S-- hats and i) rench Chiffon, peculiar and desirable for | ¢, black and able the pi | ® lor, per vard, <¢ SON. % ® ale of Fine Silk B above, a small lot of the red at a very low price to ms. This silk is intended utterly fashionable now-- cool for black. whes wide, in 2 l for summer 5 : you will at * to-morrow ch we have of this we ne customer may purchase. urse, anyone may have any not any 'meky, EE Seem-- Jver a Red ve ? RANGE d your life rosy sortment of Gas Ne have them big 2s. Come in and > Birch, ck St. EAD Phone Main 1720. William St., Toronto Advantage hant Ine Trunk , carry a great variety | in_all sizes, shapes, ind qualites. We are fined to Trunks, hov-. i t ut have a full ling © Satchels, Dress Suit Valises. In fact any thetravelling goods lin - 5 , and . . 1 e low - prices ar doubt ds are without OE STORE YEAR 1. NO. 150. Blue Serges The dressy suit for tropical weather, appropriate for morn- ing, afternoon evening double and single breasted at $10, $12, $13.50 and 15.00 Sales on. these lines are away beyond expectation; but we have all sites in stock again. Hewson Halifax Tweeds All pure wool yarns, thread doubled and twisted, made up in the most approved fashion, D:B. and S.B., at $10.00 This is the purest and best $10 suit sold in Canada, and all in Fashion's Grey, $a om each E. P. Jenkins Clothing Co. COUNTY OF FRONTENAC SEALED TENDERS WILL BE RE- ceived at the office of the County Clerk, Court House, - Kingston, up to FRIDAY. June 29k, at 12 o'clock. noon, for 115 toms. of Scranton Coal to be of good quality, well screened and free from dirt, and to' be delivered at the Court House Gaol, or Registry Office as required up to Nov. 1st, next. Also 50 Cords of Hardwood composed of Maple, Beech, Hickbry and Ironwood to be sound and of good quality, one- half green and one-half dry, amd to be delivered at the County before, and one-half after next. Both Coal and. Wood. to be subject to the approval and measurement of the Chairman of Oowmity Property. Far The lowest tender not necessarily ac- cepted. ; Rs J. Wo. EDWARDS, County Clerk. d SHANNON, Chaimas fe . Our S Shoes... Represent the highest type of Footwear comfort, appear- ance, durability. Carol one-half January 1st Wear *Allen's" Mititary B " 84 Brock St. Sign of Golden Boot. ---- IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE RE- quest of a number of citizens, I hereby call a lic mmeeting to be held in the City Council Chambér, on WEDNES. DAY, June 27th inst., at eight p.m. for the organization of a branch of the Ontario Fish and Game VProtective As- sociation. The meeting will be address- ed by Mr. A. Kelly Evans, of Toronto and others. J. McDONALD MOWAT, Mayor. Must Be Sold To Close Up Estate ' The following desirable City Propor 187 Brotk St., residence of late E. Chown. U5 Bagot St. kitchen, aH modern. 1 Bagot St., extension kitchen, all Bago it St., extension dining and modern. all a Pri and particulars, see Geo.. Cliff, Real "Betate A Rent. 44 DESIRABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE of lat §. Chown. : h Brock Street. Street extension dining and tetra ieeien TAKE NOTICE There people using my name buying .. Do not believe. a8 I have no agents: I am .willipg' to go any Sh HH LEADING SECOND J. TURK, J Sone 398 Princess Street, - Capt. Drinkwater Til. Orillia, June 27.--Capt. T. H. Drink- Water was stricken with paralysis, just aftr returning from the Niagara camp, and lis at Dr: A. E. Ardagh's resi- dence in a very serious condition. -------- Ho, For Rochester ! ae Kong favorites--Alexandria, Nor cand C --have excur- sions to Rochester, First and Fourth of July. Fare only $2.50. Ask Hanley i 5 y , rr -------------- Over twelve thousand people will be Fase by the Ralyation Army in Can. peo in year, most of them in On- DAILY MEMORANDA. Cheese Board, 1.80 pun. Thursday. The sun rises Thursday at 4.21 a.m. antl sets at 7.45 p.m. * Address on Fish and Game Protection, City Council Chamber, 8 p.m. Limestone Lodge, A.0.U.W., 'meets on Thursday evening at eight o'clock. Daughters' of Empire Garden Party, Queen's grounds, to-morrow afternoon and evening. This. day in history ~Nushe¢ bhom- barded by Wolfe, 1759 ; Tien Tsin, 1900. WHIG TELEPHONES. aS et GOLD HANDLES AND KNOBS DINNER Allies capture We have a very pretty line in Dove and Green Cal Mors. FIRST-CLASS MAKER. ------------------------ $6.50 ROBERTSON BROS.. SUMNER PRices. A Distinct Saving Repairs and alterations should be made during the summer, [hen labor is not eo expensive and more time can be devoted to each order. You save money and your garment will be ready when cold weather sets in. The authentic advance styles are ro- ccived 'ently in summer so that the latest styles are assured. It is equally advantageous to order 'New Fur Garments in summer, because of the price concession. McKay Fur House, 149-153 Brock St., Kingston, Can. Taxes, 1906 PAY YOUR TAXES BEFORE 30TH June and save discount. Warrants will be issued after first July for all unpaid INCOME and BUSINESS Taxes. O. V. BARTELS, Collector. TELEPHONES IN CHURCH. Two Edifices in Watertown to Be Thus Equipped. Watertown, N. Y., June The First Presbyterian chutch v1) install a telephone system in © the church similar to the one placed in the Stone street church in Watertown some two or three months aco. Tho instrument used is called an "acuity con," and is composed of four speci ally sensitive transmitters placed in the pulpit, with special ravers in the pews of thuse who we deaf 20. which » greatly magnifies the voice «f\ the speaker. The one installed in the Stone streef, church is much appreciated by those" wlio are "shut in"' and are un- able to go to church, 'and often as muny 'as twenty circuits are connect- ed with the church, through the ex- change of the Citizens' Telephone company. The installation at the First Pres- byterian church will also be connected to the Citizens' Telephone company's exchange, 80 that persons at home, as well as at church, may be connected to either. the Stone street church or First church, "as they desire, The tele- phone company, at the request of sub- seribers and at small cost, will furn- ish long cords with special receivers to to those who desire the convenience at home, to avoid standing at the regul- ar tlephone. to listen to the service. a Pink lips, like velvet, rough, chap. ped or cracked lips,.can be made' as soft as velvet by applying at bed- time, a light coating of Dr. Shoop's Green Salve. The effect on the lips or skin of this most excellent ointment is always immediate and certain. Dr. Shoop's Green Salve takes out . cop letely the soreness of cuts, burns, ises, and all skin abrasions, It is sirely a wonderinl and most highly satisfactory healing ointment. In Rlass jars at Me. Sold by all drug- ists. Try Bibby's for men's bathing suits, Quartus Donald McCulloch, of the firm of Bennett & Wright, Toronto,' and a withess at the civie investiga- tion, committed suicide by drinking carbolic acid. The douma will bs asked to author. ize a foreign loan of £7,500.000 for famine stricken provinces of Russia. Try Bibby's for children's head- for choies eekwear, A . Ss : gear, | conumissioner's THE DOUMA Were Made. UNABLE TO PREVENT PUBLICATION OF PARLIAMEN- TARY SPEECHES. All Radical Papers Publish Them --Cossacks Will Not Suppress Anti-Semite Disturbances Un- less Guaranteed Pensions. St. Petersburg, June 27.--Impassion- ed speeches were made yesterday in the douma on the question of the illegality of the mobilization of Cos- sacks. Some of the speakers main- tained the Cossacks now understood matters, and would not lsave their homes to act as police. Yesterdays speeches, couched in ardent révolu- tionary tones, were delivered with the direct object of their dissemination among the soldiers. The authoritics, 'who are able to confiscate papers containing telegra- phic accounts of the discontent among the soldiery, are unable to prevent the publication of parliamentary speech- es, and those delivered vesterdav will be printed to-day in every radical paper in the empire, and so find their way into every barracks, camp and outpost. . Several hundred members of the supposed ultra-loyal Breobrajensky regiment are reported to have drawn up a resolution declaring they want no more police duty, entailing the slaying of brother officers. Other meetings are of daily occurrence. The Cossacks, at Rostov on Don, are said to have refused to leave their quar- ters to suppress anti-semite disturb- ances unless pensions are guaranteed their families in case of death. Kingston Has A Bigger One. Three Rivers, June 27.- Gladstone Baptist, Hugh Blair and others spent most of this day in chasing and shooting at. what happened to be a whale, in the St. Lawrenee at the mouth of the St. Maurice. From hirty 3 fo i 1 « helioy- Rit waa, not been landed at sun down, and did pot seem to feel much annoyed. Phe nimrods got quite near their quarry soveral times, The great fish was seen by several at cose range--of ten to twenty feet, and is said to he thirty feet long. The prevailing. opin- jon now is that this curiosity in the St. Lawrence is a "horse mackerel,' or "scad." The pursuit 'will be taken up again. Clergyman To Be Sued For Libel. Hamilton, June 27.--Rev. J. J. Martin, Presbyterian' minister of this city, is likely to be a defendant in a libel suit on account of statements made in letters published in the news- papers criticizing aldermen for giving permission to the Hamilton, Guelph & Waterloo. railway to run through Dundurn 'and Harvey parks. At the city council meeting Alderman Witton defended himself and colleagues against the insinuations of bribery made by the clergyman, and said Rev. Mr. Martin's conduct was scur- rilous, and unless the minister ample apology, it to sue for libel. made was his intention Want Four Dollars A Day. London, Ont., June 27.--The 7th Regiment band refuse to accompany the regiment on its trip to Ottawa on July Ist, unless they are paid $4 per day individually. The officers do not think this a fair deal, as the *bands- men ave the only embers of the re giment who draw their government pay, the othérs pooling theirs. The bugle band will go to Ottawa . and the Royal Grenadiers' band, of To- ronto, may head the regiment. Libor Congress, Sept. 17th. Ottawa, June 27.--~The executive of the Dominion Trades' and Labor Con- gress, in session here, have fixed on September 17th the date for the com- mencement of this year's session. [It was decided to place an organization in the Canadian west to secure affilia- tion of unions there. J. R. McDonald, labor representative for Leicester, in the British commons, will visit Can- ada in August and will tour the coun- try under the auspices of the congress, visiting all important centres. Quebec Route Best. London; Cune 26.--Writing editorial ly the Dundee Advertiser says the an- nouncement that the two new C.P.R. boats and the two Allan turbines 'are to carry mails makes jt unnecessary to send the Canadian mails via New York, They can be delivered quicker vin Quebec. In 'tonnage, speed, and accommodation for passengers the Ca- nadian lines are no longer in subor- «dination to the American. Population Qf Winnipeg. Winnipeg, June 27.--The assessment report as submitted, last night, showed the city's popula- tion to be 101,057, of whom 46,976 are school children. The total sssess- able property is valued at 8205,117.25, and exemptions, $15,128 030. Favor Church Union. Montreal, June 27.--The Fredericton, N.B., and P.EI Methodist conference at Marysville have unanimously ad- opted resolutions in favor of church union. Ne : impassioned Speeches ; ___.__ KINGSTON, DNTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 27,1906. PITH OF THE NEWS. | ---- o The Very Latest Culled From All : Over The World. 88. Busria Mclea, Meclntyre line from London, reported inward at Father Point, Wednesday morning. The skeleton of a man jag wispaves: ed during the demolition some of- fices in Hishopgate street Within Lon don. It wes buried deeply in. the ground, and there is no churchyard anywhene' near the place, S al massive gold bracelets, each weighing mate than three pounds, and said to be of Roman workmanship, have been discovered in a sandpit on the borders = of Dartford Heath, a short distance ftom the historic Ro- man road ~ through Kent kmown at Watling street, Another instance of the encroach- ment of the sea in Kent has been re ported. An obelisk situated at the mouth of the Yantlet, at Grain, has been washed away. This was known as the London stone, and marked (in conjunction with the cross stome at Leigh, on the opposite of the river), the boundary of the Thames Conser- vaney. It is announced that the French minister of marine has awarded a thousand francs to Penn, a pensioner seaman on the London & Southwesi- ern company's steamer Hilda, which was lost off St. Malo, last November. This was the man who supported two Breton boys on the rock for twelve hours, during the terrible blizzard which prevailed at the time. Unfor- tunately, both boys died of exposure. IMPROVING THE ROUTE. Marine Department Giving Atteén- tion te St. Lawrence. Montreal, June 27.--The minister of marine, with the object of adding to the safety of travel by the St. Law- rence route, has made arrangements for a weekly inspection of all aids to navigation along the river. The mar- ine agent at Montreal, will report to Ottawa any defects that he may have noticed. The superintendents of pilot age at Montreal and Quebec, also re- ceivdy instructions to notify the mar- ine department immediately of any suggestions that the pilots have to make in 'regard to the improvement of 'individual lights or buoys. The Shivping Federation is also in receipt of frequent suggestions from the cap- tains of vessels on this route. The ministér of marine has nsked that sion of the o possi- ble in regard to the condition of this great commercial highway. An officer of the marine department will be ap- pointed to give this subject his speci- al attention, and to report from time to time on any measures that may be deemed necessary for the safeguarding of navigation in the St. Lawrence. Heat Causes Suicide. London, June 26.--The hot weather is 'producing the usual number of suicides. "It is found that the men who do away with themselves general ly resort to hanging to effect their purpose, while the women drown them- selves. A specialist explains that the tendency to commit self-murder is due to relaxation' of the blood vessels and reduction of the blood pressure, which heat naturally causes, The cerebral centres are thereby depressed, afféct ing the will power. This produces merely laziness in normal persons, but in the weak-minded anaemia of the brain, tending to self-destruction. Is It Constitutional ? Detroit, Mich., June 27.--A Lansing dispatch says that prominent attor- neys are arguing in the supreme court the question of the constitutionality of the law under which the Michigan Lakes Superior Court Power company has been permitted to pay a specific tax to the state based on its capital stock instead of a tax locally on the value of its property. The water pow- er company is making a big fight for the law as it pays a much smaller tax than would be required of it un- der the general taxation law. Baseball Summary. Eastern League--Newark, 4; Provi- dence, 3. Jersey City, 2; Baltimore, 1. Buffalo, 9; Toronto, 4 (10 innings). Montreal, 2; Rochester, 1. American League--Chicago, 4; St. Louis, 0. Philadelphia, 3; Boston, 1. Washington-New York; rain. Detroit, 5; Cleveland, 4., National League<Brooklyn, 4. Bos- ton, 1. Pittsburg, 6; Cincinnati, 4, Philadelphia, 2; New York, 1. Ghica- go, 1; St. Louis, 0. -------- Fine Selection Of Goods. Prevost, Brock street, has received another case of Sootch tweed and fandy 'worsted and ses , in all colors, for suiting, for his order work depart- ent. They are without doubt the nest patterns and quality he has ever had in Kis store. They were bought under value. A suit of them made to order will be sold under the usual value, -------- Seed Grower's Association. Ottawa, June 27.--The Canadian Seed Growers' Assbeiition opens convention here this alternoon. The executive met this morning, Prof, J, W. Robertson presiding, The gathering while not. lprge i# important being composed chiefly of exports. 2 » fr---- Clark's Corned Beef. One of the most tasty of cold meats ~and always ready to serve. Clark's is the kind to get. Don't get any other kind, ¥ . ------------ The wedding took Ins , nesday of Thomas k Place ed ------------ Tey Biya for men's bathing suits. of Robert Li Za, to Miss Winnifred Lloyd, daughior oyd, Amelinsburgh, these he sent to Ottawa, so that the te soe na That He Has Had Any Con. 'ference. AGAINST: ANARCHISTS Chahged the Date of His Court for Them--If King Visits Can- ada His Progress From Ocean to Ocean Will Be Triumphal Procession. London, June 27.--King Edward, through Lord Knollys, his private sees retary, emphatically denies the report that he has conferred with Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman, the prime minis. ter, or any other member of the cabi- net, in regard to taking strong action against anarchists, King's Tribute To Hebrews. London, June 27.--The court ar ranged for the evening of . Friday, June 2th, has been altered to June 25th, at his majesty's command. The purpose, it is unofficially stated, was to enable the chief rabbis and other leading Hebrews, to attend, the ob- servance of their Sabbath, which be- gins' at sunset on Friday, having, hitherto, prevented Hebrews from at- tending the courts. It is understood, Ut hereafter; ome court anwually will be held on some other dav than Fri- day. It is suggested that the step is taken to mark the king's abhorrence of anti-Semitism. A Triumphal Procession. London, June 27.--The Standard comments on the eagerness with which Canadians discuss ' the possible visit of the king, and predicts that if the king accepts the invitation, his pro- gress from ocean to ocean will be a triumphal procession of which history can furnish no parallel. AN ADVENTUROUS LAD. Bemanted So Nora Liverpool, - June 20.--Stauldy Cond- or, aged eleven years, had been re- manded to the work-house, and probably be turned over to some re- formatory, He is an extremely adven- turous lad, and has traveled many thousands of miles, mostly as "blind Passenger," on freight trains, and as stowaway on steamers and sailing vessels. The last charge against him was "to have stowed himself away on the liner Victorian, from New York to Liverpool. Condor's adventures in free travelling all over the country are well known, and would fill a good-siz- ed book, Somewhat over a month ago, after having lived quietly at his par- ents' home for some time, the irresis- tible desire to see the world again seized him. He stowed away on a ves- sel bound for Halifax. On arriving there he evaded the authorities and made his way to the railway station, where he secreted himself in a west- ward-bound railway train. Eventually the boy reached Winnipeg. He stayed there one day and then set out. = for New York, tramping part of the way and stealing free railway' rides, when- ever he got the chance, At New York he boarded the Victoria and was "not discovered until after she had sailed. He was arrested upon the arrival of the ship in this port, and remanded to the workhouse, but managed to es- cape. For several days his place of hiding could not be discovered, but finally a constable found him near the focks and the boy was again impris- oned. Condor was accompanied by two other boys, when he was found, and it seems that the trio intended to start on, another stowaway adventure. -------------- Record For Marine Run, Rotterdam, June 27.--A record for marine machinery has been establish- ed by the Shell line steamer Gold- month, which steamed from Singa- pore by the Cape of Good Hope, 11,- 791 miles in fifty-two Yh without once stopping. She burned liquid fuel, and had twenty days' supply still on hand. ------------ Walking Record Broken. Cleveland, June 27.--Mre. Jennie Root, seventy-eight years old, won the second annual walking contest for wo- men more tham soventy-five years old, by going two miles in twenty-six min- utes. She broke the world's record, held by Miss May Miller, seventy-six, of in. -------- May Play Sunday Ball. New York, June 27.--~Magistrate Steinert, inthe Harletn court, held, esterday, that it is no crime to play baseball on Sundays with contribution boxes ut the entrance gate, so long as contributions are not forced from the spectators, > ------------ Fatal Explosion Of Cannon, _ Trondhjem, June 27. During the fir- Ing of a salute on the Dutch warsh Tromp, yesterday, a cannon expl h biling ene' man and injuring three, : Haakon waé on hoard. the Tromp at the time of the accideng, Airship To North Pole. 'Trondhjem, June 27. Walter Welk man, who will seek to discover the north pole by means of an wirghip, has arrived here. He says it will be quite im, ble for him to stars his expedition Us summer, - SE Dr. Elliott, coroner, ampaelled o which met this forenoon, and then a 'of 'a mile from the tien, ad: journed until Tarte Recognizes in Them Foe to Equity and Equal Justice. Montreal, June 97.--"We hope," writes, Hon. Mr. Tarte, in La Patrie, discussing the. Sabbath ance Bill, "that such a conic measure will never he adopted. Never has. the liberty of the subject been so disce- garded. As a matter of fact such a bill would not be accepted in a country govarned by the most aut cratic methods, There is no govern. as how Bir Wilirid Laurier over consented t6 become the cha "of 80 retrograde a measure. We believe that opportunism is. one of the ¥ which She time minister belie pA most. t pressure has " brought i bear ant cabinet, and particularly' upon e prime by the . alliance, The x who constitute a numierows and re spectable element in Ontario and the lower provinces, have dictated to the liberal party." 3 EARTHQUAKE SHOCKS Caused Plenie Among the People of Wales Wales, June % were dam "8 x [ fell, nd, uutiisda occupants of dw to the ground, and their houses shriekin, visions of the San Fandisen before them. There were no casual ties. so far ax known; Steamship Montreal, u View: royal mail turbine ste nian, from Liverpool and Moville, for Que- ontreal, via Rimouski, re- ported 'by -marconigram seventy. miles cast of Belle Isle at 2:05 am. on June 27th. The Allan liner Corinthian, from Montreal and Quebee, for Glasgow, sailed from Montreal, at 3:10 a.m., on June 27th, and is due at Quebec at 1:30 p.m, on June 27th. The Allan Kine steamer Sicilian, from Glasgow for Quebec and Montreal, ar- river at Montreal at 6:55 a.m., on June 27th. R.M.S. Virginian, Allan line, * from Liverpool, for ontreal, inward, eighty miles east of Belle Isle, 'at 3:25 a.m. Punished For Crooked Toronto, June 26.--The decision of the education department in the charg- es against pupils of Strathroy for wrongful practices in the deuartment- al examination of June, 1903, is that seven of the candidates lose their teachers' or matriculation certificates as the case. may be; and in addition one candidate is debarred from writing again until 1908. The Forest Standard commenting on the decision, says the candidates muy seek redress in the courts. The investigation, which ex- tended for several months, was carried on both at Strathroy. and Toronto. Educating The Doukhobors. Winnipeg, June . by the Philadelphia Quakers to ini- in rk of education among the Doukhobors have returned from visit. ing the communities, and report most encouraging success. They have ignor- ed Peter Vergien in their negotiations, and found the people quite willing to secure 'educational facilities. Several schools will be built in various vill) ads by the Quakers, and teachers be gent. fa ------------ | " Against Sunday law... Mon , June 27. --Arrangemen have heen made to hold a. public pe. mecting an. the Champ de Mars, Frei: day eveni at otest Lord day's bill Sibecohn --ranat. the by. Mr. Tarte, Mr, and othérs. ---------- gt . Poin Oven Roasts. 'ut from "'e uality" W ern steer and heifer at at Sc. to 19. 3 Colt at Davia, TY on of these. June 27.--The Allan line prices Sevtsbarasae " " BLACK PARASOLS-A great re to choose from, X iS Chiffon "and and Lace fain und Silky low, "iE from $1.50 to Se aie Ld eo wi will interest you, 275 's Ow Myles' Burns, Collier, C. on June . .§ n ter of Mr. and to Harcourt Lieut .~Col, DN. RAVENSCROFT, June on of} we of Wet forty-si § ee nd ee on x at 10 ol fully Js 0! At Eire ood ts used : Try Bibby's for negligee shirts, -