WITH PELVIC CATARRH, ONE BOTTLE OF PE-RU-NA BROUGHT LONG-SOUGHT RELIEF. An English Woman's Letter. Miss Nellie South, late of Manchester, Eng., writes from 86 Prince Arthur St., Montreal, Can., as follows: «Peruns has made a wonderful change fn my life. 1t has brought me health happiness, gud pp my seventeenth year I have ad fémale complaintand irregularities, My general health suffered, I had pains fn my back and lower limbs, my eyes were dim, snd I became morose and un- reasonable. "Mother sought the advice of our family physician, who prescribed fo. me, but 1 grew no better under his treatment. "I then read of Peruna and procured a bottle. That one bottle was worth more than all the doctor's medicine I had taken previously. I felt so much petter and kept on taking it for six weeks with marked improvement in health. #] cannot express my gratitude. Peruna has been a great hlessing . to me."--Nellie South. Pelvic Catarrh--The Bane of Woman- kind. What used to be called female diseases by the medical profession is now called pelvic catarrh, It has been found by experience that catarrhal diseases of the pelvic organs are the cause of most cases of fomale diseases. Dr. Hartman was among the first of America's greatest physicians to make L PURGATIVE wargp I Disorders of the Live. SSFUL 4 DOSE, : G -APEN TA CARBONATED), TS ONLY. t Aperient for Morning ge, LINARIS Co., Ly, TA London, at Time Their Sa N this discovery, For y ow FEW WOMEN forty years he has ARE ENTIRELY | been treating dise 3 1i t der this season. One can one ar from a variety of shapes ' 330 havesched the conclusion that a woman entirely free from catarrhal affxction of theso organs would not be subject to female diseases. He, therefore, began using Peruna for these cases and found {t so admirably adapted to their permanent cure that Peruna has now become tHe most re- liable remedy for female diseases ever known. Everywhere the women are using it and praising it. Peruna is not a palliative simply; it cures by remov- ing the cause of female diseases. Dr. Hartman has probably cured more women of female ailments than any m---- a se Split Braids, Porto Rican s for the young men and business man, soc, 75¢., SUFFERED DREADFULLY other living physician. He makes these cures simply by prescribing Peruna. 'We have on file thousands of testi monials from grateful women like the one given above. We can give our WRITE DR. readers only a | HARTMAN FOR slight glimpse of | FREE MEDICAL the vast array of ADVICE. unsolicited en- dorsements we are receiving. "No other physician in the world has received 'sdbh a volume of onthusiastic and grate» ful letters of thanks as Dr. Hartman for Peruna. If you suffer from pelvic catarrh, do not neglect it. Take Peruna at once. There is danger in delay. Feruna can be purchased at any first-class drug store at $1.00 per bottle. If you do not derive prompt and satis- factory results from the use of Peruna, write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a full statement of your case, and he will be pleased to give you his valuable ad vice gratis, Addres Dr. 8S, B. Hartman, President of The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, O. All correspondence held strictly cons fidential, 'sS Hats lines of Children's Straw oungster to the school boy The Largest Jack Manu- facturer in the World Writes < vith Streamers, wide. and lors. BIBBY CO. i. uh ' Regarding your Zutoo Tablets I beg to say: | have been a sufferer from head- ache since childhood and have used all, or nearly all, of the so-called "cures" on the market, till warned by my physician to discontinue. their use on account of their bad effects on the heart. Some months since my attention was called to yout Zutoo Tablets and I have been us- ing them ever since with the most grati- fying results. I find they cure a "sick" or "nervous" headache in a few minutes and leave no bad effect. My family use them whenever needed with equally good results, I have frequently given them to friends who were suffering from head- ache and they never failto give quick re- lief. I find them a good remedy for Somaey as well asheadache. I al- carry them in my grip on the road ul would not be without them at any See TTeTeseTTeve TPP foods at Reduced | ursday ods mentioned here are A. O. NORTON, 286 Cor we try to make the de- mgress St, Boston, Mass. ndispensable to the wo- Toc. and 25c. at dealers or by mail. popular and fashionable BN. Robinson & Ca, Coaticook, 0. : b : ? amples free. mpress the most careful . WELL-KNOWN MAN DEAD. ress fabrics and the Half- : ] samples of this policy. John McIlroy Passes Away After Five Month's Illness. nd Fancy Dress Goods A resident of 'the city for over half 8 century, respdeted by all classes in the city, passed away, Tuesday even rrr mg, in the person of John Mclirey, af- ter an illness of five months, confining Mm 10 the General Hospital. Death yas due to.an abeess on the lung. Mr. ¢ oy was born in Storrington, fif- + SIX years ago, and had lived in the on Street ® oy Since his boyhood davs. Thirty- Years ago he married Miss Mar maret Taylor, who survives him. He always followed his trade at the Lo- works, and was a faithful, ii worker, with many friends among 18 fellows, He was of very powerful cesssscssessessessseP SHOES ite Canvas Oxlords, $1, $1.50, | $3. Comotive Physique, his strength remarkable, in at at his work he could lift 600 Pounds, Besic les the widow are left to sur- vive, four sons, Robe ditts "ge 8, Robert, Pittsburg, : Res Abort, Buffalo, N.Y.: John and , ; on = Jorval, Austin, Pac, and two daugh- colate Color Gibson Ties, $1.50, ors, Yr H. Bennett, Toronto, © oi 50 and $3. in Hose, at home. = nf + Woon funeral will be, Thursday after t. Colt Gibson Ties, Christy * home i thee o'clock, from his late 9 5 ro Pine street, Canon' St i r Blucher Oxfords, $2.50, $3. a George's cathedral, of hh i ' the o> Was a member, will officiate at IC Services, . : ia a ---------- cial Gibson Ties, in Grey Voze Entervained At Dinner. Hon, Dy. Pyne for Ontario, w van lored Canvas, ey and Colore minister-of education 50 many other lines of was the guest of Dr. Ah at dinner, last evenin, All the IONABLE FOOTWEAR. histaing of the COnReTvaTIYE patty in od re athorcd around the festive en and did justice to the good 111%) 0 . or Frovided by the host at Rock- d L ~ 00 It is said the ban as ho Se quet was of CREREREE 7 politically, and any to affairs of state was: care- Y avoided, : ref rence will leave his train outside Vien- full "and thence drive to Schoenbu® tle, where he will meet Emperor o Dow think for a minute that Blaud's gis Joseph, and ther will bo 10 store outliers Red Cross driv monious entry into Vienna. wi is fn ore' the ordinary Kind, Special nine of the following day. the ka Bouin in = a to Berlin the ones "sold there, 25c. will start on his retur RE -- -- ARTS AND THEOLOGY Closely, Allied, is- the Ideal Arrangement. Rev. W. D. Armstrong, D.D,, the moderater of the general assembly of the Presbyterian church in Canada, talking with a Toronto News repert- er, had Something "to say 'about the educational work of the church--a sub- ject that will also engave the atien- tion of the assembly. This will have regard in'the main to college educa tion as prosecuted by Knox in Toron to, Queen's at Kingston, and by the Presbyterian college in Montreal. Speaking of the proposed amalgama tion of the theological faculties .of Knox antl Queen's, the doctor said : "Twenty years ago 1 was under the impression" that the church's theologi- cal eglucation should be centralized. 1 was of the opinion then, as 1 am of the opinion now, that there was little use of the church maintaining five theological -eolloges--aone bil institu tion of the kind would be quite suffi cient. At that time [ presented an overture on the subject, which was re jected then, «just as it would be 're jected now. The question is not with in the sphere of practical politics at the present time. But that fact does not do away with the desirability of some such course being adopted. An arts course closely allied with a theo- logical course the ideal arrange- ment, and that the Presbyterian church has at Queen's as it where else At Knox, ia eonnection with Toronto, and at the college in connection with MeGill, the theological students are practically whereas, at Queen's, there is an un broken continuity * between the arts and theological courses, the studints take part in everything, thev are pro minent in football and classes alike." has no- ostracised, THE WHITE SQUADRON. / Interesting Items of Kingston's Popular Boats. The Folger company has booked an excursion from Prescott to Thousand Island Park for the 22nd, of this month. It is being run under the aus pices of the Canadian Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen, who, it is ex- pected, will turn ont to the number of over 1,500. The steamers America and St. Lawrence will convey the pleasure seckers between points. Very heavy shipments of fish are be- ing sent from the city to Cape Vin- cent at present. The passenger irade among the is. lands is gradually increasing and every indication points to a banner season for the steamboats. On Monday - morning the annaal meeting of the S& Lawrence River Steamboat company was held in this city and in the afternoon the annual meeting of the ~ Thousand Island Steamboat company was held at Cape Vincent, The followihg officers were elected : President, M. H. Folger; vice- president and general manager; H. S. Folger, sceretary-treasurer, George Jawden. The passenger traffic has greatly in- cregpfd between Cape Vincent and Kingston since the warm weather set ins The steamer Awerica brings many travellers across each trip. . The management is all ready for the summer excursion season and #s soon as the weather gets warm enough the povular tours. he Thousand Islands will be at once inaugurated. -------- Sunlivht Soan is Wetter than other soaps, but is best when used in the Sunlight wav. Buy Sunlight Soap and follow directions, « Jathe cities of NOT MUCH 'BENEEIT 10 CANADIANS From RE- Admiralty and War: Office Will Confine Purchases of Canned Meats to Uolonial Houses, Owing to Thicago Exposures. Montreal, June 6.-- Canada is not likely to benefit much from the ' re ported action of the British admiralty and the war office, in confining pur- chases of canned meats to colonial houses, owing to Chicago exposures. The reason given for this is that the Canadian supply, according to the statement of Peter Laing, a leading Mpntreal packer, is i only to supply the Canadian demand. There will, therefore, be little or no supply for export. The C.P.R. have just taken the ini- tial steps for the expropriation of all the property not already. owned by them, bounded by St. Antoine, Moun- tain, Osborne, and Windsor streets, which, in due time, will be a gigantic terminal for the company. The pro- perty and land will cost in the neigh- borhood of half a million. An important amalgamation of spicemen has just been announced, the firms interested being Messrs. Herron & Co. and Marrotte, Leblane & Co., both doing business in Montreal at the present time. The personnel of the new concern 'will be J. Leblanc, R. S. Herron and W. H. Johnston. They start off with a capital of $90,000, and are to build an up-to-date build- ing at the corner of St. Henri and St. Paul streets. CANADIAN CAPITAL. Interested in Tri-City Railway and Light Co. Among the companies recently form- ed, in which Canadian capital is - a prominent factor, is the Tri-City Railway and Light company, a con- solidation' of the street railway, clec- tric lighting and gas companies, in Davenport; lowa, and Moline, East Moline, and Rock ls- land, Illinois. "These properties have been operated independently for seve- ral: years, and have shown handsome earnings. Under the consolidation great things will be effected. The earnings will also be greatly increased by proper development and extension. Not only will economies he effected by unification . of the plants, but about $75,000 will be saved annually by the use of water power, for which a twen- ty-five year contract has just been closed. : _ These four cities form practically one unbroken line for fourteen miles. Their growth has been rapid, but healthy, thé population numbering some 100,000. Situated in the very heart of one of the finest agricultural sections in the United States, .they are also the centre for some very large manufacturing industries, such plants being located there as the Moline plow works, the John Deere Plow company, Moline waggon works, Veile Carriage company, and the Uni- ted States Arsenal on Rock Island. At present the earnings are sufficient to pay the preferred dividends twice over, ancl Messrs, J. G. White & Co., the well-known engineers, estimate that on the completion of the con- templated improvements, and with the economies resulting from unified man- agement, the earnings will show hand- some returns upon the common stock. Applications will shortly be made to list this security on the Toronto, Mon- treal and New York Stock Exchanges, and it will become one of the active The dividends are payable quarterly at the rate of six per cent. per annum. issues. ST. ALBAN'S CHURCH ODESSA. An Impressive Service of Conse- cration, This church was duly consecrated by the bishop of the diocese on the Vigil of Penticost, Saturday, June 2nd, The clergy were present : Arch- deacons Carey and Macmorine, Canons Loucks, Jarvis and Starr, Rural Dean Elliott and Revs. F. D. Wood- cock, C. A. French, T. F. Dowdell and A. H. Creeggan, aiso the present in- cumbent, © Rev. Rural Dean Quarter- maine," now in the diocese of Ottawa. After the ceremony of consecration Archdeacon Maemarine preached an earnest and impressive sermon. Holy confirmation and holy communion were then administered. The bishop, and clergy. and other visitors -were. after- wards entertained at a sumptuous luncheon by the ladies of the congre- gation, in Jubilee Hall, which Mr. Toomey had kindly lent for the occa- sion. Brief congratulatory speeches followed, in which regret was express- ed at the unavoidable absence of E. B. Penge, M.P.P., who had be- friended the: mission in its early struggling days. Rev. Rural Dean and Mrs, Quartermaine remained over Sun- day, and were cordially welcomed hy their many warm friends in this com- munity. The church was purchased in 1889 from the Episcopal Methodists, following and only those who shared in the difficulties and discouragements of those early dawvs can adequately ap- preciate the joy of this happy con summation in seeing it freed from all debt and solemnly consecrated to the worship of Almighty God. . ° Promotions Made. The following promotions in No. 5 Co., 14th P.W.O.R., Capt. Dawson, were announced last evening in orders: Pte. Davis to be corporal; Pte. Per. mingham, granted his discharge; Corps. Wilkinson and Kingston, to be sergeants. Fine Lawn Party. The season's first lawn party, was held in McAdoo's Grove, Glenburnie road, Over 600 people were there, in- cluding many from the city. A large platform, 60x24, was erected for danc- ing, and to the music of Croshy & 0°- Connor's orchestra, the light fantas- tic was kept up till rain fell, at mid- night. The energetic committee, Mr McAdoo, and ' E, 'Moore, are to be congratulated. There will be another None later, _ Rix anarchists who are implicated in the plot against the King of Italy i Ancona have been arrested near Milan. fo- yourself. All druggists. THE DAILY {BRE | WHIG INCIDENTS OF THE DAY, i v3 doug afiaphs" Hi ia Up By' Reporters On Their Rounds. Join the YW.C.A, tennis club, fee 506 to members: The steamer Indian was to clear to- duy from Garden Island 'the Calvin company has so far this scason sent five rafts of timber to rebec. The trial of the local hotel. keeper, charged with selling to minors, is i morning. slated for Friday morning. Clarence street until more binding is secured for that roadway. The lacrosse club will likely put on a game. with the Gatnogue players in Vi Dominion day. that Neal" frm of dealers in old iron and scrap shipped a carload of junk to Watertown, N.Y., yesterday. "Perfectly delicious,' the ice cream sodas and sundaes at Gibson's. Red Cross drug store. Ice cream made from pure cream there. Proprietor Canning has made great improvements to the Union Hotel at Kingston Mills. The changes are very pleasing to his city visitors. T. Slater, was in Napanee, to-day, superintending the finishing touches to the new Crown Bank, which has just open lor business. Tegrutly hep. a clearing sale of 3,300 of the latest novels by the best writ- ers of popular fiction, all this week 10c. a copy or 3 for 25c. McDermott Bros., 260 Princess street. On account of the attendance of three members of the civic light .com~ mittee at the Macdonald ceremony in Cataraqui cemetery this afternoon, the meeting of that committee has been postponed until to-morrow. Ald. Carson chairman of the hoard of works, says the city council will have to bear the responsibility for accidents on outer Division street, since it has ordered that a concrete he be walk bg not laid there. He says gave fair warning and must not held responsible. PERSONAL MENTION. Movements Of The People--What They Are Saying And Doing. Hon. Dr. Pyne returned to Toronto, to-day, at noon. Capt. J. B. Cochrane was in Brock- ville on" Monday. Miss Elizabeth Parsons, Picton, is visiting in the oy. iss Dove turgess went to Rochester on Sunday to visit friends. Miss Iftie Elmer left last week for Minneapolis where she will spend the summer, Albert West leaves, to-night, for Pembroke. to spend a few days on business. E. R. Rogers, inspector of asylums, is looking over Rockwood, hospital for the insane, Mrs. J, Mandeville, Buffalo, is visit- ing her mother, Mrs, Rideau street. A. C. Dunbar went; to Belleville, to- day, to be one of the principals in a very happy event. Mrs, William Stitt gnd children, Cal- gary, are visiting hef mother, Mrs, Gormley. Division' streét, rs.. Charles Ewald: and daughter, trude, left on the neon train to visit friends in Detroit, Mich. W. J. Fair has n elected one of the executive commyttee of the Domin- ion Life Underwriters' Association. F. W. Lake went to" Gananoque, this morning, to superinténd the fitting out of some American owned yachts. Mr. and Mrs. H, C. Abrey, Hart- ford, Conn. are visiting Mr. Abrey's mother, Mrs. Peters, » Montreal street. Dr. Tennant left, today, for Ottawa, to resume his duties as house surgeon at the Carleton County General Hos- pital, Ottawa. Rov. Dr. Antliff has been appointed lecturer at the next meeting of the Theological Union of the Hamilton Methodist. Conference. Corporal Instructor C. P. Fell, of the Royal Horse Artillery, Kingston, is in Peterboro, drilling recruits of » 24th field battery. i. Publow, chief dairy instrue- tor, is.on a trip visiting the instruc- tors in the syndicates of the eastern part of the province. City visitors today: W. P. Satter- son, Belleville; M. Ryan, Newburgh; Mrs. E. W. Bishop and Miss Bernice B. Pishop, Charles City, Towa; Mrs. Mc- Lean, Belleville. The employees of the Wormavith Piano company made a presentation to A. C. Dunbar, on the eve of his marriage to Miss Sills, Belleville, which took place this afternoon. ------------ A Harmless Auto. Odessa, June 5.--Mrs, Mary Jane Vanpelt, aged seventy-five years, died at the home of Mark Fraser, on Fri day, June lst. The funeral was held Monday morning, at ten o'clock by Rev, A. McCamus., The were buried by remains at Union church ceme- tery. Bamon L. Snider's little son ns hurt quite badly by a horse, on Mon- day. The Independent Order of Forest- crs of Odessa, will assemble at their hall here, Sunday next, June 10th, at 2.30 p.m., and from there will procecd to the St. Albans church, where Rur- al Dean Dibb will conduct their annu- al service, A pumber of visiting breth- ern are expected. A cordial invitation is extended to the public generally, to attend the service. Rev. J, A, MeCam- us has left for Port Perry, where (on- ference is being held. - An amusing spectacle of an automobile was seen passing through the village, going cast, on Tuesday afternoon, Its :ate of speed 'was that prescribed hy the haw, doing no one any harm, being tied with a rope behind a bugov, "Three Swallows." Sir John Power & Son's "Three Swallows" Irish Whiskey, Famous for over a century, Of highest standard of purity, Distillers to His Majesty the King. Blockade Of Bananas. At the Banana block, opposite the Golden Lion block, big ripe ones, two dozen for 25¢., all this week, at Car- novsky's. Lax-ets--A candy bowel laxative. 1 you have constipation, Ii you have a coated tongue, If you are dizzy, bilious, sallow, If you have headaches, sour stom- ach, etc., 'risk § cents, on Lax-ets. Seg A J. White, 49 WEDNESDAY, JUNE 6. SELLING ON. SUNDAY DISPOSED OF 10 SMALL CHILDREN. An Assyrian and a Negro Who Keep Alleged Restaurants Fined for Selling Goods, Other Than Food. ; "A. number of persons' in the city have restaurant licenses, but the way they are working will soon cause meny to be restricted, said Magis: "trate Farrell in summing up the case wis inst George Hassen, for selling goods last Sunday, "Ninety-nine per, cent. of the merchants who sell food products, close their , doors and sell nothing, therefore, no persons, under the color of a restaurant, should be allowed to make sales." - The fine imposed ses 35 and costs or fifteen days. T. J. appeat for the Areyrian defendant, who claim- ed ho did not sell any goods other than came under 'his license, : The evidence of ten-year-old Archie Bube was that last Sunday morning with another little fellow, went to Hassen's shop on Ontario street and bought candies. He thought defendant had made the sale. Harry Florence, ten years old, also claimed he bought four caramels, one cent's worth, and took them out of the shop. : Hassen in the box declared he did not sell any thing to carry out of the shop. He was in cha during Sun- day until three o'clock in the after- noon. i Police Constable Arniel saw the boys enter the shop and leave with the candy, which he confiscated. ' George Hammond, colored, made an appearance before the court and to the charge of selling goods on Sunday re- plied, "They may have been soll in the house, but not by me; we have candies in our restaurant, but the case containing them is locked on Sunday." The convicting evidence was given by a bright fourteen-year-old little fellow, Willie, Ryan, who said, *'i pur- chased 5c. worth of candy in the house, but from the woman." "Some of these 'restaurants' will surely have to be looked into," om: phgsized the court in passing the fine, 35 and costs, SOME YARKER NEWS. ---- Stone Crushers Strike--Church Army Immigrants. Yarker, June 5.--The recent rains have had a wonderful effect on the country. Everything is looking fine, and the farmers are wearing a smile instead of a straight face; but, let us in our prosperity not forget the houn- tiful giver. They have a very large drive on the river this year. Some predict their inability to get through, The infauy child , of James Freeman caught in a chain belt, losing part of the first finger of the right hand. Miss Jessie Winter, who has completed her course as nurse-in-trainine in King: ston General Hespital, is home with her parents for a short time. B. 8S. ('Loughlin and J. C. Connolly are in New York. F, E. Benjamin has gone to Buffalo, N.Y. Mrs. Anderson, mo- ther of Mrs. Vanluven, is at her daughter's. M. Cambridge has purch- asod the business of Mr, Garrett in Napanee. this summer. R. Curl is erecting a new frame residence. James Carroll has purchased the lot of William Mont- gomery. Charles Phillips has improved his dwelline on his farm by remodel ling it. Mrs. G. Joyner has left for a visit to friends. Mrs. E. Vanluven has had her residence newly painted; also the Crouther residence. F. B. Barnett, Sydenham, is here painting for A. W, Benjamin. Men on the stone crusher struck for higher waces. Not oranted, they left for the river drive. The wheel factory will run longer than usual this year. Two families from England have settled in Yarker. Thev were sent here by the Church Army. Herman Shultze has returned to Watertown, N.Y. Mr. Allen will convert his oven into a coal oven. Please remove vour moustache, our villare fathers have ®t the example. Mrs. J. A. Vande- water hes returned home from Dex- ter, An 1.0.F. Service. Glenvale, June 4.--There was no ser: vice in the Methodist church, on Sun- day, as Rev. Mr. Shortt is attending conference at Smith's Falls, The mem- bers of the LO.F. will attend divine service on Sunday afternoon, June 17th, Visiting' brethren are cordially invited to attend. B. Gordon is re- covering from an attack of bronchitis, which kept him confined to his house for some time. John Moon, Conway, has been renewing acquaintances here, Miss Celeste Sherbinean returfied "to her home, in Kingston, on Saturday, Michael Hawkey, who 'went to Water- town, N.Y., some weeks ago, returned on Saturday ill with, typhoid fever, Visitors : John George and family, Mount Chesney, at S. Alport's; Mr, and Mrs. Andrew Craig, Glenburnie, at G. Binnington's; Mise Maud Cor- nell, Harrowsmith, and Miss Myrtle Guess, Murvale, at J. OC. Gibson's: Mr. and Mrs, William Clement, Mill: haven, at W. Toplill's. 4 Charles ¥. Wenham, former passeng- er agent of the C.P.R., at Chicago, discharged from several weeks cus. tody, on a charge of forgery, hus been re-arrested, to answer. six indict- ments, charging 'the 'theft of $60,000 from the C.P.R. - : EE ---------- Is Your Trouble Indigestion ? Then probably you know the evils of distention, fermentation and irrita- tion that accompany digestive trou- bles. , Next important is to know how promptly Nerviline cures. Quick as wink it relieves bloating and feeling of fullness, puts the entire digestive apparatus in perfect order, makes you feel fit and fine all over. As an inter ual pain remedy . Poliow's Nerviline surpasses every known reledy. K it in 'the houke always, Sa id 5 domiors in the hour of emergency an . Large boptles for 2c. ai all dealers. rip wi wi had the misfortune to have her. hand |' Yarker will place more cement walks: Royal Household your protection comesfrom us. We make it, know its ~ goodness and guarantee it : It is always sold under our 3° name and ark, you cannot go. wrong. Ask your grocer for Royal Household Flour. Itsthe | key to better living, : > + od 5 Ogilvie Floar Mills Co. 1g © © '© 107 Baby Carriages and Go-Carts Sunshine - and fresh air fs essential to the baby's health. Wheel the baby out in one of our mp-to-date Go-Carts, br Oarriages Have your old one made like mew; Send fn your repairing and upholsters ing this is the season for it, Use our Furniture Restorer, to give your housecleaning a finish JAMES REID, The Leading Undertak Ale and Por are Nature's Best Tonics. Pure products, made from the choicest barley and best selected hops. They healthful and aid digestion. are very palatable bev 'Phone 274. $d Sold and $4. B. C. When you buy «| "Ogilvie's Book for a' Cook, cone tains ; 30 pages. of deel lent r pes: some never grocer can tell youlow toget it PRICK, erages and agree '\Q3 with the most delicate stomach. JAS. McPARLAND, AGE 339 and 341 King St." ey ' TT TYPEWRITERS SEWING MAGHINES DOBBS & C0., 171 Wellington. St. CEPOL SEPP PEE 22H SIPS Bo SR ST fa a wg al 3 r RY nar » £0 FE 3 TARE aw VE it Fh are very fF Labatt's PR a v NE Repaired FINANCE AND INSURANCE -n ou - CUSTOMS BROKER - The business of the late Cy G. Oliver, will be carried om im his office, 79 Clarence street. r G. A. BATEMAN Who for the last five years has been associated with Mrs Oliver. Money to 'Loan Mcintyre & Mel tyre + BABRISTERS : & THOTT LVLRTRBTRIRN W Eastern Oncario Dairymen. | The report from the agricultural de- partment of the work of tha cheese in- structors for the last year is to hand. The total number of factories in the eastern district is 640; 2268 call visits were paid to the factories, the largest number heing paid in the Pet- erboro district; 3,191 full days were spent in factories, and the largest comes from Brockville East; 28231 patrons supplied milk to factories, the largest number going. to 'the Napanee' syndicate; 3,056 patrons' yards Te visited thé séalibn} were a for u ples were found to. tontai x while samples were iin ale, ltt 3D fevts If You Want a Home Or Insurance, have a talk with i 87 Brook Steass, '53 WANTED A good. brick dwelline with dor $ convenience 5 bedrooms ; modern and good sized lot: : butter fat; 284 patrons were: by the instructors, the largest: beg] pateone go spector; pa 'were ed, ing altogether $140 in fines 207 gor tories made provement a To fatto were erected at a cost' } 3