Daily British Whig (1850), 7 Jun 1906, p. 8

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the very | tucks. ' wi | WHITE. the 2, to | $1.98, Si These particularly fine waists comprise very | t creations for Spring and Sum- r. They are handsomely made, trim- lh Silk and French Valenciennes In- , beautiflilly finished with clusters of Every sizo will be found in this lot. tie IN aw "and COLORS rices: at which these are offered cost of materi- making and trimming indow Display BLACK $298 } A Point to Remember { Superior Watches 4 §onwhd beni of the workman who repairs it, otherwise your costly watch will ). perform no better than * a cheap timepicee, Our workmen know 4 how to repair properly fine grade watches of any make and we guar. antes our work will give the best results. Spangenberg { Jeweler, King Street 4 Railroad Watch Inspectors. B. W. IN OTTAWA, What - He Had to Tell a porter, A special to the Whig from Ottawa says : B. W. Folger, Kingston, was seen in the railway committee room of the House of Commons, this morning, 80 there must be "something doing." It is his first visit to Ottawa in two years, All he would say was, "Oh there is nothing much to interest Kingstonians or the public. I am Just here on a little Lusiness connected with the post office," Re- The five-year-old son of Edward Love, laborer, was drowned off the flume in Tate's will dam, at Perth, Chief White pulled out o young sister who had fallen in with the boy. Black cherries and white chorries, aleo seedless grape fruit from Cali fornia, at Carnovsky's. «Best's Magic stain remover will re move all stains from clothing or car pets, 10c. bottle, New suspenders, new 'helts, mew shirts, new hosiery. The H. D. Bibby ~ y 0. 'Everything in Men's Furnishings Shirts, Underwear, Neckwear, Collars, etc. All the little fixings for men in the best variety at this the best. : Colored Shirts, fancy negligee style, Underwear, Ellis Spring Needle, in Balbriggan thread and S0c., 750. and $1 garment. French: Balbriggan, 50c. garment. row and wide Ties, 3c. to boc. tore, only the correct in men's attire, only the new and 5fe. to $1.50. natural wool, ) ! Artic Cellular Mesh Underwear, Enghish piads, $2.75 and 83.35 per suit. a Neckwear, special display of nobby shapes in choice dmported sitks, nar four-in-hands, shield knots; also extensive range of Wash The New Soft Collar, idea] for summer wear, as comfortable on a hot ) as the stiff collar is uncomiortal tainly a novelty, and there's a it. Right for outings and washable materials, 25¢c. and 30c. See them: at . the two corners are joined by dashing touch of for wear at summer resorts, '| have decided to cense using the [T0 FIX LAND VALUE POWER COMPANY DESIROUS "OF EXPROPRIATING. League of Ameri can Sportsmen Meeting in Toronto--Hon. J. W. St. John May Be Appoint- od Sheriff of York. Toronto, June 7.--The Toronto & Niagara Power company is k Chis Justice Meredith, today, with an application to have arbitrators ap- pointed to fix the value of a strip of land belonging to Bapiel and tlannah 13. Hanley, Brantford, which the com- pany desire to espropriate. The ap- plication is opposed by the owners of the property, who say that after se 'curing the land the coi propose to sell one-half of it for railway pur- 8, A meeting of the league of American sportsmen, to be held at the Iroquois to-morrow, will be attended by a large number of Canadian delegates. Chief Provincial Game Warden ins ley will.zead a paper protesting against the practice of allowing, un- der the laws of several of the states, shooting wild duck in the spring. It is hoped that a working agreement will be reached between the Ontario Association and the American Leagrie; 'It is rumored that Hon. J, W, St. be appointed sherifi of York covity, in succession to the late Mi. Widdi- field, and that Henry Carscallen, MP, P.. for East Hamilton, will be ap pointed speaker. There is no oficial official confirmation of the rumors. hether in the Canada Life used $343,000 of the policyholders' profits to extend the business of the company, was assubject of dispute be- tween J. F. Hellduth, comsel for the Ontario government, and Frank. San- derson, actuary of the company, at the insurance investigation this mom- ing. The compuny's act provides that policyholders © shall receive ninety per cent of the profits and the sharchold- ers ten per conte The new business of the company in 1905 cost $343,000, which amount was. taken out of the surplus earnings of the company. The contention of the actuary that the directors had the power to say what amount should be set aside as pro- fits and of that sum only were the policyholders to get ninety per cent. Wallace Nesbitt, K.C., counsel for the Canada Life, sought the privilege of addressing the commission upon matters brought out in connection with the company. He said that the RE | various subjects taken up during the Ig; [long examination of Hon. Cox and other ada Life stafi should be reviewed and he asked permission to put in a state ment giving the Canada Life's side of the case. The commissioners had al- ready decided that addresses of eoun- sels were barred so the 'request was refused, Mr. Sanderson, as required by the commission, pit in a list of gifts of the Canada Life to various chari- ties : The amounts ran from $10 t, Senator . $2,500; the latter being to the Ottawa fire sufferers and aggregated $4,060. Joseph Phillips, former president of the York County Loan and Savings company is again 'in the cells. Thomas Walker, 25 Boustead avenue, was on Phillips' bail for $2,500. Believing that his bond was becoming imperill- ed, he consulted Judge Winchester and Crown Attorney Drayton with the re- sult that Phillips was arrested as he was sitting down to lunch. Phillips will now .have to find a new bonds man, A---------- SLUMP IN CANNED GOODS. cy Exposure Has. Done Business En- ormous Harm. London, June 7.--The managers of two of the largest west end depurt- ment stores say that .the trade in can ned goods has been falling off for years and that the present exposure will probably kill it so far as they are concerned. The slump gradually in- creased after Upton Sinclair's novel, "Ihe Jungle," was first noticed here, and it has extended to all canned goods, including meat, fish and fruit, whether they are American or not. The reviilsion against food of this sort is shared by the humblest classes, among whom, however, it must be ad- mitted there has always been prejudice against canned foods. The inmates of some of the weorkhouses arg eagerly availing themselves of » plausible op- portunity and are openly protesting against being fod on canned corned beef, which is largely served in" such Institutions. The guardians of some of the workhouses, fearing trouble, objec: tionable food, while others will use less of it. The gramblings of the army and navy have heen growing since the revelations began, and threaten to become troublesome, Meat Quite Good. + Liverpool, June 7.--At to-day's meet ing of Liverpool health committee, the chairman emphasized the carcfulness of American meat exported here, and said a very large number of tins were ex amined yearly, and all had been found to be quite good. Consumers, there- fore, need not he afraid, -- The Laws Of England' Lord Halsbury has undertaken the compilation of a large work to be en- titled' "The Laws of Fnoland." This is intended to he a complete statement of the whole law of England, anq will occupy about eighteen or twenty vol- umes. The goneral scheme is being planned by the ex-lord chancellor, and the work will be carried out un. der his direction. 'with the co-opera- tion of a body of lawyers, At the first formation of the Col- | stream Guards, the pikemen of the re- iment wore green coats with scarlet facings: the musketeers of the corps had scarlet coats with ereen facings. The police took . a mute in charms thix afternoon for protection. He will be given a pass out of the city. One Glenburnie farmer received £1335 as his cheese money for Mav. The farmers. are certainly prospering. Hdward Doneoan, a former resident shure, died at Avimeér, Que. J before | John, speaker of the legislaturey vill L members of the Can- | ® THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, JUNE 7. ss, PERSONAL MENTION, Movements Of Th» Peop's -What They Are Saying And Doing. Dr. Kilborn, Sharbot Lake, was in the city to-day. Con. Millan is confined to his home i 8 illness. " , Collins Bay, is recovering from a severe illness. . J. McGall returned last eveping from a business trip to Syracuse, N.Y. Mr. and . James Cornelius, Mon- treal street, are visiting at Mississippi. Mr, Shibley, a wealthy New Yorker, has arrived at Sharbot lake, to oc capy his summer residence, Mrs. E. es, Concession street, gave a birthday party, yesterday, for her youngest daughter, Madeline. John Neil, while walking along the street, yesterday, fell and got quite a shaking WP. No hones were broken. Major W, A, Grant has been oider- ed to report at headquarters at Utta- wa to assume duties. He will 30 down | at once, Rev, Dr, Benson and W. H. Lambly were elected to the general board of missions, from Montreal Methodist conference. Mr, and Mrs. William Kenney, of this city, have returned from Jones' Falls, where they attend the Dwyer- Kenney wedding. Edw. J. B, Pense, M.P.P,, is to be one of the speakers at the synod = of Huron's missi rv meeting, in Lon- don, on June 20th. HON. Shift in RUDOLPH LEMIEUX. the Dominion cabinet inakes him postmaster-general. Cornelius Wood, who has been a patient at the hospital since the Rail- ton tragedy, is recovering as rapidly as could be expected. James O'Connor, formerly of city, but now head landale Junction, quaintances in town. Drs. Sparks and Winnett are on the programme at the meeting of the Eastern Ontario Dental Association in Cornwall, in session now. Miss Mabel Anderson, nurse-in-train- ing at Laura Frupklin hospital, New York, is home for a month's holidays with her parents, King street. City visitors today: G. S. Bolton, Alexandgia Bay; N. Y. rvice, Rock- parti. Mrs, C. Prentice, Tweed: Dr. W, (ilborn, Sharbot Lake; Mrs. W. Reid, Enterprise, « Sergt.-Maj. McGowan returned to- day from Winnineg, where he conduct ed signalling classes. He will attend at the various camps to hold classes of instruction. Mrs. Jolm Wardrobe, Miss and Arch ibald Wardrobe have returned to the Randolph hotel, after a trip to St. this wine clerk at Al is renewing' ac- Catharines and Toronto. They ex- pect to spend the summer at their former home, at Lindsay. Miss Louise Foden left, to-day, by the noon train, to visit her sisters, Mrs. M. Cronk and Mrs. W. J. C. Mec Crea, in Toronto. Later she will vis- it Hamilton and be the guest of her sister, Mrs. J. A. Howard. At Bufialo, N.Y., university, George Richart 1 Grant, son of George Grant, Cape Vincent, secured the prize of 8175 for the best thesis written hy a member of the senior class off a legal subject. Mr. Grant is a. gradwate of Cornell university. { MONTREAL CONFERENCE, The Gathering Closed at Noon To-Day. Smith's Falls, Ont., June 7.--The Montreal onference closid at noon, the session being one of the longest on record, owing to-the large number of memorjals to the general confer- ence. The NMinal draft of stations showed no important changes. An-in vitation from the council of Ganan oque fo. meet there, next year, was adopted. There were nearly 500 dele gates and visitors present this year. Rev. T. B. Conley, B.A., Carleton Place, at his own request, owing to ill-health, was superamnuated for one year. x The alternate ministerial delegates to; the general conference were elected as follows : Rev. Dr. Eby, Rev. Ern- est Thomas and Rev. W. Philip. The final. report of the statistical committee shows the Sunday school work to be in good condition, but the voung people's societies show a de- erease I °~ inembership. The report shows : Number of Sunday schools, 441; teachers, 'officers and scholars, 86,417; increase, 637; contributions for missions, $4,815; increase, $419; for voung people's societies, 191; increase, i active members, 4,411; decrease, 163: contributions to missions, £3 880, increase, $218; for other purposes, $5. 672; increase, $055y catacumins, 1,198, ------ Death Of Dr. Parker. Westport, Ont., June 7.-Dr. William Parker, of Westport, died yesterday, after an illness of over six months. Deceased was born in Toledo sixty-five Years ago, and _mracticed his profes sion in several places. He was mar ried but leaves no children. Dr. Par ker was highly esteemed by all classes. ---------- Pr. Thomas™ Pile Cure gives instant relief, 25¢. at Best's, Miss Lena M, Storey. and Dr. Wil liam Hueh Woodrow, were married, in Brockville on Wediesday. 3 A pint bottle of florida water for the toilet, T5¢, at Chown's drug store, 1th band concert at the armouries An expert to fit you at Dr other purposes, $20,599; increase, $557; |. J] ISLE OF. MONTREAL WANTS TO BE A SEPARATE PROVINCE. Quebec Legislature Tardy About Acting, Thus Its Desire--F. W. Henshaw Dead -- G. T. R. Shareholders Meeting. June 7.--The death took Pe of 'F. W. Henshaw, at the age of eighty-four, after three wee] illness from penumonia. Mr. Hens { was once president of the Montrea of Trade, but had been retired for several years. Lieut.- Col. Henshaw, the well-known finan- cier, and Henry Henshaw, of the Bank of Montreal, are sons. ; The possibility of 'securing legisla- tion for the erection of the Island' of Mo into a separate providence FS being discussed, at the City hall, on account of the difficulty, experienced when the city secks legislation at the hands of the: legislature at Quebec, This, it is claimed, seriously retards the progress of the city. > The meeting of Grand Trunk Pacific shareholders, called for to-day, was adjourned until June 14th, PITH OF THE NEWS, ; The Ver} Latest Culled From All Over The World. Mrs. Asken, Perth county, aged 102 years. Rhodes scholars, to the number 150, dined in London. Hon. Mr. Cochrane promised to give Hamilton a strip of crown {and near the reservoir, Premier Moret to-day, nresented to the king of Spain, the resignation of the entire cabinet. "I. T. Lewis has resigned as registrar- treasurer of the Ontario College of Pharmacy, Toronto. Toronto health authoritiés are tak- ing measures to have packing houses in the city examined. Sir Henri Joly de Lotbiniere, retir- ing lieytenant-governor of British Col- umbia has left Victoria for Quebec. The Canadian Northern purchased more land on Beachell avenue, Toron- to, for $80,000 for freight shed pur- poses, Inick Hill, Mississippi, a town of 1,000 inhabitants was almost destroy- ¢d by fire. More than 800 people were made homeless. Robert Manfield, evading justice for two years, has given himself up, in New York, for an $18,000 forgery, and says he is happier, Hoverstown, Pa.. a town eighteen miles north of Johnstown, Pa., was visited by a cloudburst early, to-day. No_ fatalities are reported. George N. Iffit, U.S. consul at Chat- ham, has been offered the! American consulate at Port Elizabeth, South Africa, at a salary of $3,500. Capt. Lund, caught a man search- ing his pockets, in a New York hotel. and the burglar fought desperately with a dagger. before giving jn. . The parliament of Preshyterianism has opened its session in First church, London, and elected Rev. Dr. Alexand. er Falconer, Pictou; N.S, its moder- ator, At Chicago, intense heat, on Wednes- day, caused the is dead, of death of six persons and the prostration of several. At Kansas City, Mo., two deaths oc- curred. Rev, Algernon S. Crapsey, Roches- ter, N.Y., through his counsel, has filed an appeal from the findings of the ccclesiastical court that found him guilty of heresy. A lockout of the Brotherhood of Carpenters, New York, has gone into effect. The lockout will affect 12,000 carpenters and throw into idleness thousands in other trades, One man was fatally injured and five others severely hurt by a tomado which swept the village of Stoddard, Wis, on Wednesday night. Ten build. ings were demolished and much other damage done, Lewis Heyd, while working on a tele- phone pole at St. Catharines, receiv- ed a shock that caused him to fall off the pole. He was killed. Frederick Franklin was badly burned in at- tempting to save Heyd. -- Several People Ill. Strathcona, June 6--The splendid rains have made grain and meadows look fine in this section, Mr. aud Mrs. Haycock spent a fow davs visiting at her cousin's, Mr. Chambers, Hamburg, M. MoQuaig's little boy has an attack of appendicitis. M. McDonald, Na- banee, spent Sunday, in this place. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Lott visited their aunt, Mrs. M. Lott, on Sunday. W. Cooper has been laid up for several days with grippe, also Harry Fox, Mrs. Hillmen has been seriously for several days; also Mrs, James Wilson, There has been considerable sickness heve lately. Mr. and Mys. J, Asselsting drove to Napanee, Tuesday evening, to see their daughter-in-Jaw. who is very ill. George Madden, our genial 'merch ant, is renovating his store. The county has at last built a new 'culvert on the Newburgh road: it was badly needed. The thanks of the people are due George Haycock, P.M., for put ting in a culvert on the second con. cession, roads © it wa¥ in a dangerous condition, Would The Scheme Pay ? The village of Portsmouth has been canvassed for the purpose of finding out how'-many consumers of olectricity could be denended upon were the city i i ' from © avenue to the top of the hill, a distance of about half Few of the residents would * to take cleotric light were thew riven the opportunity. The three village churches would be patrons and the Portsmouth conncil would likely have half a dozen strost lamps erected and the village hal illiminated by power from the city. Tt does not look as ii such an extension scheme would pav. , ---------------- the Frontenac cheese board as any in the country, season, the Frontenac Prices on are as. high On the whole board leads. " Granite Lodoe of Qddiellows met in their hall on Kine street, last evening. to-night. Admission 10. Undervests light summer make, with dainty] short or lpng ] differ five inch lace yoke and [ancy ent lines to chogs drop-stitch weave, per gar- 25 per garment; 25, 20 10 ment, to-morrow only .., .. * 124 and * --oew-- JOON LAIDLAW & SON es - Our real Embroidery season is nearing an end --and we need room. When we realized these facts, it dida'ttake uslong to connect the two, and produce a very substan- tial and worthy offering such as the following : v4 J Over 4,000 yards of this season's prettiest Embrorderies running from the dainty narrow effects for children's | wear to the wide Corset Cover designs, ming embroideries and waist insertions: to-morrow with a discount off th of just also. special trim. { all offered again regular marked 'pric, JOHN LAIDLAW & SON - Ladies' and N Vests To-morrow We've had a great week s selling of sum. [/} mer underwear since we announced the arrival of a new assortment. Just 2 rous shipment, though, one which. other sea sons should 'have lasted us one month at least, having its different lines broken tup iq one week. That's just what happened byt we duplicated orders, and to-day rece 'magine 13 gene. re ived an- ther lot, containing amongst others, these - Ladies" Light Cotton Undervests,| Ladies' Fine Bally Undurveste very fine and of serviceable qual t H elastic ribbed and ity, in the lightest of sum- | high neck, with or wil mer weights, per garment, | sleeves, drawers to mg y to-morrow, only per garment, 50 and Ladies' Fancy Cotton Undervests, off Children's White Cot Special Sale of Handkerchiefs, Too A lot of handkerchiefs, picked up by a buyer whois contiu- ally looking for *'snaps' in high-class materials, goes: like this to- morrow afternoon ;-- 1,000 only, Ladies' and Children's White Lawn Handke chiefs, of very: fine quality, neatly hemstitched, and reg y 2 For ularly sold at 60c. a dozen, or 5c. each; to-morrow after 2 o'clock you can have as many as you wish at just half | C price--per dozen 30c., or .... en RE RN » JOHN DLAW & SON ----emee We Received To-day : Black Chiffons Latest Veiings at 25 and 35¢. Dainty New Designs In Both White and Black Embroidered Chiffons White Silk Tulle White Chiffons at Children's LightSummer 14th band goncert at 'the armouries Black Silk Tulle 25, 39 and 49¢. 20000008 COPOOEE OVOP IIONEFED TRISCGUIT The new shredded whole-wheat toast served with butter, cheese or preserves--more nourishing than bread. Send for the "Vital Question Cook Book," postpaid. CANADIAN SHREDDED WHEAT CO., Limited, Niagara Falls, Ont * Toronto Office, 32 Church St. GANONG'S G. B. CHOCOLATES THE'FINEST IN THE CITY 50c. per Ib. A. J. Rees, 166 Princess St. fo an nha Here is onc of the smart - PUMPS now so much talked about. batter fitting pump never was i 8 a pumps exasperate with their slipp I chafing at the heel a a one, made expressly for the rump, they fit the foot. Price $3.75 DE S : 000000E OVO SHSSNOEE € POPOORBEOOVOOD CD IPPT DOVE A -- PGOOO DOOCROOG GF] New Pumps A smarter OF Most Our last is a specid Of 10 morrow Hats. Prepare co! and keep Hat : Se. | a Unde cathe Warm w BP. Jenki The Rigl To Known th "RA! Flows Well, Cov Granted by owt $1.50 Mitchell's Heit Baked B Speer, regular A Heinz Mixed Pi Be pottles, at 1 Condensed Song Vegetable, 1x Macuroni, 2 kg Golden Fi Bouil 246 Pri Phone 417. WHEN Our Shoes 3 footwear to ston Wear * Minar) Sign of Golden & -- FOR Must Be Sola The fal ty Rooms From @'Ooposite Gre. BAGGAG --

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