STON actorily is sweeping the Nothing so cool IS ever been devis. t NOW our shelyes tyles. We invite, d & Br, HOEMAKINC. SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAR NORTH.WEST HOMESTEAD \D REGULATIONS 27m mumbered section of Do Manitoba or BE €xfipd 1h 3) It settler has his permanent residence ita Tar 'ming land owned hy him In the Vicinity of his homestead, the requirements of this Act as to residence may be satisfied by residence pon the said - land, APPLICATION FOR PATENT should e made at the en three years, be- ore the 'Lucal Ant, Sub-Agent or the Uowvslend Inspecio Belure making or lications for patent he settler must &ive siX months' motice writing to the Cominissioner of Do- minion Lana at Ottawa, of his intention SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH- WEST MINING REGULATIONS, Coal.--~Coal lands may be purchased at 10 per acre for soft coal $30 for nthracite. Not more than 820 acres can be acquired by one individual or com- any. Royalty at the rate of ton cents per ton of 2,000 pounds shall be collected oli the gross output. artz.--A free miner's certificate 1s granted - upon payment in advance of but is WAY OF until all The soap rul rolled ip. lightly out on and the sngle piece, wash through all the, disty up to dry. SUNLIGHT {| Soar 8 better than other Soaps She Sunfghs way. Follow SUNLIGHT FIRST. --Dip the aticle fo be ached in a tub of out on a pads Brio the water gets tco dirty, PE a litte resh. If a streak is ha suds for a few LASTLY Cov re THE RINSING, which best when used in ter, draw it soaping ig over. TH oN roll it in a tight roll, lay in the tab under the water, and go on the same way ieces have the on, and are eh Soas Soap do its work. EXT.-- After soaking the full time rub the clothes a wash board, dirt will drop out; turn the garment in- side out to get at the asain but don't use any more soap; don't scald or bola and don't two suds. If Spee RN out and add os A is to be warm water, care to get suds away, then wring out and hang For Woolens and Flan- 7| WHOLE STAFF QUIT... CASE OF HOSPITAL DISCIP- LINE AT ST. JOHN. N.B. ------------ Two Doctors and Three Nurses Took Tea at the Home of One of the Nurses--The Latter Were Late in Returning to the Hospital and Were Summarily Dismissed. St. John, N.B., June 18.~An inci- dent of the past week, which has just become public in congection with the St. John general public hospital, is the dismissgl of two nurses, followed by a protest in the form of the re- signation of all three doctors of the hospital stafi. All three are young men," McGill graduates. On Wednes- day evening last Dr. J. W. Scott, the hospital superintendent, and Dr. Shirley McMurtry, one of the assis- tants, were guests at supper and spent the evening at the home of the pa- rents of one of the nurses, who was off duty for the evening, while another nurse was also in the company, An accident delayed theny in return, and 'the nurses were a quarter of an hour later in reporting for duty at 10 p.m. The superintendent of nurses referred r to the hospital training 1, and both nurses were dis- missed. Both doctors resigned their positions in protests, and Dr. W. 8. Loggie, the third physician on the house staff, joined in the protest by resigning also, : . There is a hospital regulation which stipulates that 'no nurse in the insti- tution should have any social inter- course with the physicians, but the doctors claim that this has not been enforced and was not looked upon as to be rigidly observed. The doctors resigned on Friday night to take ef- The Allan steamer Parisian arrived at Glasgow to-day. Edmund Lyons, a veteran actor of the old school, died at New York, Oklahoma and Indian territore were. admitted to the union as one state. The Allan steamer Sarmatian, frons London, arrived at Montreal at 6.55 a.m. A tarific hurricane caused scrious damage along the coast of Newfound: land. Another rich strikp has been made at the McKinky & Darragh mine, Co- balt. The number of killed in the massacre at Biclostok is placed as high as sic hundred. 3 The SS. Melvin, from South Africa via Demera = inward at Father Point at 1 pm. Charles S. McFeat, of the C.I.R. ser- vice, Montreal, shot himself dead with a revolver, The Rech appeals to the czar to save the situation by dismissing Premier Goremyhin, The *eloven-year-old son of James Pigford was drowned). ap Smith's Falls while bathing. The SS. Corinthian, Allan line, frome Glasgow, or Montreal inward at Fame Point, at 11:10 a.m. The SS. Lake Michigan, from Ant- werp, for Montreal, was at Cape Mag- dalen, at 9.10va.m. The Allan steamer Ontarian, for London, passed Father Point at 6.15 a.m. on June 17th, Gas and electric light may both k cut in price in Watertown, N.Y., before the end of the year. / A gasoline launch was blown up in the harbor at onto, and destroyed. The Allan steamer Carthagenian, the Lady Grey, Tor- CONTAINS TWENTY-ONE AND A HALF PER CENT PROOF. The Sale of the Liguer Will, Therefore, Be Strictly Stopped ~ Methodist Committee at Work, This Morning. Toronto, June 18,--The report of the t ance committee was presented at the wweting, of the Toronto Metho- dist conference, this: morning. One clause in it to the effect that the liquor license holders should be requir- ed also to take out licenses for the sale of cigars, tobacco | and sigardios, evoked was finally referred back. It ni argued that tobacco was a stapls article in the grocery trade, and that it was bardly fair to class grocers with liquor dealers. There was some discussion regarding salaries paid missionaries, but nothing was 'done. The provincial license department has received the report of the analysis of the so-called legal beer, sold in Cobalt mining district, as a 'tem ance beverage. The report states t at the liquid contains more than the two and one-half per cent. of proof spirits, allowed by law, and the sale of the liquor will therefore be strictly stopped. REGIMENT TO DECIDE If it Will Go to Albany for July 4th. The officers of the 14th P.W.0.R. met on Saturday evening to consider the invitation from the city of Al , N.Y., to the Kingston regiment part in the celebration there ith. It was decided to refer THAT "LEGAL [i : NO BREAKF AS is complete without the subtle charm that 'is found in Pure High Grade Coffee such as' Cuase & SANBORN's SEAL BRAND Sold by all good Grocers. (ON 1 AND 2 LS. TINS ONLY.) CHASE & SANHORN MONTREAL. ------ Us 4 THIS WAS BEEN AN EXCEPTIONALLY BUSY SPRING with us in our Upholstering Depart- ment, as we had increased our staff, enabling us to turn our work out promptly ad in perfectiorder." MATTRESSES RENOVATED in hair, wool or mixed, by our latest improved electric mache: 'Phone 147 and our staff is at your services. = YOURS, JAMES REID, The Leading Undertaker. Phone 147 147 ; & White Goods : We invite your inspection of our White Wash Goods. We feel sure' that this is all that is necessary to Sompletely clear out this department, for the materials are so pretty, and the prices so low, that you will not leave the store without purchasing goods enough for at least one dress, White Swiss Muslin, beautiful quality, large and small dots, full 34 inches wide, per yard. ......... 0c. to 40c. White: Victoria Lawn, very fine. qual- ity, 26 to 45 inches wide, per yard Shupsaana" afars avian 10c. to 25c. White India" Linen, very finn and sheer, per yard ... 15¢. to. 3be. White Piques, per yard, 15c., 18¢., 20¢. White Duck, per yard . 150. White Mercerised Goods, pretty' flower ed and figured designs, por yard Be, 200., We. and 3s. lo ¢ ) Mercilda, a new summer material, a pleasant one. ; dh hi and = white, blue and white, : 3 brown and white checks, onl Impetus To Horse Industry. y a Sharpton, June 16.--The hay erop promises to be average, but not as good as last year. The grain crop is better than a year ago, as it is not so | much injured by the wet. Cool weath- er and recent frost have kept, the corn backward. Pastures are all that could be desired. The flow of milk is large, from Glasgow, arrived at Montreal, at oh p.m, on 17th June, w York's quarantine rules against Cuba, came as a surprise to that country. Yellow fover is the trouble. After a month's illness, from typhoid fever, Rev. E. Seley, Baptist minister, is dead, in Saskatoon, aged thirty. lv the matter to the men of the regiment at to-morrow evening's drill, when it will be definitely decided whether or not the invitation will be accepted. There is no doubt but what it will, though Li¢ut.-Col. Kent will not take the regiment away unless the large majority of its members agree to go. When the 14th goes to a place like Al- bany, it must not be outclassed by any other regiment, and it will not be it well filled companies take the trip. The proposal is that the 14th shall leave Kingston on Monday morning, July 2nd; about nine o'clock, and thus arrive in Albany about five o'clock in the afternoon. Two days would be spent in Albany, the regiment leaving there 'at five o'clock Wednesday after- noon, and reaching Kingston at one o'clock Thursdav morning. Monday be- ing a holiday, the men would be ab- sent just two days. Cottmerde Lieut.-Col. Kent, this morning, re- Carrie T. ceived 'a letter from W. B. Jones, sec- Levs of | tary of the Albany Chamber of Com- ) meree, extending a welcome to the 14th Regiment, and tating that the mem- bers of the chamber would do all in their power to make the visit to Al: bany aels proceed as follows 1 -- Shake the articles free from dust, Cut a_ tablet of %5 per aunum for an individual; from, $50 to $100 per abnum for a com: any according to capital. A free miner, having discovered mineral locate a claim 1,500x1.- The fee for recording a ¢ At least $100 must b Anim feet on Saturday morning, gud . Shs Sompuistion have temporarily place SUNLIGHT SN na br. W. L. Ellis in charge as resident of boiling water and whisk idan and Dr. Don Malcolm, a ger. | hen Jud McGill graduate of this year, as _assis- the lather without rub tant. Drs. McMurtry and Loggie had Squeeze out dirty resigned some time ago, to take of- and he fect July lst, but their resignation of In a Junior C.L.A, match, on Sat- of lukewarm water, Friday last was entirely apart from urday, between Guelph and Hespeler, this. There is nothing to reflect upon | Guelph team' won by a score of the professional or moral character of | to five. any concerned, the whole thing being Premier Whitney states that Dr. a matter of discipline. William Osler of Oxford University, will not be president of the University of Toronto. Thirty-five hundred dollars' damage was done by a fire at the works of the Warren Bituminous Paving com- pany, Toronto. Admiral Belief, commandant of the fortress at Kronstadt, has received a rim warning in the shape of a coffin, delivered at his house, The Canadian Bank of issued a writ against Mrs. Leys, widow, of the late Col. London, to recover $(2,702. The Allan steamer Tunisian, for Liv- erpool, was reported by Marconigram, seveoty miles off Cape Race, at 9 a.m. (ship's time), on June 17th. Dr. Harrison Webster, formerly pro- fessor of University of Rochester, is McConville came out of his house, | dead, from nervous: prostration, leav- caught witness by the collar, and gave | ing a widow and three sons. him a pull, and simulta aneously kicked A dinner was given at the Hotel witness. Witness fell to the ground, | Cecil, London, in honor of Ellen Ter- and when he got up defendant gave fry. The 200 guests included persons him a terrible blow with his fist. In| prominent in the theatrical world. defence witness struck defendant in the Two young men, named Fay and neck with his cane. Witness said | de- Kennedy, were drowned at Knowlton, fendant let on he was drunk. Que., on Sunday, while canoeing in | and the priges of dairy products are McConville, giving evidence in his] Prome lake. Ke nnedy"s body has been | Such as should satisfy the most + fas- own behalf, that he had been | found. tidious. Mr. Simpkins, sewing machine driven home in the waggon, as he had Willard D. Straight, Oswego, gets | dealer, Newburgh, passed through. He been drinking a little. The plaintiff de United Stites vonndiate in Muk- Ju¥s that in latitude north the rain- along and said: "Oh, you are | den, China, e has had much diplo all was scant during the sprin y, and be filtered. If the kidneys are an" and thereupon struck | matic experience since graduating from | the crops are generally inky ox sick--tired-- inflammed--they defendant with his cane Cornell, in 1901, pecially hay, while south the reverse 3 don't filter out the uric acid. The magistrate wanted, as witness, A fresh crater has been formed on | the case. The hay crop will be large, It is this acid, deposited in the the boy who was in the waggon. He | Mount Aso, on Kiushiu, the southern- | but much of the grain is injured by joints--on the nerves -- that | had gone to Cobourg with the sol- | most of the three principal islands of | the wet. Miss Myrtle Taylor has re- causes Rheumatism, diers, so the case was adjourned for | Japan. It is emitting smoke and a | turned after a ten months' visit with one week. rumbling sound, her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- Bu-du Cobalt's new Waterous. engine paid | kinson, Portage la Prairie. Loads and for itself the other dav, when a forest | loads' of visitors from the Pembroke THE GENTLE KIDNEY CURE : cleans, heals, strengthens fre started outside the town. With | station passed through, en route to 1.000 feet of hose running up' the hill, | the camp meeting, a. Statute EC a aheraghens wing properly--clears th stops the ache -- takes the flames. were conquered. labor ix in orc Vrooman is repairing his house. F. Vrooman has away every trace of Rheuma- tism and Sciatica, . may, Survey made, and whoa other requirements, pur- the land at $1 an acre. The patent brovides for the payment of royalty of 3} per cent on the sales. PLACER minine claims generally are 00 fone Square : entry foe $5, renewable A free miner may obtain two leases to redee for gold of five miles each for a erm of twenty vears, renewable at the siscretion of the Minister of the Interior. The lessee shall have a dredge in oper- tion within one season from the date of de lease for each five miles. Rental : A or annum for ea ; ALLEGED ASSAULT CASE bn -- Was Trouble Poured Into Magis- trate's Ear. case of an alleged assault--Bern- ard McConville, defendant, and George Hess," plaintifi-was the only trouble poured into the ears of Magistrate REWARD t ol, this morning, in the police $5, 000 ny Parked The plaintiff is one of the ¢ ves that Sunticht Soap con- ar. residents, and very, very It was impossible to cross-question ns any injurious ch Shetulcals oraay form ulteration. 3 s y him, so he simply told his tale all at once, and sat down. - Buy it and follow Telling the story of the assault he 5c. directions. 5c. said he was down-town, Wednesday, and when he went home, there was 'a boy, he knew, sitting in a waggon. He was shaking hands with him when WwW. W, CORY, Deputy ol the Minister of the Interior, N.B.--Unauthorizsed publicatd dvertisement will not ' be paid 1 Suis SEALED TENDERS ADDRESSE gD to the undersigned, and endorsed den for Drill Hall, Hamilton, will be received at this office until day, June 29, 1906, inclusively, for the umatruction of a Drill Hall at Hamilton, serine nissan S08: per VAL. LACES. We have a large stock of Vaien- cinne Laces, with insertions to match, suitable for trimmings for the above materials--also plain and fancy beading 3c. , 4¢., 5¢., 8c., 12ic. to 2oc. per yard. CRUMLEY BROS. % Plans and specifications can be seen and forms of tender obtained at this Ue- partment and on application to Messrs. Stewart & Wilton, Architects, Hamil- ton, Ont Persons tendering are tified that ten- ders will not he con *d unless made on the printed form sup, ied, and signed ith fuer actual signatures 3 ch tender must be accompant od ry l, all round Suit for an accepted cheque on a chartered bank, made payable to the order of the Hon: ourable the Minister! of Public Works, eoual to ten per cent (10 p.c.) of the amount of the tender. which 'will be for- feited if the person tendering decline to enter into a contract when called upon to do so, or if ho fail to complete the work contracted for. If the tender be hos accepted the cheque will be return- r Serge Suifs sith so many menas Rheumatism Too. Bu-Ju cures Rheumatism, be cause it cures the Kidneys, Every drop of blood in the body passes through the kidneys, to said LABATT s 'Me and Porter are Nature's Best Tonics. Pure Malt products, made from the choicest barley and best selected hops. They are very healthful and aid digestion. Labatt's are very palatable beverages and agree with the moSt delicate stomach. JAS. McPARLAND, 'AGENT, 339 and 341 King St. with extra Trousers mespuns, etc. Serge Suits on the came drunk "he Department does not hind itself to accept the lowest or any tender. Bv order, FRED. GELIN AS, Secretary. d brand splinter new. 14, 15 to 18 ke a Look! NDERWEAR, ETC. 3BY CO. wi, ewe ------ Department of Public Works, Ottawa, June 7, 1906. Newspapers inserting this advertise- ment without authority from the De- vartment, will not be paid for it. POORLY CONSTRUCTED. Concrete Walk on University Avenue Dangerous. The walk on University avenue, south of Union street, has been the of much comment on the part of persons who have passed over Mt. At every other step the hollowness of 4 TENDERS ADDR "Y n inde C1 signed, and endorsed "Tens Building, rth Bav, * received at this office un- July 9, 1906, inclusively id nist Lue on of a Public. Building , Plans an of te 1 Windsor Driving Club has decided to give its five days' harness meeting on the dates originally nssigged to the Blue Ribbon mee ting at Grosse Point at Detroit, which has been abandoned its structure is apparent: while the because of the prohibition of betting upper layer has become broken in | On race tracks in Wayne county. This last may yet lead the A monster meeting of 15,000 social to face a suit for damages, as | 'emocrats and workmen, held at cause SEALED to the places, city "Phone 274. PE IOLIII00 DOLL 2000 20000 BICYCLES TE SEWING MACHINES § Sold and Repaired $ J. B.C. DOBBS & 00, 171 aids stserseesesssenmond St, Sn ource goes further than oven alrars: as A --r---- ST. LUKE'S NEW HALL -- Was Opened for Sunday- School - Purposes Yesterday. St. Luke's Sunday school assembled in their new hall, yesterday, the bad weather interfered with the regular Stiendatcs which averages about 100, © superintendent on the occasion of the opening of the new hall omitted the lesson for the day, and awarded prizes' for. the valuable assistance pen- dered by the teae hers and scholars in raising money by a subscription ecard A WARM SUBJECT in aid of the building fund, The amount raised by the Sunday school . hoUiug La Ho world we're ug | ™** $100. Teachers' "first prize ares oth 18 a9. Coal ot Bn de awarded to Mrs, FE. I. Horsey, DE the Joard It 'may. ooreh aueer to | >" ond prizes awarded to of cal Bure as ling aa Gates and Miss Cotter. Scholars first speak but that's what we've made it. | P1126: Miss Floperiee i8chofield: second, cits, mportant discoveries we have | Miss Edith Bermingham; third, Master "ade are that complete satisfaction to | ¥4Mmes Shannon, If Customers pays best, and that the After awarding the prizes W. Car- Ay to win business is to deserve it. roll, the Superintendent, addressed: the BOOth& CO, mmx me Sper bev alto pu in 4a new ch ! Sunday school, apel organ for their . FOOT OF WEST ST. kaart : home 33. axets oniv : Cross drug sto ore, xlords. $1. $1.50. nvVas 0 Color Gibson Ties. $1.50. d $3. t Gibson Ties, Christy her Oxfords. $2 80, . $3. leading families on Saturday afternoon. was two Miss "Bertha Street, G.A. BATEMAN Who for the last five years been assgoiated with Mr, Oliver Money 10 Loan Melntyre & Mel tyre $ King Street i bson Ties, 1n Grey Voze | Colored Canvas, s of Fe 1y other line r You that will aflord you and BLE FOOTWEAR. Mrs an absolute financial protection Ph Case of need. Call or write and ste De Store Surveys are now in progress ¢ - ent points, the Grand or - Pl conipany's men are busy in the vicini- ty of their respective camps--one near Seal Harbor, where the new 'sawmill will be built, and one a mile and a half further east, Here the wharf and three yo will be at once erect- : 8s already. piles fo © a rei p r the wharf are making extensive repairs 40 his house bak are notified that ten- the city engineer's department prom- panded, Koen. Mrs. F. Smith and Snugh- ®ulal to ton par cent (10 p.c.) old structure torn up-and a new one The advance guards of the social for the yeoman. The Whier is the lead Devartment of Public Works, "cCrotMY: fall and winter the hollow portions | Piireaverats, was the man who stop- gun, and the foundations laid of the may be expected to bee up and timi, Que. About 73 20g feet of deals ernment survey, has his camp station- by the marriage at St. Margaret's has accordingly fitted up comfortable George Zeigler, *=41 i , 1 i as made a @ IN8y hd demand upon the . sixty-one insurance a new drive house and D. Vrooman, a hog pen. H, Denyes and D. Karin contemplate erecting verandahs to their dwellings. Herman Emmons is and .out-buildings, An entertainment, including a dance, was given'in Haw. key's grove last night. V ght. Visitors: Mrs. The Cuaruin -C Co., Laren, Ye oll, of wd FLA HEMICAL . only the other evening an elderly lady le ioki, Finland, was addressed by le oy k Kingston; 3 Ni Shannon, nh egon can the Soon avd Wiwosom ONT. + + NEw Yom tripped on one of these destroy several members of the 'group of Wig noo! oo P Smith, New York . ~ ar . 8 BEY > application to the Post- Is wes and in falling se verely inju toil" of parliament, and every revolu D 26 Bell rill om roils olen h Bay, Ont. her knee. It is now over a year since tionary Mtterance frantically ap- "Kors re. F. Smith ami dual ve considered unless mad i : Nine | th 'd form supplied, and pi ised to attend to the walk, vet no Lieut.-Col, Joseph Beattie, Windsor, M Hurvon mith, Tork parents h tender actual signatures. thing has been' done though the at Ont.. aged seventy-five years, is dead Sine bad a bee. Laut Spring's {his de OLATES 'Pred Vivre on a apaed_ by tention of those in charge has since | ©f blood poisoning. Col. Beattie was are very humerous. High prices have Ey oy ruve oma charters om been called to the matter, The upshot, | ©0¢ of the pioneer re sidents of the ¥ Yon impetus to the horse indus- Tr or Te the Muer. Th arti | ity and was three times jts mayor, uy In foet everything is hich, Bar ITY feitoint of the tender, which will he igs now being circulated among the re- | Pesides having filled numerous other ow To oun Sucks. tis Ne of the tend ro ehich wii be fort sidents asking the council to have the official positions, » be most Drospe rons year # Contract when called upon ------------------ ta a omblete the laid. It is claimed that the city has gathering to be held under the aus. | MC Pape almost everybody takes it. The 5 a cheque will he returned. oe olish no more authority to collect Payment pices of the Brotiuckoot of Lean : He Sh a A a Burned Lin sols OE unsatisfactory Work thes tive Firemen are arriving and, by to-| The Birth Of A New City. : re "bind for 3 3 irs en Morrow. it is expected several hun- | Prince. Rupert, the new city of Pe aS. At any rate the walk js certainly not Cia Mill be in Ottawa. The week will itis opumbia aid up to the proper standard or any- ro Sper in Pleasure making, ri Pa ig oe fu Newspupora "i: June H, tooo. where near it, and at any time this Governor of Grodno, hated of the Grand Trunk Pacific, has indeed be- rrtinge is advertise. ment withont Authorrey J nme " rom the De Ry TE, Tle : ped Jurther bloodshed at Bielostok, by rang mistrapolis of the western pro. ny elegraphing denials, 10 all ir vince of the Dominion. The cam i y ne ps oO THE within Jewish pale, of government re- the surveyors, both those of the Do- s ' ports that the disorders were due to Rinion and the Grand Trunk Pacific nada bomb-throwing at Christians. Railway company, are itched. on: and near the fut he i ad Fo started ot dp dock. 8 © future city's hound aries, » Sunday » (a iv bite Bs hue ghey Saried a Mong whe Chdny Mr. Dodge, superintending the gov- are burned and 60,000 we; ed near the mouth of Tuck's Inlet, ee -- re thrown . into the water r, but Nr along the just. Shpesite Yen's Fassuge, in view oe S > Saguenay, At nine o'clock the fire of historie etinkaluthn. He intends to AN RAN was under control. Dama i, Othe const. line > ? ges, about - Vie ferrari. ye of the inlet, and as this will take FINANCE D INSU CE oy Hh him considerable time he expects to ak remain in camp until October, and NJ : - CUSTOMS BROKER - |If You Want a H chur a on St aaret'y quarters. He. says the Metlakahtla d - 28 3 Se awick, cldest son of Earl 1 : 'ar! Grey, - ate talk governor-general of Canada, to Lady i : Mabel Palmer, only daughter of the ms Earl of Selhourne, high commissione or for South Africa. Ss The state of California h 57 Brock Street. compapi s that are accused of endea- voring to dodge their obligations' for full scttloment with the people of San Francisco who lost property by fire in April. The concerns must deal fairly and honestly with the San Francisco publi¢ or be driven from California. carpenters have the honor of buildin the first house on Kaien Island, and is ee ------------------ : » 5 much pleased with them as workmen. A good brick dwelling with 4 or Further east, up the inlet where at we can do for you. 5 ms : m, According to news { given out hb a member of the royal family, the HR s.. Red ~t Shain is in a state of complete cures rhey at Gibson's Re The kidney pill Jhat tism, "Bue sold Cross drug Sot Je. at Gibson's Red Kingston