ep The H, p, Bibby ¢,, ) Dressed Mj therever you mee Season, and we t tion of affairs, t him, He i ake considerapj, tory of this estab; sortment of New Things stomers tell us the ye. mley Suits Fabrics, have been se r of smart exclusiven Ing good honest qu f taste in dress. 0, 7.50, 8.50; 10. S, Single or Double Breasts 90, 13, 14, 15 and 18, . BIBBY (), JRE OF THE TOWN. shment have we , and they are lected with ess and jp. ality, which ig $ to out or ng Undertaker. Phone 141 R SHOES " White Canvas Oxlords, $1, $1.50, 2 and $3. * Chocolate Color Gibson Ties, $1.50, 2, $2.50 and $3. ' Pat. Colt Gibson Ties, Christy ies or Blucher Oxfords, $2.50, $3, 3 50. r Spetial Gibson Ties, in Grey Voze nd Grey and Colored Canvas, Also many other lines of FASHIONABLE FOOTWEAR. * Shoe Store 4 00OGC00G00 B. CHOCOLATES | THE CITY per Ib. 6 Princess St. FEHR GRP) "REX" 0COLATES Made in Canada |GH plop ot Sold in Kingston at Medley's Drug Store BRITISH - AMERICAN HOTEL KINGSTON - - ONTARIO Is undergoing alterations and will be re-opened to the travelliog July the First. public on or about |W TELFER x i hinery. Roney & Co's S pecia FOR SATURDAY Boys' Black Brownie Overalls for 23 cents per pair. A Better Line of Regular 50 cent Brownies for 39 cents. Four-in-Hand and Shield Knot Ties, regular 25 and 35 cent lines--your choice, 2 for 25 cents. (with or without collars), all Men's Black Sateen Shirts sizes, for 39 cents each. Boys' Tweed Knickers, regular soc, and 6oc. lines, for 39 cents a pair. Boys' Black and Blue Suits for Confirmation in Norfolk, Pleated and 3 Piece--in Venetian and --at 20 Per Cent. Off Regular Prices, Is Serge Special Prices on Men's and Young Men's Summer Suits Come in and see the large range of Homespuns we are showing this season, 4 We are always pleased to show you our goods, and you will not be urged to buy. Roney & Co. 127 Princess Street. The Store That Sets the Pace. $0 or rerrrrrersrersane TVVTVRVVRVRULVLVL TLRS 'The Catch of the Season SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY A Sale of Very Fine Shirt Waists Our tables gre laden with 4 lot of prizes for Saturday--there'll be something over 200 New Shirt 'Walits, the material in them is exquisitely firm and dainty and Waists, made of fine sheer law n, ns --- sleeves, regular value choice ....;".., mentioned above. - They are choice sersaies day Saturday and Ladies' Tailored-made Skirts Of lizht grey and checked grey patterns, nine This i$ jst the Skirt you'd like to wear last the three-quarter in and with the Shirt ~00 ® word on Lingerie long Saturday only, your « onn81.59 cach gored, pleated style Waist the $150 quality. Saturday your Event in Women's Raincoats You ean put a good Raincogt to many uses--it combines . 3.49 as It will pay you to come to §3 COMMERCIAL MATTERS. -------- What Is Going On In the Business World--The Markets, A knitting factory is, RErsoll, Ont, A $10,000 proposed for In be required. building would po Dominion Bridge compdny hag it wild a site at Winnipeg in which n Bl erect a large plant. ks le Domimion Stove and Heater Co. oe located at Brockville, Ont., nd thet Jater establish a 'urge' plan eiihey re « t Peterborough. Lyn are 13,000 miles of new rail: pfoad line under Contract or construction v fe present time in the United Says the Four-Track News. industry is being talked Taw, Sask., eitizens in the shape flax . mill. Those who have 'the CL in hand are said to he willing a, Invest $1,000,000. Thee Frankford Yhich start, uptodate of hy Canning company, ed last vear with' new and buildings a~4 modern one 1 has assigned te * Simmons, and the property will to sola Nov May output of the collieries of the 989 ponotia Sted company totulled 59, May D8 or 21,086 tons more than in St year. The May output was exceeded, 1503 except in November, is od Western _ Dominion Collieries, is fv 19 the title of a company that at Ing subscription for a share cap- Ral of $1,000,000. Of this $500,000 be held in' reserve to te used only Purpose of conversion of deben- At 1 the annual meeting of {he Montreal Aght & } to) Heat Power Co., President oat made the announcement that an in- Toons. i the rate of dividend might be Was 'every hohe near fulurc, aw there hail ery indication that earnings the £0 on increasing as they had in ne. bast, A. Pyrite boro, Ont," whith" & month while insty lied, is ents of two being made, mine, at Queens- was shut down. for A compressor was being Again working. and ship- » Or 'tite cars a day are The. conipressor has a cap- ne 1 1 A fn il four lls. with provision for nore, oisti o - Chinery oe ng and other ma n added ine for the new inter- Minneapolis and St. to South St. Paul i 0 id | Roll butter. 20g, lines Practically cach A pair THE JAMES JOHNSTON STORE 180 Wellington Street SSL tse escsssss sre srr sees eee wrap for'evening wear, m ade of fine imported waterproof cloth Régular price $7.50 and $~. Saturday, and Saturday only, sale ! price ., srr' daigaens stertrias Kunsrarensieces sMivassreieicalnnmbton sists . $5.89 ¢ ' 25¢. Women's Summer Vests for 10c. ¢ Just a matter of 30 dozen of these underpriced Summer Vests ! in this special offering for carly comers. Saturday at 0c. exch $ Boys' 25¢c. Heavy Ribbed Hose, 12%, ¢ All sizes from 5 to 94 inches, all at one price. ~ Saturday special ' price ..... 2 var fssssesiivensy wrssinase envi egualensner rol seer 2}e. pair ¢ Women's Fine Lace Hosiery $ In white, black and tan, fine lace ankles, Your choice Satur- ' tO STRAT IIT AINE IIE TI ATT RRR VTL VAVTVT LTTE BUC CT TTT ~00 a ka controls the entire tratlic between the two cities Cheese Markets. Madoc, June 7.--Toxay 280 - were boarded ;* 835 sold" at 10%c Tweed, June 7.--There were 490 hoard- ed; all sold at 10 11-16¢c. and 103c A ROMANTIC WEDDING Ends Long Wait of Patient Lovers. A romantic wedding, which for many a years had been delayed, owing to a woman's promise, took place at Sow- erby, near Thirsk, in the North Rid in f Yorkshire, the other day. For ne: y a quarter of » century the bride had acted as ednfidante and housekeeper to a maiden lady who possessed consjderable. means. Many, years ago the housekeeper met a gard- enor and was woacd by him with sue- Coss, mised her \mfstress to until she di*d, and so sta v But the housekeeper had pro- with her the love story became one of patient waiting. Three or four in her mineticth year, leaving to faithful h and furniture, as well as £1,000 money. lation reached the bride groom from finds who story of their courtship. It's A Fact. 2 derbys sold The a the 'dominion. wecks ago the mistress died er housekeeper her. house, plate in any messages of congratu- and bride- t price knew the Campbell Bros., are not excelled at the in Bu-Ju Kidney Pilla ard sold at Gib- Fresh son's there. . Fancy hosiery in Red Cross drug store, many handeome patterns for low shoes, 25¢c., 40c., 50c. The H. D. Bibby Co, Special summer eorsets, 50c. and New York Dress Reform. finest tate 65¢, CANADA ARGONAUTS SAIL IN SEARCH OF GOLDEN FLEECE. Hope to Win Grand Challenge Cup at Henley--Henry O'Brien' and Capt. Barker With Them. Toronto, June 8.--The Argonaut crew to compete for the grand chal lenge cup, at Henley, leit at 9:15 a.m., to-day, for Montreal, whence they will sail to-morrow for England. They are:accompanied 'by Henry O'- Prien, the first president of the club, and Jimmy Barry, ex-secretary, and will likely be joined later by T. P, Galt, and Capt. Barker, The crew, whose average wejght. is 1733 pounds, are: Joe Wright;.stroke; 7, Don Mackenzie; 6, Boyd; 5, Kel- lowes; 4, Walsh; 3, Kent; 2, Grubhe; bow, Thompson; spare, Lou Dixons coxswain, Loudon. On the recommendation of Hon. Mr, Cochrane, minister of lands 'and mines, six new townships on the north shore of Lake Superior, back of Chapleau, on the C.P.R., have been set aside for the location of those entitled to land grants under the veterans' land grant act. The new townships are six miles square; five are in the Algoma district and one in Nipissing. None but those entitled under the act mentioned will be allowed to settle in these districts. The Imperial life Insurance com- pany, which Hon. wpe A. Cox said he brought into existence so. that his son, Frederick W. Cox, might be a general manager of an insurance cor- poration, is now under investigation by the Dominion Insurance Commis- sion. Thomas Bradshaw, the actuary of the company, was on the stand throughout the morning and testified | to the fact that Senator Cox was now. only a "warm friend" of the company, but that he and J. W. Flavelle = were very active in its early history. A large number of members of the staffs of the differant Cox financial corpora tions were set down as sharcholders of the Imperial, despite the fact that all of the dividends were paid the Central Canada Loan and Savings company, which oWned a large per- centage of these shares. Covenanting Shrines. The programine has heen issued of Presbyterian) excursion and pil to the shrines of the Coven ;-from-New York; on June 30th; lasting for thirty-two each pilgrim $276. They to visit the shrines of Glasgow, Edinburgh, Drumelog, Bothwell Brig, Kilmarnock, Ayr, Airsmoss, Priesthill, Rullion, Green, Sanyjubar, Dumfries, Wigtown, and other places: connected with "the days, to cost fifty years' strupyle" of the heroic, and maligned Covenanters of the seventeenth century. They are also to do homage to Burns, the peasant bard, at Alloway and Dumfries, and to Sir Walter Scott, at Edinburgh, Abbotsford, Melrose, and Dryburgh Abbey, where amid mouldering ruins and beautiful scenery the dust of the mighty minstrel reposes, "and shall rest in his grave till the trump of doom shall wail alone the sky. and call the countless congregation of the awakened dead to judgment. Ticking For Dresses. It sounds very radical indeed to ad- vise tickine for a vown and old table- cloths for shirtwaists, hut the fact re- mains that both are used. An actress started this latter fashion and it is not a bad one to follow. She used new damask for her waists but women of an economical turn of mind can realize how the corners of zood cloths that have served their day on the table can be made up. Not the ugly weaves of ticking that are used for the cheap mattresses. but the fine strived weave that is very wide and can be got at the wupholsterers and department shops. Grav and white are thé best colors'to set. But there is a bright blue and gray that is most attractive, Rich Man's Simple Life. George Mead, an interesting Peter- boro personality, has died somewhat suddenly, at the age of seventy-nine. He was the son of Coventry ribbon weaver, and after being a chemist for some time, he became a farmer. Pos- sessing great speculative instincts, he invested and reinvested with the skill of a keen*financier, and his land pos- sessions were of considerable dimen- sions. His whole estate is estimated to be worth £50,000, and he left no will. He led a simpls life, his diet chiefly 'being bread, potatoes, and hot water, and he was in the habit of running a mile 'every morning, The Ducking Stool. The corporation of King's Lynn re tains in its possession an old ducking stool, which was used to immerse in the river those townspeopld" who, -mis- behaved themselves, and "for the punishment of witches, Orders have now been given for the relic to be re- paired, and placed on' exhibition in the locel museum as an illustration of the methods formerly in vogue for dealing with offenders. To Save Wild Flowers. The Dorset county eouncil have pass- ed 4 by-law to prevent the destruction of ferns and wild flowers, and the wholesale taking of roots in the rur- al districts of the county, except in cases of persons collecting specimens in small quantities for private or scientific use. Balaclava Hero Dead. . Thomas Richardson, one of the Bal aclava heroes, who had been residing in the North of England, died at his residence in Preston recently, aged seventy pix. He was shot in the hip and ankle, and lost the sight of one eve through the bursting of a sand- bag at Alma. : Panama Halts. The best values in Kingston Camplell Bros. « -- Jutter, large or small Finest potatoes. Crawford. A pefumed berated © taleum powder 10e. Gibson's Red Cross drug store. ers large or small rolls, 20c, at rolls, 20e. FIRST CLASS BASEBALL Promised For Afternoon, As the result of the efforts of Capt. Lappin, of the Triple Link baseball team, the fans will be treated to" a first-class game of baseball, to-mor- row afternoon, on the cricket field, and whether there will he any more matches or not rests entirely with the spectators themselves. The Wanderers of Gananogue, steengthened by several players from the New York State League, will be the visiting aggregh- tion. For some time past the sport- ing fraternity have been rather sore that no baseball has heen offered in Kingston. But what are the existing conditions ? Where can the teams compete ? Lake Ontario Park is out of the question. In the first place it is so.far removed - from the heart of the city that the Jiitie will not spare the time to attend, and in the second place the streets cars only run as far as the top of the asylum hill and no one would care) to foot it from there to the park, Then therg are the exhi- bition grounds, but thése do not ap- peal very strongly either to,the play- ers or, the spectators, and the expense of putting them in shupe and keeping them so, renders their utility nil. Be- sides more people would steal into the Io To-Morrow games then would pay, so that the gates might as. well be thrown wide open. There then only remains the cricket field and this certainly is the ideal spot. However, the collection of a gate is out of the question, and the only way to defray expenses,is to pass the hat. Such a procedure will be fol- lowed to-morrow. 1f the spectators "pony up" properly there will be frequent matches arranged throughout the summer months. If ther do not, then it is good-bye to baseball here. The game to-morrow is hooked for half-pagt two, and the Triple.JLink team' will Be selected from the follow: ing players : Mbore,. Biirke, MoCam- mon, J. Derry, B. Derry, Laird, Smith, Appleton, Vanhorne and Lappin, cap- tain. Will Have A Match. The Kingston Polo Club will hold, a big polo mdtch at Lake Ontario Park to-morrow afternoon at half past four o'clock, to which everyone interested in the sport is invited. Have Dropped Out. The junior Y,M.C.A. baschallers have dropped out of the league, it is un derstood, and have given to-morrow's game to the Alerts. This leaves the Granites and Victorias to play off Sa turday afternoon. A GRAND OPENING. Sale of Work and Concert at St. Luke's. The grand opening of St. Luke's new hall was held on Thursday evening. The proceedings consisted of a sale of work, high tea, and concert, and were largely attended by friends of the congregation and others. The sale of work was commenced about five o'- clock, tea being served from six' till eight, while the promenade concert concluded the festivities. An orchestra was in attendance, and added to the pleasantness of the entertainment, while ice cream and refreshments were dispensed throughout the evening. The concert was thoroughly enjoyable, every participant being heard to good advantage. The various numbers were as follows, the rector, Rev. R. 8S. Forneri acting as chairman : Piano solo, Miss New- man; song, Archdeacon Brooks; song, Master C. Carson; duet, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson; song, Mrs. Betts; song, F. Cousins ; recitation, Archdeacon Brooks; piano solo, Miss Fortescue, song, Mrs. Nelson; duet, Mrs, Betts and Miss Bates; song, Mr, Couper; chorus, St. Luke's choir, Those in charge have "every reason to feel proud of the success which at- tended their efforts, and the result of which was the realization of a creditable sum in aid of the necds, very church's ------ A Combined Picnic. Moscow, _Jun¥ 6. Mr, and Mrs, John Garrison and Mr, and Mrs. Wil son Purdy, Morven, were uests at G. W. Lampkin's a few days last week, The day school and Sunday school combined 'gave a picnic on May 24th. The weather being fine and boats be ing plentiful everyone enjoyed the day, an Luven Bros. are improving their tore by . putting in a side entrance. Charles Perry and wile, Syracuse, Spent. a. few days with friends here last wee William Allen is rebuilding his house, Mr. and Mrs. Baxter Guess, Murvale, visited at A. A. Asselstine's last week. Mrs. Levi Huffman was away last week visiting her daughter, Mrs. Herrington, Napanee. Mr. and Mrs. Purcell, Yarker, werg, guests at Albert Amey's recent, A number of the citizens are anticipating a fishing party t6 be held "at Fourteen sland Lake on Saturday. Miss Sills spent the week 'end at, her home negr Na: panee. ---------------- Summer Outings. "Routes and Fares For. Summer Tours," is the title of a book issued by 'the Grand' Trunk railway systoin; whichis full of interest to the summer tourist, '2 whe "is planning a summer outing for 1906: In addition. to gene- ral information, the contents contain particulars® of © diffdbent routes and fares to points in' all parte of the country and cover the principal re- sorts reached by the line of the Grand Trunk and its connections. It con- tains a fund of information that will be of great help to those who have not vet decided where to spend their. holidays, _ The book also contains: a xeries of maps for reference. Write to. day for a copy to J. Quinlan, D.PA., Bonaventure Station, Montreal," The Workhouse Organ. Natwithstardling = that they have twice been told hy the local govern- ment board that they consider the price. excessive, the Edmonton Board of Guardians has resolved to pay £235 for an organ for the new workhouse chapel. A quantity of hymn hooks are also to be bought at half a crown cach. Scott's High Grade $4 Hats. Are to be had in Kingston only . at Campbell' Bros,, the store of quality. -------- nest potatoes. Crawford. Wash belts with buekles J part of the coumtry--and you will get THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, JUNE 8. MONTREAL WAMTS| A TO BE PROVINCE---WILL ASK GOVERNMENT. Charter Too Restrictive--Objec- . tions to Asking Permission of "Legislature Every Time Im- provements Are Needed. Montreal, June 8,--Considerable in: terest was aroused at the city hall, over the news that it was most prob- able a move would shortly be made in the citv council asking the federal government to fake action so that the' British North America act could be amended and the whole island; of Montreal made into a province in its own right. It was explained that at the present time Montreal could do little of nothing in the way of mak- ing improvements, owing to the city charter having to be amended for every small imnrovement desired. The charter was drafted in such a man- ner that the legislature had to be ask- ed to consent to every improvement, no matter how small, that the city desired. This means that the city was handicarmed in a serious wav. T. Chase Casgrain, K.C., ex-M.P., had the misfortune to break a bone in his' foot, last night, and will be con- fined to his home for some time. The X ravs, at the Hotel Dieu, were used | to locate the extent of the trouble. | Wricht-Holt case in which Mr. Cas grain was counsel for C. M. Holt, in a case attracting much local interest, goes over until September, on account of the accident. At last nivht's meeting of the Mont- real trades and lahor council resolu- tions were nassed denouncing the North Atlantic Tradine company, as a gicantic fraud, 'and demanding from the Dominion sovemment the immedi- ate dismissal of Canadian Immigra- tion Commissioner Preston," who was charged with being the grand master workman of the strike breakers' or- ranization, at No. 16 Charing Cross, London, Encland. The council also ex- pressed the opinion that names of men allorod to be connected with the North Atlantic Trading company should be given to the public by the government. The Allan line steamer, Ontarian. from Tondon. for Quehee and Montreal arrived at Quebec, six a.m.. proceeds at noon, on June Sth, and will be due in- Montreal, at noon, June 9th. The Allan RMS. Tunisian, from Liver pool, and Moville, for Quebec and Montreal via. Rimouski. vassed Fame Point at 9 a.m. and Cape Magdalen at 11 n.m., on June 7th, Hinchinbrooke Council. Piccadilly, May 2¢.--Council met for court of revision. Members all present, Assessment of 1'. Donohue confirmed. Assessment of George Butterell reduc- ed $25; that of George Hartwick, re- duced 85); that of K. & P. railway company reduced $275. The court ad- | journed, leaving the reeve, clerk Enid" assessors to oo over the roll gnd cor { rect errors, | The council met and resolved Via | the reeve meet the Portland council | and arrange for money expended on south boundary, and that $35 be granted provided Portland pays its | plrtion. The report of trustee of Par- ham cemetery received. The clerk in- structed to bill Olden council for © $64 their portion of work on MoLean boundary. Resolved, that the reeve and' councillors each expend- $75 on respective road divisions. Moved, I.os- | lie-Dwire, and resolved, that this council make a supplementary erant of £100 on condition government grants 8200, to complete and repair roads from lot fourteen, north to lot twen- four, south concession four ' 'and five. On motion, Lesslie- Joffrey. Dr. T, S. Genge appointed medical health -offic- er.pSums voted for work on roads: P. Dwire $20.80; G. A/ Smith, $22.47; P. Dwire, $295: R. A. Hamilton, $9.90; L. Hearns, £12: 6n McLean boundary; | A. Wagar, $10.25, for survey: G, A, | Smith, 83.15, for eas pipe 'on survey, Adjourned to meet at Parham, on June 28th, Just A Good Cow. stgtement something like this: A good cow will produce yearly 300 Ihe. of butter. At 25c. per lb. this is $75. Six thousand pounds of skim milk at 20c. a cwt., is 812, and a calf worth #5 makes a total income of $92. The average expense of keeping will not oxceod £50. Here is a net profit of 842. The fertilizing constituents in the feed are worth $39.95. This fig- ures the nitrogen, phosphorus, and potash at market prices. All the for- tility remains on the farm. Therefore you have $42 in money and about $40 in fertilizer. These figures may seen a little high, but if 25c. is too large an average for butter, $50 is a large average. for. the éxpense account. Change it to 20c. for butter and $30 for keeping--alerage figures for this still bettér monpy. Britain's Telegraph Lines. To keep the 303000 odd miles of telegraph line in order in Great Brit- ain, and provide for the proper de- sputch and delivery of the millions of messages that pass over them every month, entails an expenditure of about £2,250 000 sterling a year, and of. this total more than £1,500,000 goes in-paying the salaries and wages of dhe immense sal of engineers, skilled. operators, and messengers, and of those who direct their operations and keep the accounts straight. George Mills & Co. For Christy's clerical hats. David Hobbs, who ds customs agent for the C.P.R., at Montreal, abscond- ed last October with a sum estimated at $60,000, is under arrest in: New York. i Wear our clothes and then you'll know why so many people buy here, The H. D. Bibby Co. This is talcum powder weather. Buy it at Gibson's Red Cross drug store, Fresh there. . Putter, large or small inest potatoes. Crawford. Wash belts with pretty buckles 10c. form rolls, 20c, 106: 4 New York Di Gents' ls An agricultural college has issued a | ¢ HAS CONSTANTLY and STEADILY: INCREASED in Popularity and Esteém, and is now ACCEPTED THROUGHOUT the ENTIRE CIVILIZED WORLD as possessing all the properties' PERFECT TABLE WATER, = ~~ » 4 of an IDEAL and ; 1 i 208 LS L ¢ ¢ 3 style * STEACY & STEACY White Lawn Waist, $1.00. White Silk Petticoat, $5.50. While they last, we offer -~two special leaders at re- pduced prices,--each a 'positive bargain, + Think of getting a beau- tiful white lawn waist of good quality and correct or $1.00! Easily warth double. : 'And, white petticoats of French Taffeta silk,--a very dependable and dura- ble skirt,--for $5.50. Each a positive investment at that price, Sah ; Also, a fine assortment of 'white silk 'waists -- very dainty and choice effects,--enough for all and at most pleasing prices. Plenty of good things here during the neat fe days for shrewd buyers. values :-- SILK SHIRT WAISTS--Of white Japanese silk, made with Hem- stitched tucks and large full 'sleeves. A great % SILK SHIRT WAISTS--Of Japanese taffeta silk, yoke collar and cuffs, trimmed with lpce, large sleeves and deep cuffs. Very special [TWO VERY _SPEGIAL_ OFFERINGS ' Here are other good bargain at... $2.50 value at the' pricé WHITE SHIRT WAISTS--0f Japanese tafieta silk, front with broidered box pleat, fine t ucks, sleeves. Extra special at WHITE SHIRT WAISTS--0f extra fino Japaneso silk, French Val. 0 | \ All. \ OTHER GREAT LINES, from and all worthy of special trimmed lace, fancy lac ¢ yoke effect; 'deep lace cuffs, and but- toned down back, This is a great leader at: ........... AND MANY OTHERS, from... sims: yr $4.50 to $7.50 no. em- full ete, deep cuffs, sini lind wins 30 with $4.00 sesersandane WHITE LAWN WAISTS--Of fino material, trimmed with lace front, back, and cufis of fine tuck ery. - Special 8b: wwii WHITE LAWN WAISTS-Of ¢ French lawn, made with large pleats back and fromt, front emhroidered and trim. med with insertion. . Great value Bb ....coes wierires $1.00 WHITE LAWN WATSTS- French lawn, made with tucks, hemstitched, pleats and button-hole stitch embroid: deep ery, cufis, Special: at ...... $1,356 VIE LAWN WAISTS-- ade with outa, with yoke effect of fine tucks ma- dallions, all trimmed with button-hole stitch embroid- ery, deep' cuffs. Special BY ints isinsees sor S1UTB . $2.00 to $3.25 Silk Skirt Bargain : SILE PETTICOATS-- Made of @rrcssscrssresren : WIIASAASSIIYESAS white and black; and price while "they. last COME TO-MORROW. AND SEE THESE SPECIAL SKIRTS, STEAGY & STEAGY | = EARNEST Aa. ' TIC beautiful rustling French ' chiffon taf- feta silk with twelve inch frilled flounce, They come in colors, are the best of value at 37. Our ereberdeniniann enn pores inl 50 «> av we - a FINANCE AND - CUSTOMS BROKER - Olver, ik pe chery ae Or © office, 79 street, : G.A. BATEMAN Who for the last five years has blan musgelated: with Mrs Oliver, 'Money to Loan Mcintyre & Mel tyre * : BARRISTERS = If You Want a Home § INSURANCE . - Or Insurance; have a : talk with ; y WANTED A good brick dwelling with 4 & bedrooms': modern - and good sized Jot;