Ria aM Meo Er Patlor Sett, 3 Pieces, : 1 Large Heavy Golden Bedroom Sett, - 1 ye stock, if we get only cost price, rather than move the goods; THE DAILY 'WHIG, SATURDAY, JUNE 5. -- & AVING PURCHASED the large block, 6 doors above our present store, and' refitting same for our Furniture and Undertaking Business, we : : 'as it would cost us the profit to do so. . i ---- --. : ATLITL ATES TILS cssccena = If You Intend Buying Don't Miss This Opportunity - - he Lag : Others trom $25 to $60, in good Silk Cover. Regular; $35 Parlor Sett for ie ee 5 Yd Silk or Velour Cover. Large Heavy Leather Couch, . © . hd : Others for $30 and $35, to $5 50 for for for to for for | Large Assortment of Odd $7500 85.00 27.00 Chairs in silk cov and Other Chairs | $4500 and $38.00 Brass and Other Beds, $35 to $75. Extension Tables from - - - : a he Complete Sett of Mission Dining-Room Furniture, in 7900 Early English Finish - we eee 4500 ; 85 00 fe 65.00 Odd. Divan and Couch, in Weather Oak Mission Style, - from - - - - . - v - Odd Chairs in Weathered Oak, - - - - 2 Mantle Mirrors, Gold Frame, . . : 1 Mantle Mirror, Gold Frame, . , 7 Odd Dressing Case from Iron Bed from ' . Marshall Sanitary Mattresses, best made i 5 'Ostermoor, Felt and Mixed Mattresses . : sy 2 Leading Undertaker - Two Doors Above the Opera. House. $6 50 125.00 20.00 450 25.00 20.00 $6.50 2.50 to for to to for for intend to sell our entire' - $65.00 100 00 35.00 25 00 20.00 16.59 er, Ruttan, Morris to $50.00 to 25.00 On. R. J. REID STW TTBBVBRITTBTTL22S +e, es EMSS tnt . REMOVAL SALE OF FURNITURE. "see ¢ - Week Has Been a Slow One, in © Parliament--E, M. Macdonald [His Reputation Without From Our Own Correspondent. Ottawa, June 8.--As foreshadowed in my letter, last week, KE, E. Cony , the Uttawa ol a en, pi i & : 5 F of misrepre- . Foster, in the article to FH er , Cing- was not represented by counsel, nor did he plead, but he wsk. ed that the . delayed for a week [Spare a defence. €, however, was taken { jor and the acquies ter, the "delay of a much 'has ' happened during the the motion vig the created most interest 2 i 2 He mense order, deba | ensure: good 'work as a railway: coth- house than Mr. Macdonald. He has all the canniness of the typical Scot, is hard headed, and business-like, and is withal a good lawyer. It seems that Mr. Belcourt is in great disfavor with his own party. His connection with the Bronson-Ray concession' in the Yukon, has lost him a good deal of the respect in which he was formerly d, and so many attacks have been on certain ministers end ex- ministers lately that the party cannot afford to put in office any one whose name is not above reproach. Mr. Mac- donald's career is absolutely without blemish, and if appointed he will make an excellent solicitor-general. Sir Wilirid Laurier has again assur- ed the house that he will bring a bill in to amend the indemnity act, It is certain that the amendment will mean the doing away with the pensions to Mr. Aylesworth was 'hardly a success as Postmaster-general, but in a day or 2 minister of justice he has made friends. He may after all make a great parliamentarian. Good ones are needed in the cabinet at pre sent. There is a good prospect that the British military authorities may de- the house, on Wednesday, | cide to get all their canned meats from Canada. According to Sir Rich ard Cartwright no official intimation has yet reached the government de- partment, but it is believed the order will vet come. This would be an im- » and mean a great deal to the dominion, hut just at present; Canada could not supply the demand, The Canadian exports in this line are to-day, but three and a half million dollars a year, which is considerabl, less than the quantity required, y As a result of the Chicago pork Packing scandals, Senator Bernier has attention to the report that one of the largest packing houses in Winnipeg, had been Bou ht by 'an Am- erican corporation. He on) led attention to the unsanitary methods of Ameri- can packers i Techn tly Siaclosst, In on in Winnipeg, health of ficials had declarea that {here was practically no inspection in Canada of slaughtering or meat packing. He argued that there should be such in- speotion. Though he did not think the conditions in this country were like those in the United States, still gov- ernment inspection would be a good investment, and would ensure foreign buyers of the good quality and pre paration of Canadian meats. Sir Richard Cartwright said the government was prepared to deal with the question of meat inspection, but he thought it would be rather a case the Xefused that It had } Rf suforeing the existing laws, than of king new ones. He thought the re- cent disclosures just referred to, offer- ed Canada and the British colonies an excellgnt opportunity for extending their dressed meat busines. The appointment of A. B. Ingram, the conservative meriber for East Fl- #in, to the Ontario railway commis- faction to that ocentleman's friends at Ottawa. ody 2 as he is popularly termed, is as much a favorite on the liberal as on the onbosition: he is a ood ig and thorouohly fair in qualities 'which man living in C corrosive sublima 106 years old. In his tomed himself, like all Turks, to take opium, but after increasing the dose without the wished the use of sublimate, aily, for upwards of or sixty since went into Jew, to whom asked for hich he diluted of water, and swallowed in apo' became greatly alarmed lest he should be ao poisoning the Turk; but his conceived when again and to a great extent, effect, he adopted and had taken d grains ! He some time the shop of a Turkish he was unknown, and drachm of sublimate, w shment may be the next day 'the Turk asked for a similar dose 1" ---------- Kingston And Ottawa. Rideau King for Ottawa, every Mon- ay and Thursday, at 6 a.m, Swift & Co., agents. Volunteer Corps and follow directions, thoroughly quainted, too, with all phases of the 'N POISON. Old Turk Who Found Opium Not Strong Enough, an odd yarn fromi the Lon- Times of March 31, 1806, about a onstantinople known name of "Solyman, the eater te." "He is now youth he accus- of the Worcestershire upon their ap? "pear-tree fruited." It is stated that the Worcestershire be bore this badge at the Sunlight Soap is better than other soaps, but is best when used in Sunlight James wmen battle of Agin- NORWEGIAN SUPERSTITION. COST OF THE WHITE HOUSE. LAIRD 0' COCKPEN. Curious Incidents of the Dethron- |It is Placed at About $125,000 a | Father of Baroness Nairne's Hero ing of King Oscar. Year. : the First. The Annes des Sciences Psyciques A correspondent asks: "Is the presi The first Laird of Cockpen was the publishes some uncanny stories in can- | dent able to save anything out of the | father of Baroness Nairne's hero. He nection with the substitution of King | mere $350,000 a year salary he re | was Mark Carse, a W. S,, and he Haakon for King Oscar as ruler of | coves 2" Many people believe that the | hought Cockpen éstate from a Thom- Norway.' On November 18th, it pays $50,000 a year, which the president as Meggit., Mark Carse, W.S., joined a number of officers were assembled in gets as salary is the sum total of his the committee of war in Edinburgh, the Casino of Agershus, where King | official income. It is a mistake. | which was in charge of the army em- Haakon was expected to make. his| This is how he is paid : $36,064 is | ploved against Charles I., under Gen: entry. They awaited with impatience | given him in addition to his' salary | eral Leslie. After the restoration he the first cannon shot which should an- | of $50,000. to pay the salaries of his | was fined £6,000 as a rebel. He ap- nounce the arrival of the war ship | subordinates and clerks: His private | pears to have died in 1681, Heimdal in the roadstead. Suddenly | secretary is paid $3,250, his assistant a peculiar crackling sound was heard private, $2,260, his stenographer $1,- coming from the far end of the room, | 800, five messengers (each) $1,200, a and it was perofived that a large por- | steward $1,800, two doorkeepers s trait of King {}scar in a frame, sur-| (cach) $1,200, four other clerks at | nicknamed "Blyth Cockpen," and was mounted with a crown was falling. | good salaries, ranging from 81,500 to | an adherent of Charles II, about The picture and franie suffered no | $2,500; one telegraph operator, wo | whose age he was; and whom he re hurt but the.crown was smashed into | ushers, 81,200. and $1,400; a night | sembled. "Blyth Cockpen' was knight- atoms. usher, $1,200, a watchman, 8900, and | ed, and his wife was henceforth Dame Several days afterward, at a supper | 8 man who takes care of the fires, who Marion Linton or Carse. given by a former minister, Herr Ha- | receives $861 a year. : . Their son, Mark Carse, "younger of gerun, the incident was mentioned, | In addition to (this there is given Cockpen," as he was styled in Cock. and a journalist remarked ironically him $5,000 for jucidental expenses, ven session books in 1710, August ith, that the walls of the Casino: were de | such as stationery, carpets and the joined in the rising of 1715, was taken fective, and indulged in other pleasan- | care of the presidential stables, And | prisoner at the battle of Preston, and tries when the attention of the com- under another heading there 13 RAVEN | removed to the prison at London, but pany was g ly "arrested by a him nearly $10,000 more. Of this, $12,- | was not brought to trial. After the grinding noise. A second afterward a 500 is for repairs and refurnishing the | Acq of Indemnity was passed he joined bracket supporting a life-sized bust of White House, $2,500 is for fuel, $4,000 | the Royal Company of Archers, Edin- ing Oscar gave way, and the bust |i® for the greenhouse, $15,000 is for burgh, on August 6th, 1717. He became fell with ao bang. This co-incidence | #88 matches and the stable. The interested in Freemasonry, as I was created an immense iMpression, and White House all told costs the coun- informed by the late Mr, Officer, W.S.. Mark Carse, the subject of three Scots songs, come next. The conjoint song of Lady Nairne and Miss Ferrier is the only quotable one, He was the company separated earlier than | {TY in connection with the president and in this connection we find that he they intended. Similar incidents hap- considerably over $125,000 a year. joined "Thet Most Illustrious and No- pened in éther places, says the Ap.| The president is also well to do in | ble Order of Toboso," in 1733, and on nales. his own right, having inherited a September lst, 1735, competence from his father. Add to | Jacobite in this country | this the royalties he has received from | Rome. His last appearance at that quarters of a million ster. | M8 books, his income from magazine | lodge was on January 4th. 1730, about work, and it will be seen that the ex- which time, presumably, he left Rome. ---- MRS. MACKAY GENEROUS. he joined the Masonic Lodge--bhoth at General elections cost three- ling. The docks in Liverpool will hold [Pense incident to the marriage of Miss nearly 30,000 vessels. Roossvelt will by no means pinch the purse of the house of Roosevelt. Mechanics, Farmers, Sportsmen. |®iV®S $50,000 to Protestant To heal and soften the skin and re- Episcopal. Church. move grease, oil and rust stains, | Failing in her efforts to coax $5,000 paint and earth, etc., use The *'Mas- | subscriptions from her friends for the ter Mechanic's" Tar Soap, Albert [erection of a new church at Roslyn, Toilet Soap Co., Manufacturers, Long Island, Mrs. Clarence Mackay has notified the vestry of Trinity Pro- Hard or soft corns cured with threo | testant Episcopal church that she will applications of Peck's (orn Salve. bear the entire expense herself, devot- Guaranteed. Money back if not sa. | ing $50,000 to that purpose. The $4,- tisfactory. In boxes, 15¢c., at Wade's | 000 she succeedea in getting from her drug store. friends she will turn over for the pur- Nearly three-quarters of the alcohol | Pose of rrecting an altar. The new consumed in England is taken in Shure will be a memorial to Mrs. the form of beer. = Hue dy other, Mrs, Katherine Duer, The Yoleanoes of Vesuvius and Etna Rd In ore ot ah br Mrs. are never active at the same time. nearino completion. This js costing her $325.000. Dr. Peter D. Levs, the aged. Nervousness, A Calamity. Scotchman whom Mrs. Mackay defeat. Many who don't realize what lieg: A for school trustee last. August, beyond, " treat an attack of the | "hen he heard of Mrs. Mack's latest "nerves" with indifference. Others con- Nan for the benefit of Roslyn, said: sider it will soon pass away. But in| Of course I'm g Presbyterian, but I every case nervousness is a calamity. wish there were more church people Only one remedy will cure--Ferrozone-- | ike Mrs. Mackav. even thoiigh they The American writer soon start on an has invented a Norwegian "'skies," WALTER WELLMAN, » Was corr esponden! wit ishmer i rv E10 Tene bah inane. will ith nourishment for the inner n rve tri-motor which he will He hopes to be able by pidly and safely over the region. take with him on his perilous | well--koep means of the contrivance to departs, large fields of snow and ice in g a nerve strengthener that acts through had to be Episcopaliens." ------ the blood. First it gives you appetite . --you eat plenty. This fills 'the blood Endorsing The Evil. Winnipeg Free Press. § t and explorer, who will SEALED ach passed cells. Energy and. strength is instilled Ww ily i » rey car rigged up om two pairs of into every part of the system. You get « heartily agree with kal Grey Hoogte §me fore obliged to year their own clothes. The yo! 8 4ITo- | state shoul t be hy t of zone. Price 50¢, per box of fifty tah- nih Sr at tu the sust of lets at all dealers, absolutely needed. ar that prisoners awaiting trial should be \ well-nervousness forever i Marie, Unt." this office until the 13th 1906, inclusively for dredging in the St. Mary's River at Sault Ste according to a plan and cou cation and form of tender the office of J . Engineer, Confederation 1 Toronto, on annlication master at Sault Ste decline to enter into called upon to do so complete the work contra tender be not accepted be returned. The Department does not accent the lowest or any t <Q. TENDERS to the unders gned and endorsed der for lredging St. Mary's River Sault i will be received at on the printed form sup with their actual signat tender must | an accepted cheque on a made payable to ourable the Minister of the or By order, May 2 meot without authority r partment, will not be pal Sing q. ile Marie, ADDR "Tone day of June, re of the Maurie, Ont. bined specifi- ) be seen at . Resident Building, to the Post- District of Algoma, Ont., und at the Department of Public Works, Ottawa. ed that ten- i unless made and signed d hank, Hop 'ublic Works, for ,000.00), which n tendering contract When he fail to » cheque FRED. GELINAS, ted for. Hf the will bind itself to tender Secretary. Department of Public Works. Ottawa, Newspapers inserting iis advertise the De for ft Established 1845 by that of y world. Liabilities valued interest. 5 Expenses of Managemer ar nortionately than_any Life Cordini and Strong Dritish Office. Rates, etc., on W. J.B. WHITE - LIFE DEPARTMENT + Assurances in Force, Assets over - Expenses only 8i¢ per cent. of income. applicatic any 04,000,000 40,000,000 Royal Insurance Co. Profits to Policyholders--Ths samo rofits have: heen paid 'for he Dh orty Years. Over $14,000.00, have heen paid as profits altogether. £3,206, last distribution in 1903, over $3,250 id. - 80 paid. to Policyholders fs not SiC 3 per cent. 'Kingston An Honest Guarantee We guarantee our milk to be ABSOLUTELY pure ; put up 10 sterilized bottles" It is the best Kingston Milk Depot - Cor. Brock and Bagot Sts: "Phone 567. Cook's "The great-Uterine Tonle, ad only safe e! omen CAN Regulator on which wi depend. Sold in thred S665 7g. 7% of strength--No. 1 $i No { 10 degrees stronger, per bos. x ial' 'or sens } Bold by all druggiels, Ae on_ rece : Fes pamper Adis: If Soox Meso Co. Toronto, Ont. Amor Fig These great | absolu of Cas A BI Sold by a