JF TABLE WATERS" STEADILY INCREASED and is now ACCEPTED RE CIVILIZED WORLD erties of an IDEAL 'and R. ng you suffer so--what is making you a prisoner in the house? ck kidneys--let ufie acid Nia poisoninto the nerves. ~Bu-Ju Pill ght to the root of the trouble--the them, start them properly to work. s no more urie acid to irritate.and jore Rheumatism. antee that they will cure yon of disease. Limited - WINDSOR, Ont. isfactorily 8 aze is sweeping the it. Nothing so cool er has ever been devis- Just now our shelves st styles. We invite and & Bro. I0E SHOEMAKING. re Malt t barley are very Labatt's id agree \ND, AGENT, | King St. PIPPP SPOOL PPO LES ITERS AACHINES § epairéd BE wad 171 Wellington St, Joints in & few hourk. Positively cures in & few day. It does not put the disease to sleep, but drives it Som the systems --MENY ON. Crests ard IM BOSSIN Beading, for Paper and i ENGRAVING Gras Letter haads Besides 811 classes of Letter Press Priating from a card te a volume, THE WHIG Kingstcn A. E, HERGD| Ordered Footwear Repairs Shoe Dressing, etc. Store Closes at 7 p.m., Exce pt Saturday. @rcrrasassasassssasssd Grand Union Bote! Rooms Fram $1.00 Per Day Up OPPOSITE GRAND CENTRAL STATION 'EW YORK Daggage Ne and From Station Free An exceller: yuide-book and map of the City of New York sent on receipt of two cents in Sst ar-- Cook's Cotton Root Compound. The great Uterine Tonic, and jonly safe effoctual Monthly Ragulator on which ronjen tan depend. Sold in three di of strength--No. L 0 strongc fc cold al pr Bold all dru ate « or sent Jere on n, Fooelpt of of price, 0 pamphlet. Tu . (formerly Windsor) za \ of %oox Meowing Co,, ToronTo, FOR SALE Must Be Sold To Close Up Estate The following desirable City Propor- residence of late 1. n. i Bagot St, -extension « dining and kitchen, all modern. 1U8 Bagot St., extension kitchen. modern. 108 Dagot St., extension dining and kitchen, all modern. Price and particulars, see Geo. Cli Real Estate Agen all NewYork Chin ese Restaurant : 83 Princess Street Open from 10.80 a.m. to 3.00 am. oThe best place to get an all round Lunch in the city. Meals of all kinds on shortest notice. English and Chinese dishes a specialty. NEW MONUMENTAL WORKS Lettering in Cemeteries a Specialty : 3 : JAS. MULLEN, 372 Princess St. Opposite Y.M.C.A. Canadian Chinese Restaurant 331 King Street Open from 10.30 a.m. to 3.00 a.m The best place to get am all round Lunch in the city; Meals of all kinds on shortest notice. [English and Chinese Hishes a specialty. Phone 655. Wm. Murray, Auctioneer 27 BROCK ST. New Carriages, Cutters, Harness elc., for sale. Sale of Horses Every Saturday Auction Sales Book your sale of Furniture at once and get choice of date. I conduct all the important sales and ealise tho highest prices. 'Phone, 605, JOHN H. MILLS The Leading Auctioneer Lawn Mowers 2The Best Mower Only $3.50 -- AT .. Strachan's Hardware . Jervas' Confectionery Store First Class Confectionery Store and Ice Cream Parior. Pure Cream, with crushed fruits used. KX constant supply nf One fresh Candies. H. JERVAS, 220 Princess Street Next to Opera House. Pea Meal and Brezkfast Bacons at Myers'. SE Some people may have a lot of good in them, Hut the trouhle is they don't "painted finite pains his Arts, Phil; la Mr. where his developed John Paul in Paris, That he ous medal won by h These the Paris pincott. pr in 1900; exposition © xposition Louisiana Besides Luxembou let "it. out. ' AN AM "Tanner," original and never pie tures hang in world's best kins and Tanner highly creditable his countr ineludn class med: second tists crave may be seen in this country at RADE MARK REGISTERED, hap Comp 475 NL a N. Hahn, Jud Bctene vice weeks and weeks in peaned and despaired of ever better. *4 thought Mira would be like other vemadies 1 Rad trent, : ae yp ical 1 fell rs st ica t 7 Sours after the firs aaplican ation I fel frat relief. | ---- commentator, says a with ia slowly, carefully, s and alluring cclor; dee ly gensational, until many of the galleries." As a rule, he selects religious sub jects, which he handles with reverent touch and obvious svmpathy His recent work, "The Filgtim of Em mans," which the French. government has just purchased, is an ex le of his style and method of expression. Every artist--especially Americans who are working out their destiny in the French ecapitil--desires to be re presented in the Paris Salon. Tanner has had paintings on the Salon line for a number of years Thi season he is represented. by two--*"The Ti! grim of Emmaus" and "The Return of the Holy Woman." Life began for Henry Ossnwa Tan ner in Pittsburg, where his father, afterward B op Benjamin Tanner, of the Afiican Methodist Episcopal church, then lived. He was horn June 21st, 1859, and is, there fore, forty-seven years old. In 1880 and 1881 he studied at the Pennsylvania "Academy of the Fine awdelphia, a pupil of Thomas Thomas Hovenden, went next to Paris, artistic genius was further by Benjamin Constant and Is \Urens. en years ago he married Miss J o uy Olgsen, a Swede, and since then has spent most of his although he frequently vis vd this country. He is one of the le ing members of the American Art As sociation of Paris, Early in his career this artist ap precinted the necessity of hard work and patient study. He realized that he was not a genius yet he felt that be possessed talent, and determined that he would cultivate that talent to the utmost. has succeeded in a manner Jike to himself and shown thy the numer that have been vi s and prize ix brush. honoralle Sulon in 1506; il in 1897: the ize of 8300 at Philadelphia, medals at the Paris , 1900: the Pan-American , Bufialo, 1901. and the Purchase exposition, 1901, being represented in the re--an honor that all ar- the. work of Mr. Tanner the mention at the third Walter Lip "but, to my delight, a few z Re 0. I a "S------ Acade Fairm severa The eal lo the tion. viour "Th sents two reciue mans, about tor seript it bliss Ane they The of ble the { hix iy | task infor of th One been of ths one o + Carnog Wilstach Mr. T exercise charac m, "went And they dre whith thoug Abide ing, and the IMEYS,' vers Dest ratings. my of the ount P. 1 private parentage anner In many is found, teristic e Vilgrim Jesus reve hsciples, three they ures : r they th He we to which w score Tortut ie Institite, Fine collection, Philadelphia, galleries, and early training of doubtless turned his tention to religious subjects; ns walked + joined by w nigh unto the went, they constry with us, » to pass «it and 1 their knew of their sight artist ssing the nation troubled, at intense an readily for ves Him, and He St. has chosen bread, disciples were on his cunvas. gination is of indicating the first breaking e two men with whom the our, had walked and who now nized Him as the All concerning whose Gazing upon the of | aling who, after a village > as the Penns Arts Memorial artistic works the Emmaus' Himself to the fron Jeru furlongs." and third, Jesus, even exposition vi and He me have gone furt vned Him, say it is ie far y with them. as He He bread, ve it to them. were opened, spent took Luke xxiv, the the projected into into the sat conception gleams min ri ylvania and in the Hall, and in at in bibl » has found a rich ficld of his of his and is treated with reverence, for imagina a repre the resur called Fm aler talked they whom they af of the at and aml vanished out 23-31. moment when the eves of opened to place of the of Crucified and Arisen fate they Tanner conception moment in their lives, imagine sf ter two humble fliscifiles went forth to preach an actual ing the remainder of hdr lives, that and 1 thor en Lord dir Dis sm om It 18 more or res of psych 3 Don't put it off pet & box of Mira Oistment study that the art' * attempts ia | al one wed be riened: Price 50c.--~610r $2.50. | picture of "Christ Washing the At ts -- of from The Chemists Co. of |cinlos' Feet." This is noticed, {oo Hamilton-- Toronto. {his "Nicodemus," which hangs in ti SRICAN NEGRO WHO LIBADS FRANCE IN ART oughly : v : 000 fi i 8 she: pV Phe at ivory moonlight, 00 fitms, asking them whether they ¥Anpo desire to so leave their keys at a { It was not the artist's wish to or yearly fee of twenty-one shillings. Up {round the Saviour's head with a halo { 4, tho bresent 500 firms have roplied | there | | The problem was cleverly solved by i having the trap-door leading to the pure and perfect as money can buy, roof appear open. Up through it while absolute cleanliness is enforced gleamed the yellow light from the | in every detail of the making and hidden lampy and this falling upon serving. Wade's Drug Store. the face and breast of Jesus, imparts to His features just sufficient glow to (seem a supernatural lighting That Tanner desires faithfulness of { nt shape it prevents merchants, as i expression, as well as a portrayal of | ® body, meeting with the manu. artistic sentiment, is ménifest in all facturors to discuss trade questions his works, In order that he might be and to use their influence collectively a few vears ago. ! 7 His Nicodemus was painted upon a house-top in Jerusalem, such as that pon which the Lord and Nicodemus Iv, h 4 not compose a landscape of fancy, but tc without paint or 5 ota: Sold are the actual surroundings of Jerusa- by all druggists, em. His "Nativity," in the Wilstach ; vey Olam 2be/)eqro Arist. Academy of the Pennsylvania arts. In this work the artist has employ- ed a very clever suggestion of genius to express a proper idealization, while his regard for the real--by result of close Tanner is thor retaining nature and from the study and hard work honest in his methods, Jut here position. The questioner were the house-top; they, peaceful landscapd beyond, Saviour and yet there should be some natural glow being different from features shone the moonbeams, Saviour's face within in the And yet, glow as by a night seemed of countenance. better fitted to depict Biblical studies, in the Holy Land he spent some time sat in the night; the hills beyond collection, haga , environment, | 1 "Three Swallows." Sir John Power. & Son's "Three Swallows" Of highest standard of purity, Distillers to His Majesty the King, fine was rather a difficult pro- and His aged seated at night upon as well as the were bath- super- to distinguish Him as a the mere man beside Him an man whose wrinkled with a bluish light in to make the light drawing © (too strongly upon artistic license. toward vve { And the do similar basis of real Irish Whiskey, | Famous for over a century, ! Doings of the he People in This River. Town. 'Gananoque, July 6.The schooner Echo, - with in from Meo left for Kingston Tron of Ottawa, her residence for season er cottage on Tremont Park. Rev. Mr. Triplett and wife, of New York, are spendi a few weeks with Mrs. "Triplett s son, at lence on Tremont, "Upton On Severn.'" Miss Nash," of Detroit, head milliner for Mrs. Baker? King street, was taken to St. Vincent de Paul hospital, Brockville, - y evening, and successhully opera: ted on for ap dicitis. The bascball game, yesterday, in Watertown, between the Wanderers, of the St. Lawrence League, and Water: town, was called at the end of soventh innings to give the Wanderers tie to catoh their train for home, and re sulted in a tie; score, three to three. Mrs. Ernest Kendall, of Guelph, is spending the summer with her pa- rents, Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson, corner King and Hickory streets. Mr. Irish, of Cobourg, arrived in town Inst evening. He has received a posi- tion as druggist with T, W. Harrison, King street. G." Mitchell, of Farnham, Que., was in town, "Tuesday, looking up 'eld friends. George W. Close anived in town, last evening, and spent yester doy here. Mr. Close has been ailing for some time and will take a rest for a few weeks at his home in Na- W.Hale, Jr., son of Mr. and panee. Mrs. W. Hale, Pine street; who has been attending Amherst Colles Am-, herst, Mass., is spending his vacation at his home. { $200,000 YEARLY AND WIFE. Bertha Krupp's Husband to Direct Huge Industry. Berlin, July 8.--Herr Dr, Von Boh- ylen und Halbach, Bertha Krupp's fiance, already has practically left the dipjpmacy and is now hard at work in Essen and other centres of the Krupp industries, acquiring familiari- ty with the ramification of his future wife's enormous business. | The late Horr Krupp's will provides that Bertha's husband was to assume . the position of leading divector of the . works, Von Bohlen works ten hours a day, and is a very brilliant young man and most methodical. It is ex: pected he soon will master all the details. He is said to entertain no- j tions about the formation of a Germ- an steel trust. The salary he will be paid as managing director after mar- riage will be $200,000 a year. DIED WITHOUT A WILL. He Possesses Goes to His Girl Wife! Montreal, July Old John Morris: ; on, who, through miserly habits, man- aged during a long lifetime to amass a considerable fortune, probably one hundred and fifty thousand dollars, | and who was run over and killed by a street car a few days ago, died with- out a will, Under the contract which was made when he married his gill wife some years ago, the old man left the wi- dow all he had. | At the time of the: marriage Morri- son made over half of all he possess ed to the girl who was young enough to have hoen his grand-daughter, and the marriage contract gives her the balance. All STEAMBOAT POSTOFFICES. Mail Handled on St. and Islagder. Clayton, N.Y., July 6.--Few of the many thousands who traverse the river are aware that two of the boats of the Folger line are equipped with a regular post office NY bent one can leave mail and have it eared for hy one of Uncle Sam's employees. The Islander and the St. Lawrence are so equipped, one man, Jesse Jones, of Syracuse, doing duty on both. The offices are very similar to that of a railway mail car, having compart ments where the mail is assorted, while along the wall stretch a line of bags waiting for mail for this or that destination. Lawrence STORE KEYS WITH POLICE. : To Try That Scheme of Pro- tection. London, July 5.--~The London city police are instituting a scheme where by city firms will be able to leave the keys of their premises at police sta tions at night for use in case of fire, burglary or other emergencies, The police have sent circulars to 6, in the affirmative. In several provincial cities scheme has long been in vogue, ---------- this Wade's Ice Cream Soda. We, perhaps, should give it a name of its own, it is so unlike much of the ice cream soda sold. Everything that enters into it is as Merchants ask for ainnidments to the criminal code. They want section 520 altered, claiming that in its pre to help the manufacturers set a price on their goods which will be fair to the consumers A perfect bowel laxative for consti: pation, sallow complexion, headache, dizginess, sour stomach, coated ton- gue, biliousness. Lax-#ts act prompt- Protests addressed to the governor in-council at Ottawa, are from Adolphe Caron and agninet the reveal of the pensions privy councillors. they have a vested right would be a breach of faith for parlia- ment to re peal a pension once given, Sir so-pensionars, to They claim that and that. it .\ Prior to our Semi-Annual Stock- taking, we will give a 20% discount off all goods in our immense stock, except cottons--Cottons 10) off. Sale starts ATURDAY, JULY 7 and lasts 8 days. ALL SALES FOR CASH ONLY. CRUTILEY BROS Our No, 20 is the kind that leaves he fruit plump and round. Two (2) cher- ries to each stroke. No spring to rust or break-- nothing to get out of order. Try one, and return it if not satisfactory. Price, 65 Cents Each. McKelvey & Birch, 69 and 71 Brock St. LL The News TORONTO The Evening Paper Most People Road THE INDEPENDENT 1.30A A PAPER OF CHARACTER WHOSE COL- UMNS ARE FULL OF INTERESTING WHOLE- RELIABLE REPORTS OF IMPORTANCE. SUB. DAILY BY MAIL MATTER OF PUBLIC SCRIBE NOW. SAMPLE COPY ON REQUEST YEAR EVERY 0000090 0000 A00EY @TOOH $ BOYS' : WhiteCanvas Shoes: Sizer, 1 to 5. The $1.50 kind, while they last for $1.15 a pair. ° | | McDermott's Shoe Store 29923389 "POE ®® Cee eLeose® L ANDS Musany sie ROMY. Try Bibby's 2%¢c. and 50. fancy hos- iery. ® ® ® i Bicycles Bicycle Supplies Baseball Goods Fishing Tackle Talking Machines And Records wi Pe