UR: PREMIUM LIST, D | Limited, Montreal, vung! TE ---- I thes ! eo mer , Trousers a great variety of and can fit all legs all tastes. Trousers 3.00,°3.50, 3.75 to doft Shirts put now that the shirt, is a very important on In gétting' a. man shape for a comfort- mer. We have some ty lines at $r.00. les 67c., 75¢., 1.00 cy Hosiery 5c. and 50c. a pair, er Underwear 5C., 50¢., 75¢., 1.00 a garment. BY CO. wm o (CAL CONTROL ---- nto the Parliament. Majority. %, July 12.--The lead- ups forming the majori- ia have decided, as the ies of conferences, that ol of the administrative ho empire must 'be given Aire given political con liscussion preceding the ue policy the speakers their political action owards guiding 'the re ovement into lia- ls, They denied that ould be left to be fought he Black and Red par- ---- ories Responsible. V 12.--The i small cheese and our! 8 discussed at the con- ween the -dairy 'as, and that on he larger manufac- n i which would: tanger entire standard of and of 3 -- mist, She Says. t, July 12.~Nellia mie mulatto, was Char, of bigamy. her first hushand, onto, has a wife in er second i speci SATURDAY- MORNINC, at 8.30 0'clock Wash Suits id Skirts § HALF in visiting Mrs," Frederick Folger, Al- RICE WHITE LINEN SKIRTS WHITE DUCK SKIRTS WHITE PIQUE SKIRTS WHITE LUSTRE SUITS WHITE LINEN SUITS COLORED CHAMBRAY SUITS BLACK MUSLIN SUITS BLACK AND WHITE MUSLIN SUITS COLORED MUSLIN SUITS ALL WOOL SUITS AND SKIRTS in our large stock to be sold at HALF PRICE See Window Display of these goods. ENTER NOW For a Business Shorthand pr vil every t. Open out the whole year, Catalogue free. J.B. McKAY, H. F, METCALFE, y President. Principal. hd chitin a alator of ngth- 3 Sid th 2 of prico. Ror a HL Sax Benet Oo. Tomoko, Bo. Yormerly W! NOUSEKEEPERS ! + Aatiseptic, Chemically Prepared {+ SILVERCLOTH polishes silverware and all a. ther aid Thee an, clean, Sa aE Co. CLOTH Good lady agents w Peril In Hard Physical Training. , Mass Republican. 8, - ~ collapse once more of an oars- ..mad at the end of a big race is likely to. raise again the question of the de- "gree of benefit and injury in the more: strenuous athletics. Training for ig race inevitably involves a hyper- he y of the heart: whether in the 13th rum this is likely to be beneficial, rmful or neither has not vet been ar shown. But there are frequent- Iy cases where the heart, though not distased, is not quite up to the work pd even where there is no apparent ine ill effect. the conditions come ously. near the point of disease in testid cases it has been found hg months before normal condi § are restored. "Rour pod, will be mutiny. i ir cards of Kingston. New ws, il colors, at Wade's. i #R. WALDRON essssess@ |" "CLASSES FOR COURAGE. ce to Be Taught in "uestion which has interested a lurge number of English people lately. The necessity. for educating children in seli-control and presence of mind recognized, and it i now suggested that a "Courage" class the kindergarten de- partment of every school. "Although people are aware of fact, the Swedish drill which is taught rovides exercises fearlessness and con- * a London county council dn- structor said the other day. "It js"a case of physical movements with mental effects, and a number of these exercises are velop the brain." A children's specialist takes a ous view of parental neglect in omit- provide an education in pre- sence of mind for their children. "It if as important as teaching the half the accidents wh occur could be averted if presence developed in children. mav be taught even boy, give the reins into the hands « elder brother,s and say horse is running away, what are vou taught to reply, 'Hold In the case of a real run- away the boy would instinctively fol- low out these 'play' directions. drill in the nursery. Allot each child a place. Teach to bind a wet cloth over his nose and mouth and carry baby sister down the staircase, which is supposed to be burning." ay for special order aghage,. Address CANADA SILVER- Try: Bibby's for boys' shirts. Twelve clergymen have been nomin- the position of co-adjutor bishop of Fredericton, N.B., an ap- rendered Bishop Kingdon's illness. How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for, any "case of canno be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. : F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. We the umdersigned have kmown F. J. for the last 15 years, and be- m "perfectly honorable in all busi- ness transactions and 2 carry out any obligations made by his WALDING, KINNAN & MARVIN, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal- rectl; ood members of the Army Service arrested at Halilax for refusing 0 to work nr ordered, are to Be court-martialed. The charge, it is Cobourg," on Wednesday, at the resi- dence of the bride's grandmother, Mrs. G. NM." Clarke, when Miss Lenore Den- nis was united in' marriage to Mr. Manley ower, of Kingston, by the Rev. Cano Spragge. 'The bride who given away by her uncle, Judge ellar, of Peterboro, was at Miss Power, sister of the groom, Mr, Oliver Dennis, brother 'of the bride, acting as best man. Among the invit- ed guests were the god-mothers of the bride, Miss Cruso and Miss Pringle, Mr. and Mrs. Power, Kingston; Mrs. Gifford, Miss Weller, Miss Lizzie Wel lar, Miss Power, Miss Caraline Bar- num, of Toronto; Miss Ottalie Walk- er, of Toronto. * - - - A Wir. and Mrs. Bernard Browne will sen, for a holiday. . The Rev. Mr. Bourne and Mrs. Bourne, are expected here next week. Mrs. J, P. Macnamara, of Toranto, fred street, - - - - Mrs, J. McParland with Miss Gert rude and Miss Kathleen MeParland, left, yesterday, for Newport, Rhode Island. * Miss Rugg who has been visiting Mrs. Charles Low returned to Roches- ter, last Saturday. Miss Ena Price went over to Roch- ester, yesterday, to pay Miss Rugg a little visit, but will be back here again. Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Power will re- main in Peterboro for a few days. Colonel Henry Smith, sergeant-at- arms, will be home from Ottawa, to- morrow, Cadet Frederick Carson is spending the week with Licut.-Col. Wurtele, at Quebec. Miss Mabel Miller, Alfred street, leaves on Friday, to visit friends in Bbston. » - » » Miss Josephine Regy, now of 205 Jarvis street, Toronto. and whom many here will remember very plea- santly, isto be married, in Toronto, probably, about the second week in August, to Mr. Roy. - * * . * The Sketch Club is going for a pic. nic, to-morrow, to Collins Bay, and their friends 'hope for fine weather for them. - - - - Nr. and Mrs. C, Malone, Montreal, are the guests of Mr. Malone's sister, Miss Edith Malode, Brock street. Mrs. W. V. Pettitt, of Picton, is the guest of Mrs. J. M. Platt, at pre- sent,and to-morrow, Mrs. Platt is ex. pecting more visitors--Mr. and Mrs. W. T. R. Preston, and Mrs, William Patterson and Miss Patterson. Mrs. Allaire Shortt is, in her own bright way, making the best of being an invalid, and sits up daily, in a movable chair, and makes life as in- teresting for herself and those around her as Possible, Miss Grace Oldrieve is a guest of the Misses MoMullen, in Brockville. Miss Louise Singleton has gone for a visit to Toronto, Brantford and other places in the west. Miss Madeline Deroche, Kansas City, who has been visiting relatives in the city, left on Wednesday to join her brother, Judge Deroche, 'with whom she will spend the summer at Thou: sand Island Park, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Crumley are en route home. They left Avalon, in the Catalina Islands, California, on the 6th of July. They will probably be in Kingston in the next few days. Miss. Craig, daughter of the Rev. William Craig, has gone to attend the summer school at the Ontario Ladies' College, Whithy. Miss Mabel Brownfield and Miss Dorothy Brownfield have gone down the river. Miss Kathleen Lynch came down from Belleville to take part in the Hotel Dien garden fete. Mr.. Oliver Hooper is back in town, again. . es Mrs. Kenneth Fenwick and Miss Effie Fenwick are off, today, for the old land. Evervbody wishes them bon voyage, a very pleasant visit, and a safe return. Miss Mildred Macpherson has gone back to Ottawa. - - * » Mrs. Robert Campbell, left this week for Denver, Colorado, with some of her family. Miss FElsg Campbell is staying with Mrs. R. (. Carter. Mrs. Francis Lewin is expected down from Mpssomin, N.W.T., shortly to visit the Rev. William and Miss Lewin. Miss Hannah Breden left, to-day, for Chicago. : Mrs. E. V. Orford and her family will spend some time on Wolfe Island, Miss Florence Perley will arrive from Ottawa next week to visit Mrs. Harry Betts. : Mr. J. 8. Going sailed, to-day, from Montreal, for the old country, «eee Mrs. Charles Deacon, of Montreal, who has been the guest of Mrs. Ward, Johnson street, left town to-day. Mr, and Mrs. F. G. Wallace, of Pittsburg, Pa., have come over to live in Kingston, and are settling themselves in beautiful "Alwington," which has been, and is being repova- ted. Miss H. Booth and Miss Bessie Fra- ser got off, this morning, on the Westmount for their trip to Fort Wil. liam. Miss Edna Booth came home, on Tuesday, from St. Catharines. * eo es Miss Nina F. Jacques, of Dalhousie street, left on Monday to spend the summer in Gananoque. Before return- ing she will visit friends in Alexan- dria Bay and Kingston. She expects to return in about three thonths.-- Ottawa Journal. - an ae Cox. and will be in town some weeks. ystem, ti- per DAILY BRITISH WHIG sho and her family will speod the vam, {TE er » ovis {WILL BE RE-OPENED ON THE 28TH. A pretty wedding was solomnized at | H 'Montreal, Bishop Carmichael officiat- trimmings of pink, On their re- by | tum from' wedding trip. Dr. and { iting Mrs. J, oe e- . {The ¢ -is: announced of : a ra eve oumend ofS leave, on Monday, for Quebec, and the jkenzie - River districts, and Russell on he 'McDermott Bros Miss Claire Robinson has gone down to Ottawa to visit her aunt, Mrs. Miss May, Miss Emma and Miss Florence Hardart, of Philadelphia, are with Miss Henderson, Johnson street, Mrs. D. B. Murray has taken a cot- W. J, Moore, Misses Oliver, of Ottawa. - » - - The marriage of Miss Kathleen Con- stance Foster, daughter of Rev. Can on Foster, to Dr. Carlyle a Porteous, assistant intendent 'erdun i took place quietly on Wed- at St. George's church, in ing. The bride, who was given away by Mr. B. Austin, wore a travelling costume of cream rajah silk with ling- erie blouse and cream sailor hat, wi Mrs. Porteous will occupy apartments at the hospital. v * » ee Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wade have re- turned from Oswego. 5 Miss Workman ol Brantford, is Vis { Gowdy, Sydenham street, Gananoque and Chaumont Clu Invited to Participate im Races--A Dance Will be Held in the Evening. ' At a meeting of the Yacht Club ex- ecutive, last evening, ' arrangements were made for the ing of the urday, July 28th, It was decided ie have races in the afternoon for smal classes, likely the twenty and sixteen footers, and to invite the yacht clubs of Gananoque and' Chaumont (Water town, N.Y.) to participate. During the previous two days, the Chaumont yachts will be on a cruise of the Bay of Quinte, and will be to visit Kingston for the local club's re-open. ing. On the evening of the 28th: a dance will be held at the club house. Hereaf! it. is intended, to admit to the Bishop of Athabasca, and Mao INCIDENTS OF THE DAY, Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters on Their Rounds. Try Bibby's special $2 soft hats. New soupenirs, post cards and novel- ties, at McDermott Bros. Father Neptune's safe float or water wings for bathing at Best's. Sardines in oil, mustard or chili sauce, 6 tins for 2c. at Mullins, Photographs of 14th Regimen t are for oi at Henderson's, 90 Prin- cess street. Mrs, W, G. Williams and children, Toronto, are the guests of Mr, and Mrs. William Pillar, Glenvale. Try Bibby's celebrated $1 shirts. Bishop O'Connor returned to Peter boro to-day, after several weeks treat- ment in the Hotel Dieu for his eyes. Let Captain Allen show you the Thousand Islands, as he only can. Saturday, 3 p.m. steamer America, es siicky fy d uy sticky fly paper an pison at Gibaon's Red Cross drug fo Fresh t 3 ¢ Special sale of music this week; new es, two-steps, waltzes and songs at 10c. per copy, three copies for 25c. i To-morrow moming, the 'motion of County Clerk Edwards seeking the dis- qualification of Councillors Pringle'and Black will be heard by Judge Price, in chambers. Try Bibby's 50c. balbriggan under wear, Miss E. Read, Providence, R.L; Miss M. Stone, Bagot street, Kingston; Mrs, Merseny, Johnston street, Kings. ton, have gone to Camp Pleasant, on the St. Lawrence, for the summer. Try Bibby's collars, "two for 25v. Nooo ey" dor tired, achin fest. othing ter or quite so 25c. at Best's. s 2 The opening of the Gananoque Inn will be celebrated, this evening, by a dance which many of the younger set from Kingston will attend. To-morrow evening a masquerade is the attrac ton, Dr. 1. G. Bogart went down to his old home at Berwick, near Cornwall, last night, owing to the illness of his mother. His little daughter accom- panied him and will remain, but he returns to town to-night. "The Jun," "TI Spoilers," "The Man Between," "The Rock in the Bal- tic," "The King of Diamonds," and all the latest popular novels are on sale at McDermott Bros', 260 Princess Street, Try Bibby's for boys' sweaters. Kingston can give the normal school a good site. The city might give a slice off the ericket field, or a piece of Macdonald park. Queen's might donate a piece of land or the Board of Education could take the new building under its whg in its educational block. A painless cure for pain. One's pains are curable. Hollister's Rocky Moun- tain Tea comes to one's relief immedi- ately. Tea or Tablets, 35 cents. Ma- hood's Drug Store. Try Bibby's 75¢c. night robe. A number of Washington correspon- dents who are god to tour the Canadian North-West, guests of the Western Canada Immigration Society, passed through here, to-day, from Buffalo, en route to Montreal, by the Grand Trunk. Their trip to the west will be over the C.P.R. The only store in Kingston that sells strictly high class candy, Gibson's Red Cross drug store. Huyler's and Mec- conkey's sold there. CITY ASKED FOR SITE For the Building of the Normal School. The civie finance committee has been called to meet at three o'clock to- morrow afternoon to discuss the ques- tion of a site for the Normal school. The minister of education expects that each city selected for a school will grant a site. This was generally un- derstood at the time the various de- putations waited upon the govern- meni. The only thing some towns had to. offer was free ground. Hamilton has been asked for a site, and King- ston must also furnish the land for the school building to he erscted here. The best spot available is between the Collegiate Institute and Victoria school. The board of education holds dhe lease of that whole block, from the Dominion government, and it is understood that ag, arrangement could be made between the board and 'the city for thé central portion for the Normal school. The best way [would be for the civie finance commit- tee to have a conference with the pro- perty committee of the board of edu- cation, Scott's High Grade Hats. Have no rival in style or beauty, quality or workmanship. Sold in the style centre for men's hats. A large family of talcum Kingston only at Campbell Bro¢., | , 1 \ all the club's functions only by ticket, as unfair advantage of the club's courtesies has been taken of late years, " The club house, as Taian a Shorey and renovated, is greatly improved in view from the -- The dancing room, which includes all the second floor, is one-third larger than before, Two verandahs, running around three sides, will afford lots of space for members and visitors on resing oe: casions, In two weeks' time the house will be complete, and most creditable to the city, The Summer's Racing. The Yacht Club regatta committee also wet tant evening. An invitation was received from the Picton Club, which is holding' a regatta on the 26th and 27th, asking that Kingston yachts participate. It is likel. that a couple will respond to the request. Henry Cunningham's new sixteen:foot- er, the Baby Grand, is one that will ehter. Dalton brothers may attend the R. C.Y.A. races in August at Toronto, Hamilton and Charlotte. The first race isa cruise from Toronto to Ham- ilton. The Chiriya, was a new 'twenty- footer last year, And is running in mhoh better form this season. She should give the champion Whirl, of Toronto, a close run this summer. The rest of the season's local races are : July 14--Cruising race to Stella. July 21--Bruece Carruthers' trophy race over club course. 4 July 28--Clubhouse re-opening. re- gatta. . Aug. 4--Cruising race to Cape Vin- cent. Aug. 11--Bruce Carruthers' trophy race. Sept. 1--Cruising race to Stella and Macdonald's Cave. MONTREAL ORANGEMEN Are Taking the Twelfth Very Quietly. Montreal, July 12.--~The Orangemen of Montreal are holding no public cele: bration in Montreal, to-day, owing to the fhct" that they already had a pub- lic_demonstration on Sunday last. A great many prominent men of the or- der have left the city, to take part in the demonstrations held sheomgh- out the various provinces of the do minion to-day. This evening the local lodges will have private reunions to celebrate with song and speech: the anniversary of the battle of the Boyne, Toronto's Parade. Toronto, July 12.~The Twelith of July Orange parade was smaller than usual, but it blocked all street car traffic on the principal streets of the city for quite an hour. The proces sion formed 'wp in Queen's Park at eleven o'clock, and by one o'clock had reached "the exhibition grounds, where open-air speeches were delivered. The chief marshal was W. 8. Serigley, county D. of C., and the assistant marshal, W. J. Campbell, D. of C., centre district; W. H. Harper, D. of C, western district; Thomas Kingsley, D. of C., eastern district, and A, Good- follow, D. of C., northern district. Fraderick Dane is county master, and William lee, county secretary. Most of the British delegates to the tri- ennial council were in the parade. The Irish delegates are Rev. G. Moly- neux Black, of Newry, James Davison, of Dublin, deputy grand secretary of Ireland, and Edward 'Bradshaw, Bel- fast. Those from Scotland are R. Bailie McCormick, gro d master of Scotland, James TRic#, grand secre tary of Scotland, and Jeseph Cloug- ley, aswistant grand secretary, of Scot- land, all of Glasgow, DREYFUS VINDICATED. Entitled to Resume His Rank in the Army. Paris, July 12.~The supreme court, to-day, announced its decision annul ling the condemnation of Capt. Drey- fus without re-trial. The accepted ef- fect of the decision is a complete vin- dication of Dreyfus, entitling him to restoration to his rank in the army as though he had never been ac cused, SE ty pl BRAKES WOULDN'T ACT And Many on Motor Car Were Killed. London, July 12.-Owing to the brakes failing to act, a motor omni- bus, running from London to Brigh- ton, dashed down a steep hill near Crawley, this morning, and was over- turned. Bix of the passengers were kill- ed, and a score were badly injured, some of them probably sustaining fa- tal injuries, x nl h---------- An Action For Damages. An action for damages is ely Lo result from the nccident to the who had her hip broken yesterday by a youthful bicyclist riding on a sidewalk, knocking her down, on Ba- got street. "The boy was i city ordinance by riding on the walk, "Silver Cloth," something new, takes the place of powder or luquid. Large packages," 26c., at Best's. Monroe, Ind., has build a street rail - tage out on the Front Road, where " powder, 1 Ib. for 25¢., at Best's. Try Bibby's 26e; cashmere wav from the profits of its other uti: litios, : CLEA JULY Just a few of them---the balaics ol our immense : : fine Broadcloth and Covert Cloth Tailored markable reductions : $5.00 Coats for .: 7.00 Cota for .... Coats, These VOTRE Ls nia esiais sasesese SBD © BAe Seesavasdishdsinneranan Big Raincoat Bargains $5 Three-quarter-length. Raingoats," special ............ 86.50 to $8.50 Three-quarter Rain 85 to $6.50 Long Raincoats, special .. $7 to 810 Long Raincoats, special Print and Sateen Wrappers Print Wrappers, 'comfortably made, sizes 32 to 40, ©hoice iu Black Sateen Wrappers, in sizes 34, 36 and 38only, Brenieseniee dnerrsrereadihd SPENCE'S ™ lssting ui As we do not intend to carry over any of this ss Wash Goods to next season we intend to mark balance of our stock in such a way that long in clearing out the lines we have left. It's Like This 85¢. White Mercerized Cloth, In a very stripes and Figures, to clear it fast. 18¢. Embroidered Cham men Regular 18¢. vajue. Frida 15¢, and 124c. Plain Chambray, in Blues, Pink, Grieen, and several To clear the lot we have marked: them all £ 35¢. Organdio Muslin, in White Grounds, with Pink Hello Flowers, suitable for street' or well. Only five pieces in the lot. "To-morrow, 18¢. a yard, 80c. and 88¢. PK. fall 27 in. wide, in a good range of Shirt Waist Suits, and separate Skirts, Good Friday, 22¢c. a yard. : FPridey, 196 ther part, incluithig. Wives, aq 4 Bloe evening lg wi Pale hy tl Soak 'above prices. In you are"wanting anything in the Wash FINANCE AND INSURANCE If You Want a Home - CUSTOMS BROKER - The business of (hs Iste Oy ©. will be carried om in his " street, G. A. BATEMAN Who for the last five years had Money to Loan & King Street : : : Kingston 0%e- : A MOTHER'S SACRIFICE Unable to Swim, She Tried to Save Her Daughter. : Newark, NJ. July' 11.-Mre; "M. Dougherty, of Brooklyn, who arrived af last night at Netcohg with her two, children, to spend the summer "cottage on 'Sharp's