come to-morrow and see the hite Waist, of lovely India Wash k, the whole front: being of beau- l 'eyelet work, 'with seams all v daiotily joined with small bead- 8, buttoned back style, and at- . hed collar, with short clhow ves finished with band of et work and edged with 4 50 lace. Thursday . HITE LINEN SKIRT, in the lat- novel style for summer, nine ed, with each alternate gore neat- ucked straight across at the hip, ts opening at the bottom of skirt, finished with deep . Our special for to- 3.50 row, only HITE P.K. SKIRTS, probably greatest favorites for outing- r; to-morrow you can get one or and then be prepared for e outing trips which come with - a few hours' notice during July August; four splendid ials, at 3.25, 2.95, 2.50 1.75 Pretty White Parasols AIN LINEN PARASOLS, which the way, are very suitable for I-painting, as the linen used has lendid surface, which will not v the colors to spread, splendid special, to- row . oidered, at 2.50 Jang 3.50; 13a hite Spot tting Very Scarce Now ITE SPOT MUSLINS, which y seem to he in greater de- d than the market can supply, pure white and firm spots anteeing the genuine ity, per yard, to-morrow 15, 18, 20, 25, 30 and 39 TERE hers, hemstiteched, at 1.99, and Malt barley > very wbatt's agree ND, AGENT, {ing St. CHOCOLATES E CITY r Ib. Princess St. nd Girls s at 75c. are the best in c. are solid leather soles n 8, 9, 10, are genuine, - HOE STORE PRG WRN A TEESE el FURNITURE, ETO, Our Full Line Of Baby Carriages At Cost Price Robt. J. Reid The Leading Undrriaker 222 Princess Street. Two Doors Above the Opera House Telephone 877. Ambulance, 0 policyholders Fur every $100 paid to the Canada Life by its Policyholders the Com- pany has already return- ed or credited to them $114.50. : Prospective Assurers should see to it that they get a Canada Life Policy, A call or correspond- ence solicited. J. O. Hutton, Manager Kingston Office, 18 Market st. Telephone No. 703. 2 nN > supply own poods or a § company. All kinds les' and Children's Costumos and ress-Making done. - Maney returned factory. Telephone, 556. SWIFT'S TOURIST TICKETS 1000 Every Sun- 8 '" day, 8 am. Oth "'Dundern Of the .Hamilton-Montreal Company, Limited, Toronto and Hamilton Ewery Thursday, 2 a.m. A Steamer meeting every demand of the travelling publie. if * work is not satis- Navigation For further information, JAMES SWIET & Co., Wharves, foot Johnson street. SWIFT'S TOURIST TICKETS Str. "Iroquois" Niagara and St. Lawrence Nav. Co. This fine New Steamer will leave bur wharves: "AST BOPSR 1000 Islands 2 Fur Rugs SATURDAY, July 7th DAILY MEMORANDA. Hot Weather Hats e new sivies at Campbell Bros. Vegetable Growers, 8 pan. County Council, 10 a.m. Friday. Fire and * Light Committee, 4 p.m. Friday. The sun rises Friday nt 2.25 a.m., and sets at 7.44 p.m. This day in history :--Battle of Ohip- pew, 1814: Victoria of Wales born. 1868: Fast India Company formed. WHIG TELEPHONES. Business Office. ~Editorial Rooms. 292--Jobbing Department. GOLD HANDLES AND KNOBS DINNER We have a very pretty line in Dove and Green Colors. FIRST-CLASS MAKER. $6.50 ROBERTSON BROS.. ett imei sees tei emesis. ' Y FURS ee From Trapper to Wearer B Show Rooms Open | afi Knog nrc i h i John McKay Fur House 149-153 Brock St. 1} PROF. DORENWEND 25:onro HAIR GOODS ARTIST Will be at Kingston, Hotel Randolpt, on With every kind of LADIES and GENTLEMEN'S 16S, TOUPEES, BANGS WAVY AND PLAIN FRONTS. SWITCHES of all long hair in every length and shade. sure to visit his Show Rooms at the Hotel and see his samples. EXER EET EARN EENEENF generg ], where Postal Union's meetings. pleasant features of the said Dr. Coulter, "was the manner in which the representatives fo colohies, Australia and New Zea- common good. AJ into contact with our fellow-colonists that they have the and the same ideals as wé have. They are imbued with the same desire {0 secure postal rates, privileges that we have.' public works department, to some $6,000,000 were voted IFTR NE In The Sunday Observance Measure. PICHE'S AMENDMENT MAY BE ENLARGED TO COVER OTHER CLAUSES. Tha Criuser Arctic Has Set Sail For the Far North--Moberley is Not One of the Enumerat- ors For the Saskatchewan District." Ottawa, July 5.--It is stated that the government is reconsidering the clause in the Sunday observance bill, passed last week, that empowers the provincial legislatures to enact ex- emptions from certain features within thar respective limits. The form in which Mr. Piche's amendment was put, last week, does not, ini the opinion of some of the Quebec members, fully meet the object for which it was de- vised, At the same time an effort is being made, in certain quarters, to have the provincial power of exemptions en- larged 50 as to apply to other fea. tures of the bill than clauses 2 and 3. The Canadian government cruiser, Arctic, sails from Sorel, on Saturday, for' the far north. She is under the command of Capt. Bernier, and will be absent till the late fall. The Arctic will first visit' Churchill and Fuller ton, on Hudson Bay. Major Moodie will leave here for Hudsan Bay about the end of this morith. A patrol boat is being built at Sorel for his service and will come | FAEFEFEEEERERRRR ERE EXE TO KEEP SNAKES OFF. Willimantic, Comn., July 5 --At the hearing in court here on 'the TORO between the heirs of Will- iam Moulton over his estate, estirhated at $15,- 000, John A. Smith, broth- ér-in-law of the deceased, testified that Moulton had a at Hofror of snakes, and just before his death directed 'that he- be buried "ina cement-and-brick grave "so that the snakes will not sun themselves on my grave.' EHFRREERE HE FERRER RE AASIICIICIISIGICIISIIIIONIE to Halifax as soon as it is ready. It , is possible that Mrs. Moodie will ac. company the major on his trip to the Bay this time. There is not a word of truth in the report that H. J. Moberley, recently convicted for ballot-box fraud, had been appointed an enumerator in Sas katchewan. Dr. Coulter, deputy postmaster has returned from Rome, e was attending the Universal "One of the convention," of our sis- and, worked with One Canada for the finds on coming same asvirations postal expansion, to and to redues extend postal All the remaining estimates for the amounting in the Fe ri 20 fo He will, free of charge, demonstrate by | + i Lo » . - Ny Epa day. 8.20 dm fitting you what is the most suitable | Commons, yesterday. The Senate pass- and becoming to you. ed the usury bill, Oswageo, Charlotte, Lewiston Their dds HEALTH. SOMFORT Tuesd y Ss i and ¥Y LR PEAR CE, : pee Therwdaye. Satunlay. 8.40 SST MEN AVES ARE. BALD | KENTUCKY'S MURDER TRIAL. Thoroughly up-to-date travelling by | should investigate and see his FEATH. wal ER WEIGHT TOUPEES AND WIGS 3 Far = further information, JAMES | worn on over 535,000 heads. He Was Offered 8500 to Kill SWPP & Co., Wharves, foot Johm : Marcum. i= GARDEN PARTY Gis B™| sone, 2 ox co SWIFT'S TOURIST TICKETS id of tion was caused here at the trial of HOTEL DIEU HOSPITAL former Judge Hargiss and former Stes, "City of Mootreal" and "Cuba" | ynaer Auspicss of Ladies' Auxiliary | Sheriff Callaghan, charged with . the Detroit, Tolede. Cleveland, To- ronto, Montreal. Going West, Going East, Sunday, 9 u.m. For further information, JAMES SWIFT & Co., Wharves, foot Johnson street. Our Shoes... Represent the highest type of Footwear comfort, appear- ance, durability. Wear *'Allen's"' © Military Bootmakers Sign of Golden Boot. 84 Brock St. 1 DESIRABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE close estate of late E Chown, the ling, 16 Brock Breet. pry SWIFT'S #=ai rare om y AGRFOY AZAKE NOTICE Buy . Do not. . a8 I have I tar fone wi to go aay place - such stufl is sold "PR ARADING SBOOND J. ICEL, jAND DEALER Street. Afternoon TUESDAY, July 10, and Evening BAND IN ATTENDANCE Admission, 10¢., Children, 5 EE -------- GARDEN OF EDEN IN ARCTIC. -- View of ' German .Savant--Man Lived There First. Heidelberg, Germany, July 5.-- "Man and every other &pecies of mammals originated in the far Arctic regions, now deep in snow and ice," asserts Prof. Ludwig Heller, of the Heidel berg University, "probably north = of the present Lapland and Nova Zowm- bia, or in regions now washed by northemn ice seas. Man origidated in those regions when they first beaan to eool. The rapidity of the cooling process and the consequent violent struggles for existence brought about the numerous species of mammals with which we are familiar, and the transition from the anthropoid apes to man. The great migration of manimplia passed south through Ew ope and from Furope to all quar. ters 'of the globe." Notice --Life insurance companies will reduce the rate thirty-three per cent, to all who afree to suse Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea/" A wise measure, Tea or tablets. 35 cents. Mahood's drug store. Sane Rumor' is in circulation in Winnipeg that George"H: Shaw, traffic manager of CNR. is to all' lines of road with offices inToron- 0. murder of claims. He said that "Jim" Hargiss to get "Tom" and was later despatched by be given charge of [imported James Marcun, Ashbury Spicer, it was announced, had made a confession implicating the two chief defendants, On the day Marcum was killed Spicer was in Jackson, Ky., he a few minutes before the killing he was requested by White, "ld Callaghan to get Curtis Jett. A few minutes later, while Spicer was in the Hargiss store, two shots rang out, and Marcum fell dead in the front door of the court house. Spicer stated that he was offered $500 to kill Marcum. The other, he said, was made a few days before -------------------- OFFERED CHICKEN. Farmers Make Unusual Induce- ments to Workers. Topeka, Kan., July 5.--Fried "chick: en dinners and auto rides are the un: offering to prospective harvest hands, who were never before in such wrpvid nd . » Rich crops' are facing ruin and the farmers are well-night frantic in their efforts to secure aid 'in saving them, Several carloads of workers have hjwn from Missouri, Hat the iie- mand is still far in excess of the sep- ply. ! - KINGSTON, ONPARI look after the American news, tion by Russia of Finland and Sw Press is officially informed, is one of the measures taken smuggling of arms Marcum was killed. Spicer said he | through Finland into Russia, and had refused to kill Marcum, and that | there ix no intention of violating he had also refused previously to kill | the treaty of Paris of 1856, by re- "Jim" Cockrill. building the fortifications at Bomar sund destroyed by during the Crimean war. The military foree sent to the islands consists of a few hundred who are living in tents. usual inducements Kansas farmers pre Jroving a nuisance fo cottagers. The grow up to a good breeding place for the pests. One or two high winds generally serie to get rid of them, but so far there Lave been no winds to speak of. High Class = Society For the as Journal. MRS. ARTHUR PAGET, London, July 5.--=Mrs. Arthur Paget, who was Miss Mary Stevens of New York, has consented to become one of the society editors of The Throne, a new publication, pntering to the high- est aristocratic society of England. The paper will Be artistically illus- trated, and more a work of art than a roctiety newspaper. Mrs. Paget will THEY ACCEPTED 11PS FOR MAKING FAST TRIPS ON AMERICAN LINE. This is the Charge Against Ex- press Drivers--Officials Were Ignorant of This--Speed Too Great Rounding. Curves. London, 'July 7.--~The London and South Western Railway company will conduct a stringent enquiry into the allegations that the drivers of the Am- erican Line express train accepted tips for making fast runs. Officials declare that: they did not know that this was the practice. The 'board of trade enquiry into the accident opened: yesterday. © The pro- ceedings were private. An eye-witness of the accident will be culled to testi: fy. It is understood he will say that helore it left the Eh train made a big durch to the right, but regaived the metals. sdnsthe opinion. of this' seems to indicate that something gave way, cither anh axle or uw wheel. It has been proven that the speed of the train was greater than it should have been rounding the curves, It is announced, unofficially, that the boat train was scheduled to run 115 miles of the journey from Ply- mouth to London, in 113 minutes. A HOT FIGHT -- Tu Italian Chamber of De- puties. Rome, July. 3.<A debate inl the chamber of deputies, on the report of a special committee on the Italian navy, ended, last evening, by a great majority affirming, by a show of hands, confidence in the ministry of marine. The ecoecialists and radicals were dibgruntled, and demanded a formal division, which President Bianchero refused. As the president quitted the chair, Deputy Chiesa, a re publican, rushed at him with clenched fists. The secretaries and many depu ties hastened to defend the president, who * is a respected octogenarian, dhere was a hot fight around the chair, which was overturned. The fight was bloodless, but collars, eravats and hair were lost. A BRAVE MAN, Rojestvensky Pleads Guilty to Save His Staft. Kronstadt, July 5.<In a manly of fort to save the surviving members of his stafi and the other officers, who he believed surrendered the gunboat Be- dovi on account of their affection for their wound! communder, and their desire to - save his life, Admiral Ro jestvensky pleaded guilty before a court-martial. In a short speech to the court, - the admiral declared he took all the blame on his own shoul ders, and asked that he alone be pumished to the fullest extent 'of the frm virtually an appeal for condemn ation and death. All the other defendants pleaded not guilty, The Aland Islands. St. Petersburg, July 5.--The occ upa- the Aland Islands, den, the Associated to prevent the and ammunition the British fleet marines and infantry, ------------ Thousand Island Park Notes. Mosquitoes in unustial numbers are ong grass which has been allowed to fw days ago made a The first signs of the eel flies begin to show on the béardwalk, 1'uding from the dock to the hotels, fut they AND THE WIRES SCRATCHED HIS CHEEK. There Was a Vision of Bombs-- Thrower, However, Proved to Be No Anarchist, But An Old Pedler of Blossoms. London, July 5:~Although no men- tion was made of the fact in the newspapers, it has been learned that the police were very alarmed by an incident which occurred during the re- cent coremonial visit paid by the king to St. Paul's cathedral. Just as the procession was passing the Temple near the law courts a bundle of roses was thrown at cheek, and the wire which Bound flowers slightly scratched his face. In an instant the thrower was arrested, the. police remembering that the Mad- rid bomb was encased in flowers, The thrower, however, proved to be a famous old character--an elderly woman known as the "Hower. seller of Temple Bar." She has made it a practice for years to throw flowers to the king, and has been locked up twice, fie majesty when he heard of the arrest immediately demanded. her release, adding, through his secretary, EEEREFEFEEREREEFEREREERE SHOULD CLAIM RIGHTS. London, des 5 Lord Lansdowne, in House of Lords, during a discussion of the present shocking con- dition of the Congo Free State, said it was high time the European wers abuses were continued, he e¢ ered Britain should . er right to appoint com- suls there, and, perso: j Je had ne Sith ; ce ©! - Foglishmen than in row of inspectors officials belonging to Congo Free State. ft tél | PITH OF THE NEWS. The Very Latest Culled From All Over The World. The overdue Fibre line steamship, America, is safe at Bermuda. Yermoloff probably, wil Goremykin as Russian premier. Rev. H. McQuade, an aged Method- ist minister, died at Bridgeworth. Armed revolutionists, at Kostrama, captured an ammunition steamer. rhara Krupp, youngest daughter of the great gun manufacturer, is en: raged to a son of the governor of Prussian Saxony. Major G. W. Stephens succeeds Dean Evans, rosigned, as 'a member of the Protestant Board of School Commis sioners for Montreal. At Wabigoon, Ont., Chris. Johnson, a lumberman, was drowned while driv. ing logs. He was thitty:six years of age, and had no atives in this country. Terre Haute, Ind., the six council. men who voted to rgmove Mayor Bid. aman in the impeachment proceedings on the ground that he did not enforen the liquor laws, must go dry. The liquor sellers will not sorve them at any of their bars, King Peter of Servia's collection of press clippings and caricatures is to be sold by auction at the Drouot' rooms. Thirty thousand clippings and three thousand caricatures = are ° in- eluded in the eollection, which forms five handsome albums, aring the initials and arms of King Peter. -------- succead THE KOREAN EMPEROR. Imprisoned By Japanese. Seoul, July ~The Japanise bave virtually imprisoned the emperor of Korea within the palace. They estab. lished special guards, and henceforth nobody will be allowed to -enter or leave the palace 'without an official order. The Japanese say this step was necessitated by the emperor's constant intrigues, and his attempts to invoke Virtually the ty. -------- Baseball Summary. National league incinnati, 12; St. Louis, 0. St. Louis, 2; Cincinnati, 1, (10 innings.) Chicago, 1; Pittsburg, 0. Chicago, 1. Pittshurg, 0. Boston, 3; Philadelphia, 2. ¥ iladelphia, 5; Bostan, 0. American league-- Philadelphia, 3; New York, 1. New York, 2: Philadel. phia, 1. St. Louis, 3; Chicago, 0. Chicago, 5; St, Louis, 1. Cleveland, 3; Detroit, 2, Cleveland, 2: Detroit, 1. Washington, 8; Boston, 1. Boston, 9; Washington, 3. Eastern league--Bufialo, 13: Toron- to; 1. Baltimore, 8: Providence," 5. Baltimore, 10; Providence, 0. Roches- ter, 3; Montreal, 0. ster, 7; Mon. trend, 1. Jersey City, 4; Newark, 3. ; Feber a---------- Trusses that give ease, comfort, se- only live.a few days at the most. STRUCK HIS FACE! king. The bunch struck his majeory'? Io that "the; poor woman meant well." | foreign aid against Japanese suzerain- i TAKES BATH ONCE A YEAR. Nerva lives on raw fruit and vege: tables, never touches eggs, k butter or meat of any kind: "He does not even drink water and bathes 'only about ance a'year, as he believes that. asglnily rubbing down with sufficient to keep the body olean. ! | ; g SEN ea Toronto, July 5.--In ad- dition to the selection of 3 Hilton as a site of one © nl schools ¥ rer a. ly decided ; | EREXKEXE EER REESE XK q MAY BE ADDED TO ROMAN They Are Jesuit Fathers Murdered 4 By Indians, in Canada's Barly or «for 'Canadian Sciéntist--Twenty-Five - Ounce Baby. SR Montreal, July 8A 'potition has' heen sent to the civic i atudon a a ing the council to resolution aking the Hore Th chant i Tesalution ferred on any selontist.' ~ 1 The 'record' for tiny babies is bee he incubator lieved to be broken at tl baton hospital, at Dominion Park. The in- fant, which was taken there M night, weighs twen "five 'ounces, was borh premat gestation. In honor of the day on whiich it wax born, the 4th of Fal A the little girl was named Martha Wash. ington. The doctors have some hopes' of saving the little one's life. Bribe-Takers Buried Alive. Simila, India, July, 5B alive is still a recognised form of exe cution in Afghanistan. Although the aniir boasts of the civilization of his country under British influence, he has just ordered this barbarous punish ment to he carvied out. The victims were three muftis, or judges, 'at Lughmann, who were ocon- victed of bribes and maltreat: ing poor people. The. amir was in Lughmann at the time, and d od the governor to have the three men buried alive. The sentence was duly carried out after his departure, ------------ Fire At Carleton Place. Carleton Place, Ont., July 5.--At about 2,30 o'dlock 'this milk or | { ON at six months' § broke out in a building, known as the Ontario House, on Munro streét, own- ed by P. J. O'Brien, Smith's Falls, and occupied by the family of T. L. Carroll, as a dwelling! » firemen were promptly on hand and subdued the flames. The building was & frame and only a shell left standing. How the fire originated in unknown. There is insurance on the building and the household effects. ---------- Greatest Crop Ever. Winnipeg, July 5.--The crop report ifpued by the C. P. R. shows the wheat to be in a magnificent 'condi- tion. The 'damage by hail through dis coloration is very slight. The er is from a week to ten days ahead of last vear, Wheat is heading out and farm- ers are jubilant. It'is almost impos- sible to foresee any set back to the greatest crop in the history of west- ern Canada. Recovers By Prayer. Pittsburg, July 6.--After eight years ness, during = which physic in- sisted she would not recover, Miss Markley arose from her bed yesterday and walked out of the house appar- ently in good health. She discharged her doctors and says prayer alone cured her. ---------------- Belgian Crew Took It. Henley, Eng., July 5.--In the final heat- for the * Grand Challenge Cup, which took 'place, to-day, the Belgian crew defeated the Trinity | Hall by three lengths. Time 7 'mitutes, nine seconds. This is the first time the fa- mous eup has been won by any but an English crew. ---- Ladies' Caps. In crash and duck, at Campbell |. Bros.' Bay Pertna curity, Dr. Chown's, morning, fire | ---------------- t Gibson's Red C Drug Store, Fresh there, go