YEAR 73. NO. 163. 40ParGant Discount Boys' Cotton Sailor Suits All are American-made and good reliable colors. 20 Por Gent. Discount i545 ~ON... ~-Men's-and Boys" All-Wool Suits Except July specialsin Hal- ifax Tweeds, . Now is the time to buy it you wish to save money. Get the best goods. B. P. Jenkins Clothing Co. AT VAN LUVEN'S Haron: subiply of Dairy and Creamery Fresh Fruits, Groen Vegetables, Cooked Meats, Smoked Meats. Famous Crossed Fish Brand Sardines. Baked Beans, with Tomato Sauce, (very choice), 20c, tins, for 15e. Choice Mixed Pickles, Catsup, bottles, Be. Olives, bottles, 10c. and 15c. Fissences, all figvors, 8 bottles, Strawberry Jam, in glass, 10c. Marmalade, in glass, 10c. and 15c. Pitted Sherrie, 2 1b. tins, 20c Green G Phims, 2 1b. tins, Cow --_-- Sheuda, 8 pkgs., 10c Tice, 6 Ibs. Nice Mid hee. per Rgs. = per quart, 18¢. 10¢, and 15 25¢. 10c. 1b., 1be. fire Dry Table Salt, (large size), OC. Lawdry Starch, about 7%, per Bc ? Gem' J ars, pkgs., ms. all sizes, usual prices. F.'W. VAN LUVEN 846 Princess Street. _ Phoned: 417. SWIFT'S TOURIST TICKETS % 1000 Is yr STR. "DUNDURK' Montreal vary Sun- day, 8 am. Of 'the Company, Toronto and Hamilton Every Thursday, 2 a.m. A Steamer meeting every demand of the travelling 'public. For Navigation further information, SWIFT & CO., Wharves, foot Johnson street. and - Harry, W. Newman Ticket Agent, Cor. Ontario and Clarence Sts. SWIFT'S TOURIST TICKETS Str. "Iroquois" Niagara and St. Lawrence Nav. Co. This fine New Steamer will leave our wharves; EasT BOURNE 1000 Islands Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays, 5.40 *™ WEeT BOUND FOR Oswego, hariotte, Lewiston Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 8.20 a.m. Thoroughly up-to-date travelling by water. SPECIAL FOR SUNDAY The Steamer will leave at 12.15 noon, for Alexandria Bay and Clayton, return- ing at 5.45 p.m. Fare, 50c. "further information, JAMES SWIFT & CO., Wharves, foot Johnson street, SWIFT'S TOURIST TICKETS Strs. "City of Moatreal" and "Cuba" Detroit, Tolede, Cleveland, To- ronto, Montreal. Going West, Friday, 3 a.m. Going East, Sunday, 9 a.m. For further information, JAMES SWIFT & CO., Wharves, foot Johnson street. We Give The most careful attention to our work, whether it is Ordered or Repaired Foot- wear: Wear "Allen's" Miltary Bootminkers. JAMES Times Changed There was a time when you could not find anything in our stores, now you eannot get into see all, for it isso cro with first-class Stoves, Furni- ture, wte. For trading, buying, or selling, no better TURK'S SECONDHAND STORE 308 Princess Street. 'To Extend Docks. London, uly * 13.--For the conven- jence of Canadian trade an extension of the eight docks, to cost over. a million dollars, is being considelad by the board. Try Bibby's for the best $1 shirt. | becoming a very rich mine. DAILY MEMORANDA. Do As others are doing, Buy your New Hat at Campbell Bros. Trades' aud Labor Council, 8 p.m. Saturday Excursions to Watertown. America's Tour of the Isles, Satur- day, 8 nm. Rideau King for Jones' day, 6 am. Yacht Club Cruise, to Stella, 2.30 p.m., Saturday. The sun rises Saturday at 4.81 a.m. and sets He 7.40 p.m. y in history :(--Berlin treaty, First Lauricr cabinet formed, Falls, Satur- This 1878 ; 1896. Sale of Clothing that has been used, * Jails Awefion Rooms, to-morrow, at 1 Secure Four tickets for the Epworth t 'Excursion, by Str. among the Istands, July 28rd. " WHIG TELEPHONES. 243--Business Office. . Departm Josiah Wedgewood We are just opening some very pretty: DINNER SETS Of this celebrated maker, in odd, quaint shapes--one a very Blue, at 389.76 For 97 Pieces ..ROBERTSON BROS.. Taste in Furs America, Is one of the essentials to buying them with * success and profit. We are experts in the. matter of choosing Fur Skins, and consequently every garment we manufacture may be relied upon when offered to our customers. In the style and 'cut we are just as particular a8 we are in the fitting. Consequently we never fail to please those ladies who favor us with their patronage. John McKay Fur House 149-153 Brock St. NOTICE. THIS IS To CERTIFY Messrs. Elliott Bros., , Princess street, have heen appointed sole agents for Kingston, - for the celebrated McLaughlin Asphalt Roof Paints and Coments. THAT If your roof is in need of repair, give them a call. Goods fully guaranteed. The McLaughlin Asphalt Roof Paint Co., Brockville, Ont. TRADES AND LABOUR COUNCIL A SPECIAL MEETING WILL BE held, on FRIDAY, at 8 o'clock, in Union, Hall, for the purpose of making arrangements for Labor Day. All. Dele- gates are requested to be present, BY ORDER OF EXECUTIVE. PURE NATIVE SILVER. Encouraging Find East on Mon- treal River. Cobalt, Ont; July 13.--Onc of the most encouraging finds of the season was made yesterday about three-quar- ters of a mile east of Portage Bay, on the Montreal river. This is in the famous Coleman township. The sam- ples brought in were pure native sil- ver, and gave great promise of this A small find of ruby silver has also been made on the Montreal river between Gillies depot and Latehford. Bury The Hatchet. New York, July 13.--A despatch from Newhurgh says that ex-Governor Odell visited Senator Platt on Thurs- day. We took lunch with the senator and returned in the afternoon. The announcement created no surprise in New York. For a long time there have been rumors of 'a "burying of the hatchet" so far ag Odell and Platt were concerned. Campbell "Bros. Colgate's violet toilet water, Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. We. 'I'ry Bibby's for underwear... For children's crash and duck tams. Will be Given Ba Both Dreyfus . ang: Pisin. LEGION OF OF HONOR MAY BE CONFERRED UPON CAPT. DREYFUS. - Senate Will Erect' in Gallery Busts of Dreyfus' First Cham- ...pions--The... Condemned... Man. . Again An Officer, and Will Not Talk. Paris, July 13.--At an extraordin- ary session of the council of state held last evening, it was decided to propose to the chamber of deputies, oun Friday, a bill promoting Captain Dreyfus to be a major, and Ex-Col. Picquart, whose defence of Dreyfus caused him to be cashiered, to be made a brigadier-general. = The hill furthermore will propose Dreyfus as a» candidate for the legion of honor. . The senate hy a vote of 184 to 29, has decided to erect in the gallery of the senate, busts of Sars Trarieux and Scheurer-Kestner, who were the first champions of Dreyfus' innocence. Capt. Dreyfus after the announce- ment of the court's decision express- ed relief at having his honor restored after. his long sufferings:~As to his future he said he had not learned what the government's = intentions were. but as he was now an officer again, he could not talk for publica: tion on 'that subject. Dreyfus added: "I have ony word to say, that of thanks to all who have defended the truth in an innocent man." It is understood that the court of castation was divided on the verdict, thirty-one of the judges favoring it, and 'eighteen opposing. The public re- ceived the verdict calmly, but the newspaper containing the verdict sold like 'hot-cakes. RATHER STARTLING MOVE. British Factories to Open United States. London, July 13.~Walter Chamber lain brother ' of Joseph Chamberlain, presiding at a medting of the Avery company of Birmingham. said that as the recent general "election had * post- poned nl re reform the company had decided to open in the United States and to manufacture automatic weigh- ing machines. He added that an American com- pany had been formed to make Av- ery machines which it was expected would be soon dumped on Great Bri- tain, under the cost prices here. The directors therefore had decided to carry the war into the enemy's camp. He intimated that this was the first of a number of such factories that would be built in countries hay- ing a protective tarifi, in CALLS DOWN HIS SISTER For Attending Banquet Given to President's Daughter. Madrid, July 13.---The fact that the Infanta Eulalla, of Spain, attended the banquet given in honor of Mr, and rs. Nicholas Longworth, in Paris, by United States Ambassador Me- Cormick, on Monday, is being com- mented unfavorably in court and aris- toeratic circles here. It is reported that King Alfonso has telegraphed to the infanta thet she should not attended the banquet. have LABEL IT HOME-KILLED Wording in Army Meat Contract Changed. July @3.--~In a speech in the Commons, yesterday, Mr. said he had changed the army meat contract to read '"home- killed" instead of "home-fed." He found Canada, Argentine and Austra- lin which was killed in Liverpool and labelled "home-fed." London, House of Haldane Anxiety Over Kaiser's Health. London, July 13+~A despatch from Berlin says that the kaiser's health is again causing some anxiety to his friends. His ailment is regarded as more mental than physical, and his present sea trip to the north was taken on the urgent advice of the court physicians. He is desoribed as being very irritabls, so that the least thing annoys him, and makes the po- sition of those about him very uncoin- fortable. He is unable, moreover, io concentrate his thoughts upon any one subject for long together, and is said to be sleeping very badly. The symp- toms are all said to have grown much worse duting the past few weeks. Hid natural restlessness is also petting more pronounced, and his medical nd- | visers fear that unless he takes a pro- longed rest, a complete hreakdown will take place. To Head Off Hill Winnipeg, "July €3. Throughout '1, 200 miles from Wihnipég to Kdmon- ton, the Orand Trunk Paeific con- struction continues with tremendous vicor. Preqpiums are being paid - for labor and. 100 grading camps have heen established. This feverish rash is declared to be to head off Hill's schemes. C. P. R. and Canadian Nor- thern rushing work on numerous ex- tensions, and surveying many branch- es throughout Alberta and Saskatche wan. Try Bibby's special 25c. Hosiery. bof Lincoln Strayner, (p| meooxvin CROWDED. -------- The Orangemen Had e. Brockville, July 12.--Botween = seven and eight - Orangemen and visitors were.present here in honor and celebration of the Battle of the Boyne, fought and won by William, Prince of Oange; on July 12th, 1690, The day, though warm, was very fa: vorable and the - old prophesy : of "rain. on the Twelfth," did not fall true. Delegates from all surrounding lodges were present. The gala decoras tions made a very creditable display as well as presenting an air of wel come to the visitors. Prominent of- ficers in the persons, of Grandmaster Halliwell, Toronto; Lieut.Col. Me- Keourie, oque; and H. C, Hotker, editor of the Orange Sentinel, arrived in town last night, were mot by. the 41st. Regiment band corted to the Revere house where they made their headquarters. They were masters of¢ ceremonies and 'seemed pleased with the favor conferred upon them. . Early this morning a meeting was held in the local lodge room where the usual business connected with the occasion . was transacted now members' admitted to the order. Beforo noon the town presented a crowded appearance. All trains 'con- tributed to the inflowing guests. Boats plying: between here and American ports also brought in many ' from American lodges. Accommodation at the hotels was well provided for, al- though prices were quite on the raise when the crowd was cstimated. At 2 p.m. the procession started from the court house square, through' the prin- cipal streets to Victoria park where the usual addresses were delivered. No accident ocurred to mar the day's programme. The crowd on the whole were very ownderly, reflecting much credit to the order when so large no number of their members were pros- ent. a Good and some -------- PITH OF THE NEWS. The Very Latest Culled From All Over The World. Archdeacon Marsh died at London, Ont., aged ninety years. The Allans have ordered a new liner to be built at Glasgow. The business section of Arrow Head, B.C, was wiped out. by fire, Applications for the new provincial $3,000,000 bonds issue now reach $1,500,000, The pongress of Chambers of Com- merce of the Empire concluded its sessions. at London. Canon Richardson: is = decidedly in the Toad in the voting for. co-ndjutor Lishop .of Fredericton. President Loudon . refuses to with- draw his resignation as president of the University of Toronto. far Secretary Haldane announces a proposed reduction of 20,000 in the strength of the British. armv. A huge rat gnawed the faces of W. N. Grimes, his wife and baby, of Pittsburg, Pa., while they were aslee Pp. Two suicides, one of the housekeeper Toledo, Ohio, and of his seventeen-year-old daughter, are causing excitement. The affair is most mysterious. More than $100,000 consigned to the Alaska Pacific Express company, Seat- tle, Wash,, has been stolen from aboard the ste amer Ida May, and no clue has been obtained as to who the robbers are. Wishing to honor John W. MacKay, Jr., his brother, Clarence H. MacKay, and his mother, have donated £100,000 to the Univer. sity of California, Berklely, Cal., for the esta} lishme nt of a profe sssorship of electrical engineering. Dr. Land, the Boston specialist, speaking at the convention of the Maritime Medical Association, at present in session in Charlottetown, strongly urged the medical in- ion of school children, more at- tention to school sanitation and hy giene and the need of educating school children along the line of prevention of disease, the memory of A CHILD KILLED. A Hay Waggon Passed Over Her Body. Picton, July 12e-A 'very sad acci dent occurred on the Ridge road, yes- terday. When J.T, Collier and his men were drawing in hay, his little girl, four years old,, was playing un- 8 tiowd under the waggon, when the team started. the wheel passed over the body of thé little child, The dog- tor was summoned, but the child died half an hour after his arrival. The family is strickened with grief. Baseball Summary. National Leag ue Pittsburg, 9: Brooklyn, 6 icago, 6-8; Boston, iz Cincinnati, 11; New York, 16. Louis, 7; Philadelphia, 6. Nous, League--St. Louis, 4; Bos ton, 1. Washington, 0; Cleveland, 6. Detroit, 1; Philadelphia, 2. Chicago, 3; New York, 4. Eastern League--Toronto, 3; Mont real, 4. Rochester, 8; Buffalo, 0. Pro. vidence, 1; Baltimore, 0. The Dates Of Club Events. Toronto, July 13.--At a meeting of the directors of the Ontario Jockey Club, it was decided to return to its ginal dates. of the autumn meting, September 15th to 22nd, instead ptember 2nd to 2th, as previ- dusly announced, the Montreal Jdckey Club, for whom « the "alteration in dates was. made, having determined not to hold their Inauguration meets ing this antumn, A perfumed borated taleum powder, 10c. not Me. Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store, Try Bibby's for bathing suiis, ond. on}. . Terribly Sad Accident "at Napanee, STRUCK BY Bs The Heartrending News Broken to the Parents--An Inquest Will |. Be, Held--A Little Detroit Boy Lost Legs in a Hayfield Ac- cident at Hawley. Napance, July 13.--A terribly sad accident occurred, yesterday, twelve o'clock, at the G.T.R. station, in which Dora Morden, the thirteen- year-old daughter of EK. Morden, fore Jo of the Bay of Quinte soction, was kiiled, The deceased was on her wheel at the Centre street crossing, and waiting for the mail train to pass cast, at twelve o'clock, Immediately after it passed she started atross, but failed to observe a light engine that had been to the water tank, just east of the station, and which, "at this mo- ment, was backing up to take its train on the rise just west of the crossing, The engineer Nid not know that anything had happened until he saw bystanders waving' at him. The little girl was thrown some two huad- red yards, and the engine over her, mutilating her terribly and kiil- ing her instantly, The sad news was conveyed to the parents who live but a short distance away. An inquest will be held to inquire into the cause of the accident, The funeral will inke place this afternoon at four o'clork to ihe Eastern cemetery. Master George Snider. of Detroit, aged fourteen years, visiting his grandmother, Mrs. 'retts, Hawley, had one of his legs cut off and the other badly cut, Thursday af- ternoon. The lad was in the hay field and standing in front of the mower when the horses started up, with the serious results stated. Dr. Veooman was called and dressed the wounds and swfutatod the Jeg The Glorious Twelfth was celebrat- ed in Tamworth, Quite a number from Napanee, went obrate; eel Little Miswr @eores' Thompson, son of Mr, and Mrs, Geo, Thompson, Bridge street, celebrat- od his first birthday, terday, July 12th. Miss Minnie Ri entertained a number of her friends to a driving party, to Bath, on Wednesday after- noon, and all report a véry enjoyable time, Mr, and Mrs. A. R. Davis and fam- ily, Winnipeg, arrived in town this week to spend a few weeks with re- latives in Napanee and vicinity. Frank W. Morris is at present very ow, The Eastern Methodist Sunday school held ite annual excursion to Kingston and Thousand Island, Tues- day last. The excursion was thorough- ly enjoyed by all who availed them- selves of the outing. Goorge H. Perry and F. Hosey, sail- ing on the upper lakes, this summer, spent a day or two in town this week, A. G. Smith, Picton, our well-known fruit man, spent a fow days this week renewing acquaintances in town. Mrs. Noxon and daughter, Miss Jos- sie, Duluth, are pnests of her broth- er, Soerry Rockwell, John street. Camp Le Nid will open for the sea: son to-day, Garratt Neelv, Strasburg, Sask., arrived, home, this week, to send a few weeks. He is well pleased with the west. PECULIAR, BUT SHARP. How Harry Thaw Was "Done" for $75,000. Brochville, July, 13.--Probably at no other summer resort as at the islands adjacent to Alexandria Bay and Rock- port. is the news regarding Harry Thaw, the Pittsburg millionaire mur- derer of White, read with greater avidity, where a large number of wealthy Pittsburg people have thelr summer houses. One of these, in commenting upon the affair, said to-day that among the Pittsburg "400." Thaw had always heen regarded as a sort of peculiar chap, but a smart one nevertheless. The speaker went on to narrate how on one occasion, when Thaw joined the Pittsburg Club, he had ben heaten at cards to the extent of $75, 000. Thaw paid R. Without saying miich and weht to New York, where he spent several weeks with a card sharper. He returned in a quiet, un: assuming way, and took nearly twice the amount from' those who hed trim- med him but a few months before: Largest In Decade. New York, July 13.---The Delaware peach crop, which will hegin moving to New York and other markets this week, will, according to a crop expert in the employ of Pennsylvania rail road, be 200 per cent. greater than that of last vear and 100 per cent, larger than any erop produced in that state for the past decade. He places the crop this year at 2,- 500,000 baskets, and the pear crop ad 499,253 baskets. The great increase in the peach vield is attributed largely to the fact that spraying the trees has prevented disease among them and thus increased their yield. ne teed ---- Drink Coca-Cola 'at Gibson's Red Te Drug Store fountain. Try Bibby's for working suits, out to | le caw EEEP IT DOWN. | Steamboat Tosded With: Whiskey Floats Again. yaknowh reason the steamboat Nor Alabama, which suddenly reappeared on He Missouri river, last undreds or people ate vi ele. The boa oux City to _ Yellowst trict with flour and ry ¢ sank, It is su posed, 4 chan, ront Ww ™. "earth hod above and around e boat, | loving it to rise in. There were fifty bars rls of whiskey aboard, and already a hunt has begun to locate the_liguor, which 'has had Jy years of ing, Owing to the fact that mud and sand ve Tile filed up fuuelt of of the inter: ior © "Ble $6 gee at' Noa ree 1 yer When it is reachéd South Dakota's prohibit tested, ADDED CRIME TO CRIME. Man Arrested for Murder of Girl Shoots Himself, Elroy, Wis., July 13.--Conductor #1. . Riggs, who was arrested here in connection with the murder of Millie Ellison, at Minneapolis, shot him- sold, dying instantly. Riggs, 'when tar: rested, asked to be taken to see his wile and daughter, who are visiting and talked With many friends, being rently cheerful, but somewhat iy Shortly after midnight Riggs v8 permission to go to the hotel to his room, With the officer outside, and, without locking his door, Riggs When rchod just after his arvest.: shot higself i the. templh. | Ricogs, no. weapon. from Minneapolis wer on their | way here at the time of the suicide. LAW AN IMPORTANT GAINs Government Carried All That Could Pass Parliament. Ottawa, July 13.--The represinta-' tivos of the Lord's Day Alliance, who have been following the Lord's Day bill in te progross parhe} ment, make no seeret of opinion that the law as passed is undoutrted- ly an important gein: They' give vh- stinted praise to ir Wilivid Laurier and to the government for the men: ney in which the measure was They. ackng tion with the kb He was convinced carried out all that was Ee Sos carry. Any weaknosses . t a ence shows can be improved in enmuing sesdlonE, TO STEP OUT Until the Scals of 1908 is Com- plied With, Athens, Ohio, July 13.--The officials and delegates of the 10,000 conl min- ers 'of Hocking Valley district, ih a convention, last evening, in Glouster, voted, nearly unanimously, to issue orders to close, but all' the coal miners in the employ of the "stand pat" operators, and 10 have them stay out till the abkolute scale of 1903, is paitl by the operators The or- ders were issued, last night, to close the miners out, The differences ho- tween the miners and the operators is 74-100 of a cent per toh on wages to be paid to the. fillers, MANY PATENTS ISSUED. Heaviest Business in History of Ottawa, July 13.-The year just closed was the heaviest in the history of the patent offices of Canada. The total number of patents issued was 5,870, a large increase over the pro: vious year, The amount of fees re. ceived was $14,700 in excess of 1905. Seventy per cont, of fast year's pa tents go to American citizons, Visiting Big Plants. Buffalo, N.Y., July 13.--~A party of seventy-five Canadian engineers, mem- hers of the Toronto Engineers' Club, arrived in Buffalo, by special train over the Grand Trunk, at 10.20 o'clock this morning, and are being enter. tained here to-day. Before leaving the engineers will visit the several points of interest especially the great indus- trial plants. Went Over The Border: Windsor, = Onti, July 13--Owing to difficulty in 'making satisfidotory rail: way tates, the local Orangeinen did not go to Bt. Thomas, as usual, but instead wont to Vassar, Migh., where they received an elaborate welcome. Davies' Fresh Meat riment Beef, good quality, boiling and stewing Rats, 1e. to Bo., oven and Jot roasts, Se. to 12¢., ehivice Sitka, Oe. to 124c., Hamburg steak, 10¢ ---------------- Children's Straw Hats. 10c. up, crash hats 25¢. to T3¢c., at Campbell Bros, Kingston's popular hat store. $ Néw collars at Bibhy'd, A fresh lot of chi 's and girls' Tie $1 and $1.25. The Lockett shos stare: Rolan M. Evanson, ' Philadelphia, was elected most worthy patriarch of the Netional Division Sons of Tom: English health salt, is roid at Gib! son's Red Cross Drug Store. New neckwear at Bibby's. Vermilion, 8.0. July 13.~For some struck sunk in 1870, six miles below here, tion laws will Sytoublodly be Severely in the country, He returned last night | pring heel white canvax Blacher Ox- ew, B. a ml go v li ae . ato DODD--~EMB the Ro J. A to Ada Fambury County Frontenac, DIED, rT ta a larbert FF. nt of" Mr. and took pl C Funeral 2 YADES. ¥ on July 18th, Fates awed Soventy-throe-