Rheumatism ss of the Limbs, ete. I's Liniment is the Bast o Ninlmen tS Spd bathe titary ated with the linsnent. arge bottle, 25 conts. cellent Hair Restorer nd Sealp Cleanser , for sale at your druggist, it 8s be procured at ames B, Liniment Co., N.B., and Chelms- Sott's White St. John, 8. sive Models Our Specialty nake a special study of t Furs for Women is why Our Styles out of the ordinary yet in harmony with fur idea of women know, GOURDIER 3 and 80 Brock Street s Only Exclusive Fur Store Candelabra p . n new and cffoice de- ens, low or high, burn- hed and gray finishes, These are furnished th the new silver fili- ee covered shades, with ad fringe d Mica Lin'mps That Cannot Cateh Fire \ Candclabrum is to- vy almost a necessity a home. MITH BROS. ewelers :: Cpticians Phone 866 suers of Marriage sees ssesesessal) MANT Wall 5 | ly for use by adding water. up la bags, 100 Ibs. ie cach, te Rock Finish ip In bags, 30 Ibs. ia each 55-57 Barrack St. 'Phone 109 Vals Sess ssssesancsse One Yard Summer ss Materials Nl Be ried Quer Us to Next jon Jf luced Prices 1 Do 11. ce the money-saving Inities- presented to this store. in and see the / on Wednesday. slins, Organdies, rys, Ginghams, etc., ulously low prices. not let your neigh- all the tnaps, © are agents fi rd Patterns, best world. rod: Prices MAN & SHAW ' TRAVELLING. CEYLON GREEN TEA : . Because ke knows of its absolute purity. WL @B0., 30c., #0c., 506. and 80c. per 1b. At all Grocers rT TRAVELLING. QUEBEG STEAMSHIP COMPANY LIMITE MITED Bae 0d Gl of S1. Lawrence "Summer Craises in Cool Latitudes Twin' 'Screw Iron SS. "Campana," wih electric lights, electric bells and all comforts SAILS FROM MONTREAL ON MON- DAYS at 2. p.m, 16th, and 30th Jaty ;: 18th and 27th August: 10th and 24th September, for Pictou, N.S., calling at Quebec, Gaspe, Mal Day, Perce, Cape Cove, Grand River, Summerside, P.EIL, and Pharictistoy, P:8 PEL BERMUDA ian.'t 85,500 tons. alin fortalanily from New York, from 6th June to 21st November. Temperature cooled by sea lireeres m rises above 'The finest tri of the health and comfort. acrees. season for ARTHUR ATIERN, Secretary. Quebec. For Yekety and staterooms apply to J: P. HANLEY, or -J. P. GUILDER: SLEEVE, MR icket Agents. "Kingston, Ont. Canadian Pacific Railway « Homeseekers' Excursions To Manitoba, Alberta and Saskatchewan GOING July 17th, good to return until Sept. 17th Return Fares From Kingston: Winnipeg - - de 2 00 | Strassburg - - $36 25 Souris ~~ B 3 Baskatoon - - 7 25 Branfipn - - Prince Albert - 38 0) Moosomin - - Mn ® No. Battiefo 4. - HN Arcola - - 8450 | Mackod - - 40 00 Fetevan So | (aleary 4050 Yorkton ed Deer ..- 4N Regina 8% Rtettier } Qn Moosejaw - - 36 00 | Edmonton Full particulars at K. & P. and C.D. R. Ticket oftice, Ontario street. ¥. CONWAY, F. A, FOLGER, JR, Gen. Pass. Agent, Gen. Supt. Bay of Quinte Railway New short line for Tweed, Napanee, Deseronto, and all local poimtse Trains Weave City Hall Depot at 4 pm. F OONWAY, Ageat B.Q. Ry., Kingston. RAILWAY RAND jE ese HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS we TO THE === NORTH-WEST Return Fares From Kingston: Winn} «= $200 Sirasshurg -- $6 Souris PR a nN - + WTS - 85 Prince Albert - 88 (0 Moosomin - + 342 | No Battleford - 30 00 Arcola . 3 5 | Macleod . 40 00 Estevan 8 0 Calgary - « « 40% Yorkton } | Red Deer 41 50 Regina 85 5 | Mettler 2 Moore daw ww | Edxonton 42% GOING July dard, Good lo return until Sept. 8nd July 17th, Sept. ith For fur her partienlars, Tickets Tourist Car Accommodate on, aud all ther mtormation apply tod. P. HANLFY, Ageut, Corner Johuson and Untatio Stree. TK Daily Line Toronto, Charlotte, Thousand Islands, Brockville. Prescott and Montreal. em mare Kingston & Toronto rs AvS HINGSTON : Going Bast--Daily at 6 a.m. Going West--Daily at 5 p.m, Kingston to Clayton, 1,000 Island Ports, Brockville or Prescott, Solng and returning Sunday only, single fare. Kingston to Montreal and retuint Go- Hor Tay | or Founday. Returning ©, are Also Excursion rates to Toronto and Charlotte Saturd roing ney or Honday. urday. Fei Hamilton, Toronto, Bay of Quinte and Nuntrea) Line LEAVE RINOUYON Going East, Rdreeiays. 'Fridays and Sundays at 4 Ned: Golog West. . Thutsdays and Saturdays at 4 pm, J.P, HANCEY. J. SWIFT & CO., t Agent. Freight Ageuts. ALLAN LINE Revs] Mall MONTREAL TO LIVERPOOL. Victorian, Jue 21, July 29, Aug. 16. s 28, = Av hi in, Rol AL AE 0 Tunisian, July 13, re h A. 8. MONTREAL TO GLASGOW, Weekly Moderate Rate Service. Corinthian June 27 "Booth & Co. o July 4) at # New York Gentral & Hudson River R.| R.R. THE SIX-TRACK TRUNK LINE Shortest Route to the United States Via Kingston and Cape Yincent, N. ¥. Ly. Kingston (str. 5:00 a.m. Cheap Excursion to Watertown, $1.25 return. From June 16th to October 1st. Going Saturday 500 a.m, and 2 p.m. Returning Monday, leaving Watertown 9:10 a.m. and 4:40 p.m. 2 Cents a Mile Books for 500 'miles of travel on New York Central and leased lines within State of New York cost only $10, while books for 1,000 miles over New York Central, Boston & Albany, Buffalo, Rochester & Pittsburg, Philadelphia & Reading and Central R.R. of New Jersey cost $20. Secure further information and purchase tickets from H. 8. Folger, New York. Central Agent, Kingston, Ont, C. F, DALY, Passenger Traffic Manager, A: H. Smith, General Manager, Gu C. Gridley, General Agent. Lake Ontario and Fay of Quinte Steam- boat Company, Limited P. Hanley, Ticket Agent : Jas. Swift & Co., Freight Agents. TIME TABLE STEAMER WOLFE ISLANDER JUNE 10th to SEPT. 15th, Leave Wolle Jslands - 1.70 4.00 P.M 100 400 9.15 1.00 4.00 Thursday 6 309.30 100 3.80 Fride, 750 2 1.00 4.00 Satur: 100 400 Sunday 1230 5.80 Leave Kingston: Monday. 830 11.30 AM. 300 530PM Tuesday. 30 1.30 300 5.30 Wednerd: 30 11 30 3.00 530 Thureday....8 30 1130 2M 3 Friday 8.30 11 30 300 5% Saturday, 8.40 11.30 300 530 Munday 930 11 30 1.15 6.00 "Thursday. special : Jreatey s Ray. Hi we Ts land (Walker's Dock), Hi hy's Point. eturning, leaves Kinveton 4 p.m 'Time Table subject to change without notice. E. BRICRLAND, Manager Boat calle at Garden Islandgoing to and from Kingston. alliday's Dock ard Bro Canadian AND Red Letter try these. Me 39 King Street. @uch sciences, but that's what we've made it. 'wo uF Bo Wi: Listes 1a to deserve 4. FOOT OF WEST sr. Padme 133. +A Bisley, the will match. Leaves Breakeys Bay 630 am, J. P. WISER & SON'S (PRESCOTT) Whiskey For a good old mellow Whiskey | Mr. das. McParland IA A WARM SUBJECT There's nothing in the world we'te so " in as Coal at this time of ths year, It may sound queer to speak of coal baying and selling as a Smportant discoveries we have nade 'abe that completes satisfaction to pays best, and that the Duke of Connaught istribute the prizes en July 21st, e conclusion of the king's prize Mrs. Edward Ryan had a perfect! day for her en party, at "Rock- wood House," dn Saturday. The love. ly grounds were looking their love- liest, and the Howers their prettiest, the many birds which haunt the groves there sang their sweetest, and a summer broesze fro over the lake blew its balmiest. In addition, the welcome of the hostess and her young visitor, Miss Dorothy Wright, Jamestown, N.Y.. was of the bright est and kindliest. As Mrs. Ryan's . American guest is young, all these at the tea were the young girls. The tea | table was laid on the lawn, a large mirror in its centre reflecting not only a large vase filled with pink Canter , bury bells, but the surrounding trees. Five smaller vases, with the pretty bells, were also on the table. Mrs, \ Herriman poured the tea and Mrs. Charles Morrison the coffee. while at another table Mrs. J. M. Platt and Miss S. E. Winch dispensed ices and lemonade, Miss M. Gibson, Miss Evelyn Dickson, Miss Annie Seott, Miss Edna Webster, and the hostess' daughter, Miss Kathleen, helped to distribute the refreshments. Tea was made very comfortable * indeed, . as seats, rugs, cushions, and hammocks '|had been placed on the lawn. Among Miss Muriel Web- Art. et wy 8:10 a 38d «| the guests were : er. Oswego, a. a 4 . oy p Afr. Syracuse, 12:18 p.m. 9:38 pom, | 51H ina Mildred Cooke; Nim Fann. Arr. Rochester, 2:28 p.m. 1:20 a.m. |Ccs ullivan, Miss vera rey, Miss Arr. Utica, 12:20 pun. 9:45 pon. | Josephine Brown, Miss Rowan, Miss Arr. New York, 6:00 pam. 7:12 aan. | ll, Bloomfield: Miss Irene Swift, Passengers wishing to take 5 a.m. | Miss Foreuce Williamson, Miss Muriel Steamer may secure staterooms aboard. | Fages, Miss Etta Yard, Mies geen 3 § Scott, Miss Clyde Dickson, Miss Vera A uneiieny brain Srviee' In. oprosite Mundell, Miss Lorraine Dalton, and Miss Rush, of Peterboro. PULLMAN. SLEEPING AND aaa Mra. Clark Wright's Kittle tea, on PARLOR CARS Saturday, for Mrs: Macgrthur, was very informal, and only the intimate friends of the guest of honor were in- vitede The hostess' daughters, and Miss Marion Macarthur, assisted her, and the afterneon was very pleasant. = Ch 4» Invitations have been issued for the marriage of Miss Mirgieel Temple- ton, Napanee, to Nr. M. Melntosh, Dominion Bank, a Man, to take place at the Pre shyterian church, Napanee, at 10:30 a.m., on Thursday, July 26th. i land, Portland, Maine, where they will Th Stewart ill. leave, to-morrow, for Dorval. Mrs, B. Ww Vets Milyaukee, ar rived last week; to spend a month with her mother. Mr. McVety is px: pected next week. Mrs. Smith, South Milwaukee, is in the city. Misses Madge Hepburn and Geral: dine Farrington, . were in town last evening, en route to Quebec. 'Miss Mona Knight left, yesterday, fot Ga Daweon, of Toronto, has been TE of Miss Maude Dutton, fora few days. Miss Cooke, who is the guest of Mrs. W. J. Mcleod, will not leave for Toronto until next week. Miss Kitty Betts camq home, yes- terday, from Brockville, and is again the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Joseph Walkem, _oe ee Miss Grace Hemming will leave, to- morrow for Toronto, and with Mrs, Hemming, and the rest of the family, will go up, almost immediately, to Muskoka. Mrs. W. J. B. White and her child- ren, will leave on Thursday, for : Frankiord, for a fortnight's visit, Mr. L. J. Williams and wife, accom: panied by their daughter, Miss Flor- ence, and their son, Master Howard, left, to-day, at : noon, far Peaks' ls- spend next month. . . Professor Edgar R. Doward arrived in town, on Saturday. Mr. Norman Doward will arrive in a fow days. Mr..and Mrs, R, M. Dennistoun, of Beterbora, ave home, after their long trip to Great Britain and the contin. ent. Mrs. J F. Dennistoun stayed over in Quebec, 4 Miss "Mary Kirkpatrick, who was with her sister, Mrs. 'Donnistoun, ia the old land, is. now' visiting Mrs, William Kirkpatrick, Barrie street. She arrived yesterday. Dr. and Mrs. J. J. Harty have been in town for a day or so. Professor John Macgillivray gone up to Collingwood. has . will give a in honor of - a - Skinner Thursday, . Mrs. Henry girl's tea, on Miss Magee. | . - - Mills left, yesterday, for .» Where he will spend days with Mrs, Mills, who is relations there. Mrs. George Scobell, of Syracuse, N.Y. are the guests of Mrs. W. J. C. Allen, Gore street. Miss Meadows, Toronto, is visiting Mr. George Syracuse, XX a few visiding Mr. and i H Mrs. James Leslie, University avenue, | to-day, Stes. Korth King & Caspian Mss. John Sherman and her grand: . = 0 7 Li lahtiss=Roghaster daughter, Mrs. Jessie Sherman, have Miss Florence Gillespie, nursein- Commencing Jung-38rd,: steamer will } 00° to Toronto to spend some weeks, | training at 'New York, is spending leave Kingston daily except Monday, at| Miss Parson i: here, from Mont three weeks holidays with her parents, #0.15 su. for Alczandria Bay, Jfiock- real, to, visit her aunt, Mrs. Joseph | Princess street. a wlanOe ang 1 oysasY oN sade. Fortese we, "Edgehill." Miss Daisy| Mr. Arthur Sawyer, an old Kingston Rochester, N.Y., calling at Wav of | Fortescue is also here from Montreal, bay, now located in Toronto, is in the Quinte Ports. and Mr. Charles Fortescue has come! cit: spending # vacation with friends. tins over from Pittsburg, Pa, for his rs. Norman = Fraser, uf Brockville, STR. ALETHA [Mite © 0 0 ae) 7006 the woek end fn Ottawa, the Leaves Mondays at 5 p.m. Jor, Fleton Mr, and rs. James onnell, are} guest of Mrs, Fraser, Elgin. street. and intermediate Bay of Quinte F visiting in Dundas, their old home. Miss Joan Fraser, of Graston, North For full information apnly io B '1.1 Mrs. Wilfrid Shore, and son, Wen-} Dakota, who has been visiting Mra, Horsey, Genaral Manager, Kingston: J.| ddl, have arrived from New Rochelle, ] Fraser, Ottawa Mrs. Shore's brother, Mr. L. C. Lockett, at his camp at Stella. Colonel and Mrs. E. T. Taylor, and their young people, will go down to Melbourne, about the fifteenth of the month. Miss Leavitt has returned to Brock- ville, Miss Gildersleeve panee. Mrs. James Strathy Toronto. Miss Rush, of Peterboro, is the guest of Miss Winch, at Rockwood Hospital. Mr. George Wright is home from Long Lake for a week's visit to his mother, Mrs. Clark W. Wright. Mr. Frederick Kirkpatrick, of Otta- wa, is visiting Mrs. Michael Kirkpat- rick. Miss Lavender, of Toronto, been staving with Mrs. W. W, Alfred street, returned home ". ® pe Miss Bessie Fraser marrow, for a trip Fort William. Miss Edith Fraser is home visit to Mrs, L. B. sand Island Park, Mrs. Turner and Miss Isabel Turner will leave, to-morrow, for Belleville, and after a short visit there, Miss Turner will go up to Barrie, to spend the summer, Miss Caldwell, of New York, been the guest of Mrs. Strachan. Her hostess gave tea for her last week. Mr. Balfour Mudie is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Caldwell, at Ap- pleton, is home from Na- left, to-day, for who has Burton, to-day. will leave, to- up the lakes, to from a Spencer, at Thou- has Archibald a little $$. ss os and Mrs. are in town from St, to Quebec for a trip, Samuel Sutherland Louis, On their erland have gone down to their sum- mer cottage, in Dead Man's Bay. TE Hutch For The Blood. When one eats a lot and crams a lot -of food in the stomach the pro- cess of digestion is not complete. The food remains in chunks and ferments, This fermentation produces poisonous acid, which, when it enters the blood causes impurities and produces the humiliating evidences so well known. It is necessary before one attempts to clean the blood to clean those organs of the body on which the blood .de- pends for its purity and healthiness. Hutch will clean the body, assist the digestion so that it will be complete and it will purify the blood and skin. Hutch is a doctor for ten cents. YANTAL- hii In 11 a For sates. apply to J. PP. HANLEY Agent, G. T. BR, J. P, GILNER- SLEEVE. Gibson's: Red «Cross drug store, Bug: Montserrat lime fruit juice at N.Y. ,, and are spending a month with! on their way return they will pay a longer visit here. a Mrs, Sutherland and Miss E. Suth-| Miss Maud Publow leaves to-morrow for a two weeks' stay with Miss Vera Allen, at their summer home, at Chris. ty's Lake, Mra. Mackinhon who for the past few days has been the guest of Mrs, G. G. Publow, Clergy street, went up to: Toronto today, Miss Mackinnon | will remain until the end of the week, then go to Brockville on a visit. | | Mrs, W. W. Douglas, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. T. Slater, William street, wetumiad to Toronto, has come up to Kingston, a Grace Upphoff, of Baltimore, is e guest of Mrs. Winthrop Sears, at "Heathfield." sa Miss Ai Smith came down, from Toronto, to-day, to spend a month with her cousin, Mrs. Herbert Spen cer, _ Mrs. MacLennan, iting her sister, street, who has been vis Miss Ireland, Alice has left town. Mrs. George Porteous and Miss Janet Porteous, left, yesterday, for Verdun, to be present at Mr. Carlyle Porteous' wedding. * Mrs. Harry Hinds, PRinghamton, N.Y., is visiting her sister, Mrs. W. Carroll, 378% Alfred street, Rev. and Mrs. W. H. M. Quarter- main, of Renfrew, are sailing, this week, for a holiday in the old coun try. Miss M. Farrell, of 107 Waverley street, has left for a month's visit to her aunt, Mrs. Young, in: Kingston. Ottawa paper, Mr. Lewis Middleton, reached the city sisters, of New York, to-day, to visit his - » - » The engagement is ammounced of : Miss Emily Florence Mackie, younyg- est daughter of the late James Mae- kie, of Toronto, to Mr. Charles IL. Kerr, of New York. » Migs Julie Westbrook, of Ogdens- burg, N.Y., and Richard Lord, of New York, son of Chester A. Lord, man- aging director of the New.York Sun, Rules For Quakers. The Saciety of Friends in Great 1 Britain have decided to insert in their official revised "Book Rules and Discipline" the following 'advice on gambling and drink : "Avoid and discourage every kind of betting and gambling, and 'such specu: lation in commercial life as partakes of a gambling character. "In view of the manifold evils aris- ing from the use of' intoxicating liqu- ors, prayerfully consider whether your duty te God and your neighbor Je not require you to pbstain from using them yourself or "affering them to others, and from having poy share in their manufacture or sale." Had A Merry Tinie. A number of Kingston's young peo- Pe held a picnic at Lake Ontario ark, yesterday afternoon and even- ing, in honor of some visitors in the city. Supper' wis enjoyed on the slope CONDENSED ADVERTISING _| Attorney Announces in Court po RATES First insertion, 1c. a word, Bach - cons thereafter Advt. 4 lines or mnder a week, $a Axe 4 nes ot Neteh 4 una 43, Sveryhody a Kingstoa Houds the WHO HELP WANTED--MALE. RR SR a SR EE ee SiS. ar Hy RINgaTON STEAM 1a pre APPLY 'MRS, W. AN EXP ERIENCER HOUSEMAID x TERY AGED WOMAN Jo GOT amily of two. ye Whe NS a e-------------------------------------- A Soop 4xvo BALDS, | FOR STEAMER Leslie, 8 George: street. 2 per month. Apply at this GO TO 5 SDMART GIRL, - FOR 5: and SIR in dining room. Phy Kennedy House. wR yor veel. ee, San BOUSE, 'NO. Ni MEN ON GAS MAIN EXTENSION. uly Sm Jute. INSTRUCTOR WANTED UELF, THE YEAR ROUND. SITU:| An instrictor in French | factor tortor," Tbiriiment YE, ans tor Instr o as 1 tna | hi or & Wallington strost. United States. Both nen must be i ? ot Church of GENTLEMEN TO Havh THEM England, ai and {rhinos of oF "Capua n suits jPreeed aad « Sleasind carefully 3 a ust hand ; isetp This is have an Sine ui made Gallo-{ pleforted ho. Duve had" xpeliante in Jn way' or Engel a 1 home for the school vear of thirty hd weoks is offered jo ir. A GOOD STRONG MAN TO HELP IN| work is watiatde ory salaries wil he tin shop ; also young man to assist tateriatly reased the d year. in office. Apply Edwin * Uhowu & owe * Whig oe. Son. FOR SALE. SALESMEN, pOR AUTO-SPRAY TORE, HVENESS AD THARION. 3 N made, ral i, Hanes HORSE. 3 BARN Aon FA ma RESIDENCE, 202 wii DE eo Yad am ree: ial, Men Cavers pi do av HEAD WAITER, SECOND COOK; and handy man who cap make him. sell generally useful, Good wages to pus. Apply at onde to AJ Welsh, Gananoque Inn, Gunanooue, Ont. . A MAN OF GOOD ADDRESS AND ability to sell our High Grade Nursery stock in the city of King- ston. A permanent situation Jot 1h ihe right' man, " Canada's Nurseries," Stone & Wolllogtan: Taronto. FOR THE KINGSTON @OLLIEGIATE Institute, in Moderns. a tale teacher to sexist Initial salary for gradu- FARM, FROERTIRS: ! or ur, a. No partment "D." 208 mle. Neo PEDIA, N AMERICAN L BNorcLop isi ho reason. Apply *teoush n ¥ gifice. i THE ORLY AVAILABLE Ban dd Lower Union Suite tio oy park. A t. #D." ONE # RUBBER $IREp big one good stro op wo Sets of single' harness | 'heen used some. Apply Hiv 'Chowan. & Son. a A CONVENIENT OFFICR ; = Sa EE Purmiiher! Rik J het" Loy hr, at Wages Office, 5th Floor, good openings for the coming fall season. QUALIFIED TEACHER, FOR SCHOOL Section 4, Kaladar. Apply, stating salary and experience, if nny, to W. Cassada, Sec.-Treas., Northbrook, Ont. BOARD AND ROOMS. EE -------- TEIN Ww S| ROOMS TO BR TWO fe TRS HED ROOMS 70 BE Saad CD . loante 876. ul unless Py Address "HT. 'care Whig tian PRIVATE BOARD AND ROOMS. AT 8 Princess street. Vaughn Terrace. THE ENEMIES' CASH! WILL NOT BE TBE TAKEN BY DREYFUS IF HEWINS. That Captain Will Not Take Advantage of Law Which Forces Persecutors to Pay Him Damages. Paris, July 10/--Capt. Alfred Dreyfus demands only the restoration of his honor and his rehabilitation as an of: ficer of the army of France. He does not seek vengeance, In proof of this it was announced in the supreme court to-day that Dreyfus positively refused to take advantage of the law which gives to the victim of judicial mis- takes ° the right to collect damages from the authors of his prosecution. + This attitude of the victim of the most infamous military eabal in his- tory was made known by Maitre Mor- nard, who told the judges who now hold the captain's fate in their hands that his client, in spite of advice to the contrary, would not take procesd- ings against any yone in connection with his trial, conviction, and con- demriation to Devil's Island. Had A Duel About It. Paris, July '10M. Gonse, formerly chief of the general staff, and Col. Picquart fought a duel, yesterday, at Tour de Villebon. Gonse fired and missed, and Pieguart fired in the air. The duelists then left the grounds un- reconciled. The duel resulted from letters bent by Gonse to the president of the court of cassation, which is now reviewing the Dresfus ease, de elaring that a statement, by Fic quart, reporting an alleged conversa tion in November, 1896, about Drey- Tus, was a lie. Notice The Glasses. The appearance of the 'horoughly washed and polished glass in which we serve your ice cream a, is an ex- 'ample of the purity we maintain in every detail of making and serving #odn water. Finest fruit juices, pure ice cream and prompt and dainty ser- vice at Wade's Drug Store. Remarkable Surgery. New Zealand surgeons have accom- near the bay and the evening the vaudeville entertainmedt "attracted many. At its conclusion the theatre was cleared and dancing indulged in, the music being supplied by a local orchestra. Special cars brought the picnickers back to town, Souvenir Sarda of New views, in 'colors, At The population po ages. by 7,000 persons a day, plished a remarkal feat. Harley Wil- iams of Wellington was hurt'in' an | accident which destroyed his right foot so that it was impossible for it to heal without a new skin. The sur- geons strapped the soleless foot close- lv to the inside of the left thigh and allowed it to grow there. After the foot had grown on to the thigh it was cut 'away, the skin of the thigh ates lalist YO Ximum, 8 317000, Tics To. bein 'itor wea: | TIE STRARNE Tar, ie thon. Anpiy uo to Wedneday, 18th ale wip, eCann's Raul ey odd yo Secy-Treas,. Bound 'of Bducation. adh Agency, '51 hove, Peg TWO-STOREY, NINE-ROOMED Soup . elling, BANTER eed | EE EEE RAE A GOOD ~SBOOND MAND = SONA ies 5 wy fountain, town. State 'att' lr country n all particulars, | " TWO FARMS $4,200 EACH: and *JB8." Whi uflice. Doctor's residence and farm S600, i olin pn Jao 151 APPL dCATIONS Fon POSITIONS x ppl The T. Baton Co., Limited, Wellington at 'street. SPLEN 1D INVESTHEND OWNER ng, rood _tennea~ Ee i hat, Tet i one te living rooms. CT id Wailtaton 8 it. FOUND. BAG, CONTAINING KEYS wioney, on at Finder can have a Office, proving Drokrty a Davin dr arly FARM HBLP;, "AND A OTHER "THE OLD SCRA1 How the Evil One Came to be Popularly Known as 'The Old Scratch." One of the many familiar names of pENDORGH. In » tet Mr, and wrt, i duly and, to Sun da afi Buseranto, onde BOAN nd M hid satanic majesty is "The Old Scratch." Tt is undoubtedly due to the fact that scratchine is so dis- agreeable that people thought it uo worse than the evil one, A scalp full of dandruff keeps one scratching all | the time; not only disagreeable, hut | considered very inelegant in polite so- ciety--ag it should be--because one ought to keep the scalp so. clean that it would mot itch, To cure the scalp ! of dandruff effectively, use Newbro's | Herpicide. It kills the perm that ere- ates the dandruff, which is prelimin- ary to falline hair, and, finally bald- ness. No. other hair preparation kills the dandruff serm. Herpicide also tsa very delightful and effective hair-dress- ing. Bold by leading drugeists, Send 10e. in stamps for samnle to The Herpicide: Co., Detroit, Mich. G. W. Mahood, special agent. Ontario Diocese. Rev. W. Archbold has resigned the parish of Roslin, and Rev. R. W. Spencer, dioeese of Taronto, has been appointed in his place. Rev. R. 8. Wilkinson has resigned the parish of Amherst Island, and Rev. J. E. Lind- say, has been appointed rector in his stead. Rev. F, G. Kirkpatrick has been appointed to the mission of Car- dinal in place of Rev. J, EK, Lindsay, The Bishop of Ontario will take the following Sunday appointments in July, besides those already published; July 2nd, 1030 am. The Lime Kilng;. 2 p.m. Spencerville; 4 pm, Shannonville; . 7 7 pm, Cardinal. + July 20th, 11 am., New Boyne; 3 p.m., Lombardy. "I'he choice of royalty," confoction- ary "MeConkey's."" Sold only at Gibson's Red Crass drug store. Acting on the report of the com- missioner who conducted the investi- gation into the fisherios department, the Ontario. government have dismiss ed 8. T. Bastedo, deputy commis- sioner of fisheries. 4 ses adhering to the foot. The patient re- covered, Steal a Moment from the Busy Day to sip a litle cup Blue Ribbo: her. | LAREN ae Peseronto, st ls Mes 'and Mrs, wi ONAL * Doscranto. on July 18t to Mr. apd Mrs. Wiliam Wilson, & son. MARRIED, AVERY~LIDDELL.~On une Hrockville, Frederick Harold er | to Annie Liddell, both of Gunanogue, DIED, BOURIS --At Descronto, on June 30th, Mrs, Mary Anne Bouris, relict of the Inte Victor Hourly, aged seventy- J three years. | In 5 Gallon Lots or over, 96c, a Callon Supplies always hand on the dock. y ed SELBY & YOULDEN LIMITED, BRITISH - AMERICAN HOTEL KINGSTON - - ONTARIO Is undergoing alterations and will be re-opened to the travelling public on or about July the First. +W TELFER -° - Proprietor