Daily British Whig (1850), 5 Jul 1906, p. 5

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ib] on A s and stimulates the mind, o $1 a 1b.--All grocers. Pf. ut we 8 IBBY CO. Blue Suits always in form, and we aplete in sizes and shapes. well tailored and stylish e is complete without a lor who' charges you $30 bit neater or give you a than the suits we sell for 16 to 18 nvestigate ? BIBBY CO. OF THE TOWN, : ER al. frigerators ! ill offer our large stock of 10 Per Cent sizes of Refrigerators on ) Up THESE BARGAINS Cash Only. { & SONS King Street IN WASH GooDS bry for 10c. t colors, the material you have r all season. We have about 200 day, . 10¢. yard shams for 12ic. Chambrys; some are plain t and figure; others are striped ..and 18¢, the yard, 124c. zed for 19¢c. ning 10 pieces of White Goods, me very 'neat patterns, will ls ar price 35c. yard, special ... 19¢, y for 13c. white ground with colored spot ce 2Be., tomorrow 1c. the yard dies, Faney Mugihs, "Towellings, ll summer wash goods, less than INSTON STORE ton Street SYNOP.IS OF CANADIAN oimwest] HOMESTEAD D REGULATIONS A even numbered Sestion Domin» s in Manitoba o rs North- any person who is the Sole 'head of .% family, or any male over 18 years of Age, to the extent of one-quarter sec- on, of 160 acres more or less. Entry may be fun he land to be taken as tuated, or if the omesteader y may, on appli cation to The ete Interr, HOMESTEAD DUTIES: A settler who bas been granted an ry for a home- stead is required to Jerform. the con netted therewith un Abs following plans : om. (1) at least six months resid and cultivation of the land ia cach ar ise the tern of throe years. (2) father (ar mother, if the Rather is ) of any person who is Slibie to make a humestead entry un- der the provisions of "his Act, resides upon a farm in the * vicinity of the land entered for by such person as a home- stead, the requireinents of this Act as to residonce Prior to obtaining patent may be satisfied by such person residing with she father ua Mother. ) settler has his permanent residence upon farming land owned by him fat the. Ficinity of his homestead, the requirements of this Act as to residenco by residence upon the APPLICATION FOR PATENT should be made at the end of three years, be- fore the Local Agent, Sub-Agent or the Homestead Inspector. Uefore making applications for paten setller must give six month's noti in writing to the Commissioner of Do- minion Lands at Ottawa, of his intention to do so. SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH- WEST MINING REGULATIONS. Coal.--Coal lands may be purchased at $10 per acre for soft coal and $20 for anthracite. Not more than 820 acres can be acquired by one individual or com- pany. Royalty at the rate of ten cents ver ton of 2,000 pounds shall be collected pn the gross output. Quartz--A free miner's certificate is granted upon Ppayuwout in advance of $5 peg annum for an individual, and from $50 to $100 per annum "Tor a coui- pany according to capital. A free miner, huving discovered mineral in place, may, locate a claim 1,500x1,- 500 feet. The fee for recording a claim is $5. At least $100 must be expended on the claim each year or paid to the mining recorder in lieu thereof. When $500 has ed or paid, the locator may, upon having a survey made, and upon complying with other requirements, pur- chase the land at $1 an acre. The patent provides for the payment of a royalty of 24 per cent on the sales. PLACER mining claims erally are 100 iret square ; entry fee $5, renewable yea A {res miner may obtain two leases to dredge for gold of five miles each for a term of twenty years, renewable at the iscretion of the Minister of the Interior. The lessee shall have a dredge in oper- ation within one season from the date of the lease for each five miles. Rental, $10 annuin for each mile of river leased. Royalty at the rate of 24 per cent collect- ed on the output alter WN a ,000. Deputy of the Minister of the Interior. ~Unauthorized Publication of this advertisement will not be 'paid for. NOTICE TO CO} RAILWAY TIES SEALID TENDERS ADDRESS LD to the undersigned, marked on the ¢n- velope "Tender for Ties, 1906," will be recetved at pe office of the Lonamission- ers of the Iranscontinental Railway at Ottawa, until twelve o,ciock noon, of the 12th day of July, 1906, for five hund- red and thirty-ive thousand (535,000) Railway Ties, in accordance with the spe oe Commissioners. SEALED TENDERS addressed to the undersigned, arked on the envelope "Tender for Ties, 1907," will also be re- ceived as above until twelve o'clo noon, of the 4th day of Septem 1906, for one million and ten thousa (1,010,000) Railway Ties, in accordance with the specifications of the Commis- sioners. Tenders supplied by > must be made on the forms the Commissioners which, as well as the specifications, may be obtained 'on application to Hugh D. Chief - Kpgineer, Ottawa, Ont. Doucet, District Enginee Quebec, P.Q., or to A. KE. Hodgins, District Engineer, Kenora, Ont. Full information in regard to deliveries roguired is given on form of tender. Kach tender must be signed and sealed the tender, and by all the witnessed. The successful tenderers will be re- ~asgired to sign a contract in form satis- factory to the Commissioners, and to furnish an accepted cheque on a charter- ed bank of Canada, payable to the Com- missioners of the Transcontinental Rail- way for a sum equal to ten per cent (10 per cent.) of the amount of the ten- der, as security for the due and faithful performance of the contract. ~ No tender for less than ties will he considered. The right is reserved to reject any or all tenders. parties to five thousand By order, P. BE. RYAN, Secretary. The Commissioners of the Transcontinental Railwa Dated at Ottawa, June bth, 1906. Royal Insurance Co. Established 1845 LIFE DEPARTMENT Assurances in Force, $104,000,000 Assetsover - - - 40,000,000 Expensce only 814 per cent. of income. Profits to Rolieyholders--The same rofits have So od for the past 'orty Yoara. Over 000,000, have been d as profits altogether, At the last distribution in 1905, over $8,226. oy 'to Boticybiclders is mot sur- passed office in the Noa pith valued at 8 per cent. n Expenses of Mauagement are less D nortionately than any Life onan if nad gy A Sate and Strong British Office. Rote: etc., on application to W.J.B. WHITE - = Kingston 'ATTEND THE BEST Ambitious young men and women Who are contemplating a Commercial Educa- tion in Shorthand, Typewriting, Rook- ng, SME of a Civil Service course find t Frontenac Business College Kingston, Ontario best equipped and most' up-to. keep will. The date business training institution in Eastern 'Ontario. Students may enter at any ina, and ' our graddates are assisted to good pay- ing Htuations. Write for catalogue and Charles Crookall and Miss Sullivan gave a pleasant little he. joint tea, yesterday, in honor of Miss Vera Gray; : theie visitor. The guests were A) ihe people. Miss Mabel Brownfield, . and Miss Bessie Gordon, were at the tea table, which was par- ticularly pretty, and Miss Ages Brown dispensed lemon punch. Miss Nora Gordon, Miss Dorothy Brown- field, Miss Grace Hemming, and Miss Trens Swift" helped people to refresh. ments, Nearly everybody stayed out of doors, on the big verandah, which had been made very comfortable with chairs and little tables. Among those present were : Miss Bessie, Miss May and Miss Emily Smythe, Miss Ger- trude Wilkinson, Miss Aileen and Miss Grace Rogers, Miss Mabel and Miss Muriel Kin iss Jean and Miss Nan Paterson, Mildred Macpherson, Miss Effie. Fenwick, Miss Belle Craig, Miss Rowan, Miss Marion Calvin, Miss Eomna Penss, Miss Tot and Miss Magige Taylor, Miss Alice Macnee, Miss Iiflian Kent, Miss" Lorraine Dalton and Miss Grace Martin. A purilnigpatey, under the auspices of the Ladies' Auxiliary of the Hotel Dieu, will be held in the grounds of that institution on the afternoon and evening of July 10th. The band will be in attendance. Will those whom™¢| may be impossible to ask personally to contribute refreshments be good enough to send. some offering to the Hatel Dien on the day of the enter- tainments | «TT ¥s on Mrs. Lennox Mills, "Bishopscourt," will not receive again, on Tuesdays, until the autumm. - - - - Mr. Francis Tothill, of the Bank of Montreal, Montreal, is spending part of his holidays with Mrs. R. H. Tathill. Mr. and Mrs. G. Y. Chown, on their trip to the Pacific coast, stayed over, in oun peg, with Mr. Chown's brother, H. H. Chown. iss Be of the general hospital nursing staff, has been down in Pem- broke, at the welding of her brother, the Rev. 'W. T. Brown. Miss May Nar who lately arriv- ed from Ireland, has taken a cottage, on Amherst Island, for August, and with her two sisters, will go up there about the first of the month, They will spend a' day or so, in Kingston, on their way up. iMis. © E.~H. from Picton. Mrs. G. H. Squires and her daugh- ter, Mrs. Ethelbert Offord, have gone out to Wilton. . Horsey has returned - - Miss Alice Macnee intends leaving, tp-morroy, for Metis, for the summer. Miss Mary Gardin a trained nurse of 'New York, is visiting at her un- cle's, Mr, J. A. Gardiner, University. avenue. She will also visit at her home in Odessa. Miss Ada Neish, New York, is with her: mother, Mrs. W. Neish, University avenue; for the summer. Miss Olive Boyd, University avenue, went down to Montreal, last night, to spend a month's vacation. Major and Mrs. Lafferty have left for Ste. Irenee; Mr. Geofge Nash has been up from Montreal. ; > Mr. Kissoch. of the Dominion Bank, Montreal, is here to spend a few days of his vacation. Mrs. Thornton Huycke, and her lit- tle son, Francis. have come down from Toronto, to Mr. Huycke's sum- mer cottage, on Presqu' Isle Point. "8 » Miss Dora, Herchmer is expected bome from the west shortly. Profogshr, and Mrs. Pike leave town, to-morrow, on their way to England. The Rev. Dr. Shaw, of Montreal, will be the guest of his sister, Mrs. Henry Skinner, "Maitland House," for the week end. Mrs. Thomas Donnelly and her baby spent a' day or so in Rochester, this week, Miss Violet Quebee, is visiting Adam Shortt. Miss Hua Rogers and Miss Gwendo- line Hall, went up, yesterday, to Pet- erboro. Miss Edith Ferguson has gone up to Smith, of her Stanstead, sister, Mrs. Point: Pleasant, Prince Edward, to pay Mrs. Hekhert Horsey a visit. "ae, ¥ 0» Miss Phyllis M. Welch' left, on Mon- day, for some weeks' visit in Quebec and up the Saguenay. Mr. Leon Lockie, Pittsburg, Pa., is the guest of Mrs. Charles Maund, Wawatanka: Island, Sharbot Lake. Miss Sadie Reid is visiting * Mrs. Anthony Malone, 95 Pembroke street, Toronto. Mes.» Luther Breok and Miss Dorothy Phillips left, yesterday, for British Columbia. Miss Margaret Geash is friends in Kingston.--Brockville corder. The Misses Crisp left yestevday, for Bathurst, N.B. to. spend the summer. - . * . Mr. V. Delmage was up from Mont- real, to spend the holiday with Mrs, Henry Merrick. The Misses Ferguson, of Ottawa, are visiting Mrs. Charles Livingston, Bar- rie street. visiting Re- Mise Henvietta Morgenthan, New York, is in the city, the guest of Mrs. Oberndorffer. Quecn street, Mrs. Mackinnon, who has been vias iting in Perth, arrived in town last night for a few days' stay with Mrs: G. G.. Publow, Clergy street, before proceedine to her home in Toronto. Miss Gena Branscombe has come over from Chicago, and is now in Pie: ton. She will be down here shortly. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Allison, and the twins. Master Gerald and little Miss Geraldine, Mrs. Drury, and Mr. H. W. Branscombe, spent the holiday -------------------------- That Dry &ough Is Bronchitis, d.it will weaken the throat WW. H. Shaw, 1..N. Stockdale. If neglected 0 di 1 and finally reach the lungs. Nothing Proaidun. Principal. ben 3nboling the heali ¥ por * of Latatehazone. Its action is like A: 'man 'of eighty elected a judge for Pratigen, Switzerland, is to through a university course in va- magic, 80 helpful, so easy to apply. Pe done with bronchial rouble for 1 time 1" Catatrhozone does cure the to enable him fo the examination To daw 'worst cases, will cure you too. Sold y and #1, ce { so, . DAILY with the Warden and Mrs, Platt - - 4 . 5 Miss Estelle Bull came from Bloom: field to-day, and is the guest of , Mrs. Platt, at the warden's residence. It is possible that the Rev. Clas ence Branscombe and his wife, Chica- go, may visit Mr, Branscombe's old home in Picton, this summer, and if they promise to spend a short time in Kingston, Miss Louie Douglas, of Ottawa, whe has been staying with Lady Cart: wright, at "The Maples," left town, on T uesday. ' «se Miss Maud Rugg, Rochester N.Y. i the guest of Mrs. Charles Low. Miss Jack left to-day for Lachute; Que., to visit her sister, Mrs. Ernest. Thomas. Mr. James Minnes has taken Drp Anglin's cottage, up the lake, for his family for the summer, and they have gone out there, Miss Mollie Cartwright will sail for England, on Saturday, by the Em- press of Ireland. - - - Mrs. Henry Tandy and Miss Con: stance Tandy, came up, this morning, from Echo Lodge. Mrs. J. Milton and Miss B. Allen, Kamloops, B.C., are visiting their fa- ther, Mr. William Allen, in Barriefield. Mrs. Frederick Folger returned, last week, from her short visit to Ottawa. Mrs, Henry Wade has gone over to Oswego. ) Mrs. J. R. McCann, has gone to her camp ji 2 six miles down 'the river. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Sills, Mack street, are visiting in Napanee and Richmond. Mrs, Herbert Robertson and children are campingrat Bogart's Plains, . on the Bay of Quinte. m---------- TO-MORROW'S COURT. The Italians Will Be Given Fair Treatment. To-morrow's police court will doubt- less attract a thoroughly curious crowd, to watch proceedings, when the twenty- five from sunny Italy line up before Magistrate Farrell, after a week's stay in county jail, on remand, charged with rioting at the outer sta tion, last Thursday. A. Dini, the lo- cal Italian, will act as interpreter for the court, as the majority of 'the men "no speak English." In the case of those who can be iden- tified as having taken part in the fight against the constables, a more serious charge than that of rioting can be laid against them: They will have to answer to "assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm.' A conviction on this indictment is liable to * four- teen years in the penitentiary. Any person or persons wha assem- ble together in riotous actions and destroy a building, machinery, etec., are liable to life imprisonment. Those taking part in a riot and only injur- ing or damaging property, can be sent up for hard labor for seven years, If definite conviction can be got against those of the arrested navvies who merely took part in the riot, but were not in the stabbing affiray, it looks like ""we are seven' for them. Sergt, Nesbitt is not sufficiently re covered and will not likely be able ta be in court to identify the one or once who so savagely attacked him, but Police Constables Naylon and McAdoo, who were among those present, will likely make some interesting idemtifi- cations, Just what will be the outcome is a matter for the morrow to bring forth; before Magistrate Farrell justice, fair to crown and prisoner, can be ex- pected. HOT WORDS EXPRESSED And Five Dollars Goes Into City Exchequer. An abusive language case, Delbert Benn, complainant, and Frank Young, defendant, the attraction of po lice court, this morning. Telling his side of the story, Benn said he was doing mason werk on the corner of Union and Albert street, Tuesday morning. MoKelvey & Birch's driver passed and he called, asking if they kept stone hammers. The driver told" him to go to the store and find out. Complainant told defendant he was mighty independent and Young gave a very strong reply, with "cuss" words for adjectives. George Ammen was workine with complainant on Tuesday, and heard Jenn ask Young if stone mason's hammers were kept at the shop. He corroborated the bad words used by Young to Benn. Defendant denied language to Benn, The magistrate declared there was no doubt the language had been used and decided that five dollars and costs should go into the city coffers to clean up matters. A farmer from Sunbury came into the city, yesterday, and indulged in too many tall, cool ones "See that you return at once to your own soil,' quoth the court in giving him his free- dom. was Delbert using any gross A Flag Incident. Lincoln, Neb.» July 4.-Miss Anna Tompsett, of 630 South Twentieth street, to-day, hoisted a British flag over her cottage. She came recently from Canada and did not understand the full meaning of the Fourth of July celebration. A large crowd gathered and were threatening to haul down the flag, when the matter was reported to the police and Miss Tompsett was compelled to haul it down. Struck By Lightning. Neatly describes the celerity of Putnam's Corn Extractor. Roots them out in short order. Causes no pain, leaves no sore, and gives perfect satis- faction. Remember there is only one "best"--that's Putnam's--fifty years in use. . . Won By The Wanderers. The Wanderers football team played the Inverary football téam at the 1. O.F. picnic, at Inverary, on July 4th, A fine victory, 2 to 0, was in both goals being scoretl by the centre forward, R. Watts. After the game a BR favor of the Wanderers of "Kingston NEWS OF THE WORLD OCCURRENCES F RECOUNTED IN BRIEF FORM, -- | Matters That Interest Everybody '«wNotes From All Over--Little of Everything Easily Read 'and Remembered. The Port Hope municipal lighting / by- law was defeated by seventy-five votes, Five hoys were killed and nine injur- ed by a dynamite explosion at Wana: wie, Pa. Oswego, N.Xi, on July 4th, enter- tained the ldrgest crowd that ever in- vaded her nots. Charles D. Fuller, a Buffalo, N.Y, policeman, had his right hand blown off by a giant firecracker, At Buffalo, Prof. Henry A. Ward, Chicago, the. = well-known naturalist, was struck by an automobile and kill: A. P. Murray, 'employed by the New York Air Brake company, Watertown, N.Y., was found dead in bed from heart failure. =, AV Oswego, N.Y., Morray Kitts, thirteen 'years of age, was accidental- ly shot and killed by Frederick Park- er, a companion. With four holes up, George S. Lyon, Toronto, led; Douglas Laird in the first round for the amateur golf cham- Pignship of Canada. young immigrant, Arthur Fddi- son, Yo gopher poison at Darling- ford, Man., with suicidal intent, and will probably, die. Douglas McCollum, caught in a belt and whirled round a shaft at Tew- ley's saw-mill in Wainfleet, Ont., has died of his injuries. The election of Count Boni de Cas- tellane has been annulled by the chamber of deputies, on the ground of corruption and bribery. At Syracuse; N. Y., a giant fire cracker, which prematurely exploded, blew off the thumb and index finger of the right hand of Michael Moral. Miss Kenney and the other women suffragist disturbers of the peace in London, have all gone to prison, ra- ther than agree to behave themselves in future, At. Wimbldon, FEng., May California, to-day, lost the tennis championship of Great Britain, which she won, last year,/being defeated by Miss Douglass. The marriage of Miss Mona Wil- liams, Port Hope, to Harold Brunton, Edmonton, 10oR inten, to-day, at St. Mark's church, Part Hope, Ont., was strikingly petty. The Ontaria government is prepared, when the #dme comes, to retire Presi- dent Loudon, of Toronto University, on an allowance equal to his present salary, namely, 85,600, At Oyster Bay, L.I., surrounded by his neighbors in the oven air, with the echa of children's voices singing the nation's songs in his ears, President Roosevelt delivered a Fourth of July oration. The, Canadian School of Musketry opened - at Rocklifie, this morning, with Lieut.-Cel. Cartwright in com- mand. There were forty-five officers and non-commissioned officers enroll- Sutton, and 2 Pressure will be brought to secure a pardon for Frank G. Bigelow, the defaulting Milwaukee broker, serving a sentence at the federal prison. Leav- enworth, Kan. It is said that prisoner's health is failing. TRIED TO DIE And Called For Help When He Hit Water. Windsor, Ont, July b5.--Edwarnd Gough, whose home is in Toronto, and who travels for a Chicago house, tried to drown himself, here, last night, by jumping into the river from the Michigan Central dock, but shout ed for help as soon as he struck the water. Watchman Girardin fished Gough out of the water. The would be suicide cried for joy at being sav ed. He was despondent as a result of habits he feared he could not over come. Placed In Civil Hands. Pekin, July 5.-The Japanese mi tary authorities, on July Ist, trans ferred the control of Mukden, Man- churia, to the Japanese civil adminis tration. the withdrawal of military control from other interior cities of Man- churia during July and August. "On A Saturday Afternoon." Take the palace steamer America for a complete tour of the Islands. 2.30 p.m. Home early. Only 35c. Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store The members of the 14th, to Albany, former Kingstonians in the capitel. Baby's Own Tablets, formed and strong. Bright eyes are an infallible index to youth, windows from which Cupid shoots his arrows. Hollister"s Rocky Houutain Tea makes bright eyes, rosy cheecks., Tea of tablets, 35 cents. Seka drug store. Gillette safety razors are off! Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store, one with you to camp. he S88. Freemafia, Thomson line, from Shie Ids, inward, at Father Point, 10:55 p.m.; SS. Hungarian, Allan line, from London, inward, at 5:45 p.m. Button,Culross towhahip, visiting team who had a Westy time in the evening. : Péars' English," Red Cross "Lime Cream, sold at Gibson's Store, very enjoyable tea was, served to the Drug | Pickering was discovered before much damace was done. Red rubber vipplos for babies' tlés, are sold at Drug Store. Garden rasphertion, Carnovsky's, bot {man & Shaw, is to" lake a position in the: The latter are arranging for «| Five of the six skiffs in_the first sail Troops All Disaffected. Tiflis, July 5.--The military situa-, tion in the Caucasus is exceedingly 'y grave; disaffection has appeared am- | train was McConkey's high class can- ong practically all the troops, includ- } dy. Sold in Kingston at Gibson's Re: ing the Cossacks. Cross Drug Store. At Los Angeles, Cal, Abe Attel, Forty Little Liver Pills for 10c. at| champion featherweight pugilist of who went report having met many for children's at Take Buy Gin Pills at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. ° Fresh there. 3 run a Fhe body of the girl Sn Toronto subject for pneumonia writes Mrs. A. bay was identified as that of Mae B. Charters, of Burlington, 1 tried See the 10c. tooth brushes in Best's build me up so quickly. In a few window. They are winners days my appetite improved, color An incendiary fire in Dale's hall at | came into my 'cheeks and felt vibaon's Red Cross ' pay Hl WHIG, THURSDAY, avLy 5. PERSO.JAL MENTION, Movements of The People--What They Are Saying And Doing. Robert Kirkpatrick, late of New- Cobourg, Ont. ? Miss Isabella Tyo is spending her vacation with Miss Lily Hawkey, at | Mount Chesney. Killean has returned Miss Annie from Rochester, N.Y., after a week's left visit: with her brother, John Phillips, wife and child, this week for Orillia and Muskoka to spend a fortnight's vacation. During the vacation of Rev. R. C, Blagrave, of Christ church, Belleville, Rev. J. W, Forster will have charge of the parish. A.C. a. Renfrew, was in the city, last night, on his way to Buf- falo, N.Y. He took the steamer Cas pian to Charlotte. Mr. and Mrs, Edward Scrutton and two children, Deacon street, have gone to St. Paul, Minn., to visit her sis ter, Mrs. T. Hughes. Miss J. Bazinet, who has been visit: ing her sister, Mrs. T. J. Murphy, Ba got street, returned this afternoon, to her home in Clayton. Miss Carrie Donnelly, nurse-in-train- ing, who has been visiting her aunt, Mrs. T. H. Ferguson, Johnson street, has returned to Ottawa. Dr. Spankie, of Wolfe Island, has been elected vice-president of the medi- cal council of the Ontario College of Physiciaps and Surgeons. James Thompson, and Miss Clar- abell France, of Minetto, N.Y., came over on the steamer last night from Cape Vincent, N.Y., and were married by Rev. Dr. MacTavish, at his resi- denve, Queen street. FIREMEN GO ON STRIKE. On Steamer Kingston; Marine News. The steamer Siageton yesterday af- ternoon experien: strike, seven firemén refusing to go to work and the hig R. & 0. Boat instead of leaving Jon schedule time from Toronto was delayed until 7 pam. The captain man- i aged to get men to go firing, She was Other late in arriving in port, this morn- ing, but left nearly on time for Presoott. The steamer Aletha arrived in port at noon, from . Cornwall. Yesterday she ran an excursion from there to Ogdensburg. She went on to Belleville, to run a moonlight out of there to- night, to Deseronto. Yacht Cheomaun brought a pleasure party from Thousand Islands this .af- ternoon. The steamer Missigguoi brought a ood crowd to port at noon from Srookville, After the 12th, she will run regularly between Roskport and Kingston on Tuesdays and Thursdays, for the summer. Steamer North King was two hours i delayed on her down trip, this morn- ving. She had a large number on board. Expressions Of Sympathy. This morning, Dr. J. C, Connell, dean of Queen's Medical College, re- ceived communications from Dean Roddick, of MoGill Medical College, and Dean Reove, of Toronto Medical College, expressing sympathy over the loss at Queen's, and offering any as sistance that the Queen's medical faculty might require. Dean Connell has also received many letters from friends of Queen's in regard to the fire. Governors Meet, The governors of the General Hos. pital met on Wednesday. A gift of $150 has been received from the high court and Court Frontenac No. 59, 1.O.F., and a tablet placed in the hall of the main building in commemora- tion of Dr, Herald. The money will be. used for furnishings and comforts for the public wards of the hospitals, The governors for month of July are Prof. Martin and W. B. Dalton. Tour Of The 1,000 Islands. Saturday, steamer p.m. Home oar! on board. Fare America, 2.30 First class meals we, It pays to buy rubber goods at Gib- son's Red Cross Drug: Store. Pare gum rubber ones sold there, Clayton Yacht Club races were held on Wednesday and Thursday. May Irwin, the actress, who promised to enter a launch in the motor boat races, did not make an appearance. ing race were sailed by members vf the Longton family. John Hearst, St. Joseph's Island, and Mrs. Hearst, have been appointed jailer and matron respectively of the jail at Sault Ste. Marie, in place of A. McKellar and Mrs. McKellar, who have resigned. During Prince Arthur's trip through Canada the only candy on the royal America, got the decision in the twen- tieth round over Frank Neil, bantam- weight champion, Attell showed to great advantage, landing six blows to Neil's one. ills, Fresh at Gibson's Red Cross Biggest tooth brush bargains, at Drug' Store. Best's. Crown Princess Frederick William Lady Doyle, wife of Sir Arthur was safely accouched of a sor on} Conan Doyle, died on Wednesda: Wednesday morning, The boy is well * The Girl That's Never Strong. You meet her everywhere, behind the counter, in the office--how hard for lot--weak, unstrung, easily tired. It's the will not the strength keeps her in the race. She wants to be strong but dosen't know how. Let her try Ferrozona *] the blood, fills it with nourishment and force" that imparts vitality to every part of the body. No tonic, so strengthening and appetizing, no re sults surer than the steady rebuilding Ferrozone produces. "I was all It ironizes down and an apt Ferrozone, but didn't believe it could stronger, 1 regained eight pounds and regained my old time vigor." : Ferrozone will do as much for you. Sold by all druggists or N. C. Polson i' | | | & Co., Kingston, Ont., and Hartiord, Conn., 50c. per box, . Couches For our MIDSUMMER SALE London Dry G Gi Finest Distilled. KEZP THE CAPSULES, THEY ARTI VALUABLE. BOIVIN, WILSON a €O., Montreal DISTRIBUTORS. : : Sold only in sealed lead packets, To 'At alt grovars, 'Fighes: Rovard, Bh. Louie, Saleof Ladies' Tailored Coats at Half Price WITHOUT indulging in a word of argument or xt comment we will dismiss the matter with a mere stats ment of facts : Ladies' Fawn Covert Cloth and Fine Broadoloth De .00 Coats for 4.50 to 6.50 #74 1000 Long Raincoats for 8 only Black Sateen Wrappers, 30 only Fancy Print Wrappers, reg. 1.00 to aeversdenn BOYS WhiteGanvas She Sizes, 1 to 5. v The $1.50 kind, while they last for $1.15 a pair. | SPENCE'S ™ sans ow Berens x Rugs, Velours and Tapestry. At SALE PRICES. coke JAMES REID, The Lesging FOR AMBULANCE 'PHONE 147. ree 8 McDermott's Shoe Store Ye FINANCE AND INSURANCE - CUSTOMS BROKER - The business of ths Os GO. Oliver, will be carried om is his offiés, 79 Clarence streets G.A. BATEMAN Who for the last five years has been associated with Mry Oltxer. Money to Loan Bye ayy (If You Want a Tomo Or Insurance, have a talk with

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