Daily British Whig (1850), 18 Jun 1906, p. 1

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attack of Rhey, ed which increased to 4 "such € very anxious, I lost my 08 ny ? dogg Ta suggest that would pate 'Why not try ABBEY'g SALPe and Can now state ith pli tation that he Rheumaigy, uy "MV appetite js gratid--apq the and Mother that they \b fer- scent YEAR 73. STRAW HATS They are growing decidedly less but still we have nearly all sizes in all lines. Don't wait too long if you want a 'nobby Hat to fit you. Negligee Shirts Another new stock to hand of the celebrated BOAT SHIRT, $1 each. Boys' Shirt Waists Four to thirteen years, good patterns, at 50c. and 75:. Two new ranges just received. E. P. Jenkins Clothing Co. NO. 142. should vy If §| Salt) istilled, MEY ARE VALUABLE, conn, @: CO., Montreal, 'UTORS. CANADA N COMPANY, 7 1 Bicycles Bicycle Supplies Baseball Goods Fishing Tackle Talking Machines . OR THE NAME ! --AT ir Angrove Bros. 88-90 Princess Street. UFACTURING CC. Our Shoes... LIMITED, eo et. ak. ST. JOHN, N.B, Represent the highest type of > : Footwear comfort, appear- EVERYWHERE. co ance, durability. Wear '*Allen's" Military Bootmakers Sign of Golden Boot. 84 Brock St. St. James' Church Annual Excursion © OTTAWA "i¢5% WEDNESDAY, JUNE 20 FARE---Adults, $1.75 Children under 12 yrs., 90c. Good Chance to Hear Torry & Alexander Special trait leaves G. T.R Station, 8 a.m. FOR SALE Must Be. Sold To Close Up Estate ACETYLENE *liminated Buildings ar there were 8865 fires from m electricity, 1707 from coal m the sun's rays. But just ore than 2,000,000 people it LENE there have been only ers accept it readily as the reduce your rates and double It may be placed in your The following desirable City Propor- ant. ily to your house ty i= then pipea easily toy L187 Brock St., residence of late E. n Chowny ve sun in WHITENESS, Bil All you need is water, 8 g®! 98 Bagot* St., exteosion dining and kitchen, all modern. 106 Bagot St., extemsion kitchen, all modern. 1 bring free 108 Bagot St., extension dining and e. A postal card will DOR are kitchen, all,_modern. ure, Write at on and rica articulars, see Geo. Cliff, farm buildings at small cost Real Estate Arent. i p-------------- a -- ------ DESIRABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE To close the estate of late E. Chown. n, , 187 Brock Street. Street i Touble Dw i rived veil hg. os t Brick Dwel ing 108 Bro lene Light Farmer's Delight wntal Heat & Light Co. | details t Street TRE ro: - Yor sec JUNE Ot. y Lane, MONTREAL, I i | " AGENCY , for Shawinigan Carbide Coq ps a - 2 -- TAKE NOTICE Theré ate © people using' my name buying stuff. . Do not believe. as I have no agents, am willing: to go any place where such stuff is sold J. TURK, R500 oo " Street. Italy Helps Vesuvius Sufferers. Rome, June .18.-<In order to assist R jlway sufferers by the. recent eruption of Tr a Mount Vesuvius, the government has suppressed the: land and income taxes in the distriet damaged by the volea- "no. The gowernment . also authorizes the suppression of local taxation and will loan villages money from the na- & . tional treasury. Wood & © lie, Winnipeg is expecting to have a re ers stock duction' for fight and power from the new street railway plant of from fifty to seventy per cont, Every lady in Kingston knows Box of candy comes from parly MEMORANDA. City Council, 8 p.m, Yacht Club Association, 8 p.m. Vaudeville, Lake Ontario Park, 8.30 pom. Court of General Session, 9.80 a.m. Tuesday. This day in "history :--Bflttle of Waterloo, 1815. The sun rises Tuesday, at 418 ain. and sets at 7.44 p.m. Canadian Baptist "Association First Baptist church, 8 p.m, The Household efieccts of Prof.. Glover will be moved into the city for convience of Sale, x Particulars to-mgr- omens on Friday. row. John H. Mills, Auttionheer. WHIG TELEPHONES. Hits, gh, P ri oofue. 92--J ng. Department. SETS. JUST OPENED Best English Maker, in pretty colors -- Green, Dove and Blue. Complete set; 97 PIECES with Bread and Butter Plates, For a short time, $4.75 ROBERTSON BROS.. A Distinct Saving Ropairs and alterations should be AA made during the summer, when labor is not 80 expensive and more time can be devoted to each 'order. You gave money and your garment will he feady when cold 'weather SE in. The authentic advance styles are re- ceived early in summer so that the latest styles are assured. It is equally advantageous to order New Fur Garments in summer, because of the price concession, McKay Fur House, 149-153 Brock St., Kingston, Can, Messrs. Carrere & Hastings Architects 28 EAST'FORTY-FIRST STREET NEW YORK Beg to inform you that they have en- guged offices in the Lawlor Building Toronto, Canada, and that their Cana. dian work (with the exception of the Traders Bavk of Canada, in Toronto, which is being executed in association with Mr. F. 8S. Baker, F.R.I.B.A , of Toronto, and the Toronto Union Ter- minal, which is being executed in as- sociation with Messrs. Westinghouse Church, Kerr & Company. of New York and | Rees & MacFarlane, of Montreal and 'F. 8S. Baker, of Toropto) will: be in charge of MR. EUSTACE 6. BIRD Graduate of the Royal Institute of British Architects, who hus. been ns- sociated with them for many vears in New York and who will represent them in Canada. The relations h isting between M + Carne ings and Mr EL Baker are in no way affected hy this arrangement New York, June 16th, 1906. & Hast- STIRS NATIVES TO REVOLT. -- Insurrection Breaks Out in Ger- man East Africa. Berlin, June 18.--~A great rebellion has broken out among the natives of German East Africa. A negro sorde- ress has been at work among the blacks arousing them against Furo- peans.. The power of the "sorecress over the natives is so great that they have been incited to. fanaticism in their desire to drive out white settlers nnd the insarrection is attributed di- rectly to the witchcraft practiced by the sorcerers and her agitation. It ie stated that it will be necessary to send an army to Africa from Ger- many to quell the insurrection, Eats Deadly Cockroach ; Dies. Kansas City, June 18.--A 'cockroach which ate arsenic used to poison rats, and afterward crawled inth 4 bag of oatmeal, caused the death of Mrs, S. CU. Underwood, Dr, Walter M. Lross, city chemist, said. The cockroach, he said, had eaten enough arsenic to poison the oatmeal which Mrs. Under- wood had for breakfast. Other mem- bers of the family were poisoned, but will recover. . -------------- The disousting discharces from the nose and throat, and the foul catarrh- al breath, are quickly dispensed' with by using Dr. Shoop's Catarth Cure. Such soothing antiseptic agents as oil eucalyptus, thymol, wild indigo, ete., have been . incorporated into a snow white eream makine a catarrhal balm vnéxeelled. Sold hy all drug- gists. \ The body of Premier Seddon is rest. ing in stats in the New Zealand par: Cross drag store, it is 'talking of laws "Furthermore, 'rear admiral's Some Men Will Deo For Gain. JUDGE . IS SEVERE BAD AS BANK ISSUING COUNT- ERFEIT NOTES, What Declares Judge Wells, in Impos- ing Fines of $600 oa Ontario Silver Plating Coinpany--The Law is Not Severe Enough. St. Catharines, Ont., June 15, --The cuse against George H. Clark, ' the manager of the Ontario Silver 1 lating company, of Niagara Falls, was called before County Jutlge Wells, in the Welland county general sessions of the peace, on Saturday morning. The de fendant pleaded "not "guilty," to a charge of conspiracy to defraud, and the crown offered no evidence and the judge dismissed him. i The plating colipany was indicted on four . separate charges--one of manufacturing goods for the purpose of defrauding the general public and three of having disposed of the goods illegally stamped. A plea of guilty on each count was received and a, fine of $150 for each, making the total 8600, was imposed, Before passing judgment, his honor took occasion to make some very strong comments upon thy cause be fore him. He tontrasted the dificrence between the- fratidulent marking of goods and movements toward the- better observ- ance of Sunday and license aets, the former being termed she most vulgar, disgusting and degrading thing - for men to perform, and stated that the greatest curse of the pres day wos that men would sacrifice their charac. ter, their integrity and their souls for the gaining of a few paltry, wiseralle dollars. Continuing, his preachers of the honor 'said that gospel should cease that are not laws in men's hearts, and preach according to the principles of integrity. The affect would be felt thro ut. the Jand, r he "exprassied "tHe helt that the laws should be changed © to conform more with those of the Uni- ted States, where officials and ~ eom- panies found guilty of having knowl edge of illegal acts can be punished by imprisonment. In Canada nothing more serious than the imposition of a fine is permitted. He drew a parallel hetween the action of a company put ting out goods wrongfully marked, and that of a chartered bank issuing counterfeit money to its patrons. Mr. German asked his honor to fesue an order to compel the company to notify all companies holding the fraudulently marked goods that the goods are illegally marked and that to. use them will be an act against the law. His honor them imposed the fine, no evidence having been required to be taken. BASEBALL SUMMARY. Result of Games on Saturday and Sunday. National League.--New York, 11; St. Louis, 2, Boston, 4; Cincinnati, 8. American League.~New York, 6; De- troit, 2. Chicago, &; Boston, 0, Wash ington; 5; St. Louis, 3. Cleveland, 9; Philadelphia, 4. Eastern League--Buffalo, 4: Rochest- er, 3. Montreal 9; Toronto, 8 (eleven innings), Providence, 1; Baltimore, 3. Sunday Games. National League. -- Cincinnati, 3: Brooklyn, 0. Amtcican ton, 1. St. Louis Eastern League wark, 7. Toronto, 3; Bos- Washington, 3. Buffalo, 2; New- Montreal, 7. League. --Chicago, Standing Of Leagues. National Chicago, .696 per cent. Pittsburg, 667; New York, Phil- adelphia, .509; St. Louis, .404; Cin- cinnati, 390; Brooklyn, 2; Boston, 315. American--Cleviland, 625 per ecent.; New York, .616; Philadelphia, DBS; De- troit, 531; St. Louis, 509; Chicago, 500; Washington, . 5; Boston, Eastern--Jersey City, 610 per Buffalo, .591; Newark, +595; Rochester 52%; Baltimore, 524; Montreal, 4: Providence, .432¢ Toronto, 333. -------------- Death Of A Brave Man. Londof, June 18.--The death is re- ported at the age of seventy-nine of Rear Admiral ir Blythessa, Vv. CB, CLE. In connection with the death, dt is recalled how he won his Victoria Cross by an act 'of magnificent daring. While serving in the Baltic during the Rus sian war, on hoard the Arrogant, with the assistance of one of the crew he cut out the Russian mails from the care of a strong escort, and returned to-his ship, making his prisoners row him ahoard. Shortly afterwards he. was promoted to post captain, being then the youngest 6 that rank in the British navy, -- Made Blind By Mosquito Bite, South Norwalk, Conn," June 1%, John Bodnirs thirty-five years old, was rendered "totally blind hy a mos. quito bite. After four days in the hos-, pital the patient is able to tell day from night and hig ultimate recovery ig hoped for. The mosquito hit' Mr, Hodnir upon the lid of his right eye, The lid swelled and when Mr. Bodnir liament buildings. woke ONTARIO, MONDAY, DESTROYED BY TON. M.H.O. of Stepney Makes Start- ling Revelation. A London, June 18.--The report of Dr. Thomas, the medical officer of the borough of Stepney, to the local gov- ernment board shows that his depart- ment during the past five years has destroyed over m ton of rotten tinned foods daily at the Stepney wharves, These, he adds, were not American goods, as practically no canned goods from American eoncerns . are imported through the Stepney wharves, but were colonial meat, fish and fruit. The medical officer says he found New Zealand raspberries treated with sulphur in order to preserve them. On their arvival in England the rasphor- ries were soaked in aniline bath to re- store their color. He considers that diseased meat, once canned; Will easily defy detection, and that a strict ex- amination of the carcases at the time of slaughtering is the only means of protection. He urges that increased powers be given to the public health departments. DEPOSE KING 0TTO0 LIKELY PRINCE REGENT WILL SUCCEED, Monarch Lives Like Wild Animal and is in Frightful Condition From Neglect -- End the Absurdity. Vienna, June I18.~In well informed quarters here it is considered probable that King Otto of Bavaria, will soon be deposed. When Prince Regent Luit- pold was in Vienna recently, he took part in a discussion in court as to the advisability of ending the absurdity of Bavaria being ruled in the name of an insane sovereign, and of the Viennese court commumeating this view so the Bavarian government. Prince Luitpold it is understood, was assured that both the German and the Austrian court circles approved. the plan for some time actively discussed in Bava- ria, of making him king. A change in the Bavarian constitution, however, would be necessary before this could be done, and it is doubtful if the diet would assent to the project. King Otto, who was insane when he ascended the throne twenty years ago, has grown worse each and is iow Heing R a wild 4 oe) . He per- i 3 2 wEbach him. His a UPIRReRE™s bread crumbs and dried fruit. He is in a frightful condi- tion from neglect, which his physi- cians und custodians are unable to remedy, because according to monar- chial traditions, they are not permit- ted to use force, -------------- CHIEF'S SONS SURRENDER -- Had Nearly All Bambaata's Followers Are Killed. Durban, Natal, June 18.--Two of Chief Sigananda's sons have surrender- ed to the Natalian forces, and nearly all of Chief Bambasata's followers were killed in the recent fighting. Colonel Mackenize, of the Natalian conting- ent, has given the rebels, who are leaderless and "scattered far and wide, until June 19th, to surrender, saying that otherwise they will be shot if captured, ---------- Cut Glass May Go Up. New, York, June I8,--The National Association' of Cut Glass Manufactur ers, will hold its annual convention at the Astor House this afternoon. One of the most important matters to be con- sidered by the convention, will be the adoption of a new schedule of prices for cut glass, which has been approv- ed by a committee on prices appoint- ed at the last annual convention. There has been considerable dissatis faction among the cut olass manpfac- turers in recent years owing to the fact that the prices of cut glass have steadily declined, watil cut glass arti- cles sold for less than one half their value ten years ago. It is expocted that the new deals of prices will be adopted, which would mean a consid- erable incrense in prices. J. 1. Bergen, of J. D. Bergen & Co. of thia city, is president of the association and W. H Lum is treasurer. ---- To Get $1,000 Raise. Washington, June 18.The first of the Amerionn * consuls in Canada to feel the new reorganization law is George 1fit, consul &% Chatham. He reteived R1.000 a Year at Chatham, and has been notified that when the Chatham office goes out of existence July 1st, he will be transferred to Annaberg, Germany, at $3,000. He was offered Port Elizabeth, South Africa, at 3.508, but declined jt. Ifft is from Idaho, where he was the editor of the Pocatello Tribune, ---------------- King Edward Gives Cup. | London, June 18.~King Fdward has infatmed the organization committee o e grand regatta week in . of St. Mil, of his intentiog She Bay a valuable cup as a prize for the win- ning vacht in race between St. Malo to the Isle of Wight. The gift, will un- doubtedly add considerably to the in- terest cansed hy the great racing week, The list of prizes js ihusually large this yenr and the number of en- tries correspondingly numerons. ------ Kingston And Ottawa. Rideau Lukes Navigation Co., Limit- al Steamers leave for. Ottawa Mon- day, Wednesday, Thursday and Sa- turday at 6 a.m. J, Swift & Co. 4. P. Ranley, agents. 9. and Dr. Richards, surgeon of the Mio. wera, running from Australia to Van- couver, committed 'suicide in Vaneou- gor He lived ke in. the morning, he: was 'blind, 4 noon. formerly in JUNE. 18, 1906. train on' the 5 RINT WAR Great © Britain. ei DROPS VERBAL SENSATION IN- TO LONDON AND BERLIN. A -- Argues for An Anglo-French Offensive and Defensive Alli- ance Against Germany----The Article is Creating Much Comment. oe New York, June 18.--Writing in the National Review of London, a protnin: ent French amy officer predicts early dri war between itain and Germany, and advocates an offensive and defen: "T'here are numerous and 'repeated signs that a gigantic = duel is inevita: ble between 'England and Germany at no distant date. The French have been clearly warned by authoritative repre- sentatives of German opinion that ow- ing to the difficulty of striking Bri- tain, the war against that power will be begun on French _soil, that they will regard France as a 'hostage,' and will 'exact in Paris the payment of an enormous indemnity of war to com- pensate them for the losses that ma$ be inflicted by England.' In a word, we shall not be permitted to remain neu- tral, and our country will sooner or later Be subjected to an iniquitous ag- gression. "In_these circumstances an alliance with England is indispensable, particu- larly in view of the progress made by Germany since 1870 in population, whieh places 38,000,000 Frenchmen in the presence of about 60,000,000 Ger- mans; "Ina word, the alliance with Eng land, which would be valuable from every point of view, would procure for France the: means required for victariously vepelling the aggression with which she is threatened by the Germun empire." ! "The 'ar dx sronting 0 Lo. sation and comment §) 1 is and Berlin, as it' feritly the. production of a man's hich rank, thoroughly informed ate. and dispassion- PITH OF THE NEWS, The Very Latest Culled From All Over The World. In a wreck on the Chinesos Eastern railway 'one hundred persons were kill- ed or injured. A $0),000 fire partly destroyed the Salt Lake Tribune. The United States government had ordered the return" of the Foster brothers to Vancouver. At Chihuahua, Mexico, the Buelo Tierra mine is afire, and seven men are known to have béen asphyxiated. The Chicago health department has ordered the packers to make many radical changes .to Improve sanitary conditions, John Kilty, a farmer at Foote's Bay, Ont., shot William Scott, a rail- y contractor, to prevent the line ssing his farm, Near Saratoga, at Salt Lake City, building of t N.Y., a fast mail Boston and Maine rail road was derailed and thrown into a ditch in a bad washout. Emperor Nicholas has issued a re- script to the Siberian Cossacks. granting them in perpetuity the land which they now occupy. At Simferopol, province of Taurida, Russia, seven revolutionists, including two women, who were agitating for a political strike here, were killed hy a mob, There is' a rumor that the papal re. presentative in' Washington is to" be replaced, 'and that his successor will be the ablegate in Canada, Mgr. Sharretti, The associated Boards of Trade con- vention at Edmonton, decided to ask the federal government to investigate the fiudson Bay route, before building a railway. Gossip says W. E. Corey will give his wife 82,500,000 and divorcee and will marry a wealthy New York so- ciety woman, leaving Actress Gilman out in the chill, vie The Japanese transpart Toyotomi struck a mine, Thursday. evening, when twenty-four "miles off Joshin, Korea, and sank immediately, Fifty of the crow are missing. r The steamer Grecian, bound down te Detroit for répairs, after having been aground, foundered off Thunder Bay island. The crew wore taken off' and there were no casualties, After more than five years. of Titign- tion, work has begun on: the super- structure of the Manhattan bridge, which will span the East river, a short distance above Brooklyn bridge. In Peterboro, Magistrate Dumble im- posed a fine of 810 and 815.95 costs on William A, Nurse, harged with catching fish in close sens®h. He got only three medium-sized bass for his 55.25. At Minneavolis, Dr. Jacob F. Foree, former president of the. North-western National Life Insurance 'company, WHR sentenced to serve threeNand a half years. jn state prison. The chulge was grand larceny. The provincial fisheries department will this Jenson require all noncrexi- dents fishing in Ontario waters to pro- enre an afgler's permit ht bh foo of $2. is 'will entitle anglers to. ship two x BIG STEAMERS MEET. : MEE] The Manchester is Beached Pend. ing Temporary Repairs, ' Detroit, | Mich, June 18.~The 328]- foot steamer Manchester, Milwau- kee, is to have dam- aged, on Par Huron, early in a collision with the steamer King. The Sollision occurred off - or a fog. The Manchester go beached at Har: hor Beach and it is thought she will be able te. proceed under temporary repairs when she has been lightered of enough cargo to raise her five feet, SATURN AND ONTARIO Collide, in Fog--No Very Serious Dt Lt, Sarnia, Ont., June 18.--The steamer Saturn, bound down, collided with the Canadian schooner' Ontario, off Lex- ington, Mich., on Sunday, duting a heavy fog. The Ontario lost her bow: sprit and jibboom, and some plank- ing, forward. The damage to the Sa- turn was slight. The Ontario was tow- ed to Port Huron by the Saturn for repairs. K% tly eg DANGEROUS WORK CAUSED WRECK OF PENN. SYLVANIA TRAIN, ---- Wedged a Rail Bolt Between Ends of Two Rails Just to See Train Smash It as It Had Smiashed . Nails - at: Other Times. 5 Marietta, Ohio, June 18. Little Alice Kyl}, a farmer's daughter, has confessed' to having "eaubed the wreck of « Pennsylvania train' hear Elbab, on Thursday night, in which two Ja enger conches were overturned an engine, tender and mail car hurled down an embankment. The girl, who wedged a rail bolt bétween the 'ends of two rails just'to Bde the train smash it, as it had smashed nails and pennies ut other times for her. = She will not be arrested, as the railroad officials are satisfied that it was a childish prank and had no intent. A ---------------- . THE DEAF MUTES ¥ Belleville, Ont., June 18.~Two hun- dred members of Mute Association are now in session, at the institation, in this' city, This is the tenth biennial convention of the association. A pleasing feature, on Saturday night, was the presentation of an address and gold-headed: cane to R. Mathieson, honorary president of the association, and principal of the institute, and an address and gold watch to William Nurse, secretary of the associntion. Religious services, in the sign language, were held yester- ay. teen ANOTHER WINDSOR FIRE. The Chief Damage Water, Windsor, Ont, June 18. out 'in the hallway of the Ouellette avenue, about t this morning, doing over dollars damage to the building. The gix odcupants suffered considerable loss, mostly by water: J, A. Divbel, dry-goods; Bradley Bros. jewelers; Meadows and Walker, confectioners; William Harvey, tailor; A. Ashley: jeweler; Q, English & Co., tobap- conists, Loss covered by insurance; cause of fire' uiknown. Was By ~Fire brokg Currie Block, hree' o'clock, a 'thousand REVOLTING IN EXTREME S---- Are Meat-Packing Conditions in England. London, June 18. --According to a statement issued 'by Dr. F, Cooper, ex- chairman of Lohdon city council, and a leading authority on' English: foods, English butchers * and packers can't consistently, criticise Americans. He says their methods are about as bad as can be, and he declares that there is practically no inspeftion, and what there is, is dong hy men far from qualified. He describes conditions in preparing and selling meats which are revolting in' the extreme. CHI-LI PROVINCE SUFFERS. Thirty Miles of Hankew-Peking . Railway Destroyed. Pekin, June 18.~While the northern portion of the province 'of Chi-li is suffering from the most severe 'drouth since 1900, the southern extremity is experiencing serious floods brought on by heavy rains. The Hankow-Pekin railway for thie- ty miles, and similar stretohes of the line below Shentinfu have been des troyed and traffic has been suspended since last Friday. Some weeks will be required to repair the line, -------------------- He Quit Voluntarily. ; Paris, June 18.In the course of an interview with the reorrespondent of the Matin at Vichy, Count Witte, for- mer Russian premier, declared that he left "office voluntarily, principally on account, of ill-health and for other pri- vate reasons. He stated that any Russian ministry adopting a pro- gramme of social reform would under- take an extremely difficult task with small 'hopes of success, "Cream of Violets," for row h sk is sold at Gibson's Red ry a riore. * The bakers of 'St. Petérsh and nd only tho {inining towns struck, a days' catch out of the. country { ive, id twelve years of age, says that she{s ack "bread eaten 'the sold. by "the poor was 5 { the Ontario Deaf | £1° Come and get your share. We offer a great assortment Preme Fancy Materials, Alba Lustres, Serges, Cheviots, " spuns, Voiles, Eolisnnes, Fre Delaine, Toille-de-Lane, etc., &t quick selling prices. 3 Bruyea MALLORY --R June 13th, ter of Jucoh Mallory. NT. --At Deseronto, B. Brant, to i DAVEY. --At J Herbert W. Pans, *youngeat HIGH CLASS VAUDE wilder Eien Before "it talks; will be_our best adv the Coffe) ™

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