Freeze spun Suits: 'about mop- appy.? It's 10.00. fed, $10.00, tailors' art r, Bathing ~ Store will during the ©. A ason | zers, Nin- Gas oves re articles at purchasing XO S ds, $1, $1.50, n Ties. $1.50 Ties. Christ i. $250, $3. in Grey Voze ,A0Vas, .s of "WEAR. " . : SYNOP.IS OF CANADIAN NORTH-WEST HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS « Bverda section of Domin- | Any. fon ~ the North- west i and of 160 RErey mo more or less. personally at the dca Jan Ofc for th lor the Paiatrict in which Xe he land to be A. Situatad, or if the may, on appli- tion to the iamter of the Interior awa, the Commissioner of Immigra- tion, peg, or the local agent for district which® the land is situ- ate receive authority for for him entry , HOMESTEAD DUTIES. | A settler who ted for a home some one 0. (1) at least six months residence upon and cultivation of the land is each year during the term: of three years. (2) It the father (or mother, if the father is deccased) of any person Who is eligible to make au howestead entry un- der the provisions of his Act, resides upon a farus in the vicinity of the lund ehiered lo for by such person as a howe- stead, the regyuiremwnts of this Act as w esidence Prior to obtaining patent nay by such person residing with Ha the tar, has his t } sottier has permanén le farmidg land owned by him in the. Piinity of his homestead, the requirements of this Act as to residence by residence upon the APPLICATION FOR PATENT should be made at the end of three years, bes, foré Uv Local Agent, Sub-Agent or the Hanestead. 1aspector. Belore niaking applications for patent the sottier must give six month's notice in writing to the Commissioner of Do- minion Lands at Ottawa, of his intention to. do so. SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH- WEST MINING REGULATIONS. Coal.~Coal lands may be purchased at $10 per acre for soft coal and $20 for sutbracite. Not more than 820 acres can be acquired by one individual or cow- pany. Royalty at the rate of ten cents ver ton of 2,000 pounds shall be collected pn the gross output. Quartz--A free miner's certificate is granted upon payment in advance of $5 per annum for an individual, and from $50 to $100 per annum for a com- pany according to cap! pital. A free miner, having discovered mineral in plice, may, locate a Claim 1,500x1.- 600 feet. The fee for recording a claim is $5. At Jeast. $100 must be expended on the claim each year or paid to the mining recorder in lieu thereof. When $500 has been expended or paid, the locator may. upon having a survey made, and upon chm lug Sin other requirements, pur- "at $1 an acre: hine patent, he -- for the payment of a royalty of 24 per cent on the sales. PLACER mining claims generally are 100 feet square ; entry fee $5, renewable A free miner may obtain two leases to dredge for gold of five miles each for a term of twenty years, renewable at the discretion of the Minister of the interior. The lessee shall have a dredge in oper- ation within one season from the date of the lease for each five miles. Rental, $10 annum for each mile of river leased. Roel at the rate of 24 per cent collect- am e output alter " sxteeds is S10. L000: uty of the Minister of the. Interior. x I imauthorised publication of this advertisement will not be paid for White Canvas Shoes For the Hot Weather Women's White Canvas, Blucher style, white heels, $1,50. Women's White Canvas, Oxford or Blucher Cut, $1 and $1,25. Misses White Canvas, Oxford, 85¢c. and $1. Child's White Canvas, 75¢. and $1. H. JENNINGS, 356 KingSt. Oxford, ATTEND THE BEST Ambitious young men and women who TA contemplating a Commercial FEduca- 3 ¥ or y Typewriting, Hook- No bleaching processes used. Jaeshing, (ote of x Civil Servize - course nd the tion in Shortha nd, y Wil Frontenac 'Business College Kingston, 'Ontario The hest ewipped and most up-to- date business ning -inktitution io Hastérn Ontario Students may Senter at any time, and our, grad tes are assisted to good pay + ing. sitaations." Write for catalogue and rates, 'Phone 680 W. H. Shaw, 17. N. Stockdale. NOW Shorthand or ENTER dent. Principal. NO (on FLIES LYING ABOUT ng desirable City Propor} 87° Brock St, residence of late BE. 8 i St, extension dining and § po Gn St. extension Eitelion, all St. extension "dining, and G is just fine Corned Beef ~--boneless and wasteless and very tasty. With Clark's Corned Beef in the house an appetizing meal is ready-to-serve at ' any hour. It saves time, 'MONTREAL 5106 What Do You Know Where are you trying to do business? Do you know all about Ontario ? Ontario has over one-third _ the total population of Canada-- pays over 50% of the money paid in the Dominion to wage earners and over 51% of the salaries. Has over 51% of the working capital of the Dominion invested in Manufacturing. Don't you think it's worth advertising to your neighbors. The "News" covers the whole Province4-goes into 2,475 Post Offices daily. The rate is Flat 56 cents per inch. ¢ Aagetvertisoment would cost. $2.50 per day in The News Beaver Flour Mies More Brood because it is made of the Finest Wheat, Manitoba Hard and Ontario. Beaver Flour has "strength ™ ~takes up water readily--and the dough * stands up " in the oven. Beaver Flour bas " Flavor." Fvery good Bread, Pie and Pastry maker knows just what that means, Beaver FTlouas mike BETTER Dread, and yields MORE. "Bread, Cake and Pastry to the barrel. Your first baking proves this. ARCHDALE WILSON, ; © HAMILTON, ONT. GASOLINE Put in your tank at our dock. A large, stock of Dry Bat teries, Spark Plug and Coils always on'hand. SELBY & YOULDEN LIMITED. Two pefsons were killed and several at Aurora, JL, when a mammoth tent of the Ringline Bros' cireus was blown down during a se: vere wind thunder storm HT le see Geo. Clift Gold i in the __ Guilight i home of } daughter, Nary united in marriage to Rev. W. T. G Brown, B.A., B.D, of J] al. Th ceremony Was perform by Rev. F. 3 Lett, pastor of the "Methodist ] for a' year. Hauer 3 a will be was sorry when the time for departure came, shortly visit of Mrs. Malcolm Sutherland. lis Knight left, to-day, for Gaspe. Oakwood, on her DAILY BRI ssssssessesl rs, A. Puniop, Pembroke, on Saturday morni when her only church. The bride was given away by | much mi her grandfather, Judge John Deacony The bridesmaid Ryan, of Guelph. The was Mr. E thet of the bride, Mr. and Mrs. Brown left by the 1.30. G.T.R. for Montreal and points east. Mr. Brown is one of the promising young men of the Me] thodist ministry. In Miss Dunlop he has won a bride who has eminent} charms and exceptional qualifications to be a pastor's wife. Although pos- sessed of wealth and social' position,' her heart was ever in church work, and her loss to the Pembroke church words. was Miss Pearl J. groomsman E. A. Dunlop, M.L:A,, bro-}t coal and trouble. is. more than , Gan, be expressed inf cx); gad. hax sister, Mine, Jennie Ne 9 Some --v A very able picnic was given, Allen. Some of the party have _al- » Do your 4 eT yesterday, Mr. and Mrs. C. H, Andy gone, and. the others will go : WM. GLARIK, MFR. Bramhall, illo street, at Cedar | ater. .- 8 8» Island. About twenty enjoyed the out- ing. In spite of the rain a very Dleas « sant time was spent, and everybody " . . . 1 Kingston will ba the guests of Mr. J. F. Baker. Mr. Haw is one of the edi- |} tors of the London Daily News, and | ter. visited Canada, two years ago. Mrs. McLeod, Toronto, is the guest Herbert M. Mowat, K.C. Dr. and Mrs. Knight, and Miss Phyl- Miss: R.7 Stella Knapp returned yes- terday, after spending a few days at way home from Toronto Normal school. Miss Laura Ryder, left town, yester- Mrs. F. G. Lockett and her family left, last Thursday, for Stella," Am- taken a cottage for July and August. Miss Kitty Betts and Miss Katrine to Brockville, to Dobbs, Little Miss Betts will some back to Kingston, later, and stay again for a week or so with Mrs. Jo- seph Walkem. Mrs. R. W. Garrett and her young their cottage, at Sibbitts' farm. Mr. and Mrs. George Lyman, of Que- bee, who have been staying at "Cal derwood," have left for home. Miss Lyman has come home from Boston, for the holidays. Mrs. Robert Davison and daughter, Ruth, who visited Mrs. E. J. Lake, Alfred street, last week, returned to their home in Picton, yesterday. Mr. and Mrs, J. Porte who 'have also been Mrs. Lake's guests have returned to Picton. Mr. William Moyse and daughter, of Kingston, are visiting at the home of Mr. Moyse's uncle, Mr. Edward Carr 306 Aylmer street, Peterboro. Mr. Moyse is a brother to Mrs. W. G. Menzies, Peterboro. ou . Miss Mabel Milo left, to-day, for Buffalo, to visit Mrs. Panner. Miss Alice McLennan, of Toronto, is visiting her sister, Mrs. A. C. Wag- Mr. J. D. Smeaton and bride, from New York, are in town visiting Mr, Smeaton's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Smeaton. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Waggoner spent Sunday and Monday with Mrs, Cole, Alexandria Bay, N.Y. Mrs. J. B. McKay, Toronto, is in the city for a few days, the guest of Mrs. H. F. Metcalfe, Brock street. Mrs. R. D. Baker, with the Misses Phyllis and Gladys, have left Ottawa, for theif home on the St. Law- rence. They will be joined by Mrs. Hemsley: and Miss Olive Baker, who are at present visiting in Ney York. aE Mrs. William Cockburn and son, Wil- liam, left, yesterday, for Oswego, and Syracuse to visit friends. Mr. George Fraser, Montreal, of the editorial department of the Dry Goods Economist, one 'of the McLean Pub- lishing company's trade journals, was in town en route to his home in Pic- ton for a two week's stay. Mr. and Mrs. J. 8. Tumer have re- turned from Chatham, These Kingstonians left last night on the steamer' Alexandria for Quebec : Mrs. T. M. Fenwick, Miss Fenwick, Misses Jack, Mrs. J. McParland, the Misses McParland; Miss Thompson, Miss Welsh, Miss Bajus, and Mr. W, J. Crothers. - - - Miss Joyner, trained nurse, has arrived from Detroit, Mich., to spend her holidays with her mother and sis- ter, 422 Johnston dtreet. Mr. Oliver Hooper, who has been for some months in Kansas, and Missouri, has been paying his old home here, a short visit. He will leave town to- morrew, going to Buffalo. Mrs. E. H. Horsey is visiting her sisters, the Misses Moxon, in Picton. Miss Amy Horsey is staying with her father, Mr. H.-H. Horsey, up the Bay of Quinte. - ee ew Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Brebner, of Montreal, are staying with the Misses Horsey, 474 Brock street. Mr. Henry Skinuer has come back to town. Little Miss Louise MacClennan and her small sister, Miss Mary, from To- ronto, are with Mrs. Henry Cunning: ham, and will stay for the summer. wr Miss . left for ingion. ter, Thelma, have returned to their and Mjss Mae Walter, who were A apie) wedding took place: at the of Mx: hart MR hove ke { Girlie") was fay, to Ul ls The) ig have taken a cottage at Loughboro Lake, for the summer, and in very unkindly named it "Keep-Out- "The Men." Those who will thus Hive the bachelor ga life are: Miss S. Le ss summer home, on Dead Man's Bay, and will spend July and August there, Mrs. BE. T. Taylor will not receive | Mrs: James Birch, in Uplands, Cali- during July and Jugust. f . Mr. and Mrs. George Haw will} ville, are the 'guests of Mrs. C. W, Canada, and while in} Lane, Gore street, who has been visiting Mrs. Sammel Toronto, | Anglin, Barrack street, has gone down spent Sunday and Monday in town, { to Quebec. : & visiting his mother, Mrs. J. B, Mow- of Ontario at Miss Anna Hanley, of Read, is visit- day. ing Miss Maude Walsh, Albert street. Gananoque terday, to Tremont Park. Jeen Harty came home on Saturday from New York, ro day, for a visit with friends in vari for a visit. ous places: ster, of Rotkwood, spent the week end with Gananoque friends, herst Island, where Mr. Lockett 'as Porte were down from Picton to spend Dominion day in town. Fairclough, will go down, to-morrow, her niece and nephew, left, to-day, to visit Mrs. Ogilvie } visit in Montreal. from Montreal for the holidays. people will very shortly go down to day in Cornwall, with her sister, Mrs, Awill return to Napanee, and Miss Gil- of Mrs. ne. Bogart and Weide. dpugh- ome, after visiting three weeks, with t's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wells; near' Hartishury. 'Miss Irene Mason, Miss Gale awley guests have left for Mrs. John Gaskin went up, on Fri- Mrs. a Ralph very ety west to visit Raptor, Mrs, Bracket, among St. Luke's oung people and the choir. Mrs. Hugh Nickle came back to own last w Six or our public school teachers Stapaon, C. Lovick, Miss L. Me Mrs. James Galloway has come jown from Toronto and opened her Mr. and Mrs. Edward Crumley spent ast week with an old Kingstonian, ornia. Dr. and Mrs. H. H. Lane, of Blogs: Miss Irene Milne is visiting her hyrother, Mr. Alired Milne, in Roches . » - . Miss Helen Bajus, of Vancouver, Mr. F. W. Albrec took a party to on the "Turtle," yester- Miss Julia Horsey went back, yes Miss Marion Redden and Miss Kath- . . Miss Leta Carson will leave, on Thursday, for Centre Island, Toronto, Mrs. Webster and Miss Edna Web- Miss Claire Perrin and Miss Lenora Miss Kerby, University: avenue, and Mrs. James McCammon has returned from her visit to Providence, R.I. + Miss Geraldine Daly has come home Miss May Bolger spent Dominion George Ellis. - Mrs. G. Hn Parkin, Sydesham street, i visiting relatives in Rochester, N.Y Miss M. Phillips, Watertown, N.Y., is visiting Miss Mamie Merritt, Clergy street, Miss Nina Ferguson has been 'in town for a few days. To-morrow she dersleeve will go up there with her to pay Proiessor and Mrs. Ferguson a visit. Miss Annie Cotter came home from Montreal, for the holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Wiliam Walsh, of Valleyfield, Quebec, are visiting their relatives in town, - - . - Mrs. Edgar R. Doward and family have come down from Toronto, and are en pension at Thistledown, Earl street. Professor and Master Norman Doward will arrive the end of the week and remain in town during July, and August. Mrs. Samuel Birch and some of her family are down at their island home, Mr. apd Mrs. Muir, of Port Dal- housie, who have been visiting Cap- tain and Mrs, Gaskin, went home last week, by way of the lakes, City of Montreal, on Friday to Cleve land, and Buffalo, probably be away all summer. - 0 » - The engagement is announced of: to, to Mr. Arthur W. Carson-Smyth, "The Sauare," Magherafelt, Ireland. Miss Bessie C. the manse, next, Granton, on -------- "I would not be without it," said a customer about Saline Laxative, at Monday, 25c. blood. bottle. Mr. and Mrs. William Nelson, Hallo 12th of June, in his sixteenth year. Walter Pierce, aged twenty years was drowned at Niagara Falls. When You Eat Too Fast. Of course you have indigestion, per- haps cramps, or im any case the sys- should be eliminated. t. whale system ? Why hsaise your overtax digestive or gads ? 3 Fusy as rolling with, Dr. Hamilton's . Pills; their act- the ailing organs Salor and h this our itl hn Dr. Hamilton's Pills today, 25e per box, at all t |THE SCOTCH PICNIC! . Fully five hundred patronized - the What in the world - svervhady 9nd, Atkin: ing to i without re ud tin, who has been a. oy Na- pance * Regret is an inadequate word to use over his departure. Miss Jean Gaskin went up on the y The C.P.R. local engine fortunatél In Cleveland she 8 IrungLaty Will vit Mrs. H.. Clcko oot he. wil was left outside last night and escaped Mine Eliaabeth Joan Anderson, eld- est daughter of the late Rev. William | and endeared herself to all Anderson cand Mrs. Anderson, Toron- | the pleasure of hid Rie The Pearson of Grantonm, to Dr. George Ewart Wilson of Palm | stone, Cardinal. For some erston. The wedding will take place at | had been morbid and took a dose of Wednesday Gibson's Red (ross drug store on struck by lightning during the storm It cools. the |" Wednasday evening. He was work- Died at the home of his parents | When well, their second son, Joseph, on the able amount of damage to the build- tem is overloaded with matter that Breath gets | St. Mary's hospital, Rochester, N.Y., bad, eves look dul, headaches . are | on June 26th, Jansing first in her ox- g" ¥ not cleanse and purify the | of surgical instruments, presented by not strengthen { one of the doctors of that city. the stomach, enrich the blood, aml log fo do this | perfect ion fs most gratifying. In every case densburg, bigger and better attrac- they give the exact Assistance that | tions than ever, Athletic sports, hase- You'll feel fit and ne. eat with a | Sherring, relish, sleep like a top, have a clear race, will-be there. Steamer America restful sleep, if you regulate Heaves 7:30 a.m.; returning, leaves Og- great ware. or N.C. Pol- FULLY FIVE E HUNDRED PA- : TRONIZED IT. Single Men Won in the Tug. of War, and the Football Match Was a Tie--The Day Was a Grand Success, Scotch picnic to Island Parks auspices of nin Wallace Camp No. 13, SonsofScotland. The feature of the various sports of is the result: ber.--lat, 'Dunnett, J. Scruton ; Ladies' Race. Cloth, Miss J. Macken- zie; 2nd, Mrs. Hart; 3rd, Miss Blak afternoon was the which the followi "Tossing the 2nd, Young. Men's Foot Race.~--1st, * raco--lst Gommer; 2nd, Alex- ander. Girls' Race.--1st, Maggie Sands; 2nd, A. Fornier; 3rd, G. Pollitt. Men's Foot Race.~ 1st, Bowie; 2nd, Aylesworth. Ladies" Foot. Race.--l1st, Miss Aird; 2nd, Miss M. Glenn, 3rd, Mrs. At kins. Fat Men's Race.~ lst, Chapman; 2nd, Glenn. In the evening the young people had a jolly dance, Highland pipers and Crosby's quadrille orchestra, furfiish- the music, nr Race.~1st, Seruton; 2nd, Park- i Girl's Race.--1st, Rose Eves; 2ud, Jessie Sands; 3rd, Maggie Glenn, Eth- el Campbell. Boys' Race.--lst. Harry Hime; 2nd, Rolston Bowie. Putting the Stone.--1st, Hunters 2nd xtier. Three-Legged Rave. -- 1st, Burtos and Scruton; 2nd, Atkina and Cha) man, Fyne Standing Hon, Sup and Jump.--1st, Beruton; Ind, Lesslie. Members' Wives' Race.-- 1st,Mrs. Hart; 2nd, Mrs. Glenn; 3rd, Mrs. Atkins. In the rug of war, married vs. sin- ge, the latter won out The Association football match, 8. 0.8. vs. 8.0.E,, ended with the score a tie, 2 to 2. These compose the committee whose efforts made the day the success it proved = Willlam ~ Massle, Dr. Ross, David Smart, D. Scott, A. Mcleod, G. Atkins, W. Dunnett, A. Henry, G. Gordon, W. Chapman. DISTRICT DASHES. Items of Useful Information Brief- ly Given. Rev. C. N. Dewey, Hillsburg, has as sumed the pastorate.of the Delta, Philipsville and Toledo Baptist ¢hurch- Lo] The new publisher of the Eganville Star-Enterprise is D. A. Jones, a voung man who has been in its em- ploy for clos: on eight years. George Clancy, Centreville, raised a large barn on his farm at Centrevills on Saturday last. It was 48x60 ft. with stone basement and underground stables. The treasurer of the Eastern Metho- dist - church, Napanee, r a cheque fromy Mrs. George I. Ham, City of Mexico, as a donation to the new church build A home io took place, June 20th, at.the home of John Minaker, Point Traverse, when his only daugh- ter Elva, was married to Burton Ran- kin, Salmon Point. A quiet June wedding took place at Cressy, June 20th, at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Angus Harrison, when their eldest daughter, Miss Ethel Harrison, was united in marriage to Stewart Powers. Samuel Pritchard, Bedford Mills, and Miss Ida Lyons, daughter of George Lyons, Newboro, were married on Monday last. The happy young cou- ple left on the morning train for a trip to Toronto. Williany Frair, son of the late Isaac Frair, died at Glenora, June 11th, aged fifty-one years. Mr. Frair had been a school trustee for many years, He leaves a widow, and two sons, al- 80 two brothers, David, Chuckery Hill, and Frank, New York city. The Bay of Quinte railway engine shed, Tweed, was completely destroy- ed by fire, Sunday, with one engine and the entire contents of the building. destruction. Some insurance, Adda Reid, ill for the past: two years at her brother's home, Enter- prise, died Saturday evening last. Deceased wae well known in Napanee, cause of her death was tuberculosis. Mrs. Linnen committed suicide at the home of her brother, Allen Glad- time she laudanum, leaving a note explaining the cause of her deed. She said she had no home and tired of life. W. N. Robinson, © South' Napanee, had a narrow escape from being ing on his Hrother's new barn at Selby, the lightning struck the south end of the building, doing a consider- ing, and also stunning for some time Mr. Robinson, Mr. Bradshaw and James Robinson, who were all inside the barn at the time, © Graduated From Hospital. Miss Harriett O'Brien, of this city, was one of the twelve who graduated from the training school for nurses of aminations. Miss O'Brien won a case - When you, get glasses at Chown's drug Stare, you are giaaranteed a Spend. Wednesday, July: 4th, at Og: ball games, yacht races, ete. William winner of the Marathon densbrg, 6 p. m. Only 50c. return. "Ask your neighbor what she thinks - fof fruit jar holders for preserving. EARLY CLOSING--Every day, exoept Have You the Proper A el for Holiday Enjoym YOUR pleasure will be enhanced by these wearables, which all bear special En wm Summer Costumes Spence's Now White Duck Costumes at ..... Spence's New White Pique Co stumes .... Spence's New Cream Lustre Costumes ... Separate Skirts | Spence's New White Duck Skirts Spenco's New White Pique Skirts, . Spence's New Cream Lustre Skirts, 2.78 and a : 1 'Blouse Waists --a Spence's New Muslin, Lawn and Duck" Wain, halt half or loi pishly ns vo 1 with lace, embroidery and Aushing, at Outing Hats i : New White Embroidered Muslin, Lace pnd Duck Hats, 75. to! Children's White Tams, 25c., 50o. abrir trannies | Suara Children's Straw Sailors, XBR V0. chnrersotabocabion" bus cotosnaaentast {| SPENCE'S ™ mine Nite Beane ox : sespieiieharins bee See our Window Display of Couchedd The latest in Leather, 'Wilton or Ve Rugs, Velours and Tapestry. i 2 At SALE PRICES. JAMES REID, ™e Legis, FOR AMBULANCE 'PHONE 147. x by Impossible with Big 3 patented safety box. Big 3 Shoe Polish is a positive black, not blue. ma 10c. Big Shine Big Hurry DOMESTIC SPECIALTY CO. " HAMILTON, ONTARIO THE CANADA METAL CO. 3t William st, 1 Dios FINANCE AND INSURANCE - CUSTOMS BROKER - If You Want a He The fiusiness of the Inte Cs GO. Or Insurance, have a Oliver, will be carried nom in his talk with office, 78 Clarence street: . G. A. BATEMAN uN Tg Money to Loan Welntgred, Hehaiyre | : "at Wade's. ; 'of: Kingston. New topls, let, boda, tor: Metis, Mrs. John Pell Carruthers and her fo Com, VER? Ont., or Hart & 4 They are used in over 300 homes in Kingsron. Sold only at Best's,