Daily British Whig (1850), 9 Jun 1906, p. 14

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ware, two re- jon least ; ; notice without rf eR fi Printer will ie ove a moc 3 3 aa ' J rage ! - Do You Know That? cing to. siofe Hotschobt suo have sae "more ues; 11 you are in weed bi u ou or Bugiy of any special Westy, La "be to your interest to call pn ns. NOTICE 18 HEHEBY GIVEN p 4 to RS. Ontario Chap. 129 rr "E=BLO0D Ready for Use in Any Quantity. A can equals 20 pounds Sal Soda. SOLD EVERYWHERE. . tage TT HUMORS th i PIMPLES. . Mayan ethsorwise BLOTCHES tive face i uadiyl ERUPTIONS Biosensy, Tron MS Lk leah yarns Ht JMORS ; ous other blood die ) oases. . Their isa source of embarrass. ment to as well as pain and ko Yhsis frieuds 8 cheek and brow--cest in the mould of d beauty--have been sadly defaced, oie AO ir and their possessor rendered unhappy for years, BLOOD BITTERS remedy will drive out all the impuri- eg TL deve cut. all the import plexion heal clear, may be troubled with on the face. To abled iy eng ut could not and was disoou , and almost of ever Ning I would ga. B. a trial, so got two battles, and before I had taken them I was Smplstely vured and have had no OS Ft odo eT. Mil mited, or over 30 years, and has cured thousands in that time. Do not accept intitle unscrupulous a good." "It can't be." - WiSE MOTHERS 3 14) SPL '| almost bevond compare. 4 "End of Steel," {ish :| organized "| sanitary sondifions an Silver Apparent on Surface-- or lative of the Temi ning and -Northern Ontario railway one is struck with he attrac tiveness of the distriet . tr rom ° i i tourist. From North of Steel," a dis- {tance of one hundred and sixty-five miles, the road runs thro Ln over. changing panorama, in which rocks, Toe, El large stretches 'of ngricul- tural land serve to lend diversity. In an idle moment after a heavy 'diviner a railway te was onee d to observe that New Ontario was a fine country Ke Cmelain os is mo uestion it; that so long as Gutta retains this northern heri there need be no anxiety as to future supply of road-making mater While the superficial' observer with: predilection for farming may be inclined to look askance at the brave showing of rocks in this new princi: pality, it is from this rough and somewhat forbidden aspect that the chief revenue is destined to be derived for some yeats to come. In' and around Cobalt, to whic all eyes have been turned for the past year, suffi- cient development work has heen do to demonstrate that it is a camp ric) On the sur- practically pure silver varying in width from one to three inches can be traced for long = dis- tances, and operations at two of the mines proves © "beyond peradventure that these vein continue for a depth of at least three hundred feet. From the Eldorado for the Quarter ending March 3ist, three hundred and sixty tons of ore have been shipped, the sil- ver contents aggregating «580.825 ounces or. an average of 1,613 ounces to the ton, valued at $368 420. The cobalt eontents of this' ore amounted to ten tons, valued at $10,360. Since the latter part of 1004 ore has been face, veins of + sippet from Cobalt to the value of twe. and a quarter millions of dollars an:| the fringe has hardly been touch- ed. From Latehford through to the the district is ovef- run with hardy and adventurous pro- sbectors, all in search of minerals. In the vicinity of T ni an iron pro- perty; known as the Caldwell mine, is being developed and a vein of hema- tite seven miles 'in: extent has boen ox. posed. A few wiles further on an ar- semical gold proposition is being work- ed, all of which goes to show the diversified character of the minerals, Promising as are the lumbering and agricultural prospects of this new dis- trict, for some years at least the min- ing end, will continue to receive the lion's 'share of attention. -- Pioneefing Made Easy. 'The legislative party left 'Toronto on Nor night, about 130 mm num- , the 'train comprising five Pull- mans and two dining cars, At North Bay the switch was made to the new government road, the start on the long journey into the northland being. mude at 10:30 on Tuesday morning. From North. Bay to New Liskeard the roadbed of "the Temiskaming and Northern Ontario railway will bear favorable comparison with any line in the province. Thus 'the anomally is presented of travelling in luxury and ease through the very heart of an unbroken country. Pioneering of this description is very attractive. In the run to Temagami the trip is made through a wealth of color, and at this stapping point the great forest reserve breaks upon the view. The next stop was Latchford, a thriving village, which has, figuratively speak- ing, sprung up in a night. Six months ago jit was literally bush land, while to-day it boasts twenty houses, com- prising two big hotels. which it may be mentioned incidentally, have not the privilege of dispensing liquor, al- though one pioneer resident stated that at times the nights were pretty cold in Latehford, too. The buildings in Latchford are so new that they actually smell of the pine, while a very pretentious bakery ix situated in a tent. Streets aré heing opened through the woods, and if the expec- tations are realized Latchford will be a big town long before the legisla- tors of the province po, on another tour of * inspection. The Imperial Lumber company have a large and well-equipped sawmill jn operation at this point, but the growth of Latch- ford has been based on the advent of the prospectors who are 'scouring the woods along the banks of the Mon- treal river in quest of the white metal. Latohford, which is twenty- two miles from Temagami and nine miles from Cobalt, is being made the base of supplies for prospectors work. ing out of the charmed sphere of the silver city. In Cobalt Camp. Cobalt, where visits were made to the famous Trethewey and Timmins mines, has all the carmarks of ga town that was built in a hurry, and for strictly utilitarian reasons. It is very much in the rough, although there are evidences that as the ex- citenient subsides the aesthetic side will receive due attention. There are a number of attractive buildings in Cobalt, including the promises of the banks and a commodious hotel in course of construction. One citizen is showing his faith in the future of the town hy erecting a large amusemont house in which travelling thespians will hold forth for the entertainment of the residents. 4 At present there is a restless, fover air prevading this new silver camp, which the Temiskaming and Northern Ontarig railway has made so easy of access. Members of the legal profession have followed closely' on the heels of the prospectors, and the miners and the little army of law- yers on the ground' all som to be i kent busily engaged. The township of Coleman, in which Cobalt, is situated, has recently been and svstematic work has 'been started on the Wreets. Attention is also being directed t) improving the obtaining a told Wealth in Cobalt and mine the vein was beine followed lepth, the shaft being down over io hundred feet. At the Timmins, bet- fer known as the Larose mine, the vor were Being prosecuted at the surface. The visitors were shown a portion of a vein of 90 per cent. 'sil ver, which had just been exposed, the value of which was variously egtimat- ed at from $800 to 81.200. The vein was then followed on the surface for a distance of about one-quarter of a mile, varving in width from one to three inches, and carrying in values from 70 1090 per cent. of silver. There were several other rich proper- ties in the district, but time did not admit of an inspection. S. Price, who was in the party, remained over at Cobalt, to take up his duties as min- ine commissioner. From the party proceeded to New Liskeard, distant ten miles. Ow- ine to a mirunderstandine the train did not stop at Haileybury, where elaborate arrangements had been made to recéive the visitors. arches having been erected, while the mayor and the council and a great body of citizens, headed hv the Citizens' band. were at the station, only tn witness the train dash thfourh to the rival town. This was rectified. however. as the nprty spent the following nicht at Hailey- bury. » PL -- Good Farming District. At New Liskeard the touring legis- lators were driven through the prin- cipal streets of the town, the proces- sion being headed by the Citizens' Band. Subsequently a public meeting was held in the Presbyterian church, where short resses were delivered by Mayor McKelvie, Mr. Taylor, pre- sidont of the New Liskeard board of trade; - Hon. Mr. Cochrane, Hon. Mr. Hanna, Hon. Col. Matheson, Hon. Dr. Willoughby, Messrs. T. H. Pres = § J. A. Macdonald and J. S, Willison. New Liskeard is finely situated om Lake Temiskaming, and is surrounded by an excellent farming district, On Wednesday morning the party set forth for the "End of Steel," distant fifty-two miles. This is the newer por- tion of the road, 'and the progress was necessarily slower, but despite this fact the run was made in a little over three hours. ' Twenty-five miles from New Liskeard 4° stop was made at Fnelehart, the divisional point - of the line, where the commission has re. served for settlement an excellent tract of good farming land. For the balance of the journey the trip wae chiefly through the great clay belt, where diamonds are sunposed to exist. At a dinner at the contractors' headquac- ters' camp, was afforded the party, It was in every respect a solendid re past, served in good old homely style, where the various dishes gre placed on the table and the puests instructed to help * themselves. The members of the party had the alternative of a sail on the beautiful Lake Temagami, but the majority vreferred the rougher but more exciting joy of a trip to the end of the line, The roadbed of the Temis- kaming and Northern Ontario railway is ready for the rails for about thirty miles beyond the "End of Steel" which is practically : the height of land. From the views xpressed this ereat colonizer mav "ultimately be pushed on to James Bav. The nicht of Wednesdav. was 'spent aietly at Haileyburé, a hustine town of new buildines. which slones sharnly from the railwav line down to Lake Temiskaming. There are all the ear- marks of a hoom of fair proportions in progress in this place. ---- Lake Temagami. was a "day of unalloyed enjoyment. At Temagami the party came under the charge of the "King of Temagami," the penial and progres- sive Dan O'Connor. The programme comprised a sail on Lake Temagami, with a stop for dinner at the beauti- ful little island on which has been erected the quaint and charming Tem- agami Inn. Mr. O'Connor placed five steamyachts at the disposal of the members. The sail on Lake Temagami, in which there are eleven hundred is Astonished' The Doctor Mrs. Eaton Recovering, Klthough Her Physician Said She Might Drop Dead at Any Time. § "I'he doctor told me L had heart dis- ease and was liable to drop on the street at any time," says Mrs, Robert Eaton, of Dufferin, Ont. "My trouble be- ) gan four years ago with a weak heart. I-was often afraid Mrs. 'R. Baton. to draw my breath, it pained me so. I was bothered with nervousness, dizziness, loss of appe- tite, smothering and sinking spells, and T could not sleep. "Sometimes a great weakness would seize me and I 'would have to lie down to keep from falling. My hands and feet would seem to go to sleep and a sort of numbness would come all over me and: perhaps © im- mediately after the blood would rush to my head and @ series of hot flash- es would envelop me. "I took all kinds of medicines, but kept gradually growing worse until about eight weeks ago, when I began using Dr. Leonhardt's Anti-Pill. From the start I improved until now my appetite has returned, I can sleep well, and have no nervousness, dizziness, palpitation, faintness or any of 'my other troubles, They have all entirely disappeared. I feel much stronger, look better, and altogether Anti-Pill has made a ngw woman of me, "I am entirely cured and cannot say too much for this wonderful pe medy, I would most heartily recom- men Anti-Pill to any one suffering as I did" On Thursday supplv of pure water, the darity of this latter commodity having been All druggists or the Wilson-Fyle Co., limited, Niagara Falls, Ont. now | ness in | their at Haileybury, miles n the mining town. The visits'paid to the Trethewey and Timmins mines demonstrated the rich- |i ness of the district in a manner that Bo amount of descriptive writing would bring home to one. At the for- ton, M.P.P,, Joseph Downey, M.P.J. atd land, mi that time. amon, west loose the hem, front terial let edges scallo Dr. nurse First, he wo quent! The ample every The Total ed at known years stainer Carter used worth, take. lands, and a Fh {The party tor oi out ideal and the Sion. Me ties Garrow, quis Doria, srade mission from the Italian ernment. One feature of the trip was the rais- ing of about $100 for Private Mulloy, of Port Hope, who was blinded while in active service in South Africa. CURATE TO 'ARCHDEACON. Horner's Few clergy F. R. day next fronts and shoulders, pleats stitched more from neck to hem, and the the coat finished with a wide-stitched presiding at meeting in his diocese, the time when he measles as a bov at sc soda. water, lee cream and prompt vice at Wade's Driig S mgs, shows that ministers ministers turns from the England and Wales giv ninedy-cight gical students are I'S. positively cure jt ? t 0 who is in shore fine of 2,000 miles, tiul, it Temagami shortly ai- , arriving in Toronto on Friday morning, Through: weather conditions obtained, arrangements werd well nigh , not a hitch occurring to mar tour, 4 - There were four members of the cab- the party, Hon. Mr. Hanna, . Cochrane, Hon. Col. Mathe- son and Hon. Dr. Willoughby. members of the bench were also along, Justice Osler, Justice Anglin, and J us- i 8 , in addition to the Mar- Fhree Canada, on a gov- Mr. Brooks Receives Rapid Pro- mjotion. (eekly, if any, have Brooks, ion, Church of thé Good Shepherd which was formerly 4 workshop. Now he i§ going to take charge of that jm- mense north-west district of Australia, where, under the - Bi he will have the oversight of a parish far larger than Great Britain and Ire- land, The archdeacon-elect has alw avs set his mind on mission work, and to end studied me In his work, g the work to Australia. at 7 p.m. March 24th, 1906. en in the Church of Eng- ever received so great a "jump" in promotion as that from curate to archdeacon. one of clergy, working under Archdeacon Wil- berforee, in Westminster, has, however, received the promotion. ;Mr. Brooks will have a considerable change in his work, as well as in. his rank. Hitherto he has heen working in the district of Millbank, at the The Rev. the assistant compact miniature » p of Bunbray, dicine for some especially that workingmen of Millbank, he has gained experiences which stand him in good stead in his svhere of thortly. He hopes to be able to induce many young laymen to follow new work among the settlers of North- will new which he sails him to. his The archdeacon will preach on Sun: at the penitentiary in the afternoon, and at Christ church, Cata- raqui, enough to back the The broad tabs, may sail be « ; or, as in this embroidery in ¢ of the collar fir ps. in button-h, sleeve is a full bishop model, into a straight band of the Summer Coat In White Linen. A dainty and serviceable addition to the small maid's summer wardrobe is fthe .coat of some white material, such as linen or pique, made large and slip on easily over the linherie frock. That of the picture & of heavy white butcher's linen, the hanging loose from forward turning than half Way bottom of or collar, with f the coat ma- instance, of eve- laisy design, the ished with deep le stitch. The gathered linen, on which is set the turnback cuff of the eyelet embroidery. The baby hat worn with this coat is of fine white mall, shirred on featherbone cords, the rib bon bow on the front of the crown and the long tie strings being in 4 delicate blue shade. ---------------- The Bishop's Gibson, Bishop to look after hi three times * di when he "was sleep and as comfortable she would shake him and he wanted some loathed harley barley uld be awakened loud snoring of {he nurse. V by the Notice The G appearance of washed and polished gl sorve Your ice ream sq of the purity detail of report of Abstinence the Congregation out approximate the to be total abstainers. ago only were 100 tectot per cent. 's Little Liver P ~Pec them gepeak fr They" are small was attacked water o noise she lo i kindling the fire, Mave in of making Finest fruit Juices, Nurse. of Gloucester, a nursing ' association said he recalled with thool, He had a mat ni~ht, and at he was always awak- iring 'the night. in his earliest as could he ask him jf water, He had Ver since, Later arain by the and sulyse- re lasses, the theronghly ass in which we da, is an ex- maintain in and serving pure dainty ser- we and tore, A Notable Teetota) Record. Congregational Association present nal Union meet of nearly 3000 ly. 2.650 are Forty Congrevational alors. The pe. theological collegs in ¢ evidence that of the theols- also pledged ~np- If sick headache is m isery, what are ills if they will ople who have ankly of their EE ---- The Watch-Dog in your Vest Pocket you OU can buy Health Insurance now. ¥ . Several ood " Accident Companies sell it., % Sixty dollars per year will bring you in the Bowels, or oy In wels, exist thre Nutrition, "eh poor Cascarets don't pu i don't iyitate, nor up: ge. don} ua et your Stom, No,--they act like" Bape ach, You : : CI%e on this $25.00 per week, for every week you ure Bowels, instead, Sick. x They stimulate the Bowel-Museleg But, your time alone may be Worth far . contract and Propel the Food. pay to more than that. Past the little valves th ally at mix D And $200 per week might not pay for igestive your suffering. That's why "Cascaret' Insurz nce which prevents Sickness, is worth ten times as much money as other * Health' Insur- Juices with Food, They strengthen these by exercising them. The Bowel-Muscle time, dispense with Bowe] Muscles 13 a shop 1 any Dry ance. whatever, Yét "'Cascaret Insurance" will cost you Os 3 less than Ten Cents a week. The time to take a Cascare| is the ye That gives you a "Vest Pocket' Box ry minute you suspect y fo carry constantly. --When your Tong 5 i cated a littl, 4 --When your breath ig not above Indigestion' means food eaten but suspicion, : only partially digested. ~--When your head feel: dull, dizzy, o "'Constipation" means food reiain «d in achy. no the body undigested too long, till it decays. It then supplies the poisons of decay fo the system, in place of the nourishment it might have supplied. Isn't that a tremendous handicap worth insuring against? What does it cost to Cure Cons'ipation or Indigestion, with their train o{ small and great ills, and to Insure against a return of them? "Not so very much. One 10 cent box of Cascarcts per week, at most, perhaps half that. One candy tablet night and morning, taken regularly for a short time, is war- Be sure you get the genuine, ranted to cure the worst case of Coristiy by the Sterling Remedy Ce tion or Indigestion that walks tho" earth, © never sold in bulk. Every *ow "CCC." One tablet taken whenever you suspect A sampleandthe f S you need it will insure you,against 90 per of Constipation,' e for: the asking, cent of all other lls likely to attack you. Address Sterling Remedy Company, Chi. Because 90 per cent of these ills begin cago or New York. ~--When you have eaten t too rapidly. When you have dr good for your di When you have a burn, Gas-belchir or a'Coming-on heartily, or more than was uch of Heart 1g, Acid-risir g-in-threat Cold * * * Carry the 'Vest P belongs, just as you Pocket-knife or Lead Pp It costs only 10 o gist, t"" Box where it your Watch, At any drug. Light weight Summer Suitings. There are Fit-Reform garments for every whim of the thermometer. Beautiful Scotch Tweeds--Irish Homespuns--"West of England" Serges--and English Flannels. A quartette of fabrics that «have summer comfort in every thread. "A hundred and one" different effects --in all the new summer styles. E. P. Jenkins, - LW CN Er TET ING BLOOD DISEASED MEN ! + o iso Foon rig blood dis2ase you are mever safe unless the virusor fi foucy lias beea eradicated irom tiie system, Have you any of the following symp a Sitroa, ulcers on the tongue or lu the mouth, hair falling out, aching palus, itchiness of the skin, sores or blotches on the body eyes red and smart, dy! pep it al a hb, sexu. 5 y ease trm with theold fogy treatment--mercury and potash--which . presses the symptoms for atime only to break uf again when happy ase life. Don't let quacks exp" ument on you. Our New) Method K . S guaranteed 10 cure you, Our guararteesar Pack ul by bank bouds, that the disease will never return. (honsand s of A Jatiouts have been already cured by our New Method Treatmen! over 20 years. No names used without written consent. "i K Mr. E, A. C. writes: "Your remedies have done nie more good than Hot Springs and all the doctors and medicines 1 had pre viously tried, | have not felt any of those pains or seed Any ulcers or blotches for over seven years and theoutward Syms hair of the loathesome disease have entirely Sisappesred, My has grown iu fully again and Iam married and happy. Ra 3 Le CONSULTATION FREE. BOOKS FREE. WRITE FOR QUESTION dl "O HOME YRRATMENT. CURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY. 28 YEARS IN DETROIT. Drs. Kennedy @ Kergan, 148 SHELBY STREET. DETROIT, MICH." A 1 Church's ALABASTINE is as simple to prepare and to use as it is superior to other wall coverings. Just mix with cold water, and this PERFECT, EVERLASTING WALL COATING is ready for decorating. Church's ALABASTINE The Sanitary Wall Coating is a cement base, in twenty tints and white, It hardens with age. a child can prepare it. Any man can use it to beautify the home. Wome with their natural taste for good looks and pretty home surrqunding: can get splendid results with ALABASTINE. Write for bock about ALABASTINE and how to use iL. FRER Hardware and Paint Dealers everywhere sell ALABASTINE. THE ALABASTINE COMPANY, LIMITED, PARIS, ONT. and easy to Free to Y Suffering 1 will ms treatment v from woma women abo ourself, yo $ Iw selves at he Men: canmo What we 3 know better home treaty Leacorrheea Displacemer fuse, Scant Ovarian Tw head, back 3 nervousness melancholy, and bladder nesses pecul I want tc treatment ¢ you can cur and surely, nothing to ¢ and if you cost you onl two cents a ¢ work or occ and address wish, and I your case, ¢ return mail. my book ** VISER." wi ing why wi easily cure tI should have for yourself, Thesnelves 3 1, © 4 at mothe smple home diectually c and painful ladies. Plw from its use. Wherever of your own tell any suff ment real snd makes fobust. - Ju ress, an yours, also t! Juay not see Man | You can no Package of M: Man Medicis Man Medicine the joyful sat physical pleas tion, the luxy comfort--free, Man Medici debility, ear] functional fai backache, pr Bervousness, fou can cury eine, and the f livered to you full direc lating canaries, Youll get $2.50 10 Wnhecessary To COTTAM BIRD 8 BRD 8d "CANARY v Wovey with anari TTAM I ROUSE) b Autiseptic, ( SILY) €leans and por, be, bright met; er, paste of Quick. handy Rail order pac TH Co, To ---- Amiitioug | &%e Contemp) Won. in Shor keoping. eles; will fing the 3F B . usi Kir Be, Students Q Rfaduates a St ations "Phe WH shay side > Poor rates Sage 2 9; -

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