white , what O-mor- ) I-- n,| White Waist, f finest] . Nest Iaw 1 d| handsomely ot ton fy Ni voy nl of Val. lace ins m : Moi ri w three-quar ter ler a ues fu | with frills of m Ini of fine tucks boty me ®| lace insertion, fin 1 with ) face to match front. Thurs day » V a | e the same reason as that Just above he world--tour the retail stores -- iggestion there perhaps an entirely splays-- then return, and a few hours} r genuine 1 ninety- > ly good. 1e genu- / , . a \ s. Like V A \ an h 0 keep our assortment compl the following : Lace Gloves, Silk Gloves, in es showing all the pr of pale grey, er > 19 pagne, pink and bl mor: J row, per pair, only : t ol Taffeta Gloves, in a ; pure taficta, Ww Il ma MN . Rod on. fii Jb AEE. nd eauty and Style of our white wear, and would very ne it all to morrow, when we shall ful - White Underskirts ry evident that any of the follow --The Month for the nge ) ade that h, you decided LAIDLAW & SON planed and worked for months white wear, quality should be for. rchased from the foremost man. in whose employ are specialists, the most artistic effects that are parchased. Their "style agents" ng new garments alter the latest Their all 9 93 & nd 1.65, 1.75, 199, 225, 249 LAIDLAW & SON - month e and use it ® Undervests, clast neek, with or with all sizes, per garment orset Covers, 3 long DLAW & SON - -- LAI and Taffeta Gloves mmer Colors great demand for fabric gloves this aplicating orders time alter time ete" lots of Just now we have new of ver in colors, - grey, black and whit per pair, or ly or ho : wo fimishid = in black to-morrow, t* All goods will be sold without Saturday, June 2nd ne ~ Turk's Second. Hand Store YEAR 73. NO, 127. CREAT REMOVAL SALE OF FURNITURE reecerve. We will not remove any of our stock *o the new store. Now is the time for bargains. Robt. J. Reid The Leading Undertaker 222 Princess Street, Two Doors Above ithe Opera House Telephone 877. Is noted for its beau- tiful crystal clearness and rich perfection of cutting. Choice of many de- signs in well selected useful articles. Our WATER BOT- TLE at $6.00 is par- ticularly good value. SPANCENBERG Jeweler, King St. PO an? A AO" FAA Sa RODRIG SN G2 IATL "Ar Lt Sih Fan A PY VY ar -CANADA LIFE ASSURANCE Co. Writes the Right For you that an absolute financial protection will afford you and yours In case of need. We fix the premium nizht, we write the policy in your fa vor, and yh will regard the policy as the best business asset in your pos: session. Life Insurance is something that no holder of it ever regrets. Come in and sce what we can do for you, J. 0. HUTTON, Manager 18 Market St., Kingston. Telephone 708. POLO PONY RAGES AND GYMKHANA AT FAIR GROUNDS = Ac 3 pm. Admission, 26c. GROCERY AND LIQUOR BUSI- NESS FOR SALE. Mongar i) LION GROCERY, KING- ALL ntario, 0 roperty of the late R. McRae, establishod, 1854 : the 2 Ge uf Ap L businesses in Eastern Ontario ory 0 Cunningham and Tyon. Vend- olicitors, Kingston. Everybidy Interested in Kingston | Real Estate Now Read fhe Bulletin It is to your interest it you de- sre to sell your propert ve it listed therein. © Tor 0 have SWIFT'S REAL BeTae AND NCE AGENDY AND DIRECT FROM TURK ! Pay good prices 1 useful vores 3, Carpata. Stives and all pther better radine, buying or selling. 398 Princess Street. No, Sir. 3; . z ais ne ¥ou never laid your eyes on Prottior: hose than wo are showing at Lonished personage i DAILY MEMORANDA, Board of Works, 3 pm., Friday. Parks Committee, Friday, 8 p.m. o Fire and Light Committee, Friday, 4 mn. Sun rises on Friday at 4.15 a.m. d sets at 7.40 p.m. id an _ Meeting of Canton and all Oddfellows interested, at Lodge room, 8 pan, AL will leave Mcliquham's Livery, 290 Princess St., daily- except Saturday and Monday, at 2 p.m., for Cataraqui Cemetery, History. of to-day :--~South African war clused,- 1902 : 15,000 died from cholera 832 in Canada, 1 Reign of Terror lin France began, WHIG TELEPHONES. 243-- Business Office. 229--REditorial Rooms. § 292--~J ebbing Department. DINNER SETS JUST OPENED Best English Maker, in pretty colors -- 'Green, "Dove" and 'Blue, Complete set, 97 PIECES with Bread and Butter Plates, For a short time, $4.75 .ROBERTSON. BROS. Canadian Furs lg} 2 From Trapper to Weaver Collectors, Exporters and Manufacturers McKay Fur House, : NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN | : suant to R.S. Ontario Chap 38 and amendments, that all having claims against the esta Henrietta Bruce Carruthers, who died on or about 23rd November, 1905, "wired to send by post paid or to de liver to Major Bruce Carruthers, 81 King street East, Kingston, or to John McIntyre Esq 304 ir St Ex Kingston, g or before 1st statement of their c fied, and that after ate the ex utors: of the estate distribute the assets of the said estate amongst the parties entitled thereto only to the elnims of then have notice MAJOR BRUCE CARRUTHERS, JOHN MeINTYRE F.xecutors Dated this 31st May, i uw. THE , BRITISH - AM HOTEL KINGSTON - - ONTARIO, Is undergoing alterations and having regare which they shall of the 1906 Fistate. ERICAN will be re-opened to the travelling public on or about July the. First. -» - W.TELFER--- - Proprietor ---------------- nt teat tse w-- A LIBERAL REWARD FOR INFOR- mation leading to finding of allace Collinson, who left his home ey's Bay, on May 24th, and seen walking towards Gananouue ription, 16 years old. tall and slim, inches ; fair complexion, mole' he right eye ; wag wearing a dark suit, - with small white : black shoes KINGSTON CRICKET CLUB. A MEETING FOR REORGANIZA- tion will take place in Whig Hall, on WEDNESDAY, Jupe 6th, at 8 p.m All interested in cricket will be heartily welcomed. $ H. ANG, Recretary. near was W. SNEI Rich Woman's Talents Clgveland Leader. Mrs. Robert Goelet, immensely rich, and a leader in New York society, has a positive genitis for. making sweets. Ordinarily one takes with a grain of salt a statement that such a distin- has faecondedyjs this particular field of endeavor, fit those who have been privileged fo taste Mre. Goelet"s hon-bons, say they are delivious. Frequently she serves these and similar dainties of her own invention at tea. France Demands Satisfaction. Paris, May 31.--The cabinet has de- cided to send a warship to Tangier in order to obtain satisfaction fo the recenit assassination of & Frenchman 0 We. and 50. The H. Db. Bib on id : in that vicinity, ee-- S---- DYING IN HUTS Distressing Picture Of The Famine. RAGING IN RUSSIA NO HELP COMES EVEN WHEN THEY COMPLAIN, Lack of Food and the Consequent® Epidemics Are Decimating the Peasants -- There Are Over Twenty Million Persons Affect- prints a distressing picture of the fa mine in 'Russia. He says that peasants lie prostrate in their huts dying from lack of food and from the epidemics which. swiitly "follow in the wake of "famine. However, loudly ' the sufferers complain -ng help comes' to them. Twenty-two provinees are affected .and the victims number 20,000,000, - The distress exceeds that which prevailed in the famine years of 1891 and 1809 Such help as i% possible needs to 'be incpeaged five-fold to. be in the least degree effective. Privite subscriptions come in slowly. The government's sub- sidy is insignificant while "the officials place obstacles in the way of unofficial helper. DOMINION TEXTILE COMPANY Has Had | Year of . Great Prosperity. Montreal, May 31.--The report of ithe directors of the Dominion Textils company, prescated at the first an nual meeting, to-day, gave the re sults of operations 'since the com- pany's organization. The sales for the year amounted to 85,131,000, be- ing an increase of $1,175,000 over the combined sales of the four companies which formed the company for the previous year. The companies ahsorh ed were: Dominion Cotton, Mer chants Cotton, Montmorency Cotton and Colonial Bleaching company. The company has in operation S, looms, 368,826 spindlés and employs 6,000 hands. The fnancial statement showed that" the net earnings for the year amounted to $IISS10, and after interest and rental charges were paid there was a surplus of $117,594. This sum, with dividends received from stocks owned by the eo y, wil of pro- ineréase the balance at credit fit and loss to SII. The fourteen directors were re-elect- «d as follows: David Yuile, presi- dent; Hon, L. J. Forget, vice-presi dent; C. P. Gordon, second vice and managing director; directors, H. 8 Holt, Hon. Robert Mackay, J. P Black, 1). Wiliamson, H. V. Meredith, S. Carsley, DB. Morfice, Sr, Lieut. Col. F. C. Henshaw, GG. A. Grier, John Baillie, A. W_ Allen The report the tending the re-organizgtion of the business after the formation of the company. The quality of the goods made has been improved, and new lines are to be introduced The busi: ness during the past year has been very active, and the company has had plenty of orflers to keep the mills run ning full. The company is now paying $4,000 per fday more for its raw recites delays at ma terial than a vear ago. Th on ac count 'of competition from England, due to the low tariff, made it difficult to obtain a corresponding advance in price of manufactured goods. DRUNKARD FINED $500. Bonds Forfeited | When He Arrested Second Time. is London, May 31.--It sounds rather astonishing that a man should, in this country of all others, and in London of all cities, be fined £500 for I wing drunk. And vet this is what practically happened at the Mantion hou The penalty was not, of course, directly imposed, but the de linquent and his surety between them phad to pay it, and to very much the same thing. A man who had been too frequently conviet ed of being drunk was at last bound over in his own recognizances of $250 td be of good behaviour, and had to find a surety in the like amount. Be fore the time limited had expired he was again convicted of drunkenness in the ordinary way, and in the ordinary way fined $8. But then came the ques tion of the bonds. and he had to ap- pear before the Jord mayor to show cause why they should not be entreat ed. He had no cause to show, and so the money had to be paid. that comes Chinese Must Get Duplicates. San Francisco, May 31.--Chinese re sidents who were burned out during the recent fire will sustain a still fur ther loss, it is said, that may reach as high ax £50,000 or $60,000, They must obtain from the government at Washington duplicate certificates of legal residence in the. United States, About 6,000 of the certificates were destroyed. B. M. Drury Dead. Re of th¥ Bank 8, died suddenly of heédrt failure. The deceased, about thirty Vears of age, was a brother of Col. Drury. Halifax, and came here from? Montreal about a year ago. be Nothing In Tt. Vienna, May 31.-- Rumors that have been spread especially by the anti-se mitic press that the emperor infends to abdidate are without foundation, ttt Sunlight Soap is better than other Soaps, but is best when used in the THE LATE JOHN JOYCE, ed. 5s London, May 31.--The St. Peters: burg correspondent of the Tribune {™ O The Whig Gives : Him JONRN Joy Capt. Stephen the 47th Regiment, the fac of John murderer, enlarged resilt to-day. and CoLLISIO Courtright, Ont. 3:30 o'clock, this morn steamer Erin, bound barge Danforth, in charg ing the bend in the St Mi down. The Erin sank McLeod, fishermen, on side, being close at han people. The rest, chief engineer, one mate, the woman cook passenger, were known. fishermen, for, the ill-fated craft. by Comnolly Prothers, trust steamer Cowles, that did and a boy were saved. The chief engineer, Harrow Farmer Seven Year Windsor, Ont., siding near Harrow, st Rlondyke gold fi his arrival at Ne at Harrow gned here issued in the form of 4 paper, King riage treaty is now known in Spair public grant of $90,000 are alive, widowhood, and in £50,000 ment is also made not stated Nafional League, 2 2 p.m. Pittshurg, 7; m. Pittsburg, 9; delphia, 3; 4; Chicago, 2; American League. delphia, 1; aan. Boston, phia, 3; p.m. St. Louis, ester, 1 (13 innings at him in Borjom and Buy Ww directions. Sunlight way. Sunlight Soap found here with a {ached to it With Another Steamer Clair River--Six of the Crew Were Saved--The Steamer Did Not Halt. up, first fireman, have come ashore, alive, hav- ing caught some wreckage and drifted May 31. ously ifl. Then ceased, and his gave him up for dead. Boston, Tiflis, May 31.--The Governor-General cificator," is serious, his liver Picture oF. company KINGSTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, 'MAY 31, 1906. o " The Whig was able, this week, to se cure a copy of a group photograph of Knight's and from it had Joyce, the Railton we. give the N. FIVE WERE DROWNED THE STEAMER ERIN HAD A in St. Colliding ay 31. mg, with Clair almost About when the the was round river, about one mile south of here, she was struck, amidships, by a steamer bound imme diately in twenty feet of water. Amos Chester, Frederick Chester and Charls thé Canadian I, saved six isting of the nan, the first and one lady drowned, . Names not Too much praise canmot be given the mdoubtediy, if they had not gone to assist, all on board the Erin would "have been drowned. The unknown steamer kept right her course, offering no assistance on to The Erin is owned of Thorold. Capt. Sullivan was in command. It is supposed that it was the steel down, the damage, Capt. Sullivan bound mate WAS GIVEN UP FOR DEAD. arted for Shortly ana Returns After Seven years ago Charles Best, a voung farmer re the after letter was re May jth, and { par cnt ar N \lionso engages to secure to Princess Victoria, as the princess n, an while Baseball Sumsmary. Brgoklyn, 2. York} 2: a.m. New York, 5: p. ceived from him, stating he was seri all letters abruptly family and friends Yesterday, without a wond of warming, Best walk ed in upon his sister, Mrs. Tofemire made a fortunate min ing strike, and is in comfortable cir cumstances ALFONSO'S BRIDE To Have Income of $90,000 a Year. London, May 3l.--Under the mar annual both the event of her annually she remains a widow, A private settle but the amount while is New | Brooklyn, Uincinnati, 5: Cincinnati, 1; Philadelphia, 7; Boston 2: a.m. Phila Bostbn, 0; p.m. St. Louis, (15 innings); a.m, St. | Louis, 6; Chicago, I; p.m, a. m. 5; Phila- 5; Philadel Wictim In Serious Condition. condition five of exploded, killing two Cossacks, ------------ Lt price 7; Cleveland, 2; a.m, St. Louis, 6; Cleveland, 4; p. m. Detroit-Chicago, a.m, postponed, rain, Chicago, 4; Detroit, 1: p.m. New York, 8: Washington, 2; a.m, New York, 7; Washington, 6: p.m. Eastern League.~ Toronto, 1:: Roch: called on mecount of nearness of second game); a.m. Ro- chester, 3: Toronto, 1; pm. Provi dence, 3: Baltimore, 2; p.m. Balti- | mare, Providence, 3: p.m. Buffalo, 7: Montreal, 6; 'am. Buffalo, 2. Mont- real, 1: p.m. Newark, 7: Jersey City, 0: am. Jersey City, 5; Newark, 2. p.m. - ---- of Alikhanoff, "the pa y "e having been pierced. Eight bombs were thrown them Every new shape in soft hats can he at. DAVITTDERD He Passed Away At Mid- ; night, FRIENDS NEAR HIM MRS, DAVITT PROSTRATED IN SAME HOSPITAL. \ . = & She Has Not Been Informed of Her Husband's Death--He Was a Sufferer From Blood-Péison- ing--He Left a Written Mess- age. London, May 31.--After a long and painful illness, Michael Davitt died peacefully and = painlessly, gt twelve o'clock, last night, in the presence of his eldest son, Michacl, and his two daughters, and many of his most in- timate friends, including John Dillon, Mrs. Davitt, wkei'lied been in constant attendant: on We husband until a few days ago, "Alen she horsell was taken ill, hes jrostrated in the same Kaspital, too weitk to leave her. room. She has not' yet heen informed of her hitlsbaned's death. Ht is stated that Mi. Davitt left 5 written message. Mr. Davitt's death was due to blood poisoning, which followed two opera: tions for necrosis of the jawbone. Tho greatest sympathy has been dis- played by all classes of society during Mr. Davitt's illness. John E. Red- mond, leader of the Irish party in parliament, gave up his proposed con: tinental trip over the Whitsuntide holidays in consequence of the condi- tion of his friends, the father of the Irish land league. Among the last callevs at the hos- pital was Lord Hemphill, on behalf of the Earl of Aberdeen, lord lieutenant of Ireland and the Countess of Aber- deen, Mr. Davitt retired from the represen- tation of South Mayo in parliament in 1899, but to the last took a keen interest in the polities of his country. PITH OF THE NEWS. The Very Latest Culled From All Over The World. The Allan liner lonian sailed from Montreal fat 6 a.m. The R.M.8, Virginian, for Montreal, passed Little Metis, at 7 a.m. Police were called to quell a riot in the Tennessee democratic convention, London, 7:20 a.m. The Allan line steamer Sicilian, for Glasgow, passed Father Point at 4:35 a.m. The 88. Charlemont, Ulster line, from Cardiff, inward, at Father Point, at 7:45 a.m. Gen. Costello and Guatemalan re- volutionists, were forced to retreat af- ter taking r Ocos. The British ship Lismere, from Mel- bourne, was wrecked with a loss of twenty-two lives, Frederick Benedict, Reber, N.Y, kill. od his wife and daughter, and then committed suicide, The SS. Pomeranian; from Havre, for Montreal. inward, at Cape Mag- dalen, at Ti20F gum. The SS. Menmon, Elder Dempster line, from New Orleans, inward, at Fame Point, at 5:20 a.m, Lieut.-Col. Boulanger, Quebec, dis- | missed some time ago for irregulari- ties has had his rank restored. The C.P.R. is contemplating an im- provement to their fleet now running from Vancouver to China and Jahan, William Phelan, who murdered his | own son in Montreal, over 4 year ago, i# dead in the Longue Pointe Asylum. The death list of the San Francisco disaster up to date is 418. The re- mains of eleven more victims were dis- covered vesterday. Before 'the insurance commission in Toronto, on Wednesday, Hon. George { A. Cox gave evidence regarding the | affairs of the Canada Life Assurdnce company. Another portion of the main crater of Vesuvius fell in Tuesday, ashes and cinders were spread evervwhere, and the thick black column of smoke ob- senred the sup, In the House of Commons, on Wed- nesday, Mr, Borden introduced his mo | tion regarding the land polidy in {| western Canada and spoke in eriticis,, | of the work of the immigration de | partment. Hon: Frank Oliver replied. | | MAN KILLS WIFE | ---- With Clasp Knife After a Quarrel. Buffalo, N.Y., May 31.--Mrs. Susan N. Cambell, owner of the Barnes Ap- nex, a hotel and boarding house, at | 321 Pearl street, was stabbed to death {by her husband, John Campbell, in their rooms on the second or of the hotel,' early this morning. The murder was the result of frequent quarrels be- tween the couple concerning money matters. Campbell killed his wife with a long clasp knife. Fo NEW YORK'S SERVANTS. Over 50,000 Costing Over Sixty Millions. : New York, May 31.~It took 51,146 persons to conduct the povernment of the city of New York last:year. That is the official ficure from ' the city's pay roll. The salaries paid to these employees was £64,264,647.62. This is four millions more than the year be- | lore and eiokt millions more than in 1902. Mayor MetClellan gave the fig- ees 20, the aldermen yesterday in his mancial message i a. The men who buy their summer Bal: briggan underwear dere will know what comfort is. The H. D, Bibhy Co, Love's sacrifices are life's most sa. 2 © neighbor hood, and yeste caught the two to in the Gitchi- nbrstrasse. e ker umbrella -- Punished by Mother, Girl Takes . n. Berlin, May 31.--Another precocious love t has just occurred here, The mot of a little twelve-year-old girl named Elgeth Patigk had hoard rumors of 4 love affair b.tween her daughter and a over the back of the young man and dragged her daughter The girl was locked in room and the mother went away, after ! a neighbor to watch child. the neighbor went upstaizs an hour later she found the r locked and could obtain no , answer. was burst open, alll the child discov- erod lyine on the floor in the last agonies of cyanide poisoning. The Huronic On Her Route, Detroit, May 31.--After nearly two weeks in the dry dock of the Detroit shipbuilding company, the steamer Huronic, of the Northerp Navigation company, Sarnia, will get away some time to-night to make her regular runs between Sarnia and. Duluth again, The Huronic, hit an obstruction near the entrance to the Canadian lock at the Soo, on May 14th, and received seri ous injurious to frames and plates, JUST FOR VENGEANCE FRENCH WOMAN KILLS HER HUSBAND'S CHILDREN. After the Murder She Set Fire to the House and Then Drowned Herselt--Enactiment of Terrible Drama. Paris, May 31,--A familysdrama has been enacted in the commune of Saint Verand. A fire occurred in a house oo- cupied by & wine grower named Pe jot. The neighbors hastened to the scene, but saw no one in the house, Novertheless they attempted to extin guish the fire, but did not succeed, though firemen were in attendange. Near the house the hody of a child wns noticed in & well, The firemen den- conded and brought the bodies of two children and a woman, The latter was the wife of a wine grower. She previ: ously had been married and had three children, the eldest of whom was 4 girl fifteen years of age, by her. first husband, By her second husband she also had «three children. As the result of a discovery which placed her husband in an odious light thom + She got ing a irl of eight, attempted to throw her into! the wall; but the child shout- ed for help, and the woman, afraid of arousing the neighbors, sent the girl to her grandmother. After her depar- ture she seized the other two children and threw them into the well. Then, pouring oil on the furniture in the house, she sot it on fire and joined her two children in the well. The husband was arrested, Tramps Buripd Under Slag. Brussels, May 31.--A family of tramps, composed of a widow named Thomas and her four heen expelled from France, entered Belgium und arrived at Differdangl at night time. They wandered in the vic: inity of a factory, and finally lay down at the base of a heap of burning slag. During the nicht several work- men approached the heap with 5 wag- gon filled with red hot slag, which they discharged just above the place where the tramps lay. One of the sons was aroused by the noise of the waggon and esoaped in time, but his mother and three broth ers were burned to death. River Barge Burned. Ogdensburg, --N.Y., May. 81.--An old landmark, or rather watermark, was destroyed, last night, in the burning of the barge Kent hy orders of Mayor Hannan, who is president of the Og- denshurg Coal and Towing company, which owned the vessel. The boat had been stranded on the bar off River- side park for about twenty years and has been used mainly as a swimming dock for the small Loys: Pembroke Men Lucky. Pembroke, Ont., May 31.~White and Williams, of this place, barristers, have closed the sale of their interest in a Cobalt property for the sum of $25,000, to James Hennessy, Fort Conlonge. As Messrs. White and Williams received their interest in the property for legal services renderwd regarding the title their net profits in this transaction were large. The Dreadful Floods. Portland, ( on, May 31.-A dis patch, from Pendleton, says that the damage, in Umtallia county, from the flaods of the ¥ i two days ' may roach $1,000,00 One-third of the inhabitants Owing to floods caused by the 'ris- homelpsg., ing of the river, Walla Walla is with- out light. are ---------- May Go To Ottawa. Brantford, Ont.,, May 31.-B. J. Kenyon, organist and choir leader at Zion Presbyterian church for the past' five years, has been offered and will probably accept a similar position at the Dominion Methodist church, Ot- tawa, ---- It is understood i is nothing in the report that Belle's, Island was sold to a syndicate for summer re- sort, 5 It you want to see the smart styles in summer shirts, come in. Bee our special 81 shirts. The H. D. Bibby Co. Up to 1588 « very shall svote was fast in. connection with' the light by- A x es xX young locksmith in | Fancy Silke--it's 'in the nir--every- body wants. it--dresémakers are siiged with. it--gowns are seen of Fancy Silk. When we loarne that Fashion was' demanding, insist ing and. having Fancy Silks, we ed the doors wide--but for J fmest and best. You andy ---- fair chance to see them late in days-there are so" many doing wame thing. We show almost all eol- ors of the rainbow---but mostly quiet ones, telling of good taste Do BRITISH PANNE * 'SILKS checks, stripes. and aa at are: demi ; FRENCH CHIFFON TAFFETAS--In ab can a NATURAL PONG Yalues idthe 1 inches, barga SEOUL. vincss' sven bios savin. 20040 We have a large stoc of Fruits in tinge Quality is the very best. and prices more reasonable than in glass. Rasphorries, 2 Wy. ting. * - : fre Ne han with money So burn selon | |