride and groom are spending then re visite! i " illage { . : : honeymoon at Moscow. They will re- | pe vr vOr® in the village, Victoria comrany Orrices: MONTREAL, v. Q. y the 24th at Charleston, returnin TORONTO, LONDON, HAMILTON, OTTAWA, ST. JOHN, N. B.' putting up a new barn, Mrs. 1 Priciny stan, ning VERYWHERE. Wagar is no better. John Vanvolk. [Ome on Friaay, AGENTS WANTED SVE cnberg had a bad aceident on his way TT ------ and started | 2 re To her two, | Shoop's Restorative Tablets. Absolute- young ladies out. They escaped with ly Ro change has been made in the fo 300 Men ! ; out injury, The horse was hurt Hite medicinal ingredients. Sold by all : 4 badly and the buggy broken in sev. | druggists, 3 eral places, The horse did not run Alfred * Willson, there was a buggy a other « land formerly of Brod, Orange Meat (The Pure Food) Ever pop corn ? + Take a handful of tiny grains--heat them over the fire-- and you nave '*about a peck' of pop-corn. ' i Corn is pretty nearly all carbo-hydrates, or starch. , And it would take a lot of chewing 3 | to break up all the tiny cells so that the starch could be acted on by saliva in the mouth and be ~1 | ' converted into sugars. Heat does it better than chewing. = | When is 75% carbohydrates. Like popcorn, the tough cell walls in wheat are broken by heat, That is why we cook the wheat in making ORANGE MEAT. .' lt goes in huge \ » ~the heat causes the starch to swell and burst the cells Orange --the carbohydrates are free. That is why Dyspeptics, Meat ORANGE MEAT. By adding mal, ali the starch is converted into wheat sugar, . grocers. Mercerized paper lining of the cartons insure Orange Meat being always fresh crisp and clean, 1 5c. pkg. contains a coupon, good for premiums, 2 gc. size contains 2 1 steam cookers under 20 pounds steam pressure. Steam and moisture soften the cell tissues® Rheumatics and ali who can't eat "starchy" foods, may enjoy Orange Meat weighs 13 more than any other package: 15c. and 25¢. a package. Ac all times as much as 1 5c. size. Write **Orange Meu, Kingston,' for new premium catalogue. eral months with friende in New Jer sey, is expected home this week, Mrs, Sidney Hicks is ill with quinsy, Mrs, have cach taken down their barns 1 | be feplaced by new buildings. Willian Lockhart has erected a new wire fence around his village property, Charles Fit-Reform Serge Suits are guaranteed L| Truscott has purchased a new upright : A ny Mrs, Nolson Switzer, Toronto, all the way through paid a flying visit to her father + | James Grant, last week. - Mrs, John ' McRory in company with her daugh ter, Pearl, are visiting friends at Three Mile Bay, Watertown, The band boys gave an open air concert last 1 | Monday. And the guarantee holds good about the color, as well as the tailoring and fit. : long as you care to wear the suit. ed to-day from Rochester wh she has been for several months, Miss ' Nettie Roche, Wilbur, is the guest of Folger, is learning dressmaking with Mrs, Burnani. Miss Eva Dodds attend f | born's. Abbie Kilborn, underwent an A number of men ave, to day, erecting a very tall flagstaff on Frederick Shibley's island. A number went to Kingston on the 24th and report a were at Jones" Falls on the 24th. Miss en the '2nd inst., after an illness of short duration. The remains were in EVERYBODY. years. Mr, Waddell, manager of the Union Bank, Smith's Falls, was in the village on Friday. in the interests bay. Mr, and Mrs N H. Beecher spent If you prefer to take medicine ip tablet form you can now obtain Dr, ET -- -- Opportunity An Bi BUTNEV OF on the _hublic works, ville, is dead in and S at red. Willwon, The bargain wave has once more turned our way old B. & 0. an we have secured from the makers 300 MEN'S SUI special prices. ; If ever grace, distinction, fashion, fit, wear and all round excellence were compressed into suits for men, they are in these pure Fancy Worsted, Black Worsted, Tweeds in the new grey slate effects and navy blue garments. Suits that fit, that are shaped, that have "tone." Not one detail neglected, not this shape or that shape in p rticular, but every style that's shapely, They will give satisfaction from the time you put them on until they are threadbare. Regular prices $15.00 and $18.00. : 2 : All Sizes Offered at $10 BOOTS AND SHOES GENTS: FURNISHINGS. Louis Abramson, ef: Toronto. Lots of men fall in love figure of an heiress, with the "Ozone Solution' Special Offer. There is just one way by which vou ean get a package of "Celery King" free with a hottle of "Nzone." That is ask your druggist for "Solution sof Ozome (the coupon kindy"', Each bottle of this contains a cou on for which we send you a twenty-five cent pack- age of "Celery King." Never take "Ozone" without "Celery King" if you want the best results, We are pitting foupans An "Ozone" good for "Celery King' because no other dealer or firm in the world has the right to manu- facture "Celery King" but ourselves and no other remedy in_the world will (ive such good results, "Ozomei' kills the inside germs and "Celery King" is a tonic laxative, Ask. vour druggist for "Solution of zone (tha ec kind)" Fue a cou bob ind) manufactur