pore was work of a fow lies in the ginning : A strict *| slowly foom her pier a ver, the rioting from evidence of w ches ves of their wea- for the prisoners but the moments, But the fault Kennebec Accident, A fatal accident occurred at the home of , abou John Steel, farmer, of Ken- t three o'clock, Tuesday af- ternoon, His boy, about six years old, took a ri flo from some corner. It was heavy, and he laid it on a bed, It not a until it a to have been noticed Suddenly ex, oded, the bail his sister, anche Steel, in and nearly through died in al Y 8t 2 pm., at the Moth- weh. ---------- 've. Been Waiting For to Gananoque, Brockville, gn Friday, as am. first ly 0c. re- they if ghisd i AT The . First ist church Sunday school picnic Bap held to Brophy's Point this afternoon. The New York Warehousemen's Fur- niture Association will holdS their convention at Thousand Tsland Park, , 14th and lath, at this month, A the islands on the steamers. of the Be Lawrence Riv- er Stenmbons company is a erica, is ill with appendicitis, and has been removed to the Hotel Dieu. In the time his duties sg being per. formed apt. R. H. Carnegie, olf Rockport. ---- ORANGEMEN. TRAVEL, : -- Going Down to the Brockville Celebration. The steamer America left Folger's wharf, this morning, with almost her full complement on board, All flags were unfurled and the bands playing 12th of July music as the pride of the White Squadron pulled and gathering way, rounded Point Frederick. The oc- casion was the annual outing of the Orangemen of the city which, this year, is being held to Brockville where a huge celebration is the attraction. Shortly before eight o'clock the Or. ange lodges, and the "Prentice Boys, accompanied by the fife and drum band, and the Battersen -brass band pavaded from 'the hall to the wharf, al followers of King William be. regalia, It is expected that will reach Brockville in lunch and as the par- not begin tif two o'clock the gent 'will be on hand for all the celebration. A few of the more eager, went down 'to the island city train, Several local representatives, including Capt. Gaskin, are booked were et SEALS IN ST. LAWRENCE, ------ Guests at Park Treated to Novel Sight, Those who happened to be near the sand Island Park, the ted seals swam It is thought that the animals s from Goorge Boldt's aqua- rium at Alexandria Bay, where soy- ¢ral are kept to sati the million- aire's fancy, So ie a8 can be"learned won) S have not been ca tured. This is net the first time -- have escaped from this pond. A yor ago a Was seen about the river, Eluding al) efforts at Capture alive i¢ was finally shot, The animals were first they swam slowly y at last seen of the animals were headed strai Narrows, Straight for the ---------- A Great Convenience, The new horse lawn mower for use NIVersity grounds hag arriv. Was tried op Queen's foothall Campus for the firet time 0 college pro, perty will ely trimmer and in surroundings. In the oundsman Purdy has had tog rk to attend ¥, but the ad. ent of the new Mower will consider. ably lighten his The grounds have been o credit to My, Purdy since he took charge and many improve. nts are to he noted, and now, no oubt, ter impetus will iv Eva pe be given to the tifying of th y ro € of the college gy. h 'ord wo dolor, worl t- without doubt, the and quality he has ® Gre. 3 > ere suit be sold under the -- Thursday Market. There was a fair-sized market on the Square, this morning. New potatoes were offered in large quantities nd slump in prices was noticeable, pr : .| ping en 8 bushel, Several | s came Pence district of very finest tuteras Bante he b.; the Toh. at produce remained Saturday's pric. °8% Green stuff w ne very plentiful : To Wed In Boston. hE young Boston lady. do 8 Durtiea are popular among. their many ---- Ribby's for men's underwear, DOWN during the past two been none. Parents their children' not to ride bicycles on. the sidewalks, and older should know better than to doit. If a dozen summonses were issued by the police, and the offenders fined, the practice might cease. PERSOJIAL MENTION. ------ Movements of The People--What They Are Saying And Doing. A. J. Stewart is in Montreal, ona rederic Kimer per left last evening on a trip to Fort William. : Dr. James Gallivan, New York, is visiting his mother, on Alfred street. A Anglin is away in Pennsyl- vania, seeing the anthracite coal fields. ' Samuel Reid, to-day, completed his forty-cighth year of service on the Fhig. Miss Katie Kileauley and her niece, Katie Crozier, have left for Phila- delphia. Si : W. 8. Ellis, principal of the Col leginte Iistitute, left, to-day, for Toronto, . Mrs. J. T. White has returned from a visit to her brother in Watertown, N. » Miss Kerr of Petworth, is the guest of Miss Elizabeth Badley, Sydenham street. Eg . Miss Laura Williams, Ottawa, «is visiting her sister, Mrs. A. C. Smith, Sydenham street. re, W.' H. Cassidy, \ James street, has returned to the city after visiting with friends in Ottawa. W. Murray went to Brockville, to- day, to celebrate the glorious Twelfth, of + after spend- ing a 'month with: her sister, Mrs, I. of Ridenu' street. Mion TF Sau left this morning to visit her sisters, in Troy, N.Y, From then she will sister, Mrs. J. Springs for a sh Bruce Galloway, who has been spend- ing a few days with friends in the city rejoined the steamer Kingston yeetarday, having quite recovered from his recent injuries. ------ An Emergency Physician. . You are sure to saye needless suffer. ing, and you mav saye life by having at hand a bottle of Smith's White Liniment. It is of vital importance that pain or injuries be treated promptly. Here is a remedy that relieves pain in an almost magical way, and cures strains, bruises i any ly wi f. Large bottle 25¢, at Wade's, Money back i not satisfactory. ---------- May Engage Some Italians. It is not easy to get sufficient 1a. borers for the gas plant excavation work. Labor is decidedly scarce, and as local help cannot be obtained, there is a possibi ity that some Italian helpers will have to be broucht in, ag the excavations must he pushed ahead rapidly, ghteen cents an hour is at present being paid to those who work at excavation, --------------ea Cheap Excursion To Watertown, Good going Saturday, 5 a.m. or 2 Pm, returning from Watertown, Mon- day, 9.05 a.m. or 1.40 p.m., only 8). 25 return. Rich, red blood in every hox of Blaud's Iron tonic pills. Sold at Gi. son's Red Cross drug store. Take no other, Light Grey Alpines are the particular hat for the season. Our Alpines are the particular kind of an pine for you to wear, English, American and Italian shapes-- $1.50 to $3.50. : INCIDENTS OF THE DAY, Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By reclebrated $1 shirts. Did you sport your orange lily to- to the breeze t o- lor the glorious 12th. year it is announced that there , making up , commonly known as the Thousand Islands, Try Bibby's for bath towels. For the first time in several weeks, i at the police court re morning; nothing For an ideal all day outing take the merica for Gananoque, Brockville burg, Friday, 8 am. re- turning, leave Ogdensburg, 3.30 p.n., home early. y A number of people on King street, whose houses are too closely shaded by the density of the trees on that street, have had their furnaces going for a day or so to dry out the damp- ness, Hard jor soft corns cured with three applications of Peck's Corn Salve. Guaranteed. Money back if not sa- tisfactory. In boxes, 15c., at Wade's drug store. The council chamber has been secur. ed for a session of the federal insur- ance commission to meet here at an early date to look into the affairs of the C.M.B.A., which does business un- der a dominion charter. You are often out of body lacks energy, your weak, bad taste in your mouth; why not help nature by taking Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. Tea or Tablets, 35 cents. Mahood's Drug Store. Sanitary Inspector Police Consta- ble Nicholas Timmerman has cone out on a farewell tour of the back yards. Police Constable H. Filson is acting sergeant at the police station for the remainder of the week, Try Bibby's for men's underwear. An Ontario street hotel has passed into the bailiff's hands, and is now being run under that officials' charge. It is probable a settlement will be effected soon, and the business thus saved from passing beneath the ham- mer, A goodly number of Kingstonians purpose remaining in Kingston all summer. They will find it cooler and more comfortable than at any place they could co. Besides they have all the conveniences and advantages of their own homes, It is said that the management committee will recommend the ap- pointments of Misses Gilbert and La- turney to the public school teaching staff; Mr. Trench to succeed Miss Die- key, and Mr. Bale to be promoted to the moderns mastership in succession to Mr. Dales. Through the courtesy of E. E. Hor- sey, general manager of the Bay of Quinte Steamboat Co., the children of the Orphans' Home, about fifty in number, were treated to a trip among the islands on the steamer Caspian, to-day. The little ones were in charge of Superintendent Smeaton, and need- to say enjoyed the outing im- mensgly, and will not soon forget the kindness which prompted it. -- GRANITE LODGE I.0.0.F. -- The Installation of Officers Last Evening. The officers of Granite lodge No 363, 1.0.0.F., were installed la, p- night at their logge room on Kill street by A. H. Blackeby, who assisted by Past Grand Patterson and D.CM., of Kingston lodge, and J. A. Limage, jof Prince of Wale$ lodge. The elective of- ficers are : + DX, McIntyre; Vv, Q., D, A, 4 RS, S., A. J. Murray; Smith. After the installation the new chief executive presented to the lodge a very handsomely framed, life-like pic- ture of King Edward, As the Union Jack, which covered the picture, wag withdrawn, the darge gathering of Oddfellows present, rose to their feet and enthusiastically rendered the first verse of the national anthem, W. }., Bassam, on behalf of the trustees of the lodge, thanked the noble grand for his very appropriate gift and hoped the vice grand would follow such a laudable example by securing an equal- ly good picture of the queen, for his end of the room, At the conclusion of lodge work light refreshments partaken of after which short ad- dresses were made by A, H. Blackeby, D. M. Mcintyre, Dy. Abbott, and D. A. Givens, Dr. Richardson rendered very acceptably, several patriotic songs. sorts, vour J. Pollie; treasurer, S, -- MARINE NEWS. -- What is Gathered From the Harbor. Steamer Rideau Queen loft, this morning, for Ottawa, ichardsons' : Steamer Strathmore cleared for Fory William, 4 Sloop Granger cleared, for Wolie Island, for hay. The schooner Bertic Kalking cleared from the asylum for Oswego, 1e schooner Lizzie Metzner is at Collins Bay, with coal, fre Schooner Acacia ocomotive works, Sodus, for coal. Tow barge Bella, which has heen un- loading coal at Swift's, went down {go the M.T, Co's elevator this mornin, MT. Co. : Steamer Westmount. with consort Hamilton, cleared for Fort and three grain ' ontreal; steamer : With consorts Melrose and Quebec, will arrive, from Fort wj. liam to-morrow, e steamer engarry, unloadidg pulpwood "ag *20, N.Y., carried at the cap, The hoisted out of e » but the 'strain Several men had "nap. TOW escapes when the Spar gave wou but no one was burt, Around last night, this morning, to -- Will Build A Bungalow, Robbins Point, on Grinds. Is- land, has been sold to Williom A 4 Pa., a suburb of owner's inten. CUTTING OF WEEDS NOTICES SERVED ON VAC ANT LOT OWNERS. Complaint of Over Charge on Last Year's Cutting--Remedy Lies in the Hands of Owners-- ~ Cut Down Your Weeds. Nikt week, the city enginder'gh de- dy will begin the cutting of weeds on vacant lots that have not been cleared of their noxious growth, The following is the notice that has been sent out : "Take notice, that you are hereby required to cause to be cut down or destroyed within ten days from the service of this notice upon you, any of the following noxious weeds now growing upon lot No. - street, in the city of Kingston (own- ed or occupied), by you, to wit § Can- ada thistles, oxeye daisy, wild oals, rag weeds and burdocks, and in case of your failure or 'neglect to do so, vou will become liable to a fine and in addition I may enter upon said land and cut down or destroy any of such noxious weeds growine there- on, and the cost of the same may be charged to you, and. the same will be a charge upon said lands, and col- lectable jn the same manner as ordin- ary 'taxes, "This notice is given pursuant to chapter 279 of the revised statutes of Ontario, and the by-law of said city relating to noxious weeds." Last year four men were engaged in | cutting these weeds, and owners were charged at the rate of fifteen cents an hour for, their services. Some com- , Plaints have been made about the ex- orbitant charges made. but no e dence as to overcharge can be tained. At the engineer's office, information is given, that many lots jare so thickly covered with weeds, as | to almost require an axe to cut them : down. It takes time to gO: over a large lot, and if two men work two hours, the charge would he sixty cents last year. It may be more this season, | as wages have slightly increased. The i best way "is for lot owners to have the weeds cut down themselves, . before the next week expires. A couple of men are engaged, at present, cutting down the weeds on « plots outside the sidewalks. : There arc many unsightly boulevards of this nature, which property owners might have attended to themselves for the sake of making the streets look tidy. Some New Law. | In Ontario only British subjects may hold office, municipal or other- wise, which calls for the administer- ing of an oath. This is a new de- Parture, but is considered a move in the right direction. The council also has power now to pass a by-law prohibiting the sale of + peanuts, fruit, etc., on the streets from pushcarts, and also to give "cut-rate on the license fee to a British subject as compared with the fee charged a foreigner, | Under the new law,' the council may i take proceedings to wipe out such i Pests as the tussock moth, and charge ; the cost as a local improvement, » The amendments to the act also provide for the putting down of pave- ments on streets by a two-thirds vote of the council and without the con. sent of the property-owners, ---- on - -- NEW HISTORICAL SOCIETY. | ---- _ Will Preserve Relics and Memories of Pioneers. A Lennox and Addington His yrical society is fo be organized with qr- chives at Napanee. One who is inter- ested says: Now, don't say you are not interested. Every one is in Some way interested, and every family has +; an old story of how the mother, fath- er or the grand-parents fought in the rebellion of "37 or the war of 1812 came over from "the states' as , Loyalists, or helped build the first church, or school, or road, or served in the first council, or nominated the first member, or laid this or that eor- ner-stone, or was the first justice or postmaster, op launched the John Stevenson: You are all inte sted, Just look in that old trunk in the att and find . those old papers, Every one of them should be kept for our society. ------------ ' : INDEMNITY EXEMPT. -- Taylor Wins His Appeal Against Assessment. George Taylor, M.P,, received q tele gram irom Gananoque stating that Judge Reynolds gave a written judg- j ment allowing Mp, Taylor's appeal against the is session- means that s Chicago Packing Scandals. After reading the newspapers these Umes it ig refreshing to leave moat wwide and turn to Swiss Food. A pure Preparation of wheat w hich affords 1) the blood, bone and muscle building Properties, which children and adults 'need. A splendid nourishing dish, 15¢ for large package, three Pounds, : A Dandy Policeman, Constable Fay]. assistant the chief of police at Smith's Falls, has been suspended by Mayor Foster until the next meeting of the council. The charge against him is that one ev, Ing last week he lost - hi i throu i mn en- -- : Yachting Caps, 250. Up. * All kinds wt Camphel] Bros', The board of education has its monthly meeting to-night. A quorum ed to conclude much business, Is Your Cold Better. No it's as bad as ever. Nothing Seems to help, Why not use the up. to-date specific; "Catarrhozone. which drives out cold j x hale Catarrhozone and leved in twa minutes, treatment, Healing, sant, nothing Compares with "atarrohozone -. everywhere, Ae. and $1. : --_-- | For Headache and Neuralgia othe th ek of Ta pLNIMEAT 1.4 bump freely, It rives instant relief, id COLD IN THE HEAD, use in the same manner. Large bottle, 25 cents. An Excellent Hair Restore, and Scalp Cleanser "If not for sale at your druggist, ig¢ can always be procured at James B, McLeod's. Dr. Scott's Propr's., St. John, ford, Mass. Exclusive Models Our Specialty We make a special study of Correct Furs for Women That is why Our Styles are out of the ordinary and yet in harmony with the fur idea of women who know, W. FE. GOURDIER 78 and 80 Broek Street Kingston's Only Exelusive Fup Store -- VE White Linimént Co., N.B., and Chelms. "Candelabra In new and choice de- signs, low or high, bupn- ished and gray finishes, These are furnished with the new silver fili- gree covered shades, with bead fringe Cannot Caich Fire A Candclabrum is to- day almost a necessity in a home, SMITH BROS. Jewelers :: Opticians Phone 6686 Issuers of Marriage Licen Sr rttistsantvnssannenny "ADAMANT Wall Plaster § Ready tor vse by adding water. Put up in bags, 100 Ibs, Ia each, White Rock Finish : Pat ap in bags, 80 Ibs. In cach § 85-57 Barrack P. Walsh 2557 Barn 'Phone 109 Err vsrrrssntnttnnneg 200 Yards Fancy Silks Shot Effects and Figures, all new » 09C., 75¢c-and 8s5¢, a Friday Snap 50c. Yard All Wash Goods Including Muslins, Or- gandies, Chambrys, Ging- hams, atadiscount of from 25 to. 507 off the reg- ular prices, Big bargains in the lot, All Our Remnants at Haif Price on Friday _ Dress Goods, Silks, Lin- 1ngs, Muslins, Prints, etc, at exactly half the marked price. Come in ang get a supp cheap, iy. Yery latest Valefe Some front, made | DERS wide with or lac Regul: ANOTH WHIT brella frill o lar pr 18° DUC blue, I leats price Be on 78 LAT WAIS' buttor fine ti with $1.50 22 LAI With price JUST der lc at a price 156 ON! MER out 1 Regul satin, with gle | $15 t 150 M ferent price Our He hundtr