LLAMISIRRIAL | | 138 1 Ty YMPANY. CTURING CO« 3 Q-. ' AWA, ST. JOHN, N. 8. LAS a "A risoners of disease as securely fined behind the bars. Many tired in the moruing ? have ay's work ? have you little am- irritable and excitable? eyes ? memory poor and dreams and losses at sexually 7--you have | Seminal Weakness. EATMENT is guaranteed ears in Detroit. * icks--Cousuit old es sultation Free. ESTION is sweeping the Nothing so cool 1as ever been devis- 1st now our shelves styles. We invite Royal Insurance Co. / Established 1845 LIFE DEPARTMENT Assurances in Porce, pipe Expenses only 8} per cent. of income. a ve for L forty Poa. yo 14,000,000, have heen os ig altogether, last r 4 - in 1905. oyer $3,226, Securl 'olicyholders is passed vr that of any office "the t 8 per ceat. terest. Expenses of Management are leds nortionately than any Life ommany In Canada. J» | cocaine--no dangerous drugs A, Sule sue' Strene Bitish, Office. of any kind. WIRWHITE - - Kingston | Cedi oh the ne Bowel of Childhood rate.the value of FRUIT-A- TIVES as a medicine for children, They contain no alcohol -- ro morphine or A Troubles Itis iuipossible to exagge- EMBOSSING Sian for Paper and Envelopes ENGRAVING Cr". Letter hands Besides all classes of Letter Press Pristing from a card ta a volume. THE WHIG Kingston BRITISH - AMERICAN HOTEL KINGSTON - - ONTARIO Is undergoing alterations and will be re-opened to the travelling public on or about July the First. Ww TELFER - Proprietor valuable tonics and internal antiseptics known to medicine. cascara, senna and fruit liver tablets will instantly correct faulty digestion--clean and sweeten the stomach--regulate the and skin -- and strengthen the little ones can temporary illness. are free of calomel, Fruit-a-tives C the host of violent bowels, kiducys so invigorate and whole system, that the quickly throw off the Get a box-now--to-day. soc. a box or 6 for $2.50 Sent on receipt of price, if your druggist does not handle them. FRUIT-A-TIVES LIMITED, OTTAWA. @ccvecssasecaessennef {A. E. HEROD 286 Princess Street. : Ordered Footwear Repairs Shoe Dressing, ete. Store Closes at 7 pan., Except Saturday. Sessssssssssassassecad THE FRONTENAC. LOAN & INVESTMENT SOCIETY. ESTABLISAED 1863 President--Sir Richard Cartwright and Farm I'ro- Office, 97 Clarence street, Kingston. -------------------------------------- NewYork Chinese Restaurant 83 Princess Street -: Open from 10.30 a.m. to 3.00 am ~The best place to get am sll round Lunch in the ¢ity. Meals of all kinds om shortest motice. English and Chinese Wishes @ specialty. NEW MONUMENTAL WORKS Lettering in Cemeteries a Specialty : 3 $ JAS. MULLEN, 372 Princess St. Opposite Y.M.C.A. (Canadian (hinese Restaurant 331 King Street Open from 10.30 a.m. to 3.00 a.m The best place to get am all roun Lunch in the city; Hishes a specialty: Phone 655. Wm. Murray, Auctioneer 27 BROCK ST. New Carriages, Cutters, Harness etc., for sale. Sile of Horses Every Saturday Auction Sales sale of Furniture at once and get choice of date: uct all the eallda the highest prices. 'Phone, 665. JOHN H. MILLS The Leading Auctioneer Lawn Mowers The Best Mower Only $3.50 ---- AP .. Strachan's Hardware .. Brerssssssssrasssssace Dr. Brock's Enwiion giish Female 1 1 an he best month for en, Sold duly in Kingston at the BEST DRUG STURE, 194 Princess Steet. Mailed on ¢ receipt of price-- $i. foal AL Sal Dos mal Brion Meals of all kinds on shortest notice. English and Chinese EASY MONEY AT HOME Foutignt fo. ta $5.0 tach for young singers | . 0 Ke 'ou Interested quic we SANTA BIRD BOOK (thousands sold at 35c.) and two cakes and "CANARY vi. CHICKENS." showing how all for col! COTTAM BIRD ous Debit Mental and Brain Worry, Des- important sales and An exeellert yuide-book and map of the City of New York sent on receipt of two cents in postage. d ¢ cvresasecll dood nessidoes notend here,and those once try them will ind these little pills valn- in somkny ways that they will not be wil todo without them. But after alla.ck head ACHE Yu thie bane of so many lives that here ia where wemakeour great boast. Our pillacure it while not. Carter's Litto Liver Pills are very small and easy {0 take. Ome or two I. make a dose. They aro strictly vegetable and do not gripe ow rge, but by their gentle action please all who fo them. In vialsat25cents; fivefor $l by druggists everywhere, or sent by CARTER MEDICINE CO., Now Yok, YL RRS 01) 1) ng canaries, Mors profitable than chickens. All indoors, singers. Experionce BIRD BREAD 10 CENTS, make ase. stamps of cofn. Adfiress SEED, « 81. Londen, Sat 9, 'Wood's The Great English Remedy. Tones and invigorates the w nervous eystem, makes new in Veins, Cures Nerv- pondency, S¢ Weakne: Paatorrhua, and Effects of Abmse or Excesses. Price $1 per box, six for 83, One will ple six ru will cure. Sold all ggists or mailed in iain pug. on A price. New pamp Raailed fre: The ™M ormely Wi Ont Emissions, Sper Ss. A -- Grand Union Hotel Rooms From $1.00 Per Day Up OPPOSITE GRAND CENTRAL STATION NEW YORK ' Baggage To and Fre Statics Free rr EN AND WOMER Ure Big @ for unnatare discharges inflammatiots irzitations or ulceration of mucous membrane; Painless, and not astrir . gent of poicouous, Noid by Draggies, = sent in plain Spon jy express, re 81.00. or 3 battles 84.35, Cirralar cont on Tene A WARM SUBJECT There's nothing In the world we're so Jorvas' Confectionery Store with crushed fruits used. A constant supply Cream Parlor. Pure Cream, of fine fresh Candies. AH. JERVAS, 220 Princess Street Next to Opera House. ne AT MYERS'. auch ted in as Coal at this time of the year. It may sound queer to speak of coal buying and selling as.s scitnce, but that's what we've mude it. 'wo important discoveries Wwe have ande Are that complete satisfaction to ar customers Days best, and that the ay to win business is to deserve ®t. FOOT OF WEST ST. Phone 133. ; Conducted a Mission to Soldiers Adeline Countess conducted a mission to soldiers and sailors, in Cardiff, the largest town in Wales. and her life sto many years she has devoted her life to the welfare of the fishermen and sailors of the Rhine district has also been re- markable, and among these men that heard of Evan Roberts and the Welsh revival, and this induced her io visit Wales. five languages and several dialects. The ease with "vhich speech while working among the cos- mopolitan population $ been a matter of remark. One of her Booth & Co. > DAILY WORTHY WOMAN REMARKABLE RELIGIOUS PHILANTHROPIST at and Sailors in Cardiff--The Ire of Her Relations Raised Owing to Her Distribution of Wealth. A remarkable religi philanthropist, himmelman, has The Countess is fifty-two years of age, forms a romance. For while moving she frequently it was She can converse fluently in she changed her of Cardiff has dred and acting under strong religious convictions, Tolstoyan in character, de- cided to devote life and possessions to the amelioration of the lot of fishermen and sailors; The enthusiasm and unself- ish sharing of her world's goods with toilers of the sea raised the ire of her immediate relatives. In her autobiog- raphy she relates how the superintend- ent of a private asylum was induced to certify her as insane. Notwithstanding the warnings of frends, she was kid- mapped, and kept in seclusion in a place which she has described as a "human hell" where "lunatics of the worst de- scription" surrounded her. But Danish minister of police heard of her | plight. Parliament was moved on her behalf by the representations of al niece of Prince Bismarck, and she was released after the foremost specialists of Germany had pronounced her to be absolutely sane. She at once went to Denmark, her father's native land, and was received with unbounded sympathy by every one from the royal' family downward. Her evangelistic work among the seamen was resumed, and in order to do this satisfac torily she purchased the yacht Duen, the property of Prince Waldemar, of Denmark. Her mission work has so in- creased that its ramifications are world- | wide. Her "homes" on the Baltic, apd especially the Naval Home at Kiel, are models all over the world. Among an- nual subscribers to her mission funds are. many royal personages, including Queen Alexandra, whom the Countess has visited on more than one occasion. visited with her mission boat the St. Lawrence and the Lakes. The Missionary's Service. By Rev. Dr. ¥ritchett No ope thinks of missions as a branch of Christiaf evidences, and yet, if they disappeared, they would leave Chris- tianity itself discredited, if not disprov- ed. The Christian missionary is a hi- man phenomenon. He has the scantiest equipment. He carries no arms; he is clad in no civil authority, he has very litfle money; he is usually alone. He has only a message and" a motive, and yet he works(a miracle which all the resources of science and literature, and civilization without him could not do. A pagan race can learn the mechanical arts snd borrow the dreadful weapons of civilization. Japan has done this, and has shifted the centre of political gravity for the world. But to create a the vices of heathenism is a miracle Be- yond the wit of man. Have The True Spirit. things said about the "money madness" and lack of spirituality of the young men of America. This advertisement ap- sared a couple of months since in a New York church paper: "WanTEp--Young men of educa- tion and refinement to do mission work in Arkansas and study for Holy Orders. Poor pay and hard work. Apply to Archdeacon Lloyd, Little Rock, Ark." The response was surprising. Among those now working and preparing for Holy Orders; receiving meanwhile $15 a week and their board, is a young man holding the degree of Ph.D, from Got tingen, who had beer| offered profession- al work in a college; another, a college graduate, had given up a position of $200 a month to do mission work; a third, a graduate in law of the Univer- Choice Cooked Ham . - nee | of English literature in a state college, figures on population of Jas jand still another had been assistant pro- pan al five million more than | secuting 2ttorney and had a promising that of the British Isles. The British | career before him in politics and at the 4 RITISH Nearly Six Millions Volumes in A remarkable record was announced meeting at Exeter hall, London, May 2nd. During the year ended in March, nearly six million ies of the scrip: tures were circula (the actual fig- ures being 5,077,453 ) which ex- ceeded the society's previous high wa- ter mark by 33,000 copies, and this is the more remarkabl turbed 'conditions. in Russia, China and Japan, where some of the heaviest sales take place. The nature of the society's work is instane- ed at Winnipeg; for example; Scrip- tures were supplied guages, sions in fifty-two and a fifty-third new-comer, hills in the far east of Assam; Kuliviu on one of the islands in the New Heb-, rides; the people pay in Mec! about a quarter of a million people on the plains of North Assam. Zigula is spoken hy the Laotian is i terior of Annam, French Indo-China; and in ordergo print this, special type will have to be cast, from designs that have been supplied by native scribes. Saa is spoken on the island of Mwala, one of the British "Solomon Islands, which have become® Christianized. Bem- ba is spokeg by. tribes living in Cen- tral Africa. to the north of kake Bang- weolo. Colloguial Arabic is being pre- pared for the unlearned in Egypt, who do not upderstand Fast Sante is another of the many lan- guages . spoken in the Bri-Bri is the language of Indians near Panama. 3 porteurs, who sold during er two million volumes. 670 native connection with are found in every state and township, but even from a population of eighty millions the chief executive hag di cul- ty in finding the man of exceptional character for a square and flawless morality. his credit that to preach clean manhood, But neither Presidents nor preachers nor teachers can do the work of fathers except their own families, to underestimate the marvellous influ- ence of the mother. } who reach success give their mothers the | the credit. taught me | men have full political A few years since this philanthropic lady | . i moral character in a people foul with A good many people may take back ! ADS the work of a long life to become a Chr , Many a time are we tempt- . grade movement sity of Penmsylvania; anether, a teacher HAD RECORD OUTPUT, 'One Year. J the B. & F. Bible Society's annual le in face of dis. oe in forty-three lan- while at Johann:sburg vers 2 were sold, was a for by a who demanded a Bible in purgatives that simply act by irritating | of Germany and Scandinavia, and her | [celandic, which the agent had not 0 fhebowels. Bruits ar waflelion name is well known among them and} on the spot. During the year eleven srecied is 962 by Bdward he Counls- d ild in their action that they as deeply respected as is that of Miss| jew languages have added to the | or, Jor the use. oon and so mild in th Agnes Weston in British ports. The l cocicty's list of versions. The society gathered about the Abbey, It was re- never Bri me pai. er. 'when children work of the Countess among the miners | pas promoted the translation, Jriking, built 2 abi IL ahd altered by Ed- are 0 cat improperly, mothe:s = | or" dieribuion of some pirt of Gods | ¥47 ; I ves ord in 400 languages. should Fase Woz of, Fruita-uve "The new tongues are: Ladakhi,| TEE INTREPID PIONEER. always' Ae f Diarr} Indi Sinepho, Kuliviu, Mech (or Kachari), -- geston, Heudachis ores Por Zigula, Laotian, Saa, Bemba, Collo- | Established First Anglican Ser- ish ie give 'Fruit-a-tives quial Arabic, East Santo, and Bri-Bri. ' vices in Omtario.: ness, iting he Spreid Ladakhi is spoken on the Tibet fron- Wh " als to former according to directions. Thess sp tier. Singpho is spoken among the en 'erecting memorial 0 for these books arrowroot. is a dialect by Wa-Zigulas, who cover large area in German East Africa. for Laos tribes, in the in- classical Arabic. New Hebrides. The society has supported 900 col- the yedr ov- It employed Christian biblewomen in forty missionary or- meetings was an underground service | ganizations in the Fast. and it helped ---- ex B relieve ail the troubles fnel- | in a mine at 6 o'clock in the - morning; | fo maintain 100 European biblewemen, Published Her Own Banns., Jent to a bilious state of the aystan, such a8 | before the miners began work. The | most of whom are working in London An unusual occurrence happened re- esting, Pain in the Side, ko. While their most men sang and prayed and listened atten- | pack-streets. -At the last monthly | cently at the little parish church of El- 'siceoss his been shown tu curing | tively to an address. meeting of the committee, orders were | Jington, in Huntingdonshire, England The Countess is a daughter of the i inti { 53 IngIon, 8 rian) . late Count Lehnsgrave aniclman placed with printing firms _ for 653.000 | The vicar, Rev. Mr. yy was Ansgre A volumes. i ice # i - pod was born in the castle of Ahrens- Yom : away, taking pe in 3 distant gar cadache, yot Garters Lite Liver Pifls ave | DUTE, In Holland. Her early life was er : " » He \aable ta Constipation, curing aud pre- spent in superior circles on the conti: Call For Clean Men. ageney at < awbeidge for 2 ppl. Seating thisannoyingoomplaint,whils they aise | pent, and for eighteen years she was New Vork Deliveator. s ] I pi d th P. h clerk correct all disorderof thbeatomach stimulate the id of he late E 5 1§ one were to go to the President of | supply didn t, and the rish cler ver and regitlate thobowels. Even if they ouly | Maid O honor to the late Empress Au ; 5 . 1 1 th t curd gusta of Germany, the Kaiser's grand- the United States and ask him to name | CONC ucted the service. Then it came ' . mother. She never took kindly to: the the country's greatest need he wotild re- to "publishing the banns. There was conventionalities and insincerities of ply in his quick conclusive way, "Clean | only. one couple to receive that honor court life, however, and eventually dis- | men." He knows. Smart men there --for the third and last time of asking. Achsthey would bealmost priceless to sociated herself from her class and kin- [*are by the thousands; rich men abound | Who was to do it? The clerk said he thisdistressing complaint; butfortus | - : wn more than in any other age; able men couldn't; at length the clerk's dam which requires a It is to lie misses no opportunity in We do noti mean In most lands men "All that I am I owe to my mother," said Lincoln. "It was you who to write so, You really did, dear motheg" said the erabbed Carlyle. We get our moral qualities from our mothers, our mental from our fathers, say the physiologists, and as we look back we find material affection the loveliest thing on earth, But isn't there a conviction down deep in our souls that we should have done much better if our fathers had taken time and trou- ble to share our confidences in the years that counted most ? In four states in the Wyoming, Colorado and union, Idaho, Utah; wo- rghts. They vote on every electon from school trus- tee to president, and are eligible for every office from poundkeeper to gov- ernor. They have sat in different leg- islatures and have filled many offices. Spell Of The Tom-Tom. Lom-towming-Sanging on drums-- is Yhe greatest institution in a savage country. It is impossible for Europeans to understand what an important part it plays in the life of a native; it appeals to every mood, stirs him up to the wild- est frenzies of joy comférts his deepest sorrows, welcomes the new-born baby and soothes the dying man; forms a | running, cheering accompaniment to ev- ery action in life. By nature they are lazy, but tom-tomming can conquer even that. The building of a wall or house strides forward to a drum accompani- ment, and laziest boys, who think them- selves ill-used if they can't sleep an | hour for 'every minute they work, will spring to their feet at the sound of a tom-tom, and dance figures of the cake- dance hour after hour. The whole pop- ulation joins in--from baby children who can hardly walk, to toothless old men who go stumbling along in a way painful to watch 1f the noise stops, even for a moment, the spell is broken, but they generally have several play- ers, who keep on cven when perspira- tion is rolling down their faces. Christian Progress. Ww. By F. Robertson. WHIG, WEDNESDAY, Westminster, Parliament, has been comj The new structure of white stone sl has had carefully built into it the beau- tiful stained glass window several cen turies old. St. Margaret's is the church of Westminster. sacrificing miisiefs the of St. rge's, Kingston, refrain from ackno nent form such I dices as the Rev. Archdeacon George Rev. William Herchmer gave. the memorials destroyed in the burn- ing of the edifice in, 1899 was one bear- ing this record of a beautiful tribute: -- dom clothed religion in her terrors but in her character of mercy fess, striving to warm ¢ the cold and reckless with the the con- victions of his heart, Nothing morose or gloomy in his views and temper im- ing pleasantness of his social intercourse. In the relations of life he was a shining light, a tender husband, an affectionate father and a faithful friend. His con- gregation looked up to him with con- fidence and veneration, his brethren with reverence as their father and the father of the church in Upper Ca 4 Universally beloved, this intrepid herald of the gospel gently fell asleep Aug. 15th, 1811. ter said she would. to the gratification of every! ent, quite successful. there were grave doubts as gality of the unfortunate, that the brave daughter of the parish many book-stores as the so-called "slum" JULY 4 Thousand Years Old. The end of St. Margaret's Church, facing the Houses of completely rebuilt It was first congregation cannot well Among Dr. Stuart's character, In winning souls to Christ he sel apd tender- e bosoms of aired the moral persuasion and engag- So she did, much body pres- very mervous, but But after the service to the le- "publication", which was as it was her own banns She was clerk had published! Thus she holds a record, for surely no such thing has ever happened in the Church before. ---------- The Jew A Student. o There is not another district of the' same restricted area in the whole of Greater New York that supports so of the lower East Side. Despite their number every one of them is doing an excellent business. All the Jews who are not writing are reading. With a voracious appetite they devour Yid- dish, Hebrew, Russian, German and English in all forms of their literatures, with the notable exception of popular contemporaneous fiction. On the East Side every soda fountain. is a circulat- ing library. The branch of the Public Library, located at Chatham Square, numbers a membership of fifteen thou- sand, and it has been in existence only four years. One thousand books are taken out of this library by Jews ev- ery day. It ranks first among all the branches of the city in the circulation of works on history, abstract science, and sociology. It ranks last of all in the circulation of light novels. Another Boycotted Rector. To the list of vicars boycotted by parishioners 'must now be added Rev. Isaac John Cowden-Cole, Thorley, in the Isle of Wight hardly more than a hamlet. A couple of large farm build- ings, a smithy, a dozen solid looking cottages, with a vicarage, a school, and a church, make up Thorley. The vicar reads a service to the congregation of two or three children, an organist from Freshwater, and pne or two parishion- ers. a The people have abandoned their par- ish church and attached themselves to chapels elsewhere, whilé a number have dispensed altogether with religious ob- servances. This desertion has contin- ued for six years, since the vicar was instituted in 1899. Mr. Cowden-Cole is said to have been in the habit of stopping in the service to have a casual conversation with the organist, or leave the reading desk and reproach the chil- dren for not making the responses, and do other embarrassing things. For The Waiting Ear. The world's famous violinists stand before their audience and wait till the ed to say, "1 make to progress at all. It is only failure after failure. Nothing grows." Look at the sea when the flood is coming in, and you will think that the ceaseless flux and reflux is but retro- gression equal to the advance. But Jook again in an hour's time and the whole ocean has advanced. Every advance has been beyond the last, and every retro- has been, an imper- ceptible trifle less than the last. This is progress, to be estimated. at the end of Fours, not minutes. Thus with Christ jan progress. Many a fluctuation, many a backward motion, with a rush at times so vehemeny that all seems lost; but if the eternal work be real, every failure has been a real gain, and the next does not carry us so far back as we were. The flood of spirit life has carried vs up higher on the everlasting Sores, where re and its fluctuations end; and all's safe at last. the waves of life beat no "This is the saints." : | strike a note, faith and patience of the | silence may almost be felt, before they It is in #« whisperings the violin is sweetest but these are on | for the waiting ear. With the slightest | inattention those half-breathed cadences | are Jost. And so the dear Lord Himself has to { wait for silence in our hearts, before { He can breathe His sweetest secrets. Only after the silencing of selfish long- ings and purposes and ambitions, of the metallic bells of material desires, the jealousies, the frettings, the murmur- | ings, the clang! clang! of worldly care; -< --only in the great stillness of the soul that cries out for God alone, can He breathe into our soul His sweetest and tenderest message. German writers, in commenting on the failure of- German athletes to carry of signal honors in the games at Ath- ens, attribute the low standard of phys- | ical achievement to the beeredrinking { habit, whichis greatly sapping national vigour, Lady's" Purse it wit =21i off ninety per - cent of Life's ordinary Ils. > Eat one of the sixi&andy tablets con- tained in that 'Vest Pocket Box" whenever you suspect yop need one. It can't burt you, and is sure Insurance against serious sickness. In such cases a little Cascaret in tiie worth fifty dollars worth. of 1 n later on, to say nothing of the su discomfort, loss of Business Energy. loss of Social Sunshine It saves. i Want of Exercise, indoor Employment, "weaken the Bowel Muscles, just as they weaken Arm and Leg Muscles. "The Muscles lose tone, tension, strength, to force the food onward, "And the longer they stay in that state exercise they get through the slow pass- A coming Hexdache can be warded off in short order, by a single Cascaret, and the cause removed. = 5 Heartburn, Gas-belching, : the throat, and Colicky feeling are signs of bowel troubls from food and should be dealt with promptly. One Cascaret will stop the coming! ble, and move on the Bowel load, if Cascarets contain the only combination of drugs that acts on the Muscles of the Bowels and Intestines, just as Cold Water, or Exercise, act on a Lazy man, They act like Exercise. at st signs, When you have Heartburn, Colic,Coated Don't fail to carry the Vest Pocket Box Tongue, Suspected Breath, Acid-rising-in- th y throat, Gas-belching, or an incipient Cold, A thousand dollars a year spent in - ments could riot buy for you half so mus hearty Happiness, solid rt, cheer Temper and Health Insurance as Ten Cent Box of Casoarets. "Remember, all these are not merely Discomforts, but indications of a serious ip them in the bud--eat a Candy Cascarets don't purge, nor punish the stomach lke ** Bile-driving They act like Exeréise on the Bowel Muscles that propel Food, and that squeeze the natural Digestive Juices of the body ward off, or cure, the follow- Constipation . Bad Breath Bil Diabet ing ona vacation this month ? Ifsoal skirt will be an absolute nec weight separate lete as it was earlier in t stock is not quite as comp! but, we still have a good assortment to Navy Blue Lustre Skirts, excellent quality lustre, izes, all lengths and waist measures, Black Lustre and Panama Cloth Skirts, with sa as the above, $3.75 and $4.50 each. Also _a_few Cream Skirts left Herent lengths and w es ---ne NE Wash Dresses Qur season in this department has been ex ople are realizing that ready-t time and money, aud as we e can guarantee both their wea Just have a look at them on the brisk, which proves that wears are a saving of bot from only the best houses w ing and washing qualities, second floor. CASH COUPONS. Watch For Our Friday Advt. CRUMLEY Ask For A Copy Of " FROZEN DAINTIES ° It contains 50 choice receipts for Ice Creams, Frozen ages, Sherbets, and Water Ices. This is yours for the asking. If you have Freezer, order a MOUNTAIN" from us. have all sizes, from 1 to 20 BROS. no Ice Cream "WHITE 69 and 71 Brock St. 000009000 @ C000oe i WhiteCanvas Sh Sizes, 1 to 5. The $1.50 kind, while they last for $1.15 a pair. McDermott's Shoe