wis ® Time Have rs Modelied d paired Sher nly Exclusive Fur gyorg Is in Pearls or Bride, ridesmaid or roomsman rl Stars, and Pend- in quaint and deli- designs, rl Bar Pins, Handy Lace Pius, and ies. rl Paved Stick for Cravat or. ie; ble in style and ITH BROS. elers :: Opticians Phone 866 rs of Marriage SOLINE in your tank ur dock. stock of Dry Bal. ark Plug and Coils hand. & YOULDEN IMITED., REX" JOLATES de in Canada ingston at 8 Drug Store ENS! prpriced Thursday of extra quality 1 Table Linen, every thread pure inches wide, neat 60 center on sale for only 45¢. a | Table Damask, facture, warranted en, extra good pat- inches wide. You gular for this line, 2 our linen section on Thursday we ine 48c, a yard. Big Towel ery Small rice ready for .you lorning. All Linen Is, size 20 x 40, r and hemmed, r $2.00 a dozen. ay price $1.50 5C. a pair, selling piles of s these days. Our and swell styles ng attraction. IN & SHAW | Kenn Your for BIG Tole ga i) Public auction last week, coats, Trousers, Only part of the stock Again we say : $00 +2222 srs IVR TBRATTAT ITLL DD e Fi the Confront the £8 i ALE! Great Opportunities HALLER) Buying idiom AE Cg "A large wholesale of Dry Goods and Clothing failed in Montreal lately, and the stock was sold by Our buyer was fortunate enough. to be present at the auction, where he secured a great number of sur- prising bargains, ineluding : > Ladies' Raincoats and Dusters, 'Ladies' Skirts, Ladies' Whitewear, 8itk 8hirt Waists, Lace Scarfs, Plain and Fancy Hos- iery, Fancy Collars, Valenciennes and other Laces, Leather Hand Bags, Gentlemen's Suits, Rain- 8ilk- Shawls, Overalls, Negli- gee Shirts, Working Shirts, Un= derwear, Neckwear, etc: has arrived, therefore we cannot give more particulars now, but all particulars will. be given in to-morrow's paper. "Keep your eyes open for To-morrow's. Ad vt. which will give full particulars." The Montreal Bankeupt Stuck Go. 180 Princess Street. Between Redden"s and Crawford's Groceries. a dias FINANCE AND INSURANCE - CUSTOMS BROKER - The business of the late Cy G. Oliver, will be carried om im his office, 79 Clarence street. G.A. BATEMAN Who' for 'the last five years has been Asspolated with Mr; Oliver, Money to Loan Mcintyre & McIntyre :: - BARRISTERS : King Street Kingston @eovcssssassssiassssvasee [new i If You Want a Home Or Insurance, have a talk with George Zeigler, "4" STATE 67 Brock Street. A Few Acres of Land With Dwelling and Stable Conveniont to the city. T. J. Lockhart Real Estate Agent. TATA AVR AALVTRLT LTTE LTLTV Le PP Are manufactured froman Irish linen that is specially woven far them. Ii will not wear out prematurely or break as does the linen in ordinary Collars. Actual laundry tests, extending over a quarter century, have proven that this is the best linen ever put into a 20c Collar. 'Made in all popular shapes and two grades, selling at' 15¢ and 20e. \ TOOKE BROTHERS, LIMITED. "Montreal. 1 MAKING FACTORY. Wh6 Has Been and Seen--In- teresting Methods and Machin- } One x i ho had just ret meeting a iriend who just return- from a trip to a Creek, Mich., and were much intefested in his ac count of his visit to one of the our. readers eat Malta-Vita, and will how it is made. kd The Malia-Vita factory is an emor- mous institution, embracing several big, well-lighted, perfectly ventilated buildings. Built on a high point and the tory. who had. been there and. seen, "that cause the case. Whatew 4 not get into circulation but is carried away by through great pipes to where it is consumed, in the gir, wheat food, is made simply from whole grain of the finest wheat, pure barley-malt highest digestive value, a cleaning and scouring of the wheat. steam-cooked for an hour or more. By this time the starch of the grain is gelutined and partially prepared the action and wet when it leaves dried off its surface in special cooling machines in which big fans suck out all the heat and moisture. The next step i8 the maturing highly important part of Vita process You may have food. You never ate tough Malta- Vita. Malia-Vita is always, "short," and crisp. The maturitig of the wheat is the reason. When it is fully matur- ed the walls of the starch eells have been: hroken down. Then the wheat mixed with the malt extract and roll- ed into flakes and the starch, instead of being confined in its cells, is ex- posed to the digestive action malt extract. Evervbody knows that starch of the wheat into maltose, or malt sugar, a most easily digested food element which physicians every- where recommend because of its strength-giving value. . The malted wheat is conveyed, me- of the wheat fiake, and earried «info one of the three-storey ovens where it is baked in intense heat. In each, oven there are eighteen moving trays and the Malta- Vita, beginning with the top tray, is dropped to each successive tray until fifteen minutes later, it reaches the last at the bottom. Thus it is being turned constantly and is always thor- oughly and evenly baked Leaving the ovens, Malta-Vita pass- es slowly down long chutes where trained inspectors are on the lookout for any evidence of over-baking or un- der-baking, and soon the finished pro- duct, is being run into the bi~ card- lined with a paraffine sack, which fills each box with the exact amount required. Fach Malta-Vita package . is lined with a parafioe sack, which keeps the food dry and crisp. The fill- ing machines fill the cartons at the rate of 25 every minute, and sealing rhachines seal 50 cartons every min. ute. From the ' sealing machines they go to the packers for shipment to grocers everywhere. . $ Pretty Tailored Waist. <a " The tailored waist finds itself in such favor with the shirt-waist girl as never before accorded it, even before the days of that dainty. creation, the lingerie waist, Though 'there are many tailored models, the smart offect in 'each is practically the same. Some there are which show no fullness at the shoulder line, the fronts being drawn loosely over the bust line into the "tailored belt of the skirt material or of leather, while others have smart ly stitched tucks in a variety of | sizes. The model pictured shows a front fullness created by six shallow tucks grouped in the neck and shoals- er seam, either side of the vemntre front pleat, and two wider tucks set in the shoulder close to the armhole in Gib- son fashion, all ofthese being stitch- ed down to yoke depth. The back is fdain, with the exception of a centre box pleat, about two inches in width, This may be omitted in case one is too long-waisted. The sleeve is of the regulation shirt pattern cut in three quarter length and finished with a stitched turiback - euff-Gpening on the back of the arm with shirt-button and button-hole. A plain stitched collar of the waist material-or a dainty affair of eyelet embroidery may accompany thi= whist. : : ---- Violet, talcum powder, Colgate's and 4 the hol of matrimony, by Rev. ery -- Making Clean, Pure | pt, FV, Tit. The bride lodked very Food. | charming, dressedinihite silk,' trim- the pleasure recently 'of | med. with Ince und chiffon, and hat to world's great food factories. Many of | the wedding the 'bridal party 'drove probably be interested in knowing just {ed on all sides by 'their many friends, ell-kept grounds, dot- | costly presents. They leit under the surtouiied by a my Pr of flowers, | floating of flags of the steamer Wolfe factory has a wide 'and unob-| Islander, on the three o'clock trip for obstructed - view and an undiminished | Kingston, supply of pure air. Pure air isan im- | steamer Kingston for Rdchester, portant consideration in a food fac- i "One might think," said the man | the handling of so much wheat would considerable dust. This is not | or dust there is. does suction furnaces, Malta-Vita, the only malted Shel the hard white extract of t little salt | reach his home alive that they would and nothing else. The first step is the After. this the wheat is boiled in wat- er for about fifteen minutes and then for of the malt extract. Hot the cookers, | the whoat is cooled and the moisture of the cooked wheat in the storage bins. This is a the Malta- eaten tourh flaked is | has found of the starch in its natural form is hard to digest. The malt extract converts the chaniecally, throngh rollers, each grain becoining | a litte: wader | kee. many om LER : 0 wy x THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, NERESTING VISIT], 52" PEs, THROUGH A MODERN FOOD-| wou. "i se AO Ps. Island; .whone 16.+Marysville was the go -- protty wed: ding, on 'morning, at ten o'clock, when George Whitmarsh and Miss Stella McKenna, eldest dagghter of William McKenna, were uni in match, and was at by her oou- | sin, Miss Katie ' Conley, who was dressed similarly, The groom was ate | tended by Joseph 8. MeAvoy. After | through the village, and were serenad- | after which Whey, drove to the resi- dence of Oliver 1 { bride," whiwe & sumptuons wedding | brenkfast was awaiting. The youn, | couple received many numerous and where they left the Ni- other American cit- on agera Falls; and biome. 1X 1 A. Yott left here Sunday, at noon, | for Cape Vincent, on a pleasure trip. | The sad news reached 'here last Wed- | nesday, announcing the death of Sa- muel Hinckley 'a former island boy, who died i 'alifornia, on 'Friday, | June Sth, anu vas buried on Sunday | the 10th, He had heen ailing for seme { time from tuberculosis' of the stom- ach. His father, D, H. Hinckley, left here about a month ago, and was at his bedside when he, breathed his last. He requested that if he could rot not bring his body, when he died. Mr, Hinckley was the head of a large busi- ness in California, and also in Santa | Fe. He was well known in Guelph, where he at ane tir a large de | partmental stove, in Cape Vincent. He had py friends as well | on the island. eaves a wife and two daughters, J a father, and one | brother, H. D. Winekley, of this place, to mourn his loss. Mrs. Asa Ho has been visiting in Cape Vincent, $his week. and. also at tended the copfedy drama that was put on by the Cape talent, in which her sister, Miss Ethel Marsh, was one of the star aotresses. Mrs. Richard Moore left on ., Monday for Water town, N.Y., where she will spend ao | week. Mrs. Adam Blake and Mrs, Syl. vester Staley loft on Saturday for Buffalo; N.Y. D. H. Hinckley has had his house newly painted. H. C. Hogan it necessary ta place an | other vat in Wolfe. Island factory, | making three in all to accommodate | thei large supply of milk. Quite a num- i ber! from here attended the show in | the Cape, on Friday evening, and re- i ported a good time. The funeral of Miss D. Barry occurred: Friday, and was largely attended: 'The grand or ganizer of C.M.B.A., delivered an ad- dress here, to island members, on Sunday evening, in their hall. The {death of Miss Ida Cochrane, one of Kingston's fairest young ladies, on Nonday last, was auite sad wews for island. friends, - The three f thousund dollar 'French conch horse, bought here by fifteen stock holders, is {a beauty. He arrived, on Friday. in charge of Thomas Fawcett. and Pat: rick Hawkins, who went to Columbus, Ohio, for him. He will be cared for by | Mr. Fawcett for the fiest year. D. .J. | Dawson has moved. fram his house in | Kingston to the village. Henry Duffy { was visiting friends on the island on Sunday from Watertown. The forty- hours' devotion commenced at the Ro- man Catholic church, en Monday, the 18th, and will be conducted every ov- ening till Thursday. The road work will certainly benefit the island. Wil- liam Cooper had a barn raising on Tuesday afternoon. Miss Annie Span- kie, daughter of Dr. Spankie, is home for her vacation. The telegraph com- pany has taken the office out that was in the village, and there will just be the telephone in future. Miss Mag- gic Hogan has returned from Water town. Frank Wafer spent Sunday here, B. Hanlon, from Watertown, N. Y., spent Sunday with friends here. SORE FEET AND BAD LEGS ARE CURED BY, ZAM-BUK. Now tht the warm westher is with us, scores of people find themselves suffering from sore and. blistered fect. These stimple evils, if neglected, lead to sometliing far worse, AH women who have to be on their feet all day understand the 'danger of complications of this kindy Bad ankles and ulcerated legs are diseases' that often follow and that are hard to cure once they have been allowed to develop. Years may elapse, until the caso is well nigh incurable. The suffer et is unable to follow her daily round of duties, and the swelling and in flammation may prodoce agony un bearable, Even when the disense Was reached this stage, but if possible before, the affected parts should be diberally an- ointed with ZwmuBak, ¥ uloer or sore after being siteaved.- with the balm, should be earefully bandaged and if the dressings be duly perserved in,| the paticnt ig soon li 'Ww He on the high road to 'rece ~Buk has frequenthy- proved, suce in the most | obstinate and loi nding cases. It is 'a periged cure 'also for cuts, bruises, bhimuas,- scalds, "pozema, ulcers, abscesses, insect stings Poris- oned wounds, _feste sores, 'ring- worm, sore or chafed ntches, = 'sore breasts, etc. Made from vegetable ex- tracts exclusively, it contains no irrit- ating fats or mineral coloring matter, SO common in most ointments. It may well be called "Natures own healer," Of all druggists at 30c. a box, (six boxes for $2.50), or. ifrom the Zam- Buk company., -Colbome- stroot; To- ronto, upon' receipt of price! A hook- let will be sent telling all about Zam- Buk if asked for, Kingston And Ottawa. Ridenu Lakes Navigation Ca., Limit- ed. Steamers leave for Ottawa Mon. day and Thursday at 6 am. J awkins, uncle of the So RO 3 CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES: «if First insertion, 1c. a word. Each con- sccutive insertion therealter de. wo word. Minimum charge for one in sertion, 25¢. = ------ hb 4 Advi. 4 lines "or . under a Week, Advt, 4 lines or under a month, Everybody in Kingston Reads the WHIG HELP WANTED----MALE, i HELP, THE YEAR ROUND. SITU. ations | vacant, domestics, hotel d i rtment acturies. B.'. 2 Wellington street. AT ONCE, CoOurLE or plumbers hnprovers ;. « three years experience. Good right parties. lallitt Oshawa, Ont. Qoon to four ages to &" Bradiey, GENTLEMEN TO HAVE THEIR BuUits pressed and cleaned carefully by hand ; also bring your cloth. and have an up-to-date suit made. Gallo- Way's, 131 Brock street. a ppt perdi both wood and iron, aise laborers ; steady work and highest wages pad ; address Standard deal Com- puny, Port Hope, Out, FIRST-CLASS PATTERN MAKERS, |. A GOOD GENERAL 8 ply at 98 A NURSE baby. Apply A GENERAL ily. rock s D BRAL SHRVANT. NO + a" ironing, Apply to Miss Smythe, 59 West street. LVANT. * AP= Bagot street. 3 TAKE CARE OF A oo re. Knight, Adce St. SERVANT, TWO the evening. at o8 gh -- FOR LADY C. TONE ST. ABLE AND DRIVE x a ental ¥; osu, aps, '237 QUEEN ST. ok inspection. Apply A NOUSEMAID RT-| SUMMER -GOQITAGES, © wright. G wages. Apply to . Offices: ' Cartwright, 453 King street. Broce eet. WANTED. LLI foun coun' and LOSER cry Our 5Hbe, to advertise them hack as advertising will brihg them. partment ""*D.."' 208 Wi AMERICAN sixteen volumes, at a disc pecinl reason. Apply through Whig SPACE "limes of under, 235c., 'A GOOD SECOND HAND SODA tain, small size, to operate in a try town. State all particulars, address "J.B.S..'" Whig office. S. OF VALUABLE ARTICLES in "The Forum,' might as H your goods let another rs thom, and FOR SALE, AND FARM PROPERTIES. plan. No sale. No pay. De ENCYCLOPEDIA, NEW, ount, for IN THIS COLUMN. FOUR ohe in on ; three insertions : $1 a week ; $2 a month. SALESMEN, FOR AUTO-SPRAY Best conipressed-air hand Sprayer made. Liberal ters, © Sample wuchine free to approved agents. Cavers Bros, Galt, Ont, * A MAN OF GOOD ADDRESS AND ability = to sell our High Grade Nursery stock in the gi of King- ston. A permanent sitUation for the richt man. °* Canada's Greatest Nurseries,' Stone © & Wellington, Toronto. SALESMAN, TO HANDLE NEW MAP of Cauada, showing new Provindos, Alberta and Saskatchewan, with Worl on reverse side, size 06x40 inches ; Wo maps in one: agenlts now at work making $25 per week, Address Rand, McNally & Co., 142 Fifth Ave., New York, i etme tee REPRESENTATIVES ny TH Times, (London, England), every- Where to handle The Ties Weakly Edition combined with other Hritish publications. Liberal workers. Fxclusive territory gives. Good side line for newspaper solici- tors. Apply The Times Agency, 133 Bay street, Tarento, Om, rns to A MALE CHER FoR THE Kineston Ovileginte Institite to take History and assist with Latin. Duties to hewin after vacation. Salary will start at $700 or $900 and go to SROO or $1,000, depend ing on experience and wualification. John Macdonald, ey. Treas, Board of Education. THE 203 rail. ville large condition. ONLY AVAILABLE FIRST class vacant lot, on Lower Union St. Beautiful view of city park. Apply Wellington St., Dept. ¢D." J------------------------------------------------ TWO-STOREY, NINE-ROOMED SOLID brick dwelling, property in fae) claw condition. Good locality, Bagot St. Price $1,150. Apply 308 Wellington St, Dept. "D* ¢ TWO FARMS $4,200 EACH: ALSO Doctor's residence und farm, $6,600, including oar. practice worth £3,000 a Apply to John Gardiner, 151 ington street. ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND BRICKS, Delivery can be wm ay by water of Apuvly to ©. C, Eeavens, Belle- These bricks have beer in a chimney, dnd are in SPLENDID INVESTMENT, OWNER retiring, Four, (4) mood ments. Three (8) that rent for over $200. e fourth includes Corner grocery, and up-t te living rooms. Good clean loeulity. Good grocery trade os A No repairs n anitary conditions, 1 \ Price, $8,400, Particulars, Wellington St., Dept. *D." BOARD AND ROOMS. WO FURNISHED 'ROOMS TO BB Le } in pleasan house in good location, without board : references required unless applicants are known, Address "H. T.' care in office. FURNISHED ROOMS, IN cIry's best locality ; near park. One block from electric ears. every convenience. office. PRIVATE BOARD AND RDOMS, AT 428 Princess street. Vaughn Terrace. RA Rates' moderate : Apply at Whig AT MOUNTAIN GROVE. Damage By the Storm~--Good Dairy Season. Mountain Gtove, June 19.--A- very severe gtorm passed over this vicinity last week. Some damage was done by lightning striking numerous buildings, Frank Cox's barn was struck and set on fire, the assistance of neighbors ex- tinguished the blaze after some diffi: culty, The property in the village also suffered to some extent. A pig be- longing to 8. Wood was seen with its head above the water at an early hour after the storm. Reports say that A. Smith of Shas bot Lake, found a bell along the rail- road track, between the village and Sharbot Lake. He thinks it belongs to this village. JJ. M. Cox says the pros: pects of another good dairy season are evident, as the supply of milk is rap- idly increasing. On Monday last they turned out twenty-five cheese, Road- work is about to begin, as the wvil- lage pathmaster is making his rounds. The ice cream social and ball held by the JLOF. in the town hall was a do- cided 'sucoess. "Sandy" MaoDenold and Dr. Smith have returned from = lengthy visit among friends at Baf- falo, and other points. W. Duff and KE. Uens have taken their departure for parts unknown, they expect to re- main away for some time. Mr. rnd Mrs. B: F. Carley have returned from their trip through western Canada and United States; also James Mac- Donald from Montreal, where he spent a few days renewing old acquaing- ances. Mr, Hodge of Wilton eave an entertainment in the town hall, on Monday night, which more than de- lighted the large andience present. Miss Emma Compton, Kingston, vis- iting ber sister, Mrs. H. Lewis, spent Sunday at J. Godfrey's, R. Butler and Godfrey, Jr., attended = the social at Arden. 'Millet Hartwick has purch- ased a mew binder which he intends working this summer. Melcombe Movements. Melcombe, June 19. Miss Annie Fowler, Kingston Wills, who has been visiting relatives here, returned home on Friday. A little daughter has ar- rived at the home of ('. Williams, Frederick. Donevan, Gananoque, is visiting friends here.' A very success. ful social was held on Thursday oven- ing at John A, Heaslip's, in nid of the Preshyterian church. Miss Tessie Gavin, Brockville, is visiting at. her aunt's, Mrs. B. Gavin. Oscar Lanc m and Herbert Cook made a tnden trip to Toronto recently. Miss Colin Ralph is spending a few days in Belle. ville. Messrs, D.. Reid and D. Donpe- van spent Saturday and Sunday at Cushendall. A number from here will go on the Kihgston St. James' > ex- cursion to Ottawa, Western Roasts. Swift & Ca. and J, P, Hanley, agents, re ppp nds. ay > w It is a good: habit: "Going 10 'Cib- son's Red Cross Drug Store fountain Mennon's, Cross Dru Store, Tg for ice cream soda. Ice cream made : cream Where § eat At Davies' this week. Oven roasts, t from "prime western steer and heifer beef to well at 10e. 0 ---------- ' Buy Fairy floating soap at Red Cross Drug Store. Fire assets $61,187,215. which MONEY AND BUSINESS. LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOB Insurance Com e, Arent, OUR POLICIES COVER MORE ON building and contents than anv other company offers. Examine at Godwin's Insurance Eniporfum, Mark. et Souare, 3 HH 80@ so tennens p w fu have o« Herpicid have a wisely chary of giving any particular one,' but many of them solutely kills the dandruff germ. Swannell' & Son, Champaign, Ill., say: "One customer he began to use Herpicide, now has a fair start towards hair. We believe far the best preparation of its kind on the market." Hundredé of similar tess timoninls from everywhere, 'Sold by leading druggists. Send 10e. in stamps for sample to the Hetpicide Co., De- first-class | 5 Joo TG TAL UT Tlie Rl 141 KING ST.; (MRS. K.' N. FEN- woe] i fo or unfurnished, - wi or 1 drive house and st . Apply R. McCann, 51 Mrock strge MER COTTAGE, HEA LY SUMMER ¢ on ro adios from city, Tarpy he boathouse, fo 4 He te. A : LARGE SUMMER COTTAG J Lawren ce 'River, five boat-house, Apply to N Ontario street, them '$ White Wash Goods Specials for To-morrow We place on sale To-morrow, without 'a question of | § doubt, the best values ever offered in White Goods, such as India Linons, Persian Lawns, Dotted Swisses, Plain Poplins, 8 Mercerized and Long Cloths. all much below the regular price. 150., for 25¢., Mercerized Jacquard Suiting, stripes, 2 inches wide, - 1e., for 30c., Natural L inen Suiting, very fine quality. This is exceptionally good value and 36 inches wide. 19¢., for 85¢., Fine Quality idth stripes, lingeur finish, fle, for 1240., White La wn, 11 10 inches wide. 19¢., for 25c., Apron Lawn, 40 inches wide, with four rows of ¢ "tucking. Can also be used for Children's Dresses. | THE JAMES JOHNSTON STORE 180 Wellington Street 000+ rrr sttandn DRUGGISTS MUST BE CHARY. They Sell All Kinds of Hair Pre- parations, and Fear to Dis- criminate. Druggists sell all kinds of hair pre- I parationd, and as a rule 'they are preference to me out plainly for Newbro's e, the new treatment that ab- H. of ours who did not finir on top of his head when" a good head of Herpicide to be hy Qjbson's th 8 troit, Mich. G. W. Mahood, special agent, ; Lombardy Personals. Lombardy, June = 19. Miss Vina Cauley, teacher at Toledo, spent Sug- day 'with her parents, The Sintors 9, Charity of the House of Providence, Kingston, are collecting in this vicin- ity this "week, over Sunday of Mr. and Mes. Edward" O'Mara, Herbert Vaughan, Ottawa, is visiting. his aunt, Mrs. Thomas Breen. 1,000 Islands-Ro Commencing "June and wére the guests ester, steamers 1 : leave at 10.15 y exXtept 'Monday. for 1.600 $ Med, North King and Caspian am, -d, Islan, p.m, inte. nts, : Returning leave at 5§. Rochester, N.Y., via Bay of owed Swissos, all size dots and figures, from 100, to Ble. a vard, 2 - Ha? "2 neat figures and Striped White Goods, diflefent and India Linon, fine shéar finsih, ww ASA - _-- Lake Ontario and Bay of Quinte Steam- boat Company, Limited Rochester. Eh Quinte Ports. STR.ALETHA Leaves gt 3 For full Horsey, 1 3 1 apn *. Hunley, Ticket A f + ey. "o., Frefehit Agents. ' 1 Co BORN. 4 VANDEBOGART --In © Richmond, 84 June, to MF, aa Mrs. "Pronk Va py Bogart, i. 9 McCULLOUH. AY Graco Hospital, amd = .ronto, June 4th, to Dr. IR A. McCulloch, wu daughter, ath 3 ing well i SEALE--At Gananouve. on Juhe 8th ; fo Mr. ana Mrs. A. J. Seale, ROLSTON.--At Waunoos Mr. and Mrs. Ir, = S